Thin Section Report of An Observed Olivine Basalt: 1 General Description
Thin Section Report of An Observed Olivine Basalt: 1 General Description
Thin Section Report of An Observed Olivine Basalt: 1 General Description
Wyatt Barrs
April 4th, 2017
1 General Description
Within thin section the sample appears to be composed of mostly colorless
sub-euhedral grains with various reliefs ranging from high positive to low neg-
ative. In crossed polars the sample displays a fine grained groundmass with
acicular minerals against an opaque background. In composition the sample
appears to contain 15% Augite with an average grain size ranging from 0.7
to 1.2mm, and an alteration percentage of 0%. Alkali feldspar is present in
15% mode concentration and an average grain size of 0.3 to 0.6mm, and an
alteration percentage of 12%. The sample contains olivine in 25% mode concen-
tration which is the largest of all the observed minerals, grain sizes range from
0.7 to 2.85mm, and alterations occur within 4% of the observed grains.
Oxides are present in a 10% mode
percentage with an average grain size
of 0.5 to 0.6mm, and an alteration
percentage of 0%. clinopyroxene
was observed with a 20% mode per-
centage, and an average grain size
ranging from 1.4 to 2.0mm with a
2% alteration in all observed min-
eral grains. Mineral constituents are
summarized in table 1 with afore-
mentioned properties. In plane po-
larized light the thin section displays
large variation in grain sizes as well
Figure 1: (Imperial College Rock Library) as refractive indices. The ground-
Typical thin section of an olivine basalt mass appears largely composed of
within crossed polars
opaque constituents, and oxides oc-
cur throughout the slide as well. In
crossed polars the groundmass still maintains its predominantly opaque optical
nature, however small acicular grains of olivine and clinopyroxenes were ob-
served within the groundmass. Large grains of olivine and clinopyroxene occur
throughout the slide. Alkali feldspar exhibited partial staining in crossed polars,
as well as a large variability in grain size. No hand sample observations were
made, however average grain size provides a conduit with which texture can be
assumed to be that of a fine grained porphyritic sample. The thin section is
displayed in figure 1.
2 Mineral descriptions
Augite appears in the thin section as colorless grains with cleavages in
two directions and high relief. Grains have a sub euhedral shape and have
an overall small variance in size throughout the thin section slide (a total of
0.5mm).Pleochroism was not observed as an optical property. In crossed polars
the mineral displays birefringence from low order grey to second order blue, as
well as an inclined extinction. Microstructures were not observed within the
thin section grains, and the alteration percentage within thin section was deter-
mined to be zero. The size of the mineral grains are indicative of a slow cooling
environment. Sub euhedral grains show a relatively low to nonexistent amount
of transport and weathering.
Alkali feldspar occurs in the thin section with colorless grains and a dis-
tinct lack of relief in plane polarized light. Cleavage is unable to be observed
due to the lack of relief present within grains. Grains appear to have a sub-
euhedral shape which remains constant in all the observed sizes. While sizes in
grains vary from 0.3 to 1.6mm, an overall elongated shape is observed when-
ever grains are large enough to display such properties. In crossed polars alkali
feldspar displays birefringence of first order grey. Inclined extinction is present
within the grains, as well as alterations which make the affected grains appear
to seem cloudy in crossed polars. Alterations are present within a relatively
small percentage of the grains within the thin section, however such a property
serves as a reference to potential changes in the standard environment of forma-
tion. Microstructures have been not observed, and alteration percentage within
the thin section has been determined to be 12%..
Olivine appears within the thin section as colorless to that of a faint mossy
green while in plane polarized light. High relief is present within all grains.
Cleavage is determined to be non-present, and grain shapes are largely sub eu-
hedral with very few appearing to be anhedral as well. Weak pleochroism is
present in most grains within the thin section, however a small percentage of
grains display no pleocrhoic behavior whatsoever. In crossed polars the mineral
displays high interference colors of 2nd order blue as well as 2nd order red. Ex-
tinction is determined to be parallel. olivine is present within the groundmass
of the thin section sample as well, and still displays all aforementioned optical
properties in crossed polars. Grains in the ground mass however have a more an-
hedral shape than those which are not. A very small percentage of grains show
evidence of alteration, however when observed altered grains display a faintly
more orange interference color. Larger grains show small instances in which
other minerals have formed inside of them, this could be potential evidence of
chemical changes in the environment of formation as well as the presence of
weathering agents. Microstructures have not been observed, and alteration per-
centage within the thin section has been determined to be 4%.
Oxides are present within the thin section as opaque grains within plane
polarized light. The shape of a majority of the observed grains is determined to
be euhedral, however small instances have been observed within the thin section
where the oxides display a more anhedral shape. Cleavage is unable to be deter-
mined in both plane polarized light as well as crossed polars due to the opaque
optical property displayed by the oxides within the thin section. Pleochroism
is not present, nor is any measure of birefringence, alteration, microstructures,
or extinction. Due to the nature of all other minerals present within the thin
section, it can be determined that the oxides present if nothing more to a minor
extent, the exact percentage of the overall constituency however is currently
unable to be determined. Magnetic properties were not observed, and as a re-
sult the possibility of iron only being a portion of the overall observed oxides is
highly probable.
Clinopyroxene within the thin section occurs as colorless grains with moder-
ate to high relief in plane polarized light. Grain shapes of clinopyroxene appear
to be euhedral with cleavage in two directions. Pleochroic properties are present,
however they are relatively weak with colors varying between green and darkish
brown. In crossed polars clinopyroxene grains display low 1st order blue and
grey birefringence colors. A very small amount of grains present within the thin
section contained alterations which caused the observed birefringence to appear
cloudy similar to the condition of the alkali feldspar grains which displayed
alteration effects. Parallel extinction is present in larger grains, however grains
within the groundmass have not been observed to display such a property. Due
to the fine grained nature of the groundmass within the thin section any obser-
vations in regards to the specific optical properties of individual minerals are
too uncertain to be reported without acknowledgement of the inherent degree
of error. Microstructures have not been observed, and alteration percentage
within the thin section has been determined to be 2%.
similar to those of Picritic rocks. It is possible that observed mode percentages
could be from a section of an underdeveloped picrite, and in larger form is less
of an olivine basalt, and more of a Picritic rock overall.
An Observation of Picrite and General Properties
Wyatt Barrs
April, 4th 2017
Picrite forms primarily from the growth of olivine crystals and pyrox-
enes within standard basaltic compositions, (Krishnamurthy et al.,, 2000)
and are capable of forming from both flood basalt and hot-spot forma-
tion models. While each model has various parameters and mechanisms
related to them specifically, the overall pressure with which picrites com-
monly form is no less than 3 GPa with regards to the magmatic state
(Herzberg and OHara, 1998). The flood basalt formation model provides
an explanation not only for how picrite forms, but also accounts for the
varying regions in which it occurs throughout the earth (Cox, 1979; Arndt
et al.,, 1993). Generally picrite is common in Deccan regions where flood
basalt formations were allowed to occur in large areas. Due to the occur-
rence of picrite mainly through the production of flood basalts the rock
itself has proven prone to weathering behaviors similar to that of typical
basalt, with minor behavioral differences in correspondence with compa-
rable weathering conditions and agents (Chesworth et al.,, 1980). When
used to analyze historical Deccan volcanic cycles picrites are capable of
providing diagnostic information in regards to the historical change, or
lack thereof in lava compositions (Krishnamurthy et al.,, 2000). Picrite
can also form due to hot-spot volcanism, and is capable of doing so in
a number of different ways. Hot-spot volcanic processes are capable of
producing smaller amounts of picrite than flood basalts, but also of form-
ing picrites in more diverse areas than that of the flood basalt formation
1 Geologic context
Picrite is an igneous rock crystalized from magma derived from the earths
mantle. The rock is generally found in flood basalts provinces, as well as hot-
spots (Cox, 1979; Arndt et al.,, 1993; Krishnamurthy et al.,, 2000; Famin et
al.,, 2009). Picrites are closely related to the rock olivine basalt, as they both
form from mantle melting and crystalized olivine. Picrite differs from olivine
basalt because it has more olivine (Le Bas, 2000). Picrite forms within the man-
tle as asthenospheric mantle magma rises as part of a mantle plume. This
plume varies in composition depending on its geographic location, and region of
formation, but in general asthenospheric plumes tend to include water, potas-
sium oxide, chlorine, sulfur, and fluorine along with other regional constituents
(Kovalenko et al.,, 2006). As the mantle plume rises two things begin to happen:
the region near the center of the plume begins to partially melt (Agrusta et al.,,
2015), and the magma begins to fractionate and form different minerals. This
process of fractionation is directly proportional to how deep within the earth
the mantle plume is, and as a result different minerals form at different depths.
As the plume continues to rise the fractionalized magma continues to change
its composition until it reaches the surface (Famin et al.,, 2009). Picrites are
formed from this process by one of two ways: ether the plume erupts onto the
ocean floor (as shown in figure 2), or on the earths surface with enough magma
to create a flood basalt, or erupts from a magma channel above a hot spot. Pi-
crites once formed can have various minerals present within them. Aside from
the large amounts of olivine present within the rock, picrites can contain pla-
gioclase, spinel, and clinopyroxene.
their density. Well weathered plagioclase in an indicator of picrite which was
historically relatively rich in olivine, and as the olivine weathered away mobile
agents began transporting the remaining constituents, and the degree of weath-
ering is a relative indicator of how long such processes were active (Chesworth
et al.,, 1980). Picrites which form in areas with strict climate patterns such
as Iceland, tend to maintain olivine contents more consistently than those with
distinctive seasonal and meteorological patterns.
minimum magnesium oxide content is 12% wt. Due to the nature of this mini-
mum requirement by weight percentage, numerous rocks which were originally
classified as picrobasalt are now referred to as picrite, this is also due to the
required weight percentage of alkalis being 3% wt (Le Bas, 2000). The origin of
picrite within various regions can vary depending upon aforementioned factors
such as crustal thickness, regional rocks present within the flood basalt province
of formation, and percentages of various trace constituents within the parent
magma. The generally accepted mechanism for the formation of picrite within
flood basalt regions, is through Magnesium Oxide rich magmas. Due to the
variability in magma content which can differ from one region to another, there
is also a variation present within the composition of picrite; these variations
furthermore can be used to discern what type of magma was present in the
formation of the rock in question (Revillon et al., 1999).
Due to their volcanic nature picrites can form under the hot-spot model of
volcanism, and in fact are capable of being present in areas which are not within
the narrow area of the actively rising plume (White 1988). Picrites produced
through the hot spot model have a modal composition which is dominated by
olivine (approximately 25-40 volume %), and present in three possible forms.
olivine crystals within hot spot picrites can be distinguished as: isolated phe-
nocrysts, aggregated phenocrysts, and olivine microcrysts which form from the
mesostasis of the rock. Isolated phenocrysts tend to display euhedral shape, and
range from 0.5 to 3mm in size. Aggregated phenocryst are larger in size ranging
from 1-7mm, and tend to show undulated extinction, corrosion embayements,
irregular grain size, and kink bands. olivine formed within the metastases dis-
plays anhedral shape and has a size range of 0.1-0.3mm, as well as a slightly
more iron rich composition. Plagioclase within picrites occurs as euhedral phe-
nocrysts ranging in size from 1-2mm, large aggregate grains ranging from 2-5mm
in size, and as microlites formed in the mesostasis of the rock. Plagioclase grains
show twinning within two directions as well as irregular grain boundaries, and
zoning by chemical composition (Revillon et al., 1999). Picrites which form un-
der the flood basalt model have different chemical compositions than those from
the hot spot model. Flood basalt regions develop picrites with high amounts
of TiO2 (approximately 3-5 wt%), and FeO (approximately 12-14 wt%). The
mode content of CaO however is lower than that of picrites from hot spot re-
gions, and is only 9-11% wt% (Heinonen et al.,, 2013). These compositions are
not achievable solely from the melting of peridotic mantle material, and serve
as direct evidence to mixing of peridotitic and pyroxenitic source components.
degree of magnesium oxide as well as other trace element constituents produced.
In continental Deccan flood basalt provinces magmatic plumes provide the con-
duit of formation. Through the formation of mantle plumes partial melting
takes place firstly at the lithospheric mantle, where the magma then ascends to
the crust and it is introduced to magma chambers (Arndt et al.,, 1993). Though
this model is applicable to many various flood basalt regions and provinces, the
variable of crustal thickness provides an explanation as to why picritic composi-
tions can vary. In contrast to picritic composition, flood basalts themselves are
mostly consistent in chemical constituents. Flood basalts in general are quartz
tholeiites with large SiO2 contents of approximately 49-55 wt. % (Duncan et
al.,, 1984). Flood basalt lavas are often more iron rich in character than their
standard basalt counterparts, and this is due to the partial melting of magne-
sium rich peridotite and picritic rocks within flood basalt provinces. In the case
of picrite formation, the rock is capable of forming under various circumstances
within flood basalt regions, and it is even capable of forming from primitive
picritic liquids which result from the melts of upper mantle peridotite. Early
formed olivines can also accumulate from the aforementioned picritic liquids
and begin forming the rock. With regards to olivine compositions, they serve as
a direct reflection of the composition of the magma from which they crystallize
(Krishnamurthy et al.,, 2000). This can be used to further determine additional
petrographic information concerning specific picrite rocks (Krishnamurthy &
Cox, 1977). In flood volcanism regions picrite can display various features re-
lating to the environment of formation. The presence of phynocryst olivine
rims for example serves as an indicator of a picrite which formed from primitive
picrite basalt which is generally iron rich (Krishnamurthy et al.,, 2000).
of the active mid ocean spreading center it is associated with; this method of
formation is done with a slightly less magnesian liquid than that of the first.
Low degrees of melting at greater mantle depths are also capable of producing
picrites. Within all of the methods listed above a variation within mode com-
position exist between all picrites which are products of the three systems.
5 Non-geologic properties
Picrite being comprised mostly of olivine, tends to be used in fields which
require consideration in regards to the property of heat resistance and protec-
tion. Boilermakers as well as boiler operators have taken to using picrite in their
respective professions, as a means to protect boilers as well as the environment
that they are made in (Lloyd G. C., 1914).
6 Literature search
Shellnutt, 2016 observes the crater density of Venus to indicate the surface
age to be younger than most planets and satellites in the solar system. Com-
position of a basalt from the Venera 14 landing sight proved to be made of
constituents ranging from high magnesium basalt to picrite. Using the compo-
sitions obtained from the sample a mantle temperature estimate was calculated
to be 1370C 70C. Estimates were calculated using accumulated fractional
melting curves to determine the olivine compositions from the melt. Estimates
of mantle temperature were used to infer an environment of igneous provinces
which were diverse in terms of mantle plumes and lithospheric rifting processes,
and capable of producing lavas at different rates. This conclusion challenges
the catastrophic surface models which attribute the presence of various crater
compositions to a turbulent environment of resurfacing.
(Le Bas, 2000) Overall discusses within the IUGS classification scheme for
high magnesium and Picritic volcanic rocks changes were issued in order to make
the criterion of classification more strictly applicable to various rocks within
question. The process of changing the classification scheme required a time span
of three years, and the efforts of an international working group coordinated by
the chairmen of the IUGS subcomission. The matter of classification revision
was done in order to amend the previous classification of Le Maitre et al. within
the book A classification of Igneous Rocks and Glossary of Terms. The revision
altered things such as making 18 wt% minimum of magnesium oxide apply
only to komatiites and meimechites. The minimum magnesium oxide wt% for
picrites was reduced to 12%, and the upper SiO2 limit for high magnesium and
Picritic volcanic rocks was reduced from 53 to 52 wt%. the lower SiO2 limit for
boninites was reduced from 53 to 52 wt%. Total alkali content for komatiites
and meimechites was increased from 1% to 2%, and for picrite was increased
from 2% to 3%. The effects of the revision has made many rocks which were
previously picrobasalt into picrites by classification.
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