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9-28-18 Sec 1 pg 1-9_Edition 9/26/18 3:59 PM Page 6

6 Friday, Sept. 28, 2018 COMMUNITY Highland Community News n highlandnews.net

East Valley district is honored

for its transparent information
East Valley Water District transparency requirements, in-
has been honored for making fi- cluding creating a website
nancial reports and other infor- transparency portal, holding
mation easily accessible to the ethics trainings for its directors
public. and management, holding open
It has been presented the and public meetings for com-
Transparency Certificate of Ex- munity members to attend and
cellence Award by the Special filing financial transactions and
District Leadership Foundation. compensation reports to the
“As a public agency commit- state controller. This is the first
ted to serving our community, time the district has received
we embrace our responsibility this award.
of making district information It has also been recognized S an B ernardino Valley Water C onSerVation d iStriCt photo

readily available,” said Board by the Government Finance Of-

Chairman Chris Carrillo. ficers Association for trans- Rocky donation
“We are honored to be recog- parency in financial documents. the Wildlands Conservancy in oak Glen is using 322 tons of rock donated by San Bernardino
nized with this award.” For additional information Valley Water Conservation district staff from its Mill Creek property to enhance the gardens used
To receive the award, the dis- visit eastvalley.org. by the organization for public education. More than 100,000 students have participated in the oak
trict met essential governance Glen outdoor education program since its inception in 2002.

Continued from page 1
cycling projects to the basin.
Board Chairman Chris Carril-
lo declared it a historic mo-
rano was the only opponent who
spoke against the plan and al-
leged the agenda packet was
request from $126 million to
$132 million.
Chief Financial Officer Brian
Design-build team
Design-build is a construction
ment. Earlier, Director James not posted online. It was. He Thompkins said three things process that brings together several
down the Santa Ana River to- Morales read prepared com- also questioned a $15 million have changed since the loan re- companies to work together on a
ward the ocean. Agencies down- complex project, such as the Sterling
ments, declaring this the most “loan” for the project. quest was made in March 2016:
Natural Resources Center, which has
stream siphon off some of the important meeting in his five General Manager and CEO • The district settled a law- six team members.
water. years on the board. John Mura explained that it was suit with the city of San The customer manages only one
“In addition, this project will “It always seems impossible an allocation from the capital Bernardino. contract with a single point of respon-
enhance the district’s connec- until it’s done, yet here we are improvement program. • The Local Agency Forma- sibility, according to the Design-Build
tion with the community by tonight,” Morales said. “This is “It seems like this is a recur- tion Commission granted waste- Institute of America website.
providing meeting space and a vision whose time has come. ring theme to undo this confu- water treatment authority to “The designer and contractor work
together from the beginning as a
partnerships that will provide This project will safeguard our sion,” Mura said, questioning the district. team, providing unified project rec-
educational opportunities,” community far into the future Serrano’s motives. The board • And it dissolved the frame- ommendations to fit the owner’s
Nolte said. and enable us to be self-suffi- approved the $15 million to be work agreement with the Valley schedule and budget. Any changes
The district selected the de- cient. Self-sufficiency makes us spent as needed to support con- District, allowing East Valley are addressed by the entire team,
sign-build partnership involving the envy of Southern California. struction at the Sterling site on autonomy to build the project leading to collaborative problem-solv-
six firms because of the com- “We are geographically locat- Del Rosa Drive between Fifth using the design-build process. ing and innovation, not excuses or
plexity of the project, he said. blame-shifting.”
ed at the mouth of the Santa and Sixth streets, he said. The increase will cover the
Sterling’s six team members are:
San Bernardino Valley Mu- Ana River, top of the water food After the board approved the cost of the Sterling contract n Balfour Beatty: Industry-leading
nicipal Water District will chain and we should take ad- guaranteed maximum price it with the Beatty/Arcadis team. provider of general contracting, at-
spend $18 million to construct a vantage of that. This project approved a resolution to ask the East Valley ratepayers will be risk construction management and
pipeline to carry water from does that.” State Water Quality Control on the hook for $125.3 million design-build services for public and
the Sterling plant and future re- Perennial critic Anthony Ser- Board to increase its funding on the 1.8 percent interest loan. private sector clients across the Unit-
It is $6.7 million less than the ed States. Performing heavy civil and
vertical construction, the company is
loan request because of a part of an international infrastructure

Welcome to Our Town! Proposition 1 Water Bond grant.

Before the unanimous vote,
Serrano questioned why the wa-
ter would be used to replenish
group. balfourbeattyus.com
n Arcadis: The leading global de-
sign and consultancy firm for natural
and built assets. It applies “deep
market sector insights and collective
life in “Our the Bunker Hill Basin.
overing every facet of design, consultancy, engineering,

C e book is de- “Going back to 2011, when we

Town,” this comprehensiv started looking at the feasibility
project and management expertise,”

Our ation that

signed to contain inform will espe- study, this was not part of the
its website says.. arcadis.com
n Ruhnau Clarke Architects: Mul-

Town useful. But it plan,” he told the board. “We

present residents will find our city.
tidisciplinary planning, architecture
were told that we were going to and interiors firm that partners with
2017-2018 EDITIO
cially guide residents new tical information on be drinking recycled water. We organizations to realize their vision

“Our Town” will have ac government, util-

pr did not talk about recharging through design. ruhnauclarke.com.
n Trussell Technologies Inc.: An
local schools, parks, real re, clubs and organ- the entire basin.”
Mura assured the board that
environmental engineering firm fo-
l ca
ities, newspapers, medica cused on process and water quality.
d the arts, post offices, recharging the basin was the It has offices in Pasadena, San Diego
izations, entertainment an plan from the start. “Mr. Serra- and Oakland. trusselltech.com
ing else a new person
festivals, shopping and anyth no is now 0 for 20 in terms of n WSP: Globally recognized pro-
fessional services firm employing ap-
in town needs to know.
stating the facts,” Mura said.
Community News ere. It will also have proximately 42,000 people.

The district gets 74 percent

“Our Town” won’t stop th
Your Community. Your Newspaper.

story of Highland along of its supply from the basin, a n Inframark: An independent,
feature articles on the hi natural underground storage
famous people, places American-owned company widely rec-
with companion pieces on r area and its her- area made up of soil, sand, and ognized as a leader in water infra-
t ou
and fascinating facts abou
gravel and the base of the allu- structure operations and infrastruc-

2018Fr-2 d it
019 Eer 16th, 2018 itage. io n vial fan below the river. ture management services. infra-
th a
ide to life in Highland, wi
About 21 percent of the sup-
Publishes: ida y, Novemb “O ur To wn ,” a gu ply comes from surface water
Deadline: Friday, Octob
er 26th, 2018 works all year for you.
pressrun of 16,000 copies, merce will be send- fed by rainfall and snowmelt
Serrano before the meeting.
y The local Chambers of Co location packets
Call Togda into the Santa Ana River water-
es reserve Serrano drew a sharp rebuke
adv ertisin representativ tion. in its re shed — and 5 percent is import-
ing out “Our Town”
to have one of our edi
for this premiere from Director Ron Coats, who
your advertising space ed from Northern California via
throughout the year.
said, “For far too long for the

Community News
the State Water Project.
H IGH LAN D r Town
Th is special distribution means that Ou When the Sterling Natural four years that we’ve actively
sure to include your been doing this there has been a
Your New spap er.

works all year for you. Be 9 special edition of

Your Community. Resource Center is complete in
concentrated effort by certain
(909) 86 2-1771 advertising in this 2018-2
01 2021, it will provide 40 percent
of the district’s water needs. people to railroad this project
Fax: (909) 862-1787et Our Town. Mura said later that he spent an into failure.

www.highlandnews.n hour explaining the project to “As a ratepayer and a taxpay-

See STERLING on page 7

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