Potions - Game Manual
Potions - Game Manual
Potions - Game Manual
4.1 Movement........................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Cards.................................................................................................................................................................... 3
A free printable board game made by Aurora Kreativ @ https://www.aurorakreativ.com
The potion recipe cards are those which you want to gather ingredients for which is the goal of the game.
Each potion recipe has three ingredients located at different parts of the board.
The event cards are those which tells you about an event that happened that you need to follow. For
example, take so many steps backwards or pick any ingredient card you need from the board.
A free printable board game made by Aurora Kreativ @ https://www.aurorakreativ.com
4.0 Rules
4.1 Movement
The starting point has four paths in different directions you can move on. Once you have started moving in
one direction, you must keep moving in that same direction. You can’t change your mind and start moving
backwards for example. The only time you may be moving backwards is if an even card tells you so.
In certain places, there are crossroads in which you may choose which way to go. However, you may not
choose to move backwards on the path you came from.
The walking path is marked as squares with black outlines. One square is one step. The starting square of
the board can also be used as a step.
You must walk the number of steps that the dice tells you, unless you step on an icon before you’re done
walking. For example, let’s say you roll a five but on the third step there’s an icon, you may stop on that
icon even if you haven’t walked all the steps yet. However, if you choose to do so, you may not continue
walking with any steps you have left afterwards.
4.2 Cards
You can only play one recipe card at a time. You may not try to gather ingredients for any other recipes you
have at the same time. Pick one recipe card at start and then when you have finished gathering all
ingredients for it, you place the it together with the ingredients in one pile so that everyone can see that it is
complete. You then choose one of your other recipes to continue with.
If someone picks an event card which allows them to ask for an ingredient card from another player, they
may not ask to have one from their completed recipes. You may only ask for an ingredient from the players
hand. You may not ask to see what cards the player has on hand but can only guess. If the player does or
does not have the card you ask for, you may not ask again afterwards.
4.3 Icons
4.3.1 Question marks (events)
Standing on one of these means you may choose to take an event card. If you land on this as your last step,
you must take one. Depending on where you are located, this might either be a normal event card or a
Lavalake bridge event card. The Lavalake bridge event cards all start with the same wordings: “As you
approach the bridge over the lava, …”. These cards should always be located next to the Lavalake location
and you will pick from this deck whenever you land on either of the Lavalake bridges. All other event cards
go into a separate pile.
A free printable board game made by Aurora Kreativ @ https://www.aurorakreativ.com
Once you have picked an event card, you should place the card on the table so everyone can see what it
says. You must follow what it tells you to do and then immediately after put the card back at the bottom of
the stack unless it says otherwise. You should do what the card tells you immediately and not wait turns.
Waterlands: 10 cards, Lavalake: 8 cards, Witches Hut: 10 cards, Ogreswamp: 8 cards, Gnomeforest: 8 cards,
Elvenlands: 10 cards.
Total: 54.
Board parts: 4.