City Looking To Address Rising Bay With Levee: Ax Falls On Comey
City Looking To Address Rising Bay With Levee: Ax Falls On Comey
City Looking To Address Rising Bay With Levee: Ax Falls On Comey
City looking to
address rising
Bay with levee
Foster City officials approve
2050 design, will ask voters
to support $90M upgrade
By Samantha Weigel
Ax falls on Comey
structure project in the city since the
community was created on Bay fill in the
Officials agreed to an adaptable
redesign of its 8-mile levee to meet sea
level rise predictions through 2050. The
city will also ask voters to approve a
$90 million general obligation bond to
President Donald Trump fires FBI head in midst of Russia probe finance the project, and the council certi-
fied an environmental impact report.
By Julie Pace and Eric Tucker Democrat Hillary sion to hold a news conference Kevin Miller
Two years after officials first started
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Clintons email announcing its findings and releasing
discussing the levee, City Manager Kevin Miller this week
practices, including derogatory information about
emphasized upgrading the project is critical to protect the
a pair of letters he Clinton.
WASHINGTON President Donald life and property of the citizens, businesses and everyone
sent to Congress Since Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Trump abruptly fired FBI Director in Foster City.
on the matter in the recused himself from the bureaus
James Comey Tuesday, dramatically The project was spurred when the Federal Emergency
closing days of last Trump-Russia probe, Rosenstein has
ousting the nations top law enforce- Management Agency deemed the citys levee was no longer
years campaign. been in charge.
ment official in the midst of an FBI adequate to protect against a 100-year storm and mapped the
Trump made no This is only the second firing of an
investigation into whether Trumps entire Bayfront community as a flood zone. Failing to meet
Donald Trump mention of FBI director in history. President Bill
campaign had ties to Russias med- FEMA requirements would force property owners with feder-
Comeys role in the Clinton dismissed William Sessions
dling in the election that sent him to ally-backed mortgages to purchase costly flood insurance.
Clinton investigation, which she has amid allegations of ethical lapses in
the White House. blamed in part for the election result. 1993.
In a letter to Comey, Trump said the But in announcing the firing, the Comey, who was in Los Angeles to See LEVEE, Page 19
firing was necessary to restore public White House circulated a scathing speak at an FBI recruiting event,
trust and confidence in the FBI.
Comey has come under intense scruti-
ny in recent months for his public
memo, written by Deputy Attorney
General Rod Rosenstein, criticizing
Comeys handling of the Clinton
boarded his plane and headed back to
Washington instead. Redwood City makes room
comments on an investigation into probe, including the directors deci- See COMEY, Page 19
for behind-the-scenes needs
Having pride for who you are City officials preparing long-term
infrastructure plans for final review
Countys first LGBTQ center By Anna Schuessler
set to open in San Mateo
By Samantha Weigel The Redwood City Council got a closer look at what a
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF plan could look like to fund more than 130 needed infra-
structure projects totaling $527.9 million in the next five
A collaborative effort to create a years at its Monday meeting. Inside
community-oriented hub of informa- Public Works Director Ramana
tion and compassion Chinnakotla provided councilmembers Redwood
is opening its doors as
Inside with a status update for current capital City fees
the first San Mateo LGBTQ improvement projects, such as turf replace-
See page 3
County Pride Center life in San ment at city parks, and detailed descrip-
welcomes LGBTQ+ Mateo County tions of long-term projects proposed by
people of all ages. See opinion every city department, such as improvements to the
Located in San page 9 Highway 101 and Woodside Road interchange.
Mateo, the new center City Manager Melissa Stevenson Diaz acknowledged the
is considered one of the most innova- challenge of matching the citys sources of funding, many
SAMANTHA WEIGEL/DAILY JOURNAL tive in California as five nonprofits of which are designated for specific uses, with the projects
Cat Haueter, left, Lisa Putkey and Low Sunga are excited to work at the new San
Mateo County PRIDE Center. See CENTER, Page 20 See NEEDS, Page 6
Police reports
No favors in this party
A man said his neighbors were having a party over
the weekend and throwing rocks at his wife on
Newbridge Avenue in San Mateo before 10:27 a. m.
Monday, May 1.
Di s turbance. A man got out of a vehicle, approached
another vehicles window and brandished a weapon at the
driver near East Third Avenue and South Humboldt Street
before 4:46 p.m. Monday, May 1.
Res i denti al burg l ary. A storage unit was broken into on
Highland Avenue, it was reported Wednesday, April 26.
Lo s t pro perty. A man lost a pocketknife on South
Delaware Street before 2:23 p.m. Saturday, April 22.
Hi t-and-run. The driver of a white pickup truck struck
another vehicle and left the scene on East Fourth Avenue
before 7:05 a.m. Saturday, April 22.
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U.S. fishing industry retracted a Around the state
California lawmakers
bit in 2015; $208 billion in sales extend contract with Eric Holders firm
SACRAMENTO The California Legislature has extend-
By Patrick Whittle ed its contract with former U.S. Attorney General Eric
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Holders law firm through the end of
PORTLAND, Maine Americas The Legislature is paying Holders
fishing industry declined slightly in firm Covington & Burling $25,000 per
2015 as fishermen contended with month out of the Assembly and Senates
environmental and market forces, the operating budgets.
federal government says. Legislative leaders are extending the
The National Oceanic and contract because Holders firm has been
Atmospheric Administration on working on several projects that they
Tuesday released its Fisheries want to see through, Kevin Liao, a
Economics of the United States report
Eric Holder
spokesman for Assembly Speaker
for 2015, the most recent year for Anthony Rendon, said Tuesday. The speaker has found legal
which statistics are available. The advice from the firm to be worthwhile, Liao said, adding
report says U.S. fisheries contributed a
that lawmakers will reevaluate whether to extend the con-
little less than $208 billion in sales, a
decline from nearly $214 billion in tract further at the end of the month.
2014, which the government stressed
was a banner year. California wants to make
The number of fisheries jobs was also In 2015, the number of fisheries jobs was down 12 percent, to 1.6 million. But the interfering with an audit a crime
down 12 percent, to 1.6 million. But NOAA noted the totals were better than they were four years earlier and were the SACRAMENTO A California lawmaker wants to make
the NOAA noted the 2015 totals were second best year in the period from 2011 to 2015.
better than they were four years earlier intentionally interfering with an audit a crime after a con-
and were the second best year in the and salmon, the agency said. was the Maine lobster fishery. The troversial audit on the University of California.
period from 2011 to 2015. Environmental factors have also value of all the lobster caught in Maine Democratic Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi of the Los
The NOAA said environmental fac- been felt on the East Coast, where has climbed from $237 million in 2009 Angeles area said Tuesday he does not yet have details on
tors included marine toxins; El Nio, warming ocean waters are among the to more than $500 million in 2015. how his bill would be enforced.
a naturally occurring worldwide cli- factors blamed for the collapse of the The NOAA also released its annual The auditors report said UC administrators hid $175 mil-
mate phenomenon that starts with Atlantic cod fishery. Status of Stocks report, about the lion from the public in a reserve fund. It also found the UC
unusually warm water in the central In New England in particular, were health of different species. The report presidents office tried to interfere with the audit.
and eastern equatorial Pacific and seeing some of these environmental states that three stocks of Chinook The report said the presidents office altered campuses
then changes weather worldwide; and changes, said Alan Risenhoover, an salmon, along the Washington coast responses that were critical of the office.
the Pacific Oceans warm blob, an administrator with NOAA. That affects and in the Columbia River basin, and UC President Janet Napolitano has disputed the audits
area of relatively warm water off the some stocks. one stock of Coho salmon, along the findings. She told lawmakers last week her office has $38
West Coast. Those factors drove The NOAAs report mentioned one of Washington coast, have been removed million in reserves and that it coordinated with campuses
down the value of crab, squid, hake the strongest fisheries in the country from the federal overfishing list. on responses to ensure accuracy.
Career Fair
improvement process and how to best prior- nate ways a project could be completed as a serve as planning documents.
Continued from page 1
itize projects to reflect council priorities.
Councilwoman Shelly Masur suggested
the city find ways to gauge community
long-term approach and funding scheme is
developed for major projects such as
improving drainage in some neighborhood
Gee reminded the council that given the
high total cost of the projects proposed for
the next five years, the city would have to
interest in projects to improve drainage and streets. He referenced buildup of water at consider how it would handle deferred main-
pavement for areas in the city where they pedestrian crossings for some residential tenance of certain projects to meet funding
highlighted by each city department as pri- are below standard, a project staff estimated streets as an example of an issue that could goals for new ones. He thought planning
orities. could cost the city up to $110 million. She be addressed with permeable pavement in ahead and tracking the citys assets against
Putting together a capital program is an cautioned city officials against moving for- the coming months and years as the city its deferred maintenance projects would
exercise in connecting the dots or matching ward with projects affecting specific neigh- plans for repaving some of those areas. help the city weigh these priorities.
up the colors of money with the kinds of borhoods unless there is documented inter- Id like to see if there are any alternative There may be a point in time where we
projects we have, she said. est in those areas. methods of improving drainage in those may not have choices but we want to be
Chinnakotlas effort to identify and group
I think it would need to be a discussion neighborhoods, such as permeable pavers, informed when we get to that point and
the projects revealed a gap between project-
with the various neighborhoods where other things that we might be able to do as work strategically, he said.
ed funding and the total funded needed to
those streets are, she said. maybe interim solutions that would Howard expressed gratitude to
complete the projects over five years of
Vice Mayor Ian Bain voiced support for improve some parts of the city, he said. Chinnakotla and city staff for helping
$254.7 million. Transportation and parks
were the largest categories in Chinnakotlas bringing the community into the discus- Mayor John Seybert said a possible col- shape a planning process allowing the city
five-year projections, with $275 million to sion of the projects to help prioritize them, laboration between the city and San Mateo to more effectively plan for the future.
fund transportation projects such as grade and suggested the city look at strengthen- County to make more downtown parking Were taking that longer view so that we
separation of the Caltrain track at Whipple ing relationships with neighborhood spots available at a new parking garage the can plan on what we do out in multiple
Avenue. Other projects departments hoped organizations to gauge interest. county may build near the courthouse could years, she said. Theres just so many more
to complete in the next five years were I want to bring them into that discussion be an example of multiple agencies pooling opportunities to be smart when you plan out
street signs providing drivers with real- early on, including letting them know how resources to address common needs. He said the work.
time downtown parking information and a prohibitively expensive it is to make these he looked forward to members of the coun- In other business, the council approved a
streetscape project to improve multi-modal types of improvements, he said. cils utilities subcommittee, of which he is plan to build a 750,000-gallon water tank
transportation on Middlefield Road. Masur also thought possible new sources a member with councilmembers Alicia near the entrance of the Emerald Lake Hills
Though revenue from the citys utility tax of funding Chinnakotla identified may be Aguirre and Diane Howard, devising a for- neighborhood Monday. One of the capital
can be applied to all capital improvement more feasible than others, and said it may mula to help city officials weigh projects. improvements included in the next fiscal
projects, park impact fees, water and sewer be difficult to generate support among resi- The key to me is the next step, and that years budget, the tank is expected to aid to
fees as well as Measure A and gas tax revenue dents for parcel taxes to fund specific proj- is a robust study of the prioritization, he the citys water storage deficit. Originally
are expected to generate approximately ects. Councilman Jeff Gee suggested the said. I believe that this is where we could planned for a site at the intersection of
$143 million over the next five years city work more closely with community use the prioritization committee to bring California and Tom Suden ways, the water
toward dedicated projects, according to a partners to address some of the needs behind back a weighted process. tank location has been moved 135 feet from
staff report. the projects before asking the community Seybert mentioned a projects impact on California Way into the hillside to reduce
Chinnakotla identified increases to the to pay more. public safety and whether it might improve the tanks visibility and preserve the neigh-
citys sales tax, business tax, hotel tax and We shouldnt dismiss partners in our residents quality of life as two possible borhoods character. City officials and resi-
new parcel taxes as ways the city could gen- community who want to help, he said. We ways a project could be evaluated. dents came to an agreement on this loca-
erate revenue to reach more infrastructure need to look at community partners before Chinnakotla confirmed the council would tion, a compromise solution that will cost
projects, but he asked the council for direc- we ask our community to pay more in parcel review the first year of the capital improve- $1.1 million more than the citys original
tion to explore new sources, whether to taxes, business taxes, sales taxes. ment program each year for adoption, while proposal, after several months of discus-
include repairing aging roads in the capital Bain also suggested the city look at alter- the four years following that year would sion. The total cost is now $8.6 million.
from guidance weighed by U.S. The attorneys general of California, New Mexico, New
York and Washington, all Democrats, said bringing back the
federal coal lease program without an environmental review
By Sadie Gurman ans Eric Tucker guidance has not been publicly including an updated memorandum on risks worsening the effects of climate change on those
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS announced. As outlined, that version charging for all criminal cases. states while shortchanging them for the coal taken from
would encourage prosecutors to charge The new policy statement is likely public lands.
WASHINGTON Justice people with the most serious, prov- to represent a major departure from a Climate change has to be considered when we are talking
Department officials have been able offenses something more like- 2013 initiative known as Smart on about compensating states and New Mexico citizens for
weighing new guidance that would ly to trigger mandatory minimum sen- Crime, in which then-Attorney their resources, said Cholla Khoury, New Mexico Attorney
encourage prosecutors to charge sus- tences. Those rules limit a judges dis- General Eric Holder discouraged harsh General Hector Balderas director of consumer and environ-
pects with the most serious offenses cretion and are typically dictated, for sentences for low-level, nonviolent mental protection.
they can prove, a reversal of Obama- example, by the quantity of drugs offenders, which advocates say con-
era policies that aimed to reduce the involved in a crime. tributed to a national rethinking of
federal prison population and show Such a policy shift has been expect- how Americas drug criminals should
more leniency to lower-level drug ed since Sessions was appointed and is be prosecuted.
offenders. in keeping with his tough-on-crime Holders guidance was aimed at
If embraced by Attorney General Jeff public posture, resistance to propos- reducing costs of a crowded federal EXAMINATIONS
als he sees as overly lenient and prison system, encouraging shorter and
Sessions, this could result in an TREATMENT
increased use of rigid mandatory mini- repeated statements about running a sentences for drug offenders not seen of
mum sentences that critics have called Justice Department that enforces laws as threat to public safety and preserv- Diseases & Disorders
unnecessarily harsh. as theyre written. In 2003, Attorney ing Justice Department resources for of the Eye
The guidance is taking shape in the General John Ashcroft enacted a simi- more serious and violent criminals.
form of a memo that ultimately will be lar policy that directed prosecutors to Though Holder did say that prosecu- EYEGLASSES
shared with the nations federal prose- pursue the most serious, readily tors ordinarily should charge the most and
cutors, but the timeframe for release is provable offense in all federal prose- serious offense, he instructed them to OD, FAAO
unclear. Drafts of the memo have been cutions. do an individualized assessment of GLAUCOMA Evening and Saturday appts
circulating for weeks and have under- Department spokeswoman Sarah the defendants conduct. And he out- STATE BOARD CERT also available
gone revisions, so the final language Isgur Flores told AP that Sessions has lined exceptions, for not pursuing
is not yet certain. called for a review of all department mandatory minimum sentences, 1159 BROADWAY
A person involved in the discus- policies to focus on keeping including if a defendants crime does
sions described one version to the Americans safe and will be issuing fur- not involve violence or if he doesnt
Provider for VSP and most major medical
Associated Press speaking only on ther guidance and support to our pros- have a leadership role in a criminal insurances including Medicare and HPSM
condition of anonymity because the ecutors executing this priority organization.
U.S. digs for evidence of Haiti immigrant crimes South Koreas liberal presidential
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n 1979, I swore an oath to pro- landmark decision
tect and defend our
Constitution, against all ene-
afrming LGBTQ
peoples right to
perspective teaches us an enormous amount about our-
selves and the world, it is not really seen as
such in our culture. We have no traditions that elevate car-
mies, foreign and domestic, as a marry.
ing for our children and all that it involves, making it a
recruit in the U.S. Air Force. Eight Despite great senting the wide spectrum of gender way of achieving intellectual and spiritual enlightenment.
years later, I had to leave a career I progress, there are and all of the diverse colors of the It is not given the respect it deserves. Jane Swigart,
loved because it seemed like that still many people rainbow, thrive. The survey is online The Myth of the Bad Mother.
Constitution didnt protect me as a in our midst who are isolated and at Weekday mornings, 7-year-old Jay and his 4-year-old
gay man. Still in the closet, I started afraid. Voices of hate and acts of responses are condential). sister Nan have to get up early so that Mom can take Jay
civilian life in the midst of the AIDS extreme violence continue to prevail Thirty years after leaving the job I to day care at a friends house for a couple of hours before
crisis. Id left one life behind only to and people in and near power are loved, Im thrilled that San Mateo school. Then she drops off Nan at all-day care a few miles
be terried that there was no place for demanding that the rights of the few, County has a pride celebration June away. As a result, it takes her almost an hour to get to
me in this new life either. gained through these many years of 10 and is opening its own LGBTQ work on a good trafc day. After school, Jay stays at the
Then one day I spotted a headline hard work and tears, be rolled back. Center. Im privileged to have been after-school day care until Dad picks up the kids around 5
in the San Jose Mercury News: Gay Some would like those of us who given the opportunity to swear to p.m. On the way home, Mom often stops for something
Life in the Slow Lane. It was a story stand proudly in the light of equality protect and defend the Constitution to eat to take home for dinner like pizza, hamburgers, etc.
about the Billy DeFrank Center in to be forced back into the darkness of once again, this time as an out She would like to cook at home more often, but she usual-
San Jose. I showed up for a support the closet, or worse. proud gay county commissioner. ly is very strapped for time, and when she does, dinner
group meeting the following As a member of San Mateo Now Im calling on you to join us, isnt ready until around
Thursday and discovered an entire Countys LGBTQ Commission I have to take this historic survey, and to 7:30 p.m.
world full of beautiful people, which a new call to action to shine a come out, come out, wherever you Before and after dinner,
eventually led me to the man I mar- brighter light on our communities. are, to stand up for all of those who theres homework for Jay,
ried 27 years ago. We are launching a historic opportu- might be feeling like this baths etc. and sometimes
A lot has changed in these three nity for LGBTQ people in the county Constitution doesnt protect them. time for a story. As hard as
decades, in large part because of to come out come out wherever they IT DOES, but only if we stand Mom tries, and in spite of
Harvey Milks prophetic call for are and make their voices heard. together to make it so. good intentions, the kids
LGBTQ people to come out come out Through our countywide survey we
rarely get to bed before
wherever you are. The longer we are inviting LGBTQ people who live
8:30 p.m. or 9 p.m. Then
stayed in the closet, in the shadows, and work in San Mateo to help us Craig Wiesner is a member of the San up again at 6 a.m. and the
the longer stereotypes and myths understand what life is like for them, Mateo County LGBTQ Commission routine starts over.
would dene us, rather than us den- and how we can work together to and co-founder of Reach And Teach, an On weekends, theres lit-
ing ourselves. Harvey Milk was make the county a place where all of
independent book store, toy store, and tle respite from the chaos.
right. The more people came out, the its people, queer and straight, young
cultural gift shop on 25th Av enue in Theres shopping to do,
greater the level of acceptance there and old, citizen and immigrant, rich,
laundry, housecleaning,
was. Today things are quite different poor and in between, people repre- San Mateo. yard work, soccer practice, working out at the gym and
often theres a birthday party for a classmate for the kids
to attend. Rarely do they do anything as a family, and
when they do, they hardly ever can take as much time as
Letters to the editor they would like as the usual tension hangs over Moms
If anyone in the family gets sick, everything is thrown
off kilter. Mom has to stay at home with the ill child and
PG&E and safety first seriously injured or killed. See, I think weve got plenty of
self-esteem: were ready and willing
when she does, she worries about getting laid off from her
job. Mom often feels impatient when such problems
Editor, to fight your presidents short-
Steve Duncan arise. Shes afraid that no matter how she tries to hide it,
Despite being hit with six felony sighted, ignorant, prejudiced and the kids pick up on it and get the feeling that they are a
safety violations, a multi-billion Burlingame narcissistic decisions for the next lot of trouble. Add that to the fact that most of the time no
dollar fine for the San Bruno two, four or eight years (however one in the family gets enough sleep, adequate nutrition
pipeline explosion and having to long it takes for him to get the and needed relief from stress and tension.
show a TV apology commercial for a No lack of self-esteem boot) because we know that we have Mom is employed because she has to be for the family
few years, PG&E is doing absolutely to do what is right, even in the face to make ends meet. Even though, with the cost of child
nothing on hazardous PG&E proper- of incredible opposition. care, transportation expenses, etc., there is very little
To Ray Fowler, who wrote the letter
ty on Burlingame city streets (Also, Meanwhile, your party has been left. She hangs on to her job because shes always wor-
to the editor Low self-esteem and defined by a complete lack of toler-
probably neighboring city streets). self-delusion in the April 19 edition ried that Dad will be laid off again and they will not be
I was personally injured on a ance for people who are not rich, able to meet expenses and fall further in debt before he
of the Daily Journal (for the purposes white, male and/or straight, and
PG&E utility vault cover in January of this letter, Im going to presume finds another job.
everything theyve pushed in the
2016. It took many months before you identify as a conservative based Day care in the United States is a conundrum. An arti-
last 16 years has reinforced that
PG&E actually remedied the public on how you described liberals): time and time again (hello, cle titled The Hell of American Daycare by Jonathan
safety hazard. Your main argument, underneath Trumpcare). Cohn in a 2013 New Republic reveals that In the
I spoke on these public safety all the unnecessary and unfounded ad Given that they feel the need to United States, despite the fact that work and family life
issues twice in 2016 before the hominem attacks on an entire group resort to attacking people who have changed profoundly in recent decades, we lack any-
Burlingame City Council. The video of people (ironic), seems to be that already face severe discrimination thing resembling an actual child-care system the
is available online. PG&E utility everyone on the political left is and hurdles in modern society, Id overall quality is wildly uneven and barely monitored.
vault covers in Burlingame side- pushing for false equality and pun- reckon theyre the ones who lack Sometimes Mom lies awake at night worrying about
walks remain slippery, hazardous ishing those who dont agree with self-esteem and must compensate for what all of this chaos is doing to her children. How dif-
and dangerous. Neighboring cities it with posturing and bullying. ferent will they be from children who have a more
them through violence and hate
most likely have the same public relaxed life? What effect will all of the constant hurry
speech because we hate ourselves, or
safety hazards. and tension have on their health? Will Mom and her
something. Im forced to disagree Colin Marquart children be able to look back on their childhood with
My sole concern is trying to pre- with you here, not only as a liberal,
San Mateo pleasure or will it be just one big blur of constant fren-
vent another person from getting but as someone with common sense.
The big, fixed expenses have shot through the roof
OUR MISSION: and blown apart the family budget. Adjusted for infla-
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most tion, families today spend more on transportation, more
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for on housing, more on health insurance, etc. And for all
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula.
By combining local news and sports coverage, families with small children and no one at home during
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, the day, the cost of child care has doubled, doubled
Michael Davis Henry Guerrero lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to again, and doubled once more. Families have pinched
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Charles Gould Paul Moisio provide our readers with the highest quality
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Joe Rudino Bruce Scannell information resource in San Mateo County. pennies on groceries and clothing, but those big, recur-
Joy Uganiza Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we ring expenses have blown them right over a financial
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer
choose to reflect the diverse character of this cliff. This Fight Is Our Fight, Elizabeth Warren.
Nicola Zeuzem, Production Manager INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: dynamic and ever-changing community.
Renee Abu-Zaghibra Robert Armstrong The above is, of course, one example of what some
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events Jim Clifford Dan Heller mothers have to deal with daily. In various ways, many
Samantha Weigel, Senior Reporter
Robert Hutchinson Tom Jung SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM mothers in todays culture have a very tough row to hoe.
Brian Miller Mona Murhamer
REPORTERS: Karan Nevatia Jeanita Lyman Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: It seems that on Mothers Day, besides presenting Mom
Terry Bernal, Anna Schuessler, Austin Walsh Brigitte Parman Adriana Ramirez with candy and flowers, we need to consider the impact
Nick Rose Andrew Scheiner
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events Joel Snyder Megan Tao of our cultural dysfunction on so many mothers and their
Dave Newlands, Production Assistant
Gary Whitman Cindy Zhang Online edition at
children and work on some changes, starting with a
higher minimum wage, requiring adequate paid maternity
Letters to the Editor Emailed documents are preferred: Correction Policy
leave for both new parents and reliable, affordable day
Should be no longer than 250 words. [email protected] The Daily Journal corrects its errors. care. Maybe more mothers would feel truly appreciated.
Perspective Columns Letter writers are limited to two submissions a If you question the accuracy of any article in the Daily
Should be no longer than 600 words. month. Journal, please contact the editor at
Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters Opinions expressed in letters, columns and [email protected] Since 1984, Dorothy Dimitre has written more than 900
will not be accepted. perspectives are those of the individual writer and do or by phone at: 344-5200, ext. 107
Please include a city of residence and phone not necessarily represent the views of the Daily Journal Editorials represent the viewpoint of the Daily Journal columns for v arious local newspapers. Her email address
number where we can reach you. staff. editorial board and not any one individual.
is [email protected].
10 Wednesday May 10, 2017 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL
Liquidation/Chapter 7
Reorganization/Chapter 11
Out Of Court Workouts
TUESDAY Local sports roundup loss in the season opener May 6. El Camino (16-4-1 overall) rallied for
three runs in the top of the seventh but it
The Dragons will be giving out a free taco
lunch with every paying fan, which includes wasnt enough as Woodside came away with
Softball tournament title in 2012. Serra was 161-77-
two tacos, a bag of chips and a drink. a victory in non-league action.
1 under Gianinno.
Notre Dame-Belmont 10, Pinewood 0 Burlingame still has two more road games The Wildcats (6-18) scored five runs in the
The Tigers wrapped up an undefeated West South City 11, San Mateo 10, 8 innings this week before coming home, however. first inning of Colts started DJ Ferrari, but
Bay Athletic League Foothill Division sea- The Warriors scored three runs over the They will be in San Francisco for a 3 p.m. the sophomore gutted out five innings of
son with a mercy-rule win over the final two innings and walked off in the bot- start against El Farolito at Boxer Stadium work, allowing seven runs (three earned) on
Panthers. tom of the eighth with the one-run victory and will stay in The City to take on San eight hits to take the loss.
It was the ninth time in 12 WBAL games in a PAL Ocean Division matchup. Francisco City FC at Negoesco Stadium at 1
that Notre Dame-Belmont (12-0 WBAL p.m. Saturday. El Camino totaled nine hits, paced by jun-
The Bearcats led 10-8 going into the bot-
Foothill, 19-7 overall) won by mercy rule. The Dragons will only have two home ior Carlos Coloms 3-for-4, two-RBI day.
tom of the seventh, but the Warriors tied it
The Tigers wasted little time in jumping with two runs, before winning it in the games the first eight weeks of the season,
out to a 2-0 lead in the first and added four eighth. but they play four straight in Burlingame in Softball
more in both the second and third innings. San Mateo (4-7 PAL Ocean, 12-12-2 over- June and have five of their final eight on
Notre Dame pitcher Madi Earnshaw picked all) led 2-1 before the Bearcats erupted for their home pitch. Notre Dame-Belmont 12, Notre Dame-SJ 2
up yet another no-hitter, missing out on a seven runs in the top of the fourth, only to
MONDAY Chloe Stogner and Bella Parks each had
second perfect game with one walk to go be matched by South City (5-6, 9-14) in the perfect days at the plate, backing Kelsey
along with eight strikeouts. bottom of the frame. Takahas one-hitter in Notre Dame-
Chloe Stogner led the Tigers offensive Juan Borrero and Roberto Solis each Baseball Belmonts (11-0 in WBAL, 18-7 overall)
charge with four RBIs. Marina Sylvestri and drove in three runs to pace the Warriors Crystal Springs Uplands 7, Westmoor 2 five-inning, mercy-rule win.
Earnshaw each drove in a pair of runs as offense. Jordan Balzomo and Carlos Solis
well. Crystal Springs Uplands (8-4 PAL Lake, Stogner was 4 for 4 with two RBIs, while
each had two RBIs for South City. 10-7 overall) rallied for its eighth straight
San Mateo was paced by Ethan Wolf and Parks went 3 for 3 with a two-run home run.
Girls lacrosse Garrison Wendlberger, who had two RBIs
win to clinch at least a tie for second place Takaha, Ally Anagnostou and Bianca
in the Peninsula Athletic League Lake Magnani each produced multi-hit games as
Sacred Heart Prep 12, Castilleja 6 apiece. Division.
SHP topped Castilleja in the first round of well.
The Gryphons scored two runs in the first
the WBAL playoffs. Half Moon Bay 8, Menlo School 0 and never looked back against winless Takaha earned the win, allowing two runs
SHP led 8-4 at halftime. The Cougars snapped the Knights 12- Westmoor (0-11, 0-18) when Matt Misota on one hit, while walking five and striking
Cam Gordon was a wrecking machine for game winning streak with a shutout on the and David Young each produced RBI dou- out six.
SHP, scoring seven times. Ingrid Corrigan coast. bles. Misota earned the win on the mound,
and Allison Carter each had two goals Ryan Yerby did a little bit of everything working 4 2/3 innings while allowing two
apiece. Carter also added an assist, as did for Half Moon Bay (6-4, 12-12-1). Not only runs on three hits and striking out five. South City 15, El Camino 0
Kaily Wachhorst. did he pick up the win on the mound with a Alex Loubscher paced Crystal Springs,
complete-game effort, he cracked a two-run The Colts clinched at least a share of the
Grace Johnson rounded out the scoring for going 3 for 3 with an RBI. Young was 2 for PAL Ocean Division title with a shutout
SHP. double in the fourth. Danny Mack, AJ 4 with a pair of doubles and three RBIs.
Morrell and Daniel Dempsey each had a over the rival Colts.
Evan Cook added two hits.
Baseball triple and an RBI for the Cougars.
The Gryphons wrap up their season this San Mateo can also clinch a share of the
Griff McGarry led Menlo (9-3, 14-10-1) crown with a sweep of two games this week.
Clarification offensively with a pair of hits.
week with a tall task, matching up with
In the May 6 Local Sports Roundup of first-place El Camino for a two-game series. Karizma Bergesen had a big day at the
the Daily Journal, the number of West Mens soccer Crystal Springs is two games ahead of third- plate for South City (11-1 PAL Ocean, 14-4
Catholic Athletic League titles former Serra place Mills (8-6, 9-14) in the loss column overall), driving in five runs, going 2 for 3
manager Craig Gianinno won and his over- Dragons prep for home opener and can do no worse than finish in a second- with a home run and three runs scored.
all record was incorrect. He guided the Burlingame Dragons open their home place tie with the Vikings. Lorreinne Malepeai drove in three runs for
Padres to a pair of regular-season co-cham- schedule Sunday against the Fresno Fuego, the Warriors, while Kathryn Chavez and
pionships in 2013 and 2016, and a WCAL the same side that dealt the Dragons a 4-0 Woodside 7, El Camino 6 Janessa Cayabyab each added a pair of RBIs.
THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Wednesday May 10, 2017 13
Crosby crash didnt meet concussion rule 28 on Thursday, already has 21 vic-
tories around the world and four
major championships.
They married two weeks ago in
Ireland and spent their honeymoon
in the Caribbean.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS removal from of Game 3 by a blow the head from But hes gone through quite a bit It was obviously the best week-
play. The proto- the Capitals Matt Niskanen. He since he tied for seventh at the end of my life, and hopefully, the
A week after he was knocked out of col states a play- missed Game 4 with a concussion Masters. best weekend of Ericas, as well,
playoff game with a concussion, er must be and returned for Game 5 on Saturday. I needed to address a few issues he said. It seems like with every-
Pittsburgh star Sidney Crosby slid removed if a On Tuesday after practice, Crosby in between Augusta and here, and I thing thats went on the last few
headfirst into the boards during spotter sees said he was checked by a doctor did that with the first 10 days after weeks with getting married and
another tense game against the symptoms in a Monday night but did not go into Augusta, McIlroy said. teaming up with TaylorMade it
Washington Capitals. player who takes concussion protocol. That was related to his equip- seems like everythings very set-
He did not come out of Game 6 on a blow to his Any guy that goes into the boards ment, and McIlroy wound up with tled. Theres not many question
Monday night. Sidney Crosby head or upper like that, the first thing is the trainer his fourth brand of clubs in the last marks going on in my life right
Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly torso from and the doctors, thats how it goes, five years. He left Titleist for Nike now. I feel like everythings exact-
told the Associated Press in an email another players shoulder, his head Crosby said. What youre talking to start 2013, and when Nike got ly where its meant to be, and if you
Tuesday that the leagues centralized hitting the ice or from a punch to the about is the difference between out of the club-making business feel like that off the golf course,
concussion spotter decided the play head. checking with a doctor and entering last year, he began using Callaway. then I can only imagine that it will
did not meet concussion protocol Crosby slid into the boards exact- concussion protocol, theyre two He still wasnt entirely comfort- help you on it.
criteria that require mandatory ly one week after he was knocked out separate things. And now its back to work.
THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Wednesday May 10, 2017 15
Continued from page 11
East Division
W L Pct GB
East Division
W L Pct GB
Baltimore 22 10 .688 Washington 21 12 .636
Hillsdale at Sacred Heart Prep, Woodside at
Burlingame, Sequoia at Terra Nova, Capuchino at New York 21 10 .677 1/2 New York 16 16 .500 4 1/2
years, but has seen tremendous Carlmont, 4 p.m. Boston 17 15 .531 5 Philadelphia 13 18 .419 7
growth from him throughout the WCAL tournament Tampa Bay 16 19 .457 7 1/2 Miami 13 19 .406 7 1/2
Semifinals at Santa Clara University, 4 and 7 p.m. Toronto 12 21 .364 10 1/2 Atlanta 11 19 .367 8 1/2
season. Central Division Central Division
We have him do a little bit of Softball St. Louis 18 14 .563
Cleveland 18 14 .563
Terra Nova at San Mateo, El Camino at Mills, Jeffer- Cincinnati 18 15 .545 1/2
everything, Whitmill said. He son at Menlo-Atherton, Mercy-Burlingame vs. Notre
Minnesota 16 14 .533 1
Dame-SJ at PAL Stadium, Nueva at Crystal Springs, Detroit 16 15 .516 1 1/2 Chicago 17 16 .515 1 1/2
works hard in practice and it KIPP at Alma Heights, 4 p.m. Chicago 15 16 .484 2 1/2 Milwaukee 17 16 .515 1 1/2
shows. Hes improved tremen- Boys lacrosse Kansas City 12 20 .375 6 Pittsburgh 14 18 .438 4
dously. Sacred Heart Prep at Menlo School, 4 p.m. West Division West Division
Houston 22 11 .667 Colorado 21 13 .618
Litvin finished with 10 kills and Boys golf Los Angeles 17 18 .486 6 Los Angeles 18 14 .563 2
another on the block to go along CCS regional round #2 at Laguna Seca Golf Ranch, Seattle 16 17 .485 6 Arizona 18 16 .529 3
all day
with a pair of service aces. The rest As 15 18 .455 7 San Diego 13 21 .382 8
Texas 14 20 .412 8 1/2 Giants 11 23 .324 10
of the M-A offense was well spread THURSDAY
out, with Anthony Marini finish- Baseball Tuesdays Games Tuesdays Games
ing with four kills and three Aragon at Kings Academy, Half Moon Bay at South Texas 11, San Diego 0 Colorado 10, Chicago Cubs 4, 1st game
blocks for three more points. City, Menlo-Atherton at San Mateo, 4 p.m. Baltimore 5, Washington 4, 12 innings Texas 11, San Diego 0
WCAL tournament Seattle 10, Philadelphia 9 Baltimore 5,Washington 4, 12 innings
That loose, focused attitude was NATHAN MOLLAT/DAILY JOURNAL Cleveland 6, Toronto 0 Seattle 10, Philadelphia 9
Championship game at Santa Clara University,6:30 p.m.
on display in Game 1 as neither M-A libero Bryan Kang makes a pass Softball Cincinnati 5, N.Y. Yankees 3 Cincinnati 5, N.Y.Yankees 3
team showed any sign of nerves N.Y.Mets 6, San Francisco 1
on a serve receive. Carlmont at Burlingame, Aragon at Sequoia,Wood- Kansas City 7, Tampa Bay 6, 12 innings
St.Louis 6, Miami 5
and played the first set at a high side at Capuchino, Half Moon Bay at Hillsdale, Kings Milwaukee 11, Boston 7
Academy vs. Mercy-Burlingame at Cuernavaca Park, Houston 8, Atlanta 3 Milwaukee 11, Boston 7
level. Litvins first-point block teams also saw their game take a 4 p.m. Minnesota 7, Chicago White Sox 2
Houston 8, Atlanta 3
fueled a quick 3-0 start to the slight step backward as they both Boys lacrosse Chicago Cubs 8, Colorado 1, 2nd game
Detroit 7, Arizona 3
Burlingame at Sequoia,Woodside at Aragon, 7 p.m. Detroit 7, Arizona 3
match for M-A, with Cortney struggled with errors, many of L.A. Angels 7, Oakland 3 Pittsburgh at L.A.Dodgers, late
Weintz adding a kill and Collin which were net violations where Boys volleyball Wednesdays Games Wednesdays Games
CCS tournament Seattle (Gallardo 1-3) at Philly (Eflin 0-0), 10:05 a.m. Seattle (Gallardo 1-3) at Philly (Eflin 0-0), 10:05 a.m.
Shen blocking another Longhorn the net was either touched or a Atlanta (Garcia 1-1) at Houston (Musgrove 1-3),11:10 a.m.
Division II Giants (Cain 2-1) at Mets (Milone 1-0), 10:10 a.m.
attack for a point. players foot went over the line TBA vs. No. 3 Serra at Notre Dame-Belmont, 7 p.m. Angels (Chavez 2-4) at As (Triggs 4-2), 12:35 p.m. Atlanta (Garcia 1-1) at Houston (Musgrove 1-3),11:10 a.m.
The Bears would build an 8-3 under the net. Baltimore(Miley1-1)atWashington(Strasburg3-1),4:05p.m. Cubs(Hendricks2-1)atColorado(Marquez0-2),11:10a.m.
lead before Leigh went on a run. I think guys are more aggres- Cleveland (Salazar 2-3) atToronto (Liriano 2-2),4:07 p.m. Baltimore(Miley1-1)atWashington(Strasburg3-1),4:05p.m.
FRIDAY K.C. (Hammel 1-3) at Tampa (Archer 2-1), 4:10 p.m. St.Louis (Lynn 4-1) at Miami (Koehler 1-1), 4:10 p.m.
M-A gave the Longhorns a point sive trying to get the ball over, Baseball S.D. (Perdomo 0-0) at Texas (Darvish 3-2), 5:05 p.m. S.D.(Perdomo 0-0) at Texas (Darvish 3-2), 5:05 p.m.
on a service error and they capital- Whitmill said. El Camino vs. Crystal Springs, Sacred Heart Prep at Boston (Kendrick 0-1) at Brewers (Anderson 2-0),5:10 p.m. Boston(Kendrick0-1)atMilwaukee(Anderson2-0),5:10p.m.
Hillsdale, Burlingame at Woodside, Terra Nova at
ized, going on a 4-0 run to close to When Bears setter Schuyler Sequoia, Carlmont at Capuchino, 4 p.m. Minnesota (Hughes 4-1) at CWS (Holland 3-2),5:10 p.m. Detroit (Boyd 2-2) at Arizona (Godley 0-0), 6:40 p.m.
Detroit (Boyd 2-2) at Arizona (Godley 0-0), 6:40 p.m. Pittsburgh (Kuhl 1-2) at Dodgers (Maeda 2-2),7:10 p.m.
8-7. Knapp floated in a service ace, it Boys lacrosse
The error bug then hit the gave them a 22-16 lead before Menlo School at Menlo-Atherton, 7 p.m.
Longhorns as three straight mis- Leigh came storming back with a Track and field
WCAL championships at St. Francis, WBAL cham-
cues turned a M-A 9-8 lead into a 6-0 run to tie the game, taking pionships at Palo Alto High, 5 p.m. SECOND ROUND Second Round
12-8 advantage, one the Bears advantage of four M-A errors. Swimming EASTERN CONFERENCE EASTERN CONFERENCE
would eventually push to 17-11 [Leigh has] good players. They CCS trials at Santa Clara International Swim Cen- Boston 2, Washington 2 Pittsburgh 3, Washington 3
following a Leigh hitting error. can turn it around quickly, ter, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, April 30: Boston 123, Washington 111 Thursday, April 27: Pittsburgh 3, Washington 2
College softball Tuesday, May 2: Boston 129, Washington 119, OT
Leigh, however, is a fifth seed Whitmill said. Theyre fully Nor Cal Super Regional at College of San Mateo
Saturday, April 29: Pittsburgh 6, Washington 2
Thursday, May 4: Washington 116, Boston 89
for a reason. The Longhorns capable of making runs against us No. 11 Taft (27-12) vs. No. 1 CSM (33-6), 2 p.m. Sunday, May 7: Washington 121, Boston 102
Monday, May 1: Washington 3, Pittsburgh 2, OT
responded with their most domi- and they did. Wednesday, May 3: Pittsburgh 3, Washington 2
No. 5 Foothill (34-6) vs. No. 4 Sierra (34-8), 4 p.m. Wednesday, May 10:Washington at Boston, 5 p.m.-
nant play of the game. Following The Bears may have bent, but Friday, May 12: Boston at Washington, 5 p.m. Saturday, May 6: Washington 4, Pittsburgh 2
x-Monday, May 15: Washington at Boston, 5 p.m. Monday, May 8: Washington 5, Pittsburgh 2
a kill, Aleks Melbardis had back- they didnt break. A net violation SATURDAY
Wednesday, May 10: Pitt at Washington, 4:30 p.m.
to-back service aces and service and a hitting error by the Track and field WESTERN CONFERENCE
winner and suddenly the Longhorns gave the Bears set PAL championships at Menlo-Atherton, 10 a.m. San Antonio 3, Houston 2 Ottawa 4, N.Y. Rangers 2
Longhorns were within two, 17- point and they turned to Litvin, Swimming Monday, May 1: Houston 126, San Antonio 99 Thursday, April 27: Ottawa 2, N.Y. Rangers 1
CCS championships at Santa Clara International Wednesday, May 3: San Antonio 121, Houston 96
15. who hammered the game-winner Swim Cernter, 2:30 p.m. Friday, May 5: San Antonio 103, Houston 92
Saturday, April 29: Ottawa 6, N.Y. Rangers 5, 2OT
Leigh would later serve to stay off the Leigh block out of bounds College softball Tuesday, May 2: N.Y. Rangers 4, Ottawa 1
Sunday, May 7: Houston 125, San Antonio 104
for a 2-0 lead. Thursday, May 4: N.Y. Rangers 4, Ottawa 1
in the set and it appeared the Nor Cal Super Regional at College of San Mateo Tues., May 9: San Antonio 110, Houston 107 OT
Thursday, May 11: San Antonio at Houston, 5 p.m. Saturday, May 6: Ottawa 5, N.Y. Rangers 4, OT
Longhorns would tie the game at Leigh started quickly in the third Winners bracket game, elimination game, noon
and 2 p.m. Tuesday, May 9: Ottawa 4, N.Y. Rangers 2
x-Sunday, May 14: Houston at San Antonio, TBD
24, but a Longhorn player dug up a game, but M-A matched the
M-A attack that was clearly going Longhorns. With the game tied at SUNDAY WESTERN CONFERENCE
out of bounds. They then botched 10, the Bears would win 15 of the College softball TRANSACTIONS Anaheim 3, Edmonton 3
the set to give the point and game next 20 points to win the game Nor Cal Super Regional at College of San Mateo Wednesday, April 26: Edmonton 5, Anaheim 3
BASEBALL Friday, April 28: Edmonton 2, Anaheim 1
to the Bears. and the match going away. Championship series: noon and if necessary, 2 p.m.
National League Sunday, April 30: Anaheim 6, Edmonton 3
Game 2 played out much as Game Our goal wasnt to just get to LOS ANGELES DODGERS Transferred OF Andre
TUESDAY Wednesday, May 3: Anaheim 4, Edmonton 3, OT
1 did. It was nip and tuck the entire CCS, Whitmill said. We wanted Ethier to the 60-day DL.
Friday, May 5: Anaheim 4, Edmonton 3, 2OT
Boys golf NEW YORK METS Reinstated RHP Matt Harvey
way, with neither team leading by to prove we belong here. from the suspended list. Optioned LHP Josh Smoker Sunday, May 7: Edmonton 7, Anaheim 1
CCS championship round at Rancho Seca Golf
more than a few points. Both Beating the five seed proves it. Ranch, all day to Las Vegas (PCL). Wednesday, May 10: Edmonton at Anaheim, 7 p.m.
16 Wednesday May 10, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL
Sports briefs
the first inning in eight of their last nine games, totaling
17 runs.
Easy herb-roasted
fingerling potatoes
By Katie Workman Start to finish: 35 minutes (25 minutes
2 pounds fingerling potatoes
I roast potatoes all the time, usually tak- 2 tablespoons olive oil
ing thin-skinned larger potatoes and cutting 1 teaspoon finely minced garlic
them into manageable chunks. Which are 2 teaspoons minced fresh rosemary
delicious, if somewhat utilitarian on the 1 tablespoon minced thyme leaves
plate. To kick up the presentation a notch, 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
with no extra work, grab a couple of pounds 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pep-
of fingerlings instead. per
Fingerling potatoes are small, slim, stub- Preheat the oven to 400 F. Line a rimmed
by potatoes finger-shaped, as it happens. baking sheet with aluminum foil, and
They have thin skins and roast up fairly lightly spray with nonstick spray (or
quickly, especially if you slice them in lightly oil the foil).
half 25 minutes in a fairly hot oven and Cut the fingerling potatoes in half
done. And they have the added plus of look- lengthwise, and place them on the pre-
ing quite winsome, while still crispy-on- pared baking sheet. Drizzle with the oil,
the-outside/creamy-on-the-inside and all of and sprinkle the garlic, rosemary, thyme,
that. salt and pepper over them. Toss to thor- Fingerling potatoes are small, slim, stubby potatoes finger-shaped, as it happens.
You can stick with olive oil and salt and oughly combine, and spread out on the
never be disappointed, or you can add in baking sheet so the potatoes are in a sin-
some fresh herbs, garlic and various spices, gle layer.
Roast for about 25 minutes, until the
and fancy them up a bit.
I cant think of a meal that these wouldnt potatoes are tender and lightly browned.
Serve hot or warm.
Sunday, May 14, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Treat Mom to a fun Mothers Day!
make a little bit nicer.
Nutrition information per serving: 160
HERB ROASTED calories; 41 calories from fat; 5 g fat (1 g
FINGERLING POTATOES saturated; 0 g trans fats); 0 mg cholesterol;
249 mg sodium; 27 g carbohydrate; 4 g
Music by The RiP-TiDEs!
Serves 6 fiber; 1 g sugar; 3 g protein. Rain or Shine
10:00 AM TO 2:00 PM for reservations, call 650-373-7038
ADULTS $55.95/SENIOR $45.00/CHILDREN AGES (5 TO 10) $25.00
18 Wednesday May 10, 2017 LOCAL THEDAILYJOURNAL
THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Wednesday May 10, 2017 19
City officials will have to win over at when it first initiated the project almost two
indicated it would be a requirement.
Engineers presented two design options least two-thirds of voters in November as it years ago and invited a litany of representa-
that go beyond federal mandates to meet seeks to take out a general obligation bond tives from the different regulatory agencies
2050 estimates, when up to 15 inches of sea to finance the $90 million project. to ensure the project proceeded smoothly.
Continued from page 1 level rise is expected, and 2100, when the The city must show progress on raising its
It could also lead traditional lenders to
water is predicted to be 46 inches higher. On Climate change concerns levee as FEMA has given them temporary
Monday, the council chose an adaptable clearance from being subject to flood insur-
require property owners secure insurance if design that will meet 2050 predictions and Resident Bob Cushman suggested it would ance, he noted.
theyre located in the flood zone. could be further built upon at a later date. be difficult for enough voters to approve a Flood insurance rates are ranging from
The bureaucratically complex project Foster City Mayor Charlie Bronitsky project that touches on climate change. He $1,500 to $2,000 depending on the value of
requires federal approval and the city must noted the city is planning to finance the suggested those who are skeptical of it the home, according to the city. Based on
secure a variety of permits from numerous project over the next three decades and would not want to fund the additional cost of current interest rates, residents can antici-
regional and state authorities to work along building infrastructure for the longer term going beyond FEMA requirements and sug- pate properties would be taxed $48 per
the environmentally-sensitive Bayfront. made sense. Furthermore, FEMA has already gested the city should have explored other $100, 000 of assessed valuation. That
One of those agencies is the San increased its requirements over the last few options. means owners of a single-family home
Francisco Bay Conservation and years alone, he noted. The public, and I think other cities, will assessed at $1 million can expect to pay
Development Commission, or BCDC, It seemed pretty clear that building just not be happy with the way our city has about $480 a year.
which indicated it would only permit the to FEMA standards would mean probably rolled over without testing, negotiating All property owners commercial, resi-
project if it was designed to incorporate sometime in the next decade we would be and perhaps fighting the expectation that dential, office would be subject to the tax
future sea level rise predictions, according unaccredited again as sea levels rose. So BCDC will require us to build the levee that is expected to be proposed to voters in
to the city. because its going to take 30 years to higher than FEMA requires, Cushman said November.
Some members of the public suggested finance the project, we wanted something in an email. Bronitsky noted the general obligation
the city should have taken a stronger posi- that would last at least that long, Foster City is not alone in being at the bond was the least expensive option for
tion against BCDC requirements, and one of Bronitsky said. behest of federal or regional agencies that funding the levee project the city hopes will
the citys founders T. Jack Foster Jr. argues The city opted for a hybrid approach, often lay out mandates. San Mateo is also in serve as a regional example for how to col-
the citys existing levee and lagoon system which involves drilling sheet piles to create the process of upgrading a portion of its laborate to address sea level rise.
are sufficient to protect against flooding. a retaining wall along the current levee, levee and pump stations to remove residents We dont want to have flooding, weve
then using fill to reinstate the popular Bay in the North Shoreview neighborhood from seen that across the county, Bronitsky
Several estimates Trail. the flood zone. said. Its important to protect the value of
The council was already in the midst of Neighbors have expressed concerns about Miller said the city has never intended to properties, and to protect the quality of life
studying whether to incorporate climate the potential impacts to their views, and debate the merits or science of climate in Foster City.
change predictions that include the San others suggested the city should attempt to change, but is aiming to be adaptable while
Francisco Bay rising more than 3 feet by only meet the bare FEMA mandates instead meeting regional and federal requirements. Visit for more informa-
the end of the century, even before BCDC of incorporating sea level rise predictions. Miller noted the city hosted a meeting tion.
last week. Comey told lawmakers that Huma two weeks before Election Day that the warrant wiretapping program.
Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton, had email investigation would be revisited. Comey described the incident in 2007 tes-
sent hundreds and thousands of emails to Comey later said the FBI, again, had found timony to Congress, explaining that he
her husbands laptop, including some with no reason to bring any charges. believed the spy program put in place after
Continued from page 1 classified information. Trump disagreed with Clintons assess- the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks was legal-
On Tuesday, the FBI told the Senate ment, tweeting that Comey actually was ly questionable.
Democrats slammed Trumps action, com- Judiciary Committee that only a small the best thing that ever happened to Hillary When he learned that Andrew Card, the
paring it to President Richard Nixons number of the thousands of emails found Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for presidents chief of staff, and Alberto
Saturday Night Massacre decision to fire on the laptop had been forwarded there many bad deeds! Gonzales, the White House counsel, were
the independent special prosecutor oversee- while most had simply been backed up from Clintons advisers were stunned by heading to Ashcrofts hospital room despite
ing the Watergate investigation in 1973, electronic devices. Most of the email chains Trumps decision Tuesday. Former campaign Ashcrofts wifes instructions that there be
which prompted the resignations of the on the laptop containing classified infor- spokesman Brian Fallon said that while he no visitors, Comey told Congress, Comey
Justice Departments top two officials. mation were not the result of forwarding, believed Comey had inflicted severe dam- beat them there and watched as Ashcroft
This is Nixonian, Sen. Bob Casey, D- the FBI said. age on the FBI, the timing and manner of turned them away.
Pa., declared on Twitter. Outrageous, said Some lawmakers did welcome news of the this firing suggest that it is the product of That night was probably the most diffi-
Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden, calling for Comey dismissal. Donald Trump feeling the heat on the ongo- cult night of my professional life, Comey
to immediately be summoned to testify to Given the recent controversies surround- ing Russia investigation and not a well said.
Congress about the status of the Trump- ing the director, I believe a fresh start will thought out response to the inappropriate
Russia investigation. Rep. Adam Schiff of serve the FBI and the nation well, said handling of the Clinton
California, top Democrat on the House Republican Lindsay Graham of South investigation.
intelligence committee, said the White Carolina, chairman of a Senate Judiciary Though Comey was well-
House was brazenly interfering in the subcommittee investigating the Russian liked within the bureau, his
probe. campaign interference. independent streak occa-
Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona Comey, 56, was nominated by President sionally rankled the Obama
said Congress must form a special commit- Barack Obama for the FBI post in 2013 to a administration, including
tee to investigate Russias interference in 10-year term, though that appointment his repeated contention that
the election. does not ensure a director will serve the full a spike in violent crime
Democrats expressed deep skepticism term. might be linked to police
about the stated reasons for Tuesdays fir- Praised frequently by both parties for his officer anxiety over public
ing, raising the prospect of a White House independence and integrity, Comey has scrutiny.
effort to stymie the investigations by the spent three decades in law enforcement. Before the past months
FBI and congressional panels. But his prominent role in the 2016 presi- controversies, Comey, a for-
Trump will now appoint Comeys succes- dential campaign raised questions about his mer deputy attorney general
sor. The White House said the search for a judgment and impartiality. Though the FBI in the George W. Bush
replacement was beginning immediately. did not recommend charges against Clinton administration, was perhaps
Comeys deputy, Andrew McCabe, takes for mishandling classified information, best known for a remarkable
over in the interim. Comey was blisteringly critical of her deci- 2004 standoff with top offi-
Trump has ridiculed the investigations as sion to use a personal email account and pri- cials over a federal domestic
a hoax and has denied that his campaign vate internet server during her four years as surveillance program.
was involved in Russias meddling. In his secretary of state. In March of that year,
letter to Comey, he asserted that the FBI Comey strongly defended his decisions Comey rushed to the hos-
director had informed him on three separate during the hearing last week. He said he was p i t al b ed o f At t o rn ey
occasions that I am not under investiga- mildly nauseous at the thought of having General John Ashcroft to 2 hotdogs, fries &
Tuesdays stunning announcement came
swayed the election but also said he would p h y s i cal l y s t o p Wh i t e a fountain drink for $7.00
do the same again. House officials in their bid
shortly after the FBI corrected aspects of Clinton has partially blamed her loss on to get his ailing boss to Expires 6/15/17
Comeys sworn testimony on Capitol Hill Comeys disclosure to Congress less than reaut h o ri ze a s ecret n o -
2000 & Newer
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20 Wednesday May 10, 2017 DATEBOOK THE DAILY JOURNAL
Continued from page 1 WEDNESDAY, MAY 10
[email protected].
Diabetes Self-Management
Workshop. 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Redwood City Now and Then
and the countys Health System are San Carlos Adult Community Center, Photo Share. 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
601 Chestnut St., San Carlos. Every Downtown Library, 1044 Middlefield
taking an interdisciplinary approach Wednesday through June 14. For Road, Redwood City. Bring your pho-
to offer a range of services uniquely more information and to register call tos and stories of Pacifica Portland
tailored to the LGBTQ community and 802-4384. Cement to share and scan using
high resolution scanners. Free. For
its allies. Diabetes Self-Management more information call 780-7035.
The facility is part of the countys Workshop. 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
San Carlos Adult Community Center, Prohibition in San Mateo County.
PRIDE Initiative, which aims to foster 601 Chestnut St., San Carlos. Every 6 p.m. Armstrong Brewing Company.
an inclusive environment for those Wednesday through June 14. For Deputy Director of the San Mateo
more information and to register call Historical Society Carmen Blair will
who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, 802-4384. share Prohibition stories in an illus-
transgender, queer, questioning, inter- trated presentation. For more infor-
Drop In Computer Help. 10 a.m. to mation email [email protected].
sex and two-spirit. noon. 1044 Middlefield Road,
Whether its a youth-led Queer Prom, Redwood City. Questions answered Pub Style Trivia. 6:30 p.m. Belmont
regarding various types of electronic Library, 1110 Alameda de la Pulgas,
lectures by medical professionals devices. For more information con- Belmont. Ages 21 and up. For more
about the process of transitioning, tact [email protected]. information email
counseling sessions or just a welcom- [email protected].
SAMANTHA WEIGEL/DAILY JOURNAL San Mateo Professional Alliance
ing place to relax with friends, the Network ing Lunch. Mimis HEART Annual Fundraising
Pride Center is expected to grow Dr. Jei Africa, left, and Putkey show some of the new communal spaces at the San Restaurant, 2208 Bridgepointe Reception. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 935
Mateo facility that will offer an array of services under one roof. Parkway, San Mateo. For more infor- Washington St., San Carlos. Join
alongside the communitys needs, said mation visit sanmateoprofession- HEART for a relaxed and fun evening
Dr. Jei Africa, director of the county of food, drink and networking, all
But the facility has already been in ical professionals arent always expe- while raising money for critical hous-
Health Systems Office of Diversity soft-opening mode attracting dozens rienced in how to best communicate SamTrans Mobility Ambassador ing development. $50. For more
and Equity. to the El Camino Real locale. Theyve with LGBTQ individuals. For example, Program. 2 p.m. South San information contact
Francisco Library. For more informa- [email protected].
While there are existing community hosted the countys LGBTQ using non-binary terms when it comes tion email [email protected].
centers, as well as clinics that cater to Commission meetings, Trans Talk to dating questions or if a patient is in Geopolitics of the Nuclear Age. 7
those who identify as LGBTQ, having Adult Crafts: Glass Etching. 6 p.m. p.m. to 9 p.m. Menlo School, 50
where doctors speak about transition- the process of transitioning, Africa Millbrae Library, 1 Library Ave., Valparaiso Ave., Atherton. Come to
the various organizations come ing, a clothing swap and more, said said. Furthermore, with statistics Millbrae. For more information call hear former Secretary of Defense
together to offer it all under one roof 697-7607 ext. 236. William Perry speak about nuclear
Pride Center Program Director Lisa showing LGBTQ youth have higher weapons and the politics behind
was part of what enabled the center to Putkey. rates of suicide and face discrimina- What You Should Know About them. For more information email
receive funding through the California Your Credit. 6:15 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. [email protected].
The idea for this is that people will tion, its critical to offer resources in a 2645 Alameda de las Pulgas, San
Mental Health Services Act, he said. have a space to go and be and thrive compassionate manner, he said. Mateo. Explore how to improve cred- Lawyer in the Library. 7 p.m. 1044
Its a resource center and has clini- and feel accepted and valued for who StarVista Clinical Director Dr. it score, handle disputes with credi- Middlefield Road, Redwood City.
tors and protect credit and legal Schedule a 20 minute, free consulta-
cal services all in one place, plus the they are and how they identify, Clarise Blanchard agreed, noting the rights. Free. For more information tion with a volunteer lawyer, includ-
collaborative nature of how these serv- Putkey said. We envision building center is designed to meet a variety of contact 522-7490. ing information and referral to other
agencies. For more information visit
ices are put together was considered this and growing alongside with what needs of the LGBTQ community under English Conversation Group. 6:30
innovative, said Africa, who identi- the community needs. So really trying one roof. p.m. 480 Primrose Road, Burlingame.
fies as a transgender man. We need a Intermediate English learners are SUNDAY, MAY 12
to seek out and make the services we Theres labeling, prejudice, stigma, invited to join our group for English Habitats First Annual Women
space where people can come together have accessible to the most marginal- and with that comes a whole bunch of conversation. For more information Build. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Free At Last
and be a community, and we are in a email [email protected]. Community Recovery Center, 819
ized. emotions, fear and anxiety, Jamie Lane, East Palo Alto. For more
county that values diversity and equi- The center will offer three main Blanchard said. This project has aris- Embracing Change: Tak ing the information and to sign up visit
ty. types of services. One is information en as [where] you can count on walking Fear Out of What Comes Next. 6:30 build.
San Mateo County has historically p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 1095 Cloud Ave.,
resources, which include a computer into a safe space. Menlo Park. For more information Drop-in Chess for Adults. 10 a.m. to
been progressive on these types of lab, referrals, a web-based media center Aside from the professional counsel- call 854-5897. noon. San Carlos Library, 610 Elm St.,
San Carlos. Free and open to the
social justice issues, having in 2014 accessible anywhere and a library. ing and case management offerings, Lecture When Breathe Becomes public. For more information call
formed an LGBTQ Commission, the Social or community offerings include the Pride Center is also open for social Air. 7 p.m. San Carlos Library, 610 Elm 591-0341 ext. 237.
first of its kind in California that does- St., San Carlos. Free and open to the
serving as a hub where events can be events. The agencies involved were public. For more information call The Charitable Sisterhood of the
nt fall under the umbrella of other held, providing gathering spaces, edu- thrilled when a youth group suggested 591-0341 ext. 237. Second Trinity Victory Church. 2
human services. p.m. 2120 Broadway, Redwood City.
cation, training and advocacy work. hosting the countys first Queer Prom Knitting with Arnie. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. No flood will keep the ladies of the
A fresh coat of purple paint, meeting Clinical services will also be available this June. It could also be open for San Carlos Library, 610 Elm St., San Charitable Sisterhood from fulfilling
spaces, cozy couches, informational Carlos. Free and open to the public. their sworn mission of providing
and include individual as well as family movie nights, dances, yoga classes or For more information call 591-0341 relief to the homeless of Guatemala.
brochures, rainbow flags and clinic counseling, peer support groups and other social events, Putkey said. ext. 237. This delightful comedy is a loving
space fill the center that is primarily case management. They conducted The idea is to provide a safe space, tribute to the power of sisterhood.
Nami Connections. 7 p.m. to 8:30 $35 general admission; $27 stu-
managed by the nonprofit StarVista. community forums and currently have Putkey said. Theres lots of possibil- p.m. 1650 Borel Place, San Mateo. dents/seniors. Show runs through
Other partners include the countys an online survey to continue adapting ities for joy and coming together. Help for people with metal illness. June 4. For more information visit
Behavioral Health and Recovery For more information call 638-0800.
the PRIDE Center to meet the unique
Services, and the nonprofits Outlet needs of program participants, Putkey The San Mateo County PRIDE Laugh it Off: Improv for Wellness. Gluten-Free Happy Hour. 5 p.m. to
Adolescent Counseling Services, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 150 San Mateo 7 p.m. 150 San Mateo Road, Half
said. Center is located at 1021 S. El Camino Road, Half Moon Bay. Monthly work- Moon Bay. Gluten-free beer, gluten-
Peninsula Family Services, Pyramid One thing that is especially impor- Real, San Mateo. A community forum shop includes brief instruction and free pretzels and gluten-free mus-
Alternatives and Daly City fun group activities. Every second tards at our happy hour. Free. For
tant will be having staff and coun- begins 11 a.m. Saturday, May 13. The Wednesday. $5. For more informa- more information visit
Partnership. selors who have expertise in working official grand opening and ribbon cut- tion visit
The center has a $2.2 million budget with LGBTQ communities, said Africa, ting ceremony is 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. June Club Fox Blues Jam. 7 p.m. to 11 Legally Blonde Jr. 7:30 p.m. 1300
over the next three years and is cele- a psychologist and one of the countys 1. Call (650) 591-0133 for more infor- p.m. 2209 Broadway, Redwood City. Bayswater Ave., Burlingame. St.
brating its grand opening June 1. key liaisons to the center. Often, med- mation. Featuring R.J. Mischo. $7 cover Catherine of Siena students present
charge. For more information visit their production of Legally Blonde Jr. For more information email
[email protected]
Get Ready Disaster Preparedness
Class. 9:30 p.m to 11:30 p.m. 2645 SATURDAY, MAY 13
Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo. Divorce Options. 9:30 a.m. to 12:30
San Mateo Fire Department staff will p.m. 800 Foster City Blvd., Foster City.
teach how to prepare yourself, your A community service open to those
family, home and workplace for a who want to learn more about the
disaster. Free. For more information process of divorce. For more infor-
contact 522-7490. mation contact 401-8080.
Fertility, Pre and Postnatal Yoga. Used Book/Media Sale. 9:30 a.m. to
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 150 San 4 p.m. 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo
Mateo Road, Half Moon Bay. This Alto. Friends of the Palo Alto Library
comprehensive class will prepare offers 70,000 gently used books and
the body for conception and media. For more information visit
address daily changes while the
baby grows and the body heals from
birth. $5. Class meets every Thursday. Cook Book Club. 11:30 a.m.
For more information visit Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda de la Pulgas, Belmont. For more informa-
tion email [email protected].
Listen and Lunch: Story Time for
Adults. Noon. South San Francisco For more events visit
Library. For more information email, click Calendar.
THE DAILY JOURNAL COMICS/GAMES Wednesday May 10, 2017 21
Sudoku Want More Fun
answers and Games?
Each row and each column must contain the
numbers 1 through 6 without repeating. Jumble Page 2 La Times Crossword Puzzle Classifieds
The numbers within the heavily outlined boxes,
called cages, must combine using the given operation Tundra & Over the Hedge Comics Classifieds
(in any order) to produce the target numbers in the
top-left corners. Boggle Puzzle Everyday in DateBook
Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in
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LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Dont fight the impossible. be done to make things better. Offer suggestions and come up with a plan that will not result in ramifications
You have more going your way than you realize. Speak put your plans in motion. affecting others.
up and compromise to get what you want. Travel and SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Keep personal PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- An idea you have can
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Offer to help someone communication are encouraged. information a secret by protecting your passwords be taken to the next level. Call in favors if it will help
in need and make a point to be mindful of others. How VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Youll convince others to and keeping your feelings, financial concerns or health you move forward faster. An unexpected encounter will
you relate to others will determine how successful you see things your way. Attending a business meeting, issues to yourself. Personal changes look promising, turn into a joint venture.
are and the progress youll make. scheduling an interview or taking a course that will add and romance is encouraged. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Be creative when dealing
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Your emotions will play to your skills or knowledge will bring good results. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Your ideas may with surprises. Taking the time to do something
tricks on you. Be careful not to react too quickly if LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- A money matter will appear unorthodox to some, but once developed, special for a loved one will be appreciated. A unique
someone does something you deem suspicious. Gather fare far better if you separate your feelings from the they will come across as genius. Spend time working relationship will evolve if you discuss your needs.
evidence before you point fingers. process. Investing in your surroundings or something out the details in the privacy of your home. Domestic
CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- An unusual development that will affect your living arrangements must be done changes are encouraged. COPYRIGHT 2017 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
with someone close to you will require attention. with intelligence, not your emotions. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Deal with
Taking the lead and making a physical gesture will help SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Handle relationship matters concerning institutions and foreign affairs
keep the peace. Women and children will inspire you. issues swiftly. Be open to discussion of what needs to diplomatically. Youll have to use your ingenuity to
22 Wednesday May 10, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL
104 Training 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 203 Public Notices
The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi- Yodlee, Inc., web server system develop- entech, Inc., South San Francisco, CA. STATEMENT #273079
fieds will not be responsible for more ment provider, has an opening in Red-
NEwSPAPEr INTErNS Req: B.S. in CS, IT, IS, or rltd field + 5 The following person is doing business
than one incorrect insertion, and its lia- wood City, CA for a Product Manager JOUrNALISM yrs prog. exp (or Master's + 3 yrs exp). as: Super Pups, 2230 S. El Camino Re-
al, SAN MATEO, CA 94403. Registered
bility shall be limited to the price of one (RA28): Create and maintain product re- The Daily Journal is looking for in- Apply:
insertion. No allowance will be made for (Job ID: 00452573). Owner: Susan Kogel, 509 S. Grant St.,
quirement documents for Platform cover- terns to do entry level reporting, re-
errors not materially affecting the value San Mateo, CA 94402. The business is
ing key areas including the mobile frame- search, updates of our ongoing fea-
of the ad. All error claims must be sub- conducted by an Individual. The regis-
work, application framework and integra- tures and interviews. Photo interns al- SENIOr SOFTwArE ENgINEErS
mitted within 30 days. For full advertis- trants commenced to transact business
tion of Yodlees applications/platform. so welcome. (San Mateo, CA): Rsrch, dsgn, & dvlp
ing conditions, please ask for a Rate under the FBN on 10/2003.
Card. Ref job code and mail resume to Yodlee, clnt side sftwre for the ONE Video ad /s/Susan Kogel/
We expect a commitment of four to srvng pltfrm; Resume to:, Attn:
Attn; Staffing, 3600 Bridge Parkway, This statement was filed with the Asses-
eight hours a week for at least four Kristin Faison, 22000 AOL Way, Dulles,
Suite 200, Redwood City, CA 94065. sor-County Clerk on 4/10/2017. (Publish-
months. The internship is unpaid, but
110 Employment intelligent, aggressive and talented in-
VA 20166. Ref. job #SV755913NP ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17).
terns have progressed in time into
HOME CArE AIDES paid correspondents and full-time re- SOFTwArE ENgINEErS
Multiple shifts to meet your needs. Great porters. (San Mateo, CA): Mntng, imprvng, &
CArEgIVErS pay & benefits, Sign-on bonus, 1yr exp
required. Starting at $15 per hour. College students or recent graduates
optmzg Vertica & Redshift Dtbses tht stre
vry lrge volumes of data & prcess lrge
The following person is doing business
Matched Caregivers (650)839-2273, are encouraged to apply. Newspaper amnts of queries; Resume to: AOL Inc.
as: Bay Leaf Designs, LLC, 322 Beres-
2 years experience (408)280-7039 or (888)340-2273 experience is preferred but not neces-
sarily required.
Attn: Kristin Faison, 22000 AOL Way,
Dulles, VA 20166. Ref. job ford Ave., REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061.
Registered Owner: Bay Leaf Designs
required. Please send a cover letter describing
#SD458792NP LLC, CA. The business is conducted by
your interest in newspapers, a resume a Limited Liability Company. The regis-
and three recent clips. Before you ap- trants commenced to transact business
Immediate placement ply, you should familiarize yourself
ST. MArk Catholic Church seeks a
Part-time Custodian with ability to lift 50
under the FBN on 4/17/17.
/s/Sarah A. Easley/
on all assignments. with our publication. Our Web site: lbs., move furniture, strip/buff floors, This statement was filed with the Asses-
open/close ceiling high partitions, experi- sor-County Clerk on 4/17/2017. (Publish-
Send your information via e-mail to ence with minor household/building re- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
[email protected] or by reg-
ular mail to 1900 Alameda de las Pul-
pairs and janitorial duties. Please send
resume to 325 Marine View Ave. Bel-
4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17).
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203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business The following person is doing business The following person is doing business The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
as: Talbryn Belmont Properties, 680 Wal- as: Savory Creations International, 1900 as: Xinxing Gardening, 1123 Brunswick as: K&L Marketing, 150 Newton Dr., as: Dream Events, 373 Huntington Ave., as: CADent Lab, 1275 Rollins Rd. Broad-
nut St., SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Reg- O Farrell St., Suite 180, SAN MATEO, St., DALY CITY, CA 94014. Registered BURLINGAME, CA 94010. Registered SAN BRUNO, CA 94066. Registered way, BURLINGAME, CA 94010. Regis-
istered Owners: 1) Jennifer Jacinto, 103 CA 94403. Registered Owner: Meto Cor- Owner: Jin Hong Su, same address. Owners: 1)Kathleen Storey, same ad- Owner: Eneida Lourenco de Souza, tered Owner: Rainbow Dental Laborato-
Wharf Row, Redwood City, CA 94065 poration, CA. The business is conducted The business is conducted by an Individ- dress 2)Laura Dox (Huff), 860 Fairfield same address. The business is conduct- ry, Inc., CA. The business is conducted
2)TAG Real Estate Partners, LLC, 680 by a Corporation. The registrants com- ual. The registrants commenced to Rd., Burlingame, CA 94010. The busi- ed by an Individual. The registrants by a CORPORATION. The registrants
Walnut St., San Carlos, CA 94070. The menced to transact business under the transact business under the FBN on ness is conducted by Copartners. The commenced to transact business under commenced to transact business under
business is conducted by a General Part- FBN on 2003. N/A.. registrants commenced to transact busi- the FBN on N/A. the FBN on 5/1/2017 .
nership. The registrants commenced to /s/Douglas H. Takizawa/ /s/Jin Hong Su/ ness under the FBN on 5-1-17. /s/Eneida Souza/ /s/Abraham Panossian/
transact business under the FBN on This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/Kathleen C. Storey/ This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
4/11/17. This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 4/14/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 4/21/2017. (Publish- This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk on 4/25/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 5/8/2017. (Publish-
/s/Jennifer Jacinto/ ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
This statement was filed with the Asses- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, sor-County Clerk on 5/1/2017. (Publish-
4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17). 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17). ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17, 5/24/17). 5/10/17, 5/17/17, 5/24/17, 5/31/17).
sor-County Clerk on 4/11/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17, 5/24/17).
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business STATEMENT #273382 The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME as: Beard Papas Sweet Cafe, 365 2nd as: Ondokea Foudation, 18 Nursery
STATEMENT #273207 as: Little Mabette, 333 Main St. Apt 427, The following person is doing business as: Daly City Mitsubishi, 6399 Mission
Ave, SAN MATEO, CA 94401. Regis- as: Furever Dog Walks, 515 B Street, Way, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA Street, DALY CITY, CA 94014. Regis-
The following person is doing business REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063. Registered tered Owner: Sweet Cheeks Puffs, LLC, 94080. Registered Owner: Ondokea
as: Half Moon Bay Coffee Company, 20 Owner: Adriana Paladi, same address. COLMA, CA 94014. Registered Owner: tered Owner: Daly City Auto Connection
CA. The business is conducted by a Foundation, CA. The business is con- Inc., CA. The business is conducted by
A Stonepine Road, HALF MOON BAY, The business is conducted by an Individ- Limited Liability Company. The regis- Jennifer Ericson, same address. The ducted by a Corporation. The registrants
CA 94019. Registered Owner: Sky Grid- ual. The registrants commenced to business is conducted by an Individual. a Corporation. The registrants com-
trants commenced to transact business commenced to transact business under menced to transact business under the
dle Inc., CA. The business is conducted transact business under the FBN on . under the FBN on . The registrants commenced to transact the FBN on Nov. 7, 2016.
by a Corporation. The registrants com- /s/Adriana Paladi/ business under the FBN on N/A. FBN on 05/01/2017.
/s/Wynee Yeung/ /s/Patrick Sullivan/ /s/Ayman Moussa/
menced to transact business under the This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/Jennifer Ericson/ This statement was filed with the Asses-
FBN on NA. sor-County Clerk on 4/21/2017. (Publish- This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 4/17/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 5/3/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 5/9/2017. (Publish-
/s/Simerpreet S. Mann/ ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, sor-County Clerk on 5/1/2017. (Publish- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
This statement was filed with the Asses- 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17). ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17). 5/10/17, 5/17/17, 5/24/17, 5/31/17). 5/10/17, 5/17/17, 5/24/17, 5/31/17).
sor-County Clerk on 4/18/2017. (Publish- 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17, 5/24/17).
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business STATEMENT #273233 The following person is doing business STATEMENT #273510
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME as: Bay Area Upholstery, 615 Airport The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
STATEMENT #272919 as: Flutter Lash Room & Spa, 4060 S El as: CEJ Building Maintenance and Jani-
Blvd., SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA Camino Real Suite 28, SAN MATEO, CA as: Harendong USA, 200 Valley Dr. torial Services, 1080 Varian St., SAN as: Baduskes Restaurant & Bar Serv-
The following person is doing business 94080. Registered Owner: Maurice F. Suite# 48, BRISBANE, CA 94005. Regis- ices, 579 1/2 San Mateo Ave., SAN
as: TP Surfboards, 1529 Perez Dr, PA- 94403. Registered Owner: Hayat K. Cha- CARLOS, CA 94070. Registered Owner:
Mullins, Jr., 1704 Washington St., San ghouri, 1580 Monterey Dr., San Bruno, tered Owner: Novo International, LLC, Ezra Urbina, 327 California St. #6, South BRUNO, CA 94066. Registered Owner:
CIFICA, CA 94044. Registered Owner: Mateo, CA 94403 The business is con- CA. The business is conducted by a Kenneth Baduske, same address. The
Tyler Payne, same address. The busi- CA 94066. The business is conducted San Francisco, CA 94080. The busi-
ducted by an Individual. The registrants by an Individual. The registrants com- Limited Liability Company. The regis- ness is conducted by an Individual. The business is conducted by an Individual.
ness is conducted by an Individual. The commenced to transact business under trants commenced to transact business The registrants commenced to transact
registrants commenced to transact busi- menced to transact business under the registrants commenced to transact busi-
the FBN on 1997. FBN on March 1, 2017 under the FBN on N/A. ness under the FBN on 3/29/17 . business under the FBN on N/A.
ness under the FBN on 3/27/17. /s/Kenneth Baduske/
/s/Tyler Payne/ /s/Maurice F. Mullins, Jr./ /s/Hayat K Chaghouri /s/Melanie Halim/ /s/Ezra Urbina/
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk on 5/8/2017. (Publish-
sor-County Clerk on 3/27/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 4/13/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 4/13/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 4/20/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 5/8/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/10/17, 5/17/17, 5/24/17, 5/31/17).
4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17). 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17). 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17). 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/17/17, 5/24/17). 5/10/17, 5/17/17, 5/24/17, 5/31/17).
Career Fair
Storekeepers (requires CA Driver License) Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula
Tuesday, May 23rd
Drivers (requires Commercial Driver License)
Eqpt/Food Runners 10am - 1pm
Food Preparers Bay Area Entrepreneur Center
Eqpt/Liq Assembly 458 San Mateo Avenue
San Bruno, CA 94066
Shift Production Manager
203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 296 Appliances
STATEMENT #273155 County of San Mateo, 400 County Cen- CHANgE OF NAME ADMINISTEr ESTATE OF CHANgE OF NAME Excellent Condition $225
The following person is doing business ter, Redwood City, CA 94063. CASE# 17CIV01663 Mary Lenore Collopy CASE# 17CIV01878 Please Call (650)244-9267
as: OPS Hospitality Consulting, 16 Wild- If you object to the granting of the peti- SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, Case Number: 17PRO00419 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,
wood Ave., SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. tion, you should appear at the hearing COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, FABrIC STEAMEr deluxe made by
and state your objections or file written COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- 400 COUNTY CENTER RD,
Registered Owner: Thierry Bourroux, 400 COUNTY CENTER RD, conair $ 50.00 new joe 650 573 5269
objections with the court before the hear- tingent creditors, and persons who may REDWOOD CITY CA 94063
same address. The business is conduct-
ed by an Individual. The registrants ing. Your appearance may be in person REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 otherwise be interested in the will or es- PETITION OF gE DISHwASHEr Hardly used. Works
commenced to transact business under or by your attorney. PETITION OF tate, or both, of Mary Lenore Collopy. A Alexandra Chavarria great. Standard size. You haul away.
the FBN on02/01/2017. If you are a creditor or a contingent cred- Christine Scannell Petition for Probate has been filed by Ar- TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: free. S.S.F (650) 583-6636
/s/Thierry Bourroux/ itor of the decedent, you must file your TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: lene Collopy & Claire Collopy in the Su- Petitioner: Alexandra Chavarria filed a
This statement was filed with the Asses- claim with the court and mail a copy to Petitioner: Christine Scannell filed a peti- perior Court of California, County of San petition with this court for a decree gOOD MICrOwAVE 1100 watt $40 Da-
sor-County Clerk on 4/13/2017. (Publish- the personal representative appointed by tion with this court for a decree changing Mateo. The Petition for Probate requests changing name as follows: ly City (415) 231-4825.
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, the court within the later of either (1) four Present name: Alexandra Chavarria
months from the date of first issuance of name as follows: that Arlene Collopy & Claire Collopy be Proposed Name: Alexandra Lubarsky JACk LALANE'S power juicer. $40.
5/10/17, 5/17/17, 5/24/17, 5/31/17). Present name: Christine Marie Scannell appointed as personal representative to
letters to a general personal representa- THE COURT ORDERS that all persons Call (650)364-1243. Leave message.
tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the Proposed Name: Christina Marie Scan- administer the estate of the decedent. interested in this matter shall appear be-
NOTICE OF PETITION TO Calilfornia Probate Code, or (2) 60 days nell The petition requests authority to admin- fore this court at the hearing indicated
from the date of mailing or personal de- THE COURT ORDERS that all persons ister the estate under the Independent below to show cause, if any, why the pe- rEFrIgErATOr COMPACT made by
ADMINISTEr ESTATE OF emerson $25.00 good shape joe 650
Jennie Kosoy livery to you of a notice under sectioin interested in this matter shall appear be- Administration of Estates Act. (This au- tition for change of name should not be
9052 of the Callifornia Probate granted. Any person objecting to the 573 5269
Case Number: 17PRO00420 fore this court at the hearing indicated thority will allow the personal representa-
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- Code.Other California statutes and legal below to show cause, if any, why the pe- tive to take many actions without obtain- name changes described above must file
authority may affect your rights as a a written objection that includes the rea- UPrIgHT VACUUM Cleaner, $10. Call
tingent creditors, and persons who may tition for change of name should not be ing court approval. Before taking certain Ed, (415)298-0645 South San Francisco
otherwise be interested in the will or es- creditor. You may want to consult with an sons for the objection at least two court
attorney knowledgable in California law. granted. Any person objecting to the very important actions, however, the per- days before the matter is scheduled to
tate, or both, of Jennie Kosoy, aka Jenia name changes described above must file wHIrLPOOL wASHEr DRYER, GE
I. Rolnik, aka Jenna Rolnik. A Petition for You may examine the file kept by the sonal representative will be required to be heard and must appear at the hearing
court. If you are a person interested in a written objection that includes the rea- give notice to interested persons unless to show cause why the petition should Refrigerator all working and in good con-
Probate has been filed by Irina Itsekson dition all for $99.00 (650)315-3240.
in the Superior Court of California, the estate, you may file with the court a sons for the objection at least two court they have waived notice or consented to not be granted. If no written objection is
County of San Mateo. The Petition for Request for Special Notice (form DE- days before the matter is scheduled to the proposed action.) The independent timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
Probate requests that Irina Itsekson be 154) of the filing of an inventory and ap- be heard and must appear at the hearing administration authority will be granted tion without a hearing. A hearing on the 297 Bicycles
appointed as personal representative to praisal of estate assets or of any petition to show cause why the petition should unless an interested person files an ob- petition shall be held on 6/15/17 at 9
administer the estate of the decedent. or account as provided in Probate Code a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, ADULT BIkES 1 regular and 2 with bal-
section 1250. A Request for Special No- not be granted. If no written objection is jection to the petition and shows good Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this
The petition requests the decedents will timely filed, the court may grant the peti- cause why the court should not grant au- loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356
and codicils, if any, be admitted to pro- tice form is available from the court clerk. Order to Show Cause shall be published
Attorney for Petitioner: tion without a hearing. A hearing on the thority. at least once each week for four succes- CHILDS SCHwINN BICyCLE, BLUE in
bate. The will and any codicils are avail-
able for examination in the file kept by Hannah R. Salassi petition shall be held on 6/1/17 at 9 a.m., A hearing on the petition will be held in sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- good condition. $20. (650) 355-5189.
the court. Lvovich & Szucsko, P.C. Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, Red- this court as follows: MAY 30, 2017 at ing on the petition in the following news-
The petition requests authority to admin- 260 California St SUite 1001 wood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Or- 9:00 a.m., Superior Court of California, paper of general circulation: NEw 12" girls bike w/ training wheels
ister the estate under the Independent SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 der to Show Cause shall be published at County of San Mateo, 400 County Cen- San Mateo Daily Journal $75.00 (650) 347-1458 no ans/leave
Administration of Estates Act. (This au- (415)392-2560 least once each week for four successive ter, Redwood City, CA 94063. Filed: 5/2/2017 mes
thority will allow the personal representa- FILED: 04/27/2017 weeks prior to the date set for hearing on /s/Susan Irene Etezadi/
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- If you object to the granting of the peti- Judge of the Superior Court
tive to take many actions without obtain-
ing court approval. Before taking certain nal on 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/11/17 ) the petition in the following newspaper of tion, you should appear at the hearing Dated: 5/3/2017 298 Collectibles
general circulation: and state your objections or file written (Published 5/10/17, 5/17/17, 5/24/17,
very important actions, however, the per- 1940 VINTAgE telephone bench maple
sonal representative will be required to San Mateo Daily Journal objections with the court before the hear- 5/31/17).
Filed: 4/20/2017 ing. Your appearance may be in person antiques collectibles $75 (650)755-9833
give notice to interested persons unless
they have waived notice or consented to /s/Susan Irene Etezadi/ or by your attorney.
Judge of the Superior Court BILLy DEE Williams autographed Star
the proposed action.) The independent If you are a creditor or a contingent cred- Wars action figure: Lando Calrissian,
administration authority will be granted Dated: 4/19/2017 itor of the decedent, you must file your space smuggler. $35 Steve (650)518-
unless an interested person files an ob- (Published 4/26/17, 5/3/17, 5/10/17, claim with the court and mail a copy to 6614
jection to the petition and shows good 5/17/17). the personal representative appointed by 210 Lost & Found
cause why the court should not grant au- the court within the later of either (1) four FrAMED LEBrON James painting,
thority. FOUND: kEyS at Westwood Park in 25"x21"; $99-will text photo; 650-591-
A hearing on the petition will be held in months from the date of first issuance of Redwood City, off of Fernside. Call to
letters to a general personal representa- 9769, San Carlos
this court as follows: MAY 30, 2017 at claim (650)714-8893
tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the
Calilfornia Probate Code, or (2) 60 days LOST - My COLLAPSIBLE music stand, LENNOx rED Rose, Unused, hand
from the date of mailing or personal de- clip lights, and music in black bags were painted, porcelain, authenticity papers,
livery to you of a notice under sectioin taken from my car in Foster City and may $12.00. (650) 578 9208.
NOTICE TO BIDDErS 9052 of the Callifornia Probate have been thrown out by disappointed
Code.Other California statutes and legal thieves. Please call (650)704-3595 MILLEr LITE Neon sign , work good
Sealed proposals will be received by the Office of the City Clerk, City of Millbrae, located at 621 authority may affect your rights as a $59 call (650)218-6528
Magnolia Avenue, Millbrae, California 94030 until 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 30, 2017 for the creditor. You may want to consult with an PEz DISPENSErS - 8 piece sealed box
LOST - Womans diamond ring. Lost
project titled "HILLCrEST BOULEVArD STOrM DrAIN IMPrOVEMENTS." attorney knowledgable in California law. 12/18. Broadway, Redwood City. Wizard of Oz 70th anniversary $25.
You may examine the file kept by the REWARD! (650)339-2410 650-556-9708
court. If you are a person interested in
The work to be performed under this contract consists of but not limited to the major items of work the estate, you may file with the court a LOST CAT Our Felicity, weighs 7 lbs, rENO SILVEr LEgACy Casino four
as listed below: Request for Special Notice (form DE- she has a white nose, mouth, chin, all rare memorabilia items, casino key, two
154) of the filing of an inventory and ap- four legs, chest stomach, around her coins, small charm. $95. (650)676-0974
praisal of estate assets or of any petition neck. Black mask/ears, back, tail. Nice
Installation of approximately 950 LF of new 24" and 18" rCP storm sewer main by REWARD. Please email us at SCHILLEr HIPPIE poster, linen, Sparta
or account as provided in Probate Code graphics 1968. Mint condition. $600.00.
T-Cut Method, installation of storm drain manholes, installation of catch basin, reconstruc- section 1250. A Request for Special No-
[email protected] or call 650-576-
8745. She drinks water out of her paws. (650)701-0276
tion of storm drain manhole and catch basin. work also consists of concrete valley gutter tice form is available from the court clerk.
and curb ramps for drainage improvements at the intersection of Hillcrest Boulevard and Attorney for Petitioner: wANTED: EUrEkA Federal Savings
Ashton Avenue. Terese M. Raddie, Esq. Cashiers Check (any) from the 1980s.
LOST CAT. Black and White. Black
Anderson Yazdi Hwang Minton+Horn patch on right eye. REWARD.
350 Primrose Road Seeking a copy of any old cashiers
All proposals must be made on the proposal form included with the Contract Documents for the Call (323) 439-7713. check from EFS, which is now known as
BURLINGAME, CA 94010 US Bank on Laurel St. in San Carlos,
proposed work. (650)212-5900 LOST SMALL gray and green Parrot.
Redwood Shores. (650)207-2303. CA. Do you or someone you know save
FILED: 04/27/2017 your old bank docs? Willing to pay you
A certified check or corporate surety bond of not less than ten percent (10%) of the amount bid for (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- $50 for a carbon copy. Please call Sylvia
the total cost of the project must accompany each proposal. nal on 5/3/17, 5/10/17, 5/11/17 ) Books at (650)255-4780.
qUALITy BOOkS used and rare. World
A pre bid conference and site visit is scheduled on Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 10:00 A.M. at & US History and classic American nov-
the Public works Corporation yard located at 400 East Millbrae Avenue. els. $5 each obo (650)345-5502
299 Computers
Contract Documents are available through the City of Millbrae website 294 Baby Stuff
kOgI 15 inch computer monitor. Model, select the "Projects Out to Bid" tab. Bidder shall provide Bidder's OrDEr TO SHOw CAUSE FOr FISHEr-PrICE HEALTHy Care booster L5QX. $25. PH(650)592-5864.
Proposal, Bid Security/Bond, Statement of Experience and Qualifications, and Non-Collusion Affi- CHANgE OF NAME seat - $5 (650)592-5864.
CASE# 17CIV01462 rECOrDABLE CD-r 74, Sealed, Unop-
davit as identified in these Contract Documents. Each bidder shall also submit with his/her bid, ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X,
the names, addresses, portion of work and quotations of all subcontractors, if any, upon which the COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, food pusher with embossed children's (650) 578 9208
proposal is based as specified in Section G2.08 of the General Conditions. 400 COUNTY CENTER RD, graphic.$75 650-762-6048
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 STErLINg SILVEr Paye & Baker baby
300 Toys
Time of Completion shall be fifty (50) consecutive working days after issuance of the Notice to PETITION OF food pusher with embossed children's
Andy Pescoran ALLOyED LINOTyPE (BNH ~18) for
Proceed. Liquidated damages for failure to complete the work within the specified time are speci- graphic.$75 650-762-6048 casting miniature/board-game figurines.
fied in the Contract Documents. Petitioner: Andy Pescoran filed a petition
10#, $10 (650) 591-4553
with this court for a decree changing 296 Appliances
DOLL HOUSE w/ furniture $50.00 new
The State of California has adopted a schedule of the general prevailing rates of per diem wages name as follows: 1960'S AVOCADO Osterizer blender joe 650 573 5269
to be paid to the various craftsmen and laborers required to perform said work and improvements, Present name: Andy Pescoran excellent condition $20.00 (650)596-
a copy of which may be obtained from the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Appren- Proposed Name: Andres Paredes 0513 LArgE STUFFED ANIMALS - $3 each
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons Great for Kids (650) 952-3500
ticeship Standards, or can be download at their website at interested in this matter shall appear be- AIr CONDITIONEr 10000 BTU w/re- STAr wArS one 4 orange card ac-
fore this court at the hearing indicated mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG tion figure, Momaw Nadon (Hammer-
The Contractor will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws below to show cause, if any, why the pe- brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- head). $8 Steve (650)518-6614
and regulations. All bids must cover the entire work required under this contract. tition for change of name should not be 0898
granted. Any person objecting to the 302 Antiques
AIr CONDITIONEr, Portable, 14,000
The award (if an award is made) will be made as provided in the Proposal. The award shall be name changes described above must file BTU, Commercial Cool model
a written objection that includes the rea- CPN14XC9, almost like new! All acces- ANTIqUE ITALIAN lamp 18 high, $70
made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, provided that if the City believes that the sons for the objection at least two court sories plus remote included. (650)387-4002
public interest will be best served by accepting other than the lowest bid, it shall have the authori- days before the matter is scheduled to 20 x 16-5/8 x 33-1/2 $345.
ty to accept the bid that will best serve the public interest. be heard and must appear at the hearing (650)345-1835 ANTIqUE TEAk CHINA cabinet and
to show cause why the petition should matching table, with doors and legs.
not be granted. If no written objection is BISSELL BAgLESS Upright Vacuum, $500/obo. (650)952-5049.
No bidder may withdraw his/her bid for a period of ninety (90) days after the date set for the open- Model 82H1, Dual Edge Cleaning,
ing thereof. All bids shall remain valid for that period of time. timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the Cleanview Hepa Filter $25 650-952- MAHOgANy ANTIqUE Secretary desk,
3500 72 x 40 , 3 drawers, Display case, bev-
petition shall be held on 5/23/17 at 9 elled glass, $350. (650)766-3024
Bidders attention is directed to the conditions/provisions of the Contract Documents which re- a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, BLACk & Decker travel iron, steam and
quire the Contractor, to whom the contract for the work is awarded, to file with the City Clerk at Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this dry $5. (650)368-0748.
the time of executing said contract, a Contractors Payment Bond and Bond for Faithful Perform- Order to Show Cause shall be published 303 Electronics
ance, in the amount of 100% of the contract amount, meeting all requirements of said Contract at least once each week for four succes-
CHEFMATE TOASTEr oven, brand 46 MITSUBISHI Projector TV, great
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear-
Documents and approved by the City Attorney of the City of Millbrae. ing on the petition in the following news- new, bakes, broils, toasts, adjustable condition. $400. (650)261-1541.
paper of general circulation: temperature. $25 OBO. (650)580-4763
ANTArES DOLLArS Bill Changer ma-
The Contractor may substitute certain securities for any money withheld by City as retention to San Mateo Daily Journal CIrrUS STEAM mop model SM212B 4 chine s never used for small bus. $95
ensure Contractors performance under the contract. Such substitution of securities in lieu of re- Filed: 4/10/2017 new extra cleaning pads,user manual. (650)992-4544.
tention shall be at the contractors request and at contractors sole expense. The securities shall /s/Susan Irene Etezadi/ $45. (650)588-5487
Judge of the Superior Court AUDIO-TECHNICA (AT-PL50) Auto.
be in a manner equivalent to the retention to be released. Dated: 4/6/2017 COFFEE MAkEr, 30 Cup Stereo TURNTABLE sys. $40
(Published 4/19/17, 4/26/17, 5/3/17, Excel- (650)344-4756
The Millbrae City Council reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, alternate bids, or 5/10/17). lent Condition $3. (650)368-0748.
unit prices and/or waive any irregularities in any bid received. BLAUPUNkT AM/FM/CD Radio and Re-
COLEMAN LxE Roadtrip Grill - ceiver with Detachable Face asking
Red Brand New! (still in box) $100 $100. (650)593-4490
The Contractor and all subcontractors shall be licensed with the Department of Consumer Affairs (650)918-9847
of the State of California in the class appropriate for the work contemplated. Failure of Contractor BULOVA wINDUP Travel clocks.Vin-
tage. Set of eight. $99. gene (650)421-
or his/her subcontractors to possess such current license at the time of bidding may be deemed 5469
sufficient cause for the rejection of the bid.
Bidders shall have fully inspected the project site in all particulars and become thoroughly familiar
with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents and local conditions affecting the per-
LEgAL NOTICES INSIgNIA 26" HDTV Perfect $39 650-
IPHONE 5 Morphie Juice Pack with
formance and costs of the work prior to submitting their bid proposal. Fictitious Business Name Statements, charger, Originally $100, now $85.
Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate, (650)766-2679
By order of the Council of the City of Millbrae. Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons, kINDLE FIrE 8 in. Case and Charger
CITY COUNCIL City of Millbrae State of California incl. 64 gig $75 Jeff 650-208-5758
By: Angela Louis Notice of Public Sales and More. LEFT-HAND ErgONOMIC keyboard
City Clerk with 'A-shape' key layout Num pad, $20
Dated: May 4, 2017 Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County. (650)204-0587
5/10/17 MOTOrOLA BrAVO MB 520 (android
CNS-3008221# Fax your request to: 650-344-5290 4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD
SAN MATEO DAILy JOUrNAL card Belmont (650)595-8855
Email them to: [email protected]
NEw HP Desk Jet 1112 Printer plus ex-
tra cartridges- $50. Call (650)345-1234
THEDAILYJOURNAL Wednesday May 10, 2017 25
303 Electronics 304 Furniture 311 Musical Instruments 318 Sports Equipment 335 garden Equipment 379 Open Houses
ONkyO AV Receiver HT-R570 .Digital wALNUT CHEST, small (4 drawer with ExCELLENT VIOLIN, previously owned, gOLF CLUBS, used set with Cart for BLACk & Decker 18, Hedge Trimmer,
Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready, upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429 first violinist SF Symphony, Mellow $50. (650)593-4490 electric, used once, $60. 650 888-5808
Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393
wOOD - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x
sound. Dated 1894. $5,500/best offer.
(415)751-2416 CHAIN SAw, 16 ,Craftsmen ,electric,
gOLF CLUBS, used set with Cart for
OPTIMUS H36 ST5800 Tower Speaker
36x10x11 $30. (650)580-6324
17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311
$50. (650)593-4490 $55. 650 888-5808 LISTINgS
rCA 32 Flat Screen T.V. Brand New
306 Housewares Appraised @ $5450., want $1800 obo, MEN'S CALLAwAy Rain Jacket XL . 345 Medical Equipment List your Open House
(650)343-4461 Mint Condition worn only a few times.
$99 OBO (650)759-7511
CHrISTMAS TrEE China, Fairfield $50 650-208-5758 BATH CHAIr LIFT. Peterman battery in the Daily Journal.
Peace on Earth. Complete Set of 12 (48 HAMMOND B-3 Organ and 122 Leslie operated bath chair lift. Stainless steel
VCR ,set up $70. (650)992-4544 pieces) $75. (650)493-5026 Speaker. Excellent condition. $8,500. pri- MEN'S rOSSIgNOL Skis. $95.00, frame. Accepts up to 350lbs. Easily in- Reach over 83,450
vate owner, (650)349-1172
good condition, (650)341-0282. serted I/O tub.$250 OBO. potential home buyers &
SONy DETACHABLE set :3cd /fm/am COMPLETE SET OF CHINA - Windsor (650) 739-6489.
double tape. exc cond. $70 (415)231- PIANO, UPrIgHT, in excellent condi-
NEw wEIgH bench With 200lbs, plus
renters a day,
Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings, tion. Asking $345. (650)366-4769
4825 20-pieces in original box, never used. free weights. $50. (510)943-9221.San from South San Francisco
$250 per box (3 boxes available). UPrIgHT PIANO. In tune. Fair condi- Mateo. garage Sales to Palo Alto.
TV SONy Triniton 21" working condition. (650)342-5630 tion. $300 OBO (650) 533-4886. in your local newspaper.
$10 OBO (650)784-3243. PrINCE TENNIS 2 section nylon black
FIrEPLACE CANDELABrA with 5 bat- yAMAHA PIANO, Upright, Model M-305, Bag with Prince Pro Graphite Racket-
VINTAgE g.E. radio, model c-430-a Call (650)344-5200
$60. (650)421-5469
tery-operated candles $30.00, 415-990-
$750. Call (650)572-2337 $55.(650)341-8342 gArAgE SALES
VINTAgE g.E. radio, model c-442c $60.
312 Pets & Animals PUrSUIT SCOOTEr. $99. (650)348-
opened, in wood box, great gift $30.
AIrLINE CArrIEr for cats, pur. from
VINTAgE g.E. radio, model c1470 $60. (650)578-9208.
Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call SkI rACk Thule, roof mounted to roof Make money, make room! 470 rooms
(650)421-5469 (505)228-1480 local. load bars. Holds three pairs. $85, OBO
SOLID TEAk floor model 16 wine rack
VINTAgE zENITH radio, model L516b with turntable $60. (650)592-7483
650-594-1494 List your upcoming HIP HOUSINg
Non-Profit Home Sharing Program
$75. (650)421-5469
308 Tools Gd. Fam./watchdpgs. Ex.Hiking Buddy. SOCCEr BALLS - $8.00 each (like new) garage sale, San Mateo County
$1600. (707) 980.0915. (650)348-6660
304 Furniture 4 available. (650)341-5347 moving sale,
AIr HOrN 138 db new in pack
ANTIqUE DININg table for six people $29 650-595-3933
CANAry BIrD cage 24 x 16 for sale.
$40.00 firm. Used, good condition. Call
TOTAL gyM XLS, excellent condition. estate sale,
Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call 620 Automobiles
with chairs $99. (650)580-6324
CrAFTSMAN 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6"
(650)766-3024 (650)588-0828 yard sale,
ANTIqUE gLASS Hutch. Cherry Wood. dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402 ONE kENNEL Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani- VINTAgE ENgLISH ladies ice skates -
rummage sale, 01 FOrD Taurus SES, Needs Trans-
Excellent Condition. $450. mission Work, $2,000 OBO. Call
(650)888-2662 DELTA CABINET SAw with overrun ta-
mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60..
(650)593-2066 up to size 7-8, $40., (650)873-8167 clearance sale, or (650)619-4872
ble. $650/obo. (650)342-6993
ANTIqUE MAHOgANy Bookcase. Four PArrOT CAgE, Steel, Large - approx VINTAgE NASH Cruisers Mens/ Wom- whatever sale you
rOUTEr TABLE ryobi $ 99. like new 78 rED Corvette
feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966. (650)573-5269 4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz
6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439
have... 350 HP T-Top,Very Nice,All Paperwork,
offer. (650)245-4084 Newer Paint, Interior, New Engine,
BEIgE SOFA $99. Excellent Condition SHOPSMITH MArk V 50th Anniversary
(650) 315-2319 wET SUIT - medium size, $95., call for 224,494Miles MUST SEE! $12,900 Call
most attachments. $1,500/OBO. 316 Clothes Reach over 83,450 readers Gary(530)541-3396 Will be in San Carlos
(650)504-0585 info (650)851-0878
BrAND NEw Bookcase 72"x30" still in from South San Francisco Wednesday May 31st-June 5th
box $45. (415)231-4825.
SkIL SAw 7 1/4" circular saw, 2 1/3 HP,
BLACk DOUBLE breasted suit size 38 wOMEN'S NOrDICA ski boots, size 8 to Palo Alto.
excellent condition $25 (650)322-9598 1/2. $50 (650)592-2047
CHAIrS 2 Blue Good Condition $50 Model # 5150. Hardly used. $30 in your local newspaper. 84 NISSAN 300zx Former Drift Car No
OBO (650)345-5644 (650)556-9708 BOy SCOUT canvas belt with Boy Scout wOMENS rAICHEL ski boots, size 6 ? engine/Transmission $1,200
COAT/HAT STAND, solid wood, for your VINTAgE CrAFTSMAN Jig Saw. Circa Buckle. Vintage. Fair condition. $5.
$ 50. 650 888-5808 . Call (650)344-5200 (650)341-1306
mountain cabin/house. $50. (650)520- 1947. $60. (650)245-7517
7045 yAMAHA rOOF RACK, 58 inches $75. CHEVrOLET 86 ASTROVAN, 63K
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28 Wednesday May 10, 2017 LOCAL THEDAILYJOURNAL