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Gun Control in the United States

The use of firearms seems as a trend for self-security and gun victimization in the United

States. Personal security is necessary for human beings in the modern age. In a country like the

United States, security concerns matter a lot. No doubt, it is significant equipment for personal

defence. But in the United States use of guns has been divided into two classes first is gun

victimization, and the second is self-defence. Gun victimization refers to the use of the gun for a

negative purpose, like to kill someone, whereas the term self-defence deals with self-security

against a killer or burglar etc. It has been observed that the use of guns is becoming a common

thing along with the death rate and rate of injuries. The ratio of gun use has increased rapidly in

the United States. This increase shows that both homicide and self-defence have increased in an

equal ratio. The use of weapons like guns, firearms, pistol etc. has been used rapidly since the

1990s. It has been noticed that there is no strictness of laws and regulations over the usage of

guns without a license. Further, the concerned study proclaims the problem that lack of

comprehensive gun control in the United States causes mass shootings all across the States and

creates social disorder. Gun control must be considered a top priority in Congress and in the

entire Federal Government to finally put an end to mass shootings.

Further, to remove the evil from the root, it is significant to make suitable laws and

constitutions with proper checks and balances. The law helps to control evil. In every country,

different laws have been formulated to wipe out the negative use of guns in the country
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(Celinska, 229). The same is the situation in the United States as well. In order to minimize the

use of guns, the law should be imposed practically, and there should be a proper way to check

their suitability. It has been noted that in the United States, the use of guns has been

accomplished as per the constitutional amendment. The second amendment exposes that the use

of guns in the United States is constitutionality. The second amendment does not favour equality

in the states. Discrimination is observed under this amendment.

Moreover, due to gun-related deaths, medical professionals have re-examined their

connection with firearm mortality and the repercussions this has on medicine. Because of

medical professionals' concerns, the focus of debate has shifted away from the Second

Amendment and onto its health repercussions instead. Gun controls policies should be framed in

different states. These policies should be imposed on them for accurate results. These policies

will help to reduce homicide and public shoot (Webster et al., 19). The states are independent

and can make different and suitable laws to avoid or make the minimum effect of the gun shoot.

Street crime by the use of guns has become an insecurity for the citizens. No doubt,

constitutional law offers security with proper legislation. The government needs to fulfil the

required gap with true spirit. The policies should be attached to the law. As per the constitution,

one who denies the law is punished accordingly. The misuse of firearms, in this way, can be

avoided. The strict actions should be implemented equally against the rich and poor classes of

the states.

Moreover, this equality and justice cause a true implementation of the policies in the

states. There should be no racism in this regard. Racism here refers to inequality between two

opposite groups, i.e. rich and poor or powerful and weak entities of the society or states. This

equal relation will not lead to any misuse of homicide. There is a certain group in the United
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States who may have a firearm. This group may belong to an elite class, like a presidential group

or ministerial group. That may have a security guard for this purpose. The criteria should be

highly defined for the security guard. He should be well aware of the certain use of a firearm and

affiliated guns. He should have a good target mark. Further, eyesight should be justified. The

weak eyesight may cause harm to public insecurities shoot. He should be medically fit for this

purpose (Stell, 36). Training is an important element in this regard. A well-trained, well-educated

and knowledgeable person should be committed to such a position. A young and experienced

person should be preferred in this regard. The young person seems as a passionate and suitable


Similarly, the proper punishment articles should be defined in order to stop the misuse of

guns. The people who violate the concerned policies should be punished as per defined laws.

Once the example is created, the other people may strictly compliance the law. An example is

necessary to set in this regard. (Gos, 25) The offenders of the policy may reject it and violate the

law again and again. In this concern, they deserve punishment. The law is equally implemented

by the states and their drivers. The use of guns is banned, causing the misuse of firearms. The

use of a firearm should be under a license or a registration; the registered gun or firearm cannot

be misused. The total ban on firearms causes such problems which may cause the wrong use of a

firearm. The amendment is strictly needed to be revised in this regard.

Furthermore, recently, it has been discovered that the ratio of criminal cases has increased in

the United States. The dacoit, homicide and target killings have been on top of the list. The

proper and suitable constitution is needed to be framed. This may cause a slow rate of criminality

or minimum effect of criminality in the United States. In 1992, the number of fatalities linked to

firearms-related activities surpassed the number of motor vehicle-related accident deaths. There
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have been considered different circumstances which may cause to push people to break their

limits. One of the top listed is unemployment. The lack of career opportunities leads the young

generation to move towards the use of a firearm. They may start to dacoit. In this situation,

resistance may occur. For their survival against resistance, they may start their firearm to kill the

opposite one.

In fact, inflation forces the youth to pick up guns and go against constitutional law. These

acts are criminal acts. The psychological dilemma is also one of the considerable actions in this

manner. The tension highly causes anxiety and depression. Depression is a blind disease. This is

also called momentary disease or momentary anger. The presence of the weapon in the house is

dangerous and fatal for the whole family. The family having such patients should avoid the

firearm, gun or any kind of weapon for safety. The concept of masculinity in Texas refers to the

person who has a gun or firearm and can use it as per need. This misconception demands

courage. The bravery is attributed to the use of a firearm. It has become cultural. The cultural

values, at some stage, become an essential part of their nature which, later, becomes difficult to

remove. In the last stage, it becomes a root of evil. Evil becomes difficult to uproot when it gets

maximum favour. A well-trained and well-educated person should utilize a gun and a firearm

(Vegter et al., 119). An untrained person has no or minimum level of knowledge, which may

cause danger to the life of other people. The risk becomes high when an unknowledgeable person

uses the weapon. Training is an important element in this regard. It is equally important for the

safety of both the user and the opposite. To avoid such accidents or mistakes, there should be a

well-trained operator of weapons should be considered.

A couple of incidents regarding the misuse of a gunshot have been observed most

recently. 4 July 2022 has witnessed the murder of 7 people and also observed more than 20
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injured in gun violence in Chicago. 8 July 2022 also observed the murders of at least 29 people

during a gunshot on the road in Texas (Vegter et al., 119). It can be seen how fatal the use of

guns could be in the United States.

The gun-related violence is still at the top of the list in the United States and its youth.

There can be considered different reasons behind it.

i. Unemployment

ii. Inflation

iii. Untrained owner of the weapon.

The laws help to avoid such circumstances when they are implemented strictly. In 2020,

45222 confirmed deaths were cased. The ratio has decreased instantly. The increased number of

persons murdered by weapons has sparked a strong need for more gun control laws and

restrictions. In 1992, the number of fatalities linked to firearms-related activities surpassed the

number of motor vehicle-related accident deaths. It is possible to find a correlation between the

number of people killed by guns in each state and other factors, such as state laws and limitations

on gun ownership and usage in that state. However many rules and restrictions on gun control

there are, the effects are poor. Firearm murders account for more than 60% of all killings in the

United States; it is not unexpected that the two metrics of homicide are closely associated (Seigal

et al., 2098). According to a number of studies conducted in the 1970s and 1980s, gun regulation

does not reduce violent crime rates. There is little evidence that gun restriction legislation has

any major influence on rates of violence beyond what can be ascribed to background

socioeconomic factors.
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As compared to other countries, like Canada, the law states that if a person misuses a gun

should be sent to jail for six months, or he or she may be fined accordingly. 1977 criminal law of

weapons exposes that it is illegal to use a gun. In states, laws regarding gun use and strict

implementation have also been noticed. Their punishment is either long-term jail or a fine. 1965

Ordinance of Arms of Pakistan demands the registration and license of the weapon holder. If

someone fails to provide said certificate is sent to jail for further action (Reeping et al., 364). The

countries with stronger handgun prohibitions in 1968 had lower suicide rates than guns in 1960

and 1970. It seems that regulations restricting gun usage have minimal impact on gun crime

rates. The United States has freely allowed the use o guns. Excluding these crucial factors from

the model-building process while asserting that changes in crime rates are exclusively the

product of new gun control laws and regulations is an oversimplification. In 1992, the number of

fatalities linked to firearms-related activities surpassed the number of motor vehicle-related

accident deaths. World War I and World War II are the reasons behind this advancement in

weapons which are fatal and dangerous to use. To reduce and prevent firearm-related violence,

many states have enacted laws regulating the sale, purchase, possession, and storage of firearms.

There is a need to evaluate the impact of these laws on firearm violence to understand which

laws are effective in informing policy decisions.

Keeping a gun in the house makes it more likely that one will kill someone. They argue

that the rates of domestic violence, drug misuse, and excessive alcohol consumption among

persons who are victims of gun violence are significantly greater than the national norm. The

veracity of their conclusion, which asserts that possessing a gun raises one's probability of being

killed, is in question because of all of these confounding circumstances. For example, it has been

noticed that the presence of weapons appears to dissuade assault and, in the event of an attack, to
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lower the chance of harm (to victims) but that guns appear to elevate the likelihood of mortality

if an injury is inflicted.

It is a common refrain from those who argue for buying weapons that such legislation may

reduce crimes in the states. The consensus is that imposing a waiting period will serve as a

cooling-off period for violent criminals by preventing them from obtaining the tools of their

trade (guns). Under normal circumstances, few people are prepared to pay the consequence of

their crimes, but this is especially true of those who commit crimes out of anger or depression. In

particular, this is true for those who commit the act. There is a demand curve for murder in the

heat of the moment that is completely inelastic; the person is in the market, at least for the time

being. Laws and regulations on gun control must not be evaluated just based on their effect on

criminal behaviour. This includes considerations such as socioeconomic characteristics.

Excluding these crucial factors from the model-building process while asserting that changes in

crime rates are exclusively the product of new gun control laws and regulations is an

oversimplification in an attempt to determine the efficacy of Canada's 1977 gun restriction


The second amendment is needed to be revised strictly. The ban on weapons like guns or

firearms should be removed so that people may not use them without any license. The registered

weapon helps to find out the criminal and criminal activities. The license offers police to take

strict actions against them. The ban on weapons does not allow people to have a registration or

license. The amendment should be revised for the benefit of the states. It will also help to reduce

criminal acts and street firings. The murder case will be decreased, and the death rate will also be

minimum in this way. The plan regarding adaptation and revamp will be helpful in this way.
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Determining the ultimate problem of the second amendment, considering the concerns regarding

the freedom the second amendment gives to criminals and felons.

Gun restriction reduces violent crime, two are inconclusive, and nine are inconclusive.

Socioeconomic variables such as unemployment may have had a significant impact on murder

rates, according to their findings. According to them, socially marginalized groups face

enormous societal issues such as minorities, young people, the jobless and alcoholics. As long as

these concerns are not properly addressed and rectified, these groups will continue to contribute

disproportionately to the murder rate. High crime rates, on the other hand, may strengthen

support for stricter gun control laws since they are often used as a justification for such

measures. These findings imply a causal link between increased gun violence and stricter gun

prohibitions. However, since both gun restrictions and crime rates are linked across time,

econometric models cannot simultaneously account for both (Kerima, 52). Street crime rates in

the early 1990s might affect the strictness of gun control laws in the late 1990s. As a result,

stricter gun restrictions in the late 1990s may be anticipated to have a long-term impact on crime

rates. Gun restrictions and crime rates are linked in a twin way in this article, which uses state-

level data.

Using multivariate statistical methods, it is possible to find a correlation between the

number of people killed by guns in each state and other factors, such as state laws and limitations

on gun ownership and usage in that state. However, many rules and restrictions on gun control

are needed to be formulated. The veracity of the conclusion, which asserts that possessing a gun

raises one's probability of being killed, seems accomplished in this regard. Further, a well-trained

and well-educated person should utilize a gun and a firearm. An untrained person has no or

minimum level of knowledge, which may cause danger to the life of other people. The risk
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becomes high when an unknowledgeable person uses the weapon. Training is an important

element in this regard. It is equally important for the safety of both the user and the opposite. To

avoid such accidents or mistakes, there should be a well-trained operator of weapons should be

considered. Gun controls policies should be framed in different states. These policies should be

imposed on them for accurate results. These policies will help to reduce homicide and public

shoot. The states are independent and can make different and suitable laws to avoid or make a

minimum effect on gun shoot. Street crime by the use of guns has become an insecurity for the

citizens. No doubt, constitutional law offers security with proper legislation. The government

needs to fulfil the required gap with true spirit.

If everyone equally has no easy access to guns, then criminals and innocent citizens alike

cannot have guns and use them in the method they wish to use them. Socioeconomic variables

such as unemployment may have had a significant impact on murder rates, according to their

findings. According to them, socially marginalized groups face enormous societal issues, such as

minorities, young people, the jobless and alcoholics (Bellisiles, 137). As long as these concerns

are not properly addressed and rectified, these groups will continue to contribute

disproportionately to the murder rate in the United States. There seems to be a considerable

correlation between high unemployment and violent crime rates.

However, it has also been shown that a specific ethnic group's engagement in criminal

behaviour is linked to structural forms of poverty, which face inflation and unemployment and,

as a result, use weapons in a negative way for self-interest. Another aspect commonly brought up

in conversations about crime research is the influence of transients who come to urban locations

in search of employment possibilities. People from outside the area increase the likelihood of

criminal behaviour. According to the observation, as the population of cities grows, so will the
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number of crimes (Jehan et al., 11). Urban teenage violence has also been a subject of much

attention. The concerned project has shown that offenders are becoming younger and younger.

The use of alcohol and the conduct of murder have been linked in many studies. It seems that

regulations restricting gun usage have minimal impact on gun crime rates.

To conclude, it has been noticed that there are many reasons behind street crimes.

Unemployment, inflation, the concept of social masculinity, law and the second amendment are

the major causes in this regard. The second amendment offers a ban on the use of a weapon

which draws the people to use the gun or firearm in a hidden way. There is no need for

registration or license for the second amendment. If a person is a murderer under such gunfire, it

would be impossible to find out the killer. Therefore the second amendment should be revised as

per suitability and criteria. License and registration should be necessary for the users. It will

decrease the crimes as well as the murders. In the young generation, there is a passion for a

bright future and career. Unemployment should be removed, and career opportunities should be

created for the concern of the states. In Texas and related states, the misconception regarding

masculinity should be uprooted accordingly. The concept of masculinity does not offer the use of

a gun. Research studying the link between gun fatalities and laws restricting the ownership and

use of firearms may be valuable to society at a time when it is trying to further fine-tune laws

and social programs.

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Bellesiles, Michael A. "Firearms Regulation: A Historical Overview." Crime and Justice, vol.

28, 2011, pp. 137-195.

Jehan, Faisal, et al. "The Burden of firearm violence in the United Sates: strict laws result in

safer states. :Journal of inquiry and violence research 10.1 (2018): 11.


IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." European Scientific Journal 11.7 (2015).

Reeping, Paul M., et al. "State gun laws, gun ownership, and mass shootings in the US: cross
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sectional time series." bmj 364 (2019).

Siegel, Michael, Ross, Craig, S., and Charles King III. "The Relationship Between Gun

Ownership and Firearm Homicide Rates in the United States, 1981-2010." American

Journal of Public Health, vol. 103, no. 11, 2013, pp. 2098-2105.

Vegter, Abigail, and Donald P. Haider-Markel. "Gun Ownership, Threat, and Gun Attitudes in

an Experiment." Sociological Perspectives 65.1 (2022): 119-132.

Goss, Kristin A. Disarmed: The missing movement for gun control in America. Vol. 120.

Princeton University Press, 2006.

Stell, Lance K. "The production of criminal violence in America: is strict gun control the

solution?." Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 32.1 (2004): 38-46.

Celinska, Katarzyna. "Individualism and collectivism in America: The case of gun ownership

and attitudes toward gun control." Sociological Perspectives 50.2 (2007): 229-247.

Webster, Daniel W., et al. "The case for gun policy reforms in America." Bulletin: Johns

Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research Online (2012): 19-pages.

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