Watchtower: Song Book, 1928

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r a 1 se to

forth the n,(J1!()ur of his nam,;

malee his praise glori.ou&."
-.,PsaZm 66: fl

, - . .. .


Brooklyn. New York. U. S: A.

LoQdOJl, ~to. cape '!'ow.. s--. _.

:EHOVAR is the name given to himself by the Eternal One, which name
J indicates his purposes towards his chosen people. It is his expressed
will concerning the new creation to gather all things together in Christ,
who is the Head of the new creation. It is his will that the members of
the new creation shall show forth the praises of him who is their God and
Father. Therefore ~hese hymns are designated, Songs of Praise to Jehovah.
They seek to exalt his ilame above all.
The topical index in the ~ear of the look suggests suitable, songs for
various occasions. All the tunes may not be familiar to some. In the upper
right hand corner of the page will be found the numbers of alternative tunes.
Those familiar with "Hymns of Millennia} Dawn" may use one or the other
of the tunes designated as they may choose. As far as possible the songs have
been arranged in alphabetical order according to the initial letter or word"
of the first line.
These songs will be found to be in harmony with the divine truths now
due to be understood. Jehovah has set his King, Christ Jesus, upon his
throne. To the praise of Jehovah let all the people honor the King. It is
hoped that these songs will bring comfort and joy to all who love God ani!
who desire to glorify his name.
The Publisher
I Abide, Sweet Spirit

OLD HUNDRED. L.M. Alternate, 81, 87

1. A - bide, Spir - it, heav'nly Dove, With light and com-fort from a - hove;
2. To us the light of truth dis - play, And make us know and choose thy way;
3. Lead us in ho - Ii - ness, the road Which we must keep to dwell with God;
4. Teach us in watch - ful- ness and prayer To wait for thine ap - point - ed hour;


Be thou our guard-ian, thou our guide; O'er ev- 'rythought and step pre-side.
Plant ho - ly fear in ev -'ry heart, That we from God may ne'er de - part.

Lead us in Christ, the liv - ing way; Nor let us from his pas-tures stray.
And fit us by thy grace to share The tri-umphs of thy conq-'ring pow'r.
r-I l.-
I..L .... ~


Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise him, all creatures here below;

Praise him aloud with heart and voice,

And always in his Son rejoice.

"Alternate" suggest. the numbers of other tunes which can be sung to these words.


2 Remember Me
BALERMA. C. M. Alt. 83

IkftLj 13 I.
tttJl11 d I
Ac - cord - ing to thy gra - dous word,
dYfJ iItJ
In meek hu - mil - i - ty,
2. Thy bod - y,oro - ken for my sake,. My bead from heav'n shall be;
3. When to the cross I turn mine eyes And rest on Cal - va - ry,
4. Re - mem - ber thee and all thy pains And all thy love tome;
S. Then of thy grace I'll know t~e sum, And in thy like - ness be,

This will I do, my dy - ing Lord, I will re - mem - ber thee.

Thy tes - ta - ment - al cup I take .And thus re - mem - ber thee.
o Lamb of God, my Sac - ri - fice, I must re - mem - ber thee.
Yea, while a breath, a pulse re - mains, I will re - mem - ber thee.
When thou hast in thy king - dom come And dost re - mem - ber me.

~1 ,---- 1\
f IF rl~ Flrl ~ V ~ If" ~Hf3D
3 Come to Me

~~ j j ~ I j J Z ~ I j j ~ SI 3
I. Ah! when heart is. heav - y la - den, Wea - ry and op - pressed,
2. Is there di - a - dem, as mon-arch, That his brow a - dorns?
3. If thou find him, if thou fol - low, What's thy por - tion here?
4. if thou still hold close -ly to him, What hast thou at last?
S. If thou ask him to re - ceive thee, Will he say thee nay?
l~n~ F f r Ir f f f Ir ~ f rIr 4\td
Come to Me--Concluded

~. Come to
L-tI f+~
me, saith One,
j g
com - ing, Be
@tt~ H

Yes, a crown in ver y - sure - ty, Dl,it of thorns!
Man - ya sor - row, man - ya con - flict, Man - ya tear.
Sor - row van - quished, la - bor end - ed, Jor - dan past!
Not till earth and not till heav - en Pass a - way!

4 A Little Flock
EVAN. C. M. Alt. 193

.~lIJ d j$Pl '1-bffi -~ -3 [-!I

I. A lit - tie flock, so calls he thee; Who bought thee with his blood;
2. A lit - tie flock, so calls he thee; Church of the First - born, hear!
3. Not ma- ny rich or no - ble called, Not ma - ny great or wise;
4. But the Chief Shepherd comes at length; Her fee - hIe days are o'er.

FI ~

A lit - tie flock dis - owned of men, But owned and loved of God.
Be not a-shamed to own the name; It is no name of fear.
Those whom God makes his kings and priests Are poor in hu - man eyes.
With glo - ry crowned, and sceptre's strength, She reigns for - ev - er - more.
~JJ ~ r U~ F 1& I~ f fttl?lJ
5 Alas I and Did M.y Saviour Hleed~

I. A - las! and did my Sav - iour bleed? And did my Sov- ereign die?
2. It was be - cause we were un - done He groaned up - on the tree.--
3. Well might the sun in dark - ness hide, And shut his glo - ries in,
4. Thus might I hide my blush - ing face, While his dear cross ap - pear3;
5. But drops of grief can ne'er re - pay The debt of love lowe;

~w milan I ~ ll~ I ,'-',

Would he de - vote that sa - cred head For such a worm as I?
A - maz - ing pit - y! grace un - known! And love be - yond de - gree',
When Je - sus, God's A - noint-ed, died, For man, un - done by sin.
Dis - solve my heart in thank- ful- ness And melt mine eyes to tears.
Here, Lord, I give my - self a - way, 'Tis all that I can do.

Je - sus died for you, ...... . And Je - sus died for me; ...... .
for you, for me,

~ .. ~ .. ~
'wi I i Yes,
f fu l' Itt:kltl G. f If! f It:kl

Je - sus died for all man-kind; Bless God, Sal- va - tion's free I

6 All Hail
DIADEM Tr. Parch. W. EVANS. Alt. 257

'~JI ~ ~ ila@Ld1?4lJ: U Jhil -- +~........

I. All hail the pow'r of Je - sus' name! Let an - gels prostrate fall;
2. Ye cho - sen seed of Is - rael's race, Ye ransomed from the fall,
3. Ye saints, whose love can ne'er for - get The worm-wood and the gdl,
4. Let ev - 'ry kin - dred, ev 'ry tribe, On this ter- res- trial ball,

+L'""' ~ 1~ '""' fL

I:~ dIi~dj i: j I:: 14& I: d1:7 dJtd
Let an - gels pros-trate
Bring forth the roy - al
di - a - dem,
Ye ran - somed from the fall, Hail him who saves you by his grace,
The worm-wood and the gall, Go spread your tro - phies at his feet,
On this ter - res - trial ball, To him all rna - jes - ty as - cribe,

And crown ........................................ him,

@~ j If=--;
r !
i; Iir
crown him,
crown him,
s:tidi d -~
crown him,
I I.J --... I
,J. +_...e:L.

And crown him, crown him, crown him, crown ........
crown him, crown him, crown him,

crown... ...... him, crown him, And crown him Lord of all.

......................--: ... him,

All People that On Earth do Dwell


L. M.

I;J JI4 31~ ?:J-

HIj j IJ
All peo - pIe that on earth do dwell; Sing to the Lord with cheer-ful voice;
The Lord ye know is God in-deed; With-out our aid he did us make;
Alt. 42

j IJ 1
3. O! en - ter then his gates with praise, Ap-proach with joy his courts un - to:
4. For why? The Lord our God is good, His mer - cy is for - ev - er sure;
- -f2- l~

Him serve with fear, his praise forth tell, Come ye be - fore him and re - joice.
We are his flock, he doth us feed, And for his sheep he doth us take.
Praise, laud, and bless his name al - ways; For it is seem - ly so to do.
His truth at all times firm - ly stood, And shall from age to age en - dure.
-f2- -f2- -P- 1""1.1. . . . I

8 All the Way My Saviour Leads Me


~ l'I~~'t.=f-t- ~~
j ~;~2 ~ ti1S3 f ...{1j~ii4r
.... .... rig1 .. ,

I. All the way my Sav- iourleads me; What have I to ask be - side?
2. All the way my Sav-iourleads me; Cheers each wind-ing path I tread;
3. All the way my Sav-iour leads me; Oh, the ful - ness of his love!

Copyr.ight 1903 by Mary Runyon Lowry. Renewal. Used by permission.

All the Way My Saviour Leads Me-Concluded

Can I doubt his ten - der mer - cy, Who through life has been my guide?
Gives me grace for ev - 'ry tri - ai, Feeds me with the liv -lng bread;
Per - fect rest to me is prom - ised In my Fa - ther's house a - bove;
~. ~ t'

~" .. . ~ "~~
'@~;\l tff f I, .\ 11 3I f .
b: I ;. 1bE
Heav'n-Iy peace, di - Yin - est com-fort, Here by faith in him to dwell!
Though my wea - ry steps may fal - ter, And my soul a - thirst may be,
When my spir - it, clothed im- mor - tal, Wings its flight to realms of day,
, I t'- l' 1
l@%~ f ~ I~:; ~ ~ I~~ [pIrr' , , f tEl

For I know what-e'er be- fall me, --- ---

Je - sus do - eth all things well;
Gush- ing from the Rock be - fore me, Lo! a spring of joy I see.
This my song through end-less a - ges- Je - sus led me all the way.
t' ,l' -#-.

~l4LC {IF' rid I

For I know, what-e'er be - fall me, Je - sus do - eth all things well.
Gush-ing from the Rock be - fore me, Lo! a spring of joy I see.
This my song through end-less a - ges- Je - sus led me all the way.
t' J: :t. :e--f: ~ -~ :b.= t :~ ~-
Et t If fLf GIf i t f I F31

C llf'
9 A Mighty Fortress is Our God

I~dln dfdlpJd 31gl~ d3dIpU j3 I I

I. A might - y fort - ress is our God, A bul - wark nev - er fail - ing;
2. Did we, in our own strength con-fide, Our striv-ing would be los - ing,
3. And though this world with e-vils filled, Should threat-en to un - do . . us,
I I~

Our help - er he

a - mid the flood The lit - tie flock as - sail - ing.
Were not the right One on our side, The One of God's own choos - ing.
for God h;'h ~:ed;: cause J~ k~ fO~ us.
We will not fear, h

@$ ~rlr (iE EIf F r Far rji IEzp r 1

For still our an - cient foe Doth seek to work us woe, His craft and
Dost ask who that may be? Christ Je - sus, it is he! "The might - y
Let goods and kin - dred go; This mor - tal life al - SO; The bod - Y
-f2-J r.:-L

_ dd1~:IldJ.t1il~:I~lt..M dlU1pIl1-,1 I I '-.

pow'r are great, And armed with cru - el hate, On earth is not his e - qual.
they m1
God" his name, From age to age the same; And he must win the bat - tie.
kill, God's truth a - bid- eth still; His king-dom is for - ev - er.

I -: ~
10 Arise! Arise lYe Saints of God I
Words and music by JESSIE G. Hull. Alt. 16, 22
March movement

'~t tIf- &r- t If r ptll i: I f ~ .1 ?J I

1. A - rise! A - rise! Ye saints of God, Gird firm your ar - mor on.
2. He calls! He calls! With joy we haste, To join him in the fray.
3. No more at ease shall we sit down, But in his strength we go .
.l 1 I""" ,

!'W2 IF"f=F4'V f r I fIr ~ f fiE "1
; d dI ~ ~ J~.1 ~ H ~ 13:
The time has come for all to tight; The siege will not be long.
His strength shall bear our spir - its up To press 'on in his way.
With bold - ness, trust - ing in his grace, We fear not an - y foe.
C. .
~~ r I pDf5W=4JJ r f I fit f r r I F.J

-,-, I
The Lord, our Cap - tain, goes be - fore, He leads his might - y throng.
We're will - ing in his day of pow'r To serve as he doth guide.
0, use us, Lord, tc. serve for Thee, Shield us with pow'r di - vine.

Then rise and join thee in the ranks, His truth shall be our song.
With loy - al and with faith- ful hearts, We I.., - bor on his side.
No cred - it for our - selves we claim, The \/.C - to - ry be thine I
---.: --- -e- ~-
' .. :-::~
II Arise, Jehovah God, Arise!
STEPHENS. C. M. Alt. 22,313


L. A - rise, Je - ho - Yah God, a - rise In Zi - on find thy rest:

2. In Zi - ~ on, Lord, we pay our vows, Here we thy praise would spread;
3. Yel\., let the Son of Da - vid reign, Let God's A - noint - ed shine,
4. To him thou'st giv'n a last - ing throne; And, as His king - dom grows,

, ~ Id 3 ~ j 14 ptJ;4flp i~ ~ ~I;: U
Let saints on earth a - loud re - joice; Clothe them with right-eous - ness.
Bless the pro - vis - ions of thy house; Fill us with liv - ing bread.
Just - ice and truth his court main- tain, With love and pow'r di - vine.
Fresh hon - ors shall a - dorn his crown, And shame con-found his foes.

12 Arm of the Lord, Awake, Awake!


I. Armof the Lord, a - wake, a - wake! Put on thy strength, the na-tions shake,
2. Say to the heath-en from thy throne, 'I am Je - ho - vah, God a. -lone';
3. Let Zi - on's time of fa - vor come; 0 bring the tribes of Is - rael home;
40 Ye sons of Zion, God's name proclaim, In ev - 'ry clime make known his fame;

Arm of the Lord, Awake, Awake I-Concluded

And let thea-bas-ed na-tionssee Thy tri-umphsandthy maj-es-ty.

Thy voice their i - dols shall con-found, And cast their al - tars to the ground.
And let our joy - ous eyes. be - hold Gen - tiles and Jews by Christ controlled.
Let ~d - verse pow'rs before Christ fall, And hail Je - ho - vah God o'er all.
I~_ ...... I

13 Good Tidings
ANGEL'S SONG. 8. 7. Alt. 35

I. As the world a - round was sleep-ing, In the calm and si - lent night;
2. "Lo! to you I bring good tid-ings, Words of peace to an your race;
3. Hark! heav'n's host take up the sto - ry, Prais - ing God o'er Beth-l'em's plain:
4. We would join the rap - turous sto - ry,
..... ... Swell the an - gels' loft - y strain,

ffi)-- .-:
.. " I

v I

While the shep-herds watch were keep-ing Came an an - gel robed in light.
For in Beth - Ie - hem a - bid - ing, Now is born the Prince of Grace."
"Glo - ry in the high - est, glo - ry; Peace on earth, good will to men."
Glo - ry in the high - est, glo - ry; Worth - y is the Lamb once slain.

. ..... ..........
"\3-1 .
. . .......... ... . . .....
..... -".... -(9-

14 Moses and the Lamb
DOVER. S. M. Alt. 18

~31ij3 ~ I:
I. A - wake! and sing the song
Id d t ~ p)fl
Of Mo - ses and the Lamb;
2 . Come, pil- grims on the road To Zi - on's cit - y, sing:
, 3: Soon shall each rap - tured tongue His end - less praise pro - claim;

I~rlfrr FI:IFI~fF' t@
I @~;j S ~ a 3 d j i I -3 j ~ J 1
1 1 I
Wake ev - 'ry heart and ev c 'ry tongue, To praise the Say - iour's name.
I Re - joice we in
the Lamb of God- In Christ,thee-te!'-nal
sweet - er voi - ces tune the song Of Mo - ses and the Lamb.

I I I"" I
~rdrlfff rr~lr ~ L : '~)
15 Jerusa] em , Awake!

m f lid ~ Id'lr I~ J IpJjIJ ~ Ipj

TRURO. L. M. Alt. 301

I. A-wake, Je - ru - sa - lem, a - wake! No Ion - ger in the dust lie down;
2. Shake off the dust that blinds thy sight,And hides the prom - ise from thine eyes;
3. Shake off the bands of sad de - spair; And now re - ceive thy lib - er - ty;
4. Ves- sels of mer- cy, sons of grace, Be purged from ev -'ry sin - ful stain;

1--' '-' ~
The gar-ment of sal - va - tion take, Thy beau - ty and thy strength put on.
A - rise, and glad -ly hail the light: The great De -liv - 'rer calls, A - rise!
Look up, thy bro - ken heart pre - pare, And God shall set the cap - tive free.
Be - hold your Lord! his Word em-brace, Nor bear his hal- Jowed name in vain.
- -&- 1 I...... ! -p- ...... r-. 1 1"",/

16 Awake, My Soul
CHRISTMAS. C. M. Alt. 22

I. A - wake, my soul, stretch ev - 'ry nerve, And press with

2. A cloud of wit - ness - es a - round Hold thee
3. 'Tis God's all- an -
I- mat -
mg VOIce That calls thee
4. That
pnze with peer - less glo - ry bright, With thee, 0

5. Blest Sav - lour, m - tro - duced by thee, Our race have

'-, ~

VIg -or on', A heav'n -ly race de - mands thy zeal,
full sur - vey; For - get the steps al - read- y trod,

from on high; 'Tis his own hand pre - sents the pnze

Lord, we'll gam, When earth's great mon - archs shall have lost
we be - gun; And crowned with vic - t'ry, at thy feet

And an im - mor - tal crown, And an im - mor - tol crown.

And on - ward urge thy way, And on - ward urge thy way

To thine as - plr - mg eye, To thine as - plr - mg eye.
Their glo - ry and their fame, Their glo - ry and their fame.
. We'll lay our tro - phies down, We'll lay our tro -phies down.

- His Loving Kindness
Alt. IS, 301

. . ..
r-II ~

I. A - walfe, my soul, to joy - fullays, And sing thy great Re-deem-er's praise;
2.He saw me ru - ined in the fall, Yet loved me, not - with-stand-ing all;
3. Tho' numerous hosts of might - y foes Com- bine its heav'n-ward wayt'op-pose;
4. When trou-ble, like a gloom - y cloud, Has gath-ered thick and thun-dered loud,
5. And now earth's rightful King has come, To take his ran - somed peo - pIe home;

-r I~ ~ .nL'~ ~ ~ 1 -.-. t
Fe ffl ff tlftt" (liF r ~
(J ~ ..-

He just -ly claims a song from me; His lov - ing kind - ness, 0 how free!
He saved me from my lost es -tate; His lov - ing kind - ness, O. how great!
He safe -ly leads his ChurclI a-long: His lov - ing kind - ness, 0 how strong!
lIe near my soul has al- ways stood: His lov - ing kind - ness, 0 how good!
nl sing up - on that bliss - ful shore: His lov - ing kind - ness ev - er - more.
:l 1: LI ~ ~ ~ 1 I
.~ LJ
~ ..-
ar It L
r WI UIb44-"PMtF--l'"---"-J

Lov - ing kind-ness, lov - ing kind-ness, His lov - ing kind - ness, 0 how free!
Lov - ing kind-ness, lov - ing kind-ness, His lov - ing kind - ness, 0 how great!
Lov - ing kind-ness lov - ing kind-ness, His lov - ing kind - ness, 0 how strong!
Lov - ing kind-nes~. lov - ing kind-ness, His lov - ing kind - ness, 0 how good!
Lov - ing kind-ness, lov - ing kind-ness, His lov - ing kind - ness ev- er- more.

1 ~L
18 Wondrous Grace
ST. THOMAS. Alt. 14

~, [J IJ 1
Be -
I. hold,
2. his
3. Nor doth
4- Now in

I w
wttzra d13 fd a 1ttti;tW J 1p=D

On mem- bers of
a fall - en race, To make them sons of God_
What fa - vor that we should be named For Christ's joint - heir and bride!
But when we see our Sav - iour here, We shall be like our Head.
He grants the spir - it from a - bove To dwell with - in each heart.
::-~ .-e-_~
n ~-
I I - I I

19 Blessed Bible
MERCY. 7. AlL 24

I~ $11J31d 'I~ 'Ia JIts Ad PIM

I. Bless - ed Bi - ble, pre-dous Word! Boon most sa - cred from the Lord;
2. 'Tis a ray of pur - est light, Beam-ing threugh the depths of night;
3. 'Tis a foun - tain, pour-ing forth Streams of life to glad - den earth;
4. 'Tis a mine, aye, deep - er, too, Than can mor - tal ev - er go;
r.1 ___ .1:l

f%4 $IJfkd r'l~ 'I,a IV ~ Id fiB

Glo - ry to his name be giv'n Wor this choic-est gift from heav'n.
~right-er than ten thou -sand gems Of the cost -liest di - a - dems.
Whence e - ter - nal bless - ings flow, An - ti - dote for hu - man woe.
Search we may for man - y years, Still some new, rich gem ap - pears.
r.1 Ir r___ I

20 Christian Fellowship

FJIJjJIJgilp k+liJilljllTl '-

I. Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Chris - tian love;
2. Blest are v the sons of peace, Whose hearts and hopes are one,
~ 3. Be '- fore our Fa - ther's throne, We pour our ar - dent prayers;
4. We share our mu - tual woes; Our mu - tual bur - dens bear;
5. When we a - sun - der part, 0 may this mu - tual love
6. Our glo - rious hope re - vives Our cour - age ev - 'ry day,
If fir r I r I r I ~ J ~ I t---J r I F
J 1--- I h

" i Ito I~ SIp i IrJI bp ~ IPttlI

The fel - low - ship of kin - dred minds Is like to that a - bove.
Whose kind de - signs to serve and please Thro' all their act - ions run.
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our com - forts and our cares.
And oft - en 'for each oth - er flows The sym - pa - thiz - ing tear.
En - cour - age ev - 'ry faint - ing heart, His zeal and faith to prove.
While each in ex - pee - ta - tion strives To run the heav'n -ly way.

-ti- PJ. r1 rJ ~ PJ rJ II.. .rJ .


21 The Year of Jubilee

"ld I!! illljl~ =, '1& 1& I~ j icl:d


H. M.

Blow ye the trumpet, blow The glad-Iy solemn sound; Let all the na-tions know,
Je- sus, our great High Priest, Hath fulla-tone-mentmade; Ye wea-ry spir-its rest;
Alt. 146

3. The sev-enth trum-pet hear, The newsofheav'nly grace; Sal-va-tion now is near;

The Year of Jubilee-Concluded

To earth's re - mot - est bound: The year

Ye moum-ful souls be glad: The year
Seek ye the Say - iour's face: The year of Ju - bi - lee II; come.

~, r I r ~ f EIp: tUf r F ~ I f rEI

Re - turn - ing ran-somed sin-ners home, Re - turn-ing ran-somed sin - ners home_

22 Hope's Consummation
STEPHENS. C. M. Alt. 16, 313

~ d In
tB-ljf;j d tGJln rJd ti ~:l
Bride of the Lamb, a - wake! a - wake! Why weepfor sor - row now?
He comes, for O! his yearn-ing
2. heart No more can bear de - lay,
3. This earth, the scene of all his woe, A home-less wild to thee,
4. His own kind hand shall wipe the tears From ev - 'ry weep-ing eye;

@ij d Id 3 d ~ PtIiP~ JJ d V~:-II

The hope of glo - ry, Christ, is thine; A child of
glo - ry, thou.
To scenes of full un-min - gled joy To call his bride
a - way.
Full soon up - on his heav'n-ly throne Its right - ful King shall see.
And pains, and gIoans, and griefs, and fears, And death it - self, shall die.
23 Call Jehovah Thy Salvation

frrn1:;t Ij r~ i I &i
,. TRUST J. MONTGOM>:RY. Alt. 139

Lj I~ &t3
I. Call Ie - ho - yah thy sal- va - tion, Rest be - neath th' Al-migh-ty's shade;
2. There no tu - mult can a - larm thee, Thou shalt mead no hid - den snare;
s:"God shall charge His ~n-gel Ie - gions Watch and ward o'er thee to keep:
4. Thou shalt call on Him in trou - ble, He will heark - en, He will save;
~-D ....,
---I'- ~.LJ.-f2-

~ I
In his se - cret hab - i - ta - tion Dwell, and nev - er be dis - mayed.
Guile nor vi - 0 - lence can harm thee, In e - ter - nal safe - guard there.
Though thou walk through hos-tile regions, Though in des - ert wilds thou sleep.
Here for grief re - ward thee dou - ble, Crown with life be - yond the grave.

~~ fit iff f If r f trn r~ru

24 Always Rejoicing
NUREMBERG. 7. Alt. 19, 196

~tff=H+ttg j ~ Ij Pm
I. Chil- dren of the heav'n -Iy King, As we jour - ney let us sing;
2. We are trav-'Iing home to God, In the way our Say - iour trod;
3. Fear not, breth-ren, joy - ful stand, On the bor - ders of our land;
4. Lord, 0 - be - dient - Iy we'll go, Glad -Iy leav - ing all be - low:

, ,. ==f ~- t ~11-6>-
Always Rejoicing-Concluded

1 -r
j j
J f ~ ~ j I ....~ 3
Sing our Sav - iour's wor - thy praise,
i 3 I. Pggu
Glo - rious in his works and ways.
In the hour of tri - al we Watch thy foot-prints, Lord, to see.
Je - sus Christ, our Fa - ther's Son, Bids us un - dis - mayed go oh. ~
:Bless - ed Christ, our Lead - er be, And we still will fol - low thee.
I ~ .... ~ ,~+-:-
~ @~Pf f F Iff f tie 1 pn

25 All to Thee
Moderato -- ~

@-g II ~ i -.-J-ff}:-H371 i
I.Christ gave his life for
2. His Fa - ther's house of
s. He suf - fered much for
His pre - dous blood he
His glo - ry - cir - cled
More than I now can
-- ....
4 He now has brought to me Down from his home a - bove,
..... ~ B===:f ....~.. ~ ........ J~
@Jll ~ I i ffii IfL I t Itt ~ & I ~f I
@HI J t 1 ~I i
That I might ran-somed be,.......
t-l9 tlttJ
And quick-ened from the dead.
He left for earth - ly night, . . . . . For wand-'rings sad and lone;

at 1: an! ~:~
Of bit - t'rest ag - 0 - ny;....... He drained the cup of woe';
~ ~n- full ~~d !~~... P: - d~

lwei f==tEf bIf;"'E-ll Itt t===~=-~

fi\ ~I\ :t=E~ b "~ "~~ hn
~DCJ t' L:=ti:Du
I j j $2LL4J]j]J
I --
He gave, he gave his life for me; How grate - ful I should be!
He left, he left it all for me, Have I left all for thee?
He bore, he bore it all for me, What have I borne for thee?
He bring~, he brings rich gifts to me, Lord, I give aU to thee.

~: r~
I~~~a~~~~~~~,~ ~ ..~~--:~~=--
lit==-== -
~ 1:). :-
i - t T i - -II - - - - .-.--'1-
Dawning Day

rn ~ Ii @
DAY DAWN. 9.8.

'It:t~ liMli ~i

I. Christian, the morn breaks sweetly o'er thee, And all the mid-night shad-ows flee;
2:" Lift up thy head; the day breaks o'er thee; Bright is the prom-ised shin-ing way!

-fI- .."..__ ~ ..... -"... -/1- "... .....n~ ~ .-f'-


Tinged are the dis - tant skies with glo - ry, A bea-eon light hangs out for thee.
Light from heav'n is stream-ing for thee; Lo! 'tis the dawn of per - feet day.
..... ......-fl-

A - rise! a - rise! the light breaks o'er thee, Bright from thyev-er-last-ing home;
Re-joice! re-joice! in hope of glo - ry, Counting all else butvan-i- ty:
r1 ~

~'iR~nldjU I I I ..... ""19-

Soon shalt thou reach thy goal of glo - ry, Soon shal(thou share thy Sav-iour's throne.
Pre - dous this truth; 0 seek and hold it, And send it forth that all may see.
~ ~ Lr-,
~~Irr I ~ ~~1 r. . . r1r
Io>'~~ ~~ ~
~ ~
Christ is Come r

1. Christ is come! now 1ft cre - a - tion From her groans and trav-ail cease;
2. Earth can yet but read the sto - ry Of his cross and dy - ing pain;_
3. Long thine ex - iles have been pin - ing, Far from rest and home and thee;
4. With this bless - cd hope be - fore us, Let no harp re - main un - strung;

Let the glo - rious proc-Ia - rna - tion Hope re - store and faith in - crease.
r But shall soon be - hold his glo - ry;
But in heav'n -ly yes - ture shin-ing,
For he com - eth now
Soon they shall thy glo -
to reign.
ry see.
Let the might - y ran-somed cho-rus

~~~~ti@~~~~ - >:I
On - ward roll from tongue to tongue.

I "

It) I . I I 101

i ""

Christ is
~-' 1:- ~ -,.
come! Christ is come! Christ, the bless - ed Prince of peace.
=- ~' ~ ~


~: - - iRr' i ~
Christ is come! Christ is come! Christ, the bless - ed Prince of peace.
~ f,,""", "
+- ~ t:: -.~

@1~%J : S If ~ Ii I F EEl)
Copyright, 1905, by Jessie G. Herr. 21

28 Loud Hosannas to Jehovah

Adapted from HANnEL. Alt. 64, 90

~i p=Jro
j iii mf-+--m j m
I. Christ, once laid the sure foun- da- tion, Now is made the cor- ner-stone,
2. Zi - on, that de - vot - ed cit - y, Dear - ly loved of God on high,
3. In thy tern - plf!, where we bless thee, Grant us grace to stand each day;
- . ~ I t'

~f ~ t&1f+f ~ ft1~q

Chos - en of the Lord, and pre-ciou5, Bind-ing all the Church in one,
In ex - ult - ant ju - bi - la - tion Pours our heart-felt mel - 0 - dy,
In the shad-ow of thy strong hand Keep thy saints from harm, we pray,

II. f f ~ ~ Iff f ~ I ~ H am r ~ r
I~ LaW nt-4 Ii: ; i ijli IiJ I
I Ho - ly Zi - on's help for ev - er,
God's high prais-es bold - ly sing - ing
And her con - fi - dence a - lone.
On the land and on the sea.
And in per - feet peace sus - tain them While their minds on thee they stay.



Loud ho - san - nas to Je - ho - yah, In the name of Je - sus sing!

29 The Prospt,,,,t

~t: /J'. it~ ~tt1tttlf~frttt=-1

I. Come. all ye saints, to Pisgah's mountain, Come. viewoUI home beyond the tide:
2. ThencQspringsof life will e'er be flow-ing, Rob -ing the earth in liv - ing green,
3. Faith now be-holds sal-va-tion's riv - er, Glid-ing from un-der-neath the throne,
- =---II ~ ~


~ {"
Mil - len-nial Ca-naan is be - fore us, Soon we'll sing on the oth - er side.
Vis - ions of beau-ty rise be - fore us When the King and thesaiats shaH reig!1_
Bear - ing its life to who - so - ev - er Will re - turn to his Fa-ther's home.
~~ -- +=-
- -6-

,,~ "
I -../ II V ~-
t O! there see the "white throne of glo-ry," And crowns which the saints then shall gain,
Soon our conflicts and toils will be end -ed; W c'lI be tried and tempted no more,
They will walk 'mid the trees by the rivers, With the friends they have loved by their side;
'3' +" -6~' r- '--fI-~~ ~~
CHO.-0! the prospect! it is so trans-port-ing, Reap-ers, has-ten the gath'ring, we pray;
~ i' " ~ D.S. for Chorus

'@iii}lf F: i r j~ tIJttI~~~
..!;. \I 'iI ~-" 77'
And all who shalllove Christ's ap-pear-ing Shall be blessed by his glo-ri-ous reign.
And man-kind of all a-ges and na-tions Shall be blessed in that tri-umph-ant hour.
They will sing the glad songs of sal-va-tion, And be read - y to fol-low their guide
.- +J-0+
: \I
~ ~:ftgJI V
We re-joice in the glo-rythat'spromised, And the dawn of mil-Ien-ni - al day.
Christ's Resurrection

w; ~ IU
ALETTA. 7. Alt. ,32

j ItfHJT+t* IJ j l(Ji1
I. Christ, the Lord, is ris'n to - day, Sons of men and an - gels say;
~ 2.Love's re - deem - ing work is done; Fought the bat - tie; vic - t'ry won:
3. Vain the watch, the seal, the .stone; Christ as con - quer - or is known;
4- Lives a - gain our glo - rious King; o Death, is now thy sting?
J'"'" J -6-

Raise your joys and tri - umphs high; Sing, ye heav'ns-and earth, re - ply.
Lo! he's ris - en con - quer - or, And shall sink in death no more.
Death in vain for - bids his rise; Soon he'll 0 - pen par - a - dise.
Once he died man-kind to save; Where's thy vic - t'ry, boast - ing Grave?

-~ t ~ ~ J J.--L1 t ~1 t3: .
-Po t
IT f IF t 1 f I

r' Ft ~ IF FIf pEn

31 Renewed Devotedness
NEW YEAR'S HYMN. 10. 5. 11.

I. Come, let us a - new our jour-ney pur-sue, Roll round with the year, And nev - er stand
2. Our life, as a dream, our time, as a stream Glide swiftly a - way, And the fug-i-tive
3. O! at close of our day may each of us say, "Ihavefoughtmywaythro'; Ihavefin-ished the

Renewed Devotedness-Concluded

~ i i rrqlp ISli ~ ,Id t!li ~ ilJ J

still till the Mas~ter ap ~ pear. His a~ dor ~ a ~ ble will let us glad ~ ly ful ~ fil,
mo~ments we would not de~lay. Haste, haste ye a -long, dark mo~ments be gone,

work thou didst give me to do! "0 I that each from his Lord m~ re~ceive the glad woW,

~ F ~ ~ I~ F ~ Ir Wi IF f Elf
~e Ir r nEg

~'I~ ~ i IJ It:1zrZ ~ PJtftrl~ ~ j 1d20

And our tal~ents im~prove, By the pa-tience of hope, and the la - bor of love.
For the ju - hi - lee year Rush-es on to our view, and its dawn is now here.
"Well and faith-ful-Iy done! En - ter in - to my joy, and sit down on my throne!"

32 The Privilege of Prayer

HORTON. 7. Alt. 19, 30, ISO

_11M I.Come,
my soul, thy
... I I r I
suit pre-pare; Fa - ther loves to an - swer prayer.
r 2.Thou
g. Lord,
art com - ing
I bring my
to a King; Large pe - ti - tions with thee bring;
bur - dens all, On thy name in faith I call;
4. Ere I call, the an - swer comes, Bring-ing peace 'mid earth's a - larms,
~ 0 ~
r 1t141h~ ~ I~ ~ If ~~Jj ~-~r e I r ~J

He him - self has bid thee pray, There-fore will not say thee Day.
For his ~race and pow'r are such, None can ev - er ask too much.
Trust-ing m r
the blood once spilt For re - lease from all my guilt.
God my in - most thought doth read; Yes, his grace is all I need.
~ ~ 1'- ...:~ ~ ).!:
. I
Full Salvation

--ti] F
I. Come, sing the gos-pel's joy-ful sound, Sal - va - tion full and free; Pro-claim to
2. Ye mourn-ful souls, a -loud re - joice; Ye blind, your Sav-iour see! Ye pris-'ners,
3. With rap-ture swell the song a - gain, Of Je - sus' dy - ing love; 'Tis peace on
'-{I-'" '_1'- .~. --- -. --- -. ~_ 1'- ,

I I 1 I I I

I@ ~ ~ I: Ptttt~
all the world a-round, The year of ju - bi - lee!
F td I~ Ij IF F F IF ,I
sing with thankful voice, The Lord will make you free! Sal- va - tion, sal- va- tion,
. -earth,good will to men, And praise to God a - bove!

~- ..-- ....

-6'- ___"-(9-

=d3~fm ~
--- --- m:- r $ll1
The grace of God doth bring; Sal- va- tion, sal- va-tion, Thro' Christ our Lord and King.
1 "

34- Come, Sound His Praise Abroad

ISAAC SMITH. 1770. Alt. 106, 220

. J7P!tEti{:J I~ I J 1
,-r- -9-' " I I "" ..
I. C-ome, sound his praise a - broad, And hymns of gl<,"" -"iy sing; Je-
2. He formed the deeps un-known, He gave the SIl!lS their bound; The
3. Come, wor - ship at" his throne, Come, bow be - fore the Lord:" We
4 To 1-
da~ a~ - t~d hi~ voice, Nor !re pro - I hi~ Vl!i .J ro~ Come,

@j~r r r If g If EfJP FIf r= tpttFd

Come, Sound His Praise Abroad-Concluded

ho - yah is the SOy - 'reign God, The u ni - ver - sal King.

wa - t'ry worlds are all his own, And all..... the sol - hl ground.
are his works and not our He fonned us by his word.
like the peo - pIe of And own. your gra-cious God.
-6)- . .-
-19- J ~J -II- -!9- -!9-

~d If P I.. n
35 Boundless Grace
NETTLETON. 8. 7. D. Alt. 153

$H-~ t:! !-Fl=RE=~J

~ it:.-___~._s=U E~
I I ,
Come, thou fount of ev - 'ry bless - ing, Tune my heart a song to raise.
:1:.{ Streams of fa - vor, nev - er ceas - ing, Call for notes of heart - felt praise.
fNot a -lone hath grace re-deemed me, Bought me with Christ's precious blood.
:Z'tSoughtme out when I, a strang- er, Wan-dered from the fold of God;
yO! to grace how great a debt - or Dai - ly I'm con-strained to be!

~"lLord, thy good-ness, like a fet - ter, Binds my grate - ful heart to thee.

00 W=r=r-pf ~ I Ki-r ~ Pf-3

~~~~~ff3t-lRV L; ; tid I V
Teach me some me - 10 - dious son-net- Grace to grat - i-tude doth move.

I. will tread th' E-po;::,' -""

But be - yond this great sal - va -tion God hath shown me won-drous grace-
Wf Rough and thom - J h it be; .

~Tr V ~ If rtiftJfq
It ~p1'lJ:i-}l1 ii, i
Praise thy grace, I glo - ry in it!
1 lip
Grace so full of match-less love.
Called me with a heav'n-ly call ing, Ev - er to be - hold his face.
In the steps of thine An - oint edj 'Tis my priv - i . lege, I see.

~% f 'IfTl ~ I~ ~ I ~ ~ IF .~
i 'I r II
36 Come, Ye Disconsolate

~3 ~1r 3 I~+-
:I,Come, ye dis - con - so - late! wher - e'er ye Ian - guish, Come to the
2. Joy of the des - 0 - late, light of the stray - ing, Hope of the
3. Here see the brel'.d of life, see wa - ters flow - ing Forth from the
, ~ ~----- ~ t9
~ .

~:t Jig ij s I -3 - Id J J I.: I

mer - cy - seat, ft>.F - vent - ly knee~; Heft> bring your wound - ed hearts;
pen - i-tent, fade - less and pure! Here speaks the Com - fort - er,
throne of God, pure from a - bcve; Come to the feast of love,

~, ~ +L ' t'
~ F" e F 1ft f I f - lWt f If" p f ~

'f ~ f"'PIH-ilOIU r a fZ ~ ~ IJ Blfd,

here tell your an - guish; Earth hath 110 sor - row that :leav'n can-not heal.
ten - der - ly say - ing, Earth hath no sor - row that heav'n can-not cure.
come, ev - er know-ing Earth hath no sor-rows butheav'n can re- m\'ve. ;
.17' to-. r~ ~ f:' '
~ r IF'~xlr f U t ~ It F:~I~-I
37 God IS Love
MANOAH. C. M. Alt.~I4.3 i

"'I~ j I? i Id- i ~ j I~ nU21

I.Come, ye that know and love the Lord, And raise your tho'ts a - hove;
2.This pre-cious truth his Word de -dares, And all his mer - cies pmve;
3. Be ~ hold his pa - tience, bear-ing long With those who from him rove;
p ~ fl- -t9- .1.0. ~ ~ ~~. -(!iI--;--..~

. ;
f i ~ I I IIIIIIl I ~
God is Love Concluded

Let ev ~ 'ry heart and voice ac - cord To sing that "God is love."
Je - sus, the gift of gifts, ap - pears To show that "God IS love."
Soon he'll in-struct earth's might-y throng, And teach them "God is love."

38 Let Praise Abound

KENTUCKY. S. M. Alt. S4. 220, 240 ..

I. Come, ye that love the Lord, And let your songs a - bound,

2. Let all . his . Chi! - dren sing Glad .songs . of praise to God,
3. The God whose plan so high Out - strips our high - est thought,

4. This lov - mg God IS ours, Our Fa - ther and our Friend;
S. Soon we shall see his face And know his match - less worth,

. .. . -
.. -'-- ..
- .... - .... - - .-- ,-'.


. . -. .
- - ----~----

. . With heart and voice in sweet <ae- ~ord; Now spread his fame a ... round.- .
- Yes, chi! - dren of the heav'n -ly King Should tell their joys a - broad
. To whom we may in prayer draw nigh, As - sured we're not for - got;
He doth em - ploy hisliea~'n-ly pow'rsToguide us . to' the end.
... And through his all - a ... .bOnnd- ing grace Show all his glo ~ ries' forth

Awake from Thy Sadness


: ....-. j

1. Daugh-ter of Zi - on! a - wake from thy sad - nessl A - wake! for thy
2.Strong were thy foes, but the arm that sub - dued them, And scat-tered their
3. Daugh-ter of Zi - on! the pow'r that hath saved thee Ex - tolled with the

~ ___ .fL -.. ___ -fI-

REF.-Daugh-ter of Zi - on!

~ J J I gg j I J. I j ~
A - wake from thy sad - ness!

zm t ~ I ~
A - wake! for thy

~ ~ ~

foes shall op - press thee no more;

Ie - gions, was might-i - er
';."' =d th, ~re1
,"'mId bo;. S,;",~o, ',!" i \ dm
Bright o'er the hills dawns the day-star of
They fled like chaff from the scourge that pur-

~q ~=f=:~ f I P711
foes shall op - pless thee no more.
f fI f
D. C. for Refrain

~"tli UtE ~I~ ~

glad - ness- A - rise! for the night of thy sor - row is o'er.
sued them: Vain were their steeds and their char - iots of war.
slaved Jee; ~ op~ess --,,~r is van - qui;;ed, and Zi - on is fr~

~ F 140 IfF f Iff f I ~ ~ ~ IF ~ H

40 Awake, Put On Thy Strength, 0 Zion
LONDON NEW Alt. 16, 22

I. Daugh-ter of Zi - on, from the dust Ex - alt thy fal - len head;
2. A - wake, a - wake, put on thy strength, Thy beau - ti - ful ar ~ ray;
3. Re - build thy walls, thy bounds en -large, And send thy her - aIds forth:
4. They come, they come: thine ex - iled bands, Where' - er they rest or roam,
5. Though God this e - viI world shall spurn And all its works de-stroy,
:e: $: :;l ~

f 1$4C F P1r-Rf+!4
-f9- -19-

1~.J4F .E ~
Awake, Put On Thy Strength, 0 Zion-Concluded

A - gain in thy Re - deem - er trust, He calls thee from M\e dead.

De - liv-'rance dawns on thee at length, The Lord's ap-point - ed day.
Say to the South-Give up thy charge, And keep not back, 0 North.
Have heard thy voice in dis - tant lands, And has - ten to their home.
With songs thy ran - somed shall re - turn, And ev - er - last - ing joy.

~ ~ Jd-p~'"' I
tt\1J r IF f f r 15 1 F15 Ir=7 F r Pf1
41 The Warfare
CAMBRIDGE. S. M. Alt. 54, 220

@'%'!] I Z rlJ pl@ I a I j ] I ~ ~ I {1J~

I. E - quip me for the war, And teach me how to fight;
2. With nev - er - flag - ging zeal, Let me pro - claim thy plan;
3. O! may I love like thee, In love de - clare thy ways,
4. And teach me, Lord, the art With wis - dom to re - move
5. Con - trol my ev - 'ry thought, My tal- ents all en - list;

My mind and heart, 0 Lord, pre - pare, And guide my words a - right.
And vin - di - cate thy gra - cious will Which of - fers life to man.
And help the blind - ed ones to see Thy truth de - clares thy praise.
The er - rors that de - ceive the heart, And truth to clear - ly prove.
And may my zeal, to judg-ment brought, Prove true be - neath thy test.

-If~r ~I~ 31
IElf ~1g&F=D
42 His Love Make Known
DUKE STREET. L. M. Alt. 21I, 215

,. :r i- I
I. E.. ter-nal Godee .. les .. tialKing, Ex - alt-ed be thy glo .. rious name;
2. My heart is fixed on i111~~, my,. God; I rest my hope on thee a - lone;
3. A .. wake, my tongue; a-wake, my lyre; , With morning's earliest dawn a - rise;
4. With those who in thy grace a-bound, To thee I'll raise my thank-ful voice;

Whilehostsinheav'n thy prais .. es sing, Let saints on thy love pro .. claim.
I'll spread thy sa .. cred truths a - broad, And to man-kind thy love make known.
To songs of my soul in - spire, hnd swell your mu .. sic to the skies.
May ev-'ry the earth -a.-round,,..and in ,- thy- name re- joice.
'r' - -- --
-. -~~., ... , , -- . - '

43 Praise to Jehovah , "

MAlly C. JEWEl:!:. Arranged by J. G. H. Alt. 42, 2I 5

~ - ,

,I. ~--
I. ter - nal
- love dl - vine Thro'-out e - ter - ni - ty will shil\.e,
2. The count-less stars that whirl thro' space, In maj - es - ty Thy glo - ry trace,
3. Thy won - ders, vis - i - ble to man, He'll the end -less a - ges scan,
, ..

all ere - a - tions which pow'r - ly bring to Jler - feet ftow'r.
1m-mense, yet sub - ject to thy Si~ 'lent they-move at thy com-mand.
And then but on the mar - gin Of mar - vels of e - ter - ni .. ty.

32 ,
Praise to Jehovah-Concluded

t1t$ i! iM 1Jj g:Jffi .fttI 14 J1fl

We praise Thee as the great First Cause, Not on - ly of all na - ture's laws
Thine arm doth reach thro' boundless space, To lav - ish bless - ings of Thy ~race;
When God, thro' Christ,re-stores man-kind To per - feet bod - y, heart anamind

.~ rIff I F ~ IE jJ5 ljl~- '_IE f If f r=t

... -- . . I

~jd~~BliW ilJU
But. al - so of each liv - ing thing, From mor - tal man to Ser - a - phim.
The treas-ures hid with - in thy pow'r Thy hand in love doth wide -ly show'r.
Thy u - ni - vers - al fam - i - ly Will ev - er - more give praise to thee.

~ ~- :~ ~

44 Sun of Righteousness
DUNDEE. C. M. Alt. 76, 193

~3 11tLM bB i I t-tEP} Ii I
I. E - ter - nal Sun . of .righ-t:- oouS.- ness, Dis - play thy beams di - vine,
2. Light in thy light, 0 may we- see, . Thy grace and mer - cy prove;
3. Lift up thy coun - te - nance se - rene, And let thy hap - py child
4. That all com - pris .c ing peace be - stow On me, thro' grace for - giv'n;

And cause the glo- ries of thy ,face Up - on our hearts to shine.
Re - vived and cheered, and blest by thee, God of a - bound - ing love.
Be - hold, with - out a cloud be - tween, The Fa - ther rec - on- dIed.
The joys of ho - li - ness be - stow, The pre - dous joys of heav'n.

45 Our Consecration Pledge
HAMBURG. L. M. Alt. 75, r67

-6- + -..:.. '-- -r-

Io E - ter-nal Lord, we would 0 - bey; Not of con-straint, but with de - light,
2. 0 sa-cred rite! by thee to own The name of Je - sus we be - gin;
5. We count our-selves as dead to sin And thus we're bur-ied with our Lord,
4. No more let sin and self - will reign 0 - ver our bod - ies, reck-oned dead;
+- -~ - ~ ~ ~~ -(2..J- ~ '"""' ~
ru r=ff IF fiJF f3~ I N If FOE ~r !;rJ
, -6-

+ -...;.: '-- 1'--6-

Thy serv-ants hith - er come to - day, To han - or thine ap - point - ed rite.

This is our con - se - cra - tion pledge, And sym-bol of our hope in him.
We plunge in - to the cleans-ing flood, And ris - ing, live hence-forth to God.
But 0 - ver-com - ing day by day, We'll grow in - to our liv - ing Head.
'"""' 1-.../ I,""", I
--. -<9- .11. +..a.. -6- -~ -<9, - .,.- --. +- _ -P-- +

46 Examine Me, 0 God
(Psalm xxvi)
TEACH ME THY WILL. 8. 5. 8. 5. Alt. 2,83

4+=~-~~ .-+-t=ttt
-. +-
r. Ex - am - ine me, and do me prove; Try heart and reins, 0 God;
I, 2. That I, with voice of thank - ful - ness, May pub-lish and de - clare,

J: + +.
jg=fii-f I j--+2f I f r I r~51
lru=-==~~~~I~=gl ~=~~~d~IJ~t-li~I@~I~J.~~]
For thy love is
And tell of all
i w;be - fore mine eyes,
m;ht -;
++- I
Thy paths of truth I've trod.
~tgreat ,.d - -";' .re.
f I F9 FJ r
fl P-iF I IT:
Examine Me, 0 God-Concluded

Mine hands in in - no - cence, 0 Lord, I'll wash and pu - ri - fyj

The hab - i - ta - tion of thy house, Lord, I have loy - ed. wellj
.... -". ~ .............. -6-'

( ( ( II II (

So to thine ho - ly al - tar go, And com - pass it will I:

Yea, in that place I do de - light Where doth thine hon - or dwell_

trH r=it ~f I I g f rtf liB


47 Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer

"1i zl~
Moderato ~
,pm ~ ::lArrang~~t. 49, 145
I ~ : I r~
Fa - ther, hear the prayer we of - fer: Not for ease that prayer shall be,
Be our Strength in hours of weak-ness, In our journ'yings be our Guide;
3. Tho' our path be bright or drear - y, Storm or sun- shine be our share;
@;~1f f1l Plr: ~flf fit Fit f IF I
~: rlpi ISl prp~l}lyptpll
But for strength, that we may ev - er Fight faith's fight cour-age-ous - ly.
Through en-deav-or, fail - ure, dan-ger, Fa - ther, be thou at our side.
May our hearts, with zeal un - wea - ry, Make thy work our cease-less prayer.

t= ~~E
@1&fttirrrf14f fir SIf ~ If f IfWJ
lIr 48 Praising and Blessing God
(Luke xxiv: 53)
I ~', ~
i:,' ~
m p _- eres.

wi J f lWJ 1$ d--P;--r-I tH ~ 1d=Jd
Fa - ther, a -' gain to thy dear name we raise With one ac - cord our
Grant us thy care, Lord, thro'earth'sgloomandnight, Turn thou for us its



~ti ~ 3M---1f~ f-F tLm-!-tk-z-94
lov - ing hymn of praise; We come to bless thee in wor - ship sin - cere,
dark - ness in - to light; From snares and dan - ger keep thy chil-dren free,

And, at heart bow - ing, wait thy Word to hear. Grant us thy peace up-
For dark and light are both a - like to thee. Grant us thy grace through-

~ cres. :u:c:
!~ddI~_1Q ~ ;IH la ~
IIIII on our heav'n-ward way;
out our earth-Iy life,
With thee be - gins, with thee doth end each day;
Our balm in sor - row, and our stay in strife;


I 'I
Praising and Blessing God-Concluded

Bless thou our lips, with love our hearts in - flame,
Then, when our wit ness - ing on earth shall cease,


N That
I ~ ~ IU
I, i
- on
- ter
- nal

~f F F IF fbf H==t ~:zu

49 Thy Will Be Done
RESIGNATION. 8. 7. Alt. 145

fbi, I.
~+I ~ a~ ~ IN Lttd fj
I -./
Fa - ther, while our eyes are weep - ing O'er the spoils
- I
that death has won,
2. Though cast down, we're not for-sak-en; Though af-flict - ed, not a - lone:
3. Though to-day we're filled with mourning, Mer - cy still is on the throne;
4. By thy hands the boon was giv - en; Thou hast tak - en but thine own;
I I ~- ~

it r j ttl1ff71 Ir r ~g
.... -#-
We would, at this sol - emn meet - ing, Calm -ly say, "Thy will be done."
Thou didst give, and thou hast tak - en; Bless- ed Lord, "Thy will be done."
With thy smiles of love re - tum - ing, We can sing, "Thy will be done."
Lord of earth, and God of heav - en, Ev - er - more, "Thy will be done."
~ I

m r t4?fQf
I -.. .IL.IL-#-

Copyright. '905. by Jessie G. Herr.

CtrF f f F If f FU
50 The Word of God
NAOMI. C. M. Alt. 44, 155

I. Fa - ther of mer - cies, in thy Word What end -less glo - ry shines!
2. 'Tis here the Sav - iour's weI - come voice Spreadsheav'nly peace a - round;
3. 01 may these heav'n-Iy pa - ges be My ev - er dear de - light;
4. Di - vin@ In struct - or, gra - claus Lord, Be thou for - ev - er near;

For - ev - er be thy name a - dared For these ce - les - tial lines.

And life, and ev - er - last - ing joys, At - tend the bliss - ful sound.
And still new beau - ties may I see, And still in - creas-ing light!
Teach me to love thy sa - cred Word, And view my Sav-iourhere.


51 Consecration

I Father, whate'er of earthly bliss 2 Give me a calm, a thankful heart

Thy sovereign will denies, From every murmur free;
Accepted at thy throne of grace, The blessings of thy grace impart,
Let this petition rise. And make me live to thee.

3 Let the sweet thought that thou art mine

My every hour attend;
Thy presence through my journey shine,
And crown my journey's end.
52 Fear Not, 0 Little Flock

~ J2lfFfl l3ldJ J J ft1J1

I -
I. Fear not, 0 lit - tie flock, the foe Who mad - ly seeks your 0 - ver-throw;
2. Be of good cheer; your cause be -longs To him who can a - vengeyourwrongs;
3. Je - hov - ah (;Qd, 0 grant our prayer; For thy name's sake thine arm make bare,

Dread not his rage and pow'r; What though your cour - age some-times faints,
Leave it to him, our Lord: Though hid - den now from hu - man eyes,
Let not base men pre - vail. A jest thine en - e - mies are grown;

His seem - ing tri - umph o'er (;Qd's saints Lasts but a lit - tie hour.
Faith sees the Gid - "eon who shall rise To ac - com - plish all (;Qd's Word.
Thou art with us, we are thine own; Our vic - t'ry can - not fail.

-53 Fill Thou My Life, 0 Lord
HAYDN H. BONAIl. Alt. 37, 313

~d 1d:j3 #1 g:J.ill~!
,-.:t f' d1~J] -- -- -- I -6'-

I. Fill thou my life, 0 Lord my God, In ev - 'ry part with praise,

--2. Fill ev - '1y part of me with praise; Let all my be - ing speak

That my whole be - ing may pro - claim Thy be - ing and thy ways.
Of thee and of thy love, - 0 Lord; --Poor though I be, and weak.

- 1:--.1
~ --- ~ t'~-' .
t\f IF: r i , I ' r f -I f 1t r ~ FI ~-]

'1 Not
;) J lid:
for the lip of
kJ'!4H J ij dl;J
praise a - lone; Nor e'en the prais - ing heart
shalt thou, Lord, from me, e'en me, Re - ceive the glo - ry due;

(11 (E FleMer f 1::1

54 Divine Providence
LABAN. S. M. Alt. 145, 38, 220, 240

@~~ lllu==~===m-L-F-_=-44-Lga-EiJ
1. Fling to the winds thy fears; Hope and be un - dis - mayed;
2. Through waves, and clouds, and storms, He gen - tly clears thy ;way;
3. Still heav - y is thy heart? Still sinks thy spir - it down?
4. Leave to his sov - 'reign sway To choose and to com - mand:
5. Far, far a - bove thy thought His coun - sel shall ap - pear
-fL ~_ ~_
~ -- -

~ ~--t:t--- =FEi- r-r I

~~J==+==8:J~~t-:=tt ~
~fg-=r-t=r~-C<9 #-Ff=Lf=444 4~

God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears; God shall lift up thy head.
Wait thou his time, so shall this night Soon end in joy - ous day.
Cast off the weight, let fear de - part, And ev - 'ry care be gone.
So shalt thou glad -ly own his way, How wise, how strong his hand!
When ful - ly he the work hath wrought That caused thy need-less fear.
-fL -fL :=&~ -fL 1= -. ..(.L

E l::::f f f fib~ II
55 Do All to the Glory of God
(r Cor. ro: 3r)
THE SACRED BOOK - C. WESLEY. Alt. 42, 43. 2II, 215'

I I"
Forth in thy name, 0 Lord, I go
-11- -17
My dai - ly la - bar to pur - sue,
2. The task thy wis - dam has as-signed 0 let me cheer-ful - ly ful- fil;

4 For t~e d~t - ful - lyl....... m - ploy i 2

3. Thee may I set at my right hand, Whose eyes my in - most se - crets see;
b:~teous grace hath giv'n,

~C nr~~~22tt=bh=r ~1f3

~- -17 T -6'- i -&- f l . I
on - ly thee, re-solved to know In all
think, or speak,
~ -d'
or do.
In all thy works thy pre-sence find, And prove thy good and per - feet will.
And la - bor on at thy com-mand And of - fer all my works to thee.
And run my faith - ful course with joy, And close - ly walk with thee to heav'n.
'Ii !
~ f IF f In Ig-Pf-=Ef IP-F I 41
IF !pi. f [~ I
56 Forever Thy Throne Shall Be
URBS BEATA. 7. 6. 7. 6. D. Alt. 200, 269
--= I 6J
r---' -6;-
pm I:
For - ev - er and for - ev - er . Thy throne shall be, 0
2. At thy right hand the queen stands In beau - ty's per - feet mold,
.,3, For all tHY soul's deep tray - ail Thou shalt be sat - is - fled,

, --II'---t-

~i =
-#-~ 4t@ -#- -#--_.

With eq - ui - ty thy seep - tre And love thy rul - ing rod.
Her rai - ment rich - ly broid - ered In Oph - ir's won - drous gold;

S, [
More glad than thy com - pan - ions- Not one de - sire de - nied!
~~ ==iI t .
I f~=t-~~===I
fir flf4lGA
~ i j ill
Be - cause thou hat - est e - vil
With glad - ness and re - joic - ing
M--t+Pt LtrPl
And lov'dst the right-eous way,
Her hap - py vir - gins come
The rich en - treat thy fa - vor While Ty - re brir..rrs a gift,

-"'- :~.

rP f-CF'~

1 ~
Thy <?~d with oil of glad - ness A - noint - ed thee for aye.
To Jom their queen all glo - rious With - in her heav'n - ly home.
The queen thy lov - ing help - meet The whole world to up - lift.

~Er ~I
57 Forever With the Lord
An. fro C. M. VON WEBEIL Alt. II7, 144

f*td pli: Vi -Ii

I. "For - ev - er with the Lord!"
F til~: i
A - men, so let it bet-
i i:1
2. "For - ev - er with the Lord!" Fa - ther, thy bless - ed will
3. And when our lat - est breath Shall rend the vail in twain,

IE==t==f I~: rtf ~
L ..

IQdjj~: ~ X

Pi s ~ tiM: t i 'pliii fiF Ir~

Life from the dead is in that Word, 'Tis im - mor - tal - i - ty.
We're leam-ing dai - ly through thy Word, And seek - ing to ful - ill.
Th-:m~-itof ]S;:in",,'d~<h ~ ""' """ _

@J~ f-!==t~Tfrti f liiij Pi ~

Here we are be - ing spent, As pi! - grims here we roam,

Give us the grace to keep The path our Mas - ter trod,
With thee the prom - ised throne Then ev - er - more to share,

1j r: . Lj ~~. : :t
t\% Fir I~. ~ ~ X IE r ruf' t f X

t: Plj
@i1 j = 1
I ~:l"
l'I "
6 ..
: t i Iplt: ~
Yet night-ly pitch our mov - ing tent A day's march near - er home.
Like him to be true wit - ness - es That thou a - lone art God.
We'll glad - ly make thy glo - ry known, Thy prais - es ev - 'ry - where. .

~ ~

'Forward!' Be Our Watchword
Marciale F. S. BAllNEs. Alt. 321

'For-ward!' be our watch-word, Steps and voices joined; Seek the things be-fore

2. l!:.or-ward, flock o Je - sus, Salt of all the earth, Till God's gra-cious pur-pose

3. Glo - ries up - on glo - ries
1:. .a.
Hath our God prepared, By the saints that love him

Id ~ ~ el 1t
IJ i t:tJdgtg
Not a look be - hind; Burns the fier - y pi! - lar
I' J i ftBd
At our ar - my's head;
Comes to glo - rious birth. Mourning ones crave com - fort, Blind ones grope for day;
One day to be shared: Eye hath not be - held them, Ear hath nev - er heard;
~~t::.+ ~ +.L.+ ~~

Who shall dream of shrinking By our Cap-tain led? For-ward in the serv - ice,
Shed up-on the na - tions Christ's bright kingdom ray: Forward 'gainstgross er-ror,
Nor of these hath ut-tered Thought or speech a word: Forward,march straightforward,


Through the toil and fight: Je - sus goes be - fore us, Zi - on beams with light.
Scat - ter gloom of night; For- ward thro' the dark-ness, For-ward in - to light.
In the path of light, Till the veil is lift - ed, Till our faith be sight.

59 Once for All

:_l 11a i1 tlltJ~-- ,lid t ~

~ ~ ~
Free from the law, 0
I. hap-py con - di- tion! Je-sus, our Lord,hathpurchasedAe-
2. Now we are free, there's no con-dem-na - tion; Je- sus will soon per-feet our sal-
3. Chil-dren of God, 0 glo - ri - ous call- ing! Sure-Iy his grace will keep us from

~" fI--.--. ~-fI- -~-~-fI--.

I)%g S; Sm: r . ~ ~~-. is slrr Pfl=8J
~~f l i iJ!~::Ef~L~~I";; ~ I
mission; Cursed by God's law and bruised by the fall, Grace hath redeemed us once for all.
va - tion; His kingdom soon shall rule ov-er all, Sav-ing the will-ing from the fall.

fall- ing; Pass-ing from death to life at his call, Bless-ed sal-va-tion! once for all.

.- .-..

. -+=----~ ~:?-.. ~- ~ -.:~-t-~~
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-=~ ~~
i +=~.Et1
Lo, at his cross all bur-dens will fall, Christ hath re-deemed us once for all.
60 Praise the Lord
Alt. 42, 215

From all that dwell be -low the skies Let
I. the ere - a - tor's praise a - rise;
E - ter - nal are thy mer-des, Lord; E -
2. ter - nal truth at - tends thy Word;
3. You1' loft - y themes, ye mor-tals, bring; In songs of praise ex - ult - ing sing;
4. In ev - 'ry land be - gin the song; To ev - 'ry land the strains be-long;

,~r-Jr~ ~ a

"@Ig dl: al'!~dldmJL,

1 1'-[ -19- MlB
Let the Re - deem-er's name be sung, Thro' ev - 'ry land, by ev - 'ry tongue.
Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, From age to age for - ev - er - more.
The great sal - va - tion loud pro - claim, And ev - er praise the Sav-iour's name.
In cheer-fl:ll sounds all voi - ces raise, And fill the world with joy - ful praise.

~ ~ P ,.j'd. J 2
.~ ~J a ?-19!~
-(9- -(9-


61 The Mercy Seat

RETREAT. L. M. Alt. 215

I. From ev - 'ry storm - y wind that blows, From ev - 'ry swell- ing tide of woes,
2. There is a place where Je - sus sheds The oil of glad - ness on our heads;
3. O! whith - er could we flee for aid, When temp-ted, des - 0 -late, dis-mayed?
4. There, there on ea - gle wings we soar, And sin and sense mo -lest no more;
The Mercy Seat-Concluded

There is a calm, a sure re - treat; 'Tis found be - neath the mer - r:y - seat.
A place than all be - sides more sweet; It is the blood-bought mer - r:y - seat.
Or how would hosts of foes de - feat, Had suf-f'ring saints no mer - r:y - seat?
And heav'n comes down our soulr to greet, While glo - ry crowns the mer - cy - seat.

62 God IS Love
SARDIS BEETHOVEN. AJt. 49, 103, 145

I. God is love: his truth e'er bright-ens AJt the path in which we rove;
2. Chang-es here are bu - sy ev - er; Man de - cays and a - ges move;
3. E'en earth's hour that dark-est seem - eth Will his change-less good-ness prove;
4. He with earth - ly cares en - twin- eth Hope and com - fort from a - bove;

Joy he wakes, and woe he light - ens; God is wis - dom, God is love.
But his m~r - cy wan - eth nev - er; God is wis - dom, God is love.
Thro' the gbom his truth now stream-eth; God is wis - dom, God is love.
Now o'er earth his glo - ry shin - eth; God is wis - dom, God is love.
+2- -fIr

63 Give Praise to Jehovah
G. HEn. Alt. 66

~-~~ ~ tit
Give praise to
I. Je - ho vah! 'Tis noth - ing of thine-
2. him e'er be - fore thee; Keep self out of sight.
3. Go < forth with re - joic - ing Heaven's com-fort to strew;

~p. ~
.: ......
--. ---=V-.i-
~- -~~~
-------., _....... .

This Light that is shin - ing,

I With glo - ry di - vine.
So shalt thou shine for him With heav'n's ra - diant light.
Give thanks for each serv - ice He giv - eth to do.

~. A:
Thou hast noth - ing war - thy, Thou did'st not re - ceive
Walk e'er in His pres- ence, Give God the first place,
Give praise to Je - ho - vah; His King - dam pro - claim,
............ --
~---t--I-c------'--- L-


From God, thy ere - a - tor. To Him han - or give.

En - deav - or - ing al - ways His lead - ing to trace.
Till earth's teem- ing mill - ions Shall hon - or His Name.
64 Zion's Glorious Hope

.1+1 AUSTRIA. 8. 7. D.


~ i I ~ #$
{Glo-rious things of thee are spo - ken,
. He whose word can-not be bro - ken
I +
j W-D=t~
Alt. 90, 328

Zi - on, cit - y -of our God .
Formed thee for his own a - bode.
Built up - on this sure foun-da - tion, Zi - on shall in glo - ry rise;
2. { Men shall call thy walls Sal - va - tion, And thy gates shall be named Praise.
Then the streams of liv - ing wa - ters, Spring-ing from e - ter - nal love,
3{ Will sup - ply thy sons and daughters, And all fear of want re c move.
Who would faint while such a pros-pect Urg - es on to faith - ful- ness,
4 { Though thy pres-ent mourn-ful as - pect Seem no cause for thank - ful- ness?

. -.-.-: -.- .... -.- + .... -.- ~

I p

On the Rock of A - ges found-ed, Naught can shake thy sure re - pose;
The re-deemed of ev - 'ry na - tion Shall with joy thy glo - ry see,
Who need faint while such a riv - er Ev - er flows their thirst t' as-suage?
Look not at the things be - side thee; Those be - hind thee have no worth:

With Sal - va - tion's walls sur-round - ed, Thou shalt tri-umph o'er thy foes.
And find rest from trib - u - la - tion, Hope and life and peace in thee.
Grace, which, like the Lord, the giv - er, Nev - er fails from age to age.
Let the glo - rious hope be - fore thee Fill thy heart with rap-turous mirth.
.. .~

U r ,H f f If JF;"'r f to 49
_ 65 Worthy, the Lambf
NEW HAVEN. 6. 4. (First Tune)

I. Glo - ry to God on high! Let heav'n and earth reply,"Praiseye his name !" His love and
2. While the blest heav'nly throng Gratefully join in song, Prais-ing his name- Ye who have
~ 3. Join, all yeransomed race, Make earth a ho -ly place, Prais-ing his name. In him let
4. Soon shall all sorrow cease; Forlol thePrinceofPeaceCom-eth to reign; To him our
~. ... ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ J'

grace a-dore, Who all our sorrows bore; Sing loud for-ev-er-more, "Worthy the Lamb !"
felt his blood Sealing your peace with God, Sound his dear name abroad, "Worthy the Lamb I"
all rejoice, Singing with heart and voice-Christ is our blessed choice,"Worthy our King!"
songs we bring; Hail him our gracious King; We'll thrn' all ages sing, "Worthy the Lamb I"

ITALIAN HYMN (Second Tune)

I. Glo - ry to God on high! Letheav'n and earth re - ply, "Prais~ ye his name!"

~ e t fif] f IF *1 r f fA-mE ~t ~ r 1& J

ItM i iltf~1 i i ~I{ f~1 ~ i '~i ~ Igill
His love and grace adore,Who all oursor rows bore; Sing loud forevermore, "Worthy the Lamb!"
:e. ...
~ ~ ~ ~. === ~ ~ ~~ !:
~ f r rIr.h r I r f rIf ~ rI r r rIttW+f lEiD
.L ..fI- ...

66 Go, Bury Thy Sorrow
Alt. 63

I .. ~l
. ......J i t
I. Go, bur - y thy sor - row, The world has its share;
2. Go, pray to Je - ho - vah, He know - eth thy - goef;
3. Hearts grow - ing a-wea-ry With heav - i - er woe,

," k"

J. I~.
Go, bur - y it deep - ly, Go, hide it with care;
Go to him thro' Je - sus, He'll send thee re - lief;
Now droop 'mid the dark - ness- Go, com - fort them, gol

fi O:EIS :1
Go, think of it calm - ly, When cur - tained by night;
Go, gath - er the sun - shiOe He sheds on thy way;
Go, bur - y thy sor - rows, Let oth - ers be blest;

~ rit.

~=9t~ E.I ~
it with Je- ho - vah, And
t:J: II
all will be right.
He'll light - en thy bur - den, Go, wea - ry one, pray.
Go, give them the sun - shine; With God leave the rest

67 God Be With You

'~Hf= ~ vtif:=iI 'I~',..

... =FR=FI=. LUJ-ftltt=iJ
I. God be with you till we meet a - gain; By his counsels guide, up-hold you,
2. God be with you till we meet a - gain; 'Neath his wings securely hide you,
3. God be with you till we meet a - gain; When life's perils thick confound you;
4. God be with you till we meet a - gain; ~eep,:v~b~n;fi;-:;~rertou;

~t=r:' p t 5 tiM i f:t Ie ~ ~ e#1f f :tl

~ ~ ~

~*I~ i 4P /=Jfi=T=---P
With His sheep se-cure-Iy fold you, God be with -we meet a - gain!
Dai -ly man-nastillpro-videyou; God be with you till we meet a-gain.
Put His arms un- fail-ing round you; God be with you till we meet a - gain.
Smite death 's threat'ningwavebefore you; God be with you till we meet a - gain.
.... ...... "'J~.pL ~ t: I
~ FO k ~~ fW P P E~ ~ It ~ fI
CHORUS --- I ---. ~ l'I

_ ~tff2-4444~9-acrc- =1-1:


+==-b, ~ - ~ .. ; J ---'~==l
3+J ~~-.- ~F= =
~ -~ . 1_ ::l
meet at Je - sus' feet; Till we meet! .......
~. ~..If-
1--1 I11II"I
till we meet! Till we meet!

~~=t-;=~f====F=tr--=E- _ _==-=I:::::=: I~ ~ ~ b- l
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Till we meet! God be with you till we meet a - gain!
Till we meet a - gain!
.fl-.' .t:. ~ _.fl- ~ ~ .L . I I
I~~:~ti~'~.~~-=r~ $~ ~~==~:idl
.' ;,:; ':.t -v---v~~~::=::t:-========:H
68 Fidelity
JESSIE G. Ib::u.. Alt. 32t


I. God has now com - mand - ed,

2. With the king-dom mes - sage,
That there shall be
go forth to
+ light,
3. Set a - part for serv - ice, Lord, we pledge to Thee,
t ~I
ttt- t r
-&- -.-. :

F F F~ fd ~ Et~

Break - ing through the shad - ows Of earth's age - long night.
Com - fort for the mourn - ers, Hope for e'en their dead.
In the name of Je sus, Our fi del - - ty.
Jf~~ j
F f? r r f
. I I
From His ho - Iy tern - pIe Light - n:ngs flash and shine,
All our strength to wit ness Comes from God a - lone.
We, Thy cho - sen peo pIe, Will with joy pro - claim

That we may be guid ed By the light di - vine.

He makes our com - mis sion To us clear - Iy known.
Glo - ry, praise and hon or, To thy ho - Iy name.
.II- JI- .p..

.--f--- - .,.

69 The Sweet By and By

t. God has promised agIo - ri - ous day, And by faith we now see it draw near;
There the dead shall a-rise from the tomb, And the liv - ing to health be re- stored;
3. And a high-way shall there be cast up, And the stones shall be all gathered out;
4. There noth-ing shall hurt nor of-fend, In God's kingdom of glo - ry and peace;

5. There God'shandshallall tears wipe away; He'll the joy of his fa - vor re - store;

~ ~ ! ~ fl ~
--+- prd~ ~d~

.t~ 77 ",-

Our Re-deem- er has o-pened the way, And soon will its glo - ry ap - pear.
And a - way from all sor-row and gloom, They'll be led by the life - giv- ing Lord.
And cr - rors no weak ones shall trip, And no Ii - ons of vice stalk a - bout.
The wick - ed their ways shall a-mend, And the righteous their joys shall in-crease.
And the light of that glo - ri - ous day Will bring life, joy and peace ev-er-more.


@ti tjl~
In the sweet by and by, We shall meet to be parted no more;

I: jFf~~4$F--==l=i~~~=t=l-~;j
. .... _,,-:rr-"'--'--'-- ;do

In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on e-ter-ni-ty's shore.

hIFiH~~ 54
70 God Is My Sure Salvation
, GEntAN MELODY. Alt. 86, 2M 269

~ ~nnlJ ~n@.
i -.-. -.- i i ... i ... _
I. God is my sure sal - va - tion, He is be - come my song.

2. Place on the Lord re - li - ance; My soul, with cour - age wait;

r.; +, +
~ F f ~
f' Lr ~==r ~ ~ ~ =r-=F~1

He is my rock and for - tress, I'll love him true and strong.
His truth be thine af - fi - ance, When faint and des - 0 - late.

~~ -~. -.. -lL

-~-ffi F~
Though hosts en - camp a - round me, Firm to the fight I stand;
His joy thine heart shall strength-en, His acts thy faith in - crease;

----.L~ ~ -.-... f: t
Pf r f 11 F4

) ~ t]tt[--r31

"'I~ What ter - ror can con - found me,

Mer - cy thy days shall length - en;
With God at
He'll keep in
my right hand?
per - fect peace.

~. ~ ~ ~ ~ .-t0t -ll~:
F~ f-9ti EITf~-.r W]

t% F 1 C1
- 71 God Is the Refuge of His Saints

t---,l- -d"
I.God is the ref - uge of his saints, When storms of sharp dis-tress in - vade;
)' 2. There is a'stream, whose gen-tle flow Sup-plies the cit -y of our God
' 3. That sa-cred stream, thy hO, -ly Word, Our grief aI-lays, our fear can - troIs;
4. Zi - on en - joys her Monarch's love, Se - cure a - gainst the threat'ning hour,

rbP ~
'~I -L. ' ~ ~
\ ~#fff~fi r r~
~ ~


"I ..../ 1 '-I -G-

Ere we. can of - fer our com-plaints, Be-hold him pres - ent with his aid.
With peace and joy and bless-jng now, E'en in our nar - row tri - al road.
Sweet peace thy prom-is - es af - ford, And give new strength to faint-ing souls.
Nor can her firm foun-da - tion move, 'Tis Christ the Lord, armed with all pow'r.

=~=rE 1 r:. 1____ 1 ..- i i .L-:' ~ -G-

~#.tfiTr~ I~'-I[Q~J-~~~U
I --r...' I

72 Wondrous Love

~ j-it=~ Jt-=!iL~
~$=-.~ ~ =h: [I :d:=:.b
~ 1

=-= -.- -,=.-~

-,1--.- --- - ---- I ~ I I
I. God loved the world of sin-ners lost, And ru-ined by the fall; Sal- va-tion full at
2. E'en now by faith _I claim him mine,The ric; - en Son of God; Re-demption by his
3. Love brings the glorious fulness in, And to bis sain t5 makes known The blessed rest from
4. Be - liev-ing souls, re-joic - ing go; There shall to you be giv'n A glorious foretaste
5. Of vic-t'ry now o'er Sa-tan's pow'r, Let all the ran-somed sing, And triumph now in
-.-. -. -.~ L
-t:-~-,= - -1:-1-
. -.--~ t=- -" iL+~
-G-. . .....

~. f: i 1n". f r::fG=Q I LijJD t3d

Used by permission.
Wondrous Love-Concluded

~ tJ n 1U
high - est cost,
death I find,
~: i'fjljJ~l
He of - fers free to aU.
And cleansing through his blood. ,
in - bred sin, Thro' faith in Christ a-lone. 01 'twas love, 'twas wondrouslo~, The
e - yen now, The peace and joy of heav'n;
ev - 'ry hour, Thro' Christ, the Lord, our King.

~f.:~ t ~ ~

~>t j 0 i ffiH iliditlli F jl j 13 i i: tytD

' 1 ~b~~ !.viour f 5 : :0ve To die on Cal-va, - ry.

love of Go

ttH f+tlilf-tEiftr1I4~JfJlrll
73 He Will Make It Plain
ARLINGTON. C. M. Alt. 155, ;282

~.~: l i .J Ij:14k1 gl~Z. 4~~-

1. God moves in a mys - te - rious way, His won - ders to per - form;
2. Deep in un - fath - om - a - ble mines Of nev - er - fail - ing skill,
3. Ye fear - ful saints, fresh cour-age take; The clouds ye so much dread
4. Judge not the Lord by fee - ble sense, But trust him for his grace;
6. Blind : ~ b~ l~ ~ sure to err 1-
His pur-pos - es will rip - en. fast, Un - fold - ing ev -'ry
sc;:, ~t;ki~

,~? f f' 0 F If
1 I t rc I t~_
,dli ~AOO up.- ~.
He plants his foot - ,the sea, And rides on the -stol'llir,~-:';
He treas - ures up his bright de-signs, And works his SOY - 'teigri'will. ' -:~
Are big with mer - cy and shall break In bless - ings on your hE:a.Q..
Be - hind a frown - ing prov - i - dence He hides a smil - ing, f~e, "
The bud may have a bit -' ter taste, But sweet will be the :Bow',. .'
;"d !. hi.:.-~ m~ te: p<et. , A~ he .:~ ;~Pla;". .....
~~'I r~e=r~7-tbd=i==f=tf-tf=P4-f I :-1;'
74 God of Mercy, God of Grace
DAY STAR. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. Mter HAYDN. Alt. 243

_ dItm @1::HEd IWrlg~

I. God of mer - cy, God of grace, Show the bright - ness of thy face:
2. Let the peo - pIe praise thee Lord; Be by all that live a - dored;
3. Let the peo - pIe praise thee, Lord; Earth shall then her fruits af-ford;
2:: -P-6I-- .-- -6)- :eL2.. :e..t2...

Shine on us, Je - ho - vah, shine; Fill thy Church with light di - vine;
Let the na - tions shout and sing Glo - ry to Je - ho - vah King;
God through Christ his bless - ing give, Man to God de - vot - ed live;

II ~ dl; pi:; ft:'-;il~l

And thy sav - ing health ex - tend Un - to earth's re - mot - est end.
At thy feet their trib - ute pay And thy ho - ly will 0 - bey.
All be - low, and all a - bove, One in joy and light and love.
I,... -6-

75 God of My Life
Alt.45, 16 7

~i 1 aI 3 J I tH liijlJ ~ I L ~
I.God of my life, through all my days My grate - ful pow'rs shall
2.Were half the breath that's vain - ly spent To heav - en in sup -
3. Yes, done for me; Lord, I con - fess Thy wis - dom and thy
..(2.. -I'--I'-~ -I'- -I'- ....

God of My Life-Concluded

~b-JJd ~ Iii trf+gttpSj ~I j Z i J

sound thy praise; The song shall wake with ope - ning light, And war - ble
ca - tion sent, Our cheer - ful song would oft - 'ner be, "Hear what the
right - eous- ness; And all my days shall there - fore be, Of praise _a
-f2.. .fL ~- -~ -f2.. ~

=1=....:; I .-
,,-or _.
to the
"-w " '"'
si - lent night, And war- ble to the si - lent nitht.
. -f'-."
Lord hath done for me, Hear what the Lord hath done for me."
trib - ute, Lord, to thee, Of praise a trib - ute, Lord, to thee.
~-:.... II ~
~~. ".."'.
'= """f- -!"- '"'=
76 Discipline


~J nlillP--g;J~ Z I~ i iij i Id II
Frail shrink-ing na - ture cries," E-nough!" Yet proves the Lord is good.
The Sculp - tor seeks their per - feet - ness, And trims them more and more-
Sym - met - ric, pol - ished, beau - ti - ful, To stand th' e-ter - nal years.
If God but still my por - tion is, Be such ex - per - ience mine.
Thy judg-ments, Lord, are true and right, And bright - er ev .'ry day.

. .-
..--. 1 1.--

77 God's Tender Mercies

~ _'I;if'
~ I.
n11+: ptlW-l--:tlil1h-rP
G:9d' kind and ten - dermer- des Are pOUIed out ov - er all (ov-er all).
:a.. Thegreafheart of Je - ho - - yah - In- clines t'ward all who fear (all who fear),
3. We praisethee for the good - ness In allthydeal-ingsshown(dealingsshown),
-+--~ 1'1 1'1
- j

",'I_JIml - . -.-. -'-0::: I I -.- -C--C-

Up - on the just and un - just He mak - eth rain to fall (rain to fall).
Who hope in his rich mer-cy, And would thro' Christ draw near(would draw near).

For all the truth and prom - ise Thou hast to us made known (hast made known).

'r=PP1f~~~ i IEi1
-_. To those who sit in dark - ness
-His ih - fi - nite com - pas - sion
Firm as the Rock of A - ges,
And shad - ow of death's night,
Sets all the pris - 'ners free.
Thy prom - ise stands se - cure.

God's Tender Mercies-Concluded

'{liU SJ ~I~: j 1~/1i1 if 11tfFFD

~ I'f-,

"A - rise, come forth!" he cri - eth, "And Christ will give you light (give you light)."

We praise thy Name! for mer - cy, Great God, is found in thee (found in thee).
Thy bO~-less love and mer - cy For - evp S::ll dure s::;:;ure).-

I~ SIF Tn f FI~ It e E" t 19u:u \101 II

78 Joyful Service

~i i: .4
"~-+' ~.

f: ( f: Il.
All our gifts and
Loy- al hearts and
Giv - ing forth the

tal - ents to his work We bring; Though but small our serv-ice, yet there-
faith - ful, heed his gra - dous call! Sa - cred the com - mis - sion we've re-
mes - sage un - to those we meet; For this won-drous fa - vor to lhis

~: g :, $: ~ f:jg
#J by
~. ~ 1:1zt/f:ip:1151
we prove Our heart's full de - vo - tion, and show forth our love.
teived from Heav'n. Yea, to us rich bless-ings thto' the work are giv'n.
saints be - low, Grant-ing them such serv - ice, our high prais ~ es flow.

79 Divine Grace
LABAN. S. M. Alt. Il7, 144

I. 'tis a charm - ing sound, Har - mo - nious to the ear;
2. Grace first con - trived a way To save the fall - en man;
3. Grace taught my roy - ing feet To tread the heav'n - ly road;
4. Grace' all the work shall crown Through ev - er - last - ing days;
...- + -fl- + -fl- t:
~ ~4

Hi1f1flFfffF$@ I ~

tki1i--14 ts
Heav'n with the ech - 0 shall
~ t-M ~ ~ I B
re - sound, And all the earth shall hear.
And all the steps that grace dis - play, Which drew the won-drous plan.
And new sup-plies each hour I meet, While press - ing on to God.
It lays in heav'n the top - most stone, And well de-serves our praise.
Irttf41 i r. ~

I ~

80 Great God, How Infinite Art Thou

i:U ~~ .. ~ zions;eder. Alt...37~
~l#=g;pgi' ~ f lj2it 1 Ij2Q l ~ ljiH
Great God, how in - :Ii - nite art thou! How frail and help-less we!
Our lives through various scenes are drawn, And vexed with tri - fling cares;

.J- + + +....:..--+
Let all . the new ere - a - tion bow And pay their praise to thee.
While thine e - ter - nal plan moves on, Thine un - dis-turbed af - fairs.
Great God, How Infinite Art Thou-Concluded

II' tt i J II~ f' I tltzS

Thy throne e - ter - nal a - ges stood, Ere seas or stars were made;
Great God, how in - fi - nite art thou! We stay our minds on th.!e!
WfFM tIE ~ ~ I pH f fl@
l tf,H
S &14!j0
Thou art the ev - er - liv - ing God, Were all the na - tions dead.
Let the whole race of crea - tures how, And pay their praise to thee.
~- :t- ----
ISll/ C IF
tf ~ 1M F qIrf t c I@
81 Rest in God
HEBRON. L. M. Alt. 71,87

~Iin JIH d I~IH d ;JI~

I. God, in - dulge my hum-hIe claim; Be thou my hope, my joy, my rest;
2. great and good, thou just and wise, Thou art my Fa - ther and my God;
3. E'en life it - self, with - out thy love, No last - ing pleas-ure can af - ford;
4. I'll lift my hands, I'll raise my voice, While I have breath to pray or praise:

F HFF H FIPtf dPIf r ~ I


f7 I ~ t;j td s d I ~ I 0 LR IH tD
The glo - ries that com - pose thy name Stand all en - gaged to make me blest.
And I am thine by sa - cred ties, Thy son, thy serv-ant bought with blood.
Yes, 'twould a tire - some bur-den prove, If I were ban-ished from thee, Lord.
Thy work shall make my heart re - joice, And fill the rem - nant of my days.

wr I H ~ FI HEHIh F FIU fIl 6"

82 Harvest Time
WAREHAM. L. M. Alt. 102, 268

~m SltuB 13Ig@lpjltiJI;t1
I. Great Hus-band-man, at thy com-mand, Saints sowed thy seed with lib-'ral hand-
2. On through the sad and wea - IY years They sowed the precious seed with tears,
3. No lo~g - er saints in sor - row go, In tears and sad - ness forth-to SQW:
4. Now doth the joy - fu! reap - er come Bear - ing his sheaves in tri-umph home;

~ ~... ~ -!L~..

~'2r IF pip ~ lEn IF If pf E:t F1f$tEJ

-.. -!L..

" J18 I~Id I -...II tJbIDd 1= Ita = It'J ffllutn

And, mind - ful of thy heav'n -ly call, On - ward they went, for - sak - ing all.
And stayed their hearts in faith sub-lime With- prospects of the har - vest time.
For he who bade them sow _and weep Hath called them now in joy to reap.
The voice long sad-dened now doth sing, And loud their songs of tri - umph ring.
J -J.~I (-I I I r: ."
@>f f IFiff 1;-'lIEJII IElk SrfPltfflJjJ
83 The Saviour Comes

. I.Greet the glad news I the Loi-dhas come, The Sav - iour prom-ised long;
-2.He comes,the"Sun of Right-eous-ness," To roll earth'scloudsa-way,
3. He comes the pris - 'ner to re - lease, In Sa - tan's bond - age held;
4. Our glad _ ho - san - nas, Prince of Peace, Thy wei - come sliall pro - claim,

gqIf~f4f3 F19 .ftrtf. If . ftfUJp

The Saviour Comes-Concluded

lem__il~~I~~~ nt.'bnu .../ .

I r~=-
Let ev - 'ry heart pre - pare a throne, And ev - 'ry voice a song.
And make its des - ert wi! - der - ness Bloom in e - ter - .ooIlal day.
The gates of death be - fore him burst, Sin's bind - ing fet - ters yield.
And heav'n's e - ter - nal arch - es ring With thy be - loy - ed name .
.....h .. J.
~~~~~~~~.J ~

84 Guide Me
CAERSALEM. Welsh Hymn Melody. Alt. 213, 161

~. ~9J4jt44 J P ~
1. Guide me, 0 thou great Je - ho - yah, . Pil- grim through this bar - ren land;
2. 0 -pen now the crys - tal foun-tain, Whence the heal-ing streams do flow;
3. As I near the time of trou - ble, Bid my faith in thee in - crease;
. r I - d 1.--:,l l--:,l I
I@ftrr f fir Air r IF; F;fIl: ~ ;;)

II g.,J fM--1U$JJ J ~ pti

I am weak, but thou art might-y; Hold me with thy pow'r-ful hand.
Let the fier - y, cloud - y pil - lar Lead me all my jour - ney through.
While the thou-sands round are fall - ing, Keep me, keep in per - feet peace.
+L "1- .d 1.:J- 1.:J-.d +L

Breadofheaven,Breadofheaven,Breadofheaven,FeedmetillI want no more.

Strong Deliv'rer, Strong Deliv'rer, Strong Deliv'rer,Be thou still my strength and shield.
RefUg::~r~!~i~~SS!Refu~;tre~Thouha:et ~101-:1 m~

g r r-tfIFrff=t@ Frtff IFf Efl ~-J2tf:tu 65

85 Hail to the Brightness
Alt. 302

I. Hail to the bright-ness of Zi - on's glad mom - ing! Joy to the

2. Hail, to the bright-ness of Zi - on's glad mom - ing, Long by the
3. See, in the des - ert rich :Bow - ers are spring-ing; Streams ev - er
4. See the deadris - en from land and from 0 - cean; Praise to J e-

lands that in dark - ness have lain! Hushed be the ac - cents of

prophets of Is - ra - el fore - told! Hail to the mil - lions from
co pi - ous are glid - ing along; Loud from the moun-tain - tops
o vah as-cend - ing on high; Fall'n are the en - gines of

sor-row and moum-ing! Zi - on, in tri - umph, be - gins her glad reign.
bond-age re - tum-ing! Gen- tiles and Jews the blest vi - sion be - hold.
e - choes are ring - ing, Wastes rise in ver - dure and min - gle in song.
war and com - mo - tion; Shouts of sal-va-tion are rend-ing the sky.

86 Christ's Glorious Reign
MISSIONARY HYMN. 7. 6. D. Alt. 92,260

~%H j ~ ~ILl
I. Hail to the Lord's A - noint - ed, Je - ho-vah'sbless-ed' Son!
2.He comes with suc - cor speed - y To those who suf - fer wrong;
3. To him let praise un - ceas - ing And dai - ly vows a - scend;

Hail, in the time ap - point - ed, His reign on earth be - gun!

To help the poor and need - y, And bid the weak be strong;
His king-dom, still in - creas - ing, Shall be with - out an end:

gf Iff f
I ~.
He comes to break op - pres - sian, To set the cap-tives free,
To give them songs for sigh - ing, Theirdark-ness turn to light,
The tide of time shall nev - er His cov - en - ant re - move;

To take a - way trans - gres - sion, And rule in eq - ui - ty.
Whose souls, con-demned and dy - ing, Were pre - claus in his sight.
No; it shall stand for - ev - er, A pledge that God is love.

67 .
87 Divine Wisdom

'~fIF i illg Jig IU In , ~ I .

I. Hap - py the man who learns to tIace The lead-ings of Je - ho -yah's grace;
2. Wis - domdi-vine! who tells the price Of wis-dom's cost-ly mer-chan-dise?
3. Her hands are filled with length of days, True rich - es and im - mor - tal praise;
4. Hap - py the man who wis-dom gains; Thrice hap-py who his guest re - tains;

By wis-dom com-ing from a - hove, He reads and learns that God is love.
Wis - dom to sil- ver we pre - fer, And gold is dross com-pared to her.
Her ways are ways of pleas-ant - ness, And all her paths lead un - to peace.
He owns, and shall for-ev - er own, Wis-dom and Christ are tru - ly one.

88 Around the Great White Throne


I. Hark, hark! A sound of voic - es A - round the great white throne,

2. From ev - 'ry clime and kin - dred, And na - tions from a - far,
3. Be - hold the Ho - ly Cit - y, The New Je - ru - sa - lem,
4. And there nor sun is need - ed, Nor moon to shine by night_

Around the Great White Throne-Concluded

With harp - ers harp - ing on their harps To Him who sits there..;; on;
As ser - ried ranks re - turn - ing home In tri - umph from a war.
Comes down from heav'n, a bride a - domed, With jew - elled di - a - demo
God's glo - ry doth en - light - en all: The Lamb him - self the light.
~ -fl- ~. ~ ~/L ~ ~:

"SaI - va - tion, glo - ry, hon or," o hear the song a - rise,
o hear the saints up - rais - ing, The heav'n - Iy host a - mong,
The flood of crys - tal wa - ters Flows down the gold - en street,
And there God's serv - ants serve mm. Their life - long bat - tie's o'er.

ritard . . . . . .

As through the courts of heav'n it rolls In won - drous har - mo - nies.

In praise of Him who vic - t'ry gives, Their one glad tri - umph song.
And na - tions bring their hon - ors there, And lay them at Christ's feet.

I En-throned with Christ, their Sa-viour King, They reign for - ev - er - more.

~tm ~i PI-Hi If If f ~- ~ fl
Hark I the Song of Jubilee
-= ~ =- ml,., ~ " ---;---
I 1ft18.1 t: 113
Harkl the song of Ju - bi - lee,
I t: tf I~
Loud as might-y thun-der's roar,
2. Hal - Ie - lu - Jah! Hark! the sound, From the depths un-to the skies,
I 3 He shall reign rom pole to pole, With il - lim - i - ta - ble sway;
I -=

=- t:. t: --..,)
I ~ I


I' Or the ful - ness of the sea When it breaks up - on the shore.
Wakesa-bove, be-neath, a - round, All cre - a - tion'shar-mo-nies.
I! He shall reign, when like a scroll Heav'n and earth have passed a - way.
II -fI-. ".. -po. .... ~- .... ..0-
r r- r:: 1= 1= .. -F- t:.. :t
t:.. t:. ~ .... -f2-
~ -I

Hal -Ie - lu - jah! for the Lord God om - nip - 0 - tent doth reign.
See Je - ho - yah's war - flag furled. Sheathed his sword; he speaks, 'tis done,
Then the end; be-neath his rod Man's last en - e - my shall fall:
t:. t:.. - ........- ~

Hal - Ie - lu - jah! let the word Ech - 0 round the earth and main.
And the king - dom of this world Is the king - dom of his Son.
Hal - Ie - lu - jah! Christ in God, God Christ, is All in all.

~~~~~~~g!~~~@~~~~~~ ~
90 Harp Tones

~ ~ (~.
, f f I f ~ f ~ I F I~-~~~
ijjE Ih-: ~gL' ~,=,p
Wlf" f Hil f f~IF [ EJltt ~ '-"

~~ ~ ~ ~.
, : (I t t ;I~=tll:~~I~il~
~ 1- -
--- --- '..--
_. i
I. Hark! the sounds of ac-clam - a - tion, From the harp - ers ring - ing clear,
Plain - ly writ - ten in their fore-heads, Is God'sname of match-less grace;

3. 0, the rap - ture of their mu - sic! 0, the song their harps em - nlov!

@It%t- zf, ~ e eIR IrS f ~ ~


With the Lamb they too ap - pear.

In their hearts He holds the place.
'Tis in-spired of love and joy.
-!'- t:. -!'- -----.

~ d """":hd ~ ,. . ~ :-J---l
l' I,...
. : 11::~ffi ~= I i: 11~i ; !~Iii~
Un - to God they give the hon - or, As their hands in song they raise.
0, the mar - vel to be reck-oned With-out fault be-fore His throne,
0, thouKing of saints, we praise thee! "All the earth shall sing to thee"

,. ~d If f lit ef$ e% 01
~ rit, S -.,
~ptiE'F' e ~ elr ~ If flrl r r~
Un - toHim all praisetheyren - der, For the light his truth con - veys.
Due to hoI - i-ness of mo-tive, AndChrist'sbloodwhichdotha-tone.
Whenherear ~ tuned to lis - ten To Heav'n's ha!pof mel - 0 - dy.

~l~I~-w!F~ 71
91 Jesus Is There
VIGILIUS. 6. 4. 6. Alt. 3IS

I. Haste, my dull soul, a - rise, Shake off thy care; Press for the
2. Souls, for the mar - riage feast Robe and pre - pare- Ho -
ly must
3. Kings for the prom-ised throne, Crowns we shall wear; Christ reigns, but
4. Wher - e'er on earth ye dwell, Watch un - to prayer; Bold -Iy God's

prom - ised prize, Might - y in prayer. Je - sus has gone be - fore,

be such guests; Je - sus is there! Saints, wear your vic - t'ry palms,
not a - lone-We soon shall share. 0 ye de - spised ones, come;
prais - es swell, His name de. - clare. Out from his tern - pie true

Count all thy suff'rings o'er; He all thy bur-dens bore; Je - sus is there.
Chant your ce - les-tial psalms, Bride of the Lamb, thy charms O! seek, to wear.
Pil- grims no more we'll roam: Sweet-ly we'll rest at home; Je - sus is there.
Flash light-nings on our view, Bright'ning truths old and new; Je - sus is there.

Copyright, 19"5, by Jessie G. Herr.

. 72
92 . Onward!

I. Haste to the task ap - point - edt 'Tis work your God did choose:"
2. As one, let's raise the stand - ard! Be - liev - ing God will bless;
3. It is re - quired of sold - iers, That they shall loy - al be.

As con - se - cra - ted chi! - dren, Ye have no time to lose;

For 'tis u - ni - ted pur - pose, That meets with sure suc - cess.
The called and cho - sen war - riors Till death must faith-ful be.

Quick! Buck - Ie on the ar - mor, And grasp faith's might-y shield;

Oh, come, let us to - geth - er Ex - alt God's ho - Iy name,
Then let our cry be, 'On - ward!' Our Cap - tain we'll 0 - bey,


The depth of love's de - vo - tion Is test - ,ed on the field.

Till all the hosts of Sa - tan Are put to o - pen shame.
Till vic-to-ry at - tained is, And truth has won the day.
1'2--1'- -I'- ~- -I'- ....


93 Preciolls Promises
, Hebrew Chanuccah. Alt. 64, 90

-~~lti; r-d
~t41; =; f ~ I ~ i ,J ,J t=#fflll i ,Jil
I. Hear what God the Lord hath spo-ken: 0 my peo - pIe, faint and few,
2. There, like streams that feed the garden, Pleas-ures with-out end shall flow,
~ 3. Ye, no clore your suns de-scend-mg, Wan-ing moons no more shall see;

Com - fort - less, af - flict - ed, bro - ken, Fair a - bodes I build for you.
For the Lord, your faith re - ward - ing, All his boun-ty shall be - stow.
But, your griefs for - ev - er end - ing, Find e - ter - nal noon in me:

Scenes of heart-felt trib - u - la - tion Shall no more per - plex your ways;
Then, in un - dis - turbed pos -sess-sion, Peace and right-eous-ness shall reign;
God shall rise, and, shin -ing o'er you, Change to day the gloom of night;

You shall name your walls" Sal- va - tion," And your gates shall all be "Praise."
Nev - er shall you feel op - press - ion, Hear the voice of war a - gain.
Yes, the Lord shall be your glo - ry And your ev - er -last - ing light.

94 The Bridal Hobe
ALETTA. 7. Alt. 19

l@p2tt} IU j IN i I~.--flid IirJ i tFI

'- --- I
I. Heav'n-ly Fa .. ther, I would wear Bri " dal gar .. ments, white and fair;
2. Take the rai c ment soiled a .. way, I would fain cast off to - day; ...
3. Let me wear the white robe here, Pur - chased by my Say - iour dear;
-&- -61- IJ-? ___ -61-. -&- -&-".. Jr:.J-.

~-.~ Fa pi-a~;J ~ IpH

Bri - dal ves- ture, un - de - filed, Thou dost give un - to thy child.
Clothe me in my bri.. dal dress, Beau - ti - ful with ho - Ii - ness.
Hold - ing fast his hand, and so Through the world un - spot - ted go.
~- .f'- - -&- ~ Y-:J- -9- ___ 11----.1-

~D fe-If FIF J1~-.-~f1f91F+~

95 We Adore Thee
NUREMBURG. 7. 6 1. Alt 32

1.Heav'n-Iy Fa .. ther, Sov'reign Lord,
2.Though un - worth - y of thine ear,
3. While on earth we long - er stay,
4. Then through a .. ges yet un - told,

r I I
- 96 Parting Hymn

I. Heav'n-Iy Fa - ther, we be - seech thee, Grant thy bless - jng ere we part:
2. Let thy Spir - it, Lord, go with us, Be our com - fort and our stay;
3. May thy Spir - it dwell with-in us, May our souls thy tern - pIes be,
-.. ./1_. .... ".f:.'.fI.- -f9-

Take us in thy care and keep - jng; Guard from e - viI ev- 'ry heart.
Grate-ful praise to thee we ren - der, For the joy we feel to - day.
May we tread the path to glo - ry, Led and guid - ed still by thee.

~ ~
I~ j. II: i1:}1
CHORUS 1'1 \

~ ~ ~
Bless the words which have been spo - ken, Hear our prayer and cheer-ful strain;

~ ~ ~.
tVtt~I'GTm r
1 1

Give us, Lord, a con - stant to - ken That thou dost with us re - main.
I'. ~ I. t' 1,. J. .t:..... :
@tb9C or , v
Copyright property of Maty Runyon Lowry.
~f f I~'ilf'
Used by permission.
f ~:slb
97 o Revive Us

~ .f
ro: &i1Jk.---Pl!--i11: f i rna
Heav'n-ly Fa - ther, we thy chil - dren, Gath-ered round our ris - en Lord, -
2. Gra - cious gales of heav'n-ly bless - ing In thy love to us af - ford;
3. Weak and wea - ry in the can - flict, "Wrest-ling not with flesh and blood,"
Thou our Guide and thou our Guard;
4. With thy strength, 0 Mas-ter, gird us;

Lift . our hearts in ear - nest plead-ing: 0 re - vive us by thy Word!

Let us feel thy spir - it's pres - ence, 0 re - vive us by thy Word!
Help us, Lord, as faint we fal - ter; 0 re - vive us by thy Word!

Fill us
with thy
. . ..
ho - ly spir - it;
0 re - vive

... ~
us by thy Word!

t I~ l'
~JJ$. ~ ~
~ ~4~ ilPi-+ SF) I

Send re - fresh - ing, send re - fresh - ing From thy pres - ence, gra-cious Lordl

0.--r!~ n
tJ-l(~f Is
~ t: ~. f:
Flf i t fiE

Send re - fresh - ing, send re - fresh - ing, And re - vive us by thy Word.

Heaven's Army Is Advancing
MAllY C. JEWELL )ESSIE G. HERR. Alt. 86, 260
March movement

@~Pt j I ~: f~ ~ Id
I. Heav'n's Ar - my is ad - vane - ing, Its ev - 'ry pow'r it bends
2.~Ag - gres - sive is our war - fare, In this E - li - sha's day,
3. Heav'n's Ar - my is ad - vane - ~rig,

J e - ho - vah shall pre - vail.

i 1~li = ~ ~Ip.l
T'ward hon - or - ing Je - ho - vah . And keep - ing his eom - mands.
We speak God's word with bold - ness; No more we feel dis - may.
Till death are we en - list - ed; o may our zeal ne' er fail.

What though the great red dra - gon Wars 'gainst God's rem-nant small,
The" True and Faith - ful 'Vit - ness" To vic - t'ry us doth lead.
The vic - to - ry is eer - tain, Heav'n's glo - ri - ous re - ward
t' ~ ...

In the shad - ow of his own hand God safe - ly guards them all.
Clad in sal - va - tion's gar - ments, Press on with quick-'ning speed.
A - waits the tried and faith - ful, Who lay not 'down the sword
99 He Leadeth Me
j I
--- -.-
He lead - eth me, 0 bless - ed thought! 0 words with heav'nly com-fort fraught!
Some-times 'mid scenes of deep-est gloom, Some-times where Eden's bowers bloem,
3. Lord, I would clasp thy hand in mine, Nor ev - er mur - mur or re - pine-
4. And when my task on earth is done, When by thy grace the vic - t'ry's won,
~ ~.

What-e'er I do, wher-e'er I be, Still 'tis God's hand that lead - eth me.
By wa - ters still, o'er trou-bled sea- Still 'tis his hand that lead - eth me.
Con - tent what-ev - er lot I see, Since 'tis my God that lead - eth me.
E'en death's cold wave I will not fiee, Since God thro' Jor - dan lead - eth me.

He lead - eth me! he lead - eth me! By his own hand he lead - eth me

I ~

His faith - ful fol-l'wer I would be, For by his hand he lead - eth me.

- 100 Here Is No Rest

I. Here o'er the earth as a stran- ger I roam, Here is no rest, here is no rest;
2. Here fierce temp-ta-tions be-set me a-round! Here is no rest, here is no rest;
3. Here are af-;tlic-tions and tri - als se - vere; Here is no rest, here is no rest;
~. This world of care is a wil - der-ness state, Here is no rest, here is no rest;
r-, ~

Here as a pil - grim I wan - der a - lone, Yet I am blest, I am blest.
Here I am grieved while my foes me sur-round; Yet I am blest, I am blest.
Here I must part with the friends I hold dear; Yet I am blest, I am blest.
Here I must bear with the world and its hate, Yet I. am blest, I am blest.

~ f! r H I~ f ~f I~ rtf H18
For I look for-ward to that glorious day, When sin and sor-row will van-ish a- way,
Let them re-vile me and scoff at my name, Laugh at my weeping, en-deav-or to shame,
Sweet is the promise I read in his Word, Blessed are they who have died in the Lord;
Soon shall I be from the wick-ed re-Ieased, There shall my joy with the Lord be increased,
.~.... (I- ... -(I- ~- .--B (I- -(I- ....~- .. ~~===I

I '" I

~ :j' "::J ~r-, d ..,

~1 i i'. ttl: j: :' ;A~ J t i t~~

My heart doth leap while I hear Je - sus say: "There, there is rest, there is rest."
I will go for-ward, for this is my theme, There, there is rest, there is rest.
They will be called to re - ceive their re-ward; Then we shall rest, we shall rest.
Soon shall the faith-ful for-ev - er be blest, There, there is rest, there is rest.
101 He That Is Faithful
March movement (Sprightly)

Iftipii !F. ~n ~ Itt-Ij iilp1

I. He that is faith - ful, he that is loy - ai, Yields not his soul un - to fear.
2. Faith is the pow'r, which spurs love to ac-tion, Love prompts tofaith-ful-ness now.
3. See in the midst of dan - ger im-pend-ing, Brave hearts with joy keeping time.
4. For-ward! Je - ho - vah, might-y in bat - tie, Ex - horts us faith - ful to be

--- ---

~ .. I'I~ /'I'~ ~ ~ ~ I'll'

~4ilii ftlj j t' i Ij iii 1ittJ
But lifts the ban - ner of hope 'mid earth's darkness, Un - til the day dawn ap-pear.
Zeal for their King moves the hearts of the loy-ai, Sel- fish am-bi-tion must bow.
Dread of the bat - tle shows not on their fa - ces, Beam they with courage sublime.
Till this world's sys-tems lie shorn of their glo - ry, And he hath gained vic-to-ry

Then go we forth! On-ward! press on! Ad - vanc-ing truth be our light.

Thus saith Je-ho-vah, I'll strengthenandhelp"thee, Fear not, my peo-ple, to smite.

102 The Divine Goodness
ROCKINGHAM. L. M . Alt.42,268

I. High in the Heav'ns, e - ter - nal God, Thy good-ness in full glo - ry shines;
2. For - ev - er fipn thy jus- tice stands, As moun-tains their foun-da - tions keep;
3. Thy prov - i - dence is kind and large; Both man and beast thy bount - y share;
4. My God, how ex - cel - lent thy grace! Whence all our hope and com-fort springs;

Thy truth shall break thro' ev-'ry cloud That veils and dark - ens thy de - signs.
Wise are the won - ders of thy hands, Thy judg-ments are a might - y deep.
The whole ere - a - tion is thy charge, But saints are thy pe - cu - liar care.
'Mid earth -ly wees we sweet -ly rest Un - der the shad - ow of thy wings.

103 The Source of Consolation

RATHBUN. 7. Alt. 62, 1J, 5

I. Ho - ly spir - it, ban - ish sad-ness; Pierce the clouds of wea - ry night;
2. From the height which knows no measure, As a gra - cious show'r de-scend,
3. Au - thor of the new ere - a - tion, Come with unc-tion and with pow'r;
4. Hear, 0 hear our sup - pH - ca - tion; By thy spir - it, God of peace,
~ 1-:-,)- ...
The Source of Consolation-Concluded
I ~

\$A j I~ ~ I~ JjDI~ FIJ ~ Ii j i4 1 @LI1

I I -6-
Come, thou source of joy and glad-ness, Breath~~hy life, and spread thy light.
Bring - ing down the rich - est treas - ure Man can wish, or God can send.
Make our hearts thy hab - i - ta - tion; On our souls thy grac - es show'r.
Rest up - on this con - gre - ga - tion, With the ful - ness of thy grace.

104 More of Thy Presence

WAREHAM. L. M. Alt. 102, 263

I.How sweet to leave the world a - while, And seek the pres - ence of our Lord:
2.From bus - y scenes we now re - treat, That we may here con-verse with thee.
3. Chief of ten thou-sand, now ap - pear, That we by faith may see thy face.

Dear Sav-iour, on thy peo - pIe smile; Draw near ac - cord - ing to thy word.
a Lord, be - hold us at thy feet; Let this the gate of heav - en Le.
a speak, that we thy voice may hear, And let thy pres - ence fill this place.
105 Our Faithful Guide
(First Tune) Alt. 309

f' I
I. Ho - ly spir - it, faith - ful guide, Ev - er near the Chris - tian's side,
2. Ev - er pres - ent, tru - est Friend, Ev - er near thine aid to lend,
,.3' When our ea&th - ly days shall cease, And Je - ho - vah grants re -lease,

1~ =. ~ -~r J':e:
~ r f Ir f IE ~ It 1+ t iF ~ It f IpH
~ I; S1r-1 fW 3Id ~ It;; .IE
Gen - tly lead us by the hand, Pil - grims in a des - ert land.
Leave us not to doubt and fear, Grop - ing on in dark - ness drear.
Lift - ing hearts in praise and prayer, Ac - tive till we're gath - ered there,
I........ t..
.L' .J.' -~ C2 1-:--

Wea - ry souls for aye re - joice, While they hear that sweet - est voice,
When the stormG are rag - ing sore, Hearts grow faint, and hopes give o'er,
As we wade the dis - mal flood, Trust - ing still in Je - sus' blood-
J I ~-e:. +L ~- +L ~ =.
!~ flt r l~pFl14t If Nt ArB
~ I!~)\ f Ii+fJ ~ Id ~ IPIJ;:-I~m;u
Wbis-v'rin~ ~nft- iv Trav - 'ler come! Fol - low me, I'll guide thee home.
All, th!'n whis-pe", "'_av - 'ler, come! Fol - low me, I'll guide thee home.
Whis - per thou tben, Faith - fuJ one! Fol - low me, I'll guide thee home.

.. -(.2. -j2. ~ ~

I~~=I~E ~~ t Ir EW~r-itI~~1
i H~~[I~I
h~ 84
105 OUf Faithful Guide

II \.I
106 Rest in God
SCHUMANN. S. M. Alt. 38, 220

Pi 1U+-i ~ Edi2mrl
I. How wise are God's com - mands! How sure his pre - cepts
t-~4 are!
2. Be - neath his watch - ful eye His saints se - cure - ly dwell;
3. Why should this anx - ious load Press down thy wea - ry mind?
4 His gO~ - ness stands ap - ~~~d, ~-changed from it~; day.

tt\%~2 ~ Ff r f2P F' It IFf f ~f I F ~4

~il~ ~ i siR a t1%f!1 ~ ~ Htll
We cast our bur-dens on the Lord, And trust his can - stant care.

The hand which bears all na - ture up Doth guard his chil - dren well.
Haste to thy heav'n-Iy Fa - ther's throne, And sweet re-fresh-ment find.

W,'lldropw b",d,~ ~ h. f~~{ r~~

107 !vlore Christlike


TT M11~ ~
+-,,--,,- 1-. m jlJ I9fn rn
+ 77
How bless-ed, how glo-rious, how joy - ful to feel The love ev - er-
2. I want the pure wis - dom that comes from a - bove, That warns thosej:

~fl[I q
I[I I[ Hf
i I
I --r- I I -t

tH j SIS i ? I J 1~ H LfW LE
last - ing, of son - ship a seal,
The love that is
-.. T -II- -.-
per - fect, the
dan - ger with ten - der - est love; I want the sweet spir - it of

~:S; ~ ~

w111141~1~ ~ iii ~ jl~ fF!J

1':\ FINE

love that is pure, That we may with pa-tience all things well en - dure_
Je - sus, my. Lord, And per-fect ac- cord-ance with his bless-e~ Word.
EEt ~. 1-.
liSrr fir [-rEf f

~ RilE
D.S.-Iove-ly in mind,
More watch-ful, more prayerful, more lov- ing and kind.
D.S.-would be set free, And live, my dear Sav - iour, live on - ly for thee.

tti &lJff gm
i Iii i 12 I F!~ ~d
want to feel hum - ble, more sim - pIe, more mild, More like my blest
I want to touch light - ly the things of this earth, Es - teem - ing them
~ - H .
WF- ;Et~~~-fF1~
~ {rtF F- F [ I [

~H i ilnB'M
-=-- tid j ~r
Mas - ter
and more like a child; More trust - ful, more thank - ful, more
on - ly of tri fling worth; From sin and its bond - age I

-- +
108 Our Firm Foundation

im ~ ru ~ ~F.~i--J

I. How firm a foun - da - tion, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your
2. In ev -'ry con - di - tion, in sick - ness, in health, In pov - er - ty's
3. When through the deep wa - ters I call thee to go, The riv - ers of

4. When through fier-y tri - als
5. Who- e'er on Je - ho - vah

# I _~I I~~ F$4

m far I fif~
thy path - way shall
doth lean for re -

grace all- suf-
nev - er, no,

~ tiB ~ I@ ~:
tI ~ E? 1m H
I~ j ~
faith in his ex - eel - lent Word! What more can he say than to
vale, or a - bound - ing in wealth, At home and a - broad, on the
woe shall not thee 0 - ver - flow; For I will be with thee thy
fi - dent shall be thy sup - ply; The flames shall not hurt thee- I
nev - er, des - ert to his foes; That soul, though a host should en -
~ ~ ~---J .
~hlFJr tbbb-!lr:1fIF f 1
fir f fl
~=4-~ I ~$#fflt--R-r I ?-Fi=~
you he hath said? You, who un - to Je -
sus for

land or the sea, As thy days may de - mand, shall thy

trou - bles to ~less, And sane - ti - fy to . thee thy
on - ly de - sign Thy dross to con - sume, and thy
deav - or to shake, I'll nev - er, no, nev - er, no,
--I ~ I~ I 1=-.~-bJ I _
~-prkEf--+t5 r I t-4 FE Et-F4=~
t-6 l-MtHi lro.
ref - uge have fled,
$I~ J ~ Id It1J.m
You, who un - to Je - sus for ref - uge have fled.
strength ev-er be, As thy days may de-mand shall thy strength ev-er be.
deep - est dis - tress, And sane - ti - fy to thee thy deep - est dis - tress.
gold to re - fine, Thy dross to con-sume, and thy gold to re - fine.
nev - er for - sake, I'll nev - er, no, nev - er, no, nev - er for - sake.
:-". ~ d
109 How Excellent Is Thy N arne
PSALM VIII Harmonia Per!'. 1730. Alt. 171

Who hast thy won-drous glo - ry set A - hove the star - ry frame.
Un - to the moon, and to the stars, Whic hwere by thee or - dained;
Or what the son of man, that thou So kind to him should'st be?
That he by grace of God might taste Of death for man - kind's sake.
How ex- eel - lent in all the earth Is thy name, God, our God.

110 His Way Is Best

Slowly, with feeling

~ ~

I.How sweet to feel God's will is best, And in this pre-dous tho't to rest.
2.0, how it helps us bear the pain, 0, how it makes us strong a - gain.
3. To those who take His will as best, He grants His per-feet peace and rest.
4. Then why should hearts grow weak or faint? Why should we ev-er make complaint?

His Way Is Best-Concluded

To know what-ev - er may be - tide, 'Tis best for he is by our -eide.

The cold and gloom: of dark-est night, It fills with warmth and heav'n-Iy light.
And ev - er gives them day by day, His grace suf - fi - dent on the way.
Let us press on with up-turned face, And fol - low where we can-not trace.

Slowly 1)P With feeling

",1;#1 t gf~
CHORUS 11'1 It\ .

11 : ttl: Id: :EJlf li::~
His way is best, his way is best, And, in this pre-dous tho't I'll rest.

I know what-ev-er may be - tide- He'll nev- er, nev-er, leave my side.
III How Wondrous and Great
LYONS (Revelation XV) From HAYDN. Alt. 29I
I. How won-drous and great thy works, God of praise! How just, King of
2. To na-tions long dark thy light shall be shown; Their wor - ship and

saints, and true are thy ways! 0 who shall not fear thee, and
vows shall come to thy throne: Thy truth and thy judg - ments shall

~lgE flPHlf f flf f

hon - or thy Name! Thou on - Iy art ho -Iy, thou on - ly su - preme.

spread all a - broad, Till earth's ev - 'ry peo -pie con - fess thee their God.

~rt111 Fir I~
f r'cb'
we r httL f r [ P=l~
112 I Am the Door

I. "I am the door," come in, come in, And leave with - out all
2. "I am the door," whose hea - vy lock Bars out all strang - ers
3. "I am the door," no long - er roam; Here are thy treas - ures,
4. "I am the door," my Fa - ther waits To make thee heir of

t\%dlt: ~Flfl~ ~ f" ~ ~ ~

I Am the Door-Concluded

wild, O!
pre - dous fold: Come
thee and thine, And ~
hearts and praise, And

~-J r Ell ~
~ ... ~ .. ~
0 If?S ~:
.... ~::J
r=r m
r f f j. i I;) ilftl tIt j i ,:-1 i\ #13]
come with - in, thou wea - ry child, o! come with - in, thou wea - ry child.
in from dark - ness and from cold, Come in from dark - ness and from cold.
paid the price in blood of mine, And paid the price in blood of mine.
walk in heav'n's ap~- point-ed ways, And walk in heav'n's ap - point - ed ways.

~ ~ :fff ef~EI
113 Satisfied With Thy Likeness

~i mHlrOO 0 'Id a jtj1

I. If I in thy like-ness, 0 Lord, maya-wake, And shine a pure im-age of thee,
2. I know this stained tablet must first be washed white And there thy bright features be drawn;
3. And o! the blest morn-ing al-read-y is here, The shadows of earth soon shall fade;
I 4. When on thine own image in me thou hast smiled, Within thy blest mansion, and when
i i '
II~~ f ~ f ft f PPM"$ P f rtfffl:tP1

@~~Id 0 m~ =Ia = HJ hplUi ~IJ 1JPI

Then I shall be sat - is-tied when I can break The fet - ters of flesh and be free.
I know I must suf-fer the dark-ness of night To wei - come the com-ing of dawn.
And soon in thy likeness I'll with thee ap-pear, In glo - ry and beau-ty ar - rayed.
The arms of m ~ther ~- ~- c;. his child, [ . I I: sh~ be sal-is- fled then.

~f Iff fli f tIFf

t fJ IF -If F Fir ~ pr=n
114 A Better Day
,AUTUMN. 8.7. D. Alt. %90

~ ~: t rj .-.~ t 114. r 1~:!la- ~ j 'Ir~ I

1. I am walt - mg, ev - er Walt - mg, For the bright-er, bet-ter day,
2. All the proph-ets of past a - ges Saw its bright-ness from a - far,
3. Now the world is full of suf - f'ring, Sounds of woe fall on my ears,
4. I am. wait - ing, hop - ing, pray - ing For Mes - si - ah's glo-rious reign,

, d-!Id: ~ ~-lW.lIi:el~:i
j dF@
Just be - yond the clouds and shad - ows, That sur-round my lone - ly way;
And in words sub -lime have spo - ken Of the peace and glo - ry there.
Sights of wretch - ed - ness and sor - row Fill ,my eyes with pity - ing tears.
For I know he'll rule in jus - tice; Right and truth will tri-umph then.

cst r' f If: f r' i Id d

For a day of light and glad - ness, Such as earth has nev - er known,
They have slept in those green val-Ieys, Which in wea - ri - ness they trod;
'Tis the earth's dark night of weep - ing; Wrong and e - viI tri - umph now;
World-Iy pleas - ures can - not win me, While I wait for that bright day,

W'hen in eq - ui - ty and jus - tice, Christ shall r~ign on Da-vid's throne.
Soon they'll come with songs of tri - umphTo the ho - ly mount of God.
I Gan wait, for just be-fore me' Beams the mom-ing's ros-eateglow.
World-Iy'splen - dor can - not charm me, 'While its light beams on my way
. '."""~_-e:.. ..,.. ~ I) ..,...,... "". "-.:.,.... ~ n

I , ,

115 Valley of Blessing

~T~li: :' ~ ti'5' 11i ~ !Jd---tPt~

I. I have en - tered the val - ley of bless - ing so sweet, And Je - sus a. -
There is peace in the val - ley of bless - ing so sweet, And plen - ty the

3 There's a;o~g ~e il.- 1: of bless - ing ~~ swe~:n.- l~ =!-,

~~tfif-;u IP~+r lP==t- Ff_=8:3:~=E:I
~rt~7E---ptH :-~f$=~-ttsB-f4p=1
bides with me there; A~d his spir - it and blood make my cleansing com-plete,

. land doth im - part;
vir - gins can sing-
..fL .a...
t If .l$~
And there's rest for the wea-ry, worn trav - el- er's feet,
All the na - tions shall wor-ship and bow at thy feet,
~ ~-. -----4 ~ ..fL .....

~'~- J--=t= ! I-! r:=;.==~F1--1I:q:::j ~::;b
, __h -r.-.-;;:;r-;-
I "-.3:-.-r--=:-=4E-I-~,-.---~
And his per - feet love cast - eth out fear.
And joy for the sor - row - ing heart. There's joy in the val - ley of
To the hon-or and praise of our King .
..fL~ -~ iI=f 1'2-. ~- ~- ..fL

@Q4 r R r-t-rflp .1----tazfJf f

..fL ..fL

1 f1

bless-ing . so sweet; Here Je - sus his fuU:ness be - stoW&; We be-lieve and re-
~. .... fI. -"..... fl..... 1I ..fL__ -P-. ~ ! -fl- ..fL~-
t2&:i. ~ f H~ ~~~~. ilF g---0WH8

~ !-Lb:i=~-~~tl2t:im
ceive and con - fess him,

Used by permission.

.-4 IttftI
ref - uge from all earth - ly

... -116 Confidence in God
BOYLSTON. S. M. Alt. 79, 144

@2 j 1-/ l j
I. If on a qui - et sea T'ward home I calm - ly sail,
2. But when the surg - es rise, And. rest de - lay to come,
3. Soon shall the waves and storms All yield to thy con - trol;
~4. Teach me, rin ev - 'ry state, To make thy will my own;

nta r"

With grate-ful heart, o God, to thee I'll own the fav - 'ring gale.
Blest be the tern - pest, kind the storm, Which drives me near - er home.
Thy love will ban - ish all a - larms And dark - ness from My soul.
And while the joys of sense de - part, To live by faith a - lone.
-..:=d: ,~ ~--f9-

~ I~ f ~ f# f r WH t ~9 Ff331
117 He Knows

I. I know not what a - waits me, God kind - ly veils mine eyes,
2. One step I see be - fore me, 'Tis all I need to see,

on not
4 So ;n:;t h ~ "'.-~~
3. 0 bliss - ful lack of know - ledge,
I go know - lng,
'Tis bless - ed not
to know;

~U4-3t=l--===~hlB4=4 F e F~
And o'er each step of my on - ward way He makes new scenes to rise;
The light of heav - en more bright-Iy shines, When earth's il - lu - sions fiee;
He holds me with his own right hand, And will not let me go,
I'd rath - er walk in the dark with God Than go a - lone in the light;
........-.... ........
3~gf~ r~ 94
~ I~ If l-Egf R:gu
He Knows-Concluded
~lli i n ... ~
And ev - 'ry joy he sends me
~ ~~
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comes A sweet
f:r.r J j~j;)

and glad sur -

And sweet -ly through the si - lence comes His lov - ing "Fol - low Me."
And lulls my trou - bled soul to rest In him who loves me so.
I'd rath - er walk by faith with him Than g<?-, a - lone by sight.

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Where He may lead I'll

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fol - low,
My trust in him
~ . t=I
Ie - pose;

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@,g; i d liJ J t J I; IJ *j i i2i I
And ev - 'ry hour in per - feet peace I'll sing, he knows, he knows;
~ ~ t==t ~~ :I:
1~'=fif+4 lJ~U4 1 1 F1- ~
-.. -It- -..

I 1\ -I ~_~ ~ ~ " I . . -1_1':'1 D.C.

~--t=m ~
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And ev - 'ry hour in per - feet peace I'll sing, he knows, he knOWs.
~~~ ~tt:i J
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After last verse only __ .........

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~ T J"' j' J"~r
He knows, he knows, he knows ................... .
he knows ..... .

~f It~ HE:f f I~: J. wt=n

118 I Came to Jesus

GI- 61-.
I.I heard the voice of
-19- -6-
Je - sus say, "Come un - to me and rest;
2. I ,.heard the voice of Je - sus say, "Be - hold, I free - ly give
3. I heard the voice of Je - sus say, "I am this dark world's Light;

F1f7plF7=rl Jf IFii PTF I?6~:~

~~ F I ~
~ pm td Id:lE1t U dt:)P.1
Thy load of care thou mayst lay down And be no more dis - tressed."
The liv - ing wa - ter; thirst - y one, Stoop down, and drink, and live!"
Look un - to me, thy mom shall rise And all thy day be bright!"
-6- -5'-. +2-

.. '-'I

~f-8 alli:j~I~I~
I came to Je - sus as I was, Wea - ry, and worn, and sad,
I came to Je - sus and I drank Of that life - giv - ing stream;
I looked and saw my star of hope, My Sun of Right- eous- ness.

_ . : phd- ~ a LttLid dla-4 U

I -19-,-,-6-.
I found in him a rest - ing-place, And he hath made me glad.
My thirst was quenched, my soul re - vived, And now I live in him.
01 soon 'twill rise and fill the earth, And an
the na - tions bless.
- -6- __

Copyright, 1905. by Jessie G. Herr.
119 I Know Nollie Divided
AVALON. 7. 6. D. (First Tune) Alt. 200, 269

~: i~ ~ tMm: I: Z 0fd:1 ~~: !~ tJ

I. I know no life di - vid - ed, 0 Lord of Life, from thee; In thee is life pra...-
2. I fear no trib - u - la - tion, Since, what-sa-e'er it be, It makes no sep - a -
3. Thus, while o'er earth I wan-der, My heart is light and blest, My treas-ure is up
-$1-. -$I- -:f:. -$I- -P- ~~ I ~-.'" -$I-
~JiTIt~~~:ffsptJ1Jt Sf4:hl
, ~'ifF*M: 1 S J I~
vid - ed For all man-kind and me: I fear not death, 0 Je - sus; My
ra - tion Be- tween my Lord and me. Since thou, my Lord and Teach-er, Hast
:_n - ~ heart d~~}.s:-eith~gh11'~~y-;g ~~

~-=t=qdP1-r=rE-B4f . ~ f f If r I t1
:#b--j~ ::=d=d: "I==:J ~ ~ 1
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life is hid with thee; Thy pow-er soon shall free us From death e-ter-nal-ly.
claimed me for thine own, E'en n:)\v with thee I'm rich-er Than man-arch on his throne.
live to please the Lord, In faith and hope re- joic- ing, Thro' his most precious Word.
~-. ~- -$I-~ -:f:. ~- ~-

-,,- -$I- ... - ...-

Copyright. 1905. by Jessie G. Herr.

THE WATCHERS. 7. 6. D. (Second Tune)


~ ~ ~ Iftftffffrfif 1A#fi1
IWt~~ ~13IHijlp.1I
b rl~~~FIF p~;~~*~mnHI~ mfHflMl 97
1-20 My Redeemer Lives
RETREAT. L. M. Alt. 276

-Pim H:H 1M j I Bid HJ! Id , d)

I know that my Re-deem - er lives; What joy the blest as - sur-ance gives!
He lives, to bless me with his love; He lives, who bought me with his blood;
3.. He lives, andgrantsme dai-Iy strength; Through him I soon shall con-quer death;
S'- ~ ~- ".. -e- ___ -e- 1 I I I I -Ir: 12
I ( (

He lives, he lives, who once was dead; He lives, my ev - er -last - ing Head!
He lives, my hun-gry soul to feed; He lives, my help in time of need.
Then all his glo - ries I'll de-clare, That all the world his life may share.

121 I'll Praise My Maker

(Psalm cxlvi) Swiss Tune

~'ti IT} a j Id ttl r I i ~ ! fti-~ 1

I. I'll praise my Malt - er with my breath; And when my voice is lost in death,
2. Hap-py the manwhosehopesre - ly On Is-rael'sGod;Hemade the sky
3. The Lord hath eyes to give the blind; The Lord sup-ports the sink-ing mind;

~., '13J ~ *IUJ tl~rnp:ali)

In heav'npraiseshallem - ploy mypow'rs: My days of praise shall ne'er be past,
And earth and seas, with all their train: His truth for ev - er stands se-cure;
He sends the la -b'ringcon-sciencepeace: He helps the strang-er in dis-tress,
--- ".. ...- Q.. -J-. J" ."
I I I I .~
I'll Praise My Maker Concluded

While life and thought and be - ing last, Or im - mor - tal - i - ty en-dtires.
He saves the op-pressed,He feeds the poor, And none shall find His prom - ise vain.
The wid - ow and the fa - ther-less, And grants the pris - 'ner sweet re-lease.

122 - I Love Thy Will

SIDRLAND. S. M. Alt. 144

I. I love thy will, 0 God! Thy bless - ed, per - feet will,

2. I love thy will, 0 God! It IS my JOY, my rest;

3. I love thy will, 0 God! The sun- shine or the ram.
4. I love thy will, 0 God! 0 hear my ear -nest plea,

In which this once re - bell- ious heart Lies sat - is - fied and still.
It glo - ri - fies my com-mon task, It makes each tri - al blest.
Some days are bright with praise, and some Sweet with ac - cept - ed pain.
That as thy will is done in heav'n, It may be done in me.
L ~

- 123 Meditation
WOODLAND. C. M. Alt. 290

&~ dI{L1=JJmtJ-tJ Ia: ~ ~ i rrt5+8: ,'a 55

I. I love to steal a while a-way, From eV-'rycumb'ring care, And spend the hours of
2. I love in sol - i-tude to shed The pen - i - ten-tialtear, And all hisprom-is-
3. I love to think onmer-ciespast, And fu-turegoodim-plore, And allmycaresand
r 4. I love by{aith totake a view Of bright-er scenes be-yond;The pros-pect doth my
5 soo~~~e~h'!taY~~~\Eo'e~Sdarknesspasse~w~ Ithms and;~t~

~r ,r'e r r 'f'~f IE ,&: r f f In lJ=~rf F r~

WH: Httffi5Ld Ii: IJ d 1m s fbi -. ?7
clos - ing day, And spend the hours of clos - ing day, In hum - ble, grateful prayer. I
es to plead, And all his prom - is - es to plead, Where none but God can hear. I
sor -rows cast, And all my cares and sor - rows cast On him whom I a - dore.
strength renew, The pros-pect doth my strengthre-new, And hence my songs a-bound.
but pre-pare, Its storms and tri - als but pre-pare, And lead to end-less day.
: ... -p-- ~-. -$I- -$1-. -$I- -P-- !2-

124 The Old, Old Story

- ry!
Of gra - cious
More won - der -
heav'n-Iy love;
ful it seems
3. I love to tell the sto - ry! 'Tis pleas - ant to re - peat

!W1F I ~
4. I

-,r pi ~' i
love to tell

the sto

~ IJ P
- ry! For those who

know it best

rr ~
How Je - sus left his glo - ry, That won - drous love to prove.
Than all the gold - en fan - cies Of all our gold - en dreams.
What seems, each time I tell it, More won - der - ful - ly sweet,
Seem hun - ger - ing and thirst - ing To hear it, like the rest.
~- -. -$I- -$I- -G- ... ...

Used by permission. 100

The Old, Old Story-Concluded

ft~ ~ I ~: 1J JI J 1J j I ~: l j
I love to tell the sto - ry, Be- cause I know it's true;
I love to tell the 5to - ry! It did so much fbr me;
I love to tell the sto - ry, For some have nev - er heard
And when, in scenes of glo - ry, I sing the new, new song,
I ..... .....

...,., J.
~ --'"

:v "I- -9 .~
It sat - is - fies my long - ings, As noth - ing else would do.
And that is just the rea - son, I tell it 'now to thee.
The mes - sage of sal - va - tion From God's own ho - ly Word.
'Twill be the old, old 5to - ry That I have loved so long.
.. . '-
~ -,.- ~.
-11- ~.

I I I I (



I love to tell the sto - ry! 'Twill be my theme in glo - ry,

To tell the old, old sto - ry Of gra-cious, heav'n-Iy love.

125 All Honor to Our Lord
HOWARD. C. M. Alt. 123, 290
(\ J

I. I'm not a - shamed to own my Lord, Or to de - fend his cause;
2. Je - sus' my Lord! 1 know his name; His name is all my trust;
3. Firm as his throne his prom - ise stands, And he can well se - cure
4. Then will be own my hum- ble name Be - fore his Fa - ther's face,
rJ ~ -8- ..".. .."..--...) I , Il.
,;:'" >'7

I I I I I ( I

Main - tain the hon - or of his Word, The ry of his cross.

Nor will he put my soul to shame, Nor my hope be lost.
What I've com-mit-ted to his hands, Till de - cis - ive hour.
And in the New Je - ru - sa - lem Ap - point my soul a place.

f ~-t$ -J ---5'" ~ ~
L t
Etlf r IF or I~
r If ~F f Itgt j I~ U
126 I Need Thee Every Hour

ft ~~ ~ ~ :;t":;;:: l ~ ~"J>.~
~~ 211 Lf @~lfiI.lI#S]-J I ?li : 1 tiii

1.1 need thee ev - 'ry hour, Most pre - dous Lord! No ten - der voice like thine
2.1 need thee ev - 'ry hour; Stay thou near by; Temptations lose theirpow'r
3<1 need thee ev - 'ry hour, In joy or pain; With me, dear Lord, a-bide,
401 need thee ev - 'ry hour; Teach me thy will; And thy rich prom- is - es

~%'i~ IF: p ~ lid I ~ Ir ffl1lr ~


~ S[ ]
Col'yrisht. 190", by Mary Runyon Lowry. Renewal. Used by permission.
I Need Thee Every Hour--Concluded

~~I JjWl~ij:; f ~Ij i I{

Can peace af - ford.
When thou art nigh. I need thee, 01 I need thee; Ev - 'ry hour I
Or life is vain.
In me ful - fill.
J"'" t EF ~'-/I- ~

r- Ir ILl L' f
t:. t:.'
kit tlni -II-


need thee; 0 bless me now, my Sav - iour! I come to thee.

127 Christ, Our Passover

ARLINGTON. C. M. Alt. 44, 193

~PI~:Pj ffi:lj lili a d=tpJgtJ

I. In mem - 'ry of the Sav - iour's love We keep this sim - pie feast,
2. By faith we take the bread of life Which this doth sym - hoi - ize;
3. This cup shall e'er re - call the hour When thou didst set us free;
4 What ;:~u;us ~ si~ then ;e ours, ~ - e;. - e ~d, ~h th~
~rlt'et ilf:i F lilt Ff F~
@1jli;tWd:id Idl~ j J J@II
Where ev - 'ry con - se - crat - ed heart Is made a wei - come guest.
This cup in to - ken of his blood, Our cost - Iy sac - ri - fice.
SO(,11 with new joy in King - dom pow'r We'll drink it, Lord, with thee.
Clothed with our res - ur - rec - tion pow'rs, We'll praise God end - less - ly
.p.. ~'-<'9- .p.....-<'9-

. 128 Under His Wings

I. In God I have found a re - treat, Where I can se - cure - Iy a - bide;

2. I dread not the ter - ror by night; No ar - row can harm me by day;
3. The pes - ti -lence walk-ing a - bout, When dark-ness has set - tled a - broad,
4'. The wast - ing de-struc-tion at noon, No fear - ful fore- bod- ing can bring;
5. A thou-sand may fall at my side, Ten thou - sand at my right hand;
6. His truth is my buck - ler and shield, His love he hath set up - on me;

No ref - uge, no rest so com-plete, And here I in - tend to re - side.

His shad - ow has cov - ered me quite, My fears he has driv - en a - way.
Can nev- er com - pel me' to doubt The pres-ence and pow'r of our Lord.
With Je - sus my soul doth com-mune, His per - fect sal- va - tion I sing.
A - hove me his wings are spread wide, Be - neath them in safe - ty I stand.
His name in my heart he hath sealed; E'en now his sal - va - tion I see.


O! what com - fort it brings, My soul sweet - ly smgs,

I am safe from all dan - ger While un - der his wings.

USC:<! by permission of A~ Hull

129 The Lord Will Provide

~2JlljJli J JIM ~IJ4dIHSq

I. In some way or oth - er the Lord will pro - vide. It may not be
2. At some time or oth - er the Lord will pro - vide: It may not be
3. De - spair then no long - er; the Lord will pro - vide; And this be the

my way, It may not be thy way; And yet, in his own way,
my time, ' It may not be thy time; And yet in his own time,
to - ken- No word he has spo - ken Was ev - er yet bro - ken.


,I . ~1~ljl~
"The Lord will pro - vide." Then, we'll trust in the Lord, And he will pro -

'~ HI f f fir tt ~ 1M r Ir IElf f$J

vide; Yes, we'll trust in the Lord, And he will pro - vide.

Pi iE I+~
a rF Ef f44
~ ~L ~ +~ b
r I F I ~ If
Copyright property of The Biglow & Main Co., New York.
r ~
- 130 God's Holy Temple
LUGANO Alt. 64, 89

Itd:H dl2 i -9"

'-I r
1 1
I. In the name which earth and heav - en E'er shall wor - ship, praise and fear-
2. Here ac cfOlrd - ing to his coun - sel Liv - ing stones the Lord doth place,
Y 'i. Praise to thee, 0 Mas - ter - build - er, Mak - er of the earth and skies;

1 1'-1
God Je - ho - vah, high and loft - y,- Christ doth now the tem - pIe rear.
Tests out each one with the plumb -line, Gives the faith - ful strength and grace,
Praise to thee, in whom thy tem - pIe Fit - ly framed to - geth - er lies;
t J J
~ ( r r f IF r 11 PI r r r Qlf ~ tI

ti:J3 sl~fi dEt-H

As the stone for its foun - da - tion,
God the a-noint - ed One did lay.
Till, with - in the heav'n-Iy tem - pIe, They com-plete in him are found,
Praise to thee, 0 God Je - ho - yah, Au - thor of the won - drous plan,-
d f f Ip~F~lrfF$J Ir- -6-

, rr J~~ Rmd drd ~ ~=m=n

f ~ 1
Lo! With him God now doth crown it As
And to him, the sure foun - da - tion, All
the top - stone in this day.
the prov - en stones are bound.
As we wit - ness to the na - tions Thee we'll praise through-out life's lipan.
r U
131 The Rifted Rock
1.. T. H.

I. In the rift - ed Rock I'm rest-ing, Sure and safe from all a - !arm;
2. Man- y a storm - y sea I've trav-ersed, Man - y a tem - pest-shock. have known;

Storms and bil - lows have u - nit - ed, All m vam, to do me harm:
Have been driv - en, with - out an-chor, On the bar - ren shores and lone.

In the rift - ed Rock I'm rest - mg; Surf is dash - ing at my feet,
But I now have found a hav - en N ev - er moved by tem - pest-shock,

D.S. In the rift - ed Rock I'm rest - ing; Sure and safe from all a - larm,

D. S. for Chorus

Storm-clouds dark are o'er me hov-rmg, Yet my rest IS all com - plete.
Where my soul is safe for - ev - er, In the bless - ed rift - ed Rock.

Storms and bil - lows have u - nit - ed, All in vain, to do me ha~m.
Copyright, 1899. by Robert Lowry. Renewal. Used by permission.
10 7
132 Trust in Christ

~ j Ij ~ ~ j dla j ~ Ii ...~- a IJ lpi
In - to thy gra-cious hands I fall, And with the arms of faith em- brace;
2. Still let' thy wis - dom be my guide, Nor take thy flight from me a - way;
3. Arm me with thy whole ar-mor, Lord; Sup-port my weak-ness with thy might;

@~%~ Ij ~
m~ ~ ~ d I 3 ~ ~ I#? P~ i I ~
King of glo - ry, hear my call;
0 raise me, heal me by thy grace.
Still with me let thy grace a - bide, That I from thee may nev - er stray:
Gird on thy thigh thy conquering sword, And shield me in the threat-'ning fight.

Now righteous through:thy grace I am; No con-dem-na-tionnow--- I

I dread;
Let thy word rich -ly in me dwell, Thy peace and love my por - tion be;
From faith to faith, from grace to grace, So in thy
___ strength
__ shall I go on,


I I I .,
I taste sal - va - tion in thy name, A - live in thee, my liv - ing Head.
My joy to en-dure and do thy will, Till per - feet I am found in thee.
Till I ap - pear be - fore thy face, And glo - ry end what grace be-gun.
" . . - . .- I !:..,.._ .. -~

133 My Strong Tower
P. P. Buss

I.In Zi - on's Rock a - bid - ing, My soul her tri - umph sings;
2.Wild waves are round me swell - ing, Dark clouds a - bove I see;
3. My tow'r of strength can nev - er In time of trou - bIe fail;
-J--'" ,
, J J

In his pa - viI - ion
0 ttd ; I i I S I
hid - ing, I
I :

praise the King of kings.

i I
Yet, in my fort- ress dwell - ing, More safe I can - not be.
No pow'r of Sa - tan ev er- A - gainst it shall pre - vail.
~ J ,.. -(I- L
t ~. ~ ~-'


My Strong Tow'r is he! To him will I flee;

'--J r~
f f I ~: t

~w-f I E Fr I IT' I f If

In him con - fide, in him a - bide; My Strong Tow'r is hel

~ + -(I- ~ -J ~ ~ -r9- ~ ~ ~.

Copyright, I904t by The John Church Co. Used by permission.
134 Prince of My Peace


I. Istand all as-ton-ished with won - der, And gaze on the 0 - cean of love;
2. Istrug-gled and wres-tled to win it, The bless-ing that set-teth me free;
3. He laid his hand on me and healed me, And bade me be ev- 'ry whit whole;
4. The Prince of my peace is now pres-ent, The light of his face is on me;

W2 F'r rr F f rIr FE, I r'f f f f f f IFG~r

@4 Ir~ j ~ j I~ w:~ IS Ii: ti s: l~ IW:WJ
And 0 - ver its waves to my spir - it Comes peace, like a heav-en-Iy dove.
But when I had ceased from my strug-gles, His peace Je-sus gave un-to me.
I touched but the hem of his gar - ment, And glo - ry came thrilling my soul.
o list - en! be -lov - ed, he speak-eth: "My peace I will give un-to thee."


~p\dJg i i i a IJ:c'J I SIi i id j "Ed I

The cross now cov - ers my sins; The past is Ull - der the blood;

a' ~ Ir r f f ~ IrCF I f IFf f f r m:r I

@" r ltd 3 j Si IJ:~ Ii Ij:&S ~ i ~ IdjD
I'm trust-ing in Je - sus for all; My will is the will of my God.
:. ~

Used by permission.
135 I've Found a Friend

..... ..... ...

I.I've found a friend; O! such a friend! He loved me ere I knew him

2.I've found a friend; O! such a friend! He gave his life to save me;'
3. I've found a friend; O! such a friend! So kind, and true, and ten - der,

~F It: H F I HTI +Ir ~

.-rri: t~ ili:lll ~ 11: 1 ,~/I ~ ~
He drew me with the cords of love, And thus he bound me to him.
And not a - lone the gift of life, But his own self ?le gave me.

So wise a coun - sel - or and guide, So might - y a de - fend - er!

~~ IJ I 1: ~
I:: ")~"~ ~:R
I . . .i. .
i-LEi 3 I i4J. t~--=E
r-~ ______
And 'round my heart still close - ly twine Those ties which naught cansev - er,
Naught that I have my own I call, I hold it for the Giv - er;
From him who now doth love me so, What pow'r my soul can sev - er?

~v? ~ EtY1~~
fll flJ$441; J:?4tij
am his and he is mine, For - ev - er and for - ev - er.
My heart, my strength, my life, my all, Are his, and his for - ev - er.

Shall life or death, or an - y foe? No; I am his for - ev - er.

~1e:H f fi f Fflf-:~ ~
Copyright li78 by The John Church Co. Used by permission .
136 My Redeemer

@~Vlla I
a lim a1 pjlt~ i tHlttil I
I.I will sing of my Re-deem - er And his won - drous love to me.
2.I will tell the won-drous sto - ry, How, my lost es - tate to save,
3. I will praise my dear Re - deem - er, His tri - um - phant power to save,
4. I will sing of my Re - deem - er, And my call to glo - ry too;
1 I ~ ~ l:
--~F! F~~
#=fila !. flilM: f1JiIW-!Ultm I I
On the cru - el cross he suf - fered, From the curse to set me free.
In his bound-less love and mer - cy, He the ran - som free -ly gave.
How the vic - to - ry he giv - eth 0 - ver sin and death and grave.
He from death to life hath brought me, Heav'n-Iy glo - ry brought to view.
~ -.-::'+ - -r.

Sing, O! sing .................. of my Re - deem - er;
Sing, 01 sing of my Re. deem - er, Sing, 01 sing of my Re. deem er;

With his blood .................... he pur - chased me; ................. .

With his blood he pur - chased me; With his blood he pur - chasec:l me;
1.- _____!
-61- )-

Copyright 1878~Y The John Church Co. Used by permjssion.

My Redeemer Concluded

the cross.............. he sealed my par - don,

cross he sealed my par - don, On the cross he sealed my par don,

Paid the debt ............... . and made me free ................ .

Paid the debt and made me free, and made me free.
J -t I

137 In the Cross I Glory

RATHBUN. 8. 7. Alt. 145

I.In the cross of Christ I glo - ry, Tow - 'ring o'er the wrecks of time;
2. When the woes of life o'er - take me, Hopes de - ceive and fears an - noy,
3. When the sun of life is beam-ing Bright and dear up - on my way,
4. Bane and bless-ing, pain and pleas-ure, By the cross are sanc - ti - fred;

All the light of sa - cred sto - ry Gath - ers round its head sub-
Nev - er shall the cross for - sake me; Lo! it glows with peace and joy.
From the cross the ra - diance stream-ing Adds new Ius - tre to the day.
Peace is there that knows no meas - ure, Joys that through all time a - bide.
or-=-! ~ I

~ - 138 The Glory of Jehovah.
MAII.Y C. JEWELL JESSIE G. HEn. Alt. 61, 215, 272

PH Uld:jlj PI ~ Id S jd: ~Idea

Je - ho - vah God, Thy wis-dom shines Through all thy man-i fold de - signs;
2. Thy faith-flrl-ness has no set bounds; Peal up - on peal thy might re - sounds
, 3. Ourview,howlim-it-ed its range! Thyplansandpur-pos-es un-changed
4. Thou dost dis-place the heart of stone With heart of flesh. To thee a - lone

~f Err Ir: ~ IF ~ I;: [r f ~ IF FIE f I;; 1

~ HI'* zi t;u I ~ r:utB:ll=J g I ~ 1
Works speak-ing e - lo-quent - Iy lie With - in the scope of earth and sky,
In tones of COUll - sel un - to those, Who in mere hu - man strength re-pose;
Con - tin - ue on from age to age, Re - cord - ed on a stain -less page.
Man-kind will learn to bow the knee, When all flesh sees thy maj - es - ty.
o_~_. 0_ ?-(9- -t9- o. <$'-",.,
I I I I r I

,0\ J HI~ ~ lif;1 ~ 1d~ 'IN 1tJ;HiJ

Thy gIo - ry stretch - es on be - fore, From sphere to sphere, for ev - er - more.
Thy good-ness crowns each pass-ing year, In - spir - ing rev - er - en -' tial fear,
Thou dost com-mand and it is done; In all thy u - ni - verse, not one
Then will such hal-Ie - lu - jahs rise, As ne'er be :.fore have reached the skies;

~ I~ ffl fl*If2i j Il~*a l1fD . I

Ce - les - tiaI hosts thy Name ex - tol, A - dor -"ing at thy feet they fall.
And man - i - fests thy love that sheds Its ben - e - die - tion on our heads.
Who trusts in thee-the great All - wise, But is en-riched with heav'n's sup-plies.
'Twixtheav'n and earth the tones will chime, In match-less har-mon - y sub - lime.
~~~~~ -~-e: fL +
139 I My Cross Have Taken

I.Je -
sus, I my cross have ta - ken,

-. . 8 -

All to leave and fol - low thee;

2. the world de - spise and leave me, They have left my Sav - iour too;
3. Man may trou - ble and dis - tress me, This but drives me near - er thee;

4. Go, then, earth - ly name and treas- ure; Come, re-proach, and scorn and pain;
5. Soul, then know thy full sal - va - tion; Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care;

Itmli: j'i/li i dil~ ;

Weak and poor, de-spised, for - sak - en,
For - mer friends are wont to leave me,
Life with tri - als hard may press me,
Thou from hence my all shall be.
Thou art faith - ful, thou art true.
Soon my rest will sweet - er be.
In thy serv - ice pain is pleas - ure, With thy fa - vor loss is gain.
Joy to find, in ev - 'ry sta - tion,
Some-thing still to do or bear.

@~ i~ ild 1 i: tiS i Ilf1J3 1 t: j[P~

Per - ish ev - 'ry fond am - bi - tion All I've sought, or hoped, or known,
~d while thou shalt smile up - on me, God of wis - dam, love and might,
01 'tis not in grief to harm me While thy love is left to me;
I have called thee, Ab - ba, Fa -. ther; I have set my heart on thee;
.. .
Think what spir - it dwells with - in thee; Think what Fa-ther's smiles are thine;

.. r 'I ~ I I .. --r- I 1'1 ~

~2t lli i' {:/ Ir ~ tiJq-j ; ppo 41

Yet, how rich is my con - di - tion! God and Christ are still my own.
Foes may hate, and friends may scorn me, Show thy face and all is bright.
o! 'twere not in joy to charm me, Were that joy un - mixed with thee.
Storms may howl and clouds may gath-er; All must work for good to me.

Think how Je - sus died to save thee; Child of heav'n, canst thou re-pine?

- l~O N ear the Cross

/1 ~
I. Je - sus, keep me near the cross; There a pre - dous foun tain,
2. Near the cross, a trem - bling soul. Love and mer - cy found me;
3. Near the" cross I'll watch and wait, Hop - ing, trust - ing ev - er,
-fIL -..



@=f =: [S
In the cross, in the cross, Be glo - ry ev - er;
-.. JI_ _l.-
.--+- -1"-

Till my rap - tured soul shall find Rest be - yond the riv - er.

141 Jesus, Refuge of My Soul
MARTYN. 7. 81. Alt. 105

I. Je - sus, ref - uge of my soul! Let me to thy bo - 80m fly,

2. Oth - er ref - uge have I none; Hangs my help-less soul on thee;

3. Thou, Christ, art all I want, All I need in thee I find;

@~. J j J lJFfM-J==i i IL:h-M~#1 I I

While the rag - ing bi! - lows roll, While the tern - pest still is high;
Leave, 0, leave me not a - lone! Still sup - port and com - fort me;
Thou didst strengthen me when faint, Now my eyes no more are blind.
-!9- -!9- -!9--II- -6J-

Hide me, my Sav - iour, hide, Till the storm of life be pastl
All my trust on thee is stayed, All my help from thee I bring;
Thou of life the faun - tain art; Rich sup-plies I find in thee,

Safe in - to the ha - ven guide, 0, re - ceive me home at lastl

Cov - er my de - fense-less head With the shad - ow of thy wing.
Spring-jng up with - in my heart, Ris - ing to e - ter - ni - ty.
-!9- -6- - -!9- -fI- -6J- '7'

142 Jesus Shall Reign
DUKE STREET. L. M. Alt. 167

x. Je - sus shall reign wher-e'er thesun Does his suc - ces - sive jour-neys run;
2.From north to south man- kind will meet To pay their hom-age at his feet;
3. To him shall end - less prayer be made, And end-less prais - es crown his head,
4. Peo - pIe and realms of ev - 'ry tongue Shall praise his name with sweetest song,

His king-dom spread from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more.
While all the world shall own the Lord, And say-age tribes at - tend his word.
His name like sweet per - fume shall rise With ev-'ry mom - ing sac - ri - fice.
And loud their voic - es shall pro-claim Hon - or and bless - ings on his name.

143 Joy to the World

ANTIOCH. C. M. Alt. 37. x95

i I~ 11 ~ I {I. ~ : t~ I~ : 11~ ~ :1
x. Joy to the world! the Lord is come! Let saints re - JOlce and sing!
2. Lift up your heads, ye faint - ing souls! The signs long prom - ised read,
3 Joy to the world! the Lord doth reign! Let men their songs em - ploy;
4. Glad ti - dings of great joy to all Through this blest gos - pel flow;
5 Joy to the world! the Lord is come! o earth, re - ceive thy King!

He comes to claim his vir - gin bride, Her triumph soon to bring, Her
Mes - si - ah's char - iot on - ward rolls; He soon the world will lead, He
While field and wood, and hill and plain, the sound-ing joy, Re - ...
A sweet re - lief from ev - 'ry ill, And rest from all our woe, And
Let ev - 'ry heart pre - pare him room,
.f'- l~ ~ .f'- l~ A!;!,rn"",
And grateful trib-ute bring,
H. m- =,0 - '"

r Ir. ~ tf=l IF-~ ~ f1fjjjd

~, ~ If
'ttil1JIJ ~1=t~
tri - umph soon to bring, Her tYi-umph, her tri - umph soon to b~ing.
soon the world will lead, He soon, he soon the world will lead.
peat the sound-ing joy, Re - peat, re - peat the sound-ing joy.
rest from all our woe, And rest, and rest from all our woe.
grate-ful trib - ute bring, And grate-fuI, and grate - ful trib - ute bring.
bring, . . _ ........ _ ......
~~'------'6J/ ,I

'I 'I 'I

Her tri - umph soon to bring.
144 Keep Me, Lord
LISBON. S. M. Alt. Il6

I. Keep thou
2. I
can -
i 1 _a-e=EtJJ a d ~
my way,
not live
0 Lord;
a - right,
My - self
Save as I'm
I can -
3. For ev - 'ry joy of faith, And ev - 'ry high de - sign-
4. Free grace my par - don seals, Through the a - ton - ing blood;
5. O! speak, and I will hear; Com -mand and I 0 - bey;

po j I i ~
g dI j
dare I trust my fait - 'ring steps
HarWJ ~ a1&11
One mo - ment from thy
My heart would fail with - out thine aid; Choose thou my way for me.
For all of good my soul can know, The glo - ry, Lord, be thine.
Free grace the full as - sur - ance brings Of peace with thee, my God.
My will - ing feet with joy shall haste To run thy right - eous way.

145 Christ, Our Life
WILMOT. 8. 7. Alt:103, 229

~: 3 U
I. La - bor - ing and heav - y
mtm--1 i JIfHH 1
la - den, Want - ing help in time of need,
2. Thi-rst-ing for the springs of wa - ters That, by love's e - ter - nal law.
3. In the land of cloud and shad-ow, Where no hu - man eye can see,
4. Thou the grace of life sup - ply-ing, Thou the crown of life wilt give:

~B F f r ~ IF F f Hf=L-1 rw E R1
i J~ I
by the
from hun - ger,
j ti1=rs d fB
"Bread of life," on thee we feed.
\ From the strick-en rock are flow - ing, "Well of life," from thee we draw.
Light to those who sit in dark - ness, "Light of life," we walk in thee.
Dead to sin, and dai - ly dy - ing, Life of life, in thee we live.


146 Let Earth and Heaven Agree

LISCHER. H. M. Alt. 21

rpptL 3' BflmPl3 Z ~

{Let earth and heav'n a -
gree, An - gels and men be joined,
1.To eel - e - brate with me The Say - iour of man - kind;
{Ie - sus, trans - port - ing sound I The joy of earth and heav'nI
2. No oth - er help is found, No oth - er name is giv'n,
{Of for a trump - et voice, On all the world to callI
3 T~ bid their heart re - joice In him who died for alII
~ ...... -tJ- ~
------J,.I 1===

Let Earth and Heaven Agree-Concluded

, Plf f f U1ff8Et ~ Ii i fiBmIH I

To a- dare the all - a - ton - ing Lamb, And bless the sound of Je - sus' name.
By which we can sal - va - tion have; For Je - sus came the world to save.
For all my Lord was cru - ci - fied; For all the world my Sav-iour died.
~ I I .h:x! :i::J I I
St Ir r4=f+r=t=f=Ef r r

'nl~: And bless. .. ... the sound

Je - sus'

And bless the sound,

- 1F=n
147 The Gospel
HOWARD. C. M. Alt. 16, 22

@2a IJ ~ lQ .~ li+~ i 1ft! J IJ ~ If'hi IfJ

.... '"' '"'... ?7 .'"'
I. Let ev - 'ry mor - tal ear at - tend, And ev - 'ry heart re - joice;
2. E - ter - nal wis - dom hath pre - pared A soul - re - viv - ing feast,
3. Hal ye that pant for liv - ing streams, Why pine a - way and die?
4- A ~- bun - dant grace and bless - ing here In rich pro - fus - ion join;
5. The gates di - vine of heav'n-Iy grace Are 0 - pen to our pray'rs;
Ir" '"" ~ J ~ '""
~If;rj IF If IF F If3f f I~

.. ~:d ~~

t ~ lli 51WltifiJ lM&r ~


:.-; '---' I
The trump - et of the gas - pel sounds With an in - vit - ing voice.
And bids our long-ing ap - pe - tites The rich pro - vis - ions taste.
Here you mayquenchyourlongingthirst From springs that nev - er dry.
Sal - va - tion in full meas-ure flows Like floods of milk and wine.
And when we come to seek sup-plies, God grants us our de - sires.
j "2-. ~ r I ~~ ~. -J ~ ~~ I J J

I (I I
148 Let God Arise
PECKHAM. C. M. (Psalm lxviii) Alt. 73, ISS

@~JI: dlfj Jllg J1ew l dtd:t3It~

I. Let God a - rise, and scat - ter - ed Let all his en - ~ - mies be;
2. As smoke is driv'n, so drive thou them; As fire melts wax a - way,
3. But let .thy right - eous ones be glad: Let them be - fore God's sight
~ 4. Sing un - to God, show forth his praise; Ex - tol him with your voice,
42- L2. '"" I '"" -5-

And let all those that do him hate Be - fore his pres - ence Hee.
Be - fore God's face let Sa - tan's hosts So per - ish and de - cay.
Be ve - ry joy - ful; yea, let them Re - joice with all their might.
That rides on heav'n, by his name JAH; Lift up your head: re - joice I

149 Let Me With Light and Truth Be Blessed

(Psalm xliii) MOZART. Alt. 71, BE
..- 77,
I. Let me with light and truth be blessed; Be ese my guides to lead the way,
2. Then will I there my voice up - raise To God, who is my chief - est joy;
,. Why thenfi'15.~' my oow? "'" .'Zhy So moo' op- p=,'d wJth =. "'""''''

~flr ~F Wlf Ihrrr ~HIF ~ IE I

-p~ IfJ j i(J j IP~P I ~ I~~
Till on thy ho - ly hill I rest, And in thy sa - cred tern - pIe pray.
And well-tuned harps, with songs of praise, Shall all my grate- ful hours em- ploy.
' "'
~.i...J I r-,
On God, thy God, for aid re - ly, Who will thy ru - in~state re - pair.
I.. -.. l..i

150 Let Us Praise the Lord
(Psalm cxxxvi)
)40~L~. German. Alt. 32, 317

I. Let us with a glad - some mind Praise the Lord, for he is kind:
2. Let us blaze his name a - broad, For of gods he is the God:
3. All things liv - ing he doth feed; His full hand sup - plies our need,
4. He his rem - nant small doth bless With the robe of right - eous- ness:
.; -J .cl. J a.-

I l- I ~ J I l- I I I

,t) "" I I
For mer - cies aye en - dure, Ev - er faith - ful, ev - er sure.
n I d 19- ? j'J 5'- ~ -P--fiJ- -e-_
I r
151 Growth in Grace
WOODLAND. C. M. Alt. 50, ISS

~ dIi: i ttr~: i' JF~ 1J~ j ~ .1 ~ I 1=: ,~a Itr~

I. Let worldly minds the world pursue; It has no charms for me; Once I ad-mired its
2. Its pleas-ures can no long-er please, Nor hap-pi-ness af-ford; Far from my thoughts be
3. As _by the light of ope-ning day The stars are all concealed, So earth-ly pleas-ures
4. Creatures no more di-vide my choice; I bid them all de-part; His name, his love, his
~ - -P- -fI-.~..f2- ~ ..t2. I

, z: ttJ1Jf: ~ J air H 00- ~ i i 1-0

.. tri - fles too, Once I ad-mired its tri - fies too, But grace hath set me free.
joys like these, Far from my thoughts be joys like these, Since I have found the Lord.
fade a - way, So earth - ly pleas-ures fade a - way, When Je - sus . is re - vealed.
gra-cious voice, His name, his love, his gra-cious voice, Have fixed my rov-ing heart.
-t-: ~ ~ ~ i9- I ' J . L ..".. I'J

--+-- -I--- -H
152 Arise and Shine

I. Lift up, lift up thy voice with singing, 0 earth, with strength lift up thy voice!
2. And while the earth with strife is riv - en, And en-vious fac-tions truth do hide,
3. Lift up thy gates! bring forth ob-la-tions! The Lord of earth his mes-sage sends;
4. He's come! let all the earth a-dore him; The path his hu - man na-ture trod
~ -1'-.'

t\~tt+f ~

r cftiThi f"
-fL -fL. ~ -fL ~ -fl-.

. S f' 0IF"
-fL t:.. t:. -fl-.
C f')

God's kingdom to the earth is com-ing, The King is at thy gates-re-joice!

Lo! he, the Lord of earth and heav-en, Stands at the door and claims his bride_
His Word, a sword, will smite the na-tions; His name, the Christ, the King of kings.
Spreads to a roy - al realm be-fore him, The LIFE of life, the WORD of GOD!
-fL -fL ..1- -fl- -fl- -fL --.-' .. -fL ...
-::t.= -=.

A - rise and shine in youth e - ter - nal; Thy light is come, thy King ap-pears!

With-in this century's swing-ing portal, Breaks the new dawn- the thou-sand years!
-fl- -fL- -fl- -fL. -fl- ...- -fL. -fL -fL ___
~== -if=;::: .
""1-- ~

153 A Thousand Yea.'S

I. Lift up your heads, de-spond-ing pil-grims; Give to the winds your needless fellrs;
2. Tell the whole world these bless-ed ti-dings; Speak of the time of rest that nears;
3. What if the clouds do for a mo - ment Hide the blue sky where mom appears?
4. Haste ye a -long, II - ges of glo - ry; Haste the glad time when Christ appears.

He who hath died on Cal-vary's mountain, Is come to reign a thou-sand years.

Tell the op-pressed of ey - 'ry na - tion, Ju - bi - lee lasts a thou-sand years.
Soon the glad sun of prom-ise giv - en Ris - es to shine a thou-sand years.
O! that I may be one found wor - thy To reign with him a thou-sand years .


. .
A thou-sa.nd years! earth'scom-ing glo-ryl 'Tis the glad day so long fore - told;

'Tis the bright mom of Zi - on's glo - ry, Proph-ets fore-saw in time of old.
154 ,Deliverance Draweth Nigh

1. Lift up your heads, re - joice, De - liv - 'rance draw - eth nigh;

2. Lift up your heads, re - JOIce, De - liv - 'rance draw - eth nigh;
3. He's come the new world's King, He's come man - kind's true Friend,

rue I r F r FI .a... _CL

-f9- -19-

FI F DE f I 6'. ]

Signs of the times in proof U - nite to tes - ti - fy;

o note the var - ying signs Of earth and sea and sky;
New glad - ness to be - gin, And an - dent wrong to end;
r:... .a... -19- .a...


jLd I J @ g ~j 1~t3 I q}tyfg d~ I ~: ]

The fig tree put - teth forth Its
new and ten - der leaf;
The Prince of Peace has come With king - dom pow'r and right,
He's come to fill with light Man's wea - ry, wait - ing eye:
~- -(9- F2- n ? n n Joot"


@Ed I JJ d,J 1~:hff1.1 d d . .

Glad sum - mer is at hand, Full soon shall end earth's grief.
To com - fort and a Iann, To sue - cor and to smite.
Lift up your heads, re joice, De - liv - 'ranee draw - eth nigh.
-f2- -.h,)

155 Light of the World
WARWICK. C. M. Alt. 50, 148, 193

I. Light of the world, shine on our souls;

2. As once thou didst thy word ex pound
3. Its rich - ness, sweet - ness, pow'r and depth,
4. Help us each oth - er to as sist;
5. Thus may thy Word be dear - er still,

grace to us af ford; And while we

those who walked with thee, So teach us,
ho - Ii ness dis cern; Its joy ful
spir - it now irn part; Keep hum - bIe,
stud - ied more each day; And as it

M=r r @t E
1-1 ~'""'J
: Ii I F
rrg J 1-1


meet to
'-1+ F
thy truth, Be
thou our teach - er, Lord.
Lord, to un - der - stand, And its blest ful - ness see-
news of sav - ing grace By blest ex - per - ience learn.
but with love in - spire, To thee and thine, each heart.
. rich ly dwells with - in, Thy - ~elf in it dis - play.

tl#;i Ir fl
r -IP

IF [f
1.'-"" :

- r4 bI=IF H
1 I
12 7

-156 Hallelujah
I. Like the sound of rna - ny wa - ters Roll - ing on thro' a - ges long,
2. Lo! the Mom - ing Star ap- pear-eth; O'er the world his beams are cast;
3. Sav-iour, not with cost -Iy treas-ure Do we gath - er at thy throne;

In a tide of rap - ture break-ing-Hark! the might - y chor al song!
He, the AI - pha and 0 - me - ga, He, the Great, the First, the Last.
All we have, our hearts, we give thee Con - se - crate them thine a - lone.


Hal - Ie - lu - jah! hal - Ie - lu - jah! the heav'n-Iy por - tals ring!


has come, the King of glo - ry! Christ the Lord, Mes-si-ah, King!
Copyright, 1902, by Used by permission.
157 Long As I Live, I'll Bless Thy Name
ELLON. 8. 6. 8. 6. D. Alt. 195

I. Long as I live I'll bless thy name, Je - ho - vah, out of Zion;

2. Thy grace shall dwell up - on my tongue; That. while my lips re - joice,

I ... I
... ~.

My work and joy shall be the same In thy bright realm di - vine.
The men that hear my sa - cred song May join their cheer-ful voice.

Great art thou, Lord, thy pow'r un-known, And let thy praise be great;
Fa - thers to sons shall teach thy name, And chil- dren learn thy ways,


'1 i 1 pJ i ,Hl 1=1' 2: n
I'll sing the hon - ors of thy throne, Thy works of grace re - late.
A- ges to come thy truth pro - claim, And na - tions sound thy praise.

- 158 From Darkness to Light
HARWELL. 8. 7. Alt. 35, 3 28

I. Long in bon - we have wait - ed For the dawn - ing of the light;
2. Lord, we ree - og - nize its foun - tain, In thy long-looked-for re - turn,
3. O! we lopg to see thy glo - ry Stream-ing wide o'er all the. earth;
"4. Bride and Bride-groom, then ap - pear - ing, Shall il - lu - mi-nate earth's gloom;

Er - ror's chains felt and hat - ed Through the long and wea - ry night.
In thy glo - ry - crown-ed moun - tain. How our hearts with - in us burn!
r Ev - 'ry er - ror, old 'and hoar - y, Flee to realms that gave them birth.
And the na - tions will be shout - ing, Lo! our King! make room, make room.

Now the bless-ed light ap-pear-ing Fills our hearts with joy and peace,
Lo, in all the dear ful- fill- ing Of old proph-e - cy and type,
For this glo-rious cul-mi-na - tion, Not forlong shall Zi - on wait:
O! the times of glad re - fresh - ing Soon shall bring a sweet re-lease,
I. Now the bless - - ed light ap - pear - ing hearts and peace,

Doubt and fear for aye dis - spell - ing; O! what rest in this re -lease!
Now we see thy king-dom com - ing; For the time is ful - ly ripe.
Soon will come her cor - 0 - na - tion; Lo, her King is at the gate.
Through the glo-rious reign of bless - ing, Through the might-y Prince of Peace.

159 Hail the King I

1. Look, ye saints, the sight is glo - rious; See the "Man of Sor - rows" now;
2.Hail the Sav- iour! an - gels, hail him! Rich the tro - phies Je - sus brings.;
3. Sin - ners in de - ris - ion crowned him, Mock-ing thus the Say - iour's claim;
4. Hark! the burst of ac - cla - ma - tion! Hark! these loud tri- um-phant chords!

Con - quer - or, he's crowned vic - to - rious; Ev - 'ry knee to him shall bow.
In the seat of pow - er crown him, While the vault of heav - en rings.
Saints and an - gels throng a - round him, Own his ti - tIe, praise his name.
Je - sus takes the high - est sta - tion; O! what joy the sight af - fordsl
-p- .fl-.

Hail him r hail him! hail him! Hail the Say - iour, King I

Hail him! hail him! hail him! Hail him King of kings I

Copyright. 1905. by Jessie G. Herr.

13 1

160 Depart III Peace
ELLESDIE. 8. 7. D.

Lord, dis - miss us with thy
- 109, Bid

us now de - part m

Still on heav'n -Iy man - na feed - ing, Let our In - crease.

Fill each soul with con - so - - hon; to thee our hearts we raIse:

When we reach our bliss - ful sta - tion, We will ren - der no - bIer praise..

161 Lord, Go With Us

SICILY. 8. 7. D. (First Tune) Alt. 84,97

1. Lord, dis - miss us with thy Fill our hearts with joy peace;

2. Thanks we give, and ad - o - ra - hon, For thy gos - pel's joy - ful sound;

13 2
,.q, pPia
Lord, Go With Us-Concluded

~ p~H ~,fld
Let us each, thy love pos - sess - ing, Tri - umph in re - deem - ing grace.
May the fruits of thy sal - va - tion In our hearts and lives a - bound;


~lifH .liH1i i _r~

01 re - fresh us, 01 re - fresh us,
May thy pres - ence, May thy pres - ence
Trav-'ling thro' this wil - der - ness. .
With us ev - er - more be found.

-J-..... ~;:, rl .

(Second Tune) ZionsIieder

~o\2rJ, IP' IF ~ IUIf?J, Id j Id slJ -I

Lord, dis - miss us with thy bless - ing, Fill our hearts with joy and peace;
4,'-'" -19-

~,~ f" I~ j lilifEJ1lri Iti~ I~ ij It!)

Let us each thy love pos - sess - ing Tri - umph in re - deem-ing grace.
.1 ~J

~+~ ~ H+t Ip$1

it+~~ FI
~~ fix)

pt,)H ~ 1m j Ipt1lpjl~
I re - fresh us, 01 re - fresh us, Trav - 'ling thro' this wi!- der-ness.
. 1.-...

162 "In Thy Light Shall We See Light" 1
FOREST GREEN Traditional Melody. Alt. 16, 195

~J III J d r;lfJrMH I~ fJJ I,;;II

1. Lord, give me light to do thy work, For on - ly, Lord, from thee
2. 0' send me light to do thy work, More light, more wis - dom give!
J -,9- ~- -L9- 42- J .
I~f IE" i try It ttFtl1l~ F P F Fl
j. fL Id J F!)pr d 13 I ffWJ(iLl:iid
Can come the light, by which faith's eyes Thy way of work can see.
Then shall I cleave un - to thy work While on this earth I live.

r Fir I P F rr
I I~)
~ ~ ~ ~ +, .
c) -9- -G-

~ t E It t1

H#d: J pJ
How pleas - ant is
r'rf 1Jpd 3dbtW
the work
The work is thine, not mine,
-,9- +~
for thee, And bless - ed is the
0 Lord; By grace the race we

o keep me in the path of light That shines to per - feet day.

Give light, and then may all I do Thro' Christ be called; "~ell done."
J~n -r9- '7 ~~ (9- J~ ~_~
, I I I
"' I I
163 A Day In Thy Courts
PSALM LXXXIV Arr. from HANDEL. Alt. 22, 195. 293

Lord God of hosts, my prayer hear; Je - hov - ah give ear;'"

2.For in thy courts one day ex: - eels A thou - sand; - er In

3. Je - ho - vah lS our sun and shield: He'll grace and glo - ry glVe;
4. 0 thou that art the Lord of hosts, That man is tru - ly blest,

Be - hold
our on the face Of a-noint - ed dear.
My God's house I keep a door, Than dwell in tents of sin.
And will with - hold no good from them That faith - ful to him live.
Who with as - sur - ed con - fi - dence On thee a - lone doth rest.

164 Entirely Thine

UXBRIDGE. L. M. Alt. 183, 2$0

I. Lord, am thine, en-tire - ly thine, Pur-chased and saved by blood thine;

2. Thine would I live, thine would I die, Be thine thro' all e - ter - ni - ty:
3. Here, at the cross where flows the blood That bought my soul for God,
4. Do thou as - sist thy f~e - ble one The great to - form;

With full con-sent thine I would be, And own thy sovereign right in me.
The vow is past be - yond re - peal, And thou hast giv'n the spir- it's seal.
Thro' thee, dear Mas-ter, did I call, And con - se - crate to God my all.
Thy grace can full as - sist- ance lend, And on that grace I dare de - pend.

165 I Delight in Thee
SHIRLAND. S. M. Alt. 144 1
@#u nip AIII HiB d
I. Lord, I de - light in thee, And on
PS Id 1
thy care de pend;
,.. 2. When na ~ ture's streams are dried, Thy ful - ness is the same;
3. Who makes my life se - cure, Will here all good pro - vide;
4. I cast my care on thee! I tri - umph and a - dore:
. ~
~- rl n

To thee in ev - 'ry trou - ble flee, My best, my tro - est Friene;!.

With this will I be sat - is - fied, And glo - ry in thy name.
While God is rich, can I be poor? What can I want be - side?
Hence-forth my great con-cern shall be To love and please thee more.
J'l ___ -tI- ___ ~- ~ ___ ~. ~n n.


166 The Hour of Prayer

HORTON. 7. Alt. 19,305
f),uH ~

-i- ...
. --- r
I. Lord, no hour is half so sweet, From bright morn to eve - ning fair,
2. Blest that tran - quil hour of morn, Blest that sol - emn hour of eve,
3. Then my strength by thee re - newed, And trans - gres- sions all for - giv'n;
4. Words can't tell what sweet re - lief For my wants I here do find-
5. Hushed is doubt, and ev - 'ry fear; And I seem in heav'n to stay;
Till I reach that bliss - ful shore, Th
n my prih i - leHhan be,

\I I I ~ I
13 6
The Hour of Prayer-Concluded

i ~PfdH rjltitl~ $11- 11

This which calls me to thy feet, Is the bless - ed hour of prayer.
When, on wings of prayer up - borne, Cum - b'ring cares of earth I leave.
Thou dost cheer my sol - i-tude With the peace and joy of heav'n:
Strength for war-fare, balm for grief, Joy and hope and peace of mind.
E'en the pen - i- ten - tial tear With soft touch is wiped a - way.
Here my soul to thus out - pour, Sim - ply, fer - vent - ly to thee.

I~ f EIf UI' ~If -$

167 Friend of the Friendless
HEBRON. L. M. Alt. 276

I.Lord of my life, to thee I call; M - flict - ed, at thy feet I fall;

2.Friend of the friendless and the faint, Where should I lodge my deep complaint?
3. Did ev - er mourn - er plead with thee, And thou re - fuse that mourner's plea?
4. Poor though I be, de - spised, for-got, Yet Christ, my Lord, for gets me not;

When the great trou-ble-floods pre-vail, Leave not my trou-bled heart to fail.
Where, but with thee, whose o-pen door In - vites the help-less and the poor.
Does not the prom - ise still re - main, That none shall seek thy face in vain?
His prom - is - es I dai - ly plead, And he sup 7 plies my ev - 'ry ..need.

- King of Glory, . Reign Foreyer!


With animation

I. Lo, the day fore - told is break-ing, Now let all the earth re - joice!
2. Might-y is our King in bat - tie, En - e - mies he puts to flight.
. 3: E q-ui-ty' at - tends his foot-steps; Earth be joy - ful in your King!

Cen - tu - ries have men been wait - ing For the king - dom of God's choice.
Take your stand! Make your de - cis - ion For the truth and for the right.
Peace and plen - ty, life e - ter - nal, To the meek ones he doth bring.

Let the fields and hills be joy - ful, For Christ comes to judge the earth!
Come with songs of great re - joic - ing! On the ground your gar - ments lay,
King of Glo - ry, reign for - ev - err Thine the seep - tre! Thine the throne!


Right-eeus-ness shall be es - tab-lished Thro' the ho - ly na - tion's birth!

For the King in tri-umph en - ters! Vic - to - ry a - dorns his way!
Psalms of praise to thee we of - fer, . Zi - on's prec - ious cor - ner - stone!
169 Hear the Call

I. Lol the day of God is break-ip.g; See the gleam - ing from a - far!
2. Trust in him who is your Cap - tain; Let no heart in ter - ror quail; ....
3. On - ward march-ing, firm and stead - y, Faint not, fear not Sa - tan's frown,
4. Con-q'ring bands with ban - ners wav - ing, Press-ing on o'er hill and plain,

Sons of earth from slum-ber wak - ing, Hail the bright and Mom- ing Star.
Je - sus leads the gath -'ring leg - ion, In his name we shall pre - vail.
For the Lord is with you al - ways, Till you wear the vic - tor's crown.
Ne'er shall halt till swells the an - them, "Christo'er all the earth doth reign!"
hi- I


~d+ lP
Hear the call! 0
pH n l;tid 0J:tQ. rW1
gird your ar - mor on, Grasp the Spir - it's might-y sword;

. !:: ~ nt -~
tt1;& fff tit Lft ~ r If r rttlK
4- 4-

l' iii i # 1= r &~ ltd t: nE tJ=u
Take the hel - met of sal - va - tion, Press - ing on to bat - tie for the Lord!
-170 Love Divine
LOVE DIVINE. 8. 7. D. Alt. 139

' 'um
j j I~ fd ~ ~ I ~ i ~ iii PJ I
Love eli - vine, all love ex - cel - ling, Joy of heav'n, to earth come down:
0 AI - mjght - y to de - liv - err Let us more thy life re - ceivej
" 3. Fin - ish, Lord, thy New ere - a - tionj Pure and spot - less let us be;

Vi i i jlO fdj srd:tln

Thou hast made with us thy dwell-ing, Love doth all thy fa - vors crown.
Dwell in us, and nev - er, nev - er, Nev - er more thy tern - pIes leave;
Show us all thy great sal - va - tion- Thine shall all the glo - ry be.

[tit' ~ ~ ~ ~ I' r ! r Iff f f If J d

Fa - ther, thou art all com - pas - sion; Pure un-bound - cd love thou art;
Thee we would be al - ways pleas - ing, Love thee as thy hosts a - bove,
Changed from glo-ry in - to glo - ry, Till we see thine own dear face;

'"' i j i tId fd j a Ij ~ : ~ I~ fa n
Thou hast brought to us sal - va - tion; Thee we love with all our heart.
Serve and praise thee with - out ceas - ing, Wit - ness - ing to thy great love.

Till we cast our crowns be - fore thee, Lost in won - der, love and praise.


171 He Is Altogether Lovely
ORTONVILLE. C. M. Alt. 151, 201

I.Ma-jes- tic sweet - ness SIts en-throned Up - on the Say - iour's
2. None oth - er could with him com -pare A - mong the sons of
3. He saw men plunged in deep dis - tress, And flew to their re -
4. God's prom - is - es, ex - ceed - ing great, He makes to us se-
5. O! the rich depths of love di - vine, Of grace a bound -less

brow; His head with ra - diant . glo - nes crowned,

men; He's fair - er too than all the fair Who
lief; For us he bore the shame - ful cross, And
cure', Yea, on this rock .our faith

may rest, 1m -
store! Dear Say - lour, smce I'm owned as thine, I

lips with grace o'er - flow, His lips with grace o'er - flow.

fill the heav'n -Iy tram, Who fill the heav'n -Iy train.
car - ried all our grief, And car - ried all our grief.
mov - a -
hIe, and sure, Im - mov - a - hIe, ar..d sure.
can - not wish for more, I can - not wish for more.

172 What a Saviour

I. "Man of sor-rows!" what a name For the son of God who came
" 2. Bear - ing 'shame and scoff - ing rude, In my place con-demned he stood;
3. Guilt - y, vile, and help - less, we; Spot - less Lamb of God was he.
4. Lift - ed up was he to die, "It is fin - ished," was his cry.
5. When he comes, our glo - rious King, All his ran - somed home to bring,

..... ~ ~ ~ ~


Ru - med sin - ners to re - claim! Hal - Ie - lu - jahl what a Sav - iour!
Sealed my par - don with his blood; Hal - Ie - lu - jah! what a Sav - iour!
"Full a - tone-ment!" can it be? Hal - Ie - lu - jahl what a Sav - iour!
Now in heav'n ex - aIt - ed high, Hal - Ie - lu - jah! what a Sav - iour!
Then a - new this song we'll sing: Hal - Ie - lu - jah! what a Sav - iour!

+ . -J . .....: .....
Copyright, 193, by The John Church Co. Used by permission.

173 Resurrection Morn

S. J. \'AIL

t J;
I. Ma - ny sleep, but not for - ev - er; There will be agIo - rious dawn;
2. Yes, they sleep, but not for - ev - er, In the lone and si - lent grave;

Copyright property of The Biglow & Main Co., New York. Used by permission.
Resurrection Morn-Concluded

We shall meet to part, no, nev - er, On the res - ur - rec - tion morn.
Bless - ed prom - ise! they shall wa - ken; Je - sus died the lost to save.

From the deep - est caves of 0 - cean, From the des - ert and the plain,
In the dawn - ing of the morn - ing, When this trou-bled night is o'er,

@3 S Sir' s S sir F I l. ) jJ. l S /1 F I

t: ore
@ ~ Ij:
i 1 III H rII ~: j' iii d I
val - ley and the moun-tain, Count -less throngs shall rise a - gain.
All these dead to life re - turn - ing, We'll re - joice to see once more.

t t em1 Itt I =:
CHORUS cres'::l" " /'I

~ i: i '1: -l t 1 11 F I
Ma - ny sleep, but not for - ev - er; There will be agIo - rious dawn;

~ s: sr t j i Iff Ii i [1 f ~ ~ Irl I
t1: lli: It tli' Hi: pt i 1tid I
We shall meet to part, no, nev - er, On the res - ur - rec - tion morn.
_-:fl-' ..... -~. -... ...... -:fI- "",... 4-' ~ .... ~!'

174 Glory, My HOllle

@~" Ij ~:ild i J Ii!ii i IJ .I~ Ij ~:tld I

I. id scenes of con - fu - sion and creat-ure com-plaints, How sweet to my soul
2. Sweet bonds that u-nite all the chil - dren of peace; And thrice pre-dous Je -
3. While hsre in the val - ley of con - fiict I stay, O! give me sub - mis

@i5 i j Ii~ii i Ij ~ I i IFd .: II ~ i aItli i IJ~ I

"- I "-
is com - mun-ion with saints, To know at the ban-quet of bless-ing there's room,
sus, whose love can-not cease; Though hav-ing his pres-ence wher-ev - er I roam,
. sion and strength as my day, Un - til in thy due time to thee I may cornel
_= JL ...... ~_

:8: -1 FINE D. S.

@~ j IrlHOIJ j dIt:i~ i y-I~ I~IJ H1rlj~U

And feel in the pres-ence of Je - sus at home! Home! home! sweet, sweet home!
I long to be-hold him in glo - ry, at home! Home! home! sweet, sweet home!
Be - hold - ing thy beau-ty in glo - ry, my home. Home! home! sweet, sweet home!
.._.~ ~:' I .J. . . . I

D. S.-Pre-pare me, dear Fa-ther, for glo - ry, my home.

175 Our King Is Marching On


Allegretto ~

tJ '-'
. . ..
......... rilly
I. Mine eyes can see the glo - ry of the pres-ence of the Lord: He is
2. I can see His com - ing judg-ments, as they cir - de all the earth, The

... . .. ,.. ,..

3. The "Gen-tile Times" have end-ed, for their kings have had their day, And
,... ,..
4. The "Sev-enth Trump" is sound-ing, and our King knows no de - feat,
,:',. .....
144 " "I
Our King Is Marching On Concludeci

tramp-ling out tpe vint - age, where the grapes of wrath are stored; I
signs and groan-ings prom-ised, to pre - cede a sec - ond birth; I
with them sin and sor - row will for - ev - er pass a - way; The
will sift out the hearts of men be - fore His judg-ment seat Be

see the flam - ing tern - pest of his swift de - scend - ing sword: Our King is
read his right-eous sen - tence in the crurn-bling thrones of earth: Our King is
tribe of Ju - dah's Li - on now has come to hold the sway: Our King is
swift, my soul, to we1- come him; be ju - bi - lant, my feet: Our King is


march-ing on. Glo - ry, glo-ry, hal - Ie - lu - jah! Glo - ry, glo - ry, hal - Ie -

Iu - jah! Glo - ry, glo - ry, hal - Ie - lu - jah! Our King is march-ing on.

176 Faith Looks to Thee
~ti! ~
I. My
faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of
Cal - va - ry,
2. May thy rich grace im - part Strength to my faint - ing heart,
3. While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs a - round me spread,
4. When ,ends life's tran sient dream, When death's cold, suI - len stream
~. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~

e ~ , 1 Ij i #"1 i .. ( ~ I i fJ
- iour, di - vine; Now hear me while I pray;
zeal in - spire; As thou hast died for me,
Be thou my guide; Bid dark - ness tum to day; Wipe sor - row's
Shall o'er roll, Blest Say - iour, heav'n - ly dove, Fear and dis -
~--f- ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ -11- -11- ~

, -
, . .. .. . -

guilt a - way; O! let me ev - 'ry day Be whol - ly thine.

love to thee
tears a - way;
Pure, warm, and change-less
Nor let me ev - er
A liv
From thee a -
-ing fire.
tress re - move; Bear me on wings of love, A ran - somed soul.
~. ..... ~ t:. ..... ~ -11-

177 My Almighty Friend

MAITLAND. C. M. Alt. 193

@f2ilJ i d 'I~ a fj:l. If 1 d Q l,gM

I.My Fa - ther, my al - migh - ty Friend, When I be - gin thy praise,
2.I trust in thy e - ter - nal Word; Thy good - ness I a - dore:
3. My feet shall trav - el all the length Of the ce - les - tial road;
4. A - wake! a - wake! my tune - ful pow'rs, With this de -light - ful song;
My Almighty Friend-Concluded

Where will the grow-ing num-bers end, The num-bers of thy grace?
or give me grace thro' Christ, my Lord, That I may serve thee more.
And tread, with cour - age, in thy strength, The nar - row way to God.
And en - ter - tain the dark - est hours, Nor think the sea - son long.

178 My Satisfying Portion

,t'ill d j 13 i lei sI; d I~~J ~ I%~i IFB

I. My God, the spring of all my joys, .The source of my de - lights,
2. In dark - est shades, if thou ap - pear, My dawn - ing is be - gun;
3. The ope - ning heav'ns a - round me shine With beams of sa - cred bliss,
4. My soul would keep the nar - row way In foot - prints of my Lord,
I", I I 1"1\
I + I +.:L +""'1

The glo - ry of my bright - est days, And com - fort of nights!

Thou art my soul's bright morn - ing star, And SUD.
And all thy prom - is - es com - bine My bless_
And run with joy the shin - ing path, Di- Word.

179 Thine the Glory

1. My God, I have found The thrice bless - ed ground,

2. 'Tis found in the blood Of him who once stood
3. To those here be - low 'Mid sor - row and woe,
40 And this we shall find- For such is his mind-

~!r Ir f ~ I P I tJ I f f-F I P 1
,# pi Z t=zb Z~ j ~ ~ I J 1
Where life and
My ref - uge
joy . and
safe - ty,
com - fort
sure - ty

a - bound.
with God.
How bless - ed this hope of the gos -pel to show!
This gos - pel will 0 - pen the eyes of the blind.


,&:td Z i~EEgt{d z i )
Hal - Ie - Iu - jah! Thine the glo - ry! Hal - le - lu - jah! A - men!
~ ~. -.- ~ ~ 42-
t!t C. ~ Ii ~ ~. ~ I r r==t~ s 1$E1d EfJ
~ ;.'

Hal -Ie - Iu - jahl Soon in glo - ry We'll praise thee a - gain.

.. . .. ... .. .
..fL.'-'- I + "

t B 148
180 I Delight to Do Thy Will

I. My gra - clous Lord, I own thy right To

2. What is my be ing but for thee, Its
3. I would not sigh for world ly joy, Or
4. 'Tis to my
Sav - iour I would
S. His work f1l ture a

ev - 'ry serv - ice I can pay, And call it my su

sure sup - port, its no - blest end? 'Tis my de - light thy
to in - crease my world -ly good; Nor iu - ture days nor
him who for my ran - som died; Nor could all world - ly
pres - ent e vils are no more; And all the world shall

preme de - light
3 j
hear thy
~ 1 J
dic - tates,
I d 3 3u
and o - bey.
face to see, And serve the cause of such a Friend.
pow'rs em - ploy To spread a sound - ing name a - broad.
hon - or give Such bliss as crowns me at his side.
then con - fess His won - drous love, his sav - iug pow'r.

181 The Solid Rock

My hope is built on noth - ing less Than Je - sus' blood and right-eous- ness;
2. When da.k-ness seems to vail his face, I rest on his un - chang-ing grace;
3. God's oath, his cov'nant and Christ's blood Sup - port me in the 'whelm-ing flood;

I dare not trust the sweet-est frame, But whol-ly lean on Je - sus' name.
In ev - 'ry high and stonn - y gale, My an - chor holds with - in the vail.
When all a - round my soul gives way, He, then, is all my hope and stay.


On Christ, the Sol - id Rock, I stand; All oth - er ground is

sink - ing sand; All oth - er ground IS sink - ing sand.

Copyright property of The Biglow & Main Co., New York. Used by permission.
182 Endless Song

~~ I ~ pi D~~ lSi ~ i Ii !1
I. My life flows on in end - less song; A - bove earth's lam - en - ta - tion.
2. What though my joys and com - fort die! The Lord my Sav - iour Jiv - eth;
3. I lift mine eyes; the cloud grows thin; I see the blue a - bove it:
+ -f2: ..fL n .fL L ~.


I catch the sweet, not far - off hymn, That hails a New ere - a - tion.
What though the dark-ness gath - er round! Songs in the night he giv - eth.
And day by day this path-way smooths, Since first I learned to love it
.to .fL.fL.p... ~ -.. ~. -f#- ~ n.


Through all the tu - mult and the strife, I hear the mu - sic ring - ing;
No storm can shake my in - most calm, While to that ref - uge cling - ing;
The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart, A foun-tain ev - er spring - ingj
r-. I .fL .fL .fL .fL .p....

It finds an ech - 0 in my soul- How can I keep from sing - ing?
Since Christ is Lord of heav'n and earth, How can I keep from sing - ing?
All things are mine since I am his- How can I keep from sing - ing?
~ I t :e. I ....
If iE ~ 1h;fu:D
A_ -CL .fL .fL

~ctr-1-~- EOI ~
Copyright property of Mary Runyon Lowry. Used by permission.
183 Rest With God

I. My Lord, how full of sweet con - tent My years of pil - grim - age are spent!
" 2. To me re - mains nor place nor time; My coun-try is in ev - 'ry clime;
3. While place we seek, or place we shun, The soul finds hap - pi - ness in none;
4. Could r be cast where thou art not, That were in - deed a dread -ful lot;

Wher-e'er I dwell, I dwell with thee, In heav'n, in earth, or on the sea.

r can be calm and free from care On an - y shore, since thou art there.
But with a God to guide our way, 'Tis e - qual joy to go or stay.
But re-gions none re - mote I call, Se - cure of find ing God in all.
-#-~ -1'9- -#- -#- -1'9- -#-

184 Watchfulness
LABAN. S. M. Alt. 144, II6

I. My soul, be on thy guard; Ten thou - sand foes a -

2.01 watch, and fight, and pray, The bat - tie ne'er give o'er;
3. Ne'er think the vic - t'ry won, Nor once at ease sit down;
~ -fI-.


The hosts of sin are press - ing hard To draw thee from the prize.
Re - new it bold -Iy ev - 'ry day, And help di - vine im - plore.
Thine ar-duous work will not be done, Till thou hast gained thy crown.

185 Courage t Fainting Soul


I. My soul, weigh not thy life A -

gainst thy heav'n - ly crown;
2. With prayer and cry - ing strong, Hold on the fear - ful fight,
3. The bat - tIe soon will yield If thou thy part ful - fil,
4. Thine ar - mor is di - Thy feet with prom - ise shod;
_,L. I
.JL /I ~

Nor suf - fer Sa - tan's dead - ]jest strife To beat thy cour - age down.
And let the break-ing day pro - long The wrest-ling of the night.
For strong as is the hos - tile shield, Thy sword is strong-er still.
And on thy head, ere long, shall shine The di - a - dem of God.
.JL .JL .JL .JL .JL L'J.

186 Praise the Lord

I. My soul with hum-ble fer - vor raise To God the voice of grate - ful praise,
2. Deep on my heart let mem - 'ry trace His acts of mer - cy and of grace,
3. He led my long-ing soul to prove The joy of his for - giv - ing love.

And all thy ran-somed pow'rs com-bine To bless his at - tri - butes di - vine.
Who, with a Fa - ther's ten-der care, Saved me when sink-ing in de - spair.
And when I did his grace re - quest He led my wea - ry feet to rest.

~ ~ ~ E JT;J.~_
t If: ~ ~ ~ IS: Iff f r i I 9 F'dFIJ
-#- fL

@q;g t
187 All III Thy Hand
ST. THOMAS. S. M. Alt. 288

I. "My times are in thy hand:" My God, I wish them there;

2. "My times are in thy hand," What - ev - er they may be;
3. "My times are in thy hand," Why should I doubt or fear?
All m Thy Hand-Concluded

tH la gI3 pH Id
My life, my friends, my soul I leave
I~ Id
En - tire - Iy
pi Ii ~ I? U
to thy care.
Pleas-ing or pain - ful, dark or bright, As best may seem to thee.
My Fa - ther's hand will nev - er cause His child a need - less tear.
) n ~- ? ::-:~ -f2- ? ;;
I { I I I
188 Nearer to Thee

~:3dli lJ::ig g jlt9"la I .

3d l
Near - er, my God, to thee,
I. Near - er to thee 1 E'en though it
Though like a wan - der - er,
2. Day - light all gone, Dark - ness comes
3. Bright doth thy Truth ap - pear Shin - ing from heav'n; This light thou
4. Lord, I would scale the height, Near - er to be; My soul pants

, Id:d ~ I d' d j Id ~ d: 4
me. Still all my song shall be,
stone, Yet ev - en here I'd be
giv'n, Ev - er to beck - on me
thee. 01 may each day bear me
~~n_ n.? . n In. .
I I I '-'I

.... -~:

Near - er, my God, to thee! Near - er, my God, to thee! Near - er to

thee I !
l~r:Felr tr:lE-nIF rF:If'Pf lP$4 I
189 The Precious Blood
BOYLSTON. S. M. Alt. 79, 144

1. Not all the blood of beasts On Jew - ish al - tars slain
2. But Chriljt, the heav'n -ly Lamb, Takes all our sins a - way-
,.. 3. My soul looks back to see The bur - den he did bear,

r .... -,9- .0- -19- :;

Could give the guilt - y con-science peace, OJ: wash a - way sin's stain.
A sac - ri - fice of no - bIer name And rich - er blood than they.
While pour-ing out his life for me; And sees her ran - 80m there.

190 Dead to the World

DENNI3. S. M. Alt. II6, 184

"- "- "- "-

I. Not to our - selves a - gain, Not to the :flesh we live;
2. The time past of our lives Sui - fie - eth to have wrought
3. No truce with van - r - ty, Or this world's i-die show;
4- When he who is our life Ap - pears up - on his throne,
s..Like him we then shall be Trans-formed and glo - ri - ned;

Dead to the World -Concluded

Not to the world hence-forth shall we Our strength, our be - ing give.
The flesh - ly will, which on - ly ill Has to us ev - er brought.
Lust of the flesh and eye, or pride Of life, we shall not know.
We, too, shall be re - vealed, and shine In glo - ry like his own.
For we shall see him as he is, And in his light a - bide.
~ rJ .~ JcJ rl_~ rJ ~ rl(Lrl~.
19 -Ii
I I I I I I r
191 Heavenly Aspirations
RETREAT. L. M. Alt. 186, 289

I. Now let our ~ouls with joy sub-lime Rise from the triv - ial cares of time,
2. The joys of time, of lit - tle worth, Should not con - fine our thoughts to earth;
3. Shall aught be-guile us on the road, The nar - row way that leads to God?
4. Lord, we would grasp the joys di - vine, Find pres - ent joy in works of thine,

Draw back the part - ing vail, and see The glo - ries of e - ter - ni - ty.
Why grasp at tran - si - to - ry toys, So near to heav'n's e-ter - nal joys?
Or can we love earth's ties so well, As not to long with God to dwell?
And press a - long the nar - row way That leads to realms of end - less day.


192 Christ's Matchless Worth

ARIEL. C. P. M. Alt. 278

I. 0 could we speak the match-less worth, 0 could we sound the glo-ries forth!
2. The m"u - sic of the spheres should tell How he ere - at - ed all things well,
3. In him how grace and glo - ry meet, In matchless beauty, fair and sweet,
, 4. O! the de -light - ful day will come, When Christ, our Lord, will bring us home,
1---.. I

Which in our Sav-iour shine, We'd soar and touch theheav'nlystrings, And har-rno-
Which grace divine had planned; And ev - 'ry ra-diant hu-man face Should speak of
Should then to all be shown; In 10ft - iest songs of sweetest praise We would to
And we shall see his face. Then, with our Saviour, Brother, Friend, A blest e-

nire all earth-ly things, In strains of praise sub-lime, In strains of praise sub-lime.
his re - deem-ing grace, At love's inspired command, At love's in-spired com-mand.
ev - er -last - ing days Make all his glo-ries known, Make all his glo - ries known.
ter - ni - ty we'll spend, Triumphant thro' God's grace, Triumphant thro' God's grace.

193 Walking With God
DOWNS. c. M. Alt. 44, 12 7

'@~gp I J 3 d I ~ , J I d d j d $!=I
I. 0 for a clos - er walk with God, To gIo - ri - fy his name,
2. The dear - est ob - ject I have known, What - e'er that ob - ject be,
3. Lord, give me grace to walk with thee Through pain, or loss, or shame,

~13~@1?~;J JI~U
let my light shine on the road That leads men to the Litmbl
I want to ban - ish from thy throne, And wor - ship on - Iy thee.
That ev - 'ry act may hence-forth be An hon - or to thy name.

194 Victorious Faith

EVAN. C. M. Alt. 195, 290

@9$9Bl l1S1 j aI dt4t

I. 0
IJIl a~ 3[:
for a faith that will not shrink, Tho' pressed by ev - 'ry foe;
2. That will not mur - mur nor com - plain Be - neath the chast -'nigg rod,
3. A faith that shines more bright and clear When tern-pests rage with - out;
4. That bears unmoved the world's dread frown, Nor heeds its scorn - ful smile;
5. A faith that keeps the nar - row way, Till life's last hour is :Bcd,
6. Lord, lead me to a faith like this, Through tri - al though it be;

rm ; J Igil a~ a1:0

@o$' tM
That will not trem - hIe on the brink Of an - y earth - Iy woe;
But in the hour of grief or pain Will lean up - on its God;
That when in dan - ger knows no fear, In dark - ness feels no doubt;
That seas of trou - ble can - not drown, Nor Sa - tan's arts be - guile;
And with a pure and stead - y ray Il - lumes a dy - ing bed.
For O! the rest of faith is bliss, The bliss of rest in thee.
_ 195 More Likeness to Thee
HOWARD. C. M. Alt. I ....;.
....... '- " ......+ .... % ,-. ". c;

1.0 for a heart more like my God, From im - per - fee - tion free;
2. A heart re - signed, sub - mis - sive, meek, My God Je - ho - yah's throne,
3. A hum - ble, low - ly, con - trite heart, Be - liev - ing, true and clean,
4. A heart,. in ev - 'ry thought re - newed, And full of love di - vine,
'r~-.. ~ .,.. ....") ) I fI_ fI-". ""

I I L " I
ItJ -../ ~ ... -..:..:::.,~ -J- f
A heart con-formed un - to thy Word, And pleas - ing, Lord, to thee;
Where God thro' Christ is heard to speak, Where he doth reign a - lone;
Which nei - ther life nor death can part From him who dwells with - in;
Per - fect, and right, and pure, and good, A - cop y, Lord, of thine.
-~- ? ..J-" I ,.. ~ f!- -~ ~ -...~ I J ~


196 Onward
HENDON. 7. Alt. 24

@~ d d Ip ~-j 15 ~ I ~ I ~ ~ IICW ~
I. Oft in dan - ger, oft in woe, On - ward, Christ - ians,
2. On - ward, Chris - tians, on - ward go, Join the war and
3. Let your droop - ing hearts be glad; March, in heav'n - ly
4. On - ward, then, in bat - tie move, More than con - qu'rors
12 I':} 0 0 I':} I? ~

on - ward go: Fight the fight, main - tain the strife, Strengthened
face the foe: Will ye fiee in dan - ger's hour? Know ye
ar - mor clad: Fight, nor think the bat - tie long, Vic - t'ry
ye shall prove: Though op - posed by man - y a foe, Chris - tian
-"" r-J. .p.. .p.. ~ r:'L -{2- -{2- L
I I \

Onward Concluded

with the bread of life, Strengthened with the bread of life.

not your Cap - tain's pow'r? Know ye not your Cap - tain's pow'r?
soon shall be your song. Vic - t'ry soon shall be your song.
sol - diers, on - ward go, Chris - tians sol - diers, on - ward go.


197 o Glorious Hope

ARIEL. C. P. M. Alt.

I. 0 glo - rious hope of

rheav'n - Iy love! It lifts me up to things a- hove;
2. Re - joic - ing now in ear - nest hope, I stand, and from the mountain top
3. 0 that I might at once go up! No more on this side Jor-dan stop,

It bears on ea-gle wings; It gives my joy - ful soul a taste, And makes me,
See all the land be - low: Riv - ers of milk and hon - ey rise, And all the
the land pos - sess! There dwells the Lord, our righteousness, He'll keep his

e - ven here, to feast With Jesus' priests and kings, With Jesus' priests and
fruits of Par - a - dise In end - less plen- ty grow, In end-less plen - ty grow.
own in per - fect peace And ev - er - lasting rest, And ev - er -last - ing rest .

., .,
198 Our God, Our Help in Ages Past
. DUBJ.IN. C. M.

Our Hope for years to come,
1.0 God, our Help in a - ges past,
2. Un - der the shad - ow of thy hand Thy saints now dwell se - cure;
3. Be - fore the hills in or - der stood, Or earth re - ceived her frame,
,..4. Thy ways , are love-though they transcend
I" ... Our
fee - ble range of sight,

,l J Ig ~ I~ i If i Ips I~ IU I~ Id II
Our Shel - ter from the storm - y blast And our e - ter - nal Home.
Ac - cept - a - ble in Christ they stand; He's their foun - da - tion sure.
From ev - er - last - ing Thou art God, To end - less years the same.
They wind through dark-ness to their end In ev - er - last - ing
r,..~ ~~ .. light.

I I I ( I I I I I I I I

199 Our Grateful Song

BALERMA. c. M. Alt. 193, 195
I I I rl I

'~ .. ;&- .. :~ .. -&-

I. 0 God, our strength, to thee our song With grate - ful hlarts we raise;
'2. In trou - ble's dark and storm - y hour Thine ear hath heard our prayer;
3. And thou, 0 ev - er gra - cious Lord, Wilt keep thy prom - ise still,
4- Led by the light thy grace im - parts, Ne'er may we bow the knee
5. So shall thy choic - est gifts, 0 Lord, Thy faith - ful peo - pIe bless;
I -Y
1 I
[r IF ~ IT F
---r- -If_I 1r'1 I I I

tJ "-t9- .. ~:#:77
thee, and thee a - lone, be - long All Jor - ship, fave
gra - dous - Iy thine arm of pow'r Hath saved us from
a~ p:se.
de - spair.
If, meek - Iy heark-'ning to thy Word, We seek to do thy will.
To i - dols, which our way-ward hearts Set up in - stead of thee.
Thy fa - vor and thy grace af - ford Our tru - est hap - pi - ness.
- I~ I r~ Ji S ~.
,~1~~~~~~@1 I I I I
'1200 o God, The Rock of Ages
t\ I I I

r' . r r ., r
I. 0
God, the Rock of A - ges, Who ev - er - more hast been,
2. 0 thou, who canst not slum - ber, Whose light grows nev - er pale,
3. Lord, crown our faith's en - deav - our With beau - ty and with grace,
'-'" ~ ..
" " "

., .,
I r
What time the tern - pest rag - es, Our dwell- ing place se - rene:
Teach us a - right to num - ber Our years be - fore they fail;
Till, clothed in light for ev - er, We see thee face to face;
1"111. ~
" n " "

~ i i I~J j I ~ I J ~ ~
~~ j Ii I
Be - fore thy first ere - a - tions, o Lord, the same as now;
On us thy mer - cY light - en, On us thy good - ness rest,
A joy no Ian - guage meas - ures; A foun - tain brim - ming o'er;
I .... fI- ....

To end - less gen - er - a - tions

i + jlp.n
The Ev - er - last ~ ing Thou I
And let thy spir - it bright - en The hearts thy - self hast blest.
An end - less flow of pleas - ures; An o - cean with - out shore.
1;" ~ ~ ~ .~

I I ,
201 Communion With God
- .
BELMONl'. C. M . Alt. 163

I. 0 hap - py they who

iknow the Lord, With whom he deigns to dwell;
2. To them, in each dis - tress - ing hour, His throne of glace is near;
,.. 3. He helped rus saints in an - dent days, Who trust - ed in his name;
4. His pres - ence sweet - ens all our cares, And makes our bur. - dens light;

s. Lord, we ex - pect to suf - fer here, Nor would we once-

He feeds and cheers them with his Word, His arm sup - ports them well. .
And when they plead his love and pow'r, He stands en - gaged to hear.
And we can wit - ness to his praise; His love is still the same.
A word from him dis - pels our fears, And gilds the gloom of night.
But give us still to find thee near, And keep us whol- ly thine.

202 Thee Will I Magnify

(Psalm cxlv) From HANDEL. Alt. 203, 222

I. 0 Lord, thou art my God and King; Thee will I mag - ni - fy and praise:
2. Each day I rise I will thee bless, And praise thy name time with - out end.
3. Race shall thy works praise un-to race, Show all the acts, Lord, done by thee.
4. Thy won-drous works I will re - cord. Un - to man-kind shall be ex - tolled
Thee Will I Magnify-Concluded

, d
lard J1$ttttJ Fid: WIJ !lJ n
will thee bless, and glad - ly sing
~ I I
Un - to thy ho - ly . name al- ways.
Much to be praised, and great, God is; His great-ness none can com-pre-bend.
I too will wit - ness of thy grace, And hon - or of thy rnaj - es - ty.
Tbe glo - ry of thy acts, 0 Lord: Yea, all thy great-ness I'll un-fold.

203 Thy Grace Impart

MELMORE. L. M. Alt. 12, 222
(\.u ..

T1' "". . . ... . fJ"

1. 0 Lord, thy prom-ised grace im-part, And fill my con - se - cra - ted heart.
2. While joy - ful - Iy in thine em - ploy, The thought shall fill my soul with joy,
3. Thy watch - ful eyct per - vad- eth space, Thy pres-ence, Lord, fills ev - 'ry place;
4. Re - nounc - ing ev - 'ry world-Iy thing, And safe be-neath thy shelt'ring wing,
-II- ~..fI-

-II- -II- -!- -II-

Hence-forth my chief con-cem shall be, To live and speak and toil for thee.
That my im - per - fect work shall be Ac - cept - a - ble through Christ to thee.
And where-so - e'er my lot may be, Still shall my spir - it cleave to thee.
My sw~etest thought henceforth shall be, That all I want1 find in thee.

~ -II-..fL .fL -II- .fL -II- -!2-' "- -II-


1 65
204 Thou Art Near
SESSIONS. L. M. Alt. 186, 289

I. 0
Love di - vine, that stooped to share Our sharp-est pang, our bitterest tear!
2 ... Though
long tHe wea-ry way we tread, And sorrow crown each ling'ring year,
3. When droop-ing pleas-ure turns to grief, And trembling faith is changed to fear,
4. On thee we cast our burd'ning woe, o Love di - vine, for- ev-er dear;
o ..... _00 11-.1 ~


On thee we cast each earth-born care, Feel-ing at rest while thou art near.
No path we shun, no darkness dread, Our hearts still whis - p'ring, Thou art near!
The murm'ring wind, the quiv'ring leaf, Shall soft-Iy tell us thou art near.
Con - tent to suf - fer while we know, Liv - ing or dy ing, thou art near.


205 The Sinner's Friend

STOCKWELL. 8. 7. - Alt. 145

1. One there is a - hove all oth - ers Well de - serves the name of Friend;
2. Which of Illl our friends to save us, Could or would have shed his blood?
3. When he lived on earth a - bas - ed, Friend of sin - ners was his name;

The Sinner's Friend-Concluded
1: b .. ~ ~
il f Iii
1\ 1\ ......

~ i tlJ 313' fit ibJfIJ n

His is love be - yond a broth - er's, Cost -Iy, free, and knows no end.
But our Sav - iour died to have us Rec - on - ciled in him to God.
Now a - hove all glo - ry rais - ed, He re - joic.- es in the same.

206 The Church's Future Work

TOPLADY. 7, 61. Alt. 317

41"~ I: /1 i i f: /1 J It:! d:
i i 11 d I
On thy Church, 0 Pow'r di - vine! Cause thy glo - rious face to shine,
2. Then shall she, with Iav - ish hand, Scat - ter bless - ings o'er the land;

Till the na - tions, from a - far, Hail her as their guid - ing star;
Earth shall yield her rich in - crease, Ev - 'ry breeze shall whis - per peace,
~-L ~

Till her light, from zone to zone, Makes thy great sal - va - tion known.
And the world's re - mot - est bound With the voice of praise re - sound.

_ 207
- Only Waiting

n 11~
On - ly wait - ing till the dawn-ing
Is a
2. On - ly wait - ing till the pres-ence Of the Sun
/' 3. Wait-ing f6r tht; res - ti - tu - tion, Prom-ised in
-,.. ~-,...

I Ii I I I I Ii r I r

;}: Ii Id ii~H
On - ly wait - ing till the shad-ows Of the world's nig t
Pi ~:kJtI!jll
flown, L
Shall dis - pel the nox - ious va - pors, Ig - no - rance, and pre - ju - dice;
When our race, re - deemed and ris - en, Know and love their Sav - iour Lord.
,.. ,... . . . fl-...
I Ii I I I 1,.1 I I r r I

ii~I~ Pi .thi f J I
Till the shad - ows all shall van - ish In the bless - ed, bless - ed day;
Till the glo - ry of the sun - light Of the bright Mil - len - nial day
When each man shall love his fel - low : Jus - tice give to each and all;

;1: n 115: nd:cr--pi 1ttPI u

. .. I'

For the morn, at last, is break-ing Thro' the twi - light, soft and gray.
Scat - ters all the mists of dark-ness, Lights the gloom with heal - ing ray.
Dwell in love, and dwell in Je - sus, Who re - deemed them from the fall.
,.. .-. ~+
I I r r I
208 The Cleansing Stream

now I
see a
the crim - son wave,
ere - a - tion rise,
The foun - tain deep and wide;
Through mer-it of his blood;
3. They rise to walk. in heav- en's light, For - ev - er free from sin,
4. A - maz- ing grace! what joy to know The vir - tue of his blood I

The blood which Christ so free - ly gave, Which all our sins will hide.
I see the dead of earth a - rise, Washed in the cleans - ing flood.
With hearts made pure and gar-ments white, And Christ en-throned with - in.
Our Fa - ther's wis - dom planned it so; His Son our ran - som stood.

'+1 i i

I "..
The cleans-ing stream, I see! I see! And now by faith it cleans- eth me.

,~wd r tttH I t m ttt~

@~$ j I i Zd f If; i . --=
0, praise the Lord, it cleans-eth me! It cleans-eth me, yes, cleans-eth mel

209 The Great Deliverance
REGENT SQUARE. 8. 7. 4. Alt. 84, 213

ft i i IJ i z. M ? IJ III ad! IQ I
I. On the moun - tain's top ap - pear - ing, Lo! the gos - pel her - aId stands,
2. Hath thy night been long and mourn-ful? Have thy friends un-faith -ful proved?
3. God, thy God, will soon ex - alt thee; He him - self ap - pears thy Friend;
4. Peace and joy shall soon at - tend thee; All thy war - fare will be past;

tlt"i ~ ~ If ~ r ~ Iff Ir t If; J Id 0

'a il~
WeI - come news
M ,I~ pi~lp
Zi - on bear - ing- Zi - on, long in h05 - tile lands:
Have thy foes been proud and scorn-ful, By thy sighs and tears un - moved?
All thy foes shall fail to halt thee; Here their boasts and tri - umphs end.
God, thy Sav - iour, doth de - fend thee; Vic - to - ry is thine at last.
~ i)
t\2 E EIf ij ~. t If , IE , IF ~f fiji

,=:ili J s-ila j d rn !'F-~I~II

Mourn - ing cap - tive! Mourn-ing cap-tive!
~ ~
God him - self shall loose thy bands.
Cease thy moum-ing; Cease thy mourning; Zi - on still is well be -loved.
Great de -liv- 'rance, Great de- liv.'rance, Zi - on's King be - gins to send.
All thy con -flicts, All thy con - licts End in ev -er -last - ing rest.

Wf ~ IF ~ ~", Ir f If flU r F FIOJJ

21.0 o Praise Ye the Lord
{\ j,I f! I I

0 praise ye the Lord, Pre - pare your glad voice, His praise in th~
2. Let saints His great Name Ex - tol in their songs, With hearts well at-
3. With glo - ry a - dorned, His peo - pie shall sing To God, Who thi!:.
J ..".. It- _. ~ _I +J
o Praise Ye the Lord-Concluded

great As - sem - bly to sing: In their great ere - a - tor Let

tuned His prais - es ex - press: Who al - ways takes pleas - ure To
heads With safe - ty doth shield; Such hon - or and tri - umph His
f!"_. ;, fI-_ _.,.. ~ ~ ~

, R J d I

I F11

~ ~Id
Is - rael re - joice; And chil-dren of Zi - on
hear their glad tongues, And waits with sal-va - tion
fa - vor shall bring: 0 there-fore for ev - er
? ~ Ij J 013
Be glad in their King.
The faith-ful to bless.
Allpraise to Him yield!
1 ~., ~ .-.-.. J IL._


211 Render Thanks to God

WELTON. L. M. Alt. 42

@~~; J iii ~ 0Id d 1-= tJ i JIJ t~1 =J ~~I I

I I "-

I. 0 ren-der thanks to God a - bove, The foun-taino e - ter - nal love,

2. Whocanhismight-ydeedsex-press, Not on-Iyvast but num-ber-Iess?
3. Ex-tend to me that fa - vor, Lord, Thou to thycho - sen shalt af ford;
4. 0 may I wor- thy prove to see Thysaints in full pros - per - i - ty,

~ i ~I~ Ol~ dl:IJ i il~ ~Id dl:2H
Whose mer-cy firm through a - ges past Hathstood,andshallfor - ev - er last.
What mor-tal e - lo-quencecan raise His trib-ute of e - ter - nal praise?
At thy re-tum to set men free, Let thy sal-va - tion vis - it me.
That I the joy - ful choir may join, And count thy peo-ple's tri-umph mine!

212 To the Rock

1. 01 some-times the shad-ows are deep, And rough seems the path to thegoal,
2. O! so~e-times so long seems the day, And some-timessoheav-y my feet;
3. O! near to the Rock let me keep, Or bless-ings or sor-rowspre-vaiI,

And sor - rows, how oft - en they sweep, Like tern-pests, down 0 - ver the soul!
But, toil - ing in life'sdus-ty way, The Rock'sbless-ed shad-ow how sweet!
Or climb - ing the moun-tain-way steep, Or walk - ing the shad-ow - y vale.


o then to the Rock let me fly, To the Rock that is high-er thanI,
let me fly, is higher than I,

o then to the Rock let me fly, To the Rock that is high-er than I.
let me fly,

Used by
213 Our High Calling
ZION. 8. 7. 4. Alt. 84, 161

j If if
mLS-~ I d
~ ",,-
I. 0 thou God of' our -sal - va - tibn, Our Re - deem - er from all sin,
2. In the foot-prints of our Sa" - iour, We will dai - ly strive' to walk;
3. We, like him, would bear the mes - sage Of our heav'n-Iy Fa - ther's grace;
4. When we've borne our faith-ful wit - ness To thy grand and won-drous blan,
5. Then with him in glo - ; r u , All the sons of mel we'll less,

-SC*RF I f .~~
e pt=-'-b Iw

Thou hast call'd U!i to a _ sta ~ tion We could ne'er by mer - it win. .
And the a - lien world's dis - fa ~ vor Shall but send us to our Rock.
Show how he re-deemed from bon-dage All our lost and ru - ined race.
Gath-ered out thy fair - est_ vir - gins To be wed - ded to the Lamb,
Earth, no more thy name pro" fan - ing, Soon shall learn of right-eous - ness;
.fL. ~- ~. -1'-- ~-

-. - ~==F+1JF1=P-1:g:g-f
.fL I
~I r

O! we praise thee, While we strive to en - ter in.
How its wa - ters Do re - fresh thy wea - ry flock!
O! - what mer - cy Beams in nis all - glo - rious facet
Wit~ what rap - ture We shall in thy pre - sence stand!
And thy: wis - dom, Ev - 'ry tongue shall then con - fess,

rlrg~ b4--l
Ot we
How its
wa -
we strive
re - fresh
en -
wea - ry
ter in.
01 what mer- _-- cy, Beams in his all - glo - rious face!
With what rap - ture We shall in thy pre - sence stand!
And thy wis - dom, Ev -
'ry tongue shall then con - fess.
.fL -fI- .fL -~
-fL~.fL 'L~_.__. ' -
i-- -'-~- 1"'--'--"-;---
- -c----~__r---

I- 214 Delight in Thy Presence
I I. 0
1 l' f'I
th~ in whose pres - ence my soul takes de - light, On
2. Where dost thou, at noon - tide, re - sort with thy sheep, To
3. No long - er I wan - der an a - lien from thee, Or

- 42- ~

whom in af - lic - tion I call" My com - fort by day, and my

feed in the pas - ture of love? For why in the val - ley of
cry in the des - ert for bread; My ta - ble is fur- nished with

~ F f r IFf tt,> I f IF f f Iff f I

, II
song in the night, My hope, my sal - va- tion, my
11 f'
death should I weep, Or a - lone in the wil- der - ness rove?
boun - ties so free, My soul on thy Word is well fed.
-P-- ~ 142-~ I

215 The Place of Prayer

ERNAN. L. M. Alt. 203. 222

"\~;J lltJ ~ rtEpl:IJ HlfrM1j~

..... I .....J I '-'
I. 0 thou to whom, in an - dent time, The lyre of He - brew bards was strung;
2. Not now on Zi - on's height a - lone The fa-vored war-ship - er may dwell,
3. From ev-'ry place be - low the skies, The grate-ful song, the fer - vent prayer,
40 0 thou to whom, in an - dent time, The ho - ly proph-et's harp was strung.
I~ ~J;

The Place of Prayer-Concluded

Whom kings a-dored in song sub - lime, And proph-ets praised with glow-ing tongue.
Nor where, at suI - try noon, thy Son Sat wea - ry by the pa-triarch's well.
The in - cense of the heart, may rise To heav'n, and find ac - cept - ance there.
To thee at last, in ev - 'ry clime, Shall praise a - rise and songs be sung.

216 Our Consblation


1. 0 thou who driest the mourn-er's tear, How dark this world would be,
2. But thou wilt heal the bro - ken heart Which, like the plants that throw
3. O! who could bear life's storm - y doom, Did not thy wing of love
4. E'en sor-row, touched by heav'n, grows bright With more than rap-ture's ray,

If, when de - ceived and wound - ed here, We could not fly to thee!
Their fra - grance from the wound - ed part, Breathes sweet-ness out of woe.
Come gen - tly waft - ing, through the gloom, Our peace-branch from a - bove?
As dark - ness shows us worlds of light We nev - er saw by day.

217 Deliverance
MARy C. JEWELL JESSm G. HEIIR. Alt. 42, 120

~J i~f~;I'i~
pOlS fE3
Our God, who do-estall,tl!ingsw!'!ll, Whose hand out-stretcheth to re - pel
2. Not one of Pha.-moh's might-y host Was left to make his taunt-ing boast;
3. Be-hold! De-liv-'rance is at; .hand! Je - ho-vah God gives us com - mand:

~~t *~ artl J IJ$ocrn Mtd dIg

The self - ish aims that men pur - sue, Which hide thy pur-pos - es from view;
A p< thou mad-est through the sea: Thy peo-ple marched to lib - er - ty.
"Go t!uo' the gates- the peo-ple lead, Ye heirs of God and Ab-r'liam's seed!
-~ . t:.-.!:.
+2- -.(2.-t9-

Like as wp~n Is - ra - el of
PEB ~ ad~
old Was brought thy won-ders to be - hold,
So now, when clouds the earth en - fold' And man's op-pressed with griefs un-told,
For 'tis your work, as Zi- on's sons. Cast up the high - way, but the stones

I J f I r

i v I ., I I I I I I I
So now free man sold un - der sin, Op-pressed with-out, dis-tressed with-in.
o bring thy great de - liv- 'ranee nigh, Thy might-y arm of pow'r raise high;
All gath-er out! Truth's standard grand Lift up for man in ev - 'ry land!"
(9- ~ ~ ~ L~ -P- ?- .a... 1'1.-7 +- +- ~ :g: ~ ~ -6-
218 Behold the. ,Bridegroom -
G.EO. F. Roar

1f;1-f111Ii L@ 1ft j J I J ~tp

I. Our lamps are trimmed and hurning, Our robes are white and clean, We've
2. Go fcrth-we soon shaH see him, The way is shin - ing now, All
3. We see the mar-riage splen-dor; With - in the 0 - ppn door; We
~ ~.... -11-- -11-' ... .. ...... ~

~tR t '-L441b-~!fEf4=f I t : ~
. -.. ....~. ...m=i-ttflztENktl' rrl t4-~
~ -../
tar - ried for the Bride-groom, And now we'll en-ter in. We know we've noth-ing
light - ed with agIo - ry None oih-cr could be-stow., His gra - cious in - vi-
~ati~o~~w~r~::r A:: ~~~r- e~r-mir ~i~~~#~r
IljgP--P. sit ["'If ~4FF'iff( H=p
, t' i-tfQ:t~.naH1"6Ya:~
wor - thy That we can call our own- The light, the 011" 'the robes we wear,
ta - tion Be - yond de - serv- ing kind, We glad - ly own and take our lamps,
love - ly Than all the sons, of inen; We haste because that door, once shut,

i~ f r1fif3 Hi ~ ff+l R ,: f#I- CHORUS ~

~ ~ I ~.- ~
J I IJ .q f1 : ! , :--f *~m II II '
Are all from him a- lone.
And _ joy _e - ter - nal find. Be -hold, be - hold tlie Bride-groom! ' And'
Will nev - er ope a - gain.
""'d:==t=... ... ... ... . ...
r. 1 I

'. . ~.....
all may en-ter in, Whose lamps are trimmed and b\lrning, Whose robes are whi te arid clean.
-6/-' .

-t/-' .. .. ,.. ' " 1 ' 9 - ' . '" I I ..~--r~--;-'-,


I I I ..
Copyright. 1817. by The John Church Co. Used by permission.
219 OUI' Prayer
SESSIONS. L. M. Alt. 180, 265

-@~;J ~ i I~ J IJ j F~Ad ~ JId dIQ ij--J

Our heav'n-Iy Fa - ther and our Friend,
I. Be - hold a cloud of in-cense rise;
Re - gard our prayers for Zi-on's peace;
2. Shed in our hearts thy love a-broad;
3. Be - fore thy sheep, great Shepherd, go, And guide in - to thy per-feet will;
4. Help us to make our call- ing sure; 0 let us all be saints in-deed,
5. Take the dear pur-chase of thy blood.
.....-.. Thy blood hath washed us white as snow;

1':',"-' ~
@9 a ~ ~ Ia dI' 0gI J J i Ij jd Ids 0I@: ~ H
The pray'rs of saints to heav'n ascend; Hear thou thy hum - ble chil-dren's cries.
Thygiftsa-bun-dant-Iy in-creasc;En-largeand till us all, 0 God!
Cause us thy hallowed name [.)kn0W; The work of faith in us ful- til.
And pure, as thou thy - self art pure, Con-formed in all things to our Head.
Pre - sent us sane - ti - iied to God, In us thy grace and glo - ry show.

tY d UIF flf f wi
FHl~r-f-hf~~)J Comfort in Affliction
ST. THOMAS. S. M. Alt. 240

@~J IJ JId rtl~ I p IW oop~;J 133---.::1.1

I. Out of the depths of woe, To thee, 0 Lord, I <;ry;
2. Hum - bly on thee I wait To bring de liv - 'ranee Ill,
3. o! heark-en to my voice, Give ear to my com - plaint;
4. Glo - ry to God a - bove! The 'whelm- ing floods will cease;
5. Though storms his face ob - scure, And dan - gers threat - en loud,
n I J .a. -k-J -~~ J""' I ~""' I -P-

r I ~

~IE did pIJaldldd~

Dark - ness sur - rounds me, but I know That thou art ev - er nigh.
E'en now wide springs the east - ern gate, And rays of dawn stream in.
Thou bidd'st the mourn-ing soul re- joice, Thou com - fort - est the faint.
For, 10! the swift ore - turn - ing dove Brings back the sign of peace.
Je - ho - vah's cov - e - nant is sure, His bow is in the cloud.
.p. ':-E.p.
rI ~ riP I PIfair f IFII
221 o Wa1k With God, and Thou Shalt Find
A. C. COXB JESSIE G. HERR. Alt. 16, 162, 195

il,tUI~ i j /I! i i III ~ ?Ph'I 141

1.0 walk with God, and thou shalt find How he can cheer thy way,
2.0 walk with God, whilst thou on earth With pil - grim steps must fare,
3. 0 walk with God, and thou shalt go Down earth's dark vale in light,

~ &Ipi! tip n I i 1ft f 11 iti I

And lead thee with a peace - kept mind Un - to the per - fect day:
Con - tent to leave the world its mirth And claim no dwell - ing there.
And find thy faith - ful walk be - low Hath reached to Zi - on's height.
I " --

*ij'1 i i PHI a 'iIiI j 1 J llaEQI

His joy shall strength-en thee, like dew That bathes the droop - ing flow'r;
A stran - ger, thou must seek a home Be - yond death's dark-some tide.
o walk with God, if thou wouldst see Thy path - way thi - ther tend;

t I ;'7'; n
His mer - des are each morn - ing new, Nor fail at ev' - ning
If to Mount Zi - on thou wouldst come, 0 who but God can

~ -.
And length-ened though earth's serv-ice be, 'Tis heav'n's blest work at

- 222 Peace I Troubled Soul
ALL SAINTS. L. M. Alt. 203

~A 11 ; l;t~
I. Peace, troub - led souII'
thou need'st . not
~ I ~d
great Pro -
2. The Lord, who built the earth and sky, In love now
.- , 3. 0 - pen to God thine in - most heart; He will his
4. Rest in his love though storms pre - vail, No storm can
I "-~ ~ ~ J,....--.


vid er still is near; Who led thee last will

heark - ens to thy cry: His prom - ise thou . may'st
com - fort then irri - part; He will his grace most
there o'er - whelm thy soul. N<er let thy faith and
....~ ...~~ .'/
~ ~,....--
~ 64 It I ~==t r I r bf4t: f IP
lead thee still; Be calm, and sink in- to his will.
free - ly claim: Ask and re - ceive in Ie - sus' name.
free ly give, And peace and joy thou shalt re - cei ve.
cour - age fail, III shall work . good by... his . con - trol. ..
u. I 1 'r--. " (1;. ~+ ~ . rr

I l

223 Doxology
(Tune-"Old Hundred" L. M. No. I)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise him all creatures here below;
Praise him aloud with heart and yoice,
And always in his Son rejoice.
224 Praise God
(Psalm cxiii)
NEW LYDIA. C. M. Alt. 16, 195

I. Praise God: Ye serv ants of the Lord, To him your
2. From ris - ing sun to where it sets, God's name is
3. The Lord our God that dwells on h:gh, With whom can-
4. God from the dust doth raise the poor, Makes'him with

-6- - d--61-! I f6l-i I "f9-

IT fl 5'.

fill /9 h$d ??

hearts in - cline. Yea, bless - cd be the name of God,

to be praised., A ~ bove all na - tions God is high,
yeo q,m-;pare? H.i1n': self fie hum-Neth things to see
. kings to sit, With those that he a - noints to be


From bence-forth out of Zlmi, J<'rom hence - forth out of Zion.

'Bove heav'ns his glo - ry raised; 'Bove' heav'ns his glo - ry raised.
In heav'n and earth that are, In beav'n and earth that are.
A roy - al priest-hood great, 'A roy al priest - hood great.


- 225 Praise Our King
SEGUR. 8. 7. 4. Alt. 84, 161, 213
I f\

I'" I 'I /I ,
-i--:"T T '-'
I. Praise, my soul, the King of heav - en; To his feet thy trib - ute bring;
2. Praise him for his grace and fa - vor To our fa - thers in dis - tress;
r 3. Fa - ther -' like, he proves yet ~ares us, Well our fee - ble frame he knows;
.'7'. ___ -$I- ~.

II II I I '-'I .. ...~ ...

Ran-somed, healed, re-stored, for- giv - en, Ev - er - more his prais - es sing:
Praise him, still the same as ev - er, Slow to chide, and swift to bless:
In his hands he gen - tly bears us, Res - cues us from all our foes:
~'7'_ ~ .fL ~. "'_ ~ -tr:'.(l-. ~ ~_ .

~ - II
~ ~ =-
~~ :;/11- j.1 Qi 1i:J1TJ r"s IJttU
Hal - Ie - lu - jah! Hal-Ie - Iu - jah!

Praise the ev - er -last-ing King.

Hal - Ie - lu - jah! Hal-Ie - lu - jah! Glo - rious in his faith-ful- ness.

Hal - Ie - lu - jah I Hal - Ie - Iu - jah! How his plan his wis - dom shows.
~ ~ I'l'I ~ . _. ..~_ _-:t--:-!!: _ _


226 Tell His Worth


~' fJ r 1J i 1i i 1J I r 1J i 1~?J J1?

Praise the Lord, his glo - ries show, Saints with - in his courts be -low,
Earth to heav'n, and heav'n to earth, Tell his won - ders, sing his worth;
Alt. 235

3. Praise the Lord, his mer - des trace; Praise his prov - i - dence and grace; 1
4. ~jS and;C - e~ h~S an;he:s: Il~ J C:- ce: b~l:ur parts~

Tell His Worth-Concluded

An - gels round his throne a - bove, All that see and share his love.
Age to age, and shore to shore, Praise him, praise him ev - er - more!
All that he for man hath done; All he sends us through his Son.
All that breathe, your Lord a - dore, Praise bim, praise him ev - er-more!

227 Adore and Praise the Lord

GALILEE. 8. 7. 8. 7.. Alt. 161

I. Praise the Lord! ye heav'ns, a - dore him: Praise him, an - gels in the height;
2. Praise the Lord, for he hath spo - ken; Worlds his might - y voice 0 - beyed;
3. Praise the Lord, for he is glo - rious; Nev - er shall his prom - ise fail;
4. Praise the God of our sal - va - tion; Hosts on high, .his pow'r pro-claim;

Sun and moon, re - joice be - fore him; Praise him, all ye stars of light.
Laws which nev - er shall be bro - ken, For their guid - ance he hath made.
He shall make his saints vic - to - rious; Sin and death shall not pre - vail.
Heav'n and earth, and all ere - a - tion, Laud and mag - ni - fy his name.

Heavenly Truth
ESSEX. -8; i; Alt. 145, 2C'~

&Id: 3 .1
"i.Praise to him, by whose kind fa - vor Heav'n - ly Truth has
2. Truth, how sa - cred is the treas - ure! Teach us, Lord, its
3. What of Truth we have been hear -ing, Fix, 0 Lord, in

~ j

~ ~ 0
reached our ears; May its sweet, re - viv - ing sa - vor
worth to know, Valn
the hope, and short
the day of thine
the pleas - ~e,
ap - pear - Ing
ev 'ry heart;

~3 F F1 I

It --- '
I. t ~ rI I FI -~ I F
j I: U
,Fill our hearts and calm our fears, Fill our hearts and calm our fears.
,Which from oth - er sourc -,es 'flow,,- Which from oth - er soure - es flow. I
May we share thy peo-ple's part, May we share thy 'peo - pie's part.

229 Praise Waits for Thee in Zion, Lord

(Psalm lxv)
- ."
-. -

, - ,~ _ .. - -- ~,- --, . Arranged by W. L. P. from DONIZETlI

. . .-_.

-~ ,-

I. Praise waits for thee
in. Zi - on, Lord, un - to thee vows paid shall be,
2. Thy . hand sets fast the moun-tains, Thy voice the trou-bled sea doth still,

o thou that hear - est pray - er, All flesh shall come -,to thee. ,-

Each day pro-claims thy glo-rics, Thy bless-ings all earth fill.

Bless - ed is he whom thou choos - est Thro' Christ to'ap-proach to thee,

Thy year of' good-ness thou cro\\"n - cst; Thro' thee the de - serts smg;


That he with - in . thy tern-pie, Lord, May .e'er a dwell- er be.

Thy paths drop rich with fat-ness, . Lord, And men praise thee, their King.
230 Praise Ye Jehovah's Name
FELICE GIARDINI, 1769. Alt. 65
fl ~ J I I ~I



Praise ye
.. .. '-.... "'"
Je - ho - yah's Name, Praise through his
courts pro - claim,

2. Now let the trum - pet raise Sounds of tri - um - phant praise,
3. While, his high praise ye sing, Strike ev - 'ry sound ing string;
1'- 41- "........... ~ .' 41- 41- .fL .p..

14r41p Rise and a - dare:

I~ i ~ Ii.!~ I~ i l
High o'er the heav'ns a - bove, Sound his great
Wide as his fame: There let the harp be found; Or - gans, with
Swe1et th~ ac - cord! He "pres - ent truth" be - stows; Let ev - 'ry
-!- oJ I 1'- 41- 1'- .$1_. _-f". .fL. II.. fI-.


acts of love, While his rich grace ye prove, Vast as his pow'r.
sol - emn sound, Roll your deep notes a - round, Filled with his name.
breath that flows His no - blest fame dis-close: Praise ye the Lord!

231 Praise Ye the Lord

(Psalm cxlvii)
Arr. from BEETHOVEN Alt. 163, 195

'11' '11'
I. Praise ye the Lord; for it is good Praise to our God to sing:
2. God doth build up Je- ru - sa-Iem; And he it is a - lone
3. He counts the num - ber of the stars; He names them ev - 'ry one.
4. The Lord lifts up the meek, and casts The wick - ed to the ground
..fI-. ~- ./L
Praise Ye the Lord-Concluded

Yea, it is pleas-ant, and to praise It is a come - iy thing.

That the dis - persed of Is-ra-el Doth gath - er in to - one.
Great is our Lord, and of great pow'r; His wis - dom search can none.
Sing to the Lord, and give him thanks; On harp his prais - es sound.

232 Watch and Pray

CAREY'S. L. M. Alt. 164, ISo

I.Prayer is ap -point-ed to con-vey The bless-ings God de - signs to give.

2.If pain af - Hict, or wrongs op-press; If cares dis - tract, or fears dis-may;
3. 'Tis prayer sup-ports the soul that's weak, Tho' thought be bro-ken, language lame;
4. De - pend on him; thou canst not fail; But ask ac - cord - ing to his will;

. . . . ' _"... I J

In ev - 'ry case should Chris-tians pray, If near the fount of grace they'd Jive.
If want de - ject, if sin dis - tress, In ev - 'ry case, still watch and pray.
God thro' his Word to us doth speak, And we to him in Je - sus' name.
Then ai-ways shall thy prayer pre - vail, And noth-ing shall to thee work ill.
-J 1 -f2-
233 Precious Moments

Zionslieder Alt. 23, II4, 139

@ih JJ ll
a a 1m
Pre-dous mo - ments, rich
in bless - ing, At the throne of grace I spend;
Christ says, Come, thou heav-y lad - en, I will give thee sweet-est rest;
3. Lord, we praise thee for this bless - ing, For this priv - i-lege so sweet,

~'*nl~ r f &If FIJflt H flP

''f/ll f@ aSis -,-+-tI-
All my joys and griefs ex - press - ing
J 11 tl@ i jr
To my best and tru-est Friend.
All the way my feet have trod-den; Come to me when sore op - prest.
For thy ten - der Jove's ca - ress - ing, For this sure and safe re - treat.
~ ~ e .
Iss IF f ~ r' Fd
Here I find that sweet com-mun-ion With my Fa-ther and my Lord,
and my Lord,
Take my ea - sy yoke up - on you, Rest from earth-Iy care and strife;
care and strife;
Nev - er wea-ry of our com-ing, Nev - er spum-ing our re-quest;
our request;

~ ; Hi d kltIw ~: + -.-
o'2~ x
Ear-nest of that bless - ed un - ion Prom-ised in the Ho -ly Word.
I . will sweet-est com - fort give you, Walk with me the ways of life.
With com-plai,:~or with re - joic - ing, Still thy Jove is man - i-fest.

-fI- '- ...
.' p'
'ff?r-r- -1-S2H
1,1 ~ I I I ..
234 Precious Promise

I. Pre - clous prom - ise God hath giv - en To the faith - ful ones who .try
2. When temp - ta - tions al- most win thee, And thy trust-ed watch-er:f fly,
3. Since thine earth -ly hopes have per- ished In the grave of years gone by,
4. By and by the heav'n -ly treas - ures, Moth and rust could ne'er de-stroy,

Treas-ure to lay up m heav - en, "I will guide thee with mine eye."

Let this prom - ise rmg with - in thee, "I will guide thee with mine eye."
Let this prom - ise e'er be cher - ished, "I will guide thee with mine eye."

Thou wilt find laid up m g10 - ry, Guid-ed to them by mme eye.


I will guide thee, I will gu id(' the!', T will guide thee


. -,,-.
In the way which I will show thee, "I will guide thee with mine eye."
235 Thy Will Be Done
HORTON. 7. Alt. 226

t. Prince of. peace, now shed a- broad In my heart the peace of God;
2. Thou hast bought me with thy blood, o - pened
wide the gate to God.
3. May thy will, not mine, be done; May thy will and mine be one;
4. Sav - iour, at thy feet I fall, Thou my life, my hope for all!

. r: ~ ~
~ If ~ l22fl~ ~ I r ~[r pF4JP=1
As our Ad - vo - cate in heav'n, Win me joy thro' sins for-given.
Peace I crave, and it must be, Lord, in be - ing one with thee.
Ban - ish self - will from my heart, And thy per - feet peace im-part.
Let thy hap - py serv - ant be One for - ev - er - more with thee.

236 Rejoice Alway


I '- -
I. Re - joice al - way, with one ac - cord, Sing out with
2. When in dis - tress to him we cried, He heard our

Rejoice Alway-Concluded

ex - ul - ta - - tion; Re - joice and praise our might - y Lord,
sad com - plain - ing; o trust in him, what - e'er be - tide,

Whose arm hath brought sal - va - tion: His works of love pro - claim
IDs love is all -. sus - tain - ing: Tri - um-phant songs of praise
~-r2 .p..

The hon - or of his Name; For he is God a - lone,

To him our hearts shall raise; Now ev - 'ry voice shall say,
I I'--...L -f9-.

Who hath his mer - cy shown; Let all his saints a - dore him.
"0 praise our God al ~ way"; Let all his saints a - dore him.
61- .p.. ~
237 Rejoice and Be Glad

~-~-M ~ ~ ~ I t ~\ Ij ~ Z I 'f1
I. Re - joice and be glad! The Re - deem - er has come!

-- joice
2.Re joice and be glad! Now the par - don is free;
3. Re joice and be glad! For the Lamb that was slain
4. Re - and be glad! For our King from on high
5; R.e .,:. joice and be glad! For he com - eth to reign.

Go look on his cra - dle, his cross, and his tomb.
The just for the un - just hath died on the tree.
O'er death is tri - urn - phunt, and liv - eth a - gain.
Has come for his jew " els, his king - dom is nigh.
In tri - umph and glo - ry; 0 sing the glad strain.

~ r Ir r tJ=f==t r


i pg

Sound hisprais - es, tell the sto - ry Of him who was slain;

Sound his prais - es, tell with glad - ness, iie liv eth a - gain.
II ~- . . . . . II -II-

Rejoice, the Lord Is King

I. Re - joice, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King a - dore!

2. Je - sus, the Sa - viour, reigns, The Prince of peace and love;
3. He's tak - en his great pow'r; He rules o'er earth from heav'n;
4. He stands - at God's right hand All en - emies to de - feat,
~ ~ ~ -J ..
tJ$! P I f P~
F I j. fiE -

1_ _ _ _

Ye saints, give thanks and sing, And tri - umph cv - er - more:

When he had purged our stains, He took his seat a - bove:
In heav'll and earth all pow'r God un -
to him has given:
He wars at _God's com - mand, Foes fall low at his feet:

Lift up your hearf! lift up yourvoke! Re - joice! a - gain I say, re - joice!

Lift up your heart! lift up your voice! Re - joice! a - gai~ I say, re - joice!
Lift up your heart! lift up your voice! Re - joice! a - gain I say, re - joice!
Lift up your heart! lift up your voice! Re - joice! a - gain I say, re - joice!

-239 Repeat the Story
P. P. Buss

~ I
Ii il?1
I. Re - peat the sto - ry o'er and o'er, Of grace so full and free,
2. Of peace I on - ly knew the name, Nor found my soul its rest
~. My liigh - est place is ly - ing low At my Re - deem - er's feet;
4. And oh, what rap - ture will it be With all the host a - bove,
~ ~ ~. ~ f:' -fI-' fL "..

I love to hear it more and more, Since grace has res - cued me.
Un - til the sweet-voiced ang - el came To soothe my wea - ry breast.
No real joy in life I know, But in his serv - ice sweet.
To sing through all e - ter - ni - ty The won - ders of his love.
-J--"I ..fl.. -6-:


ill' , I~Tfql.IF
The half ...... was nev-er told, The half.... was nev-er told;
The half was nev - er, nev- er told, The half was nev - er, Dev - er told,

; ~ I r r r F=IF ~rlF I-~~~ J IBm

Of grace di - vine, so won - der-ful, The half ...... was nev-er told.
2.Of peace, etc. The half was nev - er, nev - er told.

... ... ...

3. Of joy, etc.
4. Of love, etc .

C'.ol'yril!ht by The John Church Co. Used by permission.

240 Rest, Till Morning Dawns
BERLIN. S. M. Alt. 220

~ i F ~--J i I P::P 1,4 Ii

I. Rest for the toil - ing hand,
1 ~?j z I tw I
Rest for the anx - ious brow,
2. Rest for the fe - vered brain, Rest for the throb - bing eye;
3. Rest, wea - ry one, a while, Till Christ shall bid thee rise;
4. Soon, soon from out the dust Shall all come forth and sing;
S. Let hope cheer those who weep; E'en now the rays of dawn

t4%2 r fa r FHZ r I F ~
~J ~

r~F f I rEf I

9'* ~ IOJ J J IQ i tId:Egn J i WrD

Rest for the wea - ry, way - sore feet, Rest from all la - bor now.

Thro' these parched lips of clay no more Shall pass the moan or sigh.
And soon, as from re - fresh - ing sleep, Thou'It wake with glad sur - prise.
Sharp has the frost of win - ter been But bright - ly shines the spring.
A - bove the east - ern hill - tops creep We're near the light of mom.

~H IPEl ~ IF f FHIfc; FF I~
Copyright. 1905. hy Jessie Herr.
241 Soldiers of Christ
ST. THOMAS. S. M. Alt. 54, 144

~ I d dI d:Jii1;
I. Rise up, sol - diers of Christ,
rt ! ~ J
And put
t11P..-r j
your arm - or on,
2. Strong in the Lord of Hosts, And in his might - y pow'r;
3. Stand, then, in his great might, With all his strength en - dued;
4. That hay - ing all things done, And all your con - fiicts past,
J I:' ..J -i~Jf~ rl"hl ~

ru p) I "II
I ,

~ti aI ~ dI 3 ~ I d ~ I d I j J I?
Strong in the strength which God sup-plies
Who in the strength of Je - sus trusts
Through his e - ter - nal Son;
Is more than con - quer - or.
But take, to arm you for the fight, The pan - 0 - ply of God; ,1
Ye may o'er - come, through Christ a - lone, And stand ~,;_ tire at last. I
~ I n -P- -6- II:. -~ -P-?- ~ :I

, I I I I

242 Rise, Crowned With Light
Russian Air

" I. Rise, crowned with light, ... tri - um-phant Zi - on, rise; .... Ex - alt thy
2. Lo! all the ran somed Je - sus' name con- fess, ... . Walk o'er the
3. The sea may waste, .... the skies to smoke de - cay, .... . Rocks fall to

tow - 'ring head and lift thine eyes: See heav'n its spark -ling par - tals
. high - way in true ho -.Ii - ness; Hark! how Je-ho-vah's praise thro'
dust, and moun-tains melt a - way; But fixed God's word, His say - ing

wide .... dis - play, And break up - en .thee in a flood of day.

out ;.-.-: eartb rings, While ev - 'ry land its joy - ous trib - ute brings.
pow'r re - mains; Thy realm shall las t, thy own Mes - si - ah reigns.

f 243
; Rock of Ages
TOPLADY. 7. 61. Alt. 74

I. Rock of A - ges, cleft for me, I am hid -' den ~afe in thee:
2. Who aught to my charge shall lay, Hid 7 dep... in <this Rock. al - way,?'
3. Could my tears for -ev - er flow, Could my zeal ne> Ian - guor know,

... + ~. )

1 .1 'I _

Hid -den here from all my foes,. None can harm though all op - pose;
Love did for my sin a - tone; I shall live through Christ a ~ lone.
These for sin could not a - tone; Thou hast saved. and thou .a -lOne...


(\ 1 I I I

For though JUII - tice once con-demned, Love did this blest shel - ter send.
I need fear no e - vii thing While by sim - pIe faith I cling.
In my hand no price I bring; Sim - ply to thy cross I cling.
, )

. 197
244 The Lord in His Temple

1. Round the Lord in glo - ry seat - ed, Glo - rious, wing-ed ser - a - phim
2. The new heav'ns with joy are ring-ing; Saints, take up the ser - aph's cry,
5'. With his ser-aph-train be-fore him, We, his ho-Iy Church be-low,
~ J -

~i:ftni R~ ~Ii i +~tGPfD

Filled his tern-pIe, and re - peat - ed Each to each th 'aI- ter - nate hymn:
'Ho - Iy, ho - Iy, ho - Iy,' sing - ing, 'Lord of hosts, thou C.od most high.'
Would u - nitenow to a - dore him, All our heartswithlove a - glow:

__ ~ -:- -I#- .$. ~ -=-

@~ 1: {J j rtfl ~ Hid ~ W=AtI

'Lord, thyglo - ry fills theheav-en;Earth is with its ful-nessstored;
'Lord, thy glo - ry fills the hc::v - en; Earth is with its ful- ness stored;
'Lord, thy glo - ry fills the hcav - en; Ear'th is with its fuI- ness stored;
~ ~-

4- -;9-

Un - to thee be glo - ry giv - en, Ho - Iy, ho - ly, ho - ly Lord!'

Un - to thee be glo - ry giv - en In thy tern-pIe, ho - Iy Lord!'
Un - to thee be gIo - ry giv - en In thy tern-pIe, ho - ly Lord!'

19 8
245 Safe in the Arms of Jesus

I. Safe in the arms of Je - sus, Safe from cor - rod - ing . care,
2. Je - sus, my's dear ref - uge, Je -sus . has died for me;

.JI-. +. r.~ ~ ~

CHo.-Safe in the arms of Je - sus, Safe in his love to rest,


from the world's temp - ta - tions, Sin can - not harm me there.

r rr xU
on the Rock of A - ges Ev - er my trust shall be.

o how my heart re - joic - es!

~ I~ f f
Sweet -ly my soul doth rest.

Free from the blight of sor - row, Free from all doubts and fears;
Here let me wait with pa - tience, Wait till the night is
~:":f:. ~

On - ly a few more tri - als, On - ly a few more tears I

Wait till the glo - rious sun - light Ris - es to set no

-246 Pray for Reapers'
. SICILIAN HYMN. 8. 7. -4. Alt. 2t3, 22~

f#1i J 0Sli i mn~a tMcd i

I. Saints of .. God, the dawn is bright'-ning With the glo - ly of the Lord;
,. 2~ Long we've sowed with t9il and sad - ness, Weep-ing Q'er ,the waste a-round;
3. Now, 0 Lord, fuI - fil thy pleas-ure, Use thy con- se - i:r~t - ed b;nd,
4. Soon shall end the' time of reap - ing, Soon the hap - P)~ day will cmrl~, '

,O'er the earth the field is whit'-ning; Now re - cali the Mas"ter's word-
Now we gath - er grains of glad - ness; Rip-ened wheat may now be found.
CuI-ling out thy pre-dous treas-ure From the tares o'er alt the Jand.
And with joy we shall be keep-ing God's e - ter - nal har-v('~t home.

Pray for reap-ers, Pray for r~p.-e:s_ In - ''vest of fh~ LorO.

Bless-ed reap-erst Bless-ed- reap"'ers! How'theirJoysmay:rib\v'acbolindl
,Make us reap-ers, Make us reap-ers, We're a ~ wait-ing thy com-mand. '
o what rap-ture! 0 what rap-ture!, Nev-er, nev-er - more to roam.

247 , Salvation
ZERAH. C, M. . Alt. 16

..... = ~ I i Ii ~ .....1 i'

'. tiE., Jtt4E1
! ~
-II- -... -
I. Sal -
2. Sal -
va - tion!
va - tion!
the joy - ful sound! What ')i dings for our race!
the ti - dings fly The sin .. cursed earth a - roundl
3. Sal - va - tion! 0 ye toil - ing saints, By faith ye ' have it now;
4. Sal - va - tion! 0 the ,bless - ed work With Christ you shall en - joy-
5. Sal~ v<]. - tion! 0 the bless - ed theme Shall fill the woi-ld with JOY,l

De - liv - 'ranee for the world is found, Through God's a - bound - ing grace.
Raise the tri - urn - phant notes on high, And let your songs a - bbund.
The proa - ise is your dai - lystrength, While to Goa's \vill ye bow.
Of bear - ing it to all man-kind-Your fu - ture blest em - ploy,
When all its might - y work is seen, Praise shall all tongues em - ploy.

", De.", liy-'xauce"' forthe world is found. Thrqugh vod's.1l"boqnd, ~ ing grace.
:&aiSethefr~'uni~pha:nt notes on high, And,' let your songs a - bound.
The prom-ise is your dai-Iy strength, While to God's will ye bow.
Ofbear-ing it to all man-kind-Your fu - ture blest em -ploy.
When ail' 'its might ~ y work is seen, Praise shall 'all tongues em- ploy.

1'1 ~_ J-. "..... 1. L- .... ~ 2. .fl- 9-

..248 Saviour, Lead Us
SAVIOUR. LIKE A SHEPHERD. 8. 7.4. Alt. I6I, 225

I. Sav - iour, like a shep-herd lead US; Much we need thy ten - der care;
2. We are thine; do thou be - friend US, Be the guard- ian of our way:
'" 3. Thou hast prom-ised to re - ceive us, Poor and need - y though we be;
4- Ful - ly let us have thy fa - vor, Ful - ly we would do thy will;

In thy pleas-ant pas-tures feed us, For our use thy fold pre - pare:
Keep thy flock, from foes de - fend us, Let us nev - er go a - stray:
Thou hast mer - cy to re - lieve us, Grace to cleanse, and pow'r to free:
Bless - ed Lord and on - ly Sav- iour, With thy love and like - ness fill:

Bless-ed Je - sus, Bless-ed Je - sus, Thou hast bought us, thine we are.
Bless-ed Je - sus, Bless-ed Je - sus, Hear, 0 hear us when we pray.
Bless-ed Je - sus, Bless-ed Je - sus, We have ful - ly turned to thee.

:r:. ....
Bless-ed Je - sus, Bless-ed Je - sus, 'I:hou hast loved us, love us still.
t: -f9-
+- t:

Bless-ed Je - sus, Je - sus,

v V
Thou hast bought us, thine we are.
Bless -ed Je - sus, Je - sus, Hear, 0 hear us when we pray.
Bless - ed Je - sus, Je - sus, We have ful- ly turned to thee.
Bless-ed Je - sus, Je - sus, Thou hast loved us, love us still.
t: ~ 1':\

249 Send Out Thy Light

I. Send out thy light and truth, 0 Lord; Let them our lead - eIS be
2. Send out thy light and truth, 0 Lord, Where sin's dark shad-ows fall;
3. Send out thy light and truth, 0 Lord; The bless - ed ti - dings spread
4- Send out thy light and truth, 0 Lord, And let the bear; of d~

~ I .. I

'-' ...
I ..
.... --- r . ~...
"J l>.

. ---.:.----
To guide us to thy ho - ly hill Where we shall wor - ship thee.
A - rouse the sol - dieIS of the cross To heed the trump - et's call;
Till, by those sweet e - van - gel tones, All na - tions shall be led;
Break through the dis-mal gloom of night And guide men in thy way.

~ I ~ I I I

i::c ~
@i~~~ t 9 t ~ t Ii ~~ - :1- ~
j I lUi
t. '"
'I r ~ r If

Send out thy light o'er land and sea, Till ev - 'ry heart shall bow to thee.
Send out thy truth where er-ror reigns, And cleanse a - way its crim-son stains.
Send out thy light, 0 Morn-ing Star, And beam up - on the isles a - far.
Send out thy truth, 0 speed the h0.1r When all the world shall know its pow'r.

===lH If ~ MIt f E~
Send out thy light, Thy light and truth, 0 Lord.
Send out thy light,

--- 1:: -fL -fL

..250 Fully the Lord's

I. Shall I, for fear of fee - ble man, Re - frain from show-ing God's great plan?
2. Shall I, for this world's mean re-nown, Rc-gard a mar-tars smile or frown?
3;': Lord, I would loy - al prove to thee. Let thy re-proach-es fall on me;
4. O! what are all earth's gild - ed toys Com-pared with heav'n's e-ter-nal joys?
5. O! sweet-er far the wild - er - ness, With all its bleak, wild bar - ren - ness,
6. Its man-ria is a fore-taste sweet Of heav'n-Iy boun- ty all com - plete;
'7. This path I there-fore hum - bly tread In foot-prints of our liv - ing Head,

I='-'"~ t l'""'J ~ ct -~- : f:

f ~ IFf F@C Ef
4- -f2- -6- -6- 4- 4- -6i-

~t4t t f It" f 1 F 1a I
@~ .~ m 11 Jd Jfti1T=$gtA hhj 1gn
......" . I
Un - der a cov - er hide my light, While thou-sands grope in cheer-less night?
How then could I my tri - al stand? Or what ex-cuse could I com-mand?
T!) spend my days in thine em - ploy Shall be my chief - est earth - ly joy.
Or ev - en to the feast now spread, For pil-grims through the de - sert led? .
Than all the cit - y's pomp and pride With-out my heav'n-Iy Friend and Guide!
Its cloud - y pil - lar, guid - ing light, Are ear-nests of the fu - ture bright.
In hope re- joic - ing as I go In him who leads and loves me so.
4- --6i- .J.,J

251 Shall We Meet~

I. Shall we meet be-yond death's riv-er, Where its sur - ges cease to roll?
2. Just be-yond. the time of. trou-ble, When our King has gained con - trol,
3. 01 how glad, in that blest har-bor, When this storm - y time is o'er,
4. 0 that glo - rious heav - 'illy cit-y! o that New Je - ru - sa - lem!
S. We shall meet our loved and lost ones, When the sur - ges cease to roll;
" ~
:Shall We MeetiL-Concluded

And in all the long for - ev - er, Shall we rest from its con - trol?
Dawns the glo - rious, bright for-ev-er, Which shall glad-den ev - 'ry soul.
Men will be to cast their an-chor, On e - ter - ni - ty's blest shore I
How 'twill shine in all its beau-tyl 'Twill be gor-geous as a gem.
Sin and death, and ev - 'ry e - viI, Then shall yield to Christ's con-trol.


Yes, we'll meet, yes, we'll meet, Yes, we'll meet be - yond the riv - er;
We shall meet, we shall meet, We shall meet be - yond the trou - ble;
They shall meet, they shall meet, They shall meet in that blest har - bor;
We shall meet, we shall meet, We shall meet in that fair cit - y;
We shall meet, we shall meet, We shal1ll1eet be - yond all trou - bIe;

e 1:
-t ~I
0 1 i\111 a 4 I 1: j Ij: i' i l 3II
Yes, we'll meet be-yond the riv - er' Where there's life for ev - 'ry soul.
We shall meet be-yond the trou-ble, When its . sur-ges cease to roll.
They shall meet in that blest har-bor- Anc:l be blest for ev - er - more.
We shall meet in that fair cit - y- In the New Je-ru - sa -Iero.
We shall meet be-yond all trou - hie, When the sur-gel! cease to ron.

tt . I -... . .. . '"

. -
. . .
~ ~ ~
I ~
; ; II
The King's Daughter
(Psalm xlv) G. F. lIANnEL. Alt. 38, 106

&~ ~ I G FI 3 j Ii I r Ip ~ 11 a13
I.She com - eth to the King In cloth - ing of gold wrought;

"'" - - thg i-,

2.They shall be brought with joy, And mirth on ev - 'ry side,
3. And in thy fa - ther's stead, Thy chi! - dren thou shalt take,
~I "ow f",~
a;. ~ th>~

~ F IKf f I F4 rtF=: &If) ~ I R f I ~
T '"'

, ~ ImP Id i 1?Jr,3 Ij liISj Id ~p

The vir - gins that do fol - low her Shall un - to thee be brought.
In - to the pal - ace of the King, There ev - er to a - bide.
And in all pia - ces of the earth Them no - ble prin - ces make.
i There-fore the peo - pie ev - er - more Thy fair name shall ex - tol.
r::,...fl- -6'- 1 )

..J I I I I
253 The Beauty of Holiness
HEBRON. L. M. Alt. 186, 289

'~JIJn JIHd Idldd ~I.~pl

I. Sin - cere - Iy let our lives ex - press The beau-ties of true ho -Ii - ness;
2. Let love and faith and hope and joy Be pure, and free from sin's al- loy;
3. Our Fa-ther, God, to thee we raise Our prayer for help to tread thy ways-
.f2-. .....

So let the Chris-tian gra - ces shine, That all may know the pow'r eli-vine.
Let Christ's sweet spir-it reign with-in, And grace sub - due the pow'r of sin.
For wis-dom, pa-tience, love and light, For grace to speak and act a - right.

254 Trust Him More

I ~
Since the
I. Fa-ther's arm sus-tains thee, Peace - ful be,
Nei - ther
2. murm'ring nor com-plain-ing, In his hand
3 There-fore what - so - e'er be - tid - eth, Night or day,
4 To his own Je - ho - vah giv - eth Dai - ly strength,
-(2.. ~ ~- -(2..

When a chas.ten-ing hand re-strains thee, It !lis he.

Lay what - ev - er things thou canst not Un - der stand,
Know his love for thee pro - vid - eth Good al way.
To each troub-Ied soul that stri - veth, Peace at length.
-(2.. ~ ~.. ~ -(2..

Know his love in full com - plete - ness Fills the meas - ure
Though the world thy wit ness spurn - eth, From thy faith in
Crown of sharp re - proach - es take, Grate - ful wear it
Weak - est lambs have larg - est share Of our ten der -

J J J. J J J J J I

I r-"
Of thy weakness, If he wounds thy spir - it soce, Trust him more.
pi - ty turn-eth, Peace thy in-most soul shall fill, Trust - ing still.
For his sake, Sweet-Iy bend-ing to his will, Trust - ing still.
Shep-herd's care. Ask him not then, When? or How? On - ly bowl

~ If:. ~'t:: ~ ~ r:<- ~.p.. ~ -r:<-. _a: ...-J. -(2..~

20 7
255 ResUITection

I. Sing with all the sons of glo . Sing the res - ur-rec - tion song!
2.0 what glo - ry, far All that eye has yet per-ceivedl

Death and sor-row, earth's dark sto - ry, To the for - mer days be - long.
Ho - liest hearts, for a - ges plead - ing, Nev - er that full joy con-ceived.

@$ t ll~'

All a-round the clouds are break-ing, Soon the storms of earth shall cease,
All a-round the clouds are breaking, Soon the storms of earth shall cease.
God has prom-ised, Christ pre-pares it, Tb:re W~ s:)()n God's friends shall meet;
God has prom !sed, Christ pre pares it, There we soon God's friend's shall meet,
~~ L~ ~

. " ~ ,
.C. 9. ., r .,., I

In God's like-ness man, a. - wa.k. - ing, Comes to ev - er - last - ing peace.

Ev - 'ry hum - ble spir - it shares it, There our joy shall be com-plete.

,.. -- ,. . .__~_ L L
-- . - ~ .".. "
r r
256 Soldiers of the Cross, Arise r
MENDELSSOHN. Alt. 141, 105

~b ~ dJ I U J G I Z ~ ~ -( Ii i b
I. Sol - diers of the Cross, a - rise I Gird you with your a:r: - mar bright;

~Tr7~ ll~l f irlY IHiM

I'~ ~ ~: trpi POIQ~ ~: Iii I ~I
Might - y are your en - e - mies, Hard the bat - tle ye must fight.
Let the king - dam her - aid go, Let the voice of hope be heard.
-A. -& ~-1: 1

1~ J J~i-J,j4J j j:tli-~ ijj

O'er a faith-less, fall- en world Raise God's stand-ard in the sky:
To the wea - ry and the worn Tell of times when sor - rows cease;

rs# f- t If f t ~ f t- t If f E1
~~~ r: f I~ j ~ I :~ ~~ . j I~ f4:l
Let it float there wide un - furled; Bear it on - ward; lift it high,

f!: t .,.
Com fort bring to those that mourn; glad reign of peace,
(1-, SzkrhJt:S
~ ~ F- ~ ... fL ..f2- l'
. --I

r { tid. d
II r
Let it float
r= eIbi J I ~
there wide un - furled; Bear it on - ward; lift it high.
Com - fort bring to those that mourn; Speak of Christ's glad reign of peace.
257 The Desire of All Nations
MILES LANE. c. M. Alt. 6

I. Soon all shall hail our Je - sus' name; An - gels shall pros-crate
2. The ris - en saints shall sound the lyre, And as they sound it
3. The rem - nant saved from Is - rael's race, Re - deemed from Is-rael's
4. Gen-tiles shall come, and com - ing sing, Through-out this earth -ly.

fall; For him the bright - est glo - ry claim, And hail him,
fall Be - fore his face who formed their choir, And hail him,
fall, Shall praise him for his won-drous grace, And hail him,
ball, lio - san - nas to our heav'n-Iy King, And hail him,

I !1 F1 &1 rEi f : -I j r WI R
hail him, all.

258 Earth's New Song
HARWELL. 8. 7. Alt. 35, 328
i2J: _II j:
t i iii. J.::j::j

Soon shall count - less heart~ and voic - es

I j: t 15:

i $ lip

the song of ju - bi - lee;

2. 0, the rap - turous, bliss-ful sto - ry, Spo - ken to Im-man-uel's praisel
3. While our crowns of glo - ry cast - ing At his feet, in rap - ture lost,
4. Yes, he reigns, the great Mes - si - ah,
~ ~.. -t- .,..,. -f-
the heav'n-Iy glo - ry crowned-

:i:~ .. 1\ ~~ .. ~
; -I: -11t i t' 1t4~ I j: f15: i $'-14(41
Bless - ed song! the song of Mos - es, Earth's new song of lib - er - ty.
And the strains so full of glo _. ry, That un - num-bered voic - es raise!
We, in an - thems ev - er - last - ing, Min - gle with th' an-gel - ic host.
Is - rael's hope and earth's de - sire,
~ ~.... -S- -1'1- L .,. -fL ~ n ..
Now tri - um-phant and re-nowned_

Hail Mes-si - ah! great De-liv-'rer! Hail Mes - si - ah! praise to thee!
Now a sea of bliss un-bound-ed Spreads o'er earth thro' end-less days.
Hal -Ie - lu - jah! hal-Ie -lu - jah! Earth's de-sire and Is-rael's boast!
Hail Mes-si-ah! reign for- ev- erl Hail Im-man-uel! wor-thy found!
I. Hail Mes-si - - ahl great De - Iiv - 'rer! I1ail Mes - si - - ahl praise to thee!
~ .,. ./L ./L .,. -P-

Hal - Ie - Iu - jah, Hal -Ie -Iu - jah, Hal - Ie - lu - jahl A - men.

, ~ ~ t: ;. t:--
~ ~ If r H i f ~
259 Rest for' the Weary

S 21: t Ii j j it ~ 11: J IF- ,,-

-- ,--lIJ I
I. Soon shall res - ti - tu - tion glo - ry B~toearth a bless - ed rest;
2. Just be-yond the com - ing trou - ble See the reign - ing Prince of peace!
3. Sing! o sing! ye heirs of glo - ry, Shout the ti - dings as you go!
4. Tell how E - den's bloom and beau - ty Once a - gain shall be re - stored,
5. 0 yes, sing, ye heirs of glo - ry, Shout your tri-umph far and near,
".... "... f'- f'- f'- f'- ~ 11'1
_-I:.. .-?-. ~
: . .
'" '"
, " " , r r

i tJ ....
And the poor, and faint, and wea -. ry Shall be lift - ed up and blest.
Lol God's king-dom now is ris - ing And op-pres-sion soon must cease.
Pub -lish wide re - demp - tion's sto - ry- All, its heal- ing balm should know.
Mak - ing all man's wide do - min - ion As the gar - den of the Lord.
Let the notes of praise and sing - ing Sweet-Iy fall on sor - row's ear.
.... ... ."... ... .."... 1 I I l'

I , I 1 I I I

r " I "Ii

ItJ .... "-'

There is rest for the wea - ry, There is rest for the wea - ry,
...-..".. .".... "... "... ?- .....
1 'I 1 1 1 I' LI I
. -..
There is rest for the wea - ry, There is rest for all

260 LStand Up for Jesus
WEBB. 7.6. Alto 86, 285

I. Stand up! stand up for Je - sus I Ye sol - diers of the cross;

2.Stand up! stand up for Je - sus! Stand in God's strength a -lone;
3. Stand up! stand up for Je - sus! The strife will not be long;

@f )-JJ. f Z
~ I Lq I i I I~ j S j I d~ I
Lift high his roy - al ban - ner, It must not suf - fer loss;
The arm of flesh will fail you, Ye dare not trust your own;
This day the noise of bat - tie, The next the vic - tor's song;

From vic - t'ry un -

to vic -
t'ry His ar - my he shaH lead,
Put on the gos- pel ar -
mor, And, watch - ing un - to prayer,
To him that 0 -
ver- com - eth A crown of life shall be;

Till ev - 'ry foe is van - qui shed, And Christ is Lord in - deed.
Where du - _ty calls, or dan - ger, Be nev - er want - ing there.
He with the King of glo - ry Shall reign e - ter - nal - ly.
261 The Earth Is the Lord's
MIGDOL. L. M. Alt. 253

I. Soon shall the joy-ous song a ~ rise Thro' all the hosts be - neath the skies,
2. Let all the Gen-tile kingdoms be Sub - ject - ed, might - y Lord, to thee!
3. Soon shall that glorious an-them swell, And host to host the tri - umph tell,
~. -t2- -6- n -f9- ~ -f9- n ,.;;~- ,:; is'-;'" H

I I I I I ....AI

That song of triumph which records That all the earth is now the Lord's.
And o-ver land, and stream, and main, Now wave the seep - tre of thy reign.
That no re-bel-lious foe re - mains, But 0 - ver all the Sav - iour reigns.

P1PJ.. -6-.

262 The Lord, a Sun and Shield

I. i Iffit'ji lID

fllllpllrJj Ip
I. Sun of my soul, my Fa - ther dear, I know no night when thou art near.
2. Shield of my soul, tho' tem - pests rage, And 'gainst me hosts of foes en - gage,
3. Thy grace and glo - ry thou dost give To those who near thee ev - er live;
4. Thy choic-est trea-sure, e'en thy Son, Thy well- be - loved and ~n - ly one,
S. Yea, thou who spar-edst not thy Son, Whose sac-ri - fice our ran - som won,

~ -6-'

The Lord, a Sun-Concluded

O! may no earth-born cloud a - rise To hide thee from thy serv-ant's eyes.
My ref - uge and my for - tress thou, Be - fore thee ev - 'ry foe must bow.
And no good thing dost thou with - hold From sheep which stray not from thy fold.
Free -ly thou gav - est once for me, From sin and death to set me free,
Shalt, with him, all things free -ly give; He lives, a pledge that we shall live.

If f IF I~ F ~ IFf I Uf I~ 11

263 Sweet Each Moment


I. Sweet eaclI mo-ment, riclI in bless - ing, WhiclI be - fore the cross I spend;
2. Tru - ly bless - ed is this sta - tion, Low be - fore his cross to lie,
3. Love and grief my heart di - vid - ing, With my tears his feet I'll bathe;.
4. Here, in ten - der, grate -ful sor - row, With my Sav - iour will I stay;

Lif~, and health, and peace pos-sess - ing, From the sin - net's dy - ing Friend.
While I see di - vine com-pas - sion Beam - ing in his gra - cious eye.
Con - stant still, in faith a - bid - ing, Life de - riv - ing from his death.
Here, fresh hope and strength will bor-row, Turn -ing dark - ness in - to day .
.... ..(2. -IL
-264 Sweet Hour of Prayer

I. Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! That calls me from a world of care,
2. Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! Thy wings shall my pe - ti - tion bear
./'- -fi. of- -!-_ ./'- L !'I
I ..

And bids me at my Fa-ther's throne Make all my wants and wish-es known!
To him whose truth and faith-ful-ness En - gage the wait-ing soul to bless.

In sea - sons of dis - tress and grief My soul has oft - en found re - lief,
And since he bids me seek his face, Be - lieve his word ann. trust his grace,

./'- --- I'!\

And oft es - caped the temp-ter's snare By thy re - turn, sweet hour of prayer,
I'll cast on him my ev - 'ry care And wait for thee, sweet hour cf prayer,
Sweet Hour of Prayer-Concluded

And oft es - caped the temp-ter's snare By thy re - turn,sweet hour of prayer.
I'll cast on him my ev - 'ry care And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer.

265 Sweet Is the Work

llARmOLEMON. Alt. ISo, 219

I.Sweet is the work, my God, my King, To praise thy Name, give thanks, and sing:
2.Sweet is the day of sa - cred rest; No earth -ly care shall fill my breast;
3. My heart shall tri - umph in the Lord, And bless his works, and bless his word.
4. And I shall share agio - rious part When grace hath well re - fined my heart,
5. E'en now I see, and hear, and know More than I hoped for here be - low,
.~. ~ iL iL ~ ~... ~ r-:. ~.. J
I [

To show thy love by morn - ing light, And talk of all thy truth at night.
0, may my heart in tune be found, Like Dacvid's harp of sol - emn sound I
His works of grace, how bright they shine! How deep his coun-sels! how di - vinel
And fresh sup - piles of joy are shed, Like ho - ly oil, to cheer my head.
And ev -' ry pow'r finds sweet em-ploy Pro-claim-ing ti - dings of great joy.

J It.. .. L

I I I I I I , 1..11 I

266 All to Thee
HORTON. '1. Alt. 24, 196

~l Ed
life and may it be,
feet and let them be
til "I PilPilPJIPJ
r ~
Lord, ac - cept - a - ble to thee;
Swift on er - rands, LOld, for thee;
3. Take my lips and let them be Moved with mes - sa - ges from thee;
4. Take my mo-ments and my days; Let them flow in con-stant praise;
my love, my God; I pour At thy feet its treas-ure-store;
5. Take
r: r-;j ~

@fl!~ ~ If ~ lSJJF "I PH ~ IP~ 1M

P i q
Take my hands, and
11Pf!P1 r~'lfUl+ #13"0
let them move At the im - pulse of thy love.
Take my voice and let it bring Hon - or al - ways to my King.
Take my sil - ver and my gold; Noth - ing, Lord, would I with-hold.
Take my in - tel - leet and use Ev - 'ry pow'r as thou shalt choose.
Take my - self- I wish to be Ev - er, on - ly, all for thee.
t: _~ -f'-_ ~:f:.. ~ -I ~ n
... I I
267 Tell It Out! 1

~t {I~:
I.Tell it out a - mong the na - tions, that the Lord is
2. Tell it out a - mong the peo - pie, that the Sav - iour reignsl
3. Tell it out a - mong the peo - pie, Je - sus' reign be - gins:
${ ('
1M e e e e f elF f r

Tell it out! Tell it out! Tell it out

a - mong the
f ,
Tell it out! Tell it out! Tell it out a - mong the 1
Tell it out! Tell it out! Tell it out a - mong the

tJ e jlP
Copyright, 1905, by Jessie G. Herr ZIg
Tell It Out I-Concluded

na - tions; bid them shout and sing: Tell it out! Tell it out!
. ,
pns - ners, bid them break their chains: Tell it out! Tell it out!
na - tions, he shall van - quish sins: Tell it out! Tell it out!

~ ~ e e If ~ r I ~ ; If . f S IpO

II t Tell
=) I J":
it out
I~ l
with ex - ul -
i t i t I~
ta- tion, that he shall
, Z
in - crease:
Tell it out a - mong the weep - ing ones, that Je - sus lives:
Tell it out a - mong the high - ways and the lanes at home;

ttti . . . " " " " . .

fflfjjjjfi'lli, ;Itt l

That the might - y King of glo - ry is' the King of peace; Tell it
Tell it out a - mong the wea - ry ones, what rest he gives; Tell it
Let it ring a - cross the moun-tains and the 0 - cean's foam; That the

~ .i
~ ... "
.... "... ~ ~
# ~ f $' 1 #f ", f
t 1 . , . . i~I-rtr
I~ j I ~ I . 1 "
j. II

out withju- bi-la-tion;let the song ne'er cease: Tell it out! Tell it out!
out a - mong the sin-ners, that he came to save: Tell it out! Tell it out!
wea - ry, heav-y -la - den need no Ion - ger roam; Tell it out! Tell it out!
Ten it out!

~ r HH eH I~ ~ ~ If; 210
r r ~ I~ ~ II J
-268 Take Up Thy Cross
MIGDOL. Iu M. Alt. 82

~~11a I~
,. I. "Take up thy cross," the Sav - iour said, "If thou wouldst
2. Take up thy cross; let not its weight Fill thy weak
3. Take up thy cross, then, in his strength, And calm - ly
4. Take up thy cross and fol - low Christ; Nor think till

u. ~ .'- ~- ~ ..:g:.
: , I I I

. j" . .
tl: t t f I
spir- - - -
De - ny thy - self, the world for-
His strength shall bear thy spir - it
ev - 'ry ger

dan - brave; 'Twill guide thee to a bet - ter
death to lay it down; For on - Iy he who bears the

" .r-~ ~-.. ~ 1'l\ :t ~ _~_ --- .

+- ~ ~
-( (

hum - bly
brace thy
- low
- er
home, 'Twill lead to vic - t'ry o'er the grave.
cross May hope to wear the glo - rious crown.

11 '-.J
... Jr-J ~ 17'.t ~.,. ~.

269 The Church
AURELIA. 7. 6. Alt. 56, 200

'~ii Iii ~ j IU f*$il , i ~ I JJ

I. The Church's one foun - da tion Is Je - sus Christ, her Lord;
2. Though, with a scorn - ful won - der, Men see her sore op - prest:
3. Mid toil and trib - u - la - tion, And tu - mult of her war,
...... --- .. n .. .n.


,~ , I ~ 3 ] ~ I d ~ I J I ~ i
She is God's new ere - a - tion,
* FI W 1
Be - got - ten with his Word.
By foes too great to num - ber, By tri - als sore dis - trest,
She waits the con - sum - rna - tion Of peace for - ev - er - more;
.. .. I-t. ~n --- ~ ~ ~ 1... n


From heav'n he came and sought her ~ To be his ho - ly bride;

Yet saints their watch are keep - ing; goes up, "How long?"
Till, with the vi - sion glo - rious, blest,

With his own blood he bought her, And for her life he died.
And soon the night of weep - ing Shall change to mom of song.
And the great Church vic - to - rious Shall be the Church at rest.
.. .. .-
-270 Let the King of Glory In
DAY DAWN. 9. 8.

'ii ttfflli
P07 I ~ iJf= Ii hJ
The flush of mom is on the moun-tains To drive a - way the night of sin;
.-2.The flush of mom is on the moun-tains, And on-ward steals to far-thest plain.
3. Tho' round a-bout him clouds and dark - ness Ob - scure the beams of dawn-ing day,
. -Jj )+-6-

Lift up your heads, 0 hin-d'ring por - tals, And let the King of glo - ry inl
A - wake, 0 earth! the day is dawn-ing; He comes whose right it is to reign.
A - hove the clouds, up - on the mountains, The watch-ers see the mom - ing ray.

He comes, he comes, the King of glo - ry! The light of life up -on his brow.
+ .1-1

~~ Il t 1= i t I ~ I r 0 : ~ 11 1 ;4 u
H2.ill-, ye na-tions, hail him! hail himl The King of kin. ~ hold him now.

. ..... - I'""' ~ fiI- ~

,.. .. Jj ..
r ~ ~
, ~ ~ I ~ ~ I I I

_ _ lj
271 The God of Abraham Praise
(Genesis xxxi: 42)-
LEONI Alt. 241

I. The God of Abra - ham praise, Who reigns en - throned a - bove,
2. The God of Abra - ham praise, At whose su - preme eom - mand
3. The God of Abra - ham praise, Whose all - suf - fie - ient grace

I "-
An - dent of ev - eI - last - ing days, And God of love.
From earth we rise and seek the joys At his right hand:
Shall guide us all our hap - py days, In all our ways:

@t:p If' f ri r IFF FIE I ~ I:

Je -
ho - vah great "I AM," In earth and heav'n eon - fessed;
We all on earth for - sake, Its wis - dom, fame, and pow'r;
Hail, Abra - ham's God and ours! Our voic - es glad we raise
..f2- L2.

,~ P1 d: ~ d W d 3~
I 1 ~ ~ I.., U
We bow and bless the sa - ered name, For - ev - er blest.
And him our on' - ly Por - tion make, Our Shield and Tow'r.
And eel e - brate with all our pow'rs Thy end - less praise.
L2. d~

- 272 The Glory of' the Lord
CREATION. L. M. Alt. 71, 87

ty\l f I): ~ ~ !, IpO Ip bpfp ~~J:I

I. The heav'ns de - clare thy
Au - thor of Na - ture's
won -
- drous
ry, Lord,
Through all
Pre - serv-
,.. 2.
3. And while bright vi - sions of thy pow'r The shin - mg
4. But not a - lone do worlds of light, And earth, dis-
5. In Christ, when all things are com - plete- The things in
By. faith we see thy
Cailed, Lord, by thee, to
-- ry
pres -
1""-1'- ~ ........ I""

r 1,--" i Jld.3 Id:

realms i)f bound - less space The soar - ing mind may roam a -
of its glo - rious grace, We hail thee as the great First
worlds be - fore us bring, The earth - Iy gran- deur, fruit and
play thy grand de signs; 'Tis when our eyes be - hold thy
earth and things in heav'n-The heav'ns and earth shall be re -
. wis - dom, love and grace; In praise and ad - o - ra - tion
of thy gio. ry bright, Of for such con- de - scend - ing
I"" ___

d I 3: U
broad, And there thy pow'r and wis - dom trace.
Cause, -And here '. de" light thy ways to trace.
flow'r, The prais es of thy boun - ty sing.
Word We read thy name in fair - est lines.
plete With thy high prais es ev- er giv'n.
bow, And long to see thy glo- rious face.
grace How can we speak thy praise a right?

- 224
273 The Lord Is King r Lift Up Thy Voice
Adapted SwiM Tune. Alt. 42, 2II

I. The Lord is King! Lift up thy voice, 0 earth and all ye heav'ns, re-joice;
2. The Lord is King! chil-dren of dust, The Judge of all the earth is just;
~__~ _~ .n,..,. fI- fI-

I I I I ( I \I I I I \I I

From world to world the joy doth ring: 'The Lord Om - nip - 0 - tent is King!'
Ho - ly and true are all His ways: Let ev - 'ry crea-ture speak His praise.

The Lord is King! What saint shall dare Re - sist His will, dis - trust His care,
He reigns! Ye saints, ex - alt your strains, Your God is King! Je - ho - vah reigns!

Or mur - mur at His wise de - crees, Or doubt His roy - al prom - i - ses?
And lo! there stands on Zi - on's height The a- noint - ed Son with king-dom right.

~74 The Easy Yoke

I. The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want; He mak-eth me down to lie

2. My soul cri-eth out: "Re-store me a - gain, And give me the strength to take
3 .... Yea, tho' I should walk in the valley of death, Yet why should I then fear ill?

In past - ures green; he lead - eth me The qui - et wa - ters by.

The nar - row path of right -eous- ness, E'en for his own name's - sake."
For thou art with me, and thy rod And staff me com - fort still.

; {I
His yoke is eas - y, his bur-den is light; I've found it so, I've found it so;


He lead - eth me by day and by night, Where liv - ing wa - ters flow.

275 The Lord Is Risen
SHIRLAND. S. M. Alt. 288

1~~~li i pnld:IHn~ Pild:1

I. The Lord is ris'n in - deed The grave hath lost its prey;
2. The Lord is ris'n in - deed; He lives to die no more;
3. The Lord is ris'n in - deed; At - tend - ing an - gels, hear!

-=r f F='!p:q f !~---i ,t,ilre "'" "'~, - flli

.. Thffi tak, yom gold - Iy=, And chord;

With him shall rise the ran-somed seed, To live in end - less day. 'I
He lives, and will his peo - pIe lead, Whose curse and shame he bore.
Up to the courts of heav'n, with speed, The joy - ful ti - dings bear. .

j : ;' ':h~tt -; -:' ;O.i~ ~ p~o: ~h"'ro.. I rig

~3f f t t It t i lilttb'r r letD ',I:

- l
276 In Green Pastures !,
WARE. L. M. Alt. 120 Ii
_1111J J
H-afl113 J d:J~ I~:J
The Lord my pas- ture shall pre-pare, And feed me with a shep - herd's care,
2. When in the sul- try glebe I faint, Or on the thirst- y moun - tain pant,
3. Though in a bare and rug-ged way, Throughdevious,lone-Iy wilds I stray,
4. Though through the vale of death I tread, With many dan - gers 0 - ver - spread, II
I~ HIF FHI;O Ir IFF r rig FII~

_~--- ---~ ---~I~ iii I)I 93~ il~j I{U

~ I

His pres-ence shall my wants sup-ply, And guard me with a watch - ful eye.
To fer - tile vales and dew - y meads, My wea-ry, wan-d'ring steps he leads.
Thy boun-ty shall my pains be - guile; The bar - ren wi!- der - ness shall smile.
My stead-fast heart shall fear no ill; For thou, 0 Lord, art with me stilI.
"....,.."... I
~ -... +~ I J '"
277 His Day Is At Hand
Adapted from Swiss AIr. Alt. 2IO

I.The Lord, our Sav - iour, will ap - pear; His day is

He's come to take his pow'r to reign O'er earth with
3. The prince of dark - ness he'll de - stroy; The hosts of
40 Then those who suf - fered in his name, Who did 0
5. The . won - deis of that hap - py age What mor - tal


now at hand; The signs make known his pres - ence here;
all his saints; Je - sus, the Lamb of God, once slain,
sin o'er - throw; Sa tan shall then no more an - noy,
bey his Word, Raised high in glo - ry, shall pro - claim
could de - clare? We view with the sa - cred page,


"The wise shall un - der - stand." "The wise shall un - der - stand."
Will end its long com - plaints, Will end its long com - plaints.
For Christ shall reign be - low, For Christ shall reign be - low.
The good - ness of their Lord, The good - ness of their Lord.
For we can read them there, For we can read them there.

f~. t t I'.: I fzf~~=t:

r~ I E.E
278 The Glorious Day
MERIBAH. C. P. M. Alt. 192

I. The night is past, the mom-ing ray Comes ush-'ring in the glo-rious day,
2. Stu - pen-<lous scene! Th()se men of old, Proph - ets who have the sto - ry told

3. Now en - tered in - to their re - ward, These faith- ful serv-ants of the Lord


I I 1 I
It) C-'
The prom- ised time of rest; Haxk! 'tis the trum-pet sound-ing deax;
Of this tran - scen- dent day; The pa - tri - archs, a - pos - tIes, too,
Have not served him in vain; The faith - ful, wor - thy ones of old

. ~ - ~-f2- "9- -~ ~- .. :t- ~ .- ".. ~ -6'-


tJ ..... "
Its joy - ful notes burst on the eax, Pro - claim - ing ti - dings blest.
Who lived and died with this in view, In glo - ri - ous ar ray. -
As earth - ly prin - ces of - fiee hold, While saints in glo - ry reign.
~ .. J. J

A Millennial Song
(First Tune)
w. H. PEPWOltm JESSIE G. H:n:R

, I. The night is past, the day has come, The light of the Mil -
2. In Zi - on trees of heal - ing grow, A pan - a - ce - a

len - ni - urn Ir - ra - di - ates the sky. And earth's ten -

for the woe Of all the tribes of man; And right - eous .

thou - sand voic - es sweet In hap - py har - rno - ny com - pete,

ness and peace have found On earth a hap - py meet - ing ground,

23 0
A Millennial Song-Concluded

To raise the joy - ful cry: Re - joice! . Re - joice! man-

And, like a rain - bow, span With glo - rious arch the

...-:-- .
~ .

kind is' free From all his an - cient tyr - an - ny!

heav'n a - bove, Dis - play - ing God's e ter - nal love,

@~ t
I ~
n are er
gall - ing
i: 1
And van - ished are our griefs and pains:


@~$ i' I ~ J: ~ f =f I
f : rm
Mes - si
ah reigns!


- si ah reigns!

VGllle 3 may be sung to the and tune, thus using both tunes as one song.
A Millennia! Song
(Second Tune)

~,~Ki I tiH
{ h 0 J~: lJiH f=m
I. The night is past, the day has come, The light of the Mil-
2. In Zi - on trees of heal - ing grow, A pan - a - ce - a

len - ni - um Ir - ra. - eli - ates the sky. And eaIth's ten-

for the woe Of all the tribes of man; And right - eous-

thou - sand voic es sweet In hap. py hal - mo-

ness and peace have found On earth ~ hap - py

.. . ...
'- ._. ~-

-- --- . - '---,
~ I I I fool I I
A Millennia! Song-Concluded

ny com - pete, To raise the joy - ful cry: Re - joice! Re -

meet - ing ground, And, like a rain - bow, span with glo - rious

'" "
@~$ ~: Ji tl
joice! man - kind is free From all his an - cient
arch the heav'n a - bove, Dis - play - ing God's e-

I~f f

tyr - an - ny! Bro - ken are er - ror's gall - ing chains:

tel'" - love, And van - ished are our griefs . and pains:

Mes - si - ah reigns! Mes - si ah

There Is a God
ERNAN. L. M. Alt. 272,319

I. There is a God-all Na - ture speaks, Thro'earth, and air, and seas, and skies:
2. The ris-ing sun, se - rene - ly bright, O'er the wide world's ex-tend - ed frame
3. Ye eu-rious minds, who roam a - broad, And trace ere-a - tion's won - ders o'er,

~ ..
I I I I I :-' I

Seel from the clouds his glo - ry breaks, When the first beams of morn - ing rise.
In - scribes, in char-ac - ters of light, His might-y Mak - er's gIo - rious name.
Con - fess the foot-steps of your God, And bow be - fore him, and a - dore.

281 God's Omnipotence

SILOAM. C. M. Alt. 163, 195

I. There is an eye that nev - er sleeps Be - neath the wing of night;

2. There is an arm that nev - er tires When hu - man strength gives way;
3. 0, wea - ry souls with cares op - pressed, Trust in his loy - ing might
4. Whose ear is 0 - pen to thy cry; Whose grace is full and free;
5. Draw near to him in prayer and praise; Re - lyon his sure word;
God's Omnipotence-Concluded

There is an ear that nev - er shuts When sink the beams of light.
There is a love that nev - er fails . When earth -ly loves de - cay.
Whose eye is 0 - ver all thy ways Through all thy wea - ry night;
Whose com - fort is for - ev - er nigh; What - e'er thy sor - rows be.
Ac - knowl - edge him in all thy ways, Thy faith - ful, loy - ing Lord.

282 The Secret Place


I. There is a safe and se - cret place Be - neath the wings di - vine,

2. The least and feeb - lest here may bide, And rest se - cure in God;
3. The an - gels watch him on his way, And aid with friend -ly arm;
4- He feeds in pas - tures large and fair, Of love and truth di - vine:
s. A hand al- might - y to de - fend, An ear for ev -'ry call,

~d I ~ F r BE ~ r I r IF E r Elf> J
~HI= ~ ~ ;Ii
Re - served for ev - 'ry child of grace By faith who says, 'Tis mine.
Be - neath his wings they safe - ly hide, When dan- gers are a - broad.
And Sa - tan, seek - ing out .his prey, May hate, but can - not harm.
o child of God, 0 glo - ry's heir, How rich a lot is thine!
A hid - den life, and in the end, Glo - ry to crown it all.

-283 The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon!
Words and music by JUSIE G. Hall

~#Ii ~:
n .1 II i Iijjf'J f: I iq P
There's a call go - ing out thro' the length of the land, To serve in the
2. Ye saints, will ye join with the Lord in his work? He seeks all the
.. 3. Then haste thee a - way to the work for to - day; Go forth with your

~ If ~:Ef ~ cll lfflc IF rr

@4d t 43/$ #:1 ~: I i
Ar - my of Gid - e - on; Our Cap - tain has is - sued the
will - ing and loy - alj There is serv - ice for all: then re-
heart filled with glad - ness. Tell all whom you meet, of his

fin - al com-mand To van-quish the co-horts of Mid-ian.

spond to his call, With thanks for this priv-i -lege roy - al. Then up, up, my
mes- sage so sweet: His King-dom will ban-ish all sad-ness.
~ :to ~ ~. . I... n ..~ ...

soul, lin - ger not, To day must a bat - tie be fought. Let us com- pass the
:t ~. ~ :f!='""~. . . "",--.
The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon-Concluded

S)9 0 j I i
-9-11- ~
~1 IJ~ I J l td t -tlz ~ jJ

foe, and shout as


we go, "The Sword of the LordI and of Gid - eonl"

~ ~ ~::t ! ~ t ~.
l- !:: ..

284 Search and See

j i 11 ~
There's a wide - ness in God's mer -cy,
~ J ~ I il i i J b i
Like the wide - ness of the sea;
P- .

2. There's no pla(."C where earth -ly sor - rows Are more felt than up in heav'n;
3. For the love of God is broad - er Than the mea - sure of man's mind;
4. But men make his love too nar - row By false lim - its of their own,
S. If OUI faith is true and sim - pIe We will take him at his word,
? .. ~ -f'- 1'- _? ? ~ ~ J

f\ I I I
Th ere 's aki -~ m
nd - ness . Th ough se - vere h'+
h"IS JUS - tlce, -r
. g - ments
There's no place where earth-ly fail - ings Have such kind - ly ju;;x-ment giv'n.
r :.r;:
And the heart of the E - ter - nal Is most won - der - - ly kind.
And they m:tg - ni - fy his ven-geance With a zeal he will not own.

09- .
And our lives will be all sun - shine In
the sweet-ness of OUI Lord.
1'-1'-""(9- ~ . ~ I
, I

@d , ~ ~ IW , d:1 ~ 3 J J I il Z ~:II
Search the Scrip-tures, search and see Wis - dom's won-drous har - mo - ny.
Search the Scrip-tures, search and see God in mer - cy judg - eth thee.
Se;trch the Scrip-tures, search and see God's great kind-ness un - to thee.
Search the Scrip-tures, search and see God's grand law of eq - ui - ty.
Search the Scrip-tures, search and see; Let their rec - ords glad - den thee.
~. -- ... n. 9- 1'- ... ~ ? -6-

285 Armageddon
MARY C. JEWELL JESSIE G. HEn. Alt. 86, 260

1. The sun and moon are dark - ened, The 0 - cean depths are stirred,
2. Hark! allye sons of Zi - on, God ut - ter - eth his voice I
.. 3. With Truth's fair ban - ner way - ing Marchforth to meet the foe!

The ev - er - last - ing moun - tains Are scat - tered at God's word.
While tribes of earth are mourn- ing, 'Tis giv'n you, to re - joice.
The Lord will fight the bat - tie; Sing ye, but strike no blow!

The na - tions, rent a -

sun - der, Do not of him in - quire;
The fore - es led by Sa - tan De -fy the God of heav'n;

0 sound the trum - pet loud - ly;
0 - bey your King's, com ,.-. mand;
~ .fl..

He stands the earth to mea - sure In flam - ing judg - ment fire.
Yet un - to Christ on Zi - on The King- dom has been giv'n.
De - Jiv - er - ance is prom - ised To Gid eon's faith - ful band.
~ ~- ~ .fl..
286 This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made
From "Evang Saenger I" Alt. 16, 195

I. "This is the day the Lord hath made!" To mag - ni - fy his Son;
2. Blest be the Lord who comes to men With mes - sag - es of rgrace;

I~d I:: i i i 1r
Let heav'n re - joice, let earth be
f r I I Ia ~
j l11f1
And praise sur - round the throne.
Who comes, in God Je - ho - vah's name, To save the ran - somed race.

~ff$fllf r r=qlE F r ~lfJ

'iii: Ii 31=:'~ I ~d j i ~1~:1
Ho - san - na to the 'noint - ed King, 10 Zi - on's cor - ner - stone!

Ho - san - nas in the high - est strains The Church on earth can raise;

t1\ FIFWf Fir f I' r f flF)

~d I kiJ llrJl.IIlg
. ' I I
J J 111 u
o send pros - per - i - ty and bring Sal - va - tion . to thine own.

ern rip]
The heav - ens new in which he reigns U - nite to give God praise.

wf H:i Ellff m~ I
. '. ~39
~ 287 An Ever-Present Help
; ~ HORTON. 7. Alt. J9, 30, ISO

-fI- +,-
Those who seek the throne of grace
I. Find that throne in ev - 'ry place;
2. our sick - ness or our health, In our want or in our wealth,
3. When our earth - ly com - forts fail, When the foes of life pre - vail,
'4(' Then, my soul, in ev - 'ry strait,. To~thY FI~her come nd wait;

,n-nr ISlrvH ?/lfUI* fP


life of prayer,
God in prJ.yer,

God is pres - ent

God is pres - ent
ev - 'ry -
ev - 'ry -
'Tis the time for ear - nest prayer; God is pres - ent ev - 'ry - where.
He will al - ways hear thy' prayer; Thou shalt have his ten - der care.
~ ~-....

288 An Ever-Present Aid

HAYDEN. S. M. Alt. 187

~? I ~ a 3
I. Thou ev - er - pres - ent aid
1~31d ~
a ~ltJl
suff - 'ring and dis - tress,
2. The soul by faith re - elined On the Re - deem - er's breast,
3. Sor - row and fear are gone, When- e'er thy face ap - pears;
4. It hal - lows all my cross' It sweet - ly com - forts
5. Stripped of each earth - ly friend, I find them all in

The mind which still on thee is stayed Is kept in Eer - fect peace.
'Mid rag -
It stills
ing storms, ex - ults to - find An ev -
er - ast - ing rest.
the sigh - ing suff' - rer's moan, And dries the wid - ow's tears.
Makes me for - get my ev - 'ry loss, And find my all in thee.
And peace and joy whIch nev - er end A - bound in God's dear Son.
I -~ ~ -G- -I'-
289 My Blessed Portion
FEDERAL STREET. L. :M. Alt. 186, 204-

n Id tJI~ dliS Id H WAlid dI: I
Though:ill the world my choice de - ride, Yet Je- sus shall my par - tion be;
2.Sweet is the vi - sian of thy face, And kind-ness o'er thy lips is shed;
3. Thy suf-f'ringsI em - brace with thee, Thy pov-er-ty and sharnefulcross;

4. Be dai -ly dear - er to my heart, And ev - er let me feel thee near;

~ FF If f JIffl f I!" IFF If 11 f f I: I

~d 00 g If~J~ IJ sOld npt:ttgD
For I am pleased with none be - side; The fair-est of the fair is he.
Love -Iy art thou, and full of grace, And glo - ry beams a - round thy head.
The pleas-ure of the world I fiee, And deem its trea-sures on - ly dross.
Then will-ing -Iy with all I'd part, Nor count it war - thy of a tear.

M r riP nri;rl: If
His Light
MEAR. C. M. Alt. 123

~ ~ti=tt1d
I. Though earth- born shad - ows now
} Ii ~ 1
may sbroud Thy thorn - y
? ~ ~ b4%l
path a - while,
2. On - Iy be - lieve, in liv - inlJ faith, His love and pow'r di - vine,
3. When tern - pest clouds are dark on high, His bow of love and peace
4. Hold on thy way, with hope un - chilled, By faith and not by sight,
~ ~ '- ,.,..~. -.- ~

r I

r I ~ tJ--m=j tg~ i IJ.O I

God's bless - ed Word can part each cloud, And bid the sun - shine smile.
And in each tri - ai, e'en in death, His light shall round thee shine.
Shines sweet -Iy through thy trap - bled sky, A pledge that storms shall cease.
And thou shalt own his word ful - filled, "The Lord shall be th~ight."
'- ~ 1-_ '- .n .
- 291 The Lord Will Provide

- .. LYONS. 10. 11.

I. Though troub-les as - sail and dan - gers af - fright, Though friends should all
~ 2. The birds, with-out bam or store-house, are fed; From them Ilet us
3. When Sa - tan ap - pears to stop up our path, And fills us with
4. He tells us we're weak, our hope is in vain; The good that we
5. No strength of our own, nor good - ness we claim; Our trust is all
6. When life sinks a - pace, and death is in view, The word of his

fail and foes all u - nite, Yet one thing se - cures us, what -
learn to trust for our bread; Hissaints what is fit - ting shall
fears, we tri - umph by faith; He can - not take from us, though
seek we ne'er shall ob - tain; But when such sug - ges - tions our
thrown on Je - sus' dear name~ In this, our strong tow - er, for
grace shall com - fort us through; Not fear - ing nor doubt - ing with

ev - er be - tide; The prom - ise as - sures us," The Lord will pro - vide."
ne'er be de - nied So long as 'tis writ - ten, "The Lord will pro - vide."
oft he has tried, The heart-cheer-ing prom-ise, "The Lord will pro - vide."
gra - ces have tried, This an - swers all questions, "The Lord will pro - vide."
-safe - ty we hide; The Lord is our pow - er, "The Lord will pro - vide."
Christ on our side, We're sure to die feel- ing, "The Lord will pro - vide."

292 _Ol!t:-Paily Warfare-
ELLACOMBE Alt. 22; 163

ft? IF
rto d14 i
Though yes-ter-day's cam - paign is o'er,
@ 1@ 1~;Jd d d1:-:1
Be - hold a new be - gunl
2. Go forth, faith's shield o'er ev - 'ry heart, Bright hope on ev - 'ry helm;
3. So forth we go to meet the strife, We will not fear nor fly;
hi d

Not yet is closed the ho - ly war, Nor yet tn' - umph won;
Through that shall pierce no fie - ry dart, And this no fear o'er - whelm.
We love the ho - ly war - rior's life; Christ's death we fain would die. 1
J h -6'- -6-.&L ,

Not yet the end, not yet re - pose; We hear our Cap - tain say,
Go in the spir - it and the might Of him who led the way;
Lord God, our shield, al - migh - ty One, Thy saints sus - tain, de - fend;
d -,J

, ?IF ~O bJ21 @1@ Ir7-.,.d

'Go forth a - gain to meet your foes, Ye chil - dren of the
~ 1:;;:11
day l'
Give forth your wit - ness e'er the night Has turned to cloud - less day.
Grant them, though dark-ened be the sun, Thy true light to the end.
1'"'"'\ -6- -6- .a...

293 Thus It Behooveth Us
ZION. 8. 1. 4. Alt. 84, 225


tJ .. '" VlliiI
I. Thou hast said, 0 bless- ed Je - sus, "Take thy cross and fol- low me."
2. While this liq - uid tomb sur-vey - ing, Em - blem of the dis - mal grave,
:r. Fit - ~ sign, which thus re-minds me, Sav - iour of thy love for me,
4. Though It rend some fond af - fec - tion, Though I suf - fer shame or loss,
~. ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~..,. . J
.. . I

iii I
'Tis be - cause thou would-est have us Reign for - ev - er - more with thee. j
Thee I'd fol - low, hum - bly pray-ing; Life it - self I would not save. 1
And this COy - e - nant which binds me In its death-less bonds to thee. I
Yet the ira-grant, blest re-fiec-tion-I am now where Je- sus was-
~ ~. ~

9~ l: ; I i I ~ ~
J. l
1 - 1 I :4 I
Lord, I'll
So I'll
en -

so to fol
en - teredst Jor -
-r -r
01 what pl~as - ure In this fel - low - sh~ with thee!
Will re - Vlve me, When I faint be - nea the cross,
f' J t 1.

Lord, I'll take

So I'll en
so to fol -
en - teredst Jor - dan's
what pleas - ure
re - vive me,
In this
When I
-low - ship with
be - neath the

294 Jesus, Our High Priest
ERIN Alt. 86, 92

'-I -6-...,./
I.Thou stand - est at the al - tar, Thou of - ferest ev - 'ry prayer;
2.Out of thy hand the cense As - cends be - fore the throne,
3. And, through thy bbod ac- ed, In joy we keep the feast:
4. With thanks to God our iour, On Thee, the Lamb, we feed:

ld I @ dIr:r i I~Q I~ I~ Irtr dI,: J 1=11

By faith's un - cloud - ed vi sion We see thee ev - er there.
Where thou art in - ter - ced ing1 Lord Je - sus, for Thine own.
Thou art a - lone the Lamb of GOd; Thou art our great High Priest.
Thy flesh is bread from heav en; Thy blood is drink in - deed.
-f9- ..(2.. -f9-- -... -f9-::;J.

295 Through All the Changing Scenes


~ PI3 d J 3I d33 I ~ I 3 3 ~ dI ~)
I. Through all the chang- bg scenes of life, In trou - ble and in joy,
2. 0 mag - ni - fy the Lord with me, In earth ex - alt his name;
3. The hosts of God en - camp a - round The dwell- ings of the just;
4. 0 love the Lord, all ye his saints, The faith - ful he'll pre - serve;

~ I FF F r I f r Fir I r r f F: I !l: I
Ii PI dj aJ13 d dip IJ 8 d gp~)1
The prais - es of my God shall still My heart and tongue em - ploy.
When in dis - tress to him I called, He to my res - cue came.
De - liv - 'ranee he af - fords to those Who on his sue - cor trust.
Make but his serv - ice your de - light, And from it nev - er swerve.
I -f9- -f9- 1-...1

- 296 Thy Light Is Come, 0 Zion!
JEssmG. HEn. Alt. 200, 269

.pl~ ~ j ili~,:i~ =IJl

I. Thy Light is come, 0 Zi- on! The glo - ry of the Lord
2. The glo - ry that ex - cell - eth, Thou'lt ne'er ob - tain by chance.
3. The light that shines up - on thee, Moves on to per - feet day.
I -:-' !'

, I I I I

II now a - ris'n up - (on

thee, His splr - It
. .
-.J d
out - poure .
Thou must the king - dom in - t'rests Through-out the e.arth ad - vance.
Walk in the light, so shalt thou Keep God's ap - point - ed way.
J. ,..=t." 1-1. -- ~ ~ 1-1. 19-

A - rouse thee from thy Ian - guor: Thou'rt clothed with ris - ing sun!
Straight on - ward lies thy safe - ty; Take not one glance be - hind,
The smile of heav'n's ap - prov - al Shines down in rays di - rect

I~rlr'~ i r1tlf hfl~ ~ JIFA

On oth - ers shed thy bright - ness; Thy heav'n-ward race course run.
But haste a - long the path - way, And stay on God thy mind.
On such as march to Zi - on, The seat of God's e - lect.
297 I Will Not Fear
BARTHOLDY. L. M. Alt. 186, 204

I. Thy will be done! I will not fear The lot pro -

2. The stars of heav'n are shin - ing on, Though these frail
3. Fa - ther, for - give the heart that clings, Thus trem - bIing,
4.0 let not doubts dis - turb its trust, Nor sor - rows

r I rcr r I ~I

q~ . IF ~f ~
f rI

't~ FJ a I {!J ~ Ij
IF 3 i IJ d
vid - ed by thy love; Though clouds and . dark - ness
eyes are dimmed with tears; The hopes of earth in-
to the things of time; And bid me, as on

, fER r
dim its heav'n - ly love; Nor these af - flic - tions

I~ti I I ~
If f

f I
g f=J

shroud me here, I know that all is bright a- hove.

deed are gone, But are not ours th' e - ter nal years?
ea -
gle wings, As - cend in - to a pur er clime.
of the dust My in - most calm and peace re - move.

r-. ~~ ~ ~ ~
'-.'" ~
., I I

298 Father, Help Us
MENDON. L. M. Alt. 186,314

ra-tty=j:Y jl#ttJ JIJ ~lttJB:4

I. Thy pres-ence, gra-cious God, af - ford; Pre - pare us to re - ceive thy word;
2. Dis-tract-ing thoughts and cares re-move, And fix our hearts and hopes a - have;
3. To us the sa - cred word ap - ply, And may it give new en - er - gy;
4. Fa - ther, in us thy - self re - veal; Help us to learn and do thy will;
,.. .. J .. ..--fL-.!l n +r~
-F- - + "~


Now let thy voice en - gage our ear; Lord, speak, and let thy serv - ant hear.
With heav'nly truth may we he fed, And sat - is - fied with liv - ing bread.
01 may we, in thy faith and fear, Be prof - it - ed by what we hear.
Thy heav'nly grace in us dis - play, And guide us to the realms of day.

+ e=4 r.~+-P-~ ["-I

~ rHt-rfF~I~~ ~ Pf-;;flr fIP~-H
299 To the Work!

_: lib;: t J 1 JIi .\ .~ fEt4lJi t: I

t.To the work! 'to the work! 0 ye serv - ants of God! Let us fol- low the
2.To the work! to the work! let the hun - gry be fed; To the faun - tain of
3. To the work! to the work! there is la - bor for all; Soon the king - dom of
4. To the work! to the work! in the strength of the Lord; And the smile of his

~: fff f: f f f-llf F: tigtf4f4~ -~: j

i@8i 'kl' I r ~~utH :.I:'.s - ter has trod; With the balm of his coun - sel our
Rath that our
'fe let the wea - ry be led. In the cross and its ban - ner our
dark - ness and er - ror shall fall, And the name of Je - ho - vah ex-
. .
face shall our
,.. la - bar re -
+ _'1'-' +
ward When as kings and as priests o - ver
+ ~. + ~ +. + +

To the Work-~-Concluded

strength to re new, Let us do with our might what our hands find to do.
glo - ry shall be While we her - aId the ti - dinbs, Sal. va tion is free!
alt ed shall be In the loud - swell-ing cho rus, Sal. va - tion is free!
earth we shall be, Mak - ing l:nown un - to all that Sal. va - tion is free!

Toil - ing on, toil - ing on, toil ii:lg

Toil - ing
..".. .... on,
11- ..".. ..". .... ,... .
toil iog on,

I 101

I ,': i4
on, toil - ing on, Let us
toil ing on, toil ing on,

hope, Let us watch, And la - bor till the work is done.
and trust, and pray,

300 'Tis Finished

... WARD L.M. Alt. 186, 204

~ i S g aIJ (
~ ~. I i 11 1 ~

,.. "'Tis
I. fin - ished!" so the Say - iour cried, And meek ly-
2. 'Tis fin - ished! this that heav'n fore - told By proph - ets
3. 'Tis fin - ished! Son of God, thy pow'r Hath tri - umphed
4. 'Tis fin - ishedl let the joy - ful sound Be heard through

bowed his head and died. 'Tis fin - ished! yes, the
in the days of old; And truths are a pened
in the aw - ful hour; Thy life for ours the
all the na - tions round; 'Tis fin - ished! let the
J ~ -6- r

~F JEJ: I i I J J
work is done, The
-9- -9-

bat - de fought, the vic

f# ~ I d ~ - t'ry
ta our view, That ho - ly proph - ets nev - er knew.
ran -sam paid, And free from death shall we be made.
tri - umph rise And swell the cho rus af - the skies!

301 Triumphant Zion

--- ---. ---

I. Tri - umph - ant Zi - on, lift thy head From dust and dark - ness and the
2. Put all thy beau - teous gar - ments on, And let thine ex - cel - lence be
3. No more shall foes un - clean in - vade, And fill thy hal- lowed courts with
4. God, from on high, has heard thy prayer; His hand thy ru - ins shall re-
5. Yea, soon as - ton - ished men shall see The laur - els of thy vic - to -
___ - ... ~ i!::- ~ L ...

@~ i It ~
t l s: 0

i 0 :~l

I I'
~ -1'1

S tJ
dead! Though hum - bled long, a - wake at length, And gird thee
known. Decked in the robe of right - eous - ness, The world thy
dread; No more shall sin's de - ill - ing host Their vic - t'ry,
pair; Nor will thy watch - ful Mon - arch cease To guard thee
And thou, with grace and glo - ry crowned, May'st lay - ish


-'" - -fl- -.1 ... -fl-


~ 1'1 rit ...

il i f i
with thy Say - iour's strength, And gird thee with thy .Say - iour's strength_
glo - ry shall con - fess, The world thy glo - ry shall con - fess.
and thy sor - rows, boast, Their vic - t'ry, and thy sor - rows, boast.
in e - ter - nal peace, To guard thee in e - ter - nal peace.
bless - ings all a - round, May'st lay - ish bless - ings all a - round.

..". ~ ... J'""' .J'

25 1
302 Loyalty
F.W.F. JESSIE G. Ihu. Alt. 85

I. Upl ev 'ry sol . dier on Christ's side

t 1 i
en list ed.
2. Clear r.omes the call for un self - ish de - vo tion
-II. -I'- -I'-

rtr ~ ,,~
t i i ; t I ~i f f ~
Sound loud the trum . pet! Aye, gird for the fight!
That ev - 'ry serv ice with joy will em - brace.
-I'- -I'-

f\ I iii . I . "'- I J

IV "I }

Mount Sa - lem's ram - parts; fight, shoul - der to shoul der,

Faith must dis - play its com - plete heart re Ii ance .
-I'- -t. ~ ~ ~ . -t-. ~ -t- -I-



With all who lift up . the stan dard of light I

On him who of fers pro - tect - ion and grace.
-I'- -I'- -I'- -I'-

See I all the

na - tions in tu - mult as - sem - bling,
Loy - al at heart be to God and Christ's breth - ren;

@~~\ i
i l i
God's An - oint ed
t t I1 t
-giance their rul - ers
With staunch al Ie - your vows to him pay.

Sa - tan, their prince, gives de - fy to Je - ho - vah.

While here ye so - joum 'mid earth's gath - 'ring dark - ness,

@rl\ r , ~

I j ~t lI~ I , d II

Short is his time e'er he suf - . fers de feat.

Hold high the torch of Mil - len - ni at Day,

IAPbt ~
.fI- .fI-
t=4 .fI-
k I itt{
s S
\.I ~ fJl
303 The Glory of the Gospel
WELTON. L. M. Alt. 186, 253

~t tlj: ii, = Id Ii rIP?,I? I

For, as it hast - ens, ev - 'ry age Ful - fils its proph - e - des di - vine.
And, as it soars, its bless - ed light Shall scat-ter dark - ness more and more.
Un - til in strength, from pole to pole, Its ra-diance shall o'er-flow the world-
Pours out its floods of light and joy, And sweeps the ling'ring mists a - way.

304 Wake, Awake


, I


..t ... ~h
'Wake, a - wake, for mg t IS
Y - mg,
, .~ The watch men on the
2. Zi - on hears the watch-men sing - ing, Her heart to God in

-t: -n J-:-l s>-' J. t: _i 111


I -,
~$ ~
heights are cry
tr Id:
Ib l1 d ~!rIH
A - wake, Je - ru - sa - lem, a - rise I
Uri J
praise is spring - ing; She wakes, she ris - es from her gloom;

~ . ~-- il-n
r I
Wake, Awake-Concluded

saint re - joic - es: 'Come forth, pre - pare, ye vir - gins wise I
come vic - to - rious. Her night is past, her Light is cornel

ffJ- .-;;;- . ~L n. rJ
I I .... I I
r I

__----.- -W 1'. "r;,r -

The Bride-groom'scome; a-wake, Yourlampswithglad-nesstake; Hal-Ie -Iu- jahl
Yes, come, the bless - ed One, God's own be - loy - ed Son; Hal - Ie - lu - jah!

~:Ht+d =d z J I j I~ r::
J J I! J J
tl~ -.{" r
. I
And for his mar-riage feast pre-pare, For ye must serve if ye would share.'
We'll fol-low him in faith-ful-ness, Clothed with the robe of right-eous - ness.
I ~t:\ I ~ ,....
~ ... ... .. J-f... -11-._ .. J

-305 Wait Upon the Lord
SEYMOUR. 7. Alt. 19, 166

i Ib~ ~lJ IQ Iii I ~ ~~ I j ..jig 1 -

I. Wait, my soul, up - on the Lord; To his gra - dOllS prom-ise flee,
2. If the sor - rows of thy case Seem pe - cu - liar still to thee,
,.3. Days of tri - aI, days of grief, In sue - ces - sian thou may'st see;

~~if f Iff I~ f IF f f I+rf I ~ f I~

lfJ tlWl,d gDn I~ ilP--Pll1 lg D
Lay - ing hold up - on his Word: "As thy days, thy strength shall be."
God has prom-ised need - ful grace: "As thy days, thy strength shall be."
This is still thy sweet re - hef: "~~: days, thy strength shall be."

@!) F fiE BI~ BIFI uti If ~ Iff Itil

306 Wake the Song

"12f II ~
7 s.

Wake the song

, II J , tl

ju - bi - lee!

Let it
ech - a
0 ~ 0I d J

o'er the

2. Wake the song of ju - bi - lee! Let it ech - 0 o'er the seal

Now is come the prom - ised hour; Je - sus reigns with sov - 'reign pow'r.
Let it sound from shore to shore; Je - sus reigns for ev - er - morel
..fI- ..fI- ..fI-
Wake the Song-Concluded

t '# ttl j:
I i\ltlti I til i: l i' t I J 1
Hark! the des - ert lands re - joice; And the is - lands join their voice;
He shall reign from pole to pole With il lim - it - a - ble sway;

J'tk'i f f If: f StiP Illi t: iti iii 1

ft~ "" . ~ J ~
1 1 t I .: "" "" "::l
j 1 t' I j It" "til
" . ""
t j ~ Ia
Joyl the whole ere - a - tion sings, Je - sus is the King of kings I
He shall reign when, like a scroll, Thrones and king-doms pass a - way.

307 Walk in the Light

WARWICK. C. M. Alt_ 16_1 201

I. Walk in the light! so shalt thou know That fel- low - ship of love
2. Walk in the light I and thou shalt find Thy heart made tru - Iy His
3- Walk in the light I and thou shalt own Thy dark-ness passed a - way.
4. Walk in the light I thy path shall be Peace- ful, se - rene. and bright;

~r IRRr rlffr IF I~ P ffrp

,nlpP-i ilPDil,lfhjJ :th
H:s spir - it on - ly can be - stow, Who reigns in light a - hove.
Who dwells in cloud -less light en-shrined, In whom no dark - ness is.
Be - cause that Light hath on thee shone In which is per - feet day.
For God, byllllllgrace, shall dwell in thee, And ~GOd him - self is light.
I~ IL.$L -f'- . I
I@lIQISr f flf ~ f HI=Ut FlrU
Morning Dawns

I. Watch-man, tell me, does the morn-jng Of Zi - on's glo - ry dawn?
2. Watch-man, is the light as - cend - ing Of grand Sab - bat - ic year?
3= Pi! - grim, seer the land is near - ing, With its ver - nal fruits and flow'rs;

Have the signs that mark its com-ing ---

Yet up - on thy path-way shone?
Are the signs on earth por - tend - ing That the king - dom now is here?
On! just yon - der-- 0 how cheer-ing! Bloom for - ev - er E -den's bow'rs.

@iI~ elr- s i elf rOlf sip- e c%elp

tjtfW ~ ~ slii I lilz iilpl
Pil - grim, yes! a - riser look 'round thee! Light is break - ing in the skies!
Pi! - grim, yes, I see just yon - der Ca - naan's glo - rious heights a - rise;
Hark! the cho - ral strains are ring - ing, Glo - ry to the Lamb of God!
~ -t~. "1

@i til': I f i 1/1: 11ill t 1 J11 U

Gird thy bri - dal robes a - round thee; Morn-jng dawns I a - rise! a - risel
Sa - lem, too, ap - pears in gran - deur, Tow-'ring 'neath its cloud-less skies.
Bless - ings to man - kind he's bring - ing, E - ven though with chast-'ning rod.
309 What of the Night~

@~ ,
11 i
Watch-man, tell
ef. ~ I 3 I r ~ I~
us of the night- What its signs of prom - ise are.
2.Watch-man, tell us of the night; High - er yet that stal as - cends.
3. Watch-man, tell us of the night, For the mom - ing seems to dawn.

~ iii: t I: ~I 3 Ii/I;. f i: Jlp I

Trav - 'ler, o'er yon moun-tain's height, See that glo - ry - beam - ing stall
Trav - 'ler, bless - ed - ness and light, Peace and truth its course por- tends.
Trnv - 'ler, dark - ness takes its flight, Doubt and ter - ror are with-drawn.
~ " I' "

Watch-man, does its beau - teous ray Aught of hope or joy fore - tell?
Watch man, will its beams a - lone Gild the spot that gave them birth?
Watch-man, will earth's sor -rows cease, And God's will on earth be done?

@\ r =;1 r i r 11 3 I ~: ffi: ~ I: lip

Trav - 'ler, yes; it brings the day- Prom - ised day of Is - ra - el.
Trav - 'ler, a - ges are its own; See, its glo - ry fills the earth.
Trav - 'ler, yes, the Prince of peace, Earth's ap - point - ed King, has cornel

; Iff II
_ 310 Revive Us Again

Ia a ~ IE
~~ t ,~
Ij j Id j
I. We praise thee, 0 God, for the Son of thy love,
2. We praise thee, 0 God, for the spir - it of light
3. We praise thee, 0 God, that the king- dom is here,

~ Ij j j IJ
Who died for our sins and as - cend - ed a -
That shines on thy pag - es, and scat - teIS our night.
That the Sav - iour has come, and will short -ly ap - pear.

Ii 1
.fI- .fI- .fI-
I If f f

, 1: t d , i:? Iss I t f d , i I J
Hal - Ie - lu - jah! thine the glo - ry; Hal- Ie - lu - jahl a - men.
.. .. .. .(L. ~.. .. ... ".. .. .fI- P-

Hal - Ie - Iu - jah! thine the glo -ry; Re - vive US a - gain.

... .. .. .(L. ~.. J ..".. "5J

, I
311 We Shall Meet

~ ~214
@~~ ~l : 11 . Iiff j~ Iftl~
' i~'~~ =' AA i'l ~ I r A

I. We meet be - yond the riv - er By and by, by and by;

2. We shall strike the harps of glo - ry By and by, by and by;
.~. We shall see and be like Je - sus By and by, by and by;
4 Man-kind's tears shall all cease flow-ing By and by, by and by;
.. I .. /' ~ 1-:- l' . .". . ~ -$'-

And the dark - ness shall be 0 - ver By and by, by and by.
We'll re-peat re-demp-tion's sto - ry By and by, I.\y and by;
To him - self he will re - ceive us By and by, t'Y and by.
When with pow'r we shall be show - ing By and b'y~ by and by-
.. I .. _ _ " 1'- -J--:- l' . .". . ~ (9-

When our earth - Iy jour - ney's done And the vic - to - ry is won,
And the strains for - ev - er - me>re Shall re - sound from shore to shore,
Per - feet - ly we shall ful - fill All God's bless- ed ho - ly will,
All the wealth of grace di - vine, All the depth of wis - dom's mine,

fl b-
~1P t &' I;
We shall shine
a &i'l 5 11 j IfJ19 f I Y H
forth as the

;:j ff~" - ~ ~1}

By and by, by

and by.
When man-kind God doth re - store By and by, by and by.
And a - dore and praise him still By and by, by and by.
Mak - ing truth and vir - tue shine By and by, by and by.
1.-..... "

Copyright, 18. by Hubert P. MaIn. Renewal. Used by permission.

312 We Thank Thee, Lord

H. BONAR. Alt. 16, 22

I@~%g i' Iii; t Ia t i f I {jl

I. We thank thee, Lord, for us - ing us For thee to work and speak;
2. We thank thee, gra - dous God, that we May tes - ti - mo - ny give

3. Help us, 0 God, to grasp each truth With hand as firm and true
... --

How - ev - er trem - bling is the hand, The voice how - ev - er weak.
To those who un - der Sa - tan's thrall In earth's gross dark-ness live.
As when we clasped it first to heart, A treas - ure fresh and new;

We thank thee, Lord, that some true rays Of light from us have shown
o h(''O - or high - er, tru - er far Than earth - ly fame could bring,

"t:t ~ ~t: ....

Thy Name to name, thy - sdf to own With voice un - fal - ter - ing,
. ...

I I"

lWEi I ~ gf ~ I i f i I; I 3 n JI JJj1l
In - to a world so dark as ours, How - ev - er faint and wan.
Thus to be used, in work like this, So long, by such a King.
With face as bold and un - a - shamed As in our Chris-tian Spring.
-"'-. ~ ~ -~ t: ~ ---
, II (
313 Heirs With Christ
AVON (MARTYRDOM). C. M. Alt. 2, 22,83

I., What poor, de - spis - ed com - pa - ny Of trav - el - ers are those,

2. Ah, they are of a roy - al line, All chil - dren of a King,
.3. Why do they, then, ap - pear so mean? And why so much de - spised?
4. But why keep they that nar - row road, That rug - ged, thorn - y maze?

. .j-6-
Who walk ill yon - der nar - row way, Be - set by man - y foes?
Heirs of e - ter - nal life di - vine, And 10! for joy they singl
Be - cause, of their rich robes, un - seen, The World is not ap - prized.
Ah, that's the way their Lead - er trod; They love and keep his ways.

314 Prayer
ROCKINGHA~ L. M. Alt. 186, 298

~ dI]
a3 ~ I j ftJ llllJ it i aaog ---7-19-
What var - ious hin - dran - ces we meet In com - ing to the mer - cy - seat!

2. Prayer makes the darkest cloud with-draw; Prayer climbs the lad-der Ja - cob saw;
77 i
3. Re - strain-jng prayer, we cease to fight; Prayer keeps the Christian's armor bright,

~j dI J ~ ci dI i 3 njcld.-J it 11 i dII
Yet who, that knows the worth of prayer, But wish - es to be oft - en there?
Gives ex - er - cise to faith and love; Bringg ev - 'ry !;!ess - ing from a - hove.
And Sa - tan trem - bles when he sees The weak - est saint up - on his knees.
-t 315 Ye Are My Witnesses
(First Tune)
MAlly C. JEWELL ]Essm G. HEn. Alt. Of

I i I~

With expression
What hast thou
J I a:
in thine
t J d
hand? Look,
~ j I J~i 1
child, and
2. I am thy Ho - Iy One, Mak - er and King!
3. Ye are my wit - ness - es, That I am God!


Fa - ther, it is the pound Christ gave to me.

This peo - pIe have I for:ned My praise to sing.
Go, her - aId far and wide My word a - broad.

Then go at My com-mand, Bear wit - ness through the land.

If thou would'st know the joy That is wi~h - out al - loy,
Count not your Jives worth while, Yea, let the world re - vile;
Ye Axe My Witnesses--Concluded

That Word 'of Mine shall stand E - ter - nat - Iyl

En - ter thy King's em - ploy, Thine all, now bring.
Seek ye My love and smile; A - rise and shine I

t fir f(ltfj t' ~IF-=-fU


(Second Tune)

~, J ilJ 1 rlJ: 4 iltllr j /1


hast thou in thy hand? Look, child, and see,
~ ~ . .. . n
Fa - ther, it


\01 I \01

is the pound Christ gave to me. Then go at My com - mand

~b% r: r ~ Ii I U~:, iii FfiC11-:H'lpt
.. I
Bear wit-nc:s through the land. That word of Mine shall stand e - ter - nal- J y . : I
.. ~: ...,t:, ~. . .._ ... r ,..ti~ 1'1. !I

I II I ~ I I Ii

316 Cause for Gratitude
MANOAH. C. M. Alt, 143, 295

I. When all thy mer - cies, 0 my God, My ris - ing soul sur - veys,
2. 0, how can words with e - qual warmth The grat - i-tude de - clare
3. Through all e - ter - ni - ty, to thee A grate - iul song I'll raise.

r. ~ -I'- ~ ..!,.,. <'7 1.0. <'7 b.. -(9~n

I I I I I I .... I I

'.t~lt jd nr~eqlJ ilUdli

Trans-port - ed with the view I'm lost In won - der, love and praise.
That glows with - in my in'- most heart? But thou canst read it there.
And my e - ter - nal joy shall be To her - aid wide thy praise.
1.0. <'7 . . ? -.- ~ ~- ?'-;--'f9-

, I

317 When I View the Cruel Cross

Arranged. Alt. 105, I41, 139
With expression I I I

,f.) i~""'" .. ~ r I
1. When I view the cru - el cross, Where my lov - iug Sav - iour died,
2. How could I in earth - Ii dross, Find a sat:' is - fac - tion now?
3. For - ward to the iu - ture joy All my long - iug hopes as - pire,
4- Ev - 'ry pain - ful cir - cum - stance, Ev ~ 'ry sor - row I may know,
.... J . .l' ,. ~ ..fl-"~~ -1'--1'-12-

I . I
When I View the Cruel Cross-Concluded

, ~ ~ ~: 113 i r~ I ~ ~ i II i , P J
All the bit - ter pain and loss, Borne to save his fu - ture bride.
Sweet - er far to share the cross, And be - neath its weight to pow.
And for this world's mean al - loy I will not hence - forth in - quire.
Will that glo - ry but en - hance, Heav'n-ly love the bright - er glow.
=--.J- E L. t
~H ~ ;~
. t I

+Iff ~ ij F ; I pm
~ ~

@# 0 L$: t' I ~ JJ:~ 1HZ: &I ~ ~ ij I

O! what Ian - guage can ex - press, O! what min - is - tries can show,
For com - mu - nion sweet I find In this straight and nar - row way,
O! The joy of that blest hour, When in glo - ry Christ I'll meet,
Love so proved is sweet - er far Than the tro - phies by pride.

All my heart's deep thank-ful - ness, Love which in my heart doth glow,
With his love and help so kind, For my com-fort, strength and stay,
Raised by him to queen - ly pow'r, In his right - eous - ness com - plete,
Naught this mu - tual love can mar, Through all a - ges 'twill a - bide.
:t: ~ ~ ~

" "" "" I

All my heart's deep.thank-ful- ness, Love which in my heart doth glow?
With his love and help so kind, For my com - fort,strengthandstay.
Raised by him to queen - ly pow'r, In his right - eous - ness com - plete.
Naught this mu - tuallove can mar, Through all a - ges 'twill a - bide.

ItJf f r tnF t' t If ! pI

318 He Will Hide Me

I. When the storms of life are rag - ing, Tern -pests wild on sea and land,
2. Though he may per - mit af - flic - tion, 'Twill but prove my faith-ful - ness;
3. En - e - mies may strive to in - jure, Sa - tan all his arts em - ploy:
,.. 4. So, when here the cross I'm bear - ing, Meet - ing storms and bi! - lows wild,
-11-. -II- -II- ~ -II- .....--:-

I will seek a place of ref - uge In the shad - ow of God's hand.

For in love, and not in an - ger, All his chast-'nings come as tests.
God will tum what seems to harm me In - to ev - er - last - ing joy.
Je - sus for my' soul is car - ing: Naught can harm his Fa - ther's child.

1@R-O;- ~ ff.
.~.~r t I~ F--. I~Pf4~[r ~~ I I ~ =
@j n
Ft r c Jj. t I ~. s ,. I n. lJ
~ )t
He will hide mil}. he will hide me, Where no
He will hide" me, he win hide me,
-II- -II-

Used by permissiou.
r II I ""
,Id o
He Will Hide Me-Concluded

, ~.
G F pip' f
me, In the
1 pPfp i i
shad - - ow of his
~ :
safe Jy hide me, In the shad - ow of his hand.

@,. r ~~f~tI~'t..'~rf~p$e*~Ei$ F:~" $1

319 In Thy Name


I. Where two or three, with sweet ac-cord, Meet in thy name, 0 bless - ed LordI---
2. There thou hast promised, Lord, to be, To bless the lit - tIe com - pa - ny;
3. 01 fill our hearts with heav'nly love, And may we at its im - pulse move,

Meet to re-count thine acts of grace, 0, how thy pre - sence fills the place!
And while we of - fer prayer and praise, 01 may we learn more of thy ways!
That all a - round may dear -ly see That we have been, dear Lord, with thee.
320 Grateful Consecration
EUCHARIST. L.M. Alt. 42, 2II
tJ CJ' . .. TT ...,I CJ" . ~u_""" ~

I. When I sur - vey the won - drous cross On which my

2. I would not seek in earth - ly bliss To find a
3. I'm not my own, dear Lord- to thee My ev 'IY
4. So, as a liv ing sac - ri - - flee, I would pre -
S. But then I know thou dost ac - cept My grate - ful
-(2-. ~ -P- .p-


~ -61-

bless ed Say - iour died, All earth - ly gain I

rest a - part from thee, For - get - ful of thy
pow'r, by right, be - longs; My priv - i-lege to
sent my lit tie all. 'Tis lean and poor, I
of f'ring un to thee; For, Lord, 'tis love that

fill I II" J"Jl _l

tJ TT" ...,I "".

. - - '",. ...,I '"
count but loss; How emp ty all - its show and pride I
- ri
- flee
Which pur - chased life
God's praise to raise
tune -
must con - fess; I would that it were not so small.
doth it prompt, And love is in - cense sweet to thee.

_ll. j2-- 2- [II- .(.2... [II- .p-. ~ l""'J

321 Who Is On the Lord's. Side~
(Exodus xxxii: 26)

I,mTI Hid ~ d ~ HI ;
I. Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the King? Who will wit-ness for him,
2. Fierce may be the con-fiict, Strong may be the foe, But the King Christ Je-sus.
3. Cho-sen to be sol - diers In an al - ien land, Cho-sen, called and faith-ful

I~n Hid eInt fl1Q_ ~Id r 1

f) J,j. +t. I I I I I I

It) ~ I
Kingdom ti-dings bring? Who will shun the world's side? Face it as his foe?
None can 0 - ver- throw: Round his standard rang-ing, Vic - t'ry is se - cure,
For our Cap-tain's band, In the serv-ice roy - al Let us not grow cold;
u J,I~ ",.
1'---11- -fL:r-= n ~".... n

I I I 1 1

Who is on the Lord's side? Who for him will go? By thy call to serv - ice,
For Je - ho-vah's pow - er Makes the triumph sure. J oy-ful -ly en -list - ing
Let us be right loy - al, No - ble, true and bold. Lord Je-ho-vah, keep us,
I ~ ~ _

- l'--:f (J

By thy grace di - vine, We are on the Lord's side; Sav-iour, we are thine.

By thy grace di - vine, Weare on the Lord's side; Sav-iour, we ate thine.
By thy grace di - vine, Al- ways on the Lord's side, Fa - ther, al- wa.ys thine
~ ".. -'7 .. lJ ~ 1.L ,. ~ -J . ..
1 I I
I, 1
322 Confidence and Security
DUNBAR. S. M. Alt. 38, 220

'~'llp~~ {Mllld:IP'l; J ilJ:1

I. Who in the Lord con - fide, And in his pre - clous blood,
2. Stead fast, and fixed, and sure, His Zi - on can - not move;
'" 3. As 'round Je - ru - sa - lem The hill bul - warks rise,
4. On ev - 'ry side he stands, And Is - rae! cares;

In storms and hur - ri - canes Firm as the mount of God.

His faith - ful peo - pIe stand se - cure In Je - sus' guar - dian Jove.
So God pro - tects and coy - ers them From all their en - e - rues.
And safe in his a1 - might - y hands Their souls for - ev - er bears.
-.t ~ 1~

323 Who Is This That ComesP

(Isaiah Ixiii)

I. Who is this that comes from E - dom, All his rai - mentstained with blood,
2. 'Tis the Lo - gos, now vic - to - rious, Trav-'ling on - ward in his might;
3. Why that blood his rai-ment"stain - ing? 'Tis the blood of man - y slain:
4- Might - y Vic- tor, reign for ev - er; Wear the crown so dear -ly won; ,
Who Is This That

~,q ~ Ipi i i I~J

'Tis Mes - si - ah,' 0 how glo - rious To

-wr~ i I~:"
To the saints pro - claim-ing free - dom, Ven-geance t o : foes of God,
his peo - pIe is the sight!
Boz .. rah's goats-there's none re-main-ing-None God's fair name to pro - fane;
Will - ing shall thy peo - pIe ev - er Be and sing what Thou hast done.

flt\ r riff f f IPi If fir ri FIf: l

14 p~ j r Plt~ I~ j IlitH i Ip II
Glo - rious in the garb he wears, Glo - rious in
the spoils he bears?
Je - sus now is strong to save, Might - y to re - deem the slave.
AI - rna - ged. - don has been fought; And de - liv - er - ance is wrought.
Thou hast fought Je - ho - yah's foes; Thou wilt heal all man - kind's woes.
t: J... ~ .. ~ .J. -t---:s- ~ :t ,..

324 With One Consent Let Saints

FESTUS From a German Chorale. Alt. 186, 298

~J It--pJ
aq;3 J IJ IJ g ~;iHld P ~ J
With one con - sent let saints on earth To God their cheer-ful voic - es raise;
2. Con-vinced that he is God a - lone From whom both we and all pro - ceed;
3. 0 en - ter then his tern - pIe gate, Thence to his courts de - vout -ly press;
4. For he's the Lord, su - preme -ly good, His mer - cy is for ev - er sure;

~p If H ~Ir-praf IF F f tiP f ~J
_ Glad
PRdia Pd I gla ~ Pa IJ 1 ~ II
hom-age pay with god -ly mirth, And sing be - fore him songs of p!:se.
We, whom he choos-es for his own, The flock that he vouch-safes to feed.
And still your grate-ful hymns re-peat, And still his name with prais- es bless.
His truth, which aI-ways firm-ly stood, To end -less a - ges shall en- dure.

"~ 325 ~ Jehovah's Praise We Sing
t MAlly c. JEWELL JESSIE G. HEu.. Alt. 86, Q2, 26g

1N4 1n 1
With hearts and hands up -lift
I. ed
U~ ~ tl:tt:t= ~ IFB
To Him whose pow'r d(')th save,
As liv - ing sac - ri -:fie
2. es Our bod - ies thus to bring,
"'3. Each priv - i-lege of serv - ice Is fur - nished by our Lord,
4. Clothed with sal - va - tion's gar - ments And robe of right - eous - ness,
-J-' .

~ I~ ~ ~ i I d I

tPV 8f ~ j I~
In sa - ered, priest - ly ser - "
vice, Love's of - fer - ing we wave.
We so - ber - Iy con - sid - er A rea - son ~ a: - ble thing.
Who aids us in fuI - fill ing Our cov - e - nant God- ward.
We joy in God Je - ho - vah, Him out of Zion we bless.

!v.: "

'r ....~
Then bind we


Al tar
hoI - y


- fer - ing,

I I I r I I

Cleansedby the blood of Je - sus; Je- ho - vah's praise we sing.



326 Bid Thy King All Hail

I I I I .. I I
" I

r . ..
I. Ye cho - sen Is - ra - el of God, Re - joice and turn your fae - es t'ward
2. The might - y King of earth is here, To bring the boon that man holds dear;
3. Tho'men TheStonehavedis-al-lowed, 'Tis cho - sen, pre-cious un - to God,

"t- 1=~. i!: ... !:!: -(I-

The King at God's right hand. He's crownedl With sceptre he doth reign,
E'en life for- ev - er - more. On those who will his law 0 - bey,
'Tis set on Zi - on's hill. 0 Zi - on, called of God, be strong I

I I ~

" '" I

V . .. .. .. '.. I I , l I

To res - cue man from sin's do - main. His King - dom is at hand.
And walk in light of Christ's glad day, His bless - ings he'll out - pour.
Take up thy cor - 0 - na - tion song, And bid thy King, AIl Hail!

n l'

I; r r I I I ,. I I


Ye Righteous, In the Lord Rejoice

(psalm xxxiii)
.. VIOLET GROVE. C. M . Alt. 16, 22

"" I.Ye right - eous, in the Lord re - joice; It come -ly is and right,
2. Praise God with harp, and un - to him Sing with the psal - ter - y;
3. A new song to him sing, and play With loud noise skill - ful - ly;
4. To judg - ment and to right - eous - ness A love he bear - eth still;

I. Should praise the

@' ~ tID d d F~ltJ

~i M 1-- J
-'- '- , X
That saints of God with thank - ful voice, Should
Up - on a ten - stringed in - stru - ment Make
For right is God's word, all his works Are
The lov - ing - kind - ness of the Lord The

- 't. I

-r I. Should
Fjr j

praise the Lord of might, Should praise the Lord of might.
ye sweet mel - 0 - dy, Make ye sweet mel - 0 dy.
done in ver - i - ty,
earth throughout doth fill,
Are done
The earth
in ver-i
through - out doth
--J 1""' I , $- -J ....'-- j

Lord of
--- ----~----- ------ -.- ---- ------------------~- --_._-----

328 Zion's King Shall Reign Victorious

HATIKVOH-JEWISH NATIONAL HYMN Arranged. Alt. 35, 64, 158
~ Andantino ~

~gOli i lii61i i I~ plfB6plp I

I. Zi - on's King shall reign vic - to - nous, All the earth shall own his sway;
Then shall Is - rael, long dis - pers - ed, Moum-ing seek Je - ho - vah God;

~eiif tit t Ir cOl ~ ~
'ppli _i i IfPli i I@pl; I
He will make his king - dom glo - rious, He shall reign in end - less day.
Lo~h' wlo::e :as p & Own and kiss God's chast'ning rod.

~~I rnfbIfflF f IF I
I-p$r f l'Ali i tpffEf I , ~Ij I
Na - tions now from God es - trang-ed Then shall see agIo - rious light;
Might - y King, thine arm re - veal - ing, Now thy right-eous cause main - tain,
-f'-- .fL ...

~ pltpPPI ~n~lp
Night to day shall then be chang -ed" Heav'n shall tri-umph in the sight.
Bring the na - tions help and heal- ing, Make them sub-ject to thy reign.
Take Your Harps
DOVER. s. M. Alt. u6, 144, 184

I. Zi - on is free, ye saints, With joy your harps now take;

2. The spir - it of our God Hath tuned the harp di vine,
3. Take down the harp di - vine, Sweep o'er its man - y strings;
4. No more an ex - iIe roam; Ac - cept thy lib - er - ty;
s. Let such go up and build The tem - pie of our God,


No more by Bab-'Ion's streams sit down And weep for Zi - on's sake.
And now, in grand - est har - mo ny, Its mel - 0 - dies com - bine.
They call to Zi - on, Rise -and shinel Thy God sal - va - tion brings.
God calls his faith - ful peo - pie home, Sets er - ror's cap - tives free.
And let their souls, with cour-age filled, Pub - lish the news a - broad.

''"'' I

330 God Is With Thee

ZION. 8. 7. 4.

I.Zi - on stands with hills sur-round - ed- Zi - on kept by pow'r di - vine. I
2.Ev - 'ry hu - man tie may per - ish, Friend to friend un-faith - ful prove, i
3. In the fur - nace God may prove thee, Thence to.bring thee forth more bright, II

II- -f2-. -fL


" " I .. " I I

God Is With Thee-Concluded

All her foes shall be con-found - ed Though the ~orld in arms com - bine:
Moth-ers cease their own to cher - ish, Heav'n and 'earth at last re - move;
But will nev - er cease to love thee; Thou art pre - dous in his' sight

..fl- -fI-

@tn .\ i I i ~ Ef: ~
-,;- J 1 4 I d: I
Hap - py Zi - on! What a fa - vored lot is thine!
But no chan - ges Can at - tend Je - ho - yah's love,
God is with thee- God, thine ev - er - last - ing lightl

1 I Q II
Hap - py Zi - on! What, a fa - vored lot is thinel
But no chan - ges Can at - tend Je - ho - vah's love.
God is with thee- God, thine ev - er - last - ing light!
-12-. .$1- ~

331 Zion, Thrice Happy Place
(Psalm cuii)
ASCALON Crusaders' Melody

I. Zi - on, thrice Illtp - py place, A - domed with won - drous grace,

2. There God's a - noint - eel Son Has fixed his roy - al throne,
3. May peace at - tend thy gate, And joy with- in thee wait

i il ~
6iI 6iI

And walls of strength em - brace thee round; In thee our tribes ap - pear,
He sits with truth and judg - ment there: He bids the saint be glad,
To bless the heart of ev - 'ry guest: The saint that seeks thy peace,
, -6- -6- -0- 1'"6'-11 -6-

To wor-ship, praise, and hear The sa - cred gos - pel's joy - ful sound.
And comforts mourners sad, Bids them be strong and ban - ish fear.
And prays for thine in-crease, God's gra-cious bless - ing on him rest.

332 Holy, Holy, Holy I
"They ,est not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy. Lord God Almighty,
Whick was, and is, and is to tome."

:.J '- ?"..,.;1

I. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho ly! Lord GOd AI- - y!
2. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho ly! all the saints a - Thee,
3. Ho -
ly, ho - ly, ho ly! though the dark-ness Thee,
4- Ho - ly, ho -
ly, ho - ly! Lord God AI- - y!

Ear - ly in the morn - ing our song shall rise to Thee:

Cast - ing down their gold - en crowns a - round the glass - y sea;
Though the eye of sin - iul man Thy glo - ry may not see,
All Thy works shall praise Thy Name, in earth, and sky, and sea,

: I
- yl
- yl

III : God in
d dI : r:t 13 a J
Which wast, and -
High - est,
art and
bless - ed
er - more
es - ty.
shalt be.
Per - feet in -
po;Jr, in love, and pur i ty.
- -
Yea, let
V:-I ~ er Son
blest e ter nal - lye

'!be smaJl DOtes are IDteDded for the second and third verses. '
, I

333 My Shepherd
A "Song in 1M Night."- Job 3S : 10

Words and music by HA1!1IIET C. SWAN, 1924

@~g - - -
I. I know the Lord is my Shep-herd, So
2. For I am Je-ho-vah's wit-ness, In the
3. How sweet and tender his watch-car",; his

I ntro. ~ .."...
1:4: d
- ,-,T'
I I I I "-
...... p...... ...... ~ "";'

why should I wor-ry or fret? For he who cares for his own dear sheep, Will <

garb of an earth -ling clad; And his Word of cheer in the News I bear Makes
coun-sel, how strong and true. , By tongue or pen I could ne'er re-veal How he

none of his own for - get! I'll trust and I will not mur - mur, For
man - y a sad heart glad. He coy - ers me with his feath - ers, And
com-forts my heart, could you? But oh! my heart, heed his coun - sel, Walk

.....:. ...-"'Te
My Shepherd-Concluded

why should my heart re-pine? For he who cares for the spar-row's want Will
un - der his wings I trust. And he feed-eth me in his pas-tures green, And by
care - ful-ly, feet, each day; And, lips, o'er-flow with his mes-sage sweet, To the

~ . ~~ 6- t$i=4i
'-" ~.

~11t~.~. e I+~r- ~ =
" 11
$~ ill J;ttI'1 tl"1 ttl r G G ,. aIr qll9~ eI
"l. .....

care for each need of minel For he who cares for the sparrow's want,Will care for each
tv i

wa - ters still I rest. And he feed-eth me in his pastures green, And by

end of my pil-grim way. And, lies, o'er-flow with his message sweet, To the

'~ffh 1m: : t--f,~; II:

@:1f% ~: f~ It~f : I~ : 1: t: j: I~ ~
~ ,
~~$ F If"''r .q r c r c I("r ~ [ C' e G r c If"'r "11
need of


wa - ters still I rest. end of my pil- grim way.

Itti ~ I j : ~: Ijr-ti1
,$ &: Im"1
.. . . tb
. .. .
..:--"71" T..:--"7I"

I ....:-+ ::; . ~. --,:-"111 I ::; . +.:---

334 The Master Is Come I Arise
".dnd they that were ready went in with him to the marriage."-Math. 25: IO

.. Words and music by HARRIET C. SWAN, I924

. Mf ~q f If FFJ J OJ Id-;:i 1
I. The Mas-ter is come and he call- ethforth~e, A-rise, mybe-lov-ed,and
2. God's Kingdom has come and his will shall be done. Earth's darkness shall flee with the
3. The cheer you have shed and the message you've spread Are like precious ointment up-
4. The place is pre-pared and the hour has come To take my es-pouied, my be -

Ii{ I

f% r
fol -
F I".
low me. The
,;. J ~

night is so dark, and the storm-clouds low'r, For the

ris - ing Sun I Thy toil soon shall cease and thy race be run, Thy
on my head. Thy heart, filled with love like a gar - den fair, Shall
lov - ed, home. My heart thou hast rav-ished with one of thine eyes, 0

f I J"-- J I J

The Master Is Come! Arise -Concluded

na - tions must bow to Je - ho - vah's pow'r!

jour - ney be end - ed, the crown be won I A - rise, my fair one, come a-
soon scat-ter bless-ings like blos-soms rare.
come to thy home far be - yond the skies.

A - rise, my fair one, come a ~

F IE '1 1t If iii E$j

19~ U::,ID: m:#f N iq/lg: Illr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I
To the land of peace and end-less day, And sit with me ~p - on my

Fa - ther's throne, For thou hast faith - ful been to me

~. ~ ~ ~~'. ~ ~ ~ ~ -IJ-. .
a - lonel

name before my Father's face I'll own, Be-loved, oh, be-loved of mine!
-...I -..
335 I Am Jehovah!
(Exodus 5 : 2. 2 Kings 19)
Introduction Words and music by HARRIET C. SWAN

I. Rear Egypt's proud and haughty Pha-roah Re - fuse to let the He-brews
2. Hark! how the proud As-syr-ian monarch De - lied the God of Is-rael's
3. See now the Pow'rs of earth com-bin-ing To re - sist the reign of God's dear
1\ -It-

go! "I know not Je - ho yah! Who is he, That

king I "Thy God whom thou trust-est can-not save thee now; Bow thy
Son! Yet fear tak - eth hold up - on their might-y men, While the
I ,... ,... 1'-, 1'- . - . .. ~ t: -

I should let his peo - pie go? " But whose was the pow'r that 0 - ver -
neck to me and tri - bute bring!" But whose was the might - y Arm that
poor of earth in an - guish groan. Ahl who shall de - stroy the proud op -
:t ":!:.-It- .....
I Am Jehovah I-Concluded

threw his host That they per- ished ill the depths of the sea?
slew his host, And turned the boast-er back whence he came?
pres - sor's yoke, And de - liv - er all the meek of the earth?
I""'$- -6---...
i'. ..

1 tI
And whose was the Arm that wrought de- Iiv-'rance then, And set his
And de - liv - ered his peo - pie from their dread - ed foe, And mag - ni -
And who shall es - tab - lish them in right-eous - ness, And turn their
L$-~I'I\ "-
...--... -$I- . $- $- - ~ +- += +- .fL

I "

~ ..1"1 I' J i'.:cl RJFRA~N .. ~

~ t fit j : j Ij: ~ I ~ i: i~ :
cho - sen peo-ple Is - rael free?
t I~: t .\ 1 "1 I
fied his great and ho-ly Name? I am the Lord! There is no 0 - therl
so~ r; ~ -t s:g~ and mir~h? _~ $-

tt1;%t vf Sf Emf' ~If e' if' flf' e~ ~ ~I

f5tJf'IJ'~: 11t-1 to$: 'I~ l:/i:B
I am the Lord, U- 1 ~h is Name. I've ~ my .King up-

MOp ~rUdhftr'lf tH:


'~tmJDHJ fH'ilf~i:sHgPu
~n my ho -ly moun-tain,
Bow to his rule! My Son be - gins his reign!
-4L -$I- -1'-- -fl- $-.... ~
336 Earth's New Kingi
(Eph.6: II-I7; Psalm 2)

~I r j"; & n I; iQ3 a 10 fit r Ii ' ttl

@It t

r f tr u Ir r I! If fi f It " w -

@f I j:
I.See yon -
i j ~ Ii: iii ~ 13:
der o'er the moun - tain tops- The sight my heart
1 3FI en-
2.Be - hold the shin - ing "shield of Faith," To catch from each di-
3. The King him - self leads on the way, With joy their Lord they
4. For 101 the time has come at last, For Christ to reign in

~rlr ~rFlrtt
tran- ces- J e - ho - vah's host, yea, God's e - leet, Full pan - 0 - plied, ad-
rec - tion The ad - ver - sa - ry's flam - ing darts Of cru - el, false in -
fol - low! He speaks the word and they 0 - bey, Nor fear they for to-
pow - er; And all his foes shall lick the dust, For now has come his
I ~!i,- ~.~ ~ ~... ~ t:: ~ -f'- .~

t\ I J ,.., ) I 1'1 I

van - ces! Each hel - met's crest a - gainst the sky Bids ig - no - rance and
vec - tion. Each one in bat - tIe plays his part, Nor grud - ges to en-
mar - row! Their two-edged "sword," the Word of God, Their feet with gra-cious
houri Je - ho - vah now makes bare his Arm! 0, hear the trum-pet's
I ".. ~. ~ ~ ~- ~-- ~ ~-

f 100'
Earth's New King! Concluded

er -ror fiy; They . shout

dure pain's smart; The glo -
a - loud their bat - tIe-
rious breast - plate o'er each
ti -
dings shod, They walk

the way their Mas ter trod, E'en
loud larm! Be WIse, ye rul - ers, do no harm; Ye


reigns! 0 Earth, re eelve him!"
fleets his Lord's per - fee -
tions. "Kiss the Son lest
un - to death they fol - low.
jud - ges, own his pow - erl

he be an - gry, And ye per - ish m the wayl

Bless - ed are all they that put their trust in him to - day!"
337 The Message of the Kingdom
(Isaiah 55: 7)


I. - List! to the mes - sage of the King - dom to - day,

2. Je - ho - vah through his WIt - ness - es ca.ll - eth to- day,.-
3. 0 , bless - ed is the ma.n who will heark - en to - day,

- 0, hear Je - sus say, "O'er earth sway.

''Ye wea - ry who pray, Re -
JOIce now ye may;
JOY - ful - ly say, "I'll serve thee for aye !"

Your ad- ver- sa - ry soon shllli be ta - ken a - way,

For Christ has come to reign and his hand sha.ll not stay
For God pre - serves the faith - ful: to him hom - age pay,
The Message of the Kingdom Concluded

0, has - ten to es - cape his de - cep - bons to - day."

'Til want and pam and sor- row shall van - ish a - way."
And ral - ly to his stand- ard and ne'er from it stray.


Let the wick - ed for - sake his e - viI way I Let the un-

god - ly for - sake his un - just thoughts! Let them re - turn to

God with all their hearts, and he will free - ly par - don them I



lea n ex 0 on s
Invocation to Jehovah Jehovah's
Number and Goodness
of Number
Awake, my soul, to joyful lays ._...... 17
All people mat OIl eartll do dweIL___ 7 Come, ye that know and love the
Eternal GQd, celestial King ____________ 42
Eternal Sun of righteousness ____________ 44 GQd is Love: his truth e'er brightens 62
Great God, how infinite art thou ____ 80 God's kind and tender mercies __ ...... 77
Great God, indulge my humble Grace! 'tis a charming sound ... _._._ 79
claim _. ____________. _.... _________________..____.._..____ 81
Jehovah God, thy wisdom shines ._.. 138
High in the heavens, eternal GQd 102 Round the Lord in glory seated _._. 244
Holy, holy, holy ._... _. _____ .___...______,________ 332
The aeav'ns declare thy glory, Lord 272
.J l'110,-ah God, thy wisdom shines ____ 138
Lord God of hosts, my prayer heal' 163
Jehovah's Works
My soul, with humble fervor raise __ 186 Arm of the Lord, awake, awake _. __ 12
o God, our help in ages past ____.___ 198 Come, sonnd his praise abroad ____ 34 om

o Gud, our strength, to thee our Eternal God, thy love divine __.......... 43
God moves in a mysterious wily .... 73
o God, the Rock of ages ....___.....____ 200 God's hand that saves, though kind, 76
o thou, to whom in ancient time _.. 215 How wondrous and great thy works 111
Our heavenly Father and our I'll praise my Maker with my

Praise God from whom all blessings In the name which earth and
fl()~ ___ .._____________.. _.. _______________________________ ~~

Thy presence, gracious God, afford 298 Let God arise, and scattered let all 148

Jehovah's Jehovah's
Hear Egypt's proud and himgllfy Love and Providence
Pharaoh -...-...................................-..- 385 Behold, what wondrous grace _____... 18
Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord .... 95 Come, ye that know and love the
How excellent in all the earth --.--... 109 Lord _.._.............. _._._................. __.......... 37
In the name which earth and Fling to the winds thy fears ... __ ....... 54
heaven _..................... __ .. _....... __........ _.. _130 From every stormy wind that blows'61
Long as I live, I'll bless thy name 157 God is Love: his truth e'er brightens 62
o Lord, thou art my God _..____... __.. __ 202 God loved the world of sinners lost 72
The God of Abraham praise ___ .___ . 271 GQd moves in a mysterious way _.. _73
There is a GQd, all nature speaks ,
280 God's hand that saves, though kind 76
Topical Index of Songs
Numbel Number
Happy the man who learns to trace 87 When the storms of life are raging 318
Heav'nly Father, I would wear ______ 94 Zion stands with hills surrounded 330
Heav'nly Father; we tlly children ____ 97
He leadeth me ____________________ 99
Praise to Jehovah
High in the heavens, eternal God 102 Awake, my soul, to joyful lays _______ 17
How wise are God's commands ____ 106
Christ, once laid the sure foundation 28
How sweet to feel GOd's willis best 110 Come, sound his praise abroad ________ 34
I know the Lord is my Shepherd S33
Come, ye that know and love tHe
In some way or other the Lord will Lord . ____________.____________________________________ 37
provide _______:_"-___:...________________ 129
Eternal God, thy love divine ____._____ 43
Let ev'ry mortal ear attend ______ 147
Father, again to thy dear name ____ 48
Love divine, all love excelling ________ 170
Fill thou my life, 0 Lord my God 53
o Love divine, that stooped to snare 204 From all that dwell below the skies 60
o thou God of our salvation _______ 213 Give praise to Jehovah ____________________ 63
Precious promise God hath given 234 God of mercy, God of grace ____________ 74
Repeat the story o'er and o'er ____ 239 God of my life, through all my days 75
The LOrd is my Shepherd _______________ 274 Hark I the sounds of acclamation 90
The Lord my pasture shall prepare 276 I'll praise my Maker with my
breath _______________________________________________ 121
There is an eye that never sleeps 281
There's a wideness in God's mercy 284 Let us with a gladsome mind _____ 150
My Father, my almighty Friend . ___ 177
Though earthborn shadows now may o praise ye the Lord ________________________ 210
shroud ____________________________________________ 290
Praise God from WHom all blessings
Thougk troubles assail and dangers 291 flow ___________________________________________________ 223
Praise God: ye servants of the Lord 224
Jehovah's Spirit Praise, my soul, the King of heaven 225
Abide, sweet spirit, heavenly dove 1 Praise the Lord, his glories show. 226
Holy spirit, banish sadness ___ .__.. 103 Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore 227
Holy spirit, faithful guide ._[1.05 Praise to him by whose kind favor 228
Praise walts for thee in Zion, Lord 2~
Jehovah's Protection Praise ye Jehovah's name ________________ 230
A mighty fortress is our God _ _ 9 Praise ye the Lord j for it is good 231
Call .Jehovah thy salvation .._ _ _ 23 Rejoice alway, with one accord ____ 236
Father, hear the prayer we o:trer ._47 The God of Abraham praise ___________ 271
God is my sure salvation .____ 70 "This is the day the Lord hath
God is the refuge of his saints _ . 71 made!" _________________________________________ 286
Guide me, 0 thou great Jehovak _ 84 We praise thee, 0 God ___________________ 310
How firm a foundation .______..__ 108 With hearts and hands uplifted .__.325
In Zion's Rock abiding . ____________ 133 With one consent let saints on
!I'hrough all the changing scenes of earth ______________~------------------------------- 324
life ______.._. __.._ _._._______ 295 Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice .__ 327
.' Topical Index of Songs

Thanksgiving to Jehovah Number

Number . Children of the heavenly King __,_____ 24 .
Come, thou fount of every blessing 35 Christian, tb.e morn breaks sweetly
o render thanks to God above ________ 211 o'er thee _______ .__________ .____ ,____________ .. ___ .. _26
When all thy mercies, 0 my God ____ 316 Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad
morning ___......__... _____________ ....___ ........ _.._________ 85
Jehovah's Only Begotten Son How blessed, how glorious .. _..... ___ 107
All the way my Saviour leads me 8 I have entered the valley of
blessing ......___..... __...._____ ..._.... _____.. 115 '!'. . . . . ___ .... _____

As the world around was sleeping 13

Lord, 1 delight in thee .......____ .______ .. 165
Christ, once laid the sure foundation 28
Glory to God on high! ______________________ 65 My God, the" Spring of all my joys 178
"1 am the door," come in ________________ 112 Now let our souls with joy sublime 191
1 heard the voice of Jesus say _______ 118 o happy they who know the Lord 201
1 know that my Redeemer lives ____ 120 o thou, in whose presence my soul
l'm not ashamed to own my Lord 125 takes delight ......................... _____ ..... 214
I've found a friend; 0 I such a RejOice alway, with one accord ...... 236
friend ..~ ..__......__ ...._____..____..__...__ ~_._ . _____ 135 RejOice and be glad! The Redeemer
I will sing of my Redeemer ___ ... _____ 136 .
RejOice, the Lord is King! ____ ......___ . 238

Tesus, refuge of my soul _______________ 141

Laboring and heavy laden ____________ 145 . "This is the day the Lord hatH
Let earth and heaven agree ___________ 146 made 1" .....___ ... _....________ .___ ........_...... "'" ,.._ ...... 286
Majestic sweetness sits enthroned 171 . Zion is free, ye saints .. ___ .. ___ ...... ___ 329
"Man of sorrows!" what a name 172
My faith looks up to thee ________________ 176 King and Kingdom
My hope is built on nothing less 181 All hail the power of Jesus' name 6
Not all the blood of beasts _______________ 189 Arise, Jehovah God, arise .... __..... _.. _11
o could we speak the matchless Forever and forever thy throne ____ 56
worth .....____..__....___.. __...__...._...._..____.___...... __ 192 , Hail to the Lord's Anointed ____ ....____ 86
One there is above aU others ________ 205 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun 142
Saviour, llke a shepherd lead us ____ 248 Joy to the world! The Lord is come 143
Thou standest at the altar ________ 294 Lift up, lift up, thy voice with
_____ . _____ ... _.... __ ....._..________._._...__ .________ 152
Jehovah's Word Lift up your heads, desponding
Blessed Bible, precious Word ______ 19 pI'1 grims
______.. 00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 153
Father of mercies, in thy Word ____ 50
Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious 159
God is the refuge of his saints _______ 71
Light of the world, shine ______________ 155 Lo, the day foretold is breaking __ .. 168
Praise to him by whose kind favor 228 RejOice, the Lord is King! ______ .. ____ 238
Upon the gospel's sacred page ________ 303 . See yonder o'er the mountain tops 336
Soon anshall hail our Jesus' name 257
Joy of the Lord Soon shall countless hearts and
Awake and sing the song of Moses
and tbe Lomb .... 14h _ _ _ _ . . . . . ._ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________
Soon shall the joyous song arise ___ 261
Topical Index of Song8
Number Number
The flush of morn is on tlJ.e Forever with the Lord ________________________ 57
moun tains _______________________________________ 270 Glorious things of thee are spoken 64
The Lord is King I Lift up t.hy God has promised a glorious day 6'J
voice _________________________________________________ 273 Hark I hark! a sound of voices ________ 88
Wake the song of Jubilee ________________ 306 Hear what God the Lord hath
Ye chosen Israel of God ___________________ 326 spoken _______________________________________________ 93
Zion's King shall reign victorious 328 If I in thy likeness, 0 Lord, may
awake _______________________________________________ 113
Kingdom Service I am waiting, ever waiting ________________ 114
Arise, arise! ye saints of "God __... (1.0 Long in bondage we have waited 158
Come, let us anew our journey o glorious hope of heav'nly love ____ 197
pursue ________________________________________________ 31
On thy Church, 0 Power divine ____ 206
Forth in thy name, 0 Lord, I go 55 Our lamps are trimmed and burning 218
Forward! be our watchword ___________ 58 Rise, crowned with light _____________ 242
Give praise to Jehovah! 'Tis nothing Shall we meet beyond the river ____ 251
of thine ______________________________________________ 63
She cometh to the King ____________________ 252
God has now commanded __________ 68
The Master is come, and he calleth 334
Go we forth with gladness now to
serve ___________________________________________________ 78 The night is past, the day has come 279
Great Husbandman, at thy command 82 Watchman, tell me, does the
Haste to the task appointed ____________ 92 morning __________________________ :________________ 308
I love to tell the story ________________________ 124 Watchman, tell us of the night ____ 309
List! to the message of the Kingdom We shall meet beyond the river ____ 311
today __________________________________________________ 337
Lord, give me light to do thy work 162 The King's Second Presence
Saints of God, the dawn is Bride of the Lamb, awake ________________ 22
bright'ning ______________________________ 246
Christ is come! now let creation ____ 27
Send out thy light and troUt. ________ 249
Greet the glad news! the Lord has
Soldiers of the Cross, arise! __________ 256 come _________________________________________________ 83
Sweet is the work, my God, my
King _______________________________________________ 265 Joy to the world! The Lord is come 143
Take my life and may it be ____________ 266 Like the sound of many waters ____ 156
Tell it out among the nations ________ 267 The Lord, our Saviour, will appear 277
Thy light is come, 0 Zion _______________ 296 The Master is come, and he calleth 334
To the work! to the work I ____________ 299
'Wake, awake, for night is flying 304 The King's Memorial
We thank thee, Lord, for using us 312 According to thy gracious word ________ 2
What hast thou in thine hand? _ 315 Examine me, and do me prove ________ 46
In mem'ry of the Saviour's love ____ 127
Kingdom Prospects Thou standest at the altar ____________ 294
Come, all ye saints, to Pisgah's .. 'Tis finished!" so the Saviour
mountain ________________________________________ 29 cried ____________________________________________________ 300
Topical Index of Songs

The Conftiet Ransom and Redemption

Number Number
Arise, arise I ye sa in ts of God ....._... 10 Alas I and did my Saviour bleed? ... _5
Awake, my soul, stretch every Christ gave his life for me ................ 25
nerve __________________ .________._________....____....__ 16 Come, sing the gospel's joyful sound 33

Equip me for the war .......................... 41 Free from the law, 0 happy condition 59
Haste to the task appointed ............ 92 In the cross of Christ I glory .. _._ ... 137
Heav"n s army 1S . ad vancmg' ............ 98 I stand all astonished with wonder 134
He that is faithful, he that is loyal 101 I will Sing of my Redeemer .... _.. _.... 136
Lo! the day of God is breaking .... 169 Jesus, keep me near the cross ........ 140
Mine eyes can see the glory of the My God, I have found ........................ 179
Not all the blood of beasts .... _.......... 189
My soul, be on thy guard ......__...... 184 o now I see the crimson wave ........ 208
My soul, weigh not thy life _._.._.'. 185 Rock of Ages, cleft for me ............ 243
Oft in danger, oft in woe ................ 196 "'Tis finished!" so the Saviour .
Rise up, soldiers of Christ _..'.. _.' ...'" 241 ~1rl~ ___ . a . a ___ a __ aaa ____ . _ .. ___ ______________ ______ . _ ~()H[)

. See yonder o'er the mountain tops 336 When I view the cruel cross .._........ 317

Soldiers of the cross, arise! ....._... 256
Stand up! stand up for J~sus ........ 260 Faith, Devotion and Submission
_ There's a call going out ........... _........ 283 Father, whate'er of earthly bliss .... 51
The sun and moon are darkened .... 285 How sweet to feel God's will is
Though yesterday's campaign is
(),~r ________________________ .________________.... == _____ _
If on a quiet sea toward home ........ 116
Up! ev'ry soldier on Christ's side I love thy will, 0 God _............... _...... 122
enlisted .. _..... __ .. _.. _.. __ ...... _. _____ ....... __ .__ . 302
Jesus, I my cross have taken ........ 139
Who is on the Lord's side? ............ 321 worldly minds the world pursue 151
Who is this that comes from Edom? 323 Lord, I am thine, entirely thine .... 164
My gracious Lord, I own thy right 180
Deliverance "My times are in thy hand" ............ 187
Awake, Jerusalem, awake _15 ou ........
Nearer, my God, to thee _.....__.......:.188
Blow ye the trumpet, blow ..._........... 21 Not to ourselves again ..._............... 190
Daughter of Zion, awake from thy
sadness ______ 89
o for a closer walk. with God ..._.... 193
a ___._________ ___ . _ .. __ ______ .... _ _ _ _ _ .... _

o for a faith that. will ..not '

shrink. .194
Daughter of Zion, from the dust .... 40 - ,

Hark! the song of Jubilee _...... _........ 89

o for a heart more .
like my God. ._ .. 195
Hear Egypt's proud and haughty
o Lord, thy promised grace impart 203
Pharaoh ... _________ .. __ ............................ 335 Prince of peace, now .shed abroad 235
Lift up your heads, rejoice ............ 154 Shall T, for fear of feeble man .... 21)0
On the mountain's top appearing .... 209 Sincerely let our lives express ... _.... 2fJ3
Our God, who doest all things well 217 Sun of my soul, my Father dear .. _.262
Salvation! 0 the joyful sound ... _.... 247 Take my life and may it be ... _..... __ . 266
Triumphant Zion, lift thy head .... 301 "Take up thy cross;" the Saviour
is free, ye saints ........................ 329 said ....____..___.. ___ .._~ ______..____..__.. ~._"_~:____-268
297 ,
Topical Index 0/ Bongs
Number Number
Though all the world my choice Oome, ye disconsolate __.__________ .____ 36
deride _______________________________________________ . 289 Father, while our eyes are weeping 49
Thou hast said, 0 blessed Jesus ____ 293 From ev'ry stormy wind that blows 61
'rhy will be done! I will not fear 297 Go, bury thy sorrow ____________________________ 66
\\"ulk in the Light! so shalt thou Here o'er the earth as a stranger
know _..______________________________________________. 307 I roam ________________________________________________ 100
What poor despised company ___ .__ .___ 313 Many sleep, but not forever ___________ . 173
When I survey the wondrous cross 320 o thou who driest the mourner's
When I view the cruel cross _. __________ 317 tear _______ ._______ .___________________..._. __._..._ 216
With hearts and hands uplifted ____ 325 Rest for the toiling hand ........ _ ...__ 240
Confidence and Trust Watchfulness and Prayer
A mighty fortress is our God ____________ 9 Come, my soul, thy suit prepare ____ 32
Fear not, 0 little flock, the foe _. __ .___ 52 Father, whate'er of earthly bliss ____ 51
God is my sure salvation ___________________ . 70 Haste, my dull soul, arise ___________ ..___ 91
I know no life divided, 0 Lord ______ 119 I love to steal awhile away __._... _. ___ 123
I know not what"awaits me ___________ 117 Lord, no hour is half so sweet .. ______ 166
I need thee ev'ry hour __________ .__________ 126 My soul, be:on thy guard __ .____________ .184
In God I have found a retreat ________ 128 My soul, weigh not thy life .. _. _______ . 185
In the rIfted Rock I'm resting ________ 131 Prayer is appointed to convey ________ 232
Into thy gracious hands I fall ________ 132 Precious moments, r!ch in blessing 233
Keep thou my way, 0 Lord ____________ 144 Sweet each moment, rich in bleSSing 263
Lord of my life, to thee I call ________ 167 Sweet hour of prayer ________ .__________ .____ 264
My life flows on in endless song ____ 182 Those who seek the throne of grace 287.
My Lord, how full of sweet content 183 'Wake, awake, for night is flying 304
O! sometimes the shadows are deep 212 What various hindrances we meet 314
Out of the depths of woe _______ .________ 220
o flnd
walk with God, and thou shalt
______________________________________________________ 221
Oneness and Fellowship
Blest be the tie that binds ________________ 20
Peace, troubled soul! thou need'st How sweet to leave the world
not fear __ ..............._..... __ .____ .. _._._. __ .... 222 awhile _______ .. ______ .__ ........ __ .. _. ____ ._ .. __ ._____ 104
Safe In the arms of Jesus _.. _. ______ .__ ._ 245
'Mid scenes of confusion and creature
Since the Father's arm sustains thee 254 complaints _____________________ .. __________ ....... 174
The Ohurch's one foundatio~ _____ ._. 269
Where two or three with sweet
There is a safe and secret place __ ._ 282
Thou ever present aid ________________________ 288 accord ___ ._.... __________________ ............._....._. 319
Wait, my soul, upon the Lord ________ 305 Zion, thrice happy place .................. 331
Who in the Lord confide ____ .___..__._______ 322
At Parting
Consolation Abide, sweet spirit, heav'nly dove .... 1
All! when heart is heavy laden ........ 3 Father, again to thy dear name we
A little flock, so calls he thee ...... __ .... 4 raise ... ___ .__ ................._ ..._.. _...... _...... _.48
Topical Index of Songs
Number Number
God be with you till we meet again 67 Daughter of Zion, from tbe dust .... 40
Heav'nly Father, we beseech thee ._.96 H~ wbat God the Lord hath
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, spoken ................... _._ ......._................. 93
hid ................._.. _160 The God of Abrabam praise ............ 271
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, Zion's King shall reign victorious 328
fill _..__......._............................ _. __ 161
Metrical Psalms
Baptism into Christ's Death and
Eternal Lord, we would obey _ _ 45 Other Scriptures
"Take up thy cross," the Saviour Psalm 2 ........................... _.....__.._ ... 836
said ................... _.................. _........_.268 Psalm 8 ...................._.........__._..... _.. 109
Thou hast said, 0 blessed Jesus _ 293 Psalm 26 ................................._ ............ 46
Psalm SS ........................ _..........._ ........ 327
Resurrection Psalm 43 ....................................._......... 149
Christ, tbe Lord, is r1s'n today ._._ 80 Psalm 45: 6-15 ... _._ ......_.._................. 56
I know that my Redeemer lives .... 120 Psalm 45: 14-17 .................................... 252
Sing with all the sons of glory .... 255 Psalm 46 __............................................ 71
The Lord is ris'n indeed ........... _... 275 Psalm 65 ._............................................. 229
Psalm 68 ................................................ 148
Restitution Psalm 84 .............................................. 168
Psalm 100 ................................................ _ 7
Blow ye the trumpet,. blow ........._..... 21
Psalm 118: 24 ...................................... 286
God bas promised a glorious day 69
Psalm 122 ............................................ 381
Only waiting, till the dawning _._.201
Psalm 182: 8-18 ................... _............... 11
Soon sball restitution glory ..._. __ 259
Psalm lB6 .............................. __ ........ _ 150
The nigbt is past, the day bas come 279 Psalm 145 ........................ ___.... _....... 202
Wake the song of Jubilee ................ 306 Psalm 147 ............................._........... _ 231
Psalm 149 ..............._. _______ ... 210
Comfort for Jews Isaiah 55: 7 ..........__._._..___ ._... 837
Daugbter of Zion, awake from thy Isaiab 6S: 1-6 ..... _...._ ...__._._......... S2S
sadness ................................................ 39 Ephesians 6: 1117 _ _ _ _. S36

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