Tgs Example Crowd Control Plan

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The key takeaways from the document are that effective crowd control requires proper planning, organization, roles and responsibilities to ensure safety of event staff and patrons.

The Event Controller is overall responsible for managing the event. Duties include ensuring the event is sufficiently staffed, there is effective communication, adequate safety measures, and appointing a Deputy Event Controller.

The Chief Steward is responsible for deploying and controlling safety stewards, ensuring they are positioned in critical areas, coordinating duties, recognizing crowd conditions, and ensuring good communication.


ANNEX X to Event Plan Dated XX XX 2012

1. All managers, security personnel and stewards (herein known as crowd controllers) are responsible for the health, safety and welfare of all staff and patrons attending the event. 2. The purpose of the crowd control plan is to ensure that crowd control is conducted safely and professionally and that all stakeholders understand their responsibilities. 3. Crowd Controllers will have the following key duties: controlling entry and egress to the venue maintaining order and patron enjoyment identifying, reporting or preventing potential safety risks monitoring and controlling individual or crowd behaviour managing potentially aggressive or abusive behaviour coordinating first aid care or emergency response coordinating emergency evacuation

Organisation 4. The organisation of the crowd control management is as follows: Event Manager

Event Controller

Chief Steward

Security Company Manager

Steward and Security Team Supervisors 5.

Security Team Supervisors

Contact details of all crowd control personnel are attached at Appendix X.

Management Responsibilities 6. Details of the management responsibilities and job descriptions are attached at Appendix X. 7. Event Controller. The Event Controller is responsible for: overall responsibility for management of the event attendance at all planning meetings appointing a Chief Steward and Safety Officer ensuring the event is staffed by competent and sufficiently trained stewards

8. 9.

ensuring effective command control and communication ensuring adequate safety measures ensuring the event safety strategy is communicated to all employees ensuring adequate response measures appointing a Deputy Event Controller Chief Steward. The Chief Steward is responsible for: deploying and controlling safety stewards ensuring stewards are deployed at critical areas such as entrances, exits and front of stage coordinating the duties of all supervisors, stewards and guards recognising critical crowd conditions, crowd distress and dynamics ensuring good radio and other communications between stewards ensuring that details of all stewards and guards are recorded in the steward register Event Safety Officer. The Event Safety Officer is responsible for: all aspects of safety being present at all planning meetings ensuring all pre-event checks are carried out managing all safety measures during the event including crowd control liaising with the fire, medical and police services advising the Event Controller on the initiation of emergency procedures

DETAILS OF THE EVENT Dates and detailed timings - details attached at Appendix X Location - site map attached at Appendix X Expected occupancy and demographics Number of stewards, security guards Entrances and Exits Stage activities Parking areas Locations where crowd control necessary

CROWD MANAGEMENT STRATEGY Safety Risk Assessment Attach as Appendix X Security Risk Assessment Attach as Appendix X Command Post central command and communication point. Stakeholders: o event manager o security and safety o crowd control o police o first aid equipment o radios and alternative means of communication o tables and chairs o detailed plans of event location and approaches o detailed map of fire and medical services, evacuation routes

o whiteboards and markers o lighting o refreshments operational management o medical and first aid response o crowd control and security o handling of complaints o press and media o noise or nuisance o traffic coordination o event coordination

Exits and Entrances locations 2.5m optimum width in each direction minimum of two stewards, one supervisor issuing of tickets or wrist bands gate or barrier design search policy bringing alcohol policy policy on refusal of entry (e.g. intoxicated patrons) policy for removal of personnel

Front of Stage at least one steward per metre of stage front of stage barriers of suitable design o prevent access to stage o physical security o relieving and preventing the build up of crowd pressures egress available at either side of the barrier patrons prohibited from gaining access to stage maintain pit security. The area between the stage and front of stage barrier. o designed to aid stewards and medical staff o minimum of 1.5 metres. More for larger events o non-slip surface o elevated platform to allow stewards to extract people from the crowd in case of distress o official photographers in the pit to not hinder stewards o the pit must be clear of any obstructions and is out of bounds to patrons secondary barrier if necessary o full width of stage o convex in design with means of escape o similar design as front of stage barrier

Back Stage two security guards minimum access control protection of high value equipment protection of performers provide communication to Command Centre

Stewards General Duties

o be familiar with the venue layout and facilities o be familiar with crowd safety and report developing difficulties o be familiar with the fire, medical and evacuation policies o be calm, courteous and helpful Specific duties may include: o ensuring all passageways are kept clear and are immediately available for use o responding appropriately to various situations o directing and controlling queues and patrons entering or leaving the venue o directing persons approaching the venue o assisting at entrances o patrolling the venue o controlling areas in front of barriers o controlling access to restricted areas o removing from the crowd persons in distress or persons whose behaviour is unacceptable o monitoring crowd activity Induction Training o Event details o Job description and responsibilities (written copy) for each job o Work arrangements including rest break, refreshment, smoking etc. o Orientation of the venue o Location of all facilities including fire equipment, first aid, emergency exits o Workplace boundaries o Meet key people o Code of conduct o Workplace policies Rest breaks refreshment smoking mobile phones security of personal equipment o Health and Safety Event policy Drugs and Alcohol Policy Emergency evacuation procedure Administering first aid policy Harassment and discrimination policy Hazards and controls identified in the workplace Hazard, incident and injury reporting procedures Personal protective equipment Assisting disabled patrons o Crowd Control Policy and procedures Identification of crowd control hazards Policy for patron intervention o Signature of steward to indicate understanding Numbers of stewards o Appropriate level of supervision o Mix stewards with SIA guards o Planning Matrix attached at Appendix X Stage Area Strictly controlled using SIA guards Fire fighting plan Access badges Awareness of hazards Pyrotechnics, smoke and laser.

Security of equipment Silent hour security Badging Control of access Categories of access Identification - wrist bands, badges, tickets Signs and Notices Types o Fire o Access o Routes o Command Post o Medical o Evacuation o Control VENUE SECURITY PLAN VENUE EVACUATION PLAN MAJOR EMERGENCY PLAN HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN

Example Crowd Control Personnel Planning Matrix Crowd Controllers Steward SIA

Location Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 3 Exit 1 Exit 2 Route to stage area Stage - general Stage - equipment Stage - prohibited area Front of stage barrier Command post Medical post Site perimeter VIP areas Parking areas General crowd surveillance VIP escort Temporary structures Final route of torch

Remarks Count numbers attending. Prevent prohibited items. Provide information. Refuse admission. As above As above Maintain site integrity, ensure clear and unobstructed. As above 1 per 50 to 100m. Crowd observation. Prevent running General security Security of equipment Security of prohibited area Security of stage, monitor crowd, look for distressed persons Supervisors Security of medical personnel 1 per 100-200m. Security of VIPs Security of vehicles General observation, behaviour Security of VIPs to stage Observation of behaviour and safety Security of torch team

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