Journal of Applied Mechanics Copyright © 2004 by ASME SEPTEMBER 2004, Vol. 71 Õ 745
Fig. 3 Kinematics of arbitrary loop
1 1
D Y ⫽⫺ a dl s C dt v t 兩 v t 兩 et •j⫺ a dl s C dn v n 兩 v n 兩 en •j (6)
16 冉
a dR v 2o
14 2 共 2 ⫺4 兲
2 冊C dt (10)
2 2 and the contributions due to form drag cancel due to symmetry.
where v t and v n are the velocity components tangential and nor- Circular Loop: The result for this loop follows directly from
mal to the fly line, respectively 共see, for example, 关14兴兲. Note the Eq. 共7兲
contributions of both skin friction and form drag to this result. For
the 共sum of兲 circular segments of radius R, the vertical component D Y ⫽ a dR v 2o C dt (11)
of drag is 3
DY⫽ 冕冋
1 1
⫺ a dRC dt v t 兩 v t 兩 et •j⫺ a dRC dn v n 兩 v n 兩 en •j d
2 2 册 and it is independent of form drag as mentioned above.
冉 冊
This note explains a fact observed by fly casting experts,
1 共 4 ⫹2 2 ⫹4 兲 共 2 ⫺4 兲 namely, that a climbing loop is advantageous in distance casting.
D Y ⫽ a dR v 2o 4 C dt ⫺ C
2 3 共 ⫹4 兲
2 2
共 2 ⫹4 兲 2 dn How to generate a climbing loop through control of the casting
(9) stroke is left as a 共considerable兲 exercise to the reader.
Fig. 2 Four qualitatively different loop shapes. „a… and „b… l Ä AE , „c… l Ä AF , and „d…
l Ä AB