Event Production Health and Safety

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The chapter discusses planning event operations from a production and health & safety perspective.

Staging, lighting, audio equipment, generators, barriers are some examples given.

Sanitary facilities, catering, first aid, security, waste removal are some examples given.


chapter nine
event production:
operations, equipment,
facilities, health & safety
This chapter is intended to help you start

thinking about how to safely deliver your
event from an operational point of view.

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
For further information and more detailed advice particular to your situation, we
recommend you refer to the appropriate industry standard guides, for example:

> The Event Safety Guide A Guide to Health, Safety and Welfare at Music
and Similar Events (The Purple Guide), HSG195, HSE Books 1999
ISBN 0 7176 2453 6. Available from www.hsebooks.com

> Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (The Green Guide) by the Department
of National Heritage and the Scottish Office, the Stationery Office, 1997,
ISBN 0-11-3000-952

The above publications are considered authoritative guides. Their information is

referred to and followed by the UK events industry, local authorities and the emergency
services. The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) website is also an excellent source for
advice. The HSE is responsible for the regulation of almost all risks to health and safety
arising from work in the UK www.hse.gov.uk

The nature and size of your event will have a direct bearing on the level of production
equipment, facilities, services, staff and time required to make it happen. Make sure
your assessment of whats required to facilitate the production process is accurate and
build in contingencies where you can. Events with too short a production time can
attract additional and unnecessary costs and the likelihood of making mistakes or
missing out key steps in procedures that may affect health and safety will be greater.

Begin to draw up a production schedule a detailed plan of how the
event/festival site will be prepared, operated and de-rigged. Include
actions required, contractors, timeframe, etc.
It is not possible to comprehensively list all the production equipment, services and
facilities that you may require (each event is likely to have a long and very specific list

pertinent to its particular circumstances). Instead, we have provided some examples to

help you put your own checklist together.

Production Equipment Sample Checklist

Staging and associated structures disabled platforms, sound delay towers, etc

Lighting, audio and visual equipment

Power generators and distribution cables

Electrical supplies


Cable covers and ramps

Plumbing supplies

Joinery supplies

Barriers, ropes & stakes, etc front of stage, perimeter, no-go areas,
queuing systems, etc

Portacabins, tents, marquees, etc dressing rooms, production and site offices,
first aid points, catering, storage, baby change, etc

Ballast for staging, tents and other structures

Temporary tracking & ground cover trackway, blaze, hard core, sand, bark chips, etc

Transport & vehicles forklift, cherry picker, crane, off-road vehicles, flat bed trucks,
vans, cars, etc

Fire fighting equipment fire extinguishers, blankets, etc

Sports specific equipment timing equipment, photo finish, hurdles, batons, etc

Refuse disposal bins, skips, etc

Other plant hire

On site office equipment computer, printer, admin supplies, etc

Seating and furniture audience, offices, catering, dressing rooms, etc

Canopies and coverings for equipment, audience, etc in the event of
inclement weather

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
Site decoration and dressing

Health and safety signage

Directional and information signage

Types of Facilities & Services Sample Checklist

Sanitary facilities and associated services

Disabled facilities

Waste/rubbish removal and recycling services

First Aid & emergency services

Catering for crew, staff, artists, competitors, guests, audiences, volunteers, etc

Phone lines

Radio communications system

Security services

Stewarding services

Information booth(s)

Lost & found

Meeting point

Drinking water

Changing facilities (sports events)

Site/Venue Layout

Site or Venue Layout is very important to the health, safety and comfort of everybody
attending and taking part in your event. A well considered layout can significantly
influence an events success. An event site or venue should be an effective space that
suits the type of event being staged. When beginning to plan the layout, assess all
the factors and risks associated with the following points: 1) Capacity; 2) Access,
Egress and Flow; 3) Sterile Areas; 4) Surface and Underground Conditions; 5) Existing
Site Features; 6) Placement of Equipment and Services; 7) Sanitary Facilities; 8) Local
Residents; 9) Signage; 10) Facilities for People with Disabilities; 11) Litter and Waste.
As you do this, you will be able to plot the various elements of the event to achieve
maximum site efficiency and safety.

1) Capacity
The capacity of your site/venue is calculated based on the available audience space,
the number of emergency exits (see Access, Egress & Flow) and the risk assessment for
the venue and the event. Site Layout is therefore particularly important if you need to
maximise the audience potential. Keep in mind:

> For outdoor events where a standing crowd gathers in a defined space to watch the
entertainment (such as at a street theatre or a music event) the general acceptance
for a clear, flat, open space with a reasonable view of the performance is 2 people
per 1m2. However the figure should not be applied to all of the available space.

> Not all of the available space for the audience will have a clear view of the
entertainment. In such instances a lesser figure should be applied or the area
should be taken out of the equation altogether.

> Existing site features such as hills, trees and site line obstructions will further reduce
the capacity.

> Other areas that may be in and around the audience space such as front of house
areas, media stands, camera positions, judges boxes, sound delay towers, water
towers, disabled platforms, etc will further reduce the capacity.
> Types of entertainment such as funfairs will have different calculations based on the
number and type of rides and the available space between the rides.

> Your venue may be seated, standing or a combination of both. The seating available

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
may be actual seats or it could be areas where people can sit on the ground. If the
venue is outdoors you may or may not have covered areas to sit or stand if the weather
is inclement. Each of these points will influence the final capacity of the event.
Remember to also take into account any potential pinch points around the venue.

> If the site/venue area is extensive, consider the viability of placing screens around
the site to show the main entertainment. These may be helpful with increasing
capacity potential while reducing the possibility of overcrowding or surging.

> Remember to recalculate the capacity if the site layout changes or if structures are
added, removed, etc.

> As you can see, the calculation and issue of capacity can be tricky and it may be
helpful to involve an experienced risk assessor who will provide advice and a
maximum capacity figure after consideration of all the facts.

2) Access, Egress & Flow

The access, egress and flow of the audience, staff, equipment and the entertainment
require careful consideration. A range of issues are required to be taken into account.
These include:

> The venue may have existing or natural points of access/egress. If you have chosen
an existing indoor venue, then its access and egress points (which will have helped
determine the capacity) are likely to be fixed. However, if you are utilising an open-
plan outdoor site you will have to determine where the best possible access and egress
points should be for the audience, staff and equipment. The exit requirements depend
on capacity and the acceptable time taken to exit the venue. Seek advice from the
local authority and the Fire Brigade when calculating number and width of exits.

> Spectator flows at sports events, i.e. access and egress during sessions, should be
> You must also check that any large equipment that is being brought to the event
can fit through the access/egress and there is suitable turning space for large vehicles

to enter and exit the venue.

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
> Do not mix pedestrian and vehicular access/egress if at all possible. Similarly, try to
keep public, staff and performer/participant access/egress separate from each other.

> Ensure all access points have suitable gathering/queuing spaces for the audience
expected and all egress points have safe exit potential.

> Individual or specially created access for the disabled may be required.

> Consideration must also be given to the emergency services. It is likely you will
require the presence of first aid facilities at the event but in the event of a more
serious incident arising, e.g. someone requires hospital attention or a fire tender
needs access, clear access into the site, passage around the site and egress from the
site is necessary. If appropriate, representatives from the emergency services should
be able to advise on this point and may recommend sterile access routes or pathways
for their use.

> To avoid the audience making their own paths, create clearly defined routes
around the site that are wide enough to accommodate the amount of footfall that
is anticipated.

> Ensure there is enough space for people to gather or queue at concession or
entertainment areas without impeding the paths or access/egress routes.

> Avoid building dead ends into the layout at all costs as these could be detrimental
to health and safety.

> The siting of entertainment should encourage a steady movement of the audience
around the event site/venue. In other words, if there is multiple entertainment on
offer, it should not be concentrated in the one area. This will help minimise the risk
of hot spots and bottlenecks building up. Avoid a haphazard or cluttered layout as
this can impede flow.
3) Sterile Areas

Depending on the size and nature of the event, it may be necessary to build in areas to
the site that are sterile in other words, areas that the public should not gain general
access. Areas such as a Rendezvous Point (for emergency services to use in the event of
a major incident) or a fireworks fall-out zone require careful consideration of their
placement, size and barrier/security protection system. Remember that the area chosen
must be suitable for the function it will perform.

4) Surface and Underground Conditions

If the event is taking place outdoors, a thorough assessment of the existing and
anticipated surface conditions is necessary. Bear in mind the following points:

> Ensure that the ground can accommodate what you intend to place on it
(size, type and weight).

> Assess the impact that adverse weather conditions may have on the ground. Pay
particular attention to the risk of flooding as this can cause the most damage to
equipment and is a likely cause of cancellation.

> If you are anticipating adverse conditions, ensure you have contingencies in place
to deal with all possibilities, e.g. water pump for flooding, temporary tracking or
bark chippings for muddy areas, grit for frost paths/roads, etc.

> If appropriate, ask the land-owner or local authority for an underground utilities
assessment to advise you about any underground cables, wires or pipes that could
potentially be damaged by heavy equipment or penetration of the ground.

> The type of event and the chosen location may necessitate bringing in or creating
temporary surface conditions such as tracking for transport or emergency services
or to protect the ground below. Check that the ground beneath is suitable for the
covering to ensure this doesnt become a hazard in itself.

> Ensure that any damage anticipated can be put right or reinstated as failure to do
this could incur heavy financial penalties.
> If the event is indoors, check that the floor can take the weight of the equipment
being used.

5) Existing Site Features

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
If your event is being held outdoors, you may have to accommodate existing site
features in the site layout. Whenever possible, use these to your advantage but make
sure that your risk assessment of these features identifies all possible risks they may
pose and put in place the necessary control measures to minimise such risks. Site
features may include: hills, gullies, open water, trees, overhead cables, public art or
monuments, etc.

6) Placement of Equipment and Services

Different factors will influence where you finally position equipment and services but
keep in mind the following:

> Place equipment and plant as close as possible to where it is needed without impeding
audience view or affecting audience enjoyment. This will also help reduce the amount
of cabling required.

> Ensure that any equipment that has to be placed in the vicinity of an audience is
secured and can cause no harm. Place it in an area that is accessible should it require
attention during the event.

> Any disabled viewing platforms should be positioned to ensure maximum visibility
without negatively affecting audience capacity and sight lines.

> If there are simultaneous entertainments, position them to ensure there is no clash
of sound or audience.

> Make sure all welfare services are in a convenient and visible location and are well
sign posted. Similarly with rubbish bins, place them in visible locations and particularly
around catering areas.
7) Sanitary Facilities

The calculation of the level of sanitary facilities required at events is based on a range of
factors including the audience capacity, audience profile, location, duration and existing
facilities. General guides exist but it is best to seek the advice of an experienced contractor
and the local authority (Environmental Health) to ensure your estimate is neither too
high nor too low. When planning these facilities, keep in mind the following points:

> Toilet clusters are best placed in various locations throughout an outdoor site.
They should be clearly signposted, adequately lit and positioned away from food
preparation areas. These facilities should be cleaned and re-stocked regularly
throughout the day and, depending on the length of the event and the type of
unit used, they may require to be emptied during the course of the event. If this
is the case, ensure that the siting of them allows for vehicle access.

> Everyone using the toilet should be able to wash their hands with warm water
(ideally) and soap. Again, these areas should be kept clean and restocked regularly.
If wash facilities have to be separate from the toilets, ensure that you leave enough
room when planning the site and ensure that appropriate drainage is possible to
avoid unsanitary or flooded conditions. Again, your contractor and local authority
can advise on this matter.

> Ensure there are sanitary facilities in the vicinity of first aid and baby change areas
and dont forget about the artists, participants, employees and concessionaires that
will require appropriate facilities too. If there are camping opportunities at the event,
you will also need to supply washing and toilet facilities for this group.

> If you have an area set aside for people with disabilities, appropriate sanitary facilities
should be placed in the vicinity and clearly signposted.

8) Local Residents (Commercial and Domestic)

When planning the site layout, keep in mind local residents (if there are any) and bear
in mind the following:

> Make sure event elements such as access/egress points, transport drop off points,
parking arrangements, sterile areas, etc do not impede entry to or encroach on
their property.
> If the residents are commercial, ensure the site layout and nature of the event do
not hamper their day-to-day business.

> If the event is using sound systems, where possible point the sound away from

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
the residents.

> You may need to hold a special meeting with the local residents to familiarise them
with what will be happening on their doorstep and provide reassurance about how
you will minimise any concerns they may have in connection with the event.

> Be prepared to make special arrangements for those who are particularly negatively
affected and ensure all residents are informed of what is happening either through
a special meeting and/or a leaflet or letter drop to their residence.

9) Signage
Regardless of how well-considered the layout is, if you do not have the appropriate
signage to direct people around the site/venue (or to follow in the event of an incident)
the space could be rendered ineffective, crowd management issues may result and
health and safety compromised. For further information on safety signage legislation see
HSEs The Health & Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 at www.hse.gov.uk

You may require a range of signage to perform various functions:

> Directional signage e.g. to direct people to the nearest exit, toilet, bar, etc.
> Information signage e.g. to tell people where they are in the venue/on the site,
to show people where facilities are on the site, the running order of the
entertainment, etc.
> Safety signage e.g. showing the location of emergency exits, fire fighting
equipment, danger zones, etc.
> Welfare signage e.g. meeting point, baby change, lost persons, drinking water,
first aid, etc.
Points to consider are:

> The location and timing of the event will dictate whether you need to light some of
the signage (such as exit signage in marquees, indoor venues, night time events, etc).

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
> All signage should be of the correct dimensions and design and placed
appropriately around the site/venue so as to be clearly visible.

> If your event is outdoors, ensure all signage is waterproof, wind permeable
(as appropriate) and fastened securely.

> Make sure arrows are pointing in the right direction.

> Place sponsorship banners/signage in visible positions (agreed in advance with your
sponsor see Chapter 5) but ensure they do not impede audience sightlines or flow.

> Remember signage will be required for all areas of the event including back stage,
production areas, media locations and dressing rooms as well as front of house
where the audience is.

> Remember to think about how the audience will find the event. Ensure the event
site is well signposted at access points coming into the town and at key junctions.
Organising AA signs can be an inexpensive way to achieve this www.theaa.com

> Its worthwhile creating a signage plan to address how, where, when and who will
erect the required signs and banners always ensure the appropriate permissions
have been sought.

10) Facilities for People with Disabilities

An inclusive approach is required for all aspects of event planning. People with disabilities
have the right to equal treatment and should not be discriminated against. At the
planning stage ask yourself if you need to implement special measures in order to make
the event accessible to people with mobility problems, sight or hearing impairments or
other special needs. You must make the appropriate provision for suitable access to and
egress from the event as well as goods, services and facilities for all. Provision may include:
> Widened access/egress doors and routes
> Ramps

> Handrails
> Lifts
> Sanitary Facilities
> Lowered surfaces for instance at food outlets and info points
> Floor surfaces & ground coverings
> Parking
> Transport to and around the event
> Seating
> Viewing areas
> Signage
> Hearing systems
> Staff or stewarding support
> Light and sound levels
> Accommodation
> Free access for carers

Remember to consider people with disabilities when preparing emergency

and evacuation plans. Further information on this topic can be gained from

11) Litter & Waste

Events can create a tremendous amount of litter and waste that has to be collected,
disposed of and recycled as appropriate. A build up of waste can be harmful to the
health and safety of all those involved or affected by the event and the environment.
It is therefore important to prepare for and stay in control of this issue. As event
manager you must ensure that rubbish and waste is disposed of in the correct manner.
If you are using a waste management contractor, make sure they are reputable and
can supply you with method statements.

Create a Waste Management Plan in advance of the event. This will help identify areas
of concern and how the issue will be addressed. Your plan should consider the following:

> The event type, audience profile and capacity.

> Waste generators, e.g. production, administration, catering, bar operators, general
public, artists, pyrotechnics, toilets & showers, medical areas, etc.

> Waste types, e.g. food remnants/paper/plastic at catering concessions, wood/metal/
paper/fuel at production area, drink cartons/food/paper flyers/etc front of house.

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
> Waste receptacles and requirement, e.g. skips, plastic bins, bottle banks, etc.
> Waste locations, e.g. skip in production area, bottle bank for bar use.
> Recycling opportunities (recycle and reuse whenever possible).
> Waste management activity, i.e. what is going to be uplifted, when will this happen
and by whom (before, during and after the event).
> Waste management promotion, i.e. how will you encourage others to minimise
waste and dispose of it properly.

Be aware of any specific restrictions that your site/venue may pose as
these will have an impact on the planning process.

Site/Venue Plans
Site (or venue) plans or maps are necessary for any event. They serve as a tool to help
calculate the capacity and maximise the effectiveness of the site/venue in the planning
stages. They also act as a communication tool between everyone involved during build-up
and the live event. A copy of the plan(s) should be included in the Event Manual (see
Chapter 10) and larger versions should be given to all the managers, appropriate
contractors and agencies working at the event for quick and easy reference.

If you are using an existing venue, it is likely a floor plan will already be in existence
which you can get a hold of and add your information to. If you are working outdoors,
it is likely you may have to start your plan from scratch. Ask the land owner or the
local authority if they can provide you with a blank map of the area, showing existing
site features such as hills, walls, trees, paths, roads, etc. You can then start to add in
your particular information.
Below is a list of some of the elements that may appear on your site master plan.
If this plan is particularly complex, it may be an idea to prepare simplified plans for

individual user groups or purposes, e.g. showing emergency routes of access/egress
for services/audience. If the site is extensive with multiple entertainment locations it

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
would be advisable to include a very basic plan in the printed event programme and
on display at the site itself with a you are here marker clearly displayed.

Site layout often changes throughout the planning stages. Make sure you keep the
plans up-to-date and distribute to necessary parties as required.

For outdoor event site plans the final version is likely to feature:

> A grid running a,b,c, etc one way and 1,2,3, etc the other. This allows for easy
reference when communicating with others particularly the emergency services
and event security during the live event
> The compass direction showing north
> The scale
> Points of access and egress. Note mark all points including ones being used by
emergency services, disabled access, etc
> Pathways, routes and roads
> Entertainment/staging/field of play areas
> Other activities such as childrens activity area, funfair, medal presentation
locations, etc
> Audience areas seated and standing
> Accredited areas
> Front of house and sound delay tower positions
> Venue operations centre/joint agency control centre
> Media points
> Services and utilities points, e.g. toilets, first aid/ambulance location, lost property
and persons, information, meeting point, disabled platform, telephones, ATMs,
drinking water, etc
> Police and security points
> Sterile areas and emergency rendezvous points
> Parking and transport
> Box Office/ticket points
> Rubbish points
> Food and drink dispensing and consuming points such as picnic/barbeque areas, bars,
food vans, etc

> Camping areas and other accommodation

> Administration, production and storage areas
> Generators and electricity points
> Artist and hospitality areas
> Existing site features
> A clear legend explaining the map symbols and colours

Health & Safety

Health and Safety is a high-priority area in event organisation. Effective health and
safety has to be carefully planned, managed and controlled. As the event manager
you must consider the health and safety of:

> Everyone working in your organisation and at the event

> Everyone performing at or taking part in the event
> Everyone attending the event
> Everyone who may be affected by the event

You also must ensure that everyone who is working on the event understands the
importance of the health and safety issues and works together to achieve a safe
event for all.

The elements covered in this section are fundamental issues that will help you manage
health and safety. Each event will require different arrangements and these should be
discussed at length with the appropriate authorities. There are also many publications
(some of which may be specific to your particular event type) which will give you good
advice to help you plan and execute a safe event. As stated at the beginning of this
chapter, the Purple and Green guides and the HSE website are essential resources.
Safety Officer/Co-ordinator

Depending on the size and nature of your event, you may need to appoint a Safety
Officer. The basic requirement is that a competent person (often the event or
production manager) is able to provide access to a good level of health and safety

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
expertise. Competence is usually achieved through a combination of experience and
formal health and safety qualifications. Consultants are often used to supplement this
expertise. Whoever is responsible should have suitable training and experience to be
able to advise on and implement safety procedures.

Health & Safety Policy

Your Health and Safety Policy should set out your organisations commitment to health
and safety. If your organisation has more than five employees, it is a legal necessity to
have a policy in place already. However, this general policy is likely to be different from
one you will produce specifically for the event. The event-specific policy should set out:

> Who is responsible for health & safety within your organisation
> Who will monitor health & safety at the event
> Arrangements for each aspect and phase of the event
> How others should follow and interpret the policy (the Event Safety Memo)
> Staff training procedures

Subcontractors should provide you with their own policies. These should be checked
to ensure there is no conflict with your policy or your event safety memo.

Event Safety Memo

Its a good approach to produce an Event Safety Memo to be distributed to all those
working at the event (preferably at the induction or briefing meeting). This memo
should give specific and easy-to-follow advice to all employees, volunteers, subcontractors,
etc who are working at your event during the build, the live event and the get-out. It
should set out how you, as the Event Management, expect others to conduct themselves
while on site or at the venue. It should highlight particular safety aspects they should
be aware of such as fire controls, emergency exits, evacuation procedures, incident or
emergency codes and procedures, personal protective equipment/clothing required,
incident reporting procedures, hazards, etc.
Reporting Procedures

For every aspect of health and safety, you should have a procedure for reporting
incidents and occurrences. It should be clear in the Event Safety Memo, how and to
whom individual incidents should be reported. Each incident or occurrence should be
written down and described in full. Ensure staff and volunteers are well briefed on
how to report any incident. Reports will likely take the form of:

> Accident/Injury > Lost/Damaged Property

> Incident > Safety/System Failures
> Lost Persons

RIDDOR: In April 2001, the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) launched a new Incident Contact Centre (ICC) for all
incidents currently reportable under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
(RIDDOR) 1995. The ICC is a joint venture by the HSE, COSLA and Local Government Associations (LGA), and it
provides a central point for employers to report incidents irrespective of whether their business is HSE or Local
Authority enforced. For more information visit www.riddor.gov.uk

Normal Operating Procedures

If the location in which you stage the event is an existing venue, it is likely that it
will have in place Normal Operating Procedures. Ensure you are aware of these and
incorporate them into your planning.

Monitoring & Inspections

Continual monitoring of health and safety procedures is essential to ensure they remain
effective. Inspections of the event site should take place before, during and after the
public are on the premises/site and inspections of operating procedures by event staff
and contractors should be a continual process throughout.

Plans and Drawings

In addition to your site or venue plan, if your event features any staging or structural
elements, it is likely you will have to provide structural drawings to the local authority,
Fire Brigade, etc. If you have subcontracted these elements, the subcontractor will provide
you with copies. If the structure has been made specifically for the event ask the original
architect or engineer for copies along with the Method Statement for its construction.
Method Statements

A Method Statement describes how a specific action or task is facilitated. It describes

to others the process by which an operation will take place and usually relates to the
production aspect of event organisation. In writing method statements, you will
identify the safest procedure for the task in question. This will assist you when it comes
to writing the Risk Assessment. Again, subcontractors should provide you with their
own Method Statements.

No event can operate successfully without the implementation of a thorough
Communications Strategy. The size of the event and the number of organisations
involved will influence the complexity of the strategy.

From a health and safety perspective the strategy will require two areas to be addressed:

1. Communication between all parties involved in the event planning

> Good communication is crucial during the planning stages. As the event manager,
you should ensure that all agencies are effectively communicating with each other
and with you. A roles and responsibilities chart or statement may help you in this
task. Make sure that meetings are minuted, agreed actions are followed through
and there is a paper trail for all decisions that have been agreed.

> During the event itself, the Event Manual (see Chapter 10) and Site/Venue Plan
should be valuable tools that aid good communication. It is therefore vital they
contain up-to-date information. If the nature and size of your event requires
a multi-agency presence, it is likely each organisation will employ their own
communications system and use their own equipment. Consider setting up a Joint
Agency Control Centre (JACC) or Incident Room at the event which hosts all
agencies communications personnel to assist quick and decisive decision making.

> If you are using radio communication, ensure that frequencies do not clash with
other radio users. Allocate a channel on your system for different user groups such
as Production, Management, Artist Liaison, Front of House, Emergency Channel, etc.
Ensure all staff know how to use the equipment, provide guidance/training and keep
accurate records of all communications and decisions. Decide in advance any codes or
lingo to be used in the event of an incident or emergency and ensure that everyone

knows their meanings. Document them in the Event Manual and Event Safety Memo.

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
> Ensure all key staff have mobile phones but do not rely on them for essential
communication especially if network coverage is not strong.

> Supply all staff with easy-to-read laminated cards which feature the contact numbers
of all key individuals involved in the running of the event along with radio channels.
These cards can be worn on a lanyard together with accreditation/access passes.

> Arrange a briefing session for all staff working on the event. This should cover
introductions so that everyone is aware of lines of command and responsibility,
health and safety, communications and all procedures, practices and regulations
that dictate the conduct of staff whilst working on the event. Its a good idea to
provide a Staff Briefing Document to be distributed before or at this briefing
session so event workers can refer to it as required. (See Chapter 10 for a guide
to preparing your Staff Briefing Document).

2. Communication with the public at the event

> There are many ways to communicate with the public at the event including
information stands, printed material, stewards, screen messages and PA
announcements. Your strategy should take into account how you will communicate
with the public in the event of an incident or emergency.

> However you decide this should be achieved, announcements and instructions must
be conveyed in a clear, audible and succinct manner. Rehearse potential scenarios
with the Health and Safety Sub-Group (if appropriate) and agree what will be said,
when it will be said, how often, who will say it and by what means for each scenario.
Make sure you have contingencies in place should equipment fail.

> Note at a sporting event, the commentator is ideally placed to make safety
announcements and should therefore be well briefed and in radio contact.
Emergency Services

Your contact with the Emergency Services will depend on the type, scale and complexity
of your event. If you are planning a medium-scale, indoor event in an established venue,
you may not require the assistance of the Emergency Services during the planning and

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
operation of the event. However, for larger and more complex events it will be
necessary to seek their advice, assistance and co-operation. Each service usually has its
own planning and special projects departments which deal with events. If appropriate
to the nature of your event, you may wish to invite one or more people from the
following agencies onto your Health and Safety Sub-Group:

> Police the Police may advise on many safety aspects such as audience numbers,
crowd control, emergency procedures, communications, traffic management and
emergency services access, etc. Their presence at a live event will depend on the
nature of the entertainment, the scale of the event and the level of stewarding.

> Fire Brigade the Fire Brigade may advise on occupant capacity, potential fire
hazards, fire fighting equipment required, equipment locations, emergency access,
means of escape, signage, lighting, rendezvous points, pyrotechnic elements such
as fireworks, fire sculptures or bonfires and other emergency procedures.

> Medical Services depending on the nature and scale of the event you may
require the assistance of the local health board, Scottish Ambulance Service or a
first aid organisation such as St Andrews Ambulance or the British Red Cross. Seek
their advice on the medical provision required such as numbers of doctors, nurses,
physiotherapists, first aiders, accommodation and facilities as well as emergency
access and other procedures. Remember that first aiders are usually volunteers but
a donation should be made to their organisation who will advise you as to the
appropriate level of support.

> Fees note that charges may be levied by some or all of the Emergency Services.
Make sure you factor these costs into your budget at an early stage.
Medical Provision

The type and amount of medical provision required at events varies enormously
depending on the size, nature and location of the event. Medical provision must be
available to everybody working on, performing at, competing in or attending the
event. As far as is practicable, an event should be self sufficient in order to minimise
the impact on the day-to-day provision for the local community. Factors that will
influence what provision is required include:

> Nature of event programme, activities, sports

> Location indoor, outdoor, size of venue, proximity to existing services
> Venue standing, seated
> Duration few hours, multiple days
> Weather conditions the season, inclement weather
> Size of audience
> Audience Profile young, elderly, teenagers
> History previous casualties/incidents, first time event
> Other hazards identified in risk assessment

Note: Medical provision at many events is a mandatory requirement.

Remember that it is not only medical personnel that may be required. Facilities,
equipment, transport and liaison personnel may also have to be organised and
budgeted for. Medical provision should be discussed and agreed well in advance
with the appropriate authorities and providers.

Welfare Services
The easier you make it for people to attend your event, the better the experience
they will have. Think about the audience you wish to attract to the event and their
potential needs. A happy, stress-free attendee is likely to come back to future events.
Some services to consider are:

> Drinking Water this should be supplied at all types of events, particularly at
those held outdoors. Depending on your existing venue/site services, you may have
access to mains drinking water. If not, water can be supplied from bowsers (water
containers) that are fit-for-purpose or bottled water made available. Pay particular
attention to areas of potential congestion such as at front of stage areas at an all-
standing event.

> Baby Change if your event is family oriented, provide a facility for parents to

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
change babies nappies. Ensure the accommodation is secure with suitable furniture,
supplies, waste disposal and washing facilities present. Also, think about providing
a private area for mothers to breastfeed babies, should they wish.

> Meeting Point(s) if the event covers a large area or if there is the potential for
people to become separated from their group, provide one or more well-signposted
meeting points. Remember to number meeting points to avoid confusion.

> Lost Persons if the event is family oriented or you are anticipating children
attending the event, it is crucial to provide an area where they can go, or be taken
to should they become separated from their parent or guardian. Ensure that the
facility is staffed at all times by more than one suitably qualified staff member
(remember that all staff working with children and/or vulnerable adults must be
checked by the Scottish Criminal Record Office/Disclosure Scotland in advance
contact them at www.scro.police.uk, www.disclosurescotland.co.uk)

Agree a plan/policy in advance of the event that addresses the process of receiving,
caring for and handing children back to their parents/guardians.

> Information Points depending on the complexity, length and type of event,
it may be wise to have a point or points of information. Those staffing these
positions should be knowledgeable about the event, the venue/site, parking and
transport arrangements, etc and must also be kept informed of any programme
changes that the public needs to know about.

> Lost Property a point for Lost Property is appropriate at events of all types and
sizes. Agree a procedure in advance with those staffing the area to ensure that
property is being reunited with the correct owner.

> Cloakroom Facilities ensure that the area is suitably stocked, secured and staffed
throughout the event. Agree a policy and procedure on receiving bags, luggage and
other accessories. Ensure that patrons are aware if items are left at their own risk.
Consider all
age groups...
Think about
your audience
in detail.
> Other services you may decide are necessary will be dependent on the nature of the
event. Remember to carefully consider the audience profile when consolidating the

list of services.

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
Traffic & Transport Management
Good traffic and transport management is a key issue for events. Poor planning can lead
to unnecessary disruption for those involved in or attending the event as well as the
normal day-to-day traffic. Consider this aspect in detail when selecting your venue. As
appropriate, include the local authority, Police and transport providers at the earliest
stage possible to help you make arrangements. For large events it may be necessary to
form a Transport Management Sub-Group to consider all issues surrounding this topic
and to formulate effective plans for transport, traffic and parking. Consider the following:

> The event type, audience size and profile

> The anticipated number of vehicles (audience, staff, contractors, etc)
> Existing transport links and the potential for enhancement
> Existing parking opportunities for cars, buses and other vehicles
> Park and ride facilities (existing or temporary)
> Transport routes for vehicles, buses, trains, underground
> Drop off and pick up locations for buses, taxis, etc
> Existing signage and the potential requirement for temporary signage
(e.g. AA signage)
> The requirement for coning and parking suspensions
> Temporary traffic regulation orders such as road closures and re-routing (the local
authority can advise on requirements, notification and timescales)
> Staffing who will marshal the traffic, who will staff the car parks, etc
> The potential for charging for parking to help offset costs
> Pedestrians entering and leaving the venue/congestion issues
> Access for production, artist, subcontractor vehicles, etc
> Emergency access for fire tenders, ambulances, etc
> Traffic movement on site
Security and Stewarding

The size and nature of your event will influence the type and amount of security and
stewarding measures required. When planning your event, consider the following:

> Crowd management

> Artist/performer/competitor/guest protection
> Equipment and facility protection
> Entrance, exits and perimeter security
> Traffic/car parking management
> Sterile and danger areas
> Assistance to emergency services
> Emergency procedures
> Overnight security
> Restricted areas
> Cash storing and handling

If employing a security or stewarding firm ensure they are reputable and experienced.
If appropriate, invite a senior supervisor to join the Health and Safety Sub-Group at
the earliest opportunity to ensure they are as familiar as possible with the event and
so that they can contribute to health and safety procedures which are being agreed.
Assess all risks with the security/stewarding contractor to reach a conclusion as to the
level of service required at the event and ensure all agencies are comfortable with the
provision, roles and responsibilities of the contractor. Ask the contractor to supply you
with details of the Supervisors/Chief Stewards who will be responsible at the event.
Organise a pre-event briefing with all security/stewarding staff to ensure that all
questions are answered and everyone is clear about their role at the event.

Regulation of the private security industry is delivered through the Security Industry
Authority (SIA). The SIA exists to manage the licensing of the private security industry
as set out in the Private Security Industry Act 2001; to raise standards of professionalism
and skills within the private security industry and to promote and spread best practice.
In 2007, SIA licensing will be extended to include Scotland. For up-to-date information
visit www.the-sia.org.uk/scotland
Risk Management

No matter the type and size of your event, risk management is a critical issue in the
planning process. Simply put, risk management is about foreseeing and identifying
potential risks, evaluating them and putting in place a plan, control measure or

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
contingency to reduce or neutralise the level of risk. A good event manager will
incorporate risk management at all stages of the planning process. In terms of event
production, the issue of risk management is of the utmost importance when making
decisions that impact on those who have a chance of being affected or harmed by
any aspect of the event. They could be:

> Event staff and crew

> Audience and others attending the event
> Performers/competitors and their entourages
> People/residents in the vicinity of the event

The event manager has a duty to identify and minimise these risks. The best way to
do this is to undertake an effective risk assessment.

Risk Assessment

No one knows your event better than you and your key team. From this point of view,
as the event management, you are best placed to undertake the assessment and each
department should carry out their own assessment to be consolidated into the final
version. For larger or more complicated events, you may wish to seek the assistance of an
independent risk assessor who is knowledgeable on your type of event. If appropriate,
the events Health and Safety Sub-Group should take an active role in the risk assessment
process, agree to the control measures and take steps to implement any aspects for
which they as individuals or their organisations have responsibility.

The Risk Assessment should be completed well in advance of the event. You should
provide a copy to your insurance broker or underwriter and include a copy of it in the
Event Manual. Ensure that all key staff and personnel are familiar with it and all safety
measures are implemented before the event starts. Should any additional risks be
identified prior to the event, a specific assessment should be carried out for each
new risk.
At the end of this chapter there is a template to help you complete a Risk Assessment.
In doing so, you will undertake the following steps:

1. Identify the area of risk and related hazards

2. Decide who or what is at risk
3. Decide what measures will be put in place to control the risk
4. Evaluate the level of risk

Risk factors are unique to every event but some areas of consideration may include:

> Type of event nature of programme, timing, etc

> Venue seated/standing, capacity, access/egress
> Location of event outdoor/indoor, geography (near roads/railways, etc)
> Ground conditions
> Crowd profile, history, habits, disorder, surging, special needs, welfare, etc
> Weather adverse conditions (very hot/cold/wet, etc)
> Vehicle movement on and off site
> Contractors
> Working at height
> Structures permanent and temporary, collapse, trip hazards, etc
> Barriers
> Equipment production, safety, etc
> Electrical equipment and supply
> Traffic management
> Car parking
> Sound and noise inside and outside venue, before, during and after event
> Pyrotechnics
> Fire
> Explosion
> Terrorism
> Emergency announcements
> Security audience, staff, venue, cash handling, etc
> Drugs anti-doping, audience profile, etc
> Animals
> High profile artists, dignitaries, VIPs

If your Risk Assessment has to be distributed to partners/authorities independently of
the event manual, you should append the various information that will support your
Risk Assessment. The nature of these will be dependent on the type of event you are

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety
producing. These appendices may include:

> Event Safety Memo

> Production Schedule (a detailed plan of how the site will be prepared and de-rigged)
> Site Maps
> Contractor Risk Assessments/Licences/Fire Certificates, etc
> Where venues are hired rather than created, you may find it appropriate to append
the Normal Operating Procedures (NOPs)
> You could also discuss with your risk assessor and/or health and safety sub-group
whether your event warrants an emergency scenario planning session

Event Risk Assessment Template

This template provides an indication of the kind of approach that is acceptable when
carrying out a Risk Assessment for an event. You can also refer to The Health & Safety
Executives 5 Steps to Risk Assessment guide www.hse.gov.uk

Risk Assessment for (Name of Event)

Type of Event: Event Location(s):
(short summary)

Event Date(s): Site Build Period: Type of Venue(s):

Live Period: (List the various event venues/
De-Rig Period: arenas/roads to be used etc)

Event Running Times: Estimated Attendance Participants/Artists:

(Breakdown into days/ Spectators/Audience:
sections as appropriate)

Details of Event Partners: Overview: Operations Section A:

Covered by Risk Assessment
(If appropriate, you can break down your
event into sections for assessment. For Section B:
example, Section A could cover the build
and de-rig period, Section B the event itself).

Circulation: Signatures: Event Organiser:

(i.e. details of the group
that you will send the risk
assessment to) Risk Assessor:
Assessment undertaken by: Event Organiser:
(name and contact details for (company/organisation
Risk Assessor, Safety Officer or address and lead contact)
other competent person)

Signature: Signature:
Date of Assessment: Date:

Risk Assessment: Section A

Section A Period Covered:
(Insert description of what is covered (i.e. if this section covers the event build
in this section i.e. event build period) period, put those dates here)

Activity Hazards Who/What is at Risk? Measures to Control Risk Risk Level

In this box you outline the In this box you would In this box you would list In this box you would In this box you would
area of Risk, e.g. Vehicle outline the assessed the groups that are outline the control estimate the Risk Level
Access and Activity on hazards, e.g. Collisions perceived to be at risk measures and actions (i.e. Low, Medium or High)
Site with Motorists, Stationary from the hazard, e.g. you have put in place to after the control measures
Vehicles, Street Furniture, minimise the risks that have been implemented.
Pedestrians > Staff you have anticipated. Note that any entries with
> Contractors You would also note if a Medium or High rating
> Pedestrians additional information is should be treated as
> Motorists available as an appendix priority.
> Public Property (or elsewhere) and
identify any person or
official who will reduce
any risk.

chapter nine event production: operations, equipment, facilities, health & safety 147

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