This document describes an experimental evaluation of a new braking system for use in passive haptic displays. The researchers designed and tested a new brake concept using a piezoelectric actuator to apply braking torque to a rotating steel shaft through a Delrin ring. Tests were performed to characterize the friction properties of Delrin on steel and to evaluate the brake's ability to reduce stiction. Results showed the brake was able to rapidly modulate braking torque through piezoelectric actuation and Delrin demonstrated a higher dynamic coefficient of friction than static, helping to reduce stiction in the braking system.
This document describes an experimental evaluation of a new braking system for use in passive haptic displays. The researchers designed and tested a new brake concept using a piezoelectric actuator to apply braking torque to a rotating steel shaft through a Delrin ring. Tests were performed to characterize the friction properties of Delrin on steel and to evaluate the brake's ability to reduce stiction. Results showed the brake was able to rapidly modulate braking torque through piezoelectric actuation and Delrin demonstrated a higher dynamic coefficient of friction than static, helping to reduce stiction in the braking system.
This document describes an experimental evaluation of a new braking system for use in passive haptic displays. The researchers designed and tested a new brake concept using a piezoelectric actuator to apply braking torque to a rotating steel shaft through a Delrin ring. Tests were performed to characterize the friction properties of Delrin on steel and to evaluate the brake's ability to reduce stiction. Results showed the brake was able to rapidly modulate braking torque through piezoelectric actuation and Delrin demonstrated a higher dynamic coefficient of friction than static, helping to reduce stiction in the braking system.
This document describes an experimental evaluation of a new braking system for use in passive haptic displays. The researchers designed and tested a new brake concept using a piezoelectric actuator to apply braking torque to a rotating steel shaft through a Delrin ring. Tests were performed to characterize the friction properties of Delrin on steel and to evaluate the brake's ability to reduce stiction. Results showed the brake was able to rapidly modulate braking torque through piezoelectric actuation and Delrin demonstrated a higher dynamic coefficient of friction than static, helping to reduce stiction in the braking system.
Experimental Evaluation of a New Braking System for Use in
Passive Haptic Displays
S.Munir, L. Tognetti and W.J.Book George W.Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute Of Technology Atlanta, GA, 30332 Abstract Passive haptic displays have several advantages when compared to active devices. Safety elements associated with active haptic displays may make them undesirable for certain applications. One method of actuation for passive haptic robots is through the use of brakes and clutches. Traditionally, friction brakes have undesirable behavior, such as stiction and delay in response time due to mechanical motion. In this study a new brake concept is proposed. The performance of this brake is evaluated and quantified through a series of controlled experiments. Particular attention is given to the phenomenon of stiction in Delrin, dynamic response of the new brake, and effectiveness of feedback control for braking torque. 1. Introduction A B C D 1 2 3 4 Figure 1: Passive Trajectory Enhancing Robot (PTER) Haptic interfaces have various applications ranging from training devices to super joysticks for remotely operated robots. These interfaces relay tactile information back to the user with regards to the mechanism being tele- operated or virtual environment being simulated. Existing marketed haptic interfaces rely on powered actuators to resist motion or apply force to the user, simulating desired virtual boundaries or other haptic features. Due to the size or nature of a specific application, it may not be desirable to use a haptic interface with capabilities of overpowering the human's input. This has opened the area for passive haptic interfaces. Passive haptic interfaces do not use actuators capable of adding energy to the system, but rather utilize actuators that dissipate or redirect user supplied energy. The device pictured in Figure 1 is an existing two- degree of freedom passive haptic robot called PTER (Passive Trajectory Enhancing Robot). PTER is a test bed, utilizing brakes to dissipate or redirect user supplied energy in order to simulate virtual boundaries. The brakes are labeled 1, 2, 3, & 4 in Figure 1. PTER has been used in past research to simulate virtual walls, circular paths, and corridors [1, 2, 3, 4, & 5]. One such corridor can be seen in Figure 2. In this example the user is allowed to move (PTERs handle) freely within the shaded area only. Figure 2: A virtual corridor simulated on PTER. Presently PTER uses slightly modified magnetic friction clutches from Dynacorp. These clutches utilize an electromagnet to generate a normal force between the friction material and armature plate (see Figure 3). The armature plate is mounted to the hub through pins. When engaged, the armature plate is attracted by the electromagnet, sliding on the pins to engage with the frictional material. Torque is transmitted from the friction material assembly to the hub via the armature plate and pins. Figure 3: Existing brake on PTER (cross section view) These clutches are off-the-shelf units originally intended for industrial use and are not ideal for our application. They were not intended for rapid modulation of desired torque transmission and do not have provisions for measuring actual torque transmitted. In addition, the sliding action of the armature plate along the pins introduces unpredictable frictional forces against the plate's movement while engaging and disengaging. When previous tests were performed on PTER it became clear that stiction in the brakes was very relevant and must be both reduced and better modeled. Stiction is the stick-slip characteristic caused by the transition from static to dynamic friction when the brake begins to slip. This transition causes the transmitted torque to suddenly drop once the brake slips, resulting in a discontinuity of braking torque. At first it was intended to replace the existing Dynacorp clutches with better suited off-the-shelf units. The goal was to incorporate torque-measuring capability, increase the dynamic response of the clutches, and reduce stiction. After an exhaustive search it was found that none of the available industrial clutches would suit our needs. For example, hysteresis clutches exhibit cogging when switching directions or stopping while the clutch is engaged. Magnetic particle clutches must turn a full revolution to realign the particles. Pneumatic and electromagnetic friction clutches have the same problems as the existing Dynacorp units. In addition, none of the available clutches incorporate a way to measure torque for feedback control and all require modification to PTER. Therefore, it was determined that the existing clutches would be modified or new units designed in house to meet our requirements. Our goal is to explore and better model potential friction materials, possible actuation methods, and the benefits of torque feedback control in efforts to design a better clutch for PTER. Dupont literature claims that Delrin has a higher dynamic coefficient of friction than kinetic coefficient of friction [6]. If this is true, Delrin will make a very desirable material for use in friction brakes, potentially eliminating the stick-slip phenomenon. To better understand the frictional properties of Delrin and explore a new brake configuration, a test set up was designed and fabricated. Figure 4: Side view of the new brake setup. 2. Experimental Setup The new brake consists of a steel shaft mounted between two bearing supports as shown in Figure 4. The shaft is rotated by a geared electric motor on one end, while an optical encoder on the other end measures resulting rotation. Braking torque is applied to the steel shaft by the piezo-electric brake (See Figure 4). A piezo-electric actuator was chosen because of its quick dynamic response and high force capabilities. However, one drawback is that the piezo-electric actuator only has a total travel of 40 microns. The brake consists of an aluminum clamp assembly with a compliant lower jaw, which is deflected by the piezo- electric actuator (See Figure 5). Movement of the lower jaw squeezes a thin Delrin ring between the clamp and rotating shaft, inducing a torque. Once torque is induced on the rotating steel shaft, the clamp assembly tilts clockwise or counter-clockwise, depending on the direction of rotation of the shaft. This tilting causes the supporting (aluminum) plates to bend and the resulting strain is measured by two strain gages. Figure 5: Front view of the piezo-electric brake. The clamp assembly was machined as one piece to prevent misalignment of the lower jaw and utilize the elasticity of the aluminum to release the brake. The actuator was positioned off center to provide a longer range of travel for the jaw. Because the shaft is supported by two bearings, any misalignment of the brake and shaft will cause binding in the system. To minimize this, only the flexible plates supported the clamp assembly, allowing it to float over the shaft. An Analog Devices 3B18 amplifier is used to condition the strain gage bridge voltage, a Kepco ATE150-1.5M linear power supply is used to power the actuator, and an IMEC 400 series controller is used to control the Pacific Scientific brushless servo motor. Interface with the PC is accomplished through a National Instruments PCI data acquisition board and LabView. Though the strain gage bridge voltage was not calibrated to specific torques, it is assumed to be linear with braking torque. From here forward, strain gage bridge voltage will be analogous to braking torque. 3. Test Results Several tests were performed to characterize the friction properties of Delrin on steel. For comparing static friction to dynamic, the motor velocity was varied by supplying a triangular wave motor command voltage as shown at the bottom of Figure 6. The middle graph of Figure 6 shows the resulting motor velocity measured with the optical encoder. The jagged velocity profile is due to the encoders low resolution (1024 counts per revolution). The interval during which the motor is not turning is a result of the motor command voltage not being above the required threshold to overcome braking torque. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 -5 0 5 Time [sec] B r id g e V o lt a g e [ v o lt s ] Bridge Voltage, Motor Velocity & Motor Command Voltage 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 -2 -1 0 1 2 Time [sec] A n g u la r V e lo c it y [ r a d / s ] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Time [sec] M t r C o m m a n d V o lt a g e [ v o lt s ] Figure 6: Stiction behavior in Delrin. The top graph of Figure 6 shows braking torque measured in volts from the strain gage bridge. As motor torque is increased (by increasing the motor command voltage), the braking torque continues to rise until the shaft begins to slip. A discontinuity is seen in the braking torque where the shaft begins to spin, signifying the transition from static to dynamic friction. Therefore, it is apparent that Delrin has a lower dynamic than static coefficient of friction. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Actuator Deflection [microns] B r i d g e V o l t a g e [ v o l t s ] Static and Dynamic Torques Vs Actuator Deflection y=0.0675x + 2.6802 y=0.0483x + 1.5792 Figure 7: Static and Dynamic Torques vs Actuator Voltage Figure 7 shows how static and dynamic torques vary with actuator deflection. For this test motor command voltage was slowly increased until the shaft began to slip. Once the shaft slipped, motor command voltage was held constant so that dynamic braking torque could be determined. Braking torque just before the slippage point is the break away (static) torque, and that after slippage is the dynamic (kinetic) torque. Several data points were taken for different actuation levels. 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Average Velocity versus Average Bridge Voltage profiles Angular Velocity (rad/sec) B r id g e V o lt a g e [ v o lt s ] 0 Microns 6.67 Microns 13.33 Microns 20 Microns 33.33 Microns 38.67 Microns Figure 8: Variation of torque with motor speed and actuator From Figure 7 it can be seen that both static and dynamic torques vary linearly with actuator deflection, while the slope of the static torque profile is greater than dynamic. Figure 8 shows how the braking torque varies linearly with actuator deflection and angular velocity of the shaft. This relation can be approximated by the following equation: V 0.4469 + 0.044+ 1.1712 V = bridge voltage (proportional to torque), = angular velocity of the shaft (rad/sec) = actuator deflection (microns). Each line was constructed from six or seven data points, where each data point is obtained by averaging the torque measured from running the motor for three revolutions at a given motor command voltage and actuator deflection. Notice that the motor torque is not zero for zero actuation. In order to obtain a significant change in torque with the limited movement of the actuator, the clamp assembly, Delrin ring, and steel shaft had to be machined to very tight tolerances. The interference fit between these three components leads to slight binding, resulting in residual braking torque with zero actuation torque. 4. Torque Feedback Figure 9: Block Diagram . Machining imperfections do not allow the shaft and Delrin ring to exactly align, causing the braking torque to fluctuate as the shaft rotates. Hence the open loop braking torque varies with angular position of the shaft (see top graph of Figure 10). Notice that torque varies between 1 and 2.5 volts for no deflection of the actuator. This is from the fluctuating residual torque. A simple proportional feedback control law was implemented to determine if a constant torque could be commanded (See Figure 9). The controller was updated at a frequency of 43.7 hz and a control gain (Kp) of 80 was used. It should be noted that the level of the commanded torque had to be above the maximum residual torque so that the actuator would not saturate in the lowest position. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Time[sec] B r i d g e V o la t a g e [ v o lt s ] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 2 2.5 3 3.5 Time[sec] B r id g e V o l a t a g e [ v o lt s ] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 1 1.5 2 2.5 Open-Loop Constant, Closed-Loop Constant, Closed-Loop Sinusoidal Torques Time[sec] B r id g e V o la t a g e [ v o lt s ] Figure10: Open Loop Constant , Closed Loop Constant, & Sinusoidal Commanded Torques. The result of this constant commanded feedback torque is shown in the middle graph of Figure 10. The feedback control law was able to achieve a fairly constant torque. The noise seen in the measurement is the result of electromagnetic interference generated by the controller board used to drive the electric motor. The bottom graph is the result when a sinusoidal braking torque was commanded. 5. Dynamic Response A step change in the commanded braking torque was applied (from 2.5 to 3.2 volts) to determine the brakes dynamic response (see Figure 11). 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 Step Change in Commanded Torque Time[sec] B r i d g e V o l a t a g e [ v o l t s ] Figure 11: Step change on commanded torque It appears that the piezo-electric brake assembly with proportional feedback can be approximated as a first order system. A time constant of roughly 0.10 seconds was calculated from the dynamic response. The brakes dynamic response is highly dependent on the voltage dynamics of the power supply used to power the piezo-electric actuator. When connected to an oscilloscope, the Kepco power supply ramped to its full voltage with an approximate time constant of 0.1 seconds. It was further determined that the time constant for a step drop in commanded braking torque was significantly slower then a step increase. Again, this can be attributed to the fact that the Kepco power supply was able to ramp up the voltage from 0 to 150 volts seven times quicker than it could drop the voltage back to 0 volts. Considering that the piezo-electric actuator has a rise time of 20 microseconds, the power supply appears to be the limiting dynamic factor in the system. Had the power supply been faster, it is believed that the limiting factor would have been the dynamics of the compliance in the system and that a much quicker time constant would result. 6. Conclusion In this study a new brake design and friction material was explored in hopes of overcoming several undesirable effects found in conventional friction brakes. A series of experiments were conducted to evaluate and quantify the performance of this brake concept and the frictional behavior of Delrin. It was determined that Delrin does have a higher static coefficient of friction than dynamic. Therefore, switching to Delrin will not eliminate stick-slip problems. An empirical linear equation was determined for relating Delrins friction properties with angular velocity and actuator deflection for the given brake configuration. It was determined that simple proportional torque feedback control could successfully be implemented to reject disturbances and track a desired torque command. Though the peizo-electric actuator has a fairly quick dynamic response, the power supply appeared to be the weak link in our system. In addition, the feasibility of using peizo-electric actuators for such applications remains low due to high cost and very tight machining tolerances that have to be maintained. 7. Future Work Other friction materials are to be subjected to the same tests as performed on Delrin. In addition, the power supply will be configured for fast mode in an attempt to improve the Piezo-Electric Brakes dynamic performance. Concurrently, the existing brakes on PTER are being modified to eliminate undesirable sliding affects over the pins (during engagement) and incorporate torque measuring capabilities. Information from the friction material tests will be used to determine new material for PTERs redesigned brakes. The torque sensing capabilities will be used for torque feedback control. Stick-slip information determined from these tests and future tests, along with torque feedback control, will be used to improve past passive haptic algorithms programmed on PTER. References [1] Charles, R. A., The Development of the Passive Trajectory Enhancing Robot , MS Thesis, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, March 1994. [2] Davis, H.T., An Investigation of Passive Actuation for Trajectory Control , MS Thesis, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, June 1996. [3] Gomes, M.W., An Examination of Control Algorithms for a Dissipative Passive Haptic Interface , MS Thesis, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, March 1997. [4] Gomes, M. W. and W. J. Book, Control Approaches for a Dissipative Passive Trajectory Enhancing Robot , 1997 IEEE / ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, June 16-20, 1997, Tokyo, Japan. [5] Davis, Hurley and W. J. Book Passive Torque Control of a Redundantly Actuated Manipulator , American Control Conference, June 4-6, 1997, Albuquerque, NM. [6] Dupont, Delrin, Product and Properties Guide. Dupont Engineering Polymers, U.S.A.