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KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .878

Approx. Chi-Square 835.218

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity df 21

Sig. .000

Initial Extraction

DEI1 1.000 .520

DEI2 1.000 .463
DEI3 1.000 .550
DEI4 1.000 .524
DEI5 1.000 .634
DEI6 1.000 .528
DEI7 1.000 .617

Extraction Method: Principal

Component Analysis.

Total Variance Explained

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %

1 3.836 54.799 54.799 3.836 54.799 54.799

2 .730 10.433 65.232
3 .648 9.253 74.485
4 .599 8.552 83.037
5 .437 6.249 89.286
6 .407 5.817 95.103
7 .343 4.897 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Component Matrixa

DEI5 .796
DEI7 .785
DEI3 .742
DEI6 .727
DEI4 .724
DEI1 .721
DEI2 .680

Extraction Method:
Principal Component
a. 1 components


Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation Analysis N

IN1 3.41 .944 312

IN2 3.76 .843 312
IN3 3.65 .923 312
IN4 3.49 .962 312
IN5 3.57 .901 312
S2 3.65 .943 312
S3 3.74 1.001 312
S4 3.67 .894 312
S5 3.67 .960 312
S6 3.59 1.001 312
E1 3.66 .941 312
E2 3.54 .948 312
E3 3.72 .974 312
E4 3.74 .919 312
E5 3.69 .960 312
E6 3.70 .904 312
E7 3.83 .900 312
R2 3.23 1.149 312
R3 3.25 1.171 312
R4 3.29 1.125 312
R5 3.36 1.060 312
M1 3.61 .949 312
M2 3.56 .970 312
M3 3.55 .981 312
M4 3.56 1.028 312
M5 3.51 1.008 312
PSY1 3.40 .984 312
PSY2 3.44 .974 312
PSY3 3.53 1.084 312
R1 3.52 .992 312

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .938

Approx. Chi-Square 4226.189

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity df 435

Sig. .000


Initial Extraction

IN1 1.000 .622

IN2 1.000 .484
IN3 1.000 .530
IN4 1.000 .493
IN5 1.000 .492
S2 1.000 .596
S3 1.000 .563
S4 1.000 .532
S5 1.000 .592
S6 1.000 .595
E1 1.000 .579
E2 1.000 .586
E3 1.000 .613
E4 1.000 .499
E5 1.000 .623
E6 1.000 .504
E7 1.000 .524
R2 1.000 .716
R3 1.000 .633
R4 1.000 .651
R5 1.000 .601
M1 1.000 .648
M2 1.000 .632
M3 1.000 .588
M4 1.000 .594
M5 1.000 .588
PSY1 1.000 .504
PSY2 1.000 .495
PSY3 1.000 .485
R1 1.000 .446

Extraction Method: Principal

Component Analysis.

Total Variance Explained

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %

1 10.672 35.573 35.573 10.672 35.573 35.573 4.494 14.978 14.978

2 2.517 8.391 43.965 2.517 8.391 43.965 3.755 12.517 27.496
3 1.439 4.797 48.762 1.439 4.797 48.762 3.126 10.421 37.916
4 1.246 4.154 52.916 1.246 4.154 52.916 3.107 10.357 48.274
5 1.131 3.771 56.686 1.131 3.771 56.686 2.524 8.413 56.686
6 .956 3.186 59.872
7 .839 2.796 62.668
8 .812 2.705 65.374
9 .767 2.556 67.930
10 .717 2.392 70.322
11 .691 2.302 72.624
12 .637 2.124 74.748
13 .620 2.066 76.814
14 .571 1.902 78.716
15 .555 1.850 80.566
16 .527 1.758 82.324
17 .518 1.728 84.051
18 .491 1.638 85.689
19 .462 1.541 87.230
20 .454 1.513 88.744
21 .442 1.473 90.217
22 .397 1.325 91.541
23 .381 1.269 92.810
24 .364 1.215 94.025
25 .350 1.165 95.190
26 .335 1.117 96.307
27 .316 1.054 97.361
28 .312 1.040 98.401
29 .250 .832 99.234
30 .230 .766 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Component Matrixa


1 2 3 4 5

E5 .695
M1 .688
M4 .678
E3 .676
E1 .661
S2 .643
E7 .643
M3 .636
M5 .630
M2 .629
S6 .622
R5 .601
R2 .600 .584
S3 .588
E2 .586
E4 .584
E6 .584
R1 .581
IN5 .576
PSY1 .572
S4 .569
IN4 .562
PSY2 .550
IN1 .550
S5 .531
PSY3 .525
IN3 .504
R3 .576
R4 .561 .576

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

a. 5 components extracted.

Rotated Component Matrixa


1 2 3 4 5

R2 .813
R4 .770
R3 .742
R5 .722
PSY1 .632
PSY2 .628
PSY3 .589
R1 .575
E2 .687
E3 .670
E1 .645
E5 .643
E6 .622
E4 .609
E7 .569
S5 .715
S6 .675
S3 .670
S4 .628
S2 .626
M2 .688
M3 .662
M1 .659
M5 .654
M4 .621
IN1 .717
IN3 .626
IN5 .573
IN2 .554
IN4 .527

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 7 iterations.

Component Transformation Matrix

Component 1 2 3 4 5

1 .499 .502 .421 .441 .356

2 .839 -.339 -.360 -.038 -.225
3 .166 -.374 .578 -.606 .360
4 -.099 -.370 -.401 .284 .783
5 .099 .597 -.444 -.597 .283

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

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