Model Practice Set: General Intelligence
Model Practice Set: General Intelligence
Model Practice Set: General Intelligence
(2) Rs. 210
(1) Rs. 220
(3) 3 29%
5 (4) of these
(3) Rs. 310 (4) Rs. 320 None
38. A can do a piece of work in 6 44. Which of the following nun-
and C
days. B takes 8 days would bers is divisible by 6?
7 and
(2) 2 kmph takes as long as (1) 23,408 (2) 43,923
take working together. B and (3) 1,00.246 (4) 3.49,722
(3)5 C working together will com 45. At an election where there.
kmph plete thework in :
4 two candidates only. the ca
2 didate who gets 43% of th.
(4) 8 kmph u) days (2) 2,, days
31. The ratio between the Present votes is rejected by a marin
of 420 votes. The total num.
ages of Ram and Mohan is 6:
7 and the sum of their Present 3
3 days ber of votes polled were:
ages is 39 years. What is the
(3) 3 days (4)
(1) 3000O (2) 3500
age of Ram ? 39. Acistern is normally filled in (3) 2500 (4) 2800
(1) 15 yTS (2) 16yrs 8 hours but takes 2 hours Directions (46-50) : Study (he
(3) 17 yrS (4) 18yTS. longer to be filled because of a following bar-graph carefuly and
32. In the following number series leak in the bottom. If the cis answer the questions given belowit
tern is full. the leak willemp Amount of fertiliser manufac.
one term is wrong. Find out the ty in :
wTOng term. turedby a company over the
484, 441,400, 360, 324. (1) 20 hrs (2) 36 hrs years (in thousand tons)
(3) 40 hrs (4) None of
(1) 484 (2) 360
these 50
(3) 400 (4) 441 45
33. Which fraction is the smallest
40. A person sets to cover a dis 40
tance of 12 km in 45minutes. 40 35
3 30
17 33 37 If he covers of the distance 30 25
26 13' 52' 52
2 20
33 17 in rdtime. What should be 15
(1) 52 (2) 26 his speed to cover the remain
Ihad invited (1)/ all my sister 61. In the following question, a
many times the increase in sentence has been given in
manufacture from 2007 to in-laws (2)/ to my son's birth
day party. (3)/ No error (4) Direct/Indirect speech. Oul of
2008? the four alternatives suggest
(1) 1 (2) 2 55.Select the word which means ed, select the one which best
the sarne as the group of words
(3) 3 express the same sentence in
(4) None of these given. Indirect/Direct speech.
Repetition of an initial sound
50. The manufacture in 2007 was in two or more words of a line The client said to the ticket
what percentage of manufac seller. "At what time do the
ture in 2004 ? (1) Assonance (2) Rhythm cOunters close?"
(1) 100 (2) 50 (3) Alliteration (4) Rhyme (1) The client asked the tick
(3) 200 (4) 150 56. In the following question, out et-seller at what time the
of the four alternatives, select counters closed.
GENERAL ENGLISH the altermative which best ex (2) The client asked the tick
presses the meaning of the id et-seller at what time did
51. Select the most appropriate iom/phrase. the counters always close.
synonym of the given word. Run out of steam
(3) The client said to the tick
TIMID (1) To lose impetus or enthu et-seller at what time the
(1)Shy (2) Willful siasm
counters close.
(3) Kind (4) Strong (2) To work quickly like a ma
chine (4) The client inquired to the
52. Improve the bracketed part of ticket-seller at what time
the sentence. (3) To give up easily the counters usually close.
IfI(have had) money, I would (4) no more money to spend 62. Improve the bracketed part of
have bought this car. 57. Select the word with the cor the sentence.
(1) had rect spelling. This palace (has been belong
(2) did have (1) haunchhes ing)to our family since gener
(3) had had (2) exulltant ations.
(4) No improvement (3) marketted (1) has belonging
53. Given below are four jumbled (4) transmit (2) has belonged
sentences. Out of the given 58. Select the most appropriate (3) belonged
options, pick the one that gives ANTONYM of the given word. (4) No improvement
their correct order. CONSPICUOUS
63. Given below are four jumbled
A So, what exactly are we eat (1) Obscure (2) Apparent sentences. Out of the given
ing? (3) Distinct (4) Noticeable options pick the one that gives
B. They found that the vegetables 59. Select the word with the cor their correct order.
contained very high, toxic lev rect spelling. A. You've probably noticed.
els of banned pesticides, and (1) stumbal (2) wrinkeled with great disappoint
the pesticide levels were more (3) bristles (4) reasert ment, that the battery
than 1000 times the permissi 60. In the following question, a doesn't seem to last as
ble levels.
sentence has been given in long as it did when it was
C. And ís our food gíving rise to Active/Passive voice. Out of brand new.
themany health problems to four alternatives suggested, B. Partial charging is just
day ? select the one which best ex fine for lithium-ion batter
D. Asurvey conducted by the Food presses the same sentence in ies and can actually have
Safety and Standards Author Passive/Active voice. some positive benefits for
ity of India under the Union The payment was collected by cell longevity.
Agriculture Ministry tested the hardworking salesman. C. Smartphone users are for
randorm sarmples of vegetables (1) The hardworking salesman ever in search of longer
in markets all over India. collected the payment.
(1) ADCB (2) DBAC
battery life, but, unfortu
(2) The salesman who worked nately, battery capacity
(3) DACB (4) ACBD hardwas able to collect the inevitably declines wilh
54. In the following question, payment. age.
Some part of the sentence may (3) To collect the payment the D. However, one thing y0u
have errors. Find out which salesman had to work can do to prolong the lile
part of the sentence has an hard. of your battery and hand
error and select the appropri (4) The hardworking salesman set is partial charging.
ate option. If a sentence is free was able to collect the pay (1) CDAB (2) CADB
Irom error, select 'No Error. ment. (3) BADC (4) ACDB
(3) Rivers
64. In the following question, the (4) Think carefully of the con
sequences (4) Atmosphere
sentence is given with blank to
be filled in with an appropri Directions (71-75): In the fol 79. Which one of the following is
lowing passage some of the words an insectivorous plant?
ate word. Select the correct
alternative out of the four. have been left out. Read the pas (1) Utricularia
The department has a sage carefully and select the correct (2) Sequoia Gigantia
complaint against Mr. Bakshi. answer for the given numbered (3) Nostoc
blank out of the four alternatives. (4) Bryophyta
(1) expressed
(2) registered In Greek mythology, it is said 80. is a multibranched
(3) informed that Lycurgus, the ruler of Sparta, polysaccharide of glucose that
(4) noted (71) a promise from his (72), assur serves as a form of energy stor
of his
following question, out ing him of the immutability (73) age in animals and fungi.
65. In the an
laws till he returned fromimmuta
of the four altermatives, select
theJourney. To make hís laws (1) Cellulose (2) Glycogen
the alternative which is ble, Lycurgus (74). Seven justices (3) Pectín (4) Chitin
best substitute of the phrase. of the Indian Supreme Court on a 81.Which of the following gas
A hollow object used to con historic day in 1973 christened leaked in the Bhopal Gas trag
tain something. themselves as modern-day Lycurgus edy in December 1984?
(1) platter (2) salver es, seeking to create, in India's con (1) Methyl isocyanate
(3) plate (4) receptacle stitutional context, an island of im
(2) Methyl isochlorate
66. In the following question, the mutability, (75) titled the "basic (3) Methyl phosphate
sentence is given with blank to structure".
be filled in with an appropri 71. (1) elicited (2) derived (4) Methyl isopropate
ate word. Select the correct (3) evinced (4) attested 82. is used for making vine
alternative out of the four. gar.
72. (1) nation (2)society
He has a interest in (1) Tartaric acid
studying human psychology. (3) subjects (4) community (2) Malic acid
(2) wide 73. (1) impending
(1) deep (2) brewing (3) Oxalic acid
(3) vast (4) heavy (4) Acetic acid
67. In the following question, (3) approaching
83. Who built Shantiniketan?
some part of the sentence may (4) looming
have errors. Find out which 74. (1) did not return (1) Guru Ramdas
part of the sentence has an (2) never did return (2) Maharaja Pratap Singh
error and select the appropri (3) never returns (3) Rabindra Nath Tagore
ate option. (4) never returned (4) British Govt.
Ifa sentence is free from error,
75. (1) timely 84. The language in which Buddha
select No Error'.
(2) aptly preached?
Due to me being new (1)/ to (1) Hindi (2) Urdu
(3) opportunely
the city, Ihad (2)/ difficulty in (3) Pali (4) Hebrew
finding a job. (3) / No error (4) (4) pertinently
68. Select the synonym of 85. If the average total cost is Rs
GENERALAWARENESS 54, total fixed cost is Rs. 45000
(1) evacuate (2) presSurize 76. Which of the following trees and quantity produced is 2500
units, find theaverage variabie
(3) thrust (4) float will you find in the Littoral costs (in Rs.) of the firm:
69. Select the antonym of forests ?
(1) 24 (2) 18
genteel. (1) Chinar (2) Ebony (3) 36 (4) 60
(1) uncivilized (3) Sundari (4) Cypress of demand states tha
86. The law
(2) stuffy 77. Who among the following is the
of a good in
(3) urbane (4)prim 15th Chairman of the Finance (1) if the price
creases, the demand lor
70. Select the most appropriate Commission of India ?
that good decreases.
meaning of the given idiom. (1)Y.V. Reddy
Look before you leap (2) Vijay L. Kelkar (2) if the price of a good t
creases,the the demand tor
(1) Prepare yourself before (3) C. Rangarajan that good increases.
jumping (4) N.K. Singh good
(2) Caution others before tak 78. Blue Revolution deals with : (3) if the price of a
creases, the quantity
ing a step (1) Nuclear Energy manded of that good
(3) Pull someone out from a
(2) Fisheries creases.