CGL Tier-1 - Mock Test-2
CGL Tier-1 - Mock Test-2
CGL Tier-1 - Mock Test-2
[QJ [J
(1) South-West
(4) Cousin
(2) North-West
(3) North-East
23. If a mirror is placed on the (1) (2)
line MN, then which of the
(4) South-East
answer figures is the right
21. Aword is represented by only
[D] [J
image of the given question
one set of numbers as given in
anyone of the alternatives. figure?
The sets of numbers given in Question Figure : (3) (4)
the alternatives are repre-
sented by two classes of alpha-
bet as shown in the given two
matrices. The columns and
rows of Matricx-I are num-
bered from 0 to 4 and that of
Matrix-IIare numbered from 5
@Ji N
26. Which of the followingis a vol-
atile memory of a computer?
(1) Secondary Memory
to 9. A letter from these ma- Answer Figures : (2) Cache memory
trices can be represented first
I Q I~ll.~ll
(3) RAM
by its row and next by its. col-
(4) ROM
umn, for example, 'E' can be
represented by 68, 99 etc. and 27. Postage Meter was invented by
(1) (1) Fyodor Pirotsky
'N' can be represented by 20,
31 etc. Similarly, you have to (2) Arthur Pitney
identify the set for the word (3) Fritz Pfleumer
'LION'. (4) Stephen Perry
Matriz:-I 28. Ringworm is a disease caused
0 1 2 3 4
0 G T G D 0
(3) I s; I (4) I Q >1 by
(1) Fungi
(3) Virus
(2) Bacteria
(4) Flies
1 I G L F I 24. Identify the diagram that best 29. Mangifera indica is the scien-
2 N V Y G F represents the relationship tific .name of
(1) Guava (2) Mango
3 R N V S E among the given classes.
(3) Amla (4) Jack fruit
4 0 L F B L Singer, Musician, Business-
30. Crabs belongs to the phylum
Matriz:-D (1) Mollusca
(2) Crndarta
5 6 7 8 9 (3) Arthropoda
5 F N L R I (4) Platyhelminthes
6 0 I F E 0 31. Who invented the modern pe-
riodic table ?
7 N R S L F
8 R
9 I
W 0 Y
(3) I@o I I (4)
(1) Faraday
(4) Bohr
32. Isobars have _ 39. Pune was once known as the (3) Because of free electrons
(1) Same mass numbers but capital of (4) Because of high atomic
different atomic numbers (1) Scmdtas density
(2) Different mass numbers (2) Holkars 47. To become a member of the
but same atomic numbers (3) Bhosales Rajya Sabha a person should
(3) Same mass and atomic be at least __ years old.
(4) Peshwas
numbers (1) 18 (2)30
40. Total number of countries in
(4) Different mass and atom- the world are (3) 36 (4)24
icnumbers (1) 125 (2) 165 48. Howmany schedules does the
33. The famous Brihadeshwara Indian Constitution have?
(3) 255 (4) 195
Temple is located in .(1)6 (2) 12
41. Which among the followingis
(1) Madurat false about Earth? (3) 18 (4)24
(2) Thanjavur (1) It is the densest planet. 49. When is International Olym-
(3) Kanchipuram pte Day observed?
(2) It is the fifth largest plan-
(4) Rameshwaram et. (1) 16th August
34. Maithtlt is primarily spoken in (3) It is also known as red (2) 2nd February
which state? planet. (3) 18th December
(1) Bihar (4) It is the third planet from (4) 23rdJune
(2) Assam the sun. 15(). Author of famous book 12 M
1. (3) 2. (2) 3. (1) 4. (1) 10 29 66 127 f2T8I
5. (4) 6. (3) 7.(2) 8. (1) LJL...1'L...1'LT
I1II +19 +37 +61 +91
9.(4) 10. (2) 11. (3) 12. (3) LJL...1'L...1'
13. (4) 14. (2) 15. (3) 16. (3) 4. (1) 34: 81
+18 +24 +30
17. (3) 18. (2) 19. (2) 20. (3) =>34 = 81 +6 +6
21. (3) 22. (4) 23. (1) 24. (2) Similarly.
23 =>23= 8 13. (4)This thief is a graduate and
25.(1) 26.(3) 27. (2) 28. (1)
5. (4) Except Malaria. all other a graduate is a man.
29. (2) SO. (3) 31. (2) 32. (1)
diseases are caused by certain Therefore. this thief is a man.
33.(2) 34. (1) 35. (1) 36.(3) This is the Conclusion I.
bacteria. Malaria is caused by
37. (3) 38. (4) 39.(4) 40. (4) Anopheles female mosquito. Conclusion II also followsfrom
41. (1) 42.(3) 43. (1) 44. (1) 6. (3)The opposite letter of Q is J. Conclusion I.
45. (2) 46. (3) 47. (2) 48. (2) The opposite letter of Sis H. 14. (2)Sum of the temperatures of
49. (4) 50.(3) 51. (2) 52. (2) The opposite letter of U is F. the first six days
53. (2) M. (3) 55. (3) 56. (1) But. the opposite letter of L is =41 x6=246C
57. (3) 58. (1) 159. (2) O. Sum of the temperatures of the
60. (3)
61. (1) 62. (4) 63. (2)
The opposite letter of N is M. first fivedays = 201C
64. (1)
65.(3) 7. (2) Except the number 8564. :. Temperature on the sixth
66 .(1) 67. (1) 68. (1)
in all other numbers the cube day of the month
69. (2) 70. (4) 71. (4) 72. (1)
of the first digit is equal to the = (246-20WC
.73. (2) 74.(3) 75.(4) 76. (3) number formedby the second. = 45C
77. (4) 78. (4) 79. (1) SO. (4) the third and the fourth dig- 15. (3)Arrangement ofwords as per
81. (2) 82.(3) 83.(2) 84. (3) order in the dictionary :
5125 =>5 x 5 x 5 = 125
85.(4) 86. (1) 87.(3) 88. (1) (iii) Umbrella
7343 =>7 x 7 x 7 = 343
89. (4) 90.(4) 91. (3) 92. (2) -l,
6216 =>6 x 6 x 6 = 216
93. (2) 94. (2) 95. (1) 96.(2) (tv) Unicorn
97.(1) 98. (4) 99. (1) 100. (3) 8564 =>8 x 8 x 8 = 512
(i) Uniform
9 =61 -l,
1. (3) Candela is the unit of (11) Unitary
measurement of Luminous In- 731 16. (3)
tensity. Similarly. Pascal is the 17 =43 ARM S
unit of measurement of Pres- .J, .J, .J, .J,
sure. 525
25 =21 5 4 6 7
2. (2) L I A R
Now. 9 + 8 = 17 : 17 + 8 = 25 .J, .J, .J, .J,
IAPrAII,NTI ) IREfTllAPfAI 9. (4) 1 2 5 4
I +13)V~-12)L Therefore
10. (2) SMA L L
IMjSCIIU,RI ) IUIfllMrSCI .J, .J, .J, .J, .J,
V~B~H~~ 7 6 5 1 1
W..4C..4I..4 0
3.(1) 17. (3) First Column
X~D~J~P (15 + 6) x 4 = 84
=>21 x 4 = 84
Second Column
(30 + 8) x 4 = 152
=>38 x 4 = 152
Third Column 24. (2) Some singers may be mu- 29. (2)MangiJera indica is commonly
~ ? = (20 + 5) x 4 sicians and vice-versa. known as mango. It is a spe-
Some Singersmay be business- cies of flowering plant in the
~ ? = 25 x 4 = 1100 1 men arid.vice-versa. sumac and poison ivy family
Some musicians may be busi- Anacardiaceae. It is found in the
nessmen and vice-versa. wild in Bangladesh. India and
18. (2) Pakistan where it is indigenous.
Some Singers who are musi-
cians may be businessmen. It is the national fruit of India.
505 & 5 # 4 @ 20 % 5 = ? Pakistan and the Philippines.
~?=505+5-4+20x5 SO. (3) Crabs come from the same
~?=101-4+100 family as lobsters. crayfish.
~ ? = 201 - 4 = 11971
shrimp, krill and barnacles, as
all are in the subphylum crus-
19. (2) tacea. They are also in the phy-
lumArthropoda, which includes
MN@] O/~NN@] / M@]NO
insects, arachnids and crusta-
20. (3) ceans. They are decapods (hav-
ing ten legs) and form an order
within the decapods, called the
31. (2) Dmitri Mendeleev was a
painter in 1 hour = 24
1894 at Sorbonne in Parts.The AB
day is celebrated for promotion dOAB -dOCD: :. Part of fence painted in 6
of participation of people in the'
sports all across the world. ir- 55. (3) A 6 1
respective of athletic. gender or hours = - =-
24 4
age ability.
r. Remaining part
50. (3) nvelve Years a Slave is an
1853 memoir and slave narra- 1 3
tive by American Solomon = 1- 4' = '4 = 0.75
Northup as told to and edited
by David Wilson. Northup. a x 7 3 7
black man who was born free 58 (1) 6 ---x-
2 7 -- --
in New York. was kidnapped
and sold into slavery. He was PQ II Be
in bondage for 12 years in Lou- .. LAPQ=LABC
isiana beforebeingreleased. The LAQP=LACB
memoir was adapted into the x 3 7 6-7
Oscar-winning 2013 film 12 By AA-sim11artty. => -6 -- ------
2 4- 4
Years a Slave. MBC-MPQ
51. (2)4r = (152 - 92) AP 1 PB 4
=>4r = (15 + 9) (15 - 9) PB=4'=>AP=T
=>4r = 24 x 6
AP+PB 4+1 3
24x6 => AP =-1- = -2' = -1.5
=>r= -- =6)(6
AB 5 59. (2)Let the numbers be x and
:. x= .J6x 6 =6 =>AP=T y.
52. (2) 2x- y = 9 :. Mean proportion
=>Y 2x - 9 ... (i) AreaofMPQ
:.2x-5y=5 .. AreaofMBC = .JXY = 9 =>xy = 81... (i)
'qdUIl[ Z = 009 oas + I = y.>as + I ptre OZ= OZ =x<=
qdUIl[ (L. - 6) = 009llal vmQ 0017
, pJ1f.J 01 10adsa.l 1f.JJA'\
Ul3UIaoJIodJO poods aAJl-eI~ (17) -OL 001
0017= ---- <=
(0 'Z-) = 1UJod pa.IJnb~ ': XXOOOZ
00'17= OOOZJO 0f0X
Z-= ... =x <= '009 = V uat{A\ lla1f.J'OfoX = nmoostp JO ala.l JI
9-= 0 +xE
IHol OO17'S}J=
(0091 - OOOZ)'S}J =
'9- = fi + XE UOJl VSOO lunoosJO (Z) -9
-enbo a1f.J UJ 0 = fi ~Uml1d ':
o = spce-x uo UOJlOaS.la1UJ I + y.>as = VSOO+ I = %Z' =
vmQ \/SM
JO .autod JO a1auJP.lo-00-fi (Z) -89 001 x 9L.EI = lU~O.lad sSCYJ':
179 = ----.;..~ = ---=
IEEI 'S}J = 'd'S
snaq .IanIDnS JO .I;)QwnN ': [~ SOOZ Aq .I01aUJWouap 'UanQ
E '. 9L.EI 'S}J =
'WO 'no (Z)ll- = ptra .IoW.l~wnu ~UJ.AIdJllnw)
E 17
(OIZI x :1) 'S}J =
naq .Iauaws a JO ~wnloA
siooude JO ~l{ I JO 'd'O (17)-Z9
'WO 'no (S)ll~ ~
E '17 1pf81 L.S 'S}J =
I{aq .Ia~mI JO awnloA (I) -89 1pf81 (Egg - VVE + 96Z) 'S}J =
Z 1pf81
, uro geL.= _g_ =X <= -soo
9'L.E f-
= ~llal
(I) -99
(6L. XL."': 9S x '17+ 17L.x 17)'S}J =
m~A 1f.J17 .I0J ~nu~AaH (I) -19
9'L.E =xg <=XE - 9'L.E =xz <= V
OOEZ 'S}J = __ 6:.:L.:,___= x. <=
x = <= 001 x L.ISI
x - S-ZI Z 'wnuuam%E= 17L.17=H <=
L.iSI= 001 xx<=
[H.L =X) __ x_= ~ <= 6L.
ZZ171= H vL.v <=
x-g'ZI 9
ZZ171= HOg I + H17ZE<= L.ISI =x JO %(Iz - 001)
_H.L__ = _H.L_= _Bs_ ': ZZ171= 'uoJlsanb a1f.J01 ~uJP.lOOOV
'M~- 'Md J.d Sd 001 001 x'S}J aq
Ht:)dv - .LSdV
Hxtx009L. HXExOOSOI nmoure mq {a~J.I0 a1f.J1:rJ (E) -09
001 = TS
E = L.Z = .!!_ =x <=
OHd7= SJ.d7 IS IS
a1aH x ~WJJ. x redpUJ.Id
HOd7 =.ISd7 ': IS = fix ','
110 II.IS 'wnuua .I~ %H
;)Q lS;).I;)lUJJO a1w a1f.Jl:rJ (E) egg L.Z = IS x E17Z~ = fi <=
VlOO- y.>asoo IS x E17Z= Ii<=
(I) -L9
E17Z= ~ ':
d IS fi x
Vloo - ~soo (VlOO+ y.>~SOo)= Efi = IS = '{',fi =
(VlOO- ~soo) . 7
VlOO + y.>a800 =x (I) -i'9 u0Jl.IodO.ld p.lJqJ.