Semi-Gantry Crane Design: Department of Civil Engineering Mutare Polytechnic College
Semi-Gantry Crane Design: Department of Civil Engineering Mutare Polytechnic College
Semi-Gantry Crane Design: Department of Civil Engineering Mutare Polytechnic College
investigation. All the sources that I have used or quoted have been indicated and
acknowledged by means of complete references. To the best of my knowledge, this work has
not been submitted before any other diploma/degree at any other college/university.
Signed: …………………………………………
Date: ……………………………………………
To the Almighty for the strength and the vision to get this far and for the wisdom to help me
work on and write this Project.
For every accomplishment to come and pass a dream has to surface. I being a product of hard
work and sacrifice from many people and other external factors would like to take this time to
thank everyone.
Firstly I would like to give my undying gratitude to Perpetua Piki (mother) for her support
from whence I have commenced my course up to this far.
Without the help of my sisters this Project would have not existed (Special thanks to Trish
and Trudie Piki). Not forgetting my friend Paidamoyo Musiiwa for her crude and timely but
very helpful interventions and suggestions and Catherine Nyikadzino faking to proof read
through the Project and giving me the confidence.
Distinctive appreciation to the Civil and Construction department for giving me this
opportunity to discover the world of civil works make it a practical reality and dream.
To the K.G.6 Engineering Workshop family as a whole I give my undying gratitude for
their patience and for taking the time to bestow their knowledge down to me, especially the
gift of communication, the working and dynamic environment.
Thank you
BS British Standard
UC Universal Column
UB Universal Beam
Kw Kilo watts
DC Direct current
Aa Angle a
Ba Beam a
Ca channel a
Pa Plate a
Dwg drawing
[ Channel
A 5-ton crane presently serves the K.G.6 engineering workshop’s roll build-up area. The
existing crane is inadequate to lift the mill caps estimated to weigh 8-10tons.The 90 ton EOT
crane has been performing this lift but with the operation of new mill, the availability of the
90 ton crane will be greatly curtailed. It has been decided therefore to install a new semi-
gantry crane to provide service for the roll build-up pits. Crane will be radio controlled
It is desirable to make use of part of the runway system for the existing 5 ton crane for the
Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................................................................7
LIST OF TABLES..........................................................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER 1...................................................................................................................................................................9
1.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................................9
1.1 SCOPE OF PROJECT AND PROCEDURE .....................................................................................................10
1.2 OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER 2.................................................................................................................................................................11
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................................................................11
2.1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................................11
2.1.1 Organizational Structure of Operations Department...................................................................................11
CHAPTER 3.................................................................................................................................................................25
3.0 DESIGN CRITERIA , CALCULATIONS AND OUTPUT.............................................................................25
3.0. Disciplines effecting the design, fabrication and installation of the new 10- ton
CHAPTER 4.................................................................................................................................................................62
4.0 CONCLUSIONS..............................................................................................................................................62
4.1 RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................................................................................62
4.1.1 Recommendations to Mutare Polytechnic College......................................................................................62
4.1.2 Recommendations to K.G.6 Engineering workshop ...................................................................................62
4.1.3 Recommendations to Student......................................................................................................................63
APPENDIX A...............................................................................................................................................................65
List of figures
In the role build-up area for the assembly of wedges, bearings, bearing caps, etc., into the
mill stand. The assembled mill stand is then lifted and carried to its proper place for
installation in the rolling line by the 90-ton EOT crane. The low lifting capacity of the wall
hung crane made it necessary to use one of the 90-tone EOT cranes in the assembly and dis-
assembly of the mill stands for lifting the heavier components such as mill caps and rolls
which may weigh as much as 8 to 10 tons .Prior to installation of the new wide flange facility
, there existed sufficient time in the operating schedule of the 90-ton EOT cranes to permit its
use in the roll build-up process .However ,with the installation of the new facility , available
crane time of the 90-ton EOT crane for this activity would be greatly curtailed , making it
necessary to plan for other ways to effect the roll build-up process . Since the existing wall
hung crane could not be modified economically to handle heavier lifts required, I decided that
a new 10-ton semi-gantry crane would have to be designed and built to serve the role built-
up area. I reached to this conclusion late in the construction and installation schedule of the
new wide flange facility, making it necessary to design, fabricate and install the new semi-
The scope of this project will be to treat the design, fabrication and erection of the new 10-ton
semi-gantry crane. The procedure will be to explain the problems encountered at each stage
of the work and to show design calculations and representative drawings of the crane together
To design, fabricate and install the new 10- ton semi-gantry crane for the K.G.6
Engineering workshop.
3.0 Disciplines effecting the design, fabrication and installation of the new 10- ton semi-
gantry crane
In addition to the restricted time schedule, there were several other conditions which
imposed certain disciplines for the installation of the new crane. To effect an economy in
time and money, it is desirable to use as much of the existing runway of the wall-hung crane
as possible to support the high trucks of the new semi-gantry crane. It is necessary throughout
the construction and installation phase of the entire wide flange beam facility that mill
operations continue uninterrupted and that rolling schedules be unbroken. This is true also for
the installation of the new semi-gantry crane. The operations in the roll build-up area have to
continue uninterrupted while the new crane and runway is being installed.
To effect this condition, I decided that the existing runway would be extended 22.86 metres
and that the new crane would be installed in the reach of extended runway. This additional
runaway would also provide additional floor storage for roll, mill caps, etc., which could be
retrieved by the new crane The runaway supporting the gantry leg and low trucks of the new
crane would of necessity have to be flush with the mill floor for reasons of safety, the
elimination of tripping hazard The new crane have to operate in an area underneath the
runaway system for the 90-ton EOT cranes and so proper clearances for safe operation of all
cranes as they pass each other have to be designed into the project. In order to place the mill
caps on top of the roll stands the new crane have to be designed to give a minimum lift of
This requirement coupled with the clearances mentioned above and the desirability of using
as much of the existing runaway system of the wall-hung crane as possible, imposed rather
To minimise operational crew for the crane, it is determined that the crane would be radio –
controlled .This would permit one-man operation. The operator could also station himself at
convenient locations where he could most easily see to operate the crane safely and
The following design standards governed the structural and mechanical design of the crane
1. BS 2573: Rules for Design of Cranes , Part 1: Specification for Classification, Stress
2. BS 6399: Part 1,Section 7 , The dynamic loads caused by Different classes of cranes
3. BS 5950
4. BS 8110 Structural use of concrete, Part 1 code of practice for designing and
wheel loads for the new crane which would then be used in the design of the runway system.
This permits early construction of the crane runway which is also the portion of the work that
of necessity have to be completed first. It also permits the contractor who have nearly
completed concrete operations on other phases of the installation of the universal Mill and its
relation facilities to respond to a change order to his contract for installation of the foundation
ribbon for the low trucks and gantry leg of the crane. Page 15 of Appendix A shows the
estimated loading system used to design the foundation ribbon. As matters turned out, the
estimated loading system provide to be somewhat conservative both as to load intensity and
wheel spacing. The general procedure for design of the foundation ribbon for the gantry leg
and low trucks of the crane is to use the theory of a beam on an elastic foundation as
explained in the text, “Advanced Mechanics of Materials”- second edition, by Seely and
smith. It is desirable to keep the width of the foundation ribbon to a minimum to avoid
breaking out any more of the existing 300 mm thick reinforced concrete mill floor than is
necessary. Resultant soil load have to be kept below 2500 pounds per square foot which
original investigations for the plant site had recommended as a maximum for shallow
footings, Based on the soil investigations for the plant site have recommended as a maximum
for shallow footings. Based on the original soil investigations made for the plant site, a value
of 200 pounds per cubic inch was used as the soil modulus. This value is admittedly
somewhat conservative, but since it results in higher values of moment and stress in the
foundation ribbon, its use was felt to be justified. A trail section 600 mm wide by 600 m deep
is assumed for the foundation ribbon and values of moment of inertia, soil constant “K’’, and
the index of the elastic curve “B” is calculated as shown on page 15 of appendix A. The
maximum values for soil deflection “Y₀”, moment in the foundation ribbon “M₀”, and shear
The values occur at the point of load in the foundation ribbon and since there are two wheels
for the lower truck, values for each load at the points other than at the point of load is also
computed by methods mentioned in the text and values for deflection and moment plotted to
form a smooth curve as shown on page 17 of Appendix A. Since the effect of the two loads
from wheels of the lower truck are addictive , another curve which is the sum of curves for
the two wheels loads is also plotted .This last curve gives the design value of deflection and
moment which were used to complete the analysis and design of the foundation ribbon. This
soil loading intensity ‘’q’’ is the product of the soil constant ‘K’’ and maximum deflection
‘’Y’’ and was computed to be q=KY (4800) (0,034) = 163 pounds per inch 0f length of the
foundation ribbon. This is equivalent to the soil loading intensity of 978 pounds per square
foot which is considerably below the allowable soil load of 2500 psf. The maximum moment
in the foundation ribbon is found to be 39 kip feet. It is found that two #9 bars both top and
bottom of the ribbon would reinforce the foundation properly. The text by Sealy and smith
disclosed that near the end of long beams on elastic foundation, the maximum moment is
125% of the interior moments and the maximum soil loading intensity is four times that
found elsewhere along the beam. To avoid designing the reinforcement for this higher value
and to eliminate the high soil loading intensity near the ends of the ribbon, it was decided to
support the ends of the ribbon on existing foundation which just happened to be convenient.
Shear stress in the concrete ribbon did not require the use of stirrups, but bars were used at
4′-:0” centres, principally to support the longitudinal reinforcing steel. By ratio and
proportion, it is also determined that the foundation ribbon designed for a 27 kip wheel load
is also satisfactory for a 33 kip wheel load corresponds to a 15 ton crane. At that stage of
development, there is a possibility that the crane would be rated at 15 ton capacity. The
drawing ST-0181-F1 shown on the page 50 of Appendix B shows the foundation ribbon as
constructed. The six inch channel sections supporting the 105 pound runway rail are
themselves supported by overhead ties to members resting on the existing floor slab. At the
time design work is commenced for the runway for the high side trucks of the semi-gantry
crane, considerable design work and drawings have been done on the crane proper so that the
better information on the wheel load and spacing is available. Also, I have decided to rate the
crane at 10 ton capacity. The loading diagram is shown on page 21 of Appendix A. Minimum
impact and side thrust factors permitted by corporation standard are used in the high side
runway was undertaken to determine if it could be modified acceptably. Parts of the existing
runway which accepted the upper horizontal reaction of the wall-hung crane are to be added
to the reminder. (See page 51 in Appendix B). A trial section composed of the existing girder
reinforced with a new 9” x1/2” plate welded to the lower flange is subjected to the loading
from the new crane stresses arrived at through flexure formulas. Since the runway consisted
of simple span girders of 7.62 metres In length, the maximum moments, both vertical and
horizontal are the result of one wheel load at span centre .The side thrust used to arrive at the
horizontal moment is arrived at by taking 15% of the lifted load and dividing it between the
Stresses in the upper flange of the modified section were found to total 9 KSI and the stress in
the lower flange is found to be 11.4 KSI for the 10-ton crane wheel loading. These are both
low stresses and are considered satisfactory .See page 22 through 24 of Appendix A for these
In a similar manner the girder section for the three 7.62 metres spans of the 22.86 metres
runway extension are designed .These girders are made up of rolled sections, however,
instead of welded plates as for the existing girders .The new section of runway are also made
of steel having a yield point of 36,000 psi in contradistinction to the existing girders which
were composed of steel having a yield of 33,000 psi .A trial section composed of a 21 WF 68
and a 12 [20.7 is stressed out and the resulting stresses compared with allowable values are
Appendix B shows drawing ST-0181-2 which is a general arrangements and erection plan for
As can be seen from the drawings before mentioned, the runway for the upper truck of the
crane is composed of 7.62 metre girders supported at the building columns with brackets
cantilevering from the column and since the building column are spaced at 15.24 metres, it
requires a support for the 7.62 metre girders which is hung from the runway girder for the 90
This support for the extended portion of the runway is patterned after its counterpart for the
existing portion of the runway .The loads and reactions are very nearly the same .Pages 26
and 27 of Appendix A describe the field bolts required for the crane runway girder and the
hanger also .
The restricted time schedule made a minimum of design and machining of parts greatly
desirable ,if not necessary .A great deal of design and of fabrication time will be saved by a
decision to use an existing trolley on hand .The trolley had served as the auxiliary trolley on a
former ladle crane once serving number one pig machine at the Morris Plant .The crane , a
75 ton EOT crane ,was removed to Morris Depot several years ago and modified to serve in
the ladle deskilling building .The modification consisted of removal of the 15 ton auxiliary
trolley and bridge girders as well as the existing 75 ton trolley .These were replaced with a
new trolley which combined a 75 ton and a 50 ton hoist on the same frame
The surplus 15 to auxiliary trolley have a very slow lifting speed of 23.8 feet per minute .The
slow lifting speed is not considered detrimental for this application however, because the
semi-gantry is not a production crane .In fact, the slow speed of the hoist and the trolley
travel speed of 90 feet per minute were deemed to be ideal for the use intended.
The trolley had lain out in the weather for a year or so and so require extensive clean-up and
painting .In addition all electrical wiring mast be removed and new wiring installed .Existing
bearings and bearing caps must be re-conditioned .The trolley wheels must be removed and
the tread widened by turning of some material .The tread widening is necessary because a
larger rail will be used for the trolley runway on top of the new crane bridge girders .New
wire rope will replace the old rope no longer of correct length and badly rusted from
exposure to weather
Another decision that I made to meet demanding time schedule is to drive the bridge motion
of the crane with two direct current motors connected in series and mounted such that one
motor would drive one wheel on the low truck and the other motor would one wheel on the
upper truck.
This arrangement obviates the need for mechanical connection of the driven wheels through
a drive shaft with its attendant gearing .The series electrical connection applied the same
voltage to each mill motor (1/2 of the line voltage ) and thus the speeds were exactly the same
;a necessary condition to insure that the crane travels evenly down its runway without
“racking” and the attended excess wear of bridge wheel flanges .The driven wheels of the
bridge motion must be connected to the motors through a gear reducer which is a standard
off-the-shelf item available within an eight week period .Had it been necessary to design
these gear boxes and then machine all gears and cast the gear box covers ,the prolonged time
The speed of the bridge motion will be set at 200 feet per minute at rated R.P.M of the drive
motors .I chose this speed because it is about the equivalent of a comfortable walking speed
of the crane operator .This speed also dictate the gear ratio and the gear reducers which is
chosen at 17.09 to one .The calculation necessary to arrive at this gear ratio and the
horsepower requirement for the drive motors can be seen on page 42 through 45 Appendix
A .Characteristic curves for 115 volt operation of the mill motors will be requested from the
motor manufacturer.
I made the design of the bridge girders of the crane a 15 ton lift because the trolley had a
rated capacity of 15 ton .However, I determined at this time to rate the crane at 10 ton
capacity .The existing drawings for the trolley gave no indication of the dead weight and so I
estimated the weight was at 20,000 pounds .This weight also proved to be conservative when
For purposes of the bridge girder design the vertical impact factor was taken at 30% of the
lifted load .The horizontal force factor was computed to be 10% of the dead weight of the
bridge girder .These factors were chosen in agreement with the design standard mentioned
The method of design of the bridge girders was to establish a trial section and then determine
stresses due to two loading combinations and compare the stresses with allowable stresses.
Bridge girder bending stresses were computed for two load combinations.
Load combination number one consisted of maximum vertical loads applied simultaneously
with maximum horizontal loads .The resultant stresses were combined to give a maximum
stress which was compared with an allowable stress. Load combination number two consisted
of the maximum stress due to vertical loads less the minimum stress due to dead load .This
“stress range “ was compared with an allowable stress range .The stress range gives an index
Design of the end trucks will be handled in a manner similar to the procedure for design of
The gantry leg columns were designed by picking a trial section and investigating it for
combined bending and axial load stresses resulting from vertical load and side thrust
Wheel bearings for the bridge trucks are designed for minimum B10 life of 20,000 hours in
Fabrication and erection of the crane will be handled by K.G.6 engineering workshop
Fabrication Division
For a few of the drawings that I have made for K.G.6 Roll Build up Workshop for this crane,
see Appendix B
I can safely conclude that the crane design was satisfactory and that the operating
characteristics of the crane will justified the decision to install such a crane over the roll
Aim to bridge the language barrier between the employer and the foreign contractors
so students can get a much better experience to the already good learning
Get more trainee students as there is much to learn during these large projects.
Always remember we ambassador of our Respective collages and that those after us
may suffer due to our selfish actions.
Take orders and assimilate knowledge from everyone as people of different
qualifications all have something to offer.
Gaining experience should be the leading motive not financial gains.
1. BS 2573: Rules for Design of Cranes , Part 1: Specification for Classification, Stress
2. BS 6399: Part 1,Section 7 , The dynamic loads caused by Different classes of cranes
4. BS 8110 Structural use of concrete, Part 1 code of practice for designing and
5. BS 5950
11. www.hoist&
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