Combat Commander Europe Faq
Combat Commander Europe Faq
Combat Commander Europe Faq
Change the word "may" in rules O21.6 and A24.2 to
"must". This change will affect the play of Ambushes
during Melee and Op Fire/Hidden Mines/Hidden Wire
during an opponent's Move Order.
Card G-48
German card G-48 has a Rout "Action" across the top
where it should obviously be a Rout "Order" (like all the
other cards).
Version 7 February 15, 2008 American Cheat Card
This card lists two Hidden Entrenchments and one
COMBAT COMMANDER: Hidden Pillbox whereas the American Fate deck has
three of the former and none of the latter. The Fate deck
Official Errata Official Clarifications
British Heavy HMG Glossary, 5, O15
One of the two British Heavy MGs should say "Elim: 9- Where the text says to discard one or more cards,
10" on the back instead of "Elim: 3-10". The other one is replace it with any number of cards (you can discard
printed correctly. zero cards when passing).
Molotov Cocktail Markers 6.1.2
Treat the 0 on the back of these markers as a 10. In the second bullet of rule 6.1.2 add the following to the
Map 13 end of the sentence: "treat such an occurrence as
Hex D4 is a stream hex; the gully is supposed to end if a Time! trigger had been rolled."
exactly at the E4/D4 hex side. 6.3
Map 18 Replace Rule 6.3 with the following text:
Map 18 is missing the hex center dots. A game of Combat Commander will generally end in
one of four ways:
Official Clarifications 1) A player is forced to place one of his eliminated
T88.3.1 units in the space of the Casualty Track occupied
Any hex at the higher end of a Cliff is a Crest Hex. Treat by his Surrender marker;
the Hill line running along the higher end of the Cliff as 2) A players last unit on the map is eliminated;
the actual Crest Line. 3) A players last unit on the map Moves or
Advances off the map;
RS.7 & the German Support Table 4) A Sudden Death Roll [6.2.2] is made that is less
The "or" on the Huntziger/Bolter and Benzing/Grein rows than the number in the space currently occupied
means that either one OR the other leader is ever made by the Time marker.
available for purchase with a single roll, never both.
Objective Chits Modify the first sentence to start:
The (5/8) Objective Chits in CC:M completely replace If the first or second situation above occurs,
the (1/2) Objective Chits in CC:E.
Smoke/Fire Markers Modify the first sentence to start:
Mix the Smoke/Fire Markers in CC:M together with the If the third or fourth situation above occurs and the
Smoke/Fire Markers in CC:E. first two situations do not apply,
Amend rule 9.2 to read as follows:
New Official Errata When a scenario ends in a tie 0 VPs after
E52.1 Deploy Sudden Death or both players Surrendering
In the first sentence, the word "active" should instead be simultaneously, for example the player holding
"receiving". the Initiative card wins the game.
(The holder of the Initiative wins any game ending in a
Official Errata tie).
Note these errata and clarifications have all been O16.4.2
incorporated into version 1.1 of the rules Insert the following sentence at the end of rule O16.4.2:
published in Combat Commander: Mediterranean. If, due to a die trigger during a Melee Roll, one or