Comparison of Heald Frame Motion Generated by Rotary Dobby and Crank & Cam Shedding Motions
Comparison of Heald Frame Motion Generated by Rotary Dobby and Crank & Cam Shedding Motions
Comparison of Heald Frame Motion Generated by Rotary Dobby and Crank & Cam Shedding Motions
Gülcan Özkan,
Comparison of Heald Frame Motion
Mehmet Karahan* Generated by Rotary Dobby
Department of Textile Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
and Crank & Cam Shedding Motions
University of Uludag,
* Uludag University, Abstract
Vacational School of Technical Sciences, Mechanism models are introduced for rotary dobby, crank & cam shedding motions.
Textile Program, Equations governing heald frame motion are derived. Heald frame motion curves are
Görükle Campus, obtained and compared with each other. It is shown that higher heald frame maximum
Görükle, 16059 Bursa, TURKEY velocity & maximum acceleration, as well as a longer approximate heald frame dwell, are
E-mail: [email protected] generated by the rotary dobby rather than the crank or cam shedding motions, due to the
intermittent nature of the rotary dobby shaft’s motion.
Key words: rotary dobby, cam shedding motion, crank shedding motion, weaving, weaving
n Introduction frame dwell period, the maximum heald tween its foremost and rearmost positions.
frame speed and the maximum heald The slider crank mechanism converts the
Shedding is one of the principal op- frame acceleration. angular displacement of link 4 to the lin-
erations in the weaving process, which ear displacement of the heald frame. The
separates warp yarns into two layers to foremost position of link 4 corresponds
form an opening for weft insertion called n Working principle of crank, to the bottom position, and the rearmost
a shed. Crank, cam and dobby are shed- cam and rotary dobby position of link 4 corresponds to the upper
ding motions which use a heald frame shedding motions position of the heald frame. Heald frames
system for lifting warp yarns up or down change position in each loom revolution,
Figure 1 shows a schematic view of the
to form a shed. Crank and cam shedding and therefore the crank’s shedding motion
crank shedding motion. It consists of a
motions are mainly used on high-speed generates a heald frame motion only for
crank rocker mechanism (A0ABB0) and
air-jet and water-jet weaving machines
a slider crank mechanism (B0CD). The plain weave.
for weaving fabrics with plain and basic
crank (link 2) rotates at half of the loom’s
weaves. Despite the widespread use of
speed. The crank’s continuous rotation is Figure 2 shows a cam shedding motion,
negative dobby on air-jet and water-
transmitted to link 4 by link 3. During one which consists of a double shedding cam
jet looms in industry, the use of rotary
revolution of the crank, link 4 swings be- (2 and 2’), an oscillating follower (link 4)
dobby (i.e., positive dobby) with air-jet
looms has been widened in recent years,
due to the increase in rotary dobby run-
ning speeds. An increase in loom speeds
imposes higher demands on heald frame
design, due to the increase in inertial
forces. New heald frame designs which
Figure 1. Crank
can resist higher mechanical stresses type of shedding
have been developed and demonstrated motion; A 0 ABB 0
in the exhibitions, and used especially - crank rocker me-
on high-speed air jet weaving ma- chanism, B 0 CD
- slider crank mech-
chines. anism, 2 - crank, 3,
4, 5 - links, 6 - heald
Heald frame motion characteristics, and frame.
therefore the inertial forces affecting
heald frames, differ depending on the
type of shedding motion. This is of im-
portance in designing the heald frames to
be used with different type of shedding
motions. No publication was found in the
literature of a comparative study of heald
frame motion characteristics of different
type of shedding motions. This paper
deals with heald frame motion character-
istics generated by crank, cam and rotary
dobby shedding motions. Mathematical
equations are derived, and the heald
frame’s displacement, velocity and ac-
Figure 2. Positive cam shedding motion; the first drawing was taken from ref. [1]; A0ABB0,
celeration are calculated and compared B0CDD0 - four bar mechanisms; D0EF - slider crank mechanism, 2, 2’ - double shedding
with each other according to the heald cam; 3, 3’ - rollers; 4 - oscilating follower; 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - links; 10 - heald frame.
78 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe October / December 2005, Vol. 13, No. 4 (52)
clockwise rotation of the followers. The tary dobby. In this case, link f of the rotary
followers’ dwell at the end positions cor- dobby corresponds to link 4 of the motion
responds to the dwell of the heald frames transmission mechanism. The foremost
at the upper and lower shed positions. position of link f of the rotary dobby cor-
responds to the higher position of a heald
Figure 3 shows a rotary dobby cross sec- frame, and the rearmost position of link
tion. Link b is fixed to the dobby shaft. A f corresponds to the lower position. As a
metal piece (d) is pivoted on the eccentric result, the counterclockwise rotation of
(link c) and can rotate around its pivot link g of the pattern selection mechanism
axis. A spring (not shown in the figure) corresponds to the higher position of the
Figure 3. Fimtextile Type RD 3000 rotary heald frames, and the clockwise rotation
dobby cross-section [2]; b - link fixed to forces the metal piece to rotate in the
dobby shaft; c - eccentric link; d - metal clockwise direction, and hence the metal to the lower position.
piece; e, f, g, h - links; j - electromagnet. piece presses on link b. There is a ball
bearing between links b and c (not seen In contrast to the continuous rotation at
with two rollers (3 and 3’) and a motion in the figure). There is also a ball bearing a constant speed of the drive shaft of the
transmission mechanism to the heald between link c and link e. Links g and h, crank- and cam-shedding motions, the
frame. This type of cam shedding motion the electromagnet (j) and the metal piece rotary dobby shaft has to rotate intermit-
is called a positive cam shedding motion, (d) constitute the pattern selection mecha- tently with 180° increments to allow the
in which both the upward and downward nism. Link g can rotate around its pivot by engagement or disengagement of the
movement of heald frames are carried the action of the electromagnet (j) via link metal piece with link b. A mechanism
out by cams. There are as many double h. If link g is rotated in an anticlockwise called the ‘modulator’ is used to convert
shedding cams and motion transmission direction, then the metal piece rotates in the continuous rotation of a loom main
mechanisms as there are heald frames. the clockwise direction, and its bottom tip shaft to the intermittent movement of the
Each double cam has its own rollers, becomes engaged in the groove on link b. rotary dobby shaft.
which are mounted on a common fol- If link g is rotated in a clockwise direc-
lower with a certain angle. When a cam tion, it presses the upper tip of the metal
n Derivation of equations
continuously rotates in a clockwise direc- piece and disengages it from link b by ro-
for heald frame motion
tion, a follower swings in clockwise and tating the metal piece (d) in an anticlock-
counter-clockwise directions, and dwells wise direction. When the engagement The motion equation of a heald frame
at the end positions when necessary (de- happens, link f rotates in an anticlockwise will be derived with respect to the loom’s
pending on the weave). The clockwise direction during the 180° rotation of the main shaft angle for each shedding mo-
rotation of the follower (link 4) causes dobby shaft (i.e., link 1). Link f dwells at tion as follows.
link 6 to rotate in a clockwise direction its foremost position during the 180° rota-
also, and likewise the anticlockwise rota- tion of the dobby shaft, if the engagement Crank shedding motion
tion of the follower (link 4) rotates link 6 does not occur. The dobby shaft stops The crank type of shedding motion
in an anti-clockwise direction. The mo- after every 180° degree rotation, and the consists of a crank rocker mechanism
tion of link 6 is transmitted to link 8 by pattern selection mechanism engages or (A0ABB0) and a slider crank mechanism
link 7. As |B0C|=|D0D| and |B0D0|=|CD|, disengages the metal piece with link b. (B0CD). Figure 4 shows parameters rep-
the motion of link 8 is the same as that If the engagement happens, then link f resenting angular and linear positions
of link 6. Finally, the motion of link 8 is moves to the other position. Otherwise, of the links of crank rocker and slider
transmitted to the heald frame (link 10) it remains in the same position. The mo- crank mechanisms. The angular position
by link 9. Heald frames move upwards tion transmission mechanism of the cam of the link 4 (ϕ4) is obtained with respect
when the followers rotate clockwise shedding mechanism can also be used as a to angular position of the link 2 (ϕ2) as
and they are lifted down with the anti- motion transmission mechanism for a ro- follows [3].
Figure 4. Parametric representation of crank shedding motion; Figure 5. Parametric representation of motion transmission
A0ABB0 - crank rocker me-chanism, B0CD - slider crank mechanism, mechanism; A0ABB0, B0CDD0 - four bar mechanisms; D0EF -
2 - crank, 3, 4, 5 - links, 6 - link representing heald frame; s - hold slider crank mechanism; 7, 8, 9 - links; 10 - link representing heald
frame displacement. frame; s - hold frame displacement.
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe October / December 2005, Vol. 13, No. 4 (52) 79
(1) (8)
(Simple harmonic motion curve)
a = (1-k2) cosϕ2 - (k1 - k3),
b = -2sin ϕ2, (9)
c = (k1 + k3) - (1 - k2) cos ϕ2 (Cycloidal motion curve) Figure 6. Crank rocker mechanism; desi-
and gnations as in Figure 4.
k1 = r1/r2, k2 = r1/r4 and θ : the loom’s main shaft angle,
k3 = (r22 - r32 + r12 + r42)/(2r2r4) ϕ4 : the angular displacement of a fol- movement of link 8 to the linear displace-
lower’s arm from its rearmost posi- ment of link 10 which represents a heald
r1, r2, r3 and r4 are the link lengths of tion. frame. Equations 12 and 13 are kinematic
the crank rocker mechanism defined as ϕ40 : the angular swing of a follower’s analysis equations which relate heald
follows: arm between its rearmost and fore- frame displacement (s) to the angular
r1 = |A0A|, r2 = |AB|, r3 = |B0B|, and most positions. position of link 8 (ϕ6’) [3].
r4 = |A0B0|. β : the rotation angle of the loom’s
main shaft through which the fol- (11)
Equations 2 and 3 are kinematic analysis lower’s arm swings in a clockwise
equations of the slider crank mechanism or anticlockwise direction. This s = r8 cosϕ8 + r9 cosΨ (12)
which relate the heald frame displace- also corresponds to the movement
ment (s) the to angular position of link period of the heald frames. where r8 and r9 are link lengths of the
4 (ϕ’4) [3]. slider crank mechanism defined as fol-
Four-bar mechanisms of motion trans- lows.
mission system
The first four-bar mechanism (A0ABB0) r8 = |D0E| and r9 = |EF|, ϕ8, Ψ, s and e
(3) are other parameters of the slider crank
of the motion transmission system is
shown in Figure 5. The angular position mechanism defined in Figure 5.
where r4’ and r5 are link lengths of the of link 6 (ϕ6) is obtained as follows, with
slider crank mechanism defined as fol- respect to the angular position of link 4 Heald frame displacement is obtained
lows. (ϕ4’) [3]. with respect to the loom’s main shaft an-
gle, using equations 4 to 12 to obtain the
r4 = |D0E| and r5 = |EF|, ϕ4’, Ψ, s, are e (10) positive cam shedding motion.
are other parameters of the slider crank
mechanism shown in Figure 4. Consider- where: Rotary dobby
ing that the crank (i.e., link 2) rotates at A = (1-K2) cosϕ4 - (K1 - K3), The rotary dobby shaft’s displacement
half of the loom speed, the heald frame
B = -2sin ϕ4, diagram can be expressed mathematical-
displacement can be calculated with
ly over two loom revolutions as follows.
respect to the loom’s main shaft angle C = (K1 + K3) - (1 + K2) cos ϕ4
using equations 1, 2 and 3. and ϕ2 = f(θ) for 0 ≤ θ ≤ β (13)
K1 = r7/r4’, K2 = r7/r6 and ϕ2 = π for β < θ < 2π (14)
Cam shedding motion
K3 = (r4’2 - r52 + r72 + r6 2)/(2r
4r6) ϕ2 = π - f(θ - 2π) for 2π ≤ θ ≤ 2π+β (15)
In cam shedding motions, shedding cams
convert the continuous rotation of the r4’, r5, r6 and r7 are the link lengths of ϕ2 = 2π for 2π+β < θ < 4π (16)
cam shaft to the swinging motion of the the four-bar mechanism of the motion
followers. This swinging motion is then transmission system, defined as follows.
transmitted to the heald frames by the (17)
r4’ = |A0A|, r5 = |AB|,
motion transmission mechanism shown (Simple harmonic motion curve)
r6 = |B0B|, and r7 = |A0B0|.
in Figure 5, which consists of two four-
bar mechanisms (A0ABB0 and B0CDD0) B0CDD0 is the second four-bar mecha-
and a slider crank mechanism (D0EF). (18)
nism which transmits motion from link 6
The followers ‘motion depends on the (Cycloidal motion curve)
to link 8. This is a special type of four-bar
weave. An analysis of heald frame mo- mechanism in which the lengths of op-
tion will be carried out for plain weave in posite links are equal to each other, i.e. In these equations;
this work. The motion equation of a fol- |B0C| = |D0D| and |B0D0| = |CD|. For this θ : the angle of rotation of the loom’s
lower can be written as follows, for plain reason, the angular displacement, angular main shaft.
weave over two loom revolutions. velocity and angular acceleration are the ϕ2 : the angle of rotation of the modula-
same for links 6 and 8. tor output shaft or the rotary dobby
ϕ4 = f(θ) for 0 ≤ θ ≤ β (4)
ϕ4 = ϕ40 for β < θ < 2π (5) Slider crank mechanism of motion β : the angle of rotation of the loom’s
transmission system main shaft, within which the modu-
ϕ4 = ϕ40 - f(θ - 2π) for 2π ≤ θ ≤ 2π+β (6)
The slider crank mechanism (D0EF) lator output shaft or dobby shaft
ϕ4 = 0 for 2π+β < θ < 4π (7) shown in Figure 5 converts the angular completes the 180° rotation.
80 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe October / December 2005, Vol. 13, No. 4 (52)
a) a)
b) b)
c) c)
Figure 7. Heald frame displacement (a), velocity (b) and accele- Figure 8. Heald frame displacement (a), velocity (b) and accele-
ration (c) diagrams without absolute dwell; CR: crank shedding ration (c) diagrams with 1200 absolute dwell; CM: cam shedding
motion, CM: cam shedding motion, RD: rotary dobby. motion, RD: rotary dobby.
f(ϕ) : the motion curve for modulator of the cam shedding motion, equations n Results and discussion
output shaft (or rotary dobby shaft). 10 to 12 are also used for the motion
Two known motion curves, namely transmission mechanism of rotary dobby. The heald-frame motion characteristics
of simple harmonic motion and Hence, a heald frame displacement can generated by a rotary dobby are analysed
cycloidal motion, are used in this be calculated with respect to the loom’s by using three different dobby shaft mo-
work to analyse the heald frame’s main shaft angle for a rotary dobby using tion displacement diagrams, in which te
motion characteristics. equations 13 to 18, equation 1 and equa- rotary dobby shaft completes its 180o
rotation over 360o, 300o and 240o of
tions 10 to 12.
Eccentric mechanism of rotary dobby a loom revolution. Similarly, the heald
The crank rocker mechanism shown frame motion characteristics produced
The velocity and acceleration equations
in Figure 6 is the kinematic equivalent by a cam shedding motion are analysed
of a heald frame can be derived by taking
of the eccentric mechanism of a rotary for three different follower displacement
the first and second derivative of heald diagrams, in which the followers change
dobby. The angular position of link 4
(ϕ4) is obtained with respect to the angu- frame motion equations for each shed- position over 360o, 300o and 240o of a
lar position of link 2 or the dobby shaft ding motion. They are not given here, loom revolution. Heald frames are given
(ϕ2), as in the crank rocker mechanism but the velocity and acceleration curves 60o and 120o absolute dwell in the case of
of crank type of shedding motion using of a heald frame are presented in graphic 300o and 240o motion periods, whereas
equation 1. form and the approximate heald frame no absolute heald frame dwell is obtained
dwell period, the maximum heald frame with the 360o motion period when plain
As the motion transmission mechanism speed and the maximum heald frame ac- weave is used. As the heald frame motion
of the rotary dobby is the same as that celeration are given in Table II. periods are same for all weaves, the heald
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe October / December 2005, Vol. 13, No. 4 (52) 81
frame motion characteristics presented in tion curves for the cam and rotary dobby motion with both dwell periods for both
this part apply to all weaves. shedding motions. the simple harmonic and cycloidal motion
curves. A comparison of the maximum
The link lengths of three shedding mech- With a 360°motion period, the crank and heald frame speed and maximum heald
anisms are given in Table 1. The loom cam shedding motions generate maximum frame data in the table shows that the
speed was taken as 800 rev/min. When heald frame speed and acceleration which maximum heald frame speed is about
link 4 of crank shedding mechanism is are very close to each other, but much 60% higher and maximum heald frame
at its foremost position, ϕ6’ was taken lower than the rotary dobby in the case of acceleration is about 100% higher with
as 115°. When the heald frame is at the the simple harmonic follower and rotary the rotary dobby than the cam or crank
lower shed position ϕ8 and ϕ4’ were dobby shaft motion curve. When the cy- shedding motions with both motion
taken as 115° and 80° respectively in the cloidal motion curve is used as a follower curves for the same heald frame motion or
motion transmission mechanism for cam motion of the cam shedding motion and dwell periods. Although some deviations
and rotary dobby shedding mechanisms. rotary dobby shaft motion, the cam shed- can occur from these values, depending
ding motion produces a higher maximum on the design of the linkages in the mech-
Figure 7a shows the heald frame dis-
heald frame speed and maximum heald anisms and the motion curves chosen for
placement diagrams of three different
shedding motions for plain weave over frame acceleration compared with the the follower motion in the cam shedding
two loom revolutions without any dwell crank shedding motion. In this casealso, mechanism and rotary dobby shaft, the
within one loom revolution. Both the fol- the maximum heald frame speed and ac- data in the table reflects the general level
lower motion in the cam shedding motion celeration with the rotary dobby are much of the maximum heald frame speed and
and the rotary dobby shaft motion in the higher than the cam shedding motion. the maximum heald frame acceleration.
rotary dobby have been chosen as simple
harmonic motion. As is clearly seen from In the case of 60° and 120° heald frame The 5% dwell period of a heald frame is
the curves, the heald frame motion of the dwell periods, the data for crank shedding also shown in the table for three shedding
rotary dobby differs significantly from motion is not included in the table, as it is motions. The 5% dwell period of a heald
those of the crank and cam shedding not possible to obtain a heald frame dwell frame is defined as the degree of rotation
motions, whereas the crank and cam with it. An analysis of the maximum heald of the loom’s main shaft, during which
shedding motions generate heald frame frame speed and heald frame acceleration a heald frame moves 5% of its total
motions very similar to each other. The reveal that the maximum heald frame displacement before and after its bottom
heald frame motion of the rotary dobby speed increases in proportion to (360/ and top positions. This is an approximate
has a longer approximate dwell at the motion period), and the maximum heald heald frame dwell period during which
bottom and upper shed positions. This frame acceleration increases in proportion the shed is largely open. As seen in Ta-
is shown more clearly with the heald to (360/motion period)2. The rotary dobby ble 2, the rotary dobby produces a much
frame speed and acceleration curves in generates a higher maximum heald frame longer 5% dwell periods than do the
Figure 7b and Figure 7c. Both the maxi- speed and maximum heald frame accel- cam and crank shedding motions. Also,
mum heald frame speed and maximum eration, compared with the cam shedding a longer 5% dwell period is obtained
heald frame acceleration are much higher
with the rotary dobby than the crank and Table 1. The link lengths in three shedding mechanisms.
cam shedding motions. Crank shedding mechanism link lengths, in mm
r1 r2 r3 r4 r 4’ r5 e - - - -
Similar heald frame motion characteristics
300 39,3 221,7 205,9 220.0 400.0 200.0 - - - -
are observed in Figure 8a, Figure 8b and
Rotary dobby eccentric mechanism link lengths, in mm
Figure 8c in which 240° of a loom revo-
r1 r2 r3 r4 - - - - - - -
lution is used for the heald frame motion
300 39,3 221,7 205,9 - - - - - - -
and 120° for the heald frame dwell. As
Motion transmission mechanism link lengths, in mm
a part of the loom revolution is reserved
r1 r2 r3 r4 r 4’ r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 e
for the heald frame dwell, the maximum
300 39,3 221,7 205,9 192.0 420.0 200.0 400.0 220.0 400.0 200
heald frame speed and maximum heald
frame acceleration increase significantly.
In this case, too, the rotary dobby gener- Table 2. Heald frame motion characteristics.
ates a much higher heald frame maxi-
mum speed and maximum acceleration, Heald frame No dwell 600 dwell 1200 dwell
compared to the cam shedding motion.
5% dwell, deg. 106 - - - - -
Table 2 shows the approximate heald shedding Vmax, mm/s 172.4 - - - - -
frame dwell period (5% dwell period), amax, mm/s2 8052 - - - - -
the maximum heald frame velocity and 5% dwell, deg. 104 145 146 182 190 218
Cam shedding
the maximum heald frame acceleration motion Vmax, mm/s 170.7 217.2 204.9 260.6 256.0 325.8
in more detail for crank, cam and rotary amax, mm/s2 7572 9400 10 904 13 537 17 036 21 153
dobby shedding motions with three dif- 5% dwell, deg. 180 215 210 239 240 262
ferent heald frame motion-dwell periods. Rotary dobby Vmax, mm/s 271.5 344.9 325.9 413.9 407.4 517.3
The terms ‘simple harmonic (SHM)’ and amax, mm/s2 15 116 23 887 21 766 34 401 34 001 53 690
‘cycloidal (CYCL)’ in the tables refer to SHM: Simple harmonic motion curve, CYCL.: Cycloidal motion curve,
the follower and rotary dobby shaft mo- Vmax: Maximum heald frame speed, amax: Maximum heald frame acceleration.
82 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe October / December 2005, Vol. 13, No. 4 (52)
with a cycloidal motion curve than with
a simple harmonic motion curve. Even
if there is no dwell in the rotary dobby 5th International
shaft motion, a sufficient amount of 5%
heald frame dwell (which is suitable for
many type of looms) is obtained with the
Scientifc Conrference
rotary dobby. This is especially important
for high speed air-jet and water-jet looms
to reduce heald frame acceleration, and
MEDTEX ‘Textiles for Medicine’
therefore the inertial forces, while leav- 28-29 November 2005, Łódź-Arturówek, Poland
ing a sufficient amount of shed openness
for weft insertion. Organisers:
n Polish Textile Association
The results presented in this part show
that there is a distinctive difference in n Technical UniversityofŁódź (TU-Łódź)
heald frame motion generated by a rotary n Centre of Advanced Technologies for Textiles Friendly for Human
dobby and the crank & cam shedding mo- n Centre of Excellence for Biomaterials and lnteractive Textiles
tions. This is due to the intermittent move- n Engineering MEDTEX of the Faculty of Textile Engineering
ment of the rotary dobby shaft, in contrast and Marketing
to constant speed and continuous shaft
motion of the crank and & cam shedding Scientific Committee:
mechanisms. In fact, the negative dobby, Chair person: prof. Barbara Lipp-Symonowicz Ph.D., D.Sc., (TU-Łódź)
the Hattersley dobby and jacquard shed- Members:
ding motions also have a constant drive n prof. Jadwiga Bucheńska Ph.D., D.Sc., (TU-Łódź);
shaft speed, and they therefore generate
n prof. Izabella Krucińska Ph.D., D.Sc., (TU-Łódź);
heald frame or heald motion similar to
n prof. Lieva Van Langenhove, University of Ghent, Belgium;
crank & cam shedding motions. As a re-
sult, it can be concluded that the rotary do-
n prof. Harriet Meinander, Tampere, University of Technology and Fibrę
bby generates a heald frame motion with a Materials Science, Tampere, Finland;
longer approximate dwell period, a higher n prof. Natalia D. Ołtarzewskaya, Research Institute of Textile Materials,
maximum speed and a higher maximum Moscow, Russia;
acceleration than other type of shedding n prof. Lucjan Pawlicki, Ph.D., D.Sc., Med., Research Hospital of the Medical
motions, even without any dwell in the University of Łódź;
rotary dobby shaft’s movement. n prof. Janusz Rosiak, Ph.D., D.Sc., (TU-Łódź);
n prof. Janusz Szosland, Ph.D., D.Sc., (TU-Łódź);
n Józef Tazbir D.Sc. Med., “M. Kopernik” Specialist Hospital, Łódź;
n Conclusion
n Jan Wojtysiak, Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng., Institute of Teratechnology, Łódź
The rotary dobby differs from other
type of shedding motions in that its Organising Committee:
shaft moves intermittently in 180° incre- Chairman: Bogdan Ignasiak, Ph.D.
ments. This causes the rotary dobby to Secretary: Sławomir Sztajnowski M.Sc.
generate a much higher maximum heald
frame speed and maximum heald frame Conference topics
acceleration compared with other type
of shedding motions. Because of this, n Textiles in medicine and therapeutics
higher mechanical stresses affect heald n Biomaterials: structures and application
frames, especially when a rotary dobby n Bioactive and biodegradable fibres
is used on high-speed air-jet or water-jet
looms. This should be taken into account Conference language: English
in designing heald frames to be used with
different type of shedding motions and An exhibition will be organised together with the Conference. Medical and
weaving machines. rehabilitation apparatuses and equipment, as well as medical products will be
1. Marks R., Robinson A.T.C., Principles of For more information please contact:
Weaving, The Textile Institute, Manche-
ster, 1976. Bogdan Ignasiak Ph.D.
2. Fimtextile Rotary Dobby Catalogue, Type tel.: +42 631 33 05, fax: +42 631 33 01
RD3000, Fimtextile S.p.A., Italy. Faculty of Textile Engineering and Marketing
3. Söylemez E, Mechanisms, Middle East Technical University of Łódź
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey,
ul. Żeromskiego 116, 90-543 Łódź, Poland
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe October / December 2005, Vol. 13, No. 4 (52) 83