GS Prelims Ac Saad HK 2024 - 240728 - 122903

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riO dabab
2 nosne
Jdooe: 574
i0 osn:150

99 %

100 ns) snoo2ds. gactooao 3cts 4 vodrta enooRdgd. DBdos

id oco
ootrd eugoa
6. 3Tobo

10. wo
dee jedo PFado

11. eQrco
dorodrba. go
12. epro Non-personalized .0.HO,

14. Qr od

15. d0jodo e
.0.H0. gd wtddo (candidate copy) Jadbr cSa
16. dog aond Josd d0egdoo Tb

17. t tuteoni

instuctions is printed on the

of the back cover of this booklet.
Note: English
1. In the following question., waxy substance
(C) RedDNH aT s2. The oily and our
(A), (B) bd three statements number (A). produced by skin to keep
protect it,
(B) and (C) are given
and these it moisturized and
IV JOO staton. dešre statements are followed by
CUS four conclusions, numbered I.
(1) jod II, III and IV. You have to (1) sweat
consider the given statements
(2) ewa to be true and then decide (2) sebun i

(3) ,tT which of the given conclusions

logically follow from the given (3)
sa statements:
(4) cerumen
(A) D
CEOns) COOns). Statements
3. 3dN3 the following
3. Refer to
(B) J COOnso CFOns.
(A) AIl the CEO's are CO0's. information and answer
§,eodb question given below
G, d
Jooao0, (B) All the CO0's are CFO's.
(C) JeD CFOnso CLOrso. Mr. G. his sister, his son and
(C) All the CFO's are CL0's. his daughter are very good
evIOwod: classical dancers.
(I) do CLOTsO CEOrO. () The best dancer and the
(I) Some CLO's are CEO's. worst dancer are of the
() COOnso CLOnso. same age.
(I) All the CO0's are CLO's.
(I) The best dancer's twin
(II) šo CFOrsO CEOns. Oonddoonaad.
(III) Some CFO's are CEO's. and the worst dancer are
of opposite sex.
() J COorso CEONo.
(IV) Al the CO0's are CEO's. Which of the following pairs is
(1) ) od (1) soztODT (I1) follow the best and worst dancers?
(1) B,ecs G dodo
raocdo (1) Only (I) and
(2) ) sz (II) ssOADdB (2) eotbod Gowd sor b (2) Only (I) and (II) follow
(1) Mr. G and his sister

(3) (1) Gw a
(2) Mr. G's son and sister
() (II) (3) Either (I) or (I) and ()
(3) ,eood G abdo aoro (3) Mr. G and his daughter
(4) 8,eatod Good aor b
(4) None of the above (4) Mr. G's son and daughter

574-D (3) [P.T. 0.

(2) /574-D
7. d reverse the., age of the
4. Circadian rhythm is a natural 7. If you you would get her elder
internal process, which
sister, ageGand: the
Tbrother's ages
önw-ong,nd aadtorbroa., 00L026
regulates the sleep-wake difference-between their sum.
cycle. Name the gland which one-eleventh of their
is age of the sister?
is responsible for it. is the
(1) goatBo
95IS(2) Pituitaryj C
(1)45 years
(1) 45 Teoot
(3) Pineal
(3) Eabes r,o (2) 40 years 30
(2) 40 93 cCbDHypothalamus
cell s (3) 50 years
evribdo abd o, ori
(3) 50 rio 5. The major protein present in
5. Ja dode, is
hairs, nails and hooves
(4) 30 years
(4) 30 (1) casein
(1) šeR

fsct-(2) fibroin
8. Sandal wOod oil has
,eriopodo (3) elastin fragrance due to the
presence of
(4) štOE3
(4) keratin

(1) Carbohydrates.
responsible for
(1) socioeFagunsoix 6. The pigment
Jl-UTed colour of tomato 1s

(1) chlorophyl (2)Chlorophyll

(2) &edoegO
(2) šdoet3 Ot Ir4) ous(3) Alkaloidsbc
S0DO: (3) lycopene

(4) (4)
xanthophyllR0i (4)Terpenes
0aoZo &3&FO
(4) (5)
/574D /574-D (P. T;0.
manganese 10. Consider,the following
9. What is the role of statements
rdoirlx as micronutrient required for
the plant/crop?hdit the Group
Státement-I :In
CKs ofSSeven (G-7)advanced
ca eConomies, public debt
(1) It plays an important role from 85% of Gross Domestic
in synthesis of chlorophyll Product (GDP) in 2005 to
(GDP)d Beso 850OG 2021d O,GS140% in,2021.
essential for
which is
Gphotosynethetic actiity t0,GIStatement-II Average debt

aulediogvH servicing fell from, 2% of the

GDP to 1.5%. The reason is
(2). It is required for ery lOw interest rates.
3QBO šesso 200d SesD 1.58
division and extension. It
is essential for polen žsS Both the statements are
crtube growth which affess correct, and the
tiseso (I) Statement-II is correct
seed/fruit set and-heO for
explanation sa
(1) ddo dšnot Oion yields Statement-I
boow fsbns2.3 TU2SI9
(3)a"3rteöJioESs* ñs2) Both the statements are
(3) It is involved in symbiotic correct, and the
nitrogen-fixation and T10
Statement-II is not
(2) odo ošno dOpN (C
crops correct explanation for
protein synthesis in
ai caEo: eII,, dee8-I
uiqo1oitis (1) (4)It is important for normal *c(3)The Statement-I is
inçorrect, but the
functioningof many
Statement-II is correct
enzymes, nitrogen
OC, metabolismand carbon (4) Both the statements are
(4) dioxide assimilation incorrect
ddo oeorido dongd.
/574-D /574-D (7) [P. T: O.
AMR Numher

national 13. Arrange India's top import

11. The recently released poverty source nations in descending
29dOriarRoosaoeod order.
index by NITI Aayog retains
such as 10 original
iDIT MPI DJoot,10 of the global MPI model and
(1) obJA, Ne, b, On i(1) UAE, China, USA, Russia
has added: two indicators
(1). Maternal Health an USA, UAE
Bank Account G2) Russia, China,

(2) Child Health: and Bank

:(3) c',e, Qda, dD, Account y (3) USA, China, UAE, Russia

(3) Maternal Health and

(4) e$
da, ado, te, Infant Health T (4) China,-UAE, USA, Russia x

Cb(4) Infant Health and Bank

14. 33ao, sdo šosdoaso 14. Arrange in descending order
12. the currently largest
boadon oaaindoeTEO 8,adO aOEON : 12. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize i destination of international
rioeNdor 20230 2023 in Economic Sciences in
the Memory of Alfred Nobel,
ui migrants in the world.
(1) tb, evoo SJEDE, B,t,
ONg has been awarded to Claudia
Goldon for advancing
(1) "Asia, Northern America,
) the understanding of
CTi Africa, Europe
roitaxit-oaoir women's labour market
(2) obNio outcomes
882) Europe, Asia, Northern
(2) the understanding of America, Africa.
men's labour market
(3) Europe, Asia, Africa,
(3)Global South's labour fNorthern America i

market outcomes
(4) nC2JGA
rtod : (4) eugor9abROE, S,8, AO, (4) Global North's labour (4) Northern America, Africa,
market outcomes Asia, Europe
(8) 1574D (9) [P. T.O.
In 2023, Karnataka's
19 Statenent-I : total of 223

19. d-I: 2023-24d JeOFO 21. 2023d, Out of236 taluks have been
Bioeconomy is accounted for
around share of India's
236 notified as drought-affected in
the Karnataka State during
National Bioeconomy. It is
y otJ, 223

placed in the National

the year 2023-24. Bioeconomy revenue
Statement-II This has
devs-II:ao 20 e
decorierto biciuoöe, resulted into huge agriculture
abe oQDatÓU 2023d d
gerdesdrado and horticulture crop loss in
the State during Rabi Season 40%, 1st
2023 over 20 lakh hectares of
(1) 40%, l cicac iot land.
(2) 30%, 3rd
(1) Both Statement-I and
(2) 30%, 3de:s2s/2 -statement-II are correct.
(1) de8-I aE e-II sOot Statemnent-II is the cere (3) 20%,2nd
-correct explanation for
(3)20%, 23e9a Statement-I
(4) 10%, 4th
Both Statement-I and
(4) 10%, 43ba (2)
Statement-II are correct
gaepSNG but Statement-II is not
22. Assper. the latest Agriculture
the correct explanation average size of
for Statement-I iCazco QCensus, the
holding by farmer of Karnataka
PI(3) Statement-Iisi Correct hectare Small
State is
tctooo butt Statement-II is A
andmarginal holdings
incorrect q12O. account for of total
(4) Statement-I is incorrect holdings and operate of
Oaa #but Statement-II is the total operated area.
COA Correct

20. Which of the following is not (1) 4.36, 80%, 74%

included in thel unproductive
70 (1)
O0PFSrs (1) 4.36, 80%, 74% expenditure of the State's (2) 3.36, 80%, 64%
(2) Jodio 3.36, 80%, 64%
(1) Scholarships (3) 2.36, 80%, 54%
ist(3) s OBEorto (3) 2.36, 80%, 54% ( (2) Salaries
(3) Pensions )
(4) 35EOŽESrie (4) 1.36, 80%, 44% ) (4) 1.36, 80%, 44%
(4) Debt servicing
/574-D (12) I574-D (13) |P.T:0.
Karnataka agriculture sector 25. Social Sector Expenditure as
23. 2023-243e OONO BvOFEJE E& o sILO2023-24 23.
25. 2022-23 year2023-24 is i1aca of GSDP, compared to

in the
aoORTI % expected to gro at 2021-22 for the years
e'siitTO12 sOIS
2022-23 and 2023-24
G 9GSDP (1)5

(1) 5%ubhclr 40-890s.

(1) is increasing
911519Vi 3%
(2) 3%
(3) -18% GOT (2) is constant
(4) -2.8%
do2s-(2)iGAdontEciott (4)2.8% Bbbcl3) is declining

(3) ecdzbad bnsl (4) None,of the above

24. (a) Union interim budget)
24. (a) odoab osd wss 2024-25 estimates thei
2024-25 otal outlay of the ) following
26. Which
expenditure accounts t statemnents are correct?
T01 0itsialcz sTI00 crores.
47,65,768 oRES. 47,0, Karnataka
capital.expenditure (a) Fiscal deficit of
(b) Total year
bs meEraEs to8(S) the financial
1o5TIO (a), 2023-24.dtoaDRD JdF JO accounts to 11,11,4Jn Gin2023-24 BE is -2.6
.11,11,111 toRES.
tcr ei In-BDFJBd aeotb &oo GSDP Percent of GSDP.

ouili(e)g2023-24 203Ei toeORdO (c) Trendsof the capital

expenditure is increased, CenT(b) Pevenue deficit of
WFrto compared to 2023-24 Karnataka in thefinancial
i09TO (b)2023-2410:#oTOrO
budget. COCT dvear 2023-24 BE is 0.49
TotsctcACpercent of GSDP.
egiiba 2023-243 w8si aoÓRJO GSDP bBedo 0.49 snd. (d) Trendsof the capital -
Ístoi expenditure is decreased, twstooi() Primary. ideficit of
compared to 2023-24 Karnataka in the financial
Nbudget Lgiri in year 2023-24 BE is 1.27
as percent of GSDP.
(1) (a), (b), (c) sbs (a) se GSDP oc Betao 1.27 snd. (4) All (a), (b), (c);and
(d) are

oobo1g.uJornt bobisloi correct (1) Only (a) and-(b)

(2) (a), (b) dod () sog (2) Only (a), (b) and (c)
Ciopbud sto (2)Only (b) and (c)
(2) (b) abdo (c)
te, correctpr s1S
(d) are
(3) (a), (b)8 (d), dg (3) Only (a), (b) and (3) Only (a) and (c)
(3) (4) () h S)
eitoizi199 () (4) (SAlbof the above i)
(4) (4) Only (d) is
(4) (d) ae Oodtono i) dogo8
PPd 1574D
[P. T. 0.

/574D] (14)
(a)2022-23 Central Government 29. Match List Iwith List and
b2023-24 27 (a)
capital expenditure are CSelect the correctanswer
2.7 percent and 3.2 per using codes given below this
ccent to GDP for the years list :
2.7% o 3.2% 2022-23 and 2023-24
(b) 2022-23 oos 2023-24 respectively
Central Government In 2023 Karnataka Rajyotsava
JsFTn 8,bWon 8.8
evenue receipts are 8. Award Winners
383 oe
9.2c Beog
percent and 9.2 per cent
to GDP for the years cot List-I cList II
2022-23 and 2023-2%
respectively, Profession
entral Government Non-. Recipient Category
debt capital receipts are
than the capital (a) Social Service
(1)) (a) a39 (b)
S W.ey expenditure and revenue )S.
(2) (b) (c) agie receipts. Somanath
(3)(a) (1) Only, (a) and (b))
(b) Former
O921 (2) Only (b) and (c)
(3) Only (a) and c)
("VGowda Journalist
(4) All of the above
28. 8eNs deesrst sorntdk: füi) Dinesh c) ISRO Chairman
28. Consider the. following Amin Mattu
statements :

Assertion (A): The Eastern fiv) Charmadi (d) Retired-Supreme

Court Judge
Ghats are higher than the Hasanabba
ord to 20ns 5) Western Ghats. O
Reason (R) :
The Eastern (e) Freedom Fighter
Ghats stretch from Mahanadi
valley to the Nilgiri in (iv)
(R) odao Ds (R) Choose the correct :
(1)(A)sOE from the options given below
are true. (E(1) () (a) (e)(b)
(1) Both (A) and (R) correct
(1).(c) (a) (R) is the
J YIO explanation of (A) (2) ( ( (b) ((a)
(2) (A) aE (R) QOdD
(R) are true
(A) ob xoaod (2) (c) (2) Both (A) and
(R) S0DGS (a) not the correct (c)
but (R) is (3)
(3) (b) explanation of (A)
b (a).s(a) () (R) is false
G0U (R) (8) (A) is true but
(3) (A)
(R) is true
(4) (A)AEGo (R) DU (4)
(b)(e)a) (2) (A) is false but [P. T.O.
(16) 1374-D
Iwith List IIand
Match List Iwith ListI and 31. Match List
-1 AOOiasOO 30 the correct answer
30. J-I 31, select the correctanswer sele
using codes given below this using codes given below this
ist : 1ist :

(B) ListI Important International Borders

Name of the Name of the ListI cn List-II
Name of the Between Nations
Solar Park State

Karnataka OBoundary
insiqjas A
Bhadla solar(a)
. b park (a) USA and Canada
(a) (91785 ) 17th
(b) Tamil Nadu
() Kurnool ultra
mega solar Ii) 20th/tow b) South Vietnam and
park M.Parallel North Vietnam
(üi) 313e fti) Kamuthi solar (c) Madhya haosst (c) Libya and Sudan
power project.isPradesh Parallel
1abierto.8 ()
fw) Rewa ultra (d) Andhra (u), 38thies i(a) Iran. and Iraq
mega solar Pradesh Parallel
addsLsarH plant
le): Soúth Koreajand
t o

ibersioM ioitototD 3AAYe) Rajasthan North Korea

fiti) (iv)
(iv) 9(i)
(b) (1) (b) (c).(d) (e)
((1) (a). (d) (b) (1) (b)i (
(1) (a) (d)
() (e
1A) to
((2) (a) (b) ((c)
sioiisasit9 (2) (2) (a) (d)
9u (2).(b) i(a)c) (s(d) (e) (a) (b)

(b) (3)(b) -t(3)o(b)n (d): s(a) ((C

o[3) (d) i(a) (8) (e) (a) (b) (c
(4) (b) ()) (b) (c) (a) (4) (a) (e)
/574-D (18) I374-D (19) [P;T:0.
National financial systems 34. Given below are two
er 32 2statements, one is labelled as
34. pedDor aifer along three dimensions.
They are
Assertion (A) and the other is
9701004 labelled as Reason (R):
Equal Exchange, Market,
Binancial Institutions Assertion (A): Before the
(A) (2) Investments, Sustainable
arrival of temperate
abeãod Development, Regulation cyclones, the air temperature
(2)OBsrito, Ro.9 starts increasing suddenly.
(3). Intermediation,
Reason (R) South-Westerly
(3) , retaion, winds blow at the front of
(4) Resources, Intervention, Cer temperate cyclones.
(1) Both are correct and (R)
(4) Jodoriso, is the correct explanation
sbazsC 33. Consider the following
(1) oddo tOUN abs (R) of (A)
Iollszs statements: (R)
newest (2) Both are correct and
Statement-I: The correct
o is the not the
(2) odtao IOOON3 (R)
basaltic crust is on both sides explanation of (A)
the Mid Atlantic Ridge. (R) is
Uns(3) (A) is Correct but
(3) (A) 30aonGngw, (R) Statement-II : The converging
movement of plates is taking incorrect
woriOs. lsilsts place along the
Mid-Atlantic (4) (A) is incorrect but (R) is
(4) (A) dopnd dd (R) H
Ridge. 0jAsvuay
(1) Statement-I is correct
Statement-II is an
35. Which of the following
incorrect intrusive topography created
(2) Both,are. correct and by volcanoes?
D3 (intrusive topography) Statement-II is the Laccoliths

correct explanation for

(i) Sill
(3) Statement-I is incorrect () Stocks
Statement-II is
(1) ) only
U(2) (i) only(
(1) () pg (4) Both Correct but
(2) () ang (E) Statement-II is not the (3) () and (i) only
explanation for
Correct A of the above
) a (i) sng (4)
II, i
aseStatement-I [P. T. O.
/574D (20)
below are two
Match List-I with List II: 37. Given
statements, one is labelled as
37. Br Assertion (A) and the other is :

ListI List-I labelled as Reason (R)

(Name of
features) Ocean)
Assertion (A) Ocean
temperature remains constant
(A): ertoo udoto (a) Puerto Rico: () Western (hbeyond the depth of 1000
1000 stpino AdaoNds. deep
o:ueIslands g

) Sunda trench (i). Central, Reason (R) Vertical

Southern temperature in
(u distribution of
Pacific ocean
the deep ocean is controlled

(b) OO3 8,o5 (i) density driven water

(c Romanche (ti) Ocean
ginlajei ggigig lo norovom (A) and (R) are true.
oitn (1),-(A) ab (R) dae tOctons. cctoi'esbIG (1) Both
(a) Tonga trench (iv) Eastern Indian (R) is the Correct
(R);. (A) odotAOoDO of (A)? )
(d) tioeoro š, os (u) osF oodo lael0cean T0E Sexplanation
(a) (b) (c) d)
bsts913 ydqngogo:vi:dassi rue.
(a) (b)scuslc) (d) bos (2) (A) odo (R) (2) Both (A) hd (R) are
dao to. (R) ce(R) is the incorrect
n2ruilonan. fiv) i) be explanatio of (A)
(1) ) (iv) (üi) ()

(3) (2) (w)

(2) (v) (A)ŽDotensdo (R)
3) (A) 1S true but (R) is false
(3) (i) (3) () 3)
(4) (A) dbd (R) Both (A) and (R) are false
(4) ()
ddo do. (4)
/574D (22) I374D
38. aoODR WOoDO:
38. Match the following : 40. With respect to|Africa)which of
(a)Alluvial soil i) Cotton the following statements is/are
not correct?)
ob) Black soil () Rice (a) The main Abyssinian
sod ara cl Brown soil (ii) Tea Highland is formed of
thick layers of basalt in
(b) dnotodbcdQdos aaROodD d) Red soil (iv) m
K Wheat Africa.

0i (a) Iic (b) >c 4_-

(a) (b) Major hydel power project
(c)o is on. Victoria falls in
(1) () (iži) a! Zambia.
(2) (i) (2) ) (c) The highest peak is Ras
(iu) Dashen located in South
i)) (iu) Africa.

2) (a) doe (b) aos (ti) (t). (1)"(a) only

O4) () 9iier ()(ü) (3) (b) bdo (c) aDE
(2)(a) and (b) ony
(4) (c) dRg 39. Match the following ()

D (3) (b) and (c) only

39. osDUdbdQca
Himalayan Passes to the e(4). (e) only
41. '%0odod o8' (Way of the hco.respectivesStatesthey are
present in 41. Way of the Elders' is part of
S9 which branch?
(a) BaralLalacha () Arunachal
(1) Jocdb Pradesh (1) Vajrayana.
(2) QoaD3 (ü) Himachal (2) Theravada
(b) Nathula
(3) Pradesh }

bOtDI (3) Mahayana

(4) dwDFEO
() Zojila (üi) Sikkim ICG4) Nirvana
oro1s (a) Bomdila (u) J &K
(a) (b) (c) (a) 42. Which countiy is not a part of
(a) (b) Amazon river system
(1) (i) (iu)
(1) go (1) Brazil

(2) tinODod (s(2) Bolivia

(3) () (iv) (i) i) (3) Peru.u]
(3) dd (3) (i)
(U(4) Argentina
(4) fi) [P.T.O.
(24) /574-D
OMR Number

43. "s 5e,

o8'o egesw .0 43. Jasmine Revolution' is 45. Identify the incorrect
(1) DOBOrSt (1),against military
involvement in public C
(a) Sertao' is known as drier
land or semi-arid
(2) related, with increased region.
flower production The world's highest
(b) (b)
jssiW (3) against Corruption, cto7 waterfal1Jimmy Angel 4

political daGT Falls' is located NAynSAR

Poverty. and
Colombia 4
(4) repression
Baa .sidri 8 (c) Amazon is third longest
cH(4):against underemployment river in the world.
(1). (a) and (c) only
44. J0do 44. Match the following pairs

(a) and (b) only ()

yirto (p (1) (2) (a) (b) aDe
Lakes and OSFeatures

(3) (a), (b) (c) (3) (a), (b) and

(4) :
Rivers (4) (b) and (c) only
a(c) äDg,tsM e8
o (a) Assalh (w). Fourth-longest
(a) SO eseesi VsleiH Unde river in Africa Match :
46. the following pairs D

(x),World's second River Ocean/Sea)

(b) Victoria
largest fresh Azov
cEC ater iake (a) Volga river (w) Sea of
Kara Sea of
(a) oee (c) Zambezi (y) Leopu river
(b) Ob river ()
Arctic ocean
sbevssIT .

(d) Shebelle (z) More than 150 m (c) Don river (y) Caspian sea
below.. sea-level
(d) aeO (d) Amur river z) Sea of Japan
150 a0e.noT d), (a) )() (e)(a)
iha lw)
vg (1) () (9)2u) (1) (9) (z)
(a) (b)tr (c)sini(d) (a) () () fw)
(y) (2 )-)u) ) (2) (9) ()
(1) w) x (w)
()2vi(w) (S(z) (i2) ( (9 (w) (3) (2)
(9)w) ( (3) (y) (2)

3) a), U(3) (y) (w) (E() (w)

(4) (9).
(4) (z) ()
) IP:
(4) (z) 69tnsw) J574D (2
/574D (26)
47 ei'noitsrlovaSt uint 47 uobedience must be rendered 50. Whom did the numismatist
to mother and father, likewise Edward Thomnas call the
to elders, firmness must be Prince of Moneyers?
showntowards animals, truth OE(1) Iltutmish
must be spoken, these same
S2(1)atba boalo (2) Balban
moralvirtues must be
(2) practiced. In the same way the (3) Alauddin Khalji
reverence to
.(3) SDOo pupil must show Muhammad Bin Tughlug
the master and one must Juua
aota ooT behave in a suitable manner Pso Kuaua
towards relatives" was 51. Arrange the following events
engraved in which edict of in chronological order :1
emperor Ashokai:i1g8C .
(2) III J wOŠdeD ) Treaty of Madras i169
(1) Rock Edict I
Subsidiary treaty n38e
(3) XI
ewosete TON (2) Rock Edict II.1 GEUi)
itCszs (i) Treaty of Mangalore

(ii) aborisodo wso (3) Rock Edict XI

(iv) Treaty of Srirangapatna
(iv) 9,etorttago ziadoc S(4)-Pillar Edict VIIG8ea
48. cDd Choose the correct answer:
osd tOOdO aREDOD,
from the options given below
48. Under:whose reign
Makunda the süb capital of co (1)),: (i), (iv) and-(ti) }
s(1) bFNE bs (1) (), (ii), (iv) odo (ii)V(o) Gangas? 132
-siesTho 1
makuuda (2) ), (iv), (ii) and (ü)
(2)o 9vh sgloV.4o) (2) 0, v), (iti) soa () (1) Durvinita kovalaa
(3) (i),
, (üi)
and (iv)
2) Mushkara Manyoputa
(3) 0OE (3) (i), (9, (iti) doz (iv)
(4) , (4) ii), (), (iv) tos y (3) Bhuvikrama
(4) (i), (1 (iv) and ()

(4) Sripurusha 52. Who among the following was

52. osd instrumental in the formation
49., 3Šodo abeod seodo 3Orirta Which Chola ruler abolished
49. CE of the first women's university
many taxes on the people and in India?
got the title of Sugandha (1):Ishwar Chandra
(1) oo
(1) Bdddog
Vritta? oc Vidyasagar
amorof Rajendra Chola I
(2) Mrs. Ramabai
(2) (2) 30.20.H,otddo (2) Rajadhiraja I Soiseafsus
(3) D. K. Karve
(3) ad. totseog (3) a.8.siF 3) Virarajendra Mahadev Govind Ranade
(4) ose todoetont (4) s
(4) Kulotunga I

[P. T. O.
/574-D (28) I574D (29)
53. DeONOB woa, DOEI ieEs
56. "9Qesrood sso Sepoys from Meerut, who 56. subject people has no soul,
53. just as a slave can have
TeDaORNOQdood...B entered the Red Fort through a
.....A man without a soul is
the Raj Ghat to appeal to
Bahadur Shah II to assume mere animal, A nation without
the leadership of the revolt a soul is only a dumb driven
against the British, met him cattle" was said by.
on Dg (1 Bipin Chandra Pal
(1) 22e be, 1857 22nd May, 1857 Time. (2) Balgangadhar Tilak
(3) l,
Bc(2) Alj be, 1857 ereth
(2) May, 1857 s(8). Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
ihas (3):11Je oN, 185711A .ra 'agvitcloI ebtswOt 1ith June, 1857 C(4) Lala Lajpat Ri
(4) 223e aON, 1857 4
57. 8hsie aooOA WOObO: (4) 22 June, 1857 57. Match the following

List I
List I
,aa, 1oj5ca). 54. The Act that made the
(a) 8. OTE (a) G. Subramania () Sudharak
provision for a weekly holiday
for the-1first time for all the
fi fü) Swadesh
(1) workers in India was (b) Moti Lal
,32e TDa The Factory Act of Great
Ghosh Mitra
KüAPitain - Gokhale Amrita
(c) G. K. (iüi)
1937 Bazar Patrika
(2). ooso Toci
(d) w.00.Ae)o3.(fu) eaWOGO (2) The First Indian Factory (d) N. M. (iv) Deen
Act 1881 Rirpon E
1891 (3) HheSecond Indian (a) (b) (c) (a)
L(2) Factory Act - 1891
Aiv )
(4) None of the above
J10(1 )
(u) (2) (ü) () (iv)
(4) (iv) (iti) (i) ÞIOS(3)
S5. (ä)
55. Oneof the founding fathers of
(the Indian National Movement (4) (iv) i) )
and the first Indian journalist
to go to jail was 58. In which month,and year, was
b(1) deodD 0,JBFF Haqdaya
(1) JwoJo 1, 1914 Ghadar party established?
(1) Surendranath Banerjee
(2) 2DrrorDpd 3os sab (2) obi:gtei
dowo 1911 1) November 1, 1914;
(2) Balgangadhar Tilak Ji
(3) .8. (3) doowOS 2, 1912 (i(2)November 4, 1911:
(3) G. G. Agarkar
(4) dabey 23o, bE (4) Jozo® l, ((3). November 2, 1912
/574-D (30) () Romesh Chandra Mitra ((4) November 1, 1913
I374-D (31) [P. T.O.
which year, was the Special 62. Match List
with List-II:
59. DdtoŠerg o' 62. R
EConomic Zone (SEZ)? Act
List -I List-I
Gmplemented in India?
(1) 2004 (a) Rangarajan i) PPP models of
committee infrastructure
3yi: (1)2004ri eite (2) 2005
(2) 2005 esiits (3)2006
(3) 2006:i) ricrít! (a) dooo (4) 2007 (b) Narasimhamn (ü) Insurance
(4) 2007 Committee reforms:

60. When was the Provision

Urban Amenities to Rural Area Kelkar(tüi) Poverty
(c) Vijay
60. yoUsoo "re,aera estimates
() zbOETso (PURA)? scheme introduced in committee
mdia? (d) Malhotra.. (iv) Financial 4
(PURA) coeKNadb a a
(1) 2003. APJ sector reform
7eam committee (4

(2) 2004 090000G000

(1)2003 (3) 2005 00 oe


(2) 2004 (4)2006ooscar: (1) () (tv)

(3) 2005 (2) (i) (i) i)
61. Math the following the (4

(a) (b) () Development Programmes (i) (iti)(v)

(3) )
(1) (ti) and its Launched Year: (4)

(4) (i) (iu) (iti) 4

(2) (i)fi)
(a) Pradhan Mantri Jan- ) 2018
Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) (4

(a) bog, os-GJa f) (b) Pradhan Mantri uac (i) 2016

) 2018 63. Find the probability of getting
ooRK (PMJDY) Jeevan Jyoti 2 diamonds if we draw 2 cards (4
aoog, seaddo, c8 (i) 2016 Bima Yojana at random from a pack of 52
63. vo 52 (PMJBY) cards.
(©) Pradhan Mantri Jan (ül 2014)
() gqoNbog, tos sdAn, (ii) 2014 oDedO 2 Arogya Yojana
(PMJAY) (4)
cioeB (PMJAY)
(@) Pradhan Mantri.& fv) 2015
(iu) 2015 1
(1) Mudra Yojana (2)
17 (PMMY) 14
(a) (b) () (d) (2)iRinK2 (a) (b) (d)

14 (3)
(1) ) (ii) (iu) (üi) fi) (iv) (4)

(2)(fii) () ) 3) (2)
ü (iv)
(3):i)S (fv)s() feti) 15,sa.0 (3) () fiv)

(4) (iv) i 9i) i) () (iv) (ti) 12

/574-D (32) 374-D (33)) |P. T. 0.:
67. 1
0od6 eotre ta, 6 drtioe triple point o8RT
64. At
67. When a fair die with 6 faces
numbered 1 to 6 is thrown
(1) only the temperature is twice, what is the probability
that the sum of the two throws
(2) only the Pressure is fixed is not 8 given that the sum is
(1) 11/18 13) sometimes pressure and
to 0
sometimes temperature is
(1) 11/ 18
(2)7/1gíian fixed
i (3)
(2) 7/18
5/18,rno U9
(4) both the temperature and (3) 5/18
(4) 13/18 pressure are fixed
(4) 13/ 18
65. x
+y:3x–y=3:4 68. 1
0o3 300dsons (50die 65. If x+y:3x-y-3:4, then
-y:x+y=p 68. What is the number of integers
(1) 1: 4 c
gEDFOETG 2, 3 oro between 1 and 300, both 4

-E (1)
1:4 inclusive, which are divisible
(2) 2:5 by any of the integers 2, 3 and
(3) 2:3
(2) 2:5 52

(4) 1 :
(1) 240.i BInsta
nsit ( (3) 2: 3 240 CO:
(2) 260 sM Lstlber
(4) 16 (2)260 tu n) 4
(3) 220 G
66. A:
torsodBeNO) 35 (3) 220 tE

(4)200 66. If a person can complete a


certain task in 35 days and (4) 200
B cto , another person Bis 40% more
Jondo sriso 69. Joa, 3.. efficient than. then- how

many days does it take for B 69. What is the remainder when
30 is divided by 7?

(1) 25 Qano cnto complete the task?

(1) 1
(1) (1) 1 t
25 days
(2) 35 Qsis (2) 2 In 8 (i)
(2) 2
(2) 35,days
(3) 20 Osi (3) 3

(8) 20 days
ES () (3) 3
(4) 15 Qsriso (4) 4
(4) 15 days (4) 4
/574-D (34)
T574D (35) [P. T. O.
folded to
0. many different. strings
How 72. If: the given figure isamong
form box, which the
70. FLOWER (sequences) of length,4 can be
formed using the letters of the boxes below will be formed?
word FLOWER? ()
(1) 360 1|Y
irno8) 2
3|4 8S
(2) 550 349x0 (2) 550
dtod ()
(1) ()
(3) 470 (3) 47O

o (4)640
oldizivib ote roiriw ,9viaubri (3)
(3) 4

71. Theaverage of five

71. 5 OE,
aS KSO dorO 4)
(4) tasrconsecutive even numbrs A, (4) 2
46 endoA bo B, C,
Dand E is46. What is
Cso the product of. A and,C?
73. oe) Aerio otsoODDen 22 73. A jogger facing south walks 22
230 m, then he turns to his right
(1) 1848 brt 3d0 19 ae.nta 23OROTRN, 1) 1848 and walks 19 m,s then he
TOsogo wO
3O 18 . turns to his right and walks
18 m. Again he turns to his
$Cbn 16 right and walks 16 m. How far
(2) 1932 6sbviheC (2)1932 2 is he from his starting point?
(1) 8 m
(1) 8 m
(3) 2024 (3) 2024 (2) 5 m
5 m
2r (3) 25 m
(3) 25
(4) 2400 (4) 9 m (4)2400 0:à
(} (4) 9 m
(36) I374D (37) [P. T.Ô
77. Chemical composition of
77.1,DAofe 74. Which of the following
arrangements of questions is sanitizer is
9 17 28 33 in increasing order?
13'26'39'52 9 17 28 33 (1) Methanol and Butanol
17 28
() 1326'39'52
(2) 933
26 39'13'52 17 28 9 33 (2) Ethanol and Methanol
(2) 26 39'13'52
28 917 33
39'13' 26' 52 28 9 17 33
A (3) Ethanol and Isopropanol
33 17 39'13' 26' 52
(4) 928 (I)
52'26'13'39 33 17 9 28
OTA (E) (4)
(4) Ethanol and Butanol
75. AROts
Bi aooto oe TŠtsTO 78. aoDU Ben 9 rnor dd
75. Three railway tickets from city
do. 165. ANod Bi od) S
A to B and three from city A to 78. Two clocks are set correctly at
obco 9 am on Monday. Both the
cost 165. Two tickets from

to Biand three fromn A to C

clocks gain 3 min and 5 min
140. ANoG C AEBd ,oioO Bo What is the fare for respectively in an hour. What
9vâ 5 0arie ddatbug. arcost140. cc time will the second clock,clock
city C from city A?
register, if the first
(1). 20
t0 (1)T 20 which gains 3 min in an hour,
(2) 30 oRot2)R30 shows the time as 27 min past
6 pm on the same day?
idgn(8) (3)40
5i(4) 50
i adls
er o
bas (4) 50
axllsw bre J'ar er1TLS (1) 6: 27 pm
(1) Jos 6:27
76. Select the pigment present in
white paint.5) (2) 6: 25 pm
Jos 6:25
()Fe,9 (1) Fe,O3
(3) J0s 6:45 (2) TiO, (3) 6: 45 pm
(3) Cu,o (3) Cu,o
(4) Cr,os (4) Jo8 6:50004S (4) Cr,O, (4)650- pm t i

1574-D (38) /374-D (39) [P. T.0.

ge 80. What comes in the place
80. tosO södote, o9.
ds Read the following information
carefully and answer the question mark (P) in the given
eTOR : QrDus
question given below
6, 12, 20,, 30, ?,56, There are six members in 72
() od (I)
12, 20, 30, ?, 56,
a family
(1) 32 3(1)c32
(II) sos do A, B, C, D, E tod
(I) The members are A, B, C,
(2) 36 D, E
and F
8e) (2)36
(III) D, F (I1) D is the daughter of F,
(3). 403 who is the mother of E (3) 40

(4) 42 (IV) E is the daughter of A

(IV) E, A J aoo
V)A is the son of C
81. JPA eNdoda ,eonso oo 81. Two trains of equal lengths
(VI) The family consists of one take 5 seconds and 6 seconds
couple who have their respectively to cross a pole. If
CGoG% Parentsand their children these trains are moving in the
IE same direction, then howlong
Which of the following pairs will they take to cross each
are the parents of the other?3
(1) 5 išOdorteb
(1) 5 seconds
(1). BF. (1) BF
(2) 6 šosordo s siiulw (2) 6 seconds
(2) CF (2) CF
(3) 30 BOTOr
(3) BC OT (S) (3), 30, seconds
(3) BC

(4) beON aDa (4)

Se) 60 BOdr'EOH (4) None of th above (4) 60,.seconds
1574D (40) J574-D (41) |P.T:O.
a9. Which oneof the following 83. Which of
the following arenot)
were c
the-co main

necessariy the(consequences
recommendations of. the of. the proclamation of the
Cabinet Mission Plan? )1gub President's Rule in India? )
sU(9çlt proposed formation of
Federal Union consisting () Dissolution of the State
of British Indian provinces Legislative Assembly
-UE3G and Indian States, y (as

The of the
(ti) It suggested setting up of Ttb ()i Councilremoval
of Ministers in
a constituent Assembly to the State
frame. a Constitution of

ti) Dissolution of the local

Ccec (i) It provided for the setting self-governments
(iv) Beod
of an Interim
Government consisting of
Selec Takeover of the State
representatives of various (iv)
political parties. administration by the
Union Government
(iu) It Concededthe demand
for a separate Muslim ..) (E)
Select the answer
State. OGso yr) from the.code given below :
(1) 0, () b
iv)hirio Select the correct answer)
using the code given below sctoi(1)-o); (ä) and (iv)asS
(1) a
(), (i) (ii)
(2) ) abz (ii) (ii) and iti)
(1) ),
() (2)() and (ii) a.s )
(2) (i) os (iv) (2) (i) and (iv)
(3) (ü)
do fii)
(3) () sz (iu)
(3) () and (iv)cs (8)
(3) (i) and (ii)

(4) (9, (i) a (iv) ) (4)(), (ii) do (iv) (4)-0 (ti) and (tv)
) (9) 0, (i) and i)i(b)
/574-D (42) 574D (43) (P. T.0.
84. JoDOT 0DTi J0WOWO 86. oFOOD GiOEn yoCTao 84. Which of the following arethe 86. The Sarkaria Commission
of_ 73rd recommended the
important features.
Sgv Constitutional Amendment in Constitution of a permanent
ioG respect of Panchaya Raj? n tnter-State Council in India
: 0
Statement I 6 Bog Consisting of(6)
) Direct election lof Statement I:
members,at all levels. Union Cabinet Ministers and
the Chief Ministers of all the
) Mandatory provision of States.
StatementIIOL30 holding elections. .

1990 d Statement II : Inter-State

() BO e) (ii) Direct
election of cosCouncil has been created in
Chairpersons at thè April 1990.)
vlorrsa 1Rdtenoo village level (8)
(T<Statement IIIiri: aUbe Statement III: The President
(iv) Indirect- election ofA
of India is empowered to
Chairpersons at the
establish Inter-State Council if
21/13 intermediate and district
at any time it appears to him
levels. that the public interests would
correct answer be served by it (Article 263).
i oi(ODF263). Oocselect the
ortt () 0,(ü)
(ii) GEIs;from the code given belowg
(1) Only II and II
(1) II DS III DE, (1) 6), (i) and (t)
(2) (ii) (2) Only I and II
(2) (i), (iüiy
'and (tv)
(3) (. (i)
19werts ,ls2 Cs (3) I,IIland IIt
za (3) (), (i) and (iu)
(4) Only III
(4) ed. II
(3weng tom0tjslb2
(4) ), (i) and (iu)

87. Who is the author of the Book

85. Who proposed the concept of A Grammar of Politics?
One Man, One Vote?
(1) .00.Jrddotiis (ü (1) ey (1) James Bryyce
a1) K.. M. Panikkar
(2) G. D. H. Cole
(2) (2) G. D. H. &oOS (2) B. N. Rau AEOS)
(3) Herman Finer ()
(3) .J0.adb) (3)
aF P)(E) 3) K. M. Munshi
(4) (4)
s,., (iy
(4) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (4) H. J. Laski:
() I374-D (45) (P. T:O.
/574-D (44)
88, "D, It'sheall be the duty Indian Státe
88. of
the 90. Which
Union protect every State
to b imnplemented the right to recall
against external aggression elected representatives in the
internal disturbance and Panchayat leyel?
ensure that the Government
28ofevery State is carried on in
SS0accordance with the provisions (1) Kerala
(1) Beds
ioleivoO VIobaBM
this Constitution,"
gitiblor :
xestoitnefs (2) Karnataka
(2) BvFJ8 s2awhich among the following
dešoiAOOi GVATticles of
Constitution deals with the (3) West Bengal
(3) d,JOrTOSsIiv above statement?
togo 3529tri8,
Article 352
(4) Uttar Pradesh
3oiueib brs
.alsvsl .(2)6Article 353
(3) 9aggs 354 were
91 When awareness
91. gad adoDsDdoab c'sazobservers introduced to
(4) (3) Artcle 354
ss3 oferred 3iG Oversee the efficient and
eO2OUE3aDde 3orgs egod 4)Article (U) effective management of the
355zG. ki electoral_process at
the field
89. 3oeOJDONE Jso level?

(1) 89. Which vote is. giyen, to a

143¢"hdoetd s
(2004) registered voter, after s
(1)14 Lok Sabha Election
{oiprodücing all the documents, (2004)
if his vote is casted by an
15e doctyo S another-person?
(2) 15th Lok Sabha Election
(2009) (
(1) 230ŠONG ag (1) Challenged vote
(3) 163 {)
(2) e,, ob oesNo abd (3) 16th Lok Sabha Election
(2) Proxy vote
(o) (2014) {b, (h)
(3) E3oso s tensdoett (3), Tendered vote
(4) 173e
ss () Ballot io
(4) 17th Lok Sabha Election
1574-D (46)
/374D (47) [P. T. 0.
92. 368se SAOdib dODPOJO cdoe 92. Article368 empowers the 93. Match the following:
93. Parliament to amend. any
provision of the Constitution.
the following ) First ti(a) Contains the
Roduse (a) Amendments to the alterations LhSchedule Union list, State
they made to the Constitution: list and the
Concurrent list
(a) Reduced the
() le Bdada (a) 6) 1st
odDIU Amendment voting age froBz
nelJobo 21 dod A
21 to 18 Third (b) Contains the list
18 8aSREO Schedule of recognized
b) Schedule 9 was tsslanguages
fü) 24th
243 3dozda (b) 9Amendment inserted

(i) 52nd
(c) The defectioni (ii) Seventh(c) Contains the list
Amendmentof members Schedule of States and

elected on a Union Territories

709;C party ticket to gislu and their
nGRe3hCt cuCtr other party was

(o territories
made illegal
b9ocboTi oaas9n
(u) 61st (d) Conferred (iv) Eighth (d) Contains the
(iv) oWe (d) 3,osssris hgyAnmendment power to the Schedule Forms of Oaths,
oeParliament to or Affirmations
amend any part
of the
Cosoator3Constitution () (iu)
Dcpe. as cnc0 Fundamental
TRights (
(1) ) (c)
(a), (b) (d)
(i) (2füi) (iv) (iv)
ofoy bhastet) ((2) 6) (d)
(2) (b) (c)
c) (a)
(1) (a) (b) (a) (c) (a) (c) (1):c(a)(b)(d)
(d) c) (a)
(2) ) (d)(c) (a)
(2) (6) ( (3) (c) (a) (a)b)
(b) (a) (c) b) (a)
(3) (a) (3) (a) (b)

(4) (o (4) (d)c) (b) ( (a)

(4) (d) b) (a) (a)() oil "(a) (4) (d) gc (c) (b) (()
(48) I374D (49) [(P.T. O.
examining various 95. Thens! impartiality
aoodod 94. After independence of the Judiciary
94. gdostooi, osoyit sidai 6s: 95. Constitutions worldwide, as
essential for the
aoted by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. are
which provisions from which enforcement of Fundamental
countries were incorporated Rights. The Indin
empowers the Judiciary to
into the Indian Constitution? enforcement
issue writs for the
rights. In consideration
tel of these
GE a) Ireland following
) Parliamentary of this, identify the
) JOOe JOFO oro System of statements that are correct.
aE (a).
(a) FundamentalRights
Government and the
olirbano2. TDOFortd guaranteed by
Cabinet System Constitution applyof not
to actions. the
Federalis (,(b) saBjust
Executivè but also to
tei! () Quasi 1; those of the Legislature.
and Residual Executive or
o (b) Any
Powersa Legislative act that
Th infringes upon a,these
(c) šiD shall be deemed
f rights
fi) Fundamental Rights(c) Canadag with courts
and Judicial Review empowered to make such
declarations. cifl
(iy) Directive Principles (d) USA
(c) Courts have jurisdiction
to enforce Fundamental
of State Policy a
Rights against private
entities and individuals
() (ti) (iv) may grant
fti) u)
y) Compensation for
(1) (a) (d) (b) d) Courts cannot act either
spontaneously or in
respornse to Public
(&o0SO) olt
(s(2) (B (d) (c) (a) 3,08,ooodoN
(a) Interest Litigations (PILs)
(b) bga) hövto coWhen exercising their
i(1) .ASEtSjurisdiction.
(a) (a) (Cb)
(a), (b) d
() g (1) (a), (b) and (c) only
3) () (2) (a), (e) dod (d) atog (3) (ci (a) (a) b and (d). only
(3) (a), (b) (3) (a), (b) and (d) only
od (d)
(4)All of the above
((4) (b) (c) (d) ((a)
(51) [P:TO.
/574-D (50) 574D
g6. Who authored the book titled Od) A beam of light
The Indian Constitution : The illuminates the path of
SNbiit Cornerstone of a Nation? the beam in the colloidal
cloidw ino
(1) Granville Austin
Which of the above statements
(2) John Austin is/are incorrect with respect
to Tyndall effect?
(3) ss (3) George Austin
(1) (c) is incorrect
(2) (a) (4) H. M. Seervai
isnidso (2) (a) is incorrect
(3) (a) doNG
97, 97. The element common to all (3) (d) is incorrect
(d}mobsiesi acids is are incorrect
(4) (b), (d)
febies1 brs
(1) (1) hydrogen
(2) TOFJ (2) carbon 99. The focal length of spherical
sbsntooTwoNt?sLsbniai -mirror depends on
bioz woivo
(3) sulphur
isioibi brre
83ot 3, (1) radius of curvature
(4) sa8na A(2)
(2) medium
vorlog 6te 10
98. 3oD TOEDb 0JOQAJOs BA a 98. Consider the following material mediumn of mirror
Baot statements with respect to

Tyndall effect (4) temperature
(a) toiln (a) The phenomenon can be
100. 703 used to distinguish a 100. Central Avian Research
colloidal solution from a Institute is located at
aerioO3 true solution.
(p (1) 0deO, udO &des (1) Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
() (b) It is a phenomenon of
(2) oDU, TOoO scattering of light by sol (2) Hisar, Haryana
(3) orto',DotsO (3) Avikanagar, Rajasthan
(c) Tyndall effect can be seen
in true solutions. (4) Mysore, Karnataka
(52) /574-D (53 )
[P. T. O.

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