Practicum Employers Assessment Rubric PDF

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The key takeaways are that the employer assessment form is used to evaluate internship students' performance in areas like knowledge, communication skills, teamwork, leadership, and attitude. The assessment contributes 40% to the student's grade and aims to improve the internship program over time.

The purpose of the employer assessment form is for the employer supervisor to evaluate the internship student's performance at two points during the internship - halfway and at completion. The evaluation covers different dimensions of the student's skills and knowledge and contributes significantly to the student's grade.

The student's performance is evaluated on dimensions like knowledge of business principles, communication skills like attentiveness and questioning, teamwork abilities, leadership skills, and lifelong learning skills. Technical skills involving IT applications are also assessed.

College of Business

Employer Supervisors Assessment of Student Performance in Praktikum

Please complete the following:

Name of employer
Student name: supervisor:

Matric No.: Supervisor e-mail address:

Academic Name of person

programme: completing form (if
different from supervisor)

Name of UUM Company address/

Supervisor: telephone:

Please read the following important information:

Background The UUM internship programme, or Praktikum, is a key component of its academic
programme. The questionnaire below is used by the employer to evaluate the students
performance in Praktikum along a number of dimensions which reflect learning outcomes
which are significant to Malaysia. Normally, the employer assessment contributes 40% of the
student grade for his/her Praktikum.

Details Each Praktikum students immediate supervisor is requested to complete this evaluation form
at two points during Praktikum: (i) approximately halfway through the Praktikum (optional),
and (ii) immediately following completion of Praktikum. The halfway assessment will provide
the opportunity for the supervisor to discuss and provide feedback to the student for
improvement in his/her work. However, the supervisor is required to submit the completed
form only once, that is, at the end of the Praktikum period.

Please read the descriptions in the table below of the four possible levels of achievement for
each item and choose the appropriate values: 1 (Poor), 2 (Fair),
3 (Good), or 4 (Excellent), representing the level of achievement exhibited by the student
along that dimension. If you are supervising more than one student, please submit a separate
evaluation for each student.

Following the table are administrative questions. Please provide your responses to the
question(s). If you have any questions about this form or encounter difficulties with it, please
e-mail [email protected] or [email protected]

Confidentiality Your evaluation will play an essential role in improving the programme over time. Please be
is assured assured that your evaluation of the student will be treated as strictly confidential and will be
available only to the UUM COB Student Development and Alumni office. We realize that
your time is valuable and sincerely thank you for taking the time and effort to complete the

Students actual level
1 2 3 4 of achievement (score)
Poor Fair Good Excellent Halfway At end of
(optional) Praktikum
Understanding Poor Limited Good Excellent
of understanding understanding understanding understanding
organizations of the of the of the of the
governance organizations organizations organizations organizations
governance. governance. governance. governance.
Poor Often needs Good Excellent
understanding guidance in understanding understanding
of the understanding of the important of the important
Knowledge of important what is information information;
key business information important from a business able to use it to
principles and from a from a point of view solve relevant
practices business point business point and able to use problems and
of view. of view. it to solve identify new
relevant business
problems. opportunities.
Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
Ability to minimal skills moderate good skills in excellent skills
apply in applying skills in applying in applying
knowledge into knowledge to applying knowledge to knowledge to
practices practical knowledge to practical practical
problems. practical problems. problems.

Students actual level
1 2 3 4 of achievement (score)
Poor Fair Good Excellent Halfway At end of
(optional) Praktikum
Is easily Sometimes Pays attention Demonstrates a
distracted (e.g., pay attention to speaker. listening
talking, not to speaker, attitude (e.g.,
paying sometimes nodding head,
attention). not. asking for
Does not like Becomes Demonstrates Demonstrates
being asked uneasy when poise when poise and
Answering questions. asked answering confidence
questions questions. questions, but when answering
hesitates before questions.
doing so.
Never asks Reluctant to Asks relevant Asks insightful
Questioning questions. ask questions. questions. questions with

Students actual level
1 2 3 4 of achievement (score)
Poor Fair Good Excellent Halfway At end of
(optional) Praktikum
Unable to Identifies the Identifies the Successfully
identify, main problem main problem identifies and
summarize, or and merely and summarizes the
Problem explain the repeats information main problem and
Identification main problem information that counts as clearly examines
and and fails to provided the supporting the supporting
Supporting provide taking it as evidence but evidence.
Evidence evidence. evidence. does not
summarize or
explain them.
Fails to Briefly Proposes one Comprehensively
propose a proposes a solution that is proposes one or
solution to solution that is off the shelf more solutions
Proposed address/ tackle difficult to rather than that indicate(s)
Solution(s) the problem. evaluate individually understanding of
because it only designed to the problem.
indirectly address the
addresses the problem.


Students actual level
1 2 3 4 of achievement (score)
Poor Fair Good Excellent Halfway At end of
(optional) Praktikum
Shows low Shows Shows good Shows excellent
competency in moderate competency in competency in
using relevant competency in using relevant using relevant IT
Application IT using relevant IT applications applications in
of IT applications in IT applications in completing completing
completing in completing assigned tasks. assigned tasks.
assigned assigned tasks.

Students actual level
1 2 3 4 of achievement (score)
Poor Fair Good Excellent Halfway At end of
(optional) Praktikum
Attitude Does not work Moderate Good ability to Excellent ability
toward team well with ability to work work with to work with
members others. with others. others. others.
Rarely Sometimes Usually Routinely
provides provides provides provides
useful useful ideas useful useful ideas
Contribution to
ideas when when ideas when when
the team
participating in participating in participating in participating in
group group group group
discussion(s). discussion(s). discussion(s). discussion(s).

Students actual level
1 2 3 4 of achievement (score)
Poor Fair Good Excellent Halfway At end of
(optional) Praktikum
Does not Assumes a Exercises good Demonstrates
demonstrate leadership role leadership natural
any leadership in a very abilities and leadership
Leadership abilities at all. limited can guide abilities
Skills capacity, but others. beyond
needs expectations
guidance. by taking
initiative and
guiding others.


Students actual level
1 2 3 4 of achievement (score)
Poor Fair Good Excellent Halfway At end of
(optional) Praktikum
Does not know Has some idea Has a good Has a
where to begin of what idea of what comprehensive
looking for information to information to understanding
Seeking information look for and look for and of what
information or what where to look where to look information
information for it. for it. to look for and
to look for. where to look
for it.
Collects Collects good Collects good Digs up all
unrelated information information as kinds of
information. but not related well as related information, and
ones. ones. comes up with

Students actual level
1 2 3 4 of achievement (score)
Poor Fair Good Excellent Halfway At end of
(optional) Praktikum
Does not Maintains Maintains Maintains
maintain minimal good record of excellent record
record of daily record of daily daily of daily
Log Book activities. activities. activities. activities, and
able to learn
beyond the
assigned task.

Does not show Sometimes Always show Always show

respect for shows respect. respect for respect for
others. others. others, and can
be a role
for others
model for

Frequently Sometimes Always on Always shows

late. late. time. up in advance,
with enough
Punctuality time to be

Frequently Sometimes Always meets Always meets

misses misses deadline(s). deadline(s) and
deadline(s). deadline(s). often early; no

Always looks Sometimes Most of the Always

Personal untidy. appears to be time maintains maintains a tidy
Appearance untidy. a tidy appearance.

Other comments (if any):


Did the student receive allowance from your esteemed organization during his/her practicum training?

Yes No

If yes, please specify the amount per month: RM___________

This is to certify that both parties (employer and student) have discussed about this evaluation report

Name of Name of
student: supervisor:

Signature: Signature:

Date: Date:

Organization stamp:

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