The Effects of Gun Control and Relationship On Society
The Effects of Gun Control and Relationship On Society
The Effects of Gun Control and Relationship On Society
Adan Vasquez
This paper will explore and introduce the leading controversies on Gun Control that are brought
up and will elaborate on the findings with fluent research. The articles that will be used mainly
talk about the overwhelming debate. Additionally, there are many sides to this epidemic that
people arent educated on with this topic. Even though Gun Control varies from each state and
have codes on what firearms are to be allowed for distribution. Furthermore, I will talk about
Gun Abuse/Violence and how it originates from the very uneducated Gun Control topic. In all I
will explain in detail the what makes it hard for people to advocate and understand how Gun
Gun Control has to do the the regulations and the distribution of firearms. Every state has
their own laws that justify this and clearly explains whats allowed. Additionally, gun control has
been a widely open debate that has people either strongly for it or strongly against it. Also, there
are a lot of prerequisites that goes along with Gun Control and they could be good or bad. I have
a series of research questions that I will answer thought out this paper in detail and with
I have chosen these questions in the efforts to try and understand the concepts of gun control.
Furthermore, to elaborate how people are uneducated with this conflict that is in society. Gun
control is the leading contributor that leads to gun violence and gun abuse in a community. The
Gun Control topic should be publicly educated because it can or cannot threaten society and it
in society.
shocking truth in
portrayed in figure 1. shows how the United States is affected by gun violence but in fact is one
of the leading contributors to it since gun control is the starting point of the issue. Moreover,
emphasizing the mind-boggling struggle of gun violence in a nation that is known for its
freedom. Of course it is not all the fault of the whole United State as it is the individual states
Alaska, Kentucky, and Louisiana, do not require background checks for private sales,
have lax open and concealed carry laws, and fail to restrict gun access from certain risky
This emphasizes the structure of laws in the different states. Gun regulations are made to
incorporate safety among people in society to prevent mass shootings this is evident by Two of
the bills approved by the Senate would ban the manufacture and sale of semiautomatic rifles with
recessed button that, when pressed by a sharp object, allows removal of the magazine.
(McGreevy, P.) In conclusion this proves that the United States upholds laws and demand that
its purpose will maintain sanity in society. To point out in the United States compared to other
countries laws varies from federal law and state law. There are a lot of different regulations that
must be incorporated to distribute or buy a gun. Although, there are people out there who try and
go around the regulations that are put into place from state to state. Additionally, if the people
arent being heard of the certain gun right to stop gun violence there would be no way to
proclaim the conflict. This sort of event leads to Gun Abuse/Violence because it gets into the
wrong hands and they misuse the intent for the gun, Evidence of this is:
There were 464,033 total gun deaths between 1999 and 2013: 270,237 suicides (58.2%
of total deaths); 174,773 homicides (37.7%); and 9,983 unintentional deaths (2.2%).
Guns were the leading cause of death by homicide (66.6% of all homicides) and by
suicide (52.2% of all suicides). Firearms were the 12th leading cause of all deaths,
representing 1.3% of total deaths topping liver disease, hypertension, and Parkinsons
disease, as well as deaths from fires, drowning, and machinery accidents. (Gun Control)
This PSA from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence created by McCann NY
shines a spotlight on one of Americas most pressing national security threats: toddlers.
Last year alone, more people were shot and killed in America by toddlers than in attacks
This shows that there has been a lot of people who have mistreated the gun regulations in a state
and that the community is trying to do something about it and keep people educated and aware of
what is happening in society. Furthermore, it shows how many incidents that people have been
cut short because of a gun trigger and that it is starting to become one of the main killers of a
human. Although, on the other side it is said that people acquire a gun for the purpose of self
defense. Whether it gets into the wrong hands after that is by choice of the owner of the gun.
There are many responsibilities when buying a gun, common sense would tell us one
responsibility would be to keep the gun in either a safe or hidden place. This of course will
eliminate the potential case of the weapon getting into the wrong hands.
In regards to the second question on what are the positive or negative impact does Gun
Control have on our society/country. The positive view points on how it impacts society, would
be that it gives people something to do as a recreational outlook. Additionally, it can pave ways
for self defense purposes of course and can be fond upon as collector items. Furthermore, with
gun control laws we can correctly distribute gun licenses to people who wont abuse it. With
more people having guns in society it can contribute and support peace in a community while
providing self defense. Evidence of this is Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual
defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was 'used' by the crime victim in the sense
of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-
using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies. (Saletan,
W.) This reveals that less people will be hurt which is the most important and can benefit the
community by making the criminal think twice of their actions before they try to use Gun
Violence. Moreover, will basically threaten the unlawful person to commit the crime which
would make society safer. The negative outlook on how Gun Control will impacts society, would
be that it denies safety to individuals because it will enable unlawful persons to purchase these
guns. Which in all would be a bad idea because that means more deaths, injuries and less safety
in society. Evidence of this is The Oregon shooter had six guns on him at Umpqua Community
College, the site of the massacre, and owned eight others. All of them were purchased legally by
the shooter himself or his family members in the past three years. (Kirk, C., & Quandt, K. R.)
Which reveals that without gun regulation, gun investments will be unchecked and can lead to
unlawful actions in a community. Although, it will not fully prevent lawbreakers from
gaining weapons as there are many ways to go around the law. Additionally, this can lead to
possessed by the killers with about 75% obtained legally (Gun Control). This reveals that
criminals will always find away to find a loop hole around the system. In all greatly impacting
society because people feel threatened and they feel the only result is to protect themselves.
In commendations to the third question how does limiting Gun Control make things
better or worse. In Figure 2. by USA TODAY (Murphy, S.) you can elaborately depict that it is
pretty equal views on gun control, this leads to why it is such a controversial subject because
there are numerous view points not just one solid perspective. To introduce why it is such a
debatable subject lets focus on how reducing gun control can make things better or worse we
can conclude that it will only be worse this is evident by The United States loses far more
people to gun violence homicidal, suicidal, accidental than almost any other country, and
there is one reason: the easy availability of guns. (Board, E.) This reveals that without gun
regulations implemented in the United States to execute background checks on the people trying
to acquire guns. This will not only better society but it will mainly keep it crime free from gun
abuse or gun violence. Additionally, there are ways to prohibit gun violence, which would be to
notice the signs of it first. This is evident by Gun violence is preventable when you know the
signs. (Earl, J.) and also While you were watching Evan, another student was showing signs of
planning a shooting. But no one noticed. (Earl, J.) This shows how even the slightest
recognition will possible prohibit gun violence action, in this case being intended for a school,
On the other hand, there is possibility of it being somewhat better if you include that
almost everyone would be able to purchase guns with limited regulations behind it and this like
discussed earlier will in the slightest be able to prevent gun action crimes because the criminal
would have to worry about if the victim is carrying a weapon, which would be in the worst case
scenario for the accuser. Even though, it will be more likely of weapon usages to increase but
wouldnt be for criminal offenses in a society it would most likely be for self defense purposes
since every one is more inclined to have a gun. Overall society is changing do to the fact of this
conflict, most cases it is for the better. This is evident by Overall crime rates have declined in
the past decade, and violent crimes, including homicides specifically, have declined in the past 5
years. (Saletan, W.) According to this evidence this proves that gun control is taking shape,
which is a positive step for society but could also be a very general proclamation since there will
Through out the research I also was able to get face to face interviews of my potential
research questions and began to asked them. Additionally, was interested to see their perspective
on this topic to try and understand. Asking my first question to a college student what is the
current situation with gun control. The feedback was initially unastonished by the lack of
information they knew she replied with I dont know; all I know about Gun Control is that the
majority of people favor more gun control. (R. Villasenor, personal communication, April 2,
2017) While being intrigued on why she came up with that conclusion. Perhaps it was because
she is influenced by her elders that once talked about their views. Whatever the case may be she
acquired her information from some place and is applying it to her own with out any knowledge
of it. With the second question regarding what kind of impact does Gun Control have on society.
She replied with I would believe that it will have a positive impact on society since more laws
will make less gun violence actions. (R. Villasenor, personal communication, April 2, 2017)
This explains that her notion on the matter is more with pro gun laws view point. Additionally,
this shows that her belief is more towards helping society escape from criminal actions. With the
sides be ever so close explained in Figure 2. it is hard to coincide with one. Finally, with my last
question regarding if limiting gun control make things better or worse. I interviewed one of my
family members to understand their idea of thinking. When she responded to the question she
was morally strong about if gun control was to be limited I believe that it would be a bad idea
because bad people will do bad things. (L. Caro, personal communications, April 2, 2017) This
not only surprised me but in fact it does make sense from the research that was gathered because
it is only common sense that with easy assess to weapons there will always be a possible threat.
Additionally, this shows the unique perspective of a side on the debate toward Gun Control.
In conclusion the debate on gun control is an open book giving people the choice they
feel is best. Both sides of gun control have their advantages and disadvantages that would have
an impact on society. In most cases the gun control conflict will forever be a non stop struggle
with no evidence of ending anytime soon. As long as there are criminals with guns this conflict
will be on going. In the end gun control has many controversies that can be discussed and can be
effectively portrayed as good or bad. It is in the best interest people are educated about this topic
as it is constantly occurring with in society on a day to day basis. With the end result being death
for innocent civilians, this is why pro gun activists feel the need to self arm themselves to protect
their families or others. Although, who is to say self arming is a good idea to do as it can bring
engagement in the future. This is the main argument that people of the United States are having a
Reference Page
Board, E. (2016). Gun violence in America is out of control. Retrieved April 2, 2017, from
Diamond, Dan., (2015). "More Young Americans Now Die From Guns Than Cars." Forbes.
Earl, J. (2016). Sandy Hook parents release eye-opening PSA on gun violence. Retrieved April 2,
Kirk, C., & Quandt, K. R. (2015). What Are the Gun Laws in Your State? Retrieved April 2,
McGreevy, P. (n.d.). State Senate approves sweeping new gun control laws for California.
Murphy, S. (2013). "Data Point - Gun Control support sliding down." GraniteGrok. N.p.,
Saletan, W. (2013). Ten Surprising Findings From a New Report on Gun Violence. Retrieved