CGL Tier-1 - Mock Test-2

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(1)C (2)D
14. The average temperature of a
1. Select the related word from town -in the first six days of a
(3)M (4)X month was 41C and the sum
the given alternatives :
10. A series is given Withone term ofthet~tw:~~ _ ~_first
LUminous tntensity : Candela five daytJott1le . . onth
:: Pressure: ? missing. Choose the correct
alternative fromthe givenones was 201~C.What w'the tem-
(1)Radian (2)Newton
that Willcomplete the series. perature on the slxth day of
(3)Pascal (4)Joule the month?
2. Select the related letters from (I) 40C (2)45C
the given alternatives. (1)MOg (2) NOP
(3) GHI (4) 1UV (3)46C (4)50C
MUSCULAR:? 11. A series is givenWithone term 15. Arrange the givenworc:lsin the
(1)ULAMMUSC missing. Choose the correct sequence in which they occur
(2) UlARMUSC alternative from the givenones in the dictionary :
(3) UMAMLUSC that Willcomplete the series. I. Uniform
(4)U!ARMUCS MN. PQ. TU. YZ. ? ii. Unitary
(1) YZ (2)AB 11i. Umbrella
3. Select the related word/letters
from the given alternatives : (3) EF (4) EJ iv. Unicorn
PEON: gRHS :: JOCK: ? 12. A series is givenWithone term (1) iii. i, tv, ii
(1) NFRM (2)NFMR missing. Choose the correct (2) iii. tv, It, i
(3)NEFM (4)NFMM alternative from the givenones
(3) iii. tv, i. ii
4. Select the related number from that Willcomplete the series.
(4) tv, t, ii. iii
the given alternatives: 1O.29.66.127.?
(1) 330 (2) 115 16. In a certain code language.
34: 81 :: 23 : ?
"ARMSis written as "5467"
. (1) 8 (2) 16 (3)218 (4)273
and "LIAR" is written as
(3)4 (4) 12 13. In the followingquestion. two "1254". How is "SMALL"writ-
5. Find out the oddword from the statements are given followed ten in that code language?
given alternatives : by two conclusions I. and II. (I) 76521 (2)76512
(1)Tetanus (2)Syphilis Youhave to consider the state-
(3)76511 (4) 76544
(3)Plague (4)Malaria ments to be true even if they
6. Find out the odd letters from seem to be at variance from 17. In the followingquestion. se-
commonly known facts. You lect the missing number from
the given alternatives:
have to decide which of the the given alternatives :
(1) QJ (2) SH
given conclusions. if any. fol-
(3)LN (4)UF 15 30 20
lows from the given state-
7. Find out the odd number from ments. 685
the given alternatives :
Statements : 84 152 ?
(1) 5125 (2) 8564
A graduate is a man.
(3)7343 (4) 6216 (1) 400 (2) 150
8. Find out the odd number from This thief is a graduate.
Conclusions : (3) 100 (4) 625
the given alternatives :
I. This thief is a man. 18. If "#" means "subtraction".
(1) 529 (2)549
n. Some men are-thieves. "&" means "division". "@"
(3)731 (4)525
means "addition" and "%"
9. A series is given Withone term (1) Conclusion I follows
means "multiplication". then
missing. Choose the correct (2)Conclusion Il follows 505&5#4@20%5=?
alternative from the given ones (3)Neither I nor II follows
that Willcomplete the series. (I) 211 (2) 197
(4)Both I and n follow (3)210 (4) 195
(1) 41.10,69,76 25. A piece of paper is folded and
19. In the following question,
(2)86, 69, 04, 41 punched as shown below in
which one set of letters when
the question figures; Fromthe
sequentially placed at the gaps (3)44, 59, 88, 20 given answer figures, indicate
in the given letter series shall (4) 57, 66,'31. 04 how it will' appear when
complete it 1. 22. A boy arid a girl are playing in opened.
MN_O_NN_M_NO a park. The only daughter of
(1) NMMN (2) NMON
Question Figures :
the maternal grandfather of
(3) MNOO (4) NMMM the girl, is the Sister of the
20. Sonal is standing to the north boy's father, How is the boy
of Amar and to the west of related tq the girl ?
Mahi. In which direction is (1) Father
Mahi standing with respect to
,(2) Grandfather Answer Figures :
Amar ?
(3) Son

[QJ [J
(1) South-West
(4) Cousin
(2) North-West
(3) North-East
23. If a mirror is placed on the (1) (2)
line MN, then which of the
(4) South-East
answer figures is the right
21. Aword is represented by only

[D] [J
image of the given question
one set of numbers as given in
anyone of the alternatives. figure?
The sets of numbers given in Question Figure : (3) (4)
the alternatives are repre-
sented by two classes of alpha-
bet as shown in the given two
matrices. The columns and
rows of Matricx-I are num-
bered from 0 to 4 and that of
Matrix-IIare numbered from 5
@Ji N
26. Which of the followingis a vol-
atile memory of a computer?
(1) Secondary Memory
to 9. A letter from these ma- Answer Figures : (2) Cache memory
trices can be represented first

I Q I~ll.~ll
(3) RAM
by its row and next by its. col-
(4) ROM
umn, for example, 'E' can be
represented by 68, 99 etc. and 27. Postage Meter was invented by
(1) (1) Fyodor Pirotsky
'N' can be represented by 20,
31 etc. Similarly, you have to (2) Arthur Pitney
identify the set for the word (3) Fritz Pfleumer
'LION'. (4) Stephen Perry
Matriz:-I 28. Ringworm is a disease caused
0 1 2 3 4
0 G T G D 0
(3) I s; I (4) I Q >1 by
(1) Fungi
(3) Virus
(2) Bacteria
(4) Flies
1 I G L F I 24. Identify the diagram that best 29. Mangifera indica is the scien-
2 N V Y G F represents the relationship tific .name of
(1) Guava (2) Mango
3 R N V S E among the given classes.
(3) Amla (4) Jack fruit
4 0 L F B L Singer, Musician, Business-
30. Crabs belongs to the phylum
Matriz:-D (1) Mollusca
(2) Crndarta
5 6 7 8 9 (3) Arthropoda
5 F N L R I (4) Platyhelminthes

6 0 I F E 0 31. Who invented the modern pe-
riodic table ?
7 N R S L F
8 R
9 I
W 0 Y
(3) I@o I I (4)
(1) Faraday
(4) Bohr
32. Isobars have _ 39. Pune was once known as the (3) Because of free electrons
(1) Same mass numbers but capital of (4) Because of high atomic
different atomic numbers (1) Scmdtas density
(2) Different mass numbers (2) Holkars 47. To become a member of the
but same atomic numbers (3) Bhosales Rajya Sabha a person should
(3) Same mass and atomic be at least __ years old.
(4) Peshwas
numbers (1) 18 (2)30
40. Total number of countries in
(4) Different mass and atom- the world are (3) 36 (4)24
icnumbers (1) 125 (2) 165 48. Howmany schedules does the
33. The famous Brihadeshwara Indian Constitution have?
(3) 255 (4) 195
Temple is located in .(1)6 (2) 12
41. Which among the followingis
(1) Madurat false about Earth? (3) 18 (4)24
(2) Thanjavur (1) It is the densest planet. 49. When is International Olym-
(3) Kanchipuram pte Day observed?
(2) It is the fifth largest plan-
(4) Rameshwaram et. (1) 16th August
34. Maithtlt is primarily spoken in (3) It is also known as red (2) 2nd February
which state? planet. (3) 18th December
(1) Bihar (4) It is the third planet from (4) 23rdJune
(2) Assam the sun. 15(). Author of famous book 12 M

(3) West Bengal 42. Anti-apartheid activist _ Years A Slave" is

(4) Meghalaya was imprisoned for 27 years by (1) Chetan Bhagat
31S.If hiring an extra worker in- the South African government (2) Nelson Mandela
creases a factory's output from in 1962. (3) Solomon Northup Pirates
1000 to 1200 units per day, (1) Thabo Mbeki (4) Morarjt Desai
but the factory has to reduce (2) Kgalema Motlanthe
the price of its product from (3) Nelson Mandela I QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE I
Rs. 25 to Rs. 24 per unit to (4) Evelyn Mase
sell the additional output, the 43. Chand Bibi was the ruler of lSI. If4r = 152- 92, then the value
-margmal revenue product of of xis
(1) Abmednagar
the last worker is (1) 9 (2)6
(2) Bijapur
(1) Rs.38oo (3) 3 (4) 12
(3) Satara
(2) Rs.2oo 152. If 2x - 5y = 5 and 2x - y = 9,
(4) Golconda
(3) Rs.4OOO then (x - y) is equal to
44. is the 2016 Oscar Win-
(1) 2 (2)4
(4) Rs. 100 ner for Best Director.
(3) 6 (4)3
36. Which law states that bad (1) Alejandro G. Inarrttu
money drives good money out 153. What is' the value of
(2) Adam McKay
of circulation ? (3) George Miller 7n:
(J) Wagner's law cosec-S?
(4) Tom McCarthy
(2) Grimm's law 415. Which among the following (1) -2 (2) 2
(3) Gresham's law will be a negative ion?
2 -2
(4) Keynes' law
37. There is a protocol signed to
(l) If it has more electrons
than protons
(3) 13 (4) 13
reduce production of CFC, (2) If it has more electrons 154.The diagonals do not form at
. known as than neutrons least two congruent triangles
(1) CFC Protocol (3) If it has more protons than tn a __ .
(2) IR Protocol electrons (1) Parallelogram
(3) Montreal Protocol (4) Ifit has more protons than (2) Rhombus
(4) UV Protocol neutrons (3) Trapezium
38. Malachite is an ore/mineral of 46. Why metals conduct electrtct- (4) Kite
(1) ~ , ty? Points P and Q lie on the stdes
(1) Because of low melting AB and AC of triangle ABCre-
(2) Manganese
point spectively such that line seg-
(3) Mercury
(2) Because of high tensile ment PQ is parallel to side BC.
(4) Copper strength
====::::::((MODEl PRACTICE SET :. SSC CGL TIER_' CBE (EXAMl=====

If the ratio of AP : PB is 1 : 4 62. A shopkeeper. sells dried apri- tanA

and area of Il.APQ is 4 square cots at the rate Rs. 1210 per (3) (1+ cosecA)
ern. what is the area of trape- kg. and bears a loss of 12%.
ziumPQCB? Now if he decides to sell it at 1
(1) 60 sq. em. Rs. 1331 per kg .. what will be (4) (secA +cotA)
(2) 16 sq. em. the result?
67. In Il.PQR. S and T are points
(3) 96 sq. em. (1) 6.4 per ceI}t loss on the sides PQ and PR re-
(4) 21 sq. em. (2) 3.2 per cent gain spectively. Sf is parallel to QR.
(3) 6.4 per cent gain Iflengths ofPS. SQ and PRare
x 6 ern, 9 ern and 12.5 em re-
56. Given: 2x - 4 S 2 - 3 and (4) 3.2.per cent loss
63. If the shopkeeper sells an item spectively. what is the length
2(2x + 5) > 3x - 5. then x can ofTR?
at Rs. 1600 which is marked
take which of the following (1) 7.5 em (2) 5 cm
as Its. 2000. what is the dis-
values? (3) 10 em (4) 2.5 em
count he is offering?
(1)-14 .(2) 3
(4) 14
(1) 25 per cent 68. How many balls of radius 2 ern
(3)4 can be made by melting a big-
(2) 20 per cent
57. A painter can paint a fence in ger ball of diameter 16 ern?
24. hours. After 6 hours he (3) 30 per cent
(4) 10 per cent 22
takes a break. What fraction [Take rt >
- -)7
of the fence is yet to be paint- 64. If cosecA + cotA = x. then val-
ed? ue of xis (1) 64 (2) 128
(1) 0.6 (2) 0.2 (3) 32 (4) 96
(3) 0.75 (4) 0.8 69. At what point does the line 3x
(1) (cosecA -cotA) + y = - 6 intercept the x-axis?
1 7 3
58. If 6' of x - "2 of '7 equals
(1) (2. 0) (2) (-2.0)
(3) (0. -6) (4) (0.6)
7 (2) (secA - tanA)
70. A thief is stopped by a police-
- "4 . then the value of x is man from a distance of 150
1 metre. When the policeman
(1) -1.5 (2)3
(3) (secA -cosA) .sta ... the chase. the thief also
(1) 81.97 (2)819.7
(3) 161 (4) 280 I 81. In the followingquestion. out
of the four alternatives. select
the alternative which is the
73. Refer the followingdata table 76. In the following question,
and answer the question. some part of the sentence may best substitute of the phrase.
Year Ratio : Import/Export have errors. Find out which Obtain something by force,
2011 1 part of the sentence has an threats, or other unfair
2012 1.1 error and select the appropri- means.
2013 1.5 ate option. If the sentence is (1) To regret
2014 0.9 free from error, select 'No Er- (2) To extort
2015 1.1 ror', (3) To resent
Ifthe imports in 2012 were Rs. My twin (1)/is five minutes (4) To encompass
1000 crores and the total ex- 'younger(2)/than myself.(3)/No 82. Improve the bracketed part of
ports in the years 2012 and error (4)
the sentence.
2013 together were Rs. 4800 77. Rearrange the parts ofthe sen-
crores, them the imports in If the screen (was any brlght-
tence in correct order.
2013 were (in Rs. crore)? er), it would have been easier
Tenzing Norgay created histo- to read from the tablet.
(1) 3891 (2) 5836 ry
(3) 909 (4) 2594 (1) was bright enough
P-to conquer Mount Everest
74. Refer the followingdata table (2) was more brighter
Q-became the first men
and answer the question. (3) had been brighter
R-on May 29, 1953, when he
Measured on Height of the and Sir Edmund Hillary (4) NoImprovement
Birthday child (in em) (1) QRP (2)QPR 83. Select the word with the cor-
4 100 rect spelling.
(3) PRQ (4)RQP
5 105. (1) infamal
78. In the followingquestion, out
6 llO of the four alternatives, select (2) dorsally
7 120 the alternative which best ex- (3) somwhat
8 130 presses the meaning of the id- (4) mangoose
9 140 iom/phrase. 84. Rearrange the parts ofthe sen-
10 145 A piece of cake tence in correct order.
11 150 (1) Everything tastes nice to a All tyrants realize that.
12 160 . hungry person P-victims, there is sure to be
13 165 (2) Getting a smaller share one who
14 170 than expected Q-rises against them and
15 175 (3) It is difficult to forget tasty strikes back!
16 180 food R-one day, amongst their
What was the increase in the (4) Something easily achieved many
height of the child from the 79. In the following question, out (1) RQP (2) PQR
10th Birthday to the 11th of the four alternatives, select (3) RPQ (4) QRP
Birthday? the alternative which is the 85. In the following question, a
(1) 15 em (2) lOcm best substitute of the phrase.
sentence has been given in
(3) 5 em (4)4em Having or displayingan over- Active/Passive voice. Out of
75. Between lOpm and 6am, a fit- ly critical point of view. four alternatives suggested,
ness band records the follow- (1) Judgemental select the one which best ex-
tng data. Refer the following (2) To hallucinate presses the same sentence in
data table and answer the
(3) To contravene Passive/Active voice.
(4) Expanse The manager's bank account
Deep sleep 15
SO.Improve the bracketed part of has been hacked.
Dreaming 15
the sentence. (1) Theyhave hacked the man-
Light sleep 5
She (has fallen out with) the ager's bank account.
Extremely light sleep 30 boy she was supposed to mar- (2) Hacking has been done to
Awake 35 ry. the manager's bank ac-
Howlongwas the user in Deep (1) fell out with count.
Sleep or was Awake? (2) has fallen out of (3) Bank's account hacking
(1) 3.5 hours (2)2.5 hours (3) has fallen in with has been done of the man-
(3) 4.5 hours (4)4 hours (4) NoImprovement ager.
=======t( MODEL PRACTICE SET ====
(4) Someone has hacked the engineering(2) /besides an The preacher challenged hun-
manager's bank account. MBA./(3)No error/(4) dreds of thousands ofyoung people
86. Select the word with the cor- 91. In the following question, the who gathered in a (96) Polish mead-
rect spelling. sentence given with blank is ow to reject being a "(91)" who re-
(1) deceased to be filled in with an appro- treats into video games and com-
(2) choiciest priate word. Select the correct puter screens and instead engage in
alternative out of the four. social activism and politics to cre-
(3) anglecan
Put your own house __ or- ate a more just world. (D.SJ his
(4) thankfull speech with (&D), the 79-year-old
der before preaching others.
87. Select the synonym of Pope, despite a long day of public
(1) within (2)into
nutritious. appearances, addressed his eager
(3) in (4) to
(1) insubstantial audience with enthusiasm yester-
92. In the following question, a day on a warm summer night. Pope
(2) exceptional sentence has been given in Francis spoke of a uom that comes
(3) nourishing Direct/Indirect speech. Out of from merely seeking convenience,
(4) superlative the four alternatives suggest- from confusing happiness with a
88. In the followingquestion, out ed, select the one which best complacent way of life that could
of the four alternatives, select expresses the same sentence in end up depriving people of the abil-
the alternative which best ex- Indirect/Direct speech. ity to determine their own fates.
presses the meaning of the id- Vinod said to me, "Has your 96. (1) huge (2) sprawling
iom/phrase. brother returned from Dubat?"
(3) very-big
A picture paints a thousand (1) Vinod said to me if my
(4) gigantic
words brother has returned from
97. (1) couch potato
(1) An image of a subject con- Dubat,
(2) Vinod asked me if my (2) lazy tomato
veys its meaning or essence
brother had returned from (3) loafer
more effectivelythan a de-
scription does. Dubai. (4) spectator
(2) It is impossible to descrtbe (3) Vinod enquire to me if my 98. (1) Showering
a beautiful Sight. brother had returned from (2) Endowing
(3) A painter can express his Dubai, (3) Glorifying
feelings better than a writ- (4) Vinodasksmewhethermy (4) Peppering
er. brother had returned from 99._ (1) contemporary lingo
(4) A beautiful poem creates a Dubal. (2) modem linguistics
mental picture. 93. Select the antonym of (3) fashionable jargon
89. In the followingquestion, the pejorative. (4) common slang
sentence given with blank is (1) rude 100. (1) selfishness
to be filled in with an appro- (2) complimentary (2) panic
priate word. Select the correct (3) derisive (3) paralysis
alternative out of the four. (4) cheeky (4) calamity
The government allocated Rs 94. Select the synonym of
l,OOOcrore ofhistor- transient. For the availability of all
teal monuments. Books and Magazines of
(1) lacerate
(1) resurrection
(2) revival
(3) perpetual in
(3) resumption (4) enduring VISHAKHAPATNAM
(4) restoration 95. Select the antonym of avid. Contact:
90. In the followingquestion, some (1) apathetic (2) desirous
part of the sentence may have RAJESHWARI BOOK LINK
(3) devoted (4) fanatical
errors. Find out which part of 30-6-8, Opp. Prem Samajam
the sentence has an error and Directions (96-100) : In the
followingpassage some of the words DabaGarden
select the appropriate option. Mob. : 08912541415
If the sentence is free from er- have been left out. Read the pas-
ror, select 'No error'. sage car " and select the correct
Also visit US at : i
answer e given blank out of
He says that (1)/he has done I
the fou tivpq,.

' I Similarly. 12. (3)

1. (3) 2. (2) 3. (1) 4. (1) 10 29 66 127 f2T8I
5. (4) 6. (3) 7.(2) 8. (1) LJL...1'L...1'LT
I1II +19 +37 +61 +91
9.(4) 10. (2) 11. (3) 12. (3) LJL...1'L...1'
13. (4) 14. (2) 15. (3) 16. (3) 4. (1) 34: 81
+18 +24 +30
17. (3) 18. (2) 19. (2) 20. (3) =>34 = 81 +6 +6
21. (3) 22. (4) 23. (1) 24. (2) Similarly.
23 =>23= 8 13. (4)This thief is a graduate and
25.(1) 26.(3) 27. (2) 28. (1)
5. (4) Except Malaria. all other a graduate is a man.
29. (2) SO. (3) 31. (2) 32. (1)
diseases are caused by certain Therefore. this thief is a man.
33.(2) 34. (1) 35. (1) 36.(3) This is the Conclusion I.
bacteria. Malaria is caused by
37. (3) 38. (4) 39.(4) 40. (4) Anopheles female mosquito. Conclusion II also followsfrom
41. (1) 42.(3) 43. (1) 44. (1) 6. (3)The opposite letter of Q is J. Conclusion I.
45. (2) 46. (3) 47. (2) 48. (2) The opposite letter of Sis H. 14. (2)Sum of the temperatures of
49. (4) 50.(3) 51. (2) 52. (2) The opposite letter of U is F. the first six days
53. (2) M. (3) 55. (3) 56. (1) But. the opposite letter of L is =41 x6=246C
57. (3) 58. (1) 159. (2) O. Sum of the temperatures of the
60. (3)
61. (1) 62. (4) 63. (2)
The opposite letter of N is M. first fivedays = 201C
64. (1)
65.(3) 7. (2) Except the number 8564. :. Temperature on the sixth
66 .(1) 67. (1) 68. (1)
in all other numbers the cube day of the month
69. (2) 70. (4) 71. (4) 72. (1)
of the first digit is equal to the = (246-20WC
.73. (2) 74.(3) 75.(4) 76. (3) number formedby the second. = 45C
77. (4) 78. (4) 79. (1) SO. (4) the third and the fourth dig- 15. (3)Arrangement ofwords as per
81. (2) 82.(3) 83.(2) 84. (3) order in the dictionary :
5125 =>5 x 5 x 5 = 125
85.(4) 86. (1) 87.(3) 88. (1) (iii) Umbrella
7343 =>7 x 7 x 7 = 343
89. (4) 90.(4) 91. (3) 92. (2) -l,
6216 =>6 x 6 x 6 = 216
93. (2) 94. (2) 95. (1) 96.(2) (tv) Unicorn
97.(1) 98. (4) 99. (1) 100. (3) 8564 =>8 x 8 x 8 = 512
(i) Uniform
9 =61 -l,
1. (3) Candela is the unit of (11) Unitary
measurement of Luminous In- 731 16. (3)
tensity. Similarly. Pascal is the 17 =43 ARM S
unit of measurement of Pres- .J, .J, .J, .J,
sure. 525
25 =21 5 4 6 7
2. (2) L I A R
Now. 9 + 8 = 17 : 17 + 8 = 25 .J, .J, .J, .J,
IAPrAII,NTI ) IREfTllAPfAI 9. (4) 1 2 5 4
I +13)V~-12)L Therefore
10. (2) SMA L L
IMjSCIIU,RI ) IUIfllMrSCI .J, .J, .J, .J, .J,
V~B~H~~ 7 6 5 1 1
W..4C..4I..4 0
3.(1) 17. (3) First Column
X~D~J~P (15 + 6) x 4 = 84

III I ~- t rr ll. (3)

=>21 x 4 = 84
Second Column
(30 + 8) x 4 = 152
=>38 x 4 = 152
Third Column 24. (2) Some singers may be mu- 29. (2)MangiJera indica is commonly
~ ? = (20 + 5) x 4 sicians and vice-versa. known as mango. It is a spe-
Some Singersmay be business- cies of flowering plant in the
~ ? = 25 x 4 = 1100 1 men arid.vice-versa. sumac and poison ivy family
Some musicians may be busi- Anacardiaceae. It is found in the
nessmen and vice-versa. wild in Bangladesh. India and
18. (2) Pakistan where it is indigenous.
Some Singers who are musi-
cians may be businessmen. It is the national fruit of India.
505 & 5 # 4 @ 20 % 5 = ? Pakistan and the Philippines.
~?=505+5-4+20x5 SO. (3) Crabs come from the same
~?=101-4+100 family as lobsters. crayfish.
~ ? = 201 - 4 = 11971
shrimp, krill and barnacles, as
all are in the subphylum crus-
19. (2) tacea. They are also in the phy-
lumArthropoda, which includes
MN@] O/~NN@] / M@]NO
insects, arachnids and crusta-
20. (3) ceans. They are decapods (hav-
ing ten legs) and form an order
within the decapods, called the
31. (2) Dmitri Mendeleev was a

25.!II[D] Russian chemist who developed

the periodic classification ofthe
elements in 1869A.D;Hedevel-
oped his table to illustrate pe-
26. (3) Random-Access Memory
riodic trends in the properties
(RAM) is a volatileformofmem-
of the then-known elements.
orywhere stored information is
lost if power is removed. Alter- Mendeleevalso predicted some
properties of then-unknown el-
natively referred to as main
SW memory, primary memory, or ements that would be expected
system memory, RAM is the to fill gaps in this table.
most common type of memory 32. (1)Isobars are (nuclides) atoms
Mahi is standing in the North- of different chemical elements
East direction with respect to found in computers and other
devices. that have the same number of
27. (2)The first postal meter to be nucleons. They differin atomic
21. (3)L ~ 12,41,44,57,78,86
commerciallyproduced and dis- number (number of protons)
I~ 10, 14,59,66,95 but have the same mass num-
tributed was invented by Arthur
o ~ 04, 40, 65, 69, 88 Pitney, assisted by a business- ber. 40S,40Cl.40Ar.40K,and 40Ca
N ~ 20,31,56,75 man named Walter Bowes and are example of a series of iso-
Option L I 0 N Bowes' stepson. Walter Wheel- bars. The nuclei ofthese nuclid-
(1) 41 10 69
.76 er. Pitney filed a patent appli- es all contain 40 nucleons;
cation. in Stamford. Connecti- however, they contain varying
(2) 86 69: 04 !l.t: cut for the world's first postage numbers of protons and neu-
(3) 44 59 88 20
meter on December 9, 1901. trons.
28. (1) Ringworm, also known as 33. (2) Brthadeeswarar Ternpleis a
(4) 57 66 'a:i
. , $>( dermatophytosis or tinea. is a Hindu temple dedicated to Siva
22. (4) Boy's father is the brother fungal infection of the skin or Peruman located in Thanjavur
of the girl's mother. scalp. The name "ringworm"is district of Tamil Nadu. Built by
Therefore, boy is the cousin of a misnomer, since the infection Raja Raja Chola I and complet-
that girl. is caused by a fungus. not a ed in 1010CEothe templeturned
worm. The infection initially 1000years old in 2010. It is also
presents with red patches on RajaRajeswara Tem-
affected areas of the skin and pleRajarajeswaramand Peruvu-
later spreads to other parts of dayarTemple.
the body.
34. (1) Maithili is an Indo-Aryan Variable habit. It is a copper aminor succeeded the throne of
language spoken in the Mithila carbonate hydroxide mineral. Bijapur.Chand Bibibecame the
region which is today mainly Typically,it is found as crystal- regent and the real ruler of this
situated in northern Bihar of line aggregates or crusts, often kingdom.
India and a fewdistricts of the banded in appearance, like ag- However,she later returned to
NepalTerat, It is one ofthe larg- ates. It is also often found as her homeland Ahmednagar and
est languages in India and the botryoidal clusters of radiating became the Queen Regent till
second largest language in Ne- crystals, and as mammillary the minor king Bhadaur Shah
.pal. In 2002, Maithili was in- aggregates as well. was old enough to take over the
cluded in the Eighth Schedule 39. (4)Pune was the centre of pow- crown. In her capacity as the
of the Indian Constitution. er of the Maratha Empire es- Queen Regent, she defeated
35. (1)Marginalrevenue product of tablished by Shivaji Maharaj. Mughal emperor Akbar's army
labour (MRPL)is the extra rev- In the 18th century, Pune was under the command of Prince
enue generated when an addi- the political centre of the Indi- Murad. She ruled as a queen for
tionalworker is employed.MRPL an subcontinent, as the seat of three years after that. As the
= marginal product of labour x the Peshwaswhowerethe prime Queen Regent of Ahmednagar
marginal revenue. ministers of the Maratha (1596-99),she is best known for
According to the question, the Empire.Considered to be the defendingAhmednagar against
initial revenue product gener- cultural capital of Maharash- the Mughal forces of Emperor
ated is 1000 x 25 = Rs. 25,000 tra, Pune is known as "Oxford Akbar in 1595.
With the addition of one work-, of the East." 44. (I) Alejandro Gonzalez Inarrt-
er, the revenue product becomes 40. (4)There are 196 countries in tu won the Best Director award
1200 x 24 = Rs. 28,800 the world today. Taiwan is not at the 88th AcademyAwards for
Marginal revenue product is considered an offlctal country The Revenant'. The movie also
simply the increase in total rev- by many, whichwouldbring the won the Best actor award for
enue from the additional work- count down to 195 countries. Leonardo DiCaprio. The Reve-
er = Rs. 28,800 - 25000 = Rs. AlthoughTaiwanoperates as an nant is a 2015 American semi-
independent country, many biographicalWestern filmbased
countries (including the U.S.) on Michael Punke's 2002 novel
36. (3) Gresham's law states that of the same name, describing
"bad money drives out good". It do not officiallyrecognize it as
one. frontiersman Hugh Glass's ex-
holds that if two kinds of mon- periences in 1823.
ey in circulation have the same 41. (I) Mars is often referred to as
the "Red Planet" because the 45. (2)When an atom is attracted
denominational value but dif-
iron oxide prevalent on its sur- to another atom because it has
ferent Intrinsicvalues, the mon- an unequal number of elec-
ey with higher intrinsic value face gives it a reddish appear-
ance. It is the fourth planet trons and protons, the atom is
will be hoarded and eventually called an ion. If the atom has
driven out of circulation by the from the Sun and the second-
smallest planet in the Solar more electrons than protons, it
money with lesser intrinsic is a negative ion, or Anion. If it
value.For example, if there are System, after Mercury.
has more protons than elec-
two forms of commoditymoney 42. (3)NelsonMandelawas a South
trons, it is a positive ion (cat-
in circulation with similar face African antt-apartheld revolu-
value, the more valuable com- tionary, politician, and philan-
modity will disappear from cir- thropist who served 27 years in 46. (3) Electrical conductivity in
prison, initially on Robben Is- metals is a result of the move-
culation. ment of electrically charged
37. (3)The MontrealProtocol,final- land, and later in Pollsmoor
Prison and VictorVerster Pris- particles.The atoms of metal
ized in 1987, is a global agree- elements are characterized by
ment to protect the strato- on from 1962 to 1990. He'
served as President of South the presence of valence elec-
spheric ozone layer by phasing trons - electrons in the outer
out the production and con- Africafrom 1994 to 1999.
shell of an atom that are free
sumption of ozone-depleting 43. (I) Chand Bibi was the daugh- to move about. It is these 'free
substances (ODS).This led to ter of Husain Nizam Shah of electrons' that allow metals to
the gradual phasing out of the Ahrnednagar who was later conduct an electric current.
use of ODS such as chloroflu- married to AliAdil Shah of Bt- Under an electricfield,freeelec-
orocarbons (CFCs)and halons. japur, She was the Queen ofthe trons move through the metal
38. (4) Malachite (CU2C03(0H)2iS a Muslim kingdom of Btjapur. knocking against each other,
green, very common secondary After her husband's death, his passing an electric charge as
copper mineral with a widely nephew Ibrahim Adll Shah, they move.
47. (2) Article 84 of the Constitu- =>2x- 5 (2x- 9) = 5
AP2 1
tion lays down the qualifica- => 2x-l0x+ 45 = 5
tions for membership ofParlia- =>- 8x= 5 - 45 =-40
= AB2 = 25
ment. According to it. person => Area of dABC = 4 x 25
shall not be qualified to be cho- 40
=>8x=40=>x= - =5 = 100 sq. ern,
sen to flll a seat in Parliament ,8
unless he is. in the case of a :. Area of trapezium PQCB
:. From equation (i).
seat in the Council of States. ,; 100 - 4 = 96 sq. ern.
not less than thirty years of age y = 2x- 9 = 2 x 5 - 9 = 1
and. in the case of a seat in the :.x- y = 5 - 1 = 4 x
House of the People. not less
58. (1) 2x- 4 5 2 - "3
than twenty-five years of age.
48. (2) At present. there are 12
53. (2) cosec _ (- 7;) =- cosec =>6x-12S6-x
=>6x+xS6+ 12
schedules in the Indian consti- 711:
tution. Schedules are lists in 18
the Constitution of India that 6 =>7xS 18=>xS 7"
categorizes and tabulate bu-
reaucratic activities and policy Again. 2 (2x + 5) > 3x-.5
=-cosec (11:+~)
ofthe Government. Indian Con- =>4x + 10 > 3x - 5
stitution had originally eight => 4x-3x>-10- 5 =>x>- 15
schedules. 11:
= cosec "6 =2 18
49. (4) The International Olympic :.-15<x<7"
Day is celebrated on 23 June
154.(3) D C
everyyear. The Day was initiat- :.x=-14
ed in 1948 for commemorating
the commencement of modem
Olympic Games on 23 June
57. (3) Part of fence painted by

painter in 1 hour = 24
1894 at Sorbonne in Parts.The AB
day is celebrated for promotion dOAB -dOCD: :. Part of fence painted in 6
of participation of people in the'
sports all across the world. ir- 55. (3) A 6 1
respective of athletic. gender or hours = - =-
24 4
age ability.
r. Remaining part
50. (3) nvelve Years a Slave is an
1853 memoir and slave narra- 1 3
tive by American Solomon = 1- 4' = '4 = 0.75
Northup as told to and edited
by David Wilson. Northup. a x 7 3 7
black man who was born free 58 (1) 6 ---x-
2 7 -- --
in New York. was kidnapped
and sold into slavery. He was PQ II Be
in bondage for 12 years in Lou- .. LAPQ=LABC
isiana beforebeingreleased. The LAQP=LACB
memoir was adapted into the x 3 7 6-7
Oscar-winning 2013 film 12 By AA-sim11artty. => -6 -- ------
2 4- 4
Years a Slave. MBC-MPQ
51. (2)4r = (152 - 92) AP 1 PB 4
=>4r = (15 + 9) (15 - 9) PB=4'=>AP=T
=>4r = 24 x 6
AP+PB 4+1 3
24x6 => AP =-1- = -2' = -1.5
=>r= -- =6)(6
AB 5 59. (2)Let the numbers be x and
:. x= .J6x 6 =6 =>AP=T y.
52. (2) 2x- y = 9 :. Mean proportion
=>Y 2x - 9 ... (i) AreaofMPQ
:.2x-5y=5 .. AreaofMBC = .JXY = 9 =>xy = 81... (i)
'qdUIl[ Z = 009 oas + I = y.>as + I ptre OZ= OZ =x<=
qdUIl[ (L. - 6) = 009llal vmQ 0017
, pJ1f.J 01 10adsa.l 1f.JJA'\
Ul3UIaoJIodJO poods aAJl-eI~ (17) -OL 001
0017= ---- <=
(0 'Z-) = 1UJod pa.IJnb~ ': XXOOOZ
00'17= OOOZJO 0f0X
Z-= ... =x <= '009 = V uat{A\ lla1f.J'OfoX = nmoostp JO ala.l JI
9-= 0 +xE
IHol OO17'S}J=
(0091 - OOOZ)'S}J =
'9- = fi + XE UOJl VSOO lunoosJO (Z) -9
-enbo a1f.J UJ 0 = fi ~Uml1d ':
o = spce-x uo UOJlOaS.la1UJ I + y.>as = VSOO+ I = %Z' =
vmQ \/SM
JO .autod JO a1auJP.lo-00-fi (Z) -89 001 x 9L.EI = lU~O.lad sSCYJ':
179 = ----.;..~ = ---=
IEEI 'S}J = 'd'S
snaq .IanIDnS JO .I;)QwnN ': [~ SOOZ Aq .I01aUJWouap 'UanQ
E '. 9L.EI 'S}J =
'WO 'no (Z)ll- = ptra .IoW.l~wnu ~UJ.AIdJllnw)
E 17
(OIZI x :1) 'S}J =
naq .Iauaws a JO ~wnloA
siooude JO ~l{ I JO 'd'O (17)-Z9
'WO 'no (S)ll~ ~
E '17 1pf81 L.S 'S}J =

I{aq .Ia~mI JO awnloA (I) -89 1pf81 (Egg - VVE + 96Z) 'S}J =
Z 1pf81
, uro geL.= _g_ =X <= -soo
9'L.E f-
= ~llal
(I) -99
(6L. XL."': 9S x '17+ 17L.x 17)'S}J =
m~A 1f.J17 .I0J ~nu~AaH (I) -19
9'L.E =xg <=XE - 9'L.E =xz <= V
OOEZ 'S}J = __ 6:.:L.:,___= x. <=
x = <= 001 x L.ISI
x - S-ZI Z 'wnuuam%E= 17L.17=H <=
L.iSI= 001 xx<=
[H.L =X) __ x_= ~ <= 6L.
ZZ171= H vL.v <=
x-g'ZI 9
ZZ171= HOg I + H17ZE<= L.ISI =x JO %(Iz - 001)
_H.L__ = _H.L_= _Bs_ ': ZZ171= 'uoJlsanb a1f.J01 ~uJP.lOOOV
'M~- 'Md J.d Sd 001 001 x'S}J aq

Ht:)dv - .LSdV
Hxtx009L. HXExOOSOI nmoure mq {a~J.I0 a1f.J1:rJ (E) -09
001 = TS
E = L.Z = .!!_ =x <=
OHd7= SJ.d7 IS IS
a1aH x ~WJJ. x redpUJ.Id
HOd7 =.ISd7 ': IS = fix ','
110 II.IS 'wnuua .I~ %H
;)Q lS;).I;)lUJJO a1w a1f.Jl:rJ (E) egg L.Z = IS x E17Z~ = fi <=
VlOO- y.>asoo IS x E17Z= Ii<=
(I) -L9
E17Z= ~ ':
d IS fi x
Vloo - ~soo (VlOO+ y.>~SOo)= Efi = IS = '{',fi =
(VlOO- ~soo) . 7
VlOO + y.>a800 =x (I) -i'9 u0Jl.IodO.ld p.lJqJ.

====:::::(~IIIIYX3) :18:> I-tJ:ll.1 10:> :>SS :.13S :I:>I.1:>VtJd,1:100l1li )l======

====~( MODEL
74. (3)Required increase the sentences :
= (2 x 1~) metre/second = (150 - 145) cm. Permissiveness is used almost
=5cm. universally as a pejorative
715. (4)Time from 10 PJIl to 6 am = term.
= 9" metre/second 8 hours The reviews of his latest film
:. Required time have been highly complimen-
:. Time taken in catching the tary.
thief (15 + 35)% of 8 hours
94. (2) Transient (Adjective) =
lasting only for a short time;
_ 150 _ (150X9)
- 5 - 5 seconds = (81~~) hours = 4 hours impermanent; temporary;
9 76. (3) Here, than me (objective) Look at the sentence :
= 270 seconds ..... should be used.
. A glass of whisky has only a
:. Distance covered by thief 78. (4)A piece of cake = some- transient warming effect.
thing that is very easy to do.
= speed x time 95. (1) Avid (Adjective) = having
Look at the sentence : or showing keen interest; ex-
7X5 ) . The exam was a.piece of cake tremely eager,
= ( 18x 270 metre as questions were easy. Apathetic (Adjective) = un-
= 525 metre SO. (4)Fall out with = to argue interested; indifferent; impas-
'71. (4)Comon factor of 24lJ6c;8c(l, with someone and stop being sive; unresponsive.
friendly with them. the sentences :
18d'c2ct4and 12a4lJ4 = 6
82. (3)In such a structure, Past He took an avid interest in the
72. (1)Value of the total stock
Perfect ...... should be used. project.
= Rs. (44 x 12 + 75 x 14 + 55 x
83. (2)Dorsally (near the back) ; Young people today are so ap-
56 + 29 x 53 + 77 x 26) thou-
Infernal (relating to hell or the athetic about politics.
underworld); somewhat; mon- 96. (2)Sprawling (Adjective) =
= Rs. (528 + 1050 + 3080 + goose.
1537 + 2002) thousand stretched; spread ; flat
85. (4) It will be in Present Perfect. 97. (1)Couch Potato = a person
= Rs. 8197 thousand
Someone has hacked the man- who takes no exercise and
= Rs. 81.97lakh ager's bank account. watches a lot of television.
; 73. (2)In 2012,
; 86. (1) Deceased (recently dead); 98. (4) Peppering (geJ"und) =
Imports choicest (best quality); angli- sprinkling with pepper to dis-
Exports = 1.1 can church. tribute certain features; to
. 87. (3)Nutritious (Adjective) = beset repeatedly
1000 containing many of the sub- 99. (1) Contemporary Ungo = to
:. Exports = Rs. 1.1crore stances needed for life and be honest (an acronym)
growth; nourishing. 100. (3) Paralysis (Noun)= immo-
10000 Look at the sentence : bility;powerlessness; incapac-
= Rs. -1-1- crore ity.
Raw spinach is especially nu-
:. Exports in 2013 tritious. rna
89. (4)Restoration (Noun)= the For the Availability of Books
act of returning to its earlier A Magazines of Khan Prakas-
= Rs. (4800 - 1~) crore
good condition. han Pvt. Ltd in and around
91. (3)Put in order = organise; KERALA.Contact:
__ (52800 -10000) put in good shape. IDEAL BOOKS
Rs. 11 crore
92. (2)said to => asked 26/2082, Tutors Lane
connective => if Statue Trivandrum
= Rs. -1-1-- crore Present Perfect => Past Perfect Pin- 695001 (Kerala)
In 2013, 93. (2)Pejorative (Adjective) = Ph: 04712466132
Imports = 1.5 x Exports derogatory;defamatory;insult- 9526014411
ing. 98466014411
1.5x 42800)
= Rs. ( 11 crore CompUmentary(Adjective)=
praising or expressing admira- Also visit us at :
'"Rs. 5836 crore tion for someone.

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