Bemmelen 1963
Bemmelen 1963
Bemmelen 1963
R. W . VA~ B E M M E L E N
Geological Institute of the State University of Utrecht, Oude Gracht 320,
Utrecht, Netherlands.
SU~DA MOUNTAIN .~YSTI:'M ~,tt* ,,.J,.~
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Fig. 1 - S c h e m e of t h e e v o l u t i o n of t h e J a v a - S u m a t r a s e c t i o n o f t h e S u n d a M o u n t a i n
(~) G. PANT/): Ignimbrites of Hungary with regard to their genetics and classification.
Lecture at the Catania Meeting on ignimbrites and hyaloclastites of the International
Association in September 1961 (Bulletin Volcanologique 25, p. 175).
are composed (at their upper part) of anatectic sialic matter, that is
reborn granodioritic to granitic magma. During the first impulse of
uplift this acid magma did not yet reach the surface; it created a
non-volcanic geanticline. The second and third impulses of uplift,
however, where accompanied by voluminous eruptions of acid tuff
sheets and flows, the so-called ignimbrites.
The three cycles of andesitic, calc-alkaline or Pacific volcanism,
Iguimbritic volcanism N o r m a l orogenic volcanism
P r o d u c t s of the . Flood tufts ~,, which cover t h e Lava sheets, tongues, plugs
eruptions t e r r a i n as sheets o r flows a n d domes, often w i t h high
with level surfaces a n d a gradients of slope, air fall
small gradient of slope tufts, volcanic breccias, nude
a r d e n t e deposits
C') Rittmann uses the italian term ,, traboccare ,~, which is used for the boiling
milk that overflows the rim of the pan.
(a) See also Rittmann, 1960, p. 254.
(') See the abstracts of the reports of the Russian lectures, presented at the
Symposium ~ Ignimbrites and hyaloclastites ~, organized b y the International Associa-
tion of Volcanology of the I.U.G.G. in Catania, Sept. 1961.
(~) See their papers presented at the same meeting.
(6) Permissible cooling is defined by Boyd (1961, p. 414) as the difference between
the initial magma temperature and the m i n i m u m temperature at which welding will
take place.
(~) This exposure was shown by Mittempergher to Rittmann and the author during
the excursion of the Gcologische Vereinigung in 1959. A closer study is needed, however,
to determine, whether this is a plutonlc rock (laccolithlc intrusion) or a recrystallized
granophyric part of an ignimbrite.
165 m
strongly from the permian poles in those parts of Europe which are
not afflicted by alpine mountain building. The permian pole around
Bolzano shows an anticlockwise rotation of some tens of degrees with
respect to the other ones. This might be the result of continental
drifting movements (van HtLTEN, 1960, 1961), or of rotation of more
restricted crustal blocks during the formation of the Alpine Nappes
(van BEMMELEN, 1960, 1961).
At present the author conducts a research program by geology and
geophysics students of the University of Utrecht, which tries to delimit
this rotation of the permian pole in time and in area. The results of
these diagnostic observations have to be awaited before further con-
clusions can be drawn (J. DE BOER, 1963; R. GUICHERIT).
In the first part of 1961 the author made a lecture tour through
the U.S.A., organized by the American Geological Institute and
financed by the American Science Foundation. During this tour also
field excursions were made to three major ignimbrite deposits of the
Cordilleran System.
1) The Bishoptuffs in California, described by Ch. M. GILBERT
(1938). This excursion was arranged by the U.S. Geological Survey
(Menlo Park Division) and guided by R. L. Smith.
2) The Chiricahua National Monument in Arizona, described by
H. E. ENSLOW (1955) during an excursion with the Arizona Geological
Society, guided by Prof. E. B. Mayo (Tucson, Arizona).
3) The Superior ignimbrite field, visited with the Arizona Geo-
logical Society, guided by Donald W. Peterson of the U.S. Geol. Soc.
(Menlo Park Divison, California).
Moreover, the author could discuss ignimbrites with some experts
of the U.S. Geological Survey at Washington, D. C., at Denver (Col.),
and at Menlo Park (Cal.), and also with F. R. Boyd of the Geophysical
Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute at Washington, D.C.
The ignimbrites of the Cordilleran System have their greatest
distribution in the Great Basin District, where they range in age all
through the Cenozoic with a possible maximum in younger tertiary
time. The ignimbritic eruptions accompanied the block faulting of the
Great Basin District in post-laramide time (MACKIN, 1960).
(') E. F. Cook, i n a paper, read at the Catania meeting, IA.V. 1961, estimates the
volume of the i g n i m b r i t e s in the Great B a s i n District of Nevada a n d Utah on the
o r d e r of 140,000
West F_ast
-~ ~.o
is p r o b a b l y c o m p a r a b l e w i t h t h e r e b o r n ( p a l i n g e n i c ) a c i d m a g m a p r o -
duced by migmatization.
U n d e r t h e c o n d i t i o n s of c r u s t a l s t r e t c h i n g a n d B a s i n - R a n g e t e c t o -
nics this a n a t e c t i c m a g m a h a s b e e n e r u p t e d a l o n g t e n s i o n fissures,
f l o o d i n g t h e s u r f a c e w i t h i g n i m b r i t e s ( = ,, f l o o d tufts ,,).
Explanation of fig. 2.
The basic concept of this section is that the Cordilleran System represents
a crustal upwarp, about 1000 km wide, with an amplitude of about 6 km. This
geotumor spreads gravitationally oceanward, causing the collaps and block-
faulting (Basin-Range structures) in the crestaI part (The Great Basin District).
This upwarp was primarily the result of a buoyant magmatic blister, which
has a basaltic composition in its lower part and an acid anatectic character
in its upper part.
The long dashed lines, as in the asthenolith, represent movement lines, de-
formation by flow of initially straight imaginary vertical lines. These deforma-
tions indicate the outward flow or spreading of the magmatic blister during
and after its uplift. The long dashed lines in the mantle indicate the defor-
mations due to the counterflow of this mass-circuit.
The mass-circuit, thus indicated in this section, is the result of the buoyancy
of a cenozoic asthenolith. Its sideward (oceanward) spreading caused a lateral
injection into the adjacent Sierra Nevada belt, where it acted as a wedge. The
magmatic wedge pushed upward and westward the upper part of this belt
which has a sialic composition (the crystalline basement complex). This uplift
was accompanied by forceful emplacements of acid batholiths in the rear of
the Sierra Nevada block. Such intrusions occasionally reached the surface,
forming for instance the Bishop ignimbrites in the Owen Valley (GILBERT, 1938).
At the base of the injected magmatic wedge the heavier, more basic lower
part of the Sierra Nevada belt was pushed downward. This downward move-
ment has two reasons. Firsts, there is the strive for maintaining isostatic
balance under the load of the rising upper part of the Sierra block; second,
this lower part or ,, root ,, of the Sierra block forms a link in the above men-
tioned mass-circuit, which is a coherent hydraulic energy-system.
After such a phase of uplift and spreading of a buoyant magmatic blister
there will follow a time of cooling, differentiation and crystallization of the
During this cooling phase the basaltic lower part of the injection will split
up into an uitramafic (peridotitic) layer at its base and a less basic upper layer.
The granitic upper part of the injected wedge and the anatectic pyromagma
will produce metasomatic alterations, granitizations pneumatolytic and hydro-
thermal alterations of the country rocks.
After the acid upper part of the blister has crystallized, dike-swarms and
effusions of the still hot basaltic lower part are to be expected (post-orogenic
plateaubasalts, such as those of the Big Pine basaltfield in the Owen Valley in
this section, and the Little Lake plateaubasalts somewhat farther south).
The increasing density of the igneous rocks during this phase of cooling
complex with rock densities in the order of 2.7-2.8 overlies an extensive sheet
of gasloaden anatectic magma with densities of 2.5-2.6, an inversion of the stable
crustal density stratification has developed. The roof of the blister became too
heavy; consequently large blocks of the roof began to sink down into the under-
lying magmatic basin. This is a process of major stoping by means of foundering
mass-circuits at the base of the crystalline basement complex, forming great
laccolithic to sill-like intrusions (van BmVxMELEN,1937, 1957, 1958). The acid pyro-
magma is sucked up into the potential voids at shallower levels at the top of
the foundering blocks. This process may repeat itself several times in quick
successions, and ultimately the pyromagma reaches the surface, causing vo-
luminous eruptions of ignimbrites. Such substages in the ascent of the anatectic
pyromagma are not indicated on this section.
Moreover, it is clear that the density of 2.5-2.6 assigned to the upper part
of the blister, will be realized only during the acme of its activity. Thereafter
its density will rise again due to cooling and crystallization. Probably the
lower part of the sialic crust has never been entirely molten, and the anatectic
pyromagma occupied layers and pockets amidst of denser parts.
The lower boundary of this zone of anatexis is indicated on the section
by an arbitrary line. Its position should be estimated according to analyses ot
gravimetric and seismic data, which has not been done by the author. Such
an analysis has recently been published by D ~ N T , S~WAt~T, and ROLLER(1961),
based on the seismic shocks caused by nuclear explosions at the Nevada
Test Site.
Acknowledgement: The author wants to thank Robert E. Wallace, Chief
Southwestern Branch of the U.S. Geological Survey (Menlo Park, Cal.) for
helpful criticism and suggestions concerning this section.
I n t h e Y e l l o w s t o n e P a r k Area a s i m i l a r p r o c e s s o f d o m i n g a n d
accompanying ignimbritic eruptions occurred, though at a smaller
scale t h a n in t h e G r e a t B a s i n District.
T h i s a r e a r e p r e s e n t s a c o l l a p s e d d o m e , c o m p a r a b l e in size w i t h
t h e B a t a k t u m o r o f N o r t h S u m a t r a , t h e t o p o f w h i c h is o c c u p i e d b y
the Toba cauldron.
I n t h e Y e l l o w s t o n e P a r k t h r e e cycles o f v o l c a n i s m c a n b e distin-
I. A first, e o - o l i g o c e n e c y c l e o f b a s a l t o - a n d e s i t i c v o l c a n i s m , w h i c h
p r o d u c e d t h e A b s a r o k a v o l c a n i c s . T h i s c y c l e is c o m p a r a b l e w i t h t h e
<, Old A n d e s i t e S e r i e s ~ o f S u m a t r a .
II. A f t e r e r o s i o n f o l l o w e d a s e c o n d , o l i g o - m i o c e n e cycle o f ande-
sitic v o l c a n i s m w h i c h i n c l u d e s t r a c h y - r h y o l i t e s (~ I n t e r m e d i a t e Ande-
site S e r i e s ~>).
I I I . A n o t h e r i n t e r v a l o f e r o s i o n s e p a r a t e s this s e c o n d cycle f r o m
a t h i r d o n e o f p l i o c e n e age, w h i c h p r o d u c e d t h e Y e l l o w s t o n e P a r k
volcanics sensu stricto.
171 --
4. General conclusions
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