Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment - Day Excursion

Name of School/College: Saint Fancis Xavier Catholic Primary School (SFX) Person /s exposed to risk: 25 Prep Students, Teachers, Support Staff, Parent Volunteers
Area where risk was identified: Bus stops, Botanical Garden Pathways, Botanical Garden
Name of Risk Assessor/s: Aliceon Ramsay
Picnic Area, Botanical Garden Gassed areas.
Date: 20/01/2018
x Work Practice  Work Area  Plant / Equipment  Hazard Report Number  Other _______________________________________
What is being Tasks Performed What are the Hazards Risk Assessment – Current Control Measures
Assessed Use Risk Matrix
Participation in Day Transport to and  Injury moving around Medium Risk  Ensure number of students to board bus is known and count students
Excursion from botanical bus onto bus.
gardens – bus  Injury while  Ensure there is a ratio of at least 1 adult to 5 Prep students before leaving
travel disembarking. the school grounds
 Clear instructions given re behaviour expectations on bus – stay seated,
wear seatbelts, noise level etc.).
 Enforce these expectations.
 On arrival highlight safe area for students to wait and gather for further
 Adult to depart bus first and direct students to safe area.
Use of public  Environment / Medium Risk  Adult to check toilets before students’ access.
toilets. hygiene hazards.  Students to use toilets in groups if possible.
 Student protection  Teacher / adult to remain in toilet vicinity.
Moving from one  Child left behind Medium Risk  Teachers in charge of groups call roll, count numbers etc. as students
location to another unsupervised. assemble to move.
at all times during  Children exposed to  Maintain the ratio of 1 adult to 5 prep students.
the excursion. hazards while walking to  Teacher/adult to look for snakes or hazards on the path ahead of
and on pathways students.
 Slips, trips, falls.  1 teacher/adult to be at front of group students, and 1 teacher/adult to
be at back of group of students.
 Students are to stay with their group at all times.
 Teacher/adult to familiarise themselves with route prior to walk.
 Students reminded to stay on the pathway unless directed by a
 All students are to wear closed in shoes.
 Walking on paths - Discuss dangers with children – watch where going,
stay on path, no pulling branches etc.
Supervision at  Child leaving area. Low Risk  On arrival at venue a teacher will assess picnic/ably area for hazards such
botanical garden  Child being left as needles, snakes etc.
behind.  On arrival to venue the boundaries are pointed out. ‘No Go’ zones are
 Interaction with non- highlighted. Procedures for moving to toilet/ filling water bottles, safety
school community procedures etc. are clarified regarding gaining permission and not moving
members. around alone.
 Environment  Picnic area for students to assemble after the activity has finished, during
lunch, or if separated from the group, should also be pointed out.
 Teacher to check public toilets before students enter. Toilet area to be
monitored by teacher if possible. Students to attend toilets in groups.
 Ensure relevant Procedures for Communicating Appropriate Behaviour in
Toilets are followed.
 Appropriate supervision to be provided.
 Sun smart requirements to be enforced including wearing a hat at all
times and where possible stop in shaded areas.
Use Ipad  Inappropriate photos Medium Risk  Clarify appropriate use of Ipad with students e.g. inappropriate filming.
taken.  Use school Ipads that do not have internet capabilities off school grounds.
 Access to  Remind parents all filming/photos must be taken on school Ipads. Use of
inappropriate websites. personal devices to take pictures/film during the excursion is not acceptable.
 Inappropriate
Eating Meals  Slips, trips, falls. High Risk  Medical and allergy information stored at the school will be reviewed,
 Student being collated and communicated to relevant staff.
provided with food they  Students are only to eat food they have brought from home. No sharing
have allergy to. of food is allowed.
 Group meeting to discuss behaviour expectations in eating area e.g.
noise level, toilet access, define boundaries, ‘No Go’ zones are highlighted.
Procedures for moving around the facilities during meal times are clarified.
Administration of  Inappropriate use of High Risk  Medical and allergy information stored at the school will be reviewed,
Medication medication. collated and communicated to relevant staff.
 Medication not  Confirm any medication requirements with office staff – take medication
administered at record form outlining dosage and times.
appropriate time.  Record medication as it is administered.
 Teacher in charge of medication must communicate with office re
ensuring Individual Action Plans and emergency medication is taken on the
 All medication must carry a pharmacist’s label indicating quantity and
dosage to be administered.
 One teacher to be responsible for administering medication, this teacher
to control all medical records and requirements, storage and administration
of medication at the appropriate times. This teacher to ensure all
administration of medication procedures are followed as per the relevant
 Medication presented to teacher in charge of medication prior to
departure (students not to keep medication unless it is a requirement on their
individual action plan e.g. emergency medication).
Sighting of a Snake  Snake bite High Risk  Ensure students receive warning regarding being alert for snakes before
 Ensure staff and students are instructed in the below procedures
If a snake is seen or reported on or near the site:
1. Note the location of the snake and ensure that this area is isolated until the
snake is removed
2. Remove all staff and students from immediate area until snake is removed
3. DO NOT approach, attack or otherwise provoke the snake. REMEMBER - IF
 One teacher to be responsible for the First Aid kit, this information will be
clearly communicated to all teachers/adults.
Touching of plants  Cuts/scratches High Risk  Children are instructed not to touch plants from the garden
 Allergic reaction  All plant material proposed to be held by students will be shown to the
teacher for approval before hand.
 Allergy information stored at the school will be reviewed, collated and
communicated to relevant staff.
 One teacher to be responsible for the First Aid kit, this information will be
clearly communicated to all teachers/adults.

Change management – (unplanned / identification of new or introduced hazard/s.)

 


 Ensure access to appropriate first aid facilities is available during all school activities. For all excursions this means ensuring a staff member is first aid qualified and kits are
appropriately stocked to manage snake bite.
 Additional risk assessments to be completed as required if the school is conducting activities where they are responsible for the risk management e.g. Outdoor activities / sporting
 Adults are not to supervise students one on one in areas of low visibility.

Confirmation all control measures listed will be in place (teacher in charge)

NAME : ______________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ______________________________________ DATE: _______/_______/__________

Approval of risk assessment (Principal/Delegate)

APPROVED BY: ________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ______________________________________ DATE: _______/_______/__________

REVIEW: Did a review of this risk assessment result in additional or modified recommendations: Yes  No  If Yes, provide details below.

REVIEWED BY: _________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ______________________________________ DATE: _______/_______/__________

Staff training in above risk assessment completed: A training sign off record sheet may be used if there is insufficient space on this form.
Training in procedures received and understood: I am aware of my WHS
obligations, student protection reporting obligations and the expectations Date:
outlined in the Catholic Education Code of Conduct :

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