Combat Commander Europe Faq

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O21.6, A24.

Change the word "may" in rules O21.6 and A24.2 to
"must". This change will affect the play of Ambushes
during Melee and Op Fire/Hidden Mines/Hidden Wire
during an opponent's Move Order.
Card G-48
German card G-48 has a Rout "Action" across the top
where it should obviously be a Rout "Order" (like all the
other cards).
Version 7 February 15, 2008 American Cheat Card
This card lists two Hidden Entrenchments and one
COMBAT COMMANDER: Hidden Pillbox whereas the American Fate deck has
three of the former and none of the latter. The Fate deck
Official Errata Official Clarifications
British Heavy HMG Glossary, 5, O15
One of the two British Heavy MGs should say "Elim: 9- Where the text says to discard one or more cards,
10" on the back instead of "Elim: 3-10". The other one is replace it with any number of cards (you can discard
printed correctly. zero cards when passing).
Molotov Cocktail Markers 6.1.2
Treat the 0 on the back of these markers as a 10. In the second bullet of rule 6.1.2 add the following to the
Map 13 end of the sentence: "treat such an occurrence as
Hex D4 is a stream hex; the gully is supposed to end if a Time! trigger had been rolled."
exactly at the E4/D4 hex side. 6.3
Map 18 Replace Rule 6.3 with the following text:
Map 18 is missing the hex center dots. A game of Combat Commander will generally end in
one of four ways:
Official Clarifications 1) A player is forced to place one of his eliminated
T88.3.1 units in the space of the Casualty Track occupied
Any hex at the higher end of a Cliff is a Crest Hex. Treat by his Surrender marker;
the Hill line running along the higher end of the Cliff as 2) A players last unit on the map is eliminated;
the actual Crest Line. 3) A players last unit on the map Moves or
Advances off the map;
RS.7 & the German Support Table 4) A Sudden Death Roll [6.2.2] is made that is less
The "or" on the Huntziger/Bolter and Benzing/Grein rows than the number in the space currently occupied
means that either one OR the other leader is ever made by the Time marker.
available for purchase with a single roll, never both.
Objective Chits Modify the first sentence to start:
The (5/8) Objective Chits in CC:M completely replace If the first or second situation above occurs,
the (1/2) Objective Chits in CC:E.
Smoke/Fire Markers Modify the first sentence to start:
Mix the Smoke/Fire Markers in CC:M together with the If the third or fourth situation above occurs and the
Smoke/Fire Markers in CC:E. first two situations do not apply,
Amend rule 9.2 to read as follows:
New Official Errata When a scenario ends in a tie 0 VPs after
E52.1 Deploy Sudden Death or both players Surrendering
In the first sentence, the word "active" should instead be simultaneously, for example the player holding
"receiving". the Initiative card wins the game.
(The holder of the Initiative wins any game ending in a
Official Errata tie).
Note these errata and clarifications have all been O16.4.2
incorporated into version 1.1 of the rules Insert the following sentence at the end of rule O16.4.2:
published in Combat Commander: Mediterranean. If, due to a die trigger during a Melee Roll, one or

Combat Commander Official FAQ as of February 15, 2008 Page 1 of 4

both sides have no units remaining in the hex, is always locked in immediately prior to a Fire Attack
the Melee ends with no further effect. Roll or a Melee Roll. Morale is always locked in
Note that this effectively expands upon the last sentence immediately prior to a Fire Defense Roll, a Rally Roll
of O16.4.1. or a Rout Roll. The number in the space occupied by
the Time Marker is always locked in immediately
O20.3.2 prior to making a Sudden Death Roll. Any alterations
Clarify the first sentence of rule O20.3.2 to read: to these values due to the trigger resolution take
If the LOS from any firing piece (except Ordnance: effect after the effects of the Roll are determined.
[10.3.1]) and the target hex is hindered Q: After a Fire Attack Roll and before the Fire Defense
E42 Event General Rules Roll, if the Defender plays one of the Hidden
A Melee situation created as the direct result of an Event Fortifications Actions, will the Fortification affect the
is executed at the end of but still within that Event Cover in time to modify the Defenders Morale?
(so no further die triggers would be possible during that A: Yes. The Morale is not locked until the Roll is made.
Melee). 3.2 Broken Unit Capabilities
Counter Mix Limits Q: Can broken units Advance into an enemy hex for
Reinforcements and such (any pieces entering play via Melee?
Events) come from the unused counter mix. Any piece A: Yes. Broken units can do almost everything unbroken
on the Track Display is already in play (along with units can, just not nearly as well.
everything on the map). 3.3.1 Leaders, Command and their own FP
Maps Q: If the range is small enough, it is possible for a
Rule 7.2 refers to the maps as having dark gray Leader to contribute his FP (+1) and his Command
borders. This should obviously be brownish borders value as part of a Fire Group?
though this has zero impact on the actual play of the A: Yes. At 1-hex range a Leader participating in a Fire
game. Group will confer his Command bonus to the lead
piece's FP (assuming he is stacked with it) and then
Maps Crest Lines add +1 for itself.
For every Crest hex (two different levels of terrain), the
center dot of the hex is ALWAYS at the higher elevation. 6.1.2 Reinforcements during Time Advancement
All Crest Lines were highlighted but the highlight layer Q: When both sides have reinforcements coming in on
was inadvertently omitted during the printing process. the same Time! trigger, who sets them up first?
A: The inactive player always does things first whenever
Troop Quality there is cause for simultaneity. This is covered in the
Every nationality has Elite, Line and Green Teams. Glossary.
Every scenario will assign a player a Troop Quality of Q: Can reinforcements be placed into an enemy-
Elite, Line or Green. Whenever any Squad breaks down occupied hex?
into a Team via the Light Wounds Action [A36], the A: Yes.
Deploy Event [E52], or overstacking [8.2] the Team you Q: If yes, is the Melee resolved immediately or after the
grab from the counter mix must match your Troop Time! trigger is finished.
Quality. A replacement Team has nothing to do with the A: Finish the Time! trigger first (and see O16.4).
name of the Squad, which is just a representative and
evocative title that has exactly zero impact on the play of 7.1 Elimination Victory Points
the game. Q: Eliminate an Elite US Squad and a Medium MG. How
many VPs?
FAQ: Core Rules A: 2 VPs for the Squad (per the Unit Victory Point
1.1 Hand Size Values table on the player aid sheet). The VP values
Q: Is there an upper limit on hand size? on the OB Tables are ONLY used to generate forces
A: Your assigned Posture tells you what your maximum for a randomly generated scenario; these set the
hand size is (rule 1.1): Attacker = 6 cards; Recon = 5 starting point of the VP marker on the Track Display.
cards; Defender = 4 cards. This is what you will begin 9.1 Eligible Rolls for the Initiative
each scenario with and what you will draw up to at Q: What Rolls are eligible for re-rolling under this rule?
the end of each of your own Turns. A: All Rolls, including Targeting Rolls.
1.9.1 Locked Values on Die Roll Triggers Q: What about Accuracy (O18.2.2)?
Q: When a trigger occurs normal game play pauses, but A: The card flip that determines where the SR finally
resolving a trigger may alter the composition and/or lands is not called a Roll and cannot be re-rolled
the values of the forces involved in the Roll that using the Initiative. While it does use the dice, the two
caused the trigger. What values are locked prior to numbers are used independently of one another, and
the Roll? unlike a Roll, are not adjusted by modifiers.
A: Range is always locked in immediately prior to an 11.3 Weapon Transfer and Activation
Artillery Accuracy Roll or a Targeting Roll. Firepower Q: How does Weapon transfer actually work?

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A: At any point during a Move Order, an activated unit O16.4 Melee and Evacuation due to Blaze
may give its Weapon to another unit in its hex by Q: If a Blaze Event occurs during Melee resolution which
expending one of its available MPs. causes the units to evacuate the hex, is the Melee
Q: Could a weapon be fired, transferred to another unit, cancelled?
and then fired again? A: Yes (see clarification above). Note, however, that if
A: Yes. The restriction against being activated more BOTH sides chose to evacuate their Meleeing units
than once per Turn (O14.1) only applies to players out of the newly-formed Blaze into the SAME hex,
and units, not weapons. then a new, separate Melee would ensue there.
Q: Can the MP expended to transfer a Weapon (rule
O21.1.1) trigger an Op Fire attack? O18.2.3 Persistence of Artillery Impact
A: No. This is covered in rule A33.2: "...MP expenditure Q: Artillery fires into a hex and all adjacent to it. How
in each hex as it is entered ..." long does the fire last?
A: In each affected hex the fire lasts until the last unit in
11.5, O20.2 Mortars and Indirect Fire that hex makes its Defense Roll.
Q: Are mortars LOS-only Weapons?
A: Onboard mortars are LOS-only weapons. Mortars O20.3.1.2 Fire Group Example
that use radio communication are represented by the Q: In the Fire Attack example on page 13, case C, why
smaller-sized Radio/Artillery pieces. does Sgt. Grein not add his Command rating of 2 to
the Broken Units Firepower?
13.2 Suppression A: Sgt Grein does add his Command to the broken unit's
Q: Can Suppression give you negative Firepower? Firepower, making it "4" (rule But that
A: Yes. broken unit's FP is irrelevant: Per rule O20.3.1.2, the
total FP of a Fire Group is X+Y, where X is the FP of Smoke already in the Hex
one firing piece and Y is the number of other firing
Q: When resolving a Smoke Barrage, if any of the seven
pieces so since this broken unit is not being used
targeted hexes already have Smoke chits in them, do
as the base piece in the Fire Group (the "X") it is
you replace the current ones with the newly drawn
simply adding +1 to it (the "Y").
A: No. For each hex that already has Smoke, draw a O20.3.3 Fire Attacks and Triggers
chit, compare it with the existing Smoke chit, place Q: For a Fire Attack that traces through Smoke, if the
the chit with the larger Hindrance value in the hex Defender draws the "Time!" trigger when resolving
and put the chit with the smaller Hindrance value the Fire Attack, I presume the Smoke is removed
back in the draw cup. See rule 8.1.4. prior to actually calculating the hindrance?
A: The Smoke had already been taken into account by
reducing the FP of the firing pieces (rule O20.3.2)
FAQ: Orders prior to the roll that caused the trigger. Do not
O14.1 Activation of Units retroactively add FP back in once the Fire Attack Roll
Q: Let's say that I activate four Squads and a Leader is made.
with a Fire Action card for Op Fire purposes. Then
my opponent ends his Turn before two of those units O21 MP Changes during Movement
get to Op Fire at him. On my Turn can I now use my Q: A Unit with 4 Movement (and no Leader around)
left over units from the Op Fire Action for firing at the moves through 3 open ground hexes (for 3 MP). It
enemy? then breaks and has a Movement of 1. Was that
A: No. Units are only activated until the end of the remaining 1 spent first or is it still available? Can the
current Order, and cannot be activated again via a Broken Unit expend 1 more MP?
different Order or Op Fire Action until the following A: No. The Unit now has an MP allowance of 1 and has
Turn (either yours or your opponent's). already spent 3, so none remain. A Units Movement
Q: If units are activated to Move, do they have to move number is calculated INSTANTLY whenever it
at least one hex? changes (due to Command or moving onto Roads,
A: Yes, at least one does. This is covered explicitly in etc) and any MPs spent up to that point are
rule O14.4. subtracted from this CURRENT allowance. Basically,
Q: Is it possible to use a Move Order and an Assault Fire subtract what has already been spent from the
Action to fire without conducting the move? current Movement number to arrive at what is left.
A: No. This is similarly covered in the gray box in rule O23.3 Retreat Distance to the Board Edge
O14.4. Q: When performing a Retreat, does closer mean closer
Q: Can you throw Smoke Grenades or make Assault in number of hexes or closer in distance?
Fires with units that are activated to Move before they A: When retreating into a new hex, the number of
expend their first MPs? After all MPs are expended intervening hexes between the retreating unit and its
but before the end of the Order? friendly board edge using the most direct route
A: Yes. Yes. must get smaller.

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O24.2 Timing and MP Expenditure FAQ: Events
Q: May a player play a Move Order and then play a E52 Deployment at Scenario Start
Smoke Action before the opponent would have a Q: Can Squads be deployed during the set up of a
chance to Op Fire? scenario?
A: Yes, as long as he hasnt expended any MPs yet. Op A: No. Deployment only occurs: (1) due to the Light
Fire is only triggered by MP expenditure into a hex. Wounds Action; (2) due to the play of the Deploy
Q: Doesnt this violate rule A24.2 allowing the inactive Event; or (3) because a free use of this Event is
player getting to play Actions before the active granted to players resolving an overstacked hex
player? see 8.2.
A: No. This rule only comes into play when both players
have a legal Action to take. Op Fire isnt legal until FAQ: Terrain
one or more MPs have been spent by a unit(s) to T78.3 More than One Terrain in Hex
enter a new hex. Q: Fortifications can be placed in Building hexes. Is this
an oversight?
FAQ: Actions A: No. Fortifications can be placed in any non-Water hex
A24, RS.8 Defender Only Actions not already containing a Blaze or another
Q: Who can use the "Scenario Defender Only" Actions Fortification. See rules 8.1.3, 8.1.5 and F100.3.
when both sides are under Recon Posture as in Q: If not, can the unit be in the Fortification and not the
Scenario #1? Building and vice versa?
A: Nobody. In such a scenario there is no Attacker and A: Yes. You always choose which individual instance of
no Defender. Cover within a single hex to use. See rule T78.3.
A26 Assault Fire Timing T79 Blaze in an Objective Hex
Q: Can an Assault Fire be made during the middle of a Q: If during game play a Blaze is placed in an Objective
Move or only at the beginning? hex, which remains through the end of the game, is
A: At any time during the Move Order before, during that Objective ignored for VP purposes?
and/or after any actual movement is conducted (rules A: No. The Objective will still be controlled by the last
O14.3 and A24.1). player to have solely occupied it that is, the one
A33.3 Play of Op Fire Action that had its Control marker there at the time the Blaze
Q: Following A33.3 exception (3), am I restricted to occurred even if neither player is able to physically
playing only one Op Fire Action? re-occupy it due to the Blaze.
A: You, as the inactive player, may play any and all
Actions you wish after each MP expenditure and FAQ: Playbook & Scenarios
before the active player may play his first. So you Randomization During Setup
may play one Op Fire to activate one Squad, a For all of the scenarios that use cards for randomization
second to activate the second then, if they are during setup, reshuffle the whole deck before drawing
adjacent to each other, may form a Fire Group your initial hand.
targeting the unit that just expended MP. These two
Squads would also stay activated and available to FAQ: Player Aids & Maps
Fire for the remainder of the current Move Order. Player Aid Card
Q: The Contents list four double-sided player aid sheets.
A39 Smoke Grenades Placement I only have three double-sided and two single-sided
Q: Can Smoke be placed during the middle of a Move or player aid sheets. Am I missing something?
only at the beginning? A: No. You have everything. The Terrain Chart and the
A: At any time during the Move Order (except during Op Play Summary sheet were supposed to be printed
Fire, of course) before, during and/or after any back-to-back.
actual movement is conducted (rules O14.3 and
A24.1). The Last Question Tanks
Q: What constitutes the end of movement activation (for Q: Where are the tanks?
purposes of placing smoke)? Can a unit place smoke A: The main concern of this design was to focus on
after you've used up all of its MP? World War 2 tactical infantry combat. As such,
A: The Smoke Grenades Action does not specify MP vehicles were deliberately left out.
expenditure. It requires that the unit have boxed
Movement and be activated for Movement during a
Move Order. This state (for that unit) ends when the
active player plays another Order or declares the end Other Official Published Materials
of his Turn. Until that point, the active player may
play a Smoke Action using any activated friendly unit Official Errata
with boxed Movement. Scenario 103 (C3I No. 19)
Ignore superscript 4 next to the Objective Chits section.
There is no Scenario Note 4.

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