GS Prelims Ac Saad HK 2024 - 240728 - 122903
GS Prelims Ac Saad HK 2024 - 240728 - 122903
GS Prelims Ac Saad HK 2024 - 240728 - 122903
riO dabab
2 nosne
Jdooe: 574
i0 osn:150
99 %
10. wo
dee jedo PFado
11. eQrco
dorodrba. go
12. epro Non-personalized .0.HO,
14. Qr od
15. d0jodo e
.0.H0. gd wtddo (candidate copy) Jadbr cSa
16. dog aond Josd d0egdoo Tb
17. t tuteoni
(3) (1) Gw a
(2) Mr. G's son and sister
() (II) (3) Either (I) or (I) and ()
(3) ,eood G abdo aoro (3) Mr. G and his daughter
(4) 8,eatod Good aor b
(4) None of the above (4) Mr. G's son and daughter
fsct-(2) fibroin
8. Sandal wOod oil has
,eriopodo (3) elastin fragrance due to the
presence of
(4) štOE3
(4) keratin
(1) Carbohydrates.
responsible for
(1) socioeFagunsoix 6. The pigment
Jl-UTed colour of tomato 1s
(4) (4)
xanthophyllR0i (4)Terpenes
0aoZo &3&FO
(4) (5)
/574D /574-D (P. T;0.
manganese 10. Consider,the following
9. What is the role of statements
rdoirlx as micronutrient required for
the plant/crop?hdit the Group
Státement-I :In
CKs ofSSeven (G-7)advanced
ca eConomies, public debt
(1) It plays an important role from 85% of Gross Domestic
in synthesis of chlorophyll Product (GDP) in 2005 to
(GDP)d Beso 850OG 2021d O,GS140% in,2021.
essential for
which is
Gphotosynethetic actiity t0,GIStatement-II Average debt
market outcomes
(4) nC2JGA
rtod : (4) eugor9abROE, S,8, AO, (4) Global North's labour (4) Northern America, Africa,
market outcomes Asia, Europe
(8) 1574D (9) [P. T.O.
In 2023, Karnataka's
19 Statenent-I : total of 223
19. d-I: 2023-24d JeOFO 21. 2023d, Out of236 taluks have been
Bioeconomy is accounted for
around share of India's
236 notified as drought-affected in
the Karnataka State during
National Bioeconomy. It is
y otJ, 223
in the
aoORTI % expected to gro at 2021-22 for the years
e'siitTO12 sOIS
2022-23 and 2023-24
G 9GSDP (1)5
/574D] (14)
(a)2022-23 Central Government 29. Match List Iwith List and
b2023-24 27 (a)
capital expenditure are CSelect the correctanswer
2.7 percent and 3.2 per using codes given below this
ccent to GDP for the years list :
2.7% o 3.2% 2022-23 and 2023-24
(b) 2022-23 oos 2023-24 respectively
Central Government In 2023 Karnataka Rajyotsava
JsFTn 8,bWon 8.8
evenue receipts are 8. Award Winners
383 oe
9.2c Beog
percent and 9.2 per cent
to GDP for the years cot List-I cList II
2022-23 and 2023-2%
respectively, Profession
entral Government Non-. Recipient Category
debt capital receipts are
than the capital (a) Social Service
(1)) (a) a39 (b)
S W.ey expenditure and revenue )S.
(2) (b) (c) agie receipts. Somanath
(3)(a) (1) Only, (a) and (b))
(b) Former
O921 (2) Only (b) and (c)
(3) Only (a) and c)
("VGowda Journalist
(4) All of the above
28. 8eNs deesrst sorntdk: füi) Dinesh c) ISRO Chairman
28. Consider the. following Amin Mattu
statements :
Karnataka OBoundary
insiqjas A
Bhadla solar(a)
. b park (a) USA and Canada
(a) (91785 ) 17th
(b) Tamil Nadu
() Kurnool ultra
mega solar Ii) 20th/tow b) South Vietnam and
park M.Parallel North Vietnam
(üi) 313e fti) Kamuthi solar (c) Madhya haosst (c) Libya and Sudan
power project.isPradesh Parallel
1abierto.8 ()
fw) Rewa ultra (d) Andhra (u), 38thies i(a) Iran. and Iraq
mega solar Pradesh Parallel
addsLsarH plant
le): Soúth Koreajand
t o
fiti) (iv)
(iv) 9(i)
(b) (1) (b) (c).(d) (e)
((1) (a). (d) (b) (1) (b)i (
(1) (a) (d)
() (e
1A) to
((2) (a) (b) ((c)
sioiisasit9 (2) (2) (a) (d)
9u (2).(b) i(a)c) (s(d) (e) (a) (b)
(3) (a), (b) (c) (3) (a), (b) and
(4) :
Rivers (4) (b) and (c) only
a(c) äDg,tsM e8
o (a) Assalh (w). Fourth-longest
(a) SO eseesi VsleiH Unde river in Africa Match :
46. the following pairs D
(d) Shebelle (z) More than 150 m (c) Don river (y) Caspian sea
below.. sea-level
(d) aeO (d) Amur river z) Sea of Japan
150 a0e.noT d), (a) )() (e)(a)
iha lw)
vg (1) () (9)2u) (1) (9) (z)
(a) (b)tr (c)sini(d) (a) () () fw)
(y) (2 )-)u) ) (2) (9) ()
(1) w) x (w)
()2vi(w) (S(z) (i2) ( (9 (w) (3) (2)
(9)w) ( (3) (y) (2)
[P. T. O.
/574-D (28) I574D (29)
53. DeONOB woa, DOEI ieEs
56. "9Qesrood sso Sepoys from Meerut, who 56. subject people has no soul,
53. just as a slave can have
TeDaORNOQdood...B entered the Red Fort through a
.....A man without a soul is
the Raj Ghat to appeal to
Bahadur Shah II to assume mere animal, A nation without
the leadership of the revolt a soul is only a dumb driven
against the British, met him cattle" was said by.
on Dg (1 Bipin Chandra Pal
(1) 22e be, 1857 22nd May, 1857 Time. (2) Balgangadhar Tilak
(3) l,
Bc(2) Alj be, 1857 ereth
(2) May, 1857 s(8). Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
ihas (3):11Je oN, 185711A .ra 'agvitcloI ebtswOt 1ith June, 1857 C(4) Lala Lajpat Ri
(4) 223e aON, 1857 4
57. 8hsie aooOA WOObO: (4) 22 June, 1857 57. Match the following
List I
List I
,aa, 1oj5ca). 54. The Act that made the
(a) 8. OTE (a) G. Subramania () Sudharak
provision for a weekly holiday
for the-1first time for all the
fi fü) Swadesh
(1) workers in India was (b) Moti Lal
,32e TDa The Factory Act of Great
Ghosh Mitra
KüAPitain - Gokhale Amrita
(c) G. K. (iüi)
1937 Bazar Patrika
(2). ooso Toci
(d) w.00.Ae)o3.(fu) eaWOGO (2) The First Indian Factory (d) N. M. (iv) Deen
Act 1881 Rirpon E
1891 (3) HheSecond Indian (a) (b) (c) (a)
L(2) Factory Act - 1891
Aiv )
(4) None of the above
J10(1 )
(u) (2) (ü) () (iv)
(4) (iv) (iti) (i) ÞIOS(3)
S5. (ä)
55. Oneof the founding fathers of
(the Indian National Movement (4) (iv) i) )
and the first Indian journalist
to go to jail was 58. In which month,and year, was
b(1) deodD 0,JBFF Haqdaya
(1) JwoJo 1, 1914 Ghadar party established?
(1) Surendranath Banerjee
(2) 2DrrorDpd 3os sab (2) obi:gtei
dowo 1911 1) November 1, 1914;
(2) Balgangadhar Tilak Ji
(3) .8. (3) doowOS 2, 1912 (i(2)November 4, 1911:
(3) G. G. Agarkar
(4) dabey 23o, bE (4) Jozo® l, ((3). November 2, 1912
/574-D (30) () Romesh Chandra Mitra ((4) November 1, 1913
I374-D (31) [P. T.O.
which year, was the Special 62. Match List
with List-II:
59. DdtoŠerg o' 62. R
EConomic Zone (SEZ)? Act
List -I List-I
Gmplemented in India?
(1) 2004 (a) Rangarajan i) PPP models of
committee infrastructure
3yi: (1)2004ri eite (2) 2005
(2) 2005 esiits (3)2006
(3) 2006:i) ricrít! (a) dooo (4) 2007 (b) Narasimhamn (ü) Insurance
(4) 2007 Committee reforms:
14 (3)
(1) ) (ii) (iu) (üi) fi) (iv) (4)
(2)(fii) () ) 3) (2)
ü (iv)
(3):i)S (fv)s() feti) 15,sa.0 (3) () fiv)
-E (1)
1:4 inclusive, which are divisible
(2) 2:5 by any of the integers 2, 3 and
(3) 2:3
(2) 2:5 52
(4) 1 :
(1) 240.i BInsta
nsit ( (3) 2: 3 240 CO:
(2) 260 sM Lstlber
(4) 16 (2)260 tu n) 4
(3) 220 G
66. A:
torsodBeNO) 35 (3) 220 tE
certain task in 35 days and (4) 200
B cto , another person Bis 40% more
Jondo sriso 69. Joa, 3.. efficient than. then- how
many days does it take for B 69. What is the remainder when
30 is divided by 7?
(8) 20 days
ES () (3) 3
(4) 15 Qsriso (4) 4
(4) 15 days (4) 4
/574-D (34)
T574D (35) [P. T. O.
folded to
0. many different. strings
How 72. If: the given figure isamong
form box, which the
70. FLOWER (sequences) of length,4 can be
formed using the letters of the boxes below will be formed?
word FLOWER? ()
(1) 360 1|Y
irno8) 2
3|4 8S
(2) 550 349x0 (2) 550
dtod ()
(1) ()
(3) 470 (3) 47O
o (4)640
oldizivib ote roiriw ,9viaubri (3)
(3) 4
necessariy the(consequences
recommendations of. the of. the proclamation of the
Cabinet Mission Plan? )1gub President's Rule in India? )
sU(9çlt proposed formation of
Federal Union consisting () Dissolution of the State
of British Indian provinces Legislative Assembly
-UE3G and Indian States, y (as
The of the
(ti) It suggested setting up of Ttb ()i Councilremoval
of Ministers in
a constituent Assembly to the State
frame. a Constitution of
(4) (9, (i) a (iv) ) (4)(), (ii) do (iv) (4)-0 (ti) and (tv)
) (9) 0, (i) and i)i(b)
/574-D (42) 574D (43) (P. T.0.
84. JoDOT 0DTi J0WOWO 86. oFOOD GiOEn yoCTao 84. Which of the following arethe 86. The Sarkaria Commission
of_ 73rd recommended the
important features.
Sgv Constitutional Amendment in Constitution of a permanent
ioG respect of Panchaya Raj? n tnter-State Council in India
: 0
Statement I 6 Bog Consisting of(6)
) Direct election lof Statement I:
members,at all levels. Union Cabinet Ministers and
the Chief Ministers of all the
) Mandatory provision of States.
StatementIIOL30 holding elections. .
(i) 52nd
(c) The defectioni (ii) Seventh(c) Contains the list
Amendmentof members Schedule of States and
(o territories
made illegal
b9ocboTi oaas9n
(u) 61st (d) Conferred (iv) Eighth (d) Contains the
(iv) oWe (d) 3,osssris hgyAnmendment power to the Schedule Forms of Oaths,
oeParliament to or Affirmations
amend any part
of the
Cosoator3Constitution () (iu)
Dcpe. as cnc0 Fundamental
TRights (
(1) ) (c)
(a), (b) (d)
(i) (2füi) (iv) (iv)
ofoy bhastet) ((2) 6) (d)
(2) (b) (c)
c) (a)
(1) (a) (b) (a) (c) (a) (c) (1):c(a)(b)(d)
(d) c) (a)
(2) ) (d)(c) (a)
(2) (6) ( (3) (c) (a) (a)b)
(b) (a) (c) b) (a)
(3) (a) (3) (a) (b)
Tyndall effect (4) temperature
(a) toiln (a) The phenomenon can be
100. 703 used to distinguish a 100. Central Avian Research
colloidal solution from a Institute is located at
aerioO3 true solution.
(p (1) 0deO, udO &des (1) Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
() (b) It is a phenomenon of
(2) oDU, TOoO scattering of light by sol (2) Hisar, Haryana
(3) orto',DotsO (3) Avikanagar, Rajasthan
(c) Tyndall effect can be seen
in true solutions. (4) Mysore, Karnataka
(52) /574-D (53 )
[P. T. O.