Ques 2 Final Output: Descriptive Statistics

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Ques 2 Final output

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation Analysis N

client 119.49 71.576 175

agemate 2.05 .955 175
Information 9.50 2.912 175
Comprehension 10.00 2.965 175
Arithmetic 9.00 2.307 175
Similarities 10.61 3.184 175
Vocabulary 10.70 2.933 175
Digit Span 8.73 2.704 175
Picture Completion 10.68 2.934 175
Paragraph Arrangement 10.37 2.660 175
Block Design 10.31 2.710 175
Object Assembly 10.90 2.844 175
Coding 8.55 2.872 175

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .820

Approx. Chi-Square 524.488

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity df 78

Sig. .000


Initial Extraction

client 1.000 .503

agemate 1.000 .596
Information 1.000 .663
Comprehension 1.000 .607
Arithmetic 1.000 .508
Similarities 1.000 .618
Vocabulary 1.000 .695
Digit Span 1.000 .526
Picture Completion 1.000 .571
Paragraph Arrangement 1.000 .538
Block Design 1.000 .527
Object Assembly 1.000 .587
Coding 1.000 .698
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotated Component Matrixa

1 2 3 4

client -.187 .151 .666 .046

agemate .200 -.191 .346 -.632
Information .789 .181 -.036 -.076
Comprehension .584 .514 -.047 .019
Arithmetic .692 .030 .166 .032
Similarities .648 .401 -.049 -.188
Vocabulary .750 .301 -.201 .032
Digit Span .612 -.202 .256 .215
Picture Completion .169 .708 .127 -.157
Paragraph Arrangement .224 .287 .634 -.065
Block Design .226 .600 .333 .076
Object Assembly .026 .746 .132 .113
Coding .166 -.102 .192 .789

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 11 iterations.

Component Transformation Matrix

Component 1 2 3 4

1 .807 .564 .174 -.018

2 -.565 .652 .501 -.070
3 .037 -.127 .338 .932
4 .167 -.491 .778 -.355

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

Component Matrixa


1 2 3 4

client .049 .535 .241 .396

agemate .126 -.020 -.441 .621
Information .734 -.340 -.077 .042
Comprehension .753 -.019 -.041 -.198
Arithmetic .604 -.290 .108 .218
Similarities .744 -.116 -.219 -.060
Vocabulary .740 -.330 -.049 -.191
Digit Span .421 -.364 .334 .324
Picture Completion .561 .441 -.187 -.164
Paragraph Arrangement .454 .382 .126 .412
Block Design .577 .425 .116 -.024
Object Assembly .462 .530 .056 -.300
Coding .096 -.119 .819 -.053

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

a. 4 components extracted.

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