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Lampiran 4 Hasil Uji Validitas (Analisa Faktor) : KMO and Bartlett's Test

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Lampiran 4

Hasil Uji Validitas (Analisa Faktor)

Hasil Uji Validitas Variabel Adaptabilitas Karir

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. ,819

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 345,497

df 28

Sig. ,000

Tabel MSA : Hasil Uji Validitas Variabel Adaptabilitas Karir

Anti-image Matrices

X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8

Anti-image X1 ,642 -,171 ,004 -,124 -,076 ,012 ,095 -,148

Covariance X2 -,171 ,612 -,117 -,090 -,019 -,015 -,031 ,003

X3 ,004 -,117 ,500 -,090 -,081 -,055 -,096 ,027

X4 -,124 -,090 -,090 ,553 -,078 -,057 ,015 ,011

X5 -,076 -,019 -,081 -,078 ,332 -,196 -,071 ,034

X6 ,012 -,015 -,055 -,057 -,196 ,414 -,028 ,012

X7 ,095 -,031 -,096 ,015 -,071 -,028 ,422 -,298

X8 -,148 ,003 ,027 ,011 ,034 ,012 -,298 ,520

Anti-image X1 ,803a -,272 ,006 -,208 -,165 ,024 ,183 -,256
Correlation X2 -,272 ,895a -,211 -,155 -,043 -,030 -,062 ,006

X3 ,006 -,211 ,904a -,172 -,199 -,121 -,208 ,052

X4 -,208 -,155 -,172 ,909a -,182 -,118 ,031 ,021

X5 -,165 -,043 -,199 -,182 ,825a -,530 -,190 ,083

X6 ,024 -,030 -,121 -,118 -,530 ,841a -,067 ,026

X7 ,183 -,062 -,208 ,031 -,190 -,067 ,714a -,636

X8 -,256 ,006 ,052 ,021 ,083 ,026 -,636 ,627a

a. Measures of Sampling Adequacy(MSA)


Hasil Uji Validitas Variabel Kepuasan Kerja

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. ,744

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 177,512

Df 11

Sig. ,000

Tabel MSA : Hasil Uji Validitas Variabel Kepuasan Kerja

Anti-image Matrices

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6

Anti-image Y1 ,587 -,022 -,087 -,131 -.105 -.093

Covariance Y2 -,022 ,848 -,021 -,100 -.069 -.081

Y3 -,087 -,021 ,349 -,219 -.041 .037

Y4 -,131 -,100 -,219 .314 -.089 .010

Y5 -.105 -.069 -.042 -.092 .559 -.270

Y6 -.093 -.073 -.099 .011 -.241 .677
Anti-image Y1 ,833a -,031 -,192 -,305 -.175 -.127
Correlation Y2 -,031 ,824a -,038 -,193 -.143 -.138

Y3 -,181 -,088 ,774a -,661 -.067 -.115

Y4 -,305 -,193 -,661 ,756a -.141 .017

Y5 -.168 -.140 -.033 -.172 ,739a -.452

Y6 -.133 -.109 .061 .019 -.342 ,742a

a. Measures of Sampling Adequacy(MSA)

Hasil Uji Validitas Variabel Usia Pekerja Tua

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. ,748

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 73,342

df 10

Sig. ,000

Tabel MSA : Hasil Uji Validitas Variabel Usia Pekerja Tua

Anti-image Matrices

Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5

Anti-image Covariance Z1 ,828 -,069 -,108 -,169 -,119

Z2 -,069 ,727 -,210 -,135 -,149

Z3 -,108 -,210 ,698 -,043 -,212

Z4 -,169 -,135 -,043 ,883 ,006

Z5 -,119 -,149 -,212 ,006 ,748

Anti-image Correlation Z1 ,784a -,089 -,142 -,198 -,152

Z2 -,089 ,748a -,295 -,169 -,203

Z3 -,142 -,295 ,728a -,055 -,293

Z4 -,198 -,169 -,055 ,747a ,008

Z5 -,152 -,203 -,293 ,008 ,747a

a. Measures of Sampling Adequacy(MSA)

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