Provision of No-Cost, Long-Acting Contraception and Teenage Pregnancy

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Original Article

Provision of No-Cost, Long-Acting

Contraception and Teenage Pregnancy
GinaM.Secura,Ph.D., M.P.H., TessaMadden,M.D., M.P.H.,
ColleenMcNicholas,D.O., JenniferMullersman,B.S.N.,
ChristinaM.Buckel,M.S.W., QiuhongZhao,M.S., and
JeffreyF.Peipert,M.D., Ph.D.


From the Division of Clinical Research, The rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States is higher than in other developed
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecolo- nations. Teenage births result in substantial costs, including public assistance, health
gy, Washington University School of Med-
icine in St. Louis, St. Louis. Address reprint care costs, and income losses due to lower educational attainment and reduced
requests to Dr. Peipert at Washington Uni- earning potential.
versity School of Medicine in St. Louis, 4533
Clayton Ave., Campus Box 8219, St. Louis,
MO 63110, or at [email protected]
.edu. The Contraceptive CHOICE Project was a large prospective cohort study designed to
N Engl J Med 2014;371:1316-23.
promote the use of long-acting, reversible contraceptive (LARC) methods to reduce
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1400506 unintended pregnancy in the St. Louis region. Participants were educated about
Copyright 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. reversible contraception, with an emphasis on the benefits of LARC methods, were
provided with their choice of reversible contraception at no cost, and were followed
for 2 to 3 years. We analyzed pregnancy, birth, and induced-abortion rates among
teenage girls and women 15 to 19 years of age in this cohort and compared them
with those observed nationally among U.S. teens in the same age group.

Of the 1404 teenage girls and women enrolled in CHOICE, 72% chose an intrauter-
ine device or implant (LARC methods); the remaining 28% chose another method.
During the 20082013 period, the mean annual rates of pregnancy, birth, and abor-
tion among CHOICE participants were 34.0, 19.4, and 9.7 per 1000 teens, respectively.
In comparison, rates of pregnancy, birth, and abortion among sexually experienced
U.S. teens in 2008 were 158.5, 94.0, and 41.5 per 1000, respectively.

Teenage girls and women who were provided contraception at no cost and edu-
cated about reversible contraception and the benefits of LARC methods had rates
of pregnancy, birth, and abortion that were much lower than the national rates for
sexually experienced teens. (Funded by the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation and

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Long-Acting Contr aception and Teenage Pregnancy

lthough it has declined substan- Me thods
tially over the past two decades, the preg-
nancy rate among girls and women 15 to Study Enrollment
19 years of age remains a stubborn public health The Contraceptive CHOICE Project was a prospec-
problem. Each year, more than 600,000 teens be- tive cohort study involving 9256 St. Louis area
come pregnant, and 3 in 10 teens will become girls and women 14 to 45 years of age, in which
A Quick Take
pregnant before they reach 20 years of age.1,2 Rates the use of LARC methods was promoted to re- animation is
are higher among black and Hispanic teens, with duce unintended pregnancy.16 Participants were available at
4 in 10 becoming pregnant by 20 years of age, as recruited through referral from medical providers,
compared with 2 in 10 white teens.2-4 In addition word of mouth, and study flyers. The Washing-
to the negative health and social consequences ton University School of Medicine in St. Louis
borne by teenage mothers and their children, the Human Research Protection Office approved the
national financial burden is substantial. In 2010, study protocol before recruitment began, and all
births involving teenage mothers cost the United participants provided written informed consent.
States nearly $10 billion in increased public as- Participants 14 to 17 years of age provided writ-
sistance and health care and in income lost as a ten assent, and a parent or guardian provided
result of lower educational attainment and re- written consent. Minors could enroll under a
duced earnings among children born to teenage waiver of parental consent if they did not know
mothers.5 the whereabouts of their parents or guardians or
The Presidents Teen Pregnancy Prevention Ini- if they did not want their parents or guardians
tiative was launched in 2010 to address the high to know that they were seeking contraception.
teenage pregnancy rate by replicating evidence- We enrolled four minors using the waiver.
based models and innovative strategies.6 Teen- Women and adolescent girls were eligible to
age pregnancy has also been designated by the participate in CHOICE if they were English-speak-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ing or Spanish-speaking, resided in the St. Louis
as one of the six Winnable Battles because of the region or sought contraceptive services in selected
magnitude of the problem and the belief that it community clinics, had no desire for pregnancy for
can be addressed by strategies that are known to at least 12 months, were sexually active or plan-
be effective.7 The Winnable Battle target is to re- ning to be sexually active with a male partner dur-
duce the teenage birth rate by 20%, from 37.9 ing the next 6 months, and were not using a con-
births per 1000 teens in 2009 to 30.3 per 1000 traceptive method or were willing to switch to a
by 2015. new, reversible contraceptive method. Women and
Long-acting, reversible contraceptive (LARC) adolescent girls were ineligible if they had under-
methods, which include intrauterine devices gone a hysterectomy or sterilization procedure.
(IUDs) and implants, have been shown to be ac-
ceptable to teens and young women, with higher Study Design
continuation rates than shorter-acting methods.8,9 CHOICE provided standardized contraceptive
LARC methods reduce the likelihood of preg- counseling to study participants regarding com-
nancy and of repeat pregnancy among adoles- monly used reversible contraceptive methods.17
cents,10,11 yet less than 5% of U.S. teens report Methods were presented in order from most to
using LARC methods.12 least effective, and the potential side effects,
Lack of information about effective contracep- risks, and benefits of each method were reviewed.
tion, limited access, and cost remain barriers to Participants were provided with their chosen
the use of LARC methods by teens.13-15 It is unclear method at their enrollment session in accor-
whether removal of these barriers can reduce un- dance with evidence-based clinical guidelines.18,19
intended pregnancy and birth rates among high- If medical contraindications did not allow for
risk, sexually active teens. We assessed pregnan- same-day insertion of a LARC device (e.g., if preg-
cy, birth, and abortion rates in a cohort of teens nancy could not be ruled out definitively or if the
among whom these three barriers to highly ef- participant had active cervicitis), participants re-
fective reversible contraception were removed, ceived a shorter-acting method, such as oral con-
and we compared these rates with rates observed traceptive pills or depot medroxyprogesterone
nationally among all teens in the United States. acetate (DMPA) injection, until their chosen meth-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

od could be initiated. During the enrollment ses- live birth, and induced abortion; teen-years of use
sion, study staff performed a baseline interview, of contraceptive methods; and failure rates of con-
and participants were screened for sexually trans- traceptive methods included data collected when
mitted infections. members of the cohort were 15 to 19 years of age.
Participants were followed for 2 to 3 years,
depending on their enrollment date. Telephone Statistical Analysis
interviews were administered by study staff at We used frequencies, percentages, medians, and
3 and 6 months and every 6 months thereafter. ranges to describe the demographic and repro-
Participants received a $10 gift card after every ductive characteristics of the participants at the
completed follow-up survey. During the baseline time of study enrollment. A chi-square test was
and follow-up surveys, we collected detailed in- performed for categorical data, and a Wilcoxon
formation regarding demographic characteristics two-sample test was performed for continuous
and reproductive history, including contraceptive data that was not normally distributed.
method use and satisfaction, sexual behavior, For this analysis, we calculated annual means
and pregnancy. and 95% confidence intervals for rates of preg-
This analysis involves the 1404 adolescents nancy, live birth, and induced abortion from 2008
who enrolled in CHOICE between 14 and 19 years through 2013, because the number of pregnan-
of age, from 2007 through 2011; 716 teens were cies and pregnancy outcomes that occurred among
followed for 3 years, and 688 teens were followed teenage CHOICE participants each year was small.
for 2 years. At each follow-up survey, we asked Each rate represents the total number of events
participants if they had had a pregnancy. Par- (i.e., pregnancy, birth, or abortion) that occurred
ticipants who contacted study staff outside a among the participants divided by the total
scheduled survey or came to the clinic with con- amount of time contributed from 2008 through
cerns about possible pregnancy completed a urine 2013. For a pregnancy to be considered in the
pregnancy test. We recorded all pregnancies in a analysis, the outcome of the pregnancy (i.e., birth
pregnancy log and documented the contraceptive or abortion, for the purposes of this study) had
method used at the time of conception. If the to occur before 20 years of age. This is the same
outcome of the pregnancy was known at the time approach used by the National Center for Health
of the survey (e.g., birth, miscarriage, or abortion), Statistics in calculating U.S. rates.1 We calculat-
it was documented in the pregnancy log. If a par- ed the time contributed by each participant dur-
ticipant was currently pregnant, we subsequently ing which she was not pregnant. If at the last
contacted her to record the pregnancy outcome. survey the participant reported she had not been
pregnant since the previous contact, we subtract-
Study Outcomes ed 6 weeks of contributed time to account for the
The primary outcomes of the study were the rates possibility of an early-stage and unknown preg-
of pregnancy, live birth, and induced abortion nancy. For a participant who had a pregnancy,
observed among participants who were 15 to 19 we subtracted the total time she was pregnant
years of age at any time during study participa- plus 1 month if she delivered, to account for post-
tion. We compared the rates in the CHOICE co- partum infecundity. For participants who were
hort with the most recent available rates among lost to follow-up, the last date of contact was the
all U.S. teens 15 to 19 years of age, from 2010,1 cutoff point for outcomes and contributed time.
and hypothesized that the rates in CHOICE All analyses were performed with the use of
would be lower than the national rates. Because Stata software, version 11 (StataCorp).
the U.S. rates represent all teenage girls and
women 15 to 19 years of age, including those R e sult s
who are and those who are not sexually experi-
enced, we also compared the CHOICE rates with Characteristics of the Participants
the national rates reported among sexually expe- Table1 gives the baseline demographic and re-
rienced teenage girls and women in 2008 (the productive characteristics of the 1404 teenage
most recent available data).20 In addition, we ex- participants, stratified by age group at enrollment
amined rates according to age and race as second- (14 to 17 years vs. 18 to 19 years). Nearly 500
ary outcomes. All analyses of rates of pregnancy, minors 14 to 17 years of age were enrolled in the

1318 n engl j med 371; October 2, 2014

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Copyright 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Long-Acting Contr aception and Teenage Pregnancy

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Study Participants Overall and According to Age Group.

1417 Years 1819 Years

Total Cohort of Age of Age
Characteristic (N=1404) (N=484) (N=920) P Value*
Race no. (%) <0.01
Black 877 (62.5) 328 (67.8) 549 (59.7)
White 416 (29.6) 119 (24.6) 297 (32.3)
Other 111 (7.9) 37 (7.6) 74 (8.0)
Low socioeconomic status no. (%) 623 (44.4) 163 (33.7) 460 (50.0) <0.01
Health insurance no./total no. (%) <0.01
None 392/1361 (28.8) 78/453 (17.2) 314/908 (34.6)
Private 583/1361 (42.8) 218/453 (48.1) 365/908 (40.2)
Public 386/1361 (28.4) 157/453 (34.7) 229/908 (59.3)
Lifetime male sex partners median no. (range) 3.0 (0175) 2.0 (030) 3.0 (0175) <0.01
Parity no. (%) <0.01
0 1059 (75.4) 397 (82.0) 662 (72.0)
1 289 (20.6) 79 (16.3) 210 (22.8)
2 56 (4.0) 8 (1.7) 48 (5.2)
Previous unintended pregnancy no./total no. (%) 671/1403 (47.8) 219/484 (45.2) 452/919 (49.2) 0.16
History of abortion no. (%) 259 (18.4) 70 (14.5) 189 (20.5) <0.01
History of sexually transmitted infection no. (%) 331 (23.6) 88 (18.2) 243 (26.4) <0.01
Baseline chosen contraceptive method no. (%) <0.01
Hormonal IUD 445 (31.7) 119 (24.6) 326 (35.4)
Nonhormonal IUD 75 (5.3) 14 (2.9) 61 (6.6)
Etonogestrel implant 485 (34.5) 242 (50.0) 243 (26.4)
DMPA injection 127 (9.0) 51 (10.5) 76 (8.3)
Oral contraceptive pill 175 (12.5) 39 (8.1) 136 (14.8)
Ring 69 (4.9) 11 (2.3) 58 (6.3)
Patch 28 (2.0) 8 (1.7) 20 (2.2)

* P values are for the comparison between the age groups (14 to 17 vs. 18 to 19 years of age).
Race was self-reported.
Participants were classified as having low socioeconomic status if they reported current receipt of food stamps; vouchers from the Special
Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children; other welfare benefits; unemployment benefits; or difficulty in paying
for transportation, housing, health or medical care, or food.
Data are based on a self-reported history of chlamydia infection, gonorrhea, or trichomoniasis.
DMPA denotes depot medroxyprogesterone acetate, and IUD intrauterine device.

study. Nearly half the participants reported a choice for participants 14 to 17 years of age,
previous unintended pregnancy, and 18% had a whereas an IUD was most commonly chosen by
history of abortion. As compared with younger older teens (Table1).
teens, those who were 18 to 19 years of age re-
ported more lifetime male sex partners and greater Pregnancy, Birth, and Abortion Rates
parity and had a higher frequency of previous The 12-month, 24-month, and 36-month follow-
sexually transmitted infections. The majority of up rates among CHOICE participants were 92%,
teens in both age groups chose LARC methods, 82%, and 75%, respectively. During 1738 teen-
but teens 14 to 17 years of age were more likely years of follow-up between 2008 and 2013, teens
than older teens to do so (77.5% vs. 68.4%, P<0.001). in the CHOICE cohort reported 56 pregnancies,
The implant was the most common contraceptive 32 births, 16 induced abortions, 7 miscarriages,

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 2. Pregnancy, Birth, and Abortion Rates among Girls and Women 15
as compared with 2008 U.S. rates representing
to 19 Years of Age in the CHOICE Cohort as Compared with Those in the only sexually experienced teens. The pregnancy,
U.S. Population.* birth, and abortion rates per 1000 sexually expe-
rienced U.S. teens in 2008 were 158.5, 94.0, and
U.S. Population, U.S. Population, CHOICE
Outcome All Teens* Sexually Experienced Teens Cohort 41.5, respectively.
Figure1 shows the pregnancy, birth, and abor-
mean no. per tion rates among CHOICE participants, as com-
1000 teens
no. per 1000 teens (95% CI) pared with the 2010 rates among all U.S. teens.
The rates were stratified according to age group
Pregnancy 57.4 158.5 34.0 (25.744.1)
and race. For all three outcomes within each
Birth 34.4 94.0 19.4 (13.327.4) stratum, the rates among CHOICE participants
Abortion 14.7 41.5 9.7 (5.615.8) were lower than the U.S. rates. The difference
between rates in CHOICE and national rates was
* Data are U.S. rates for the year 2010.1
Data are U.S. rates for the year 2008.20
greater for those 18 to 19 years of age and
Data are the mean annual rates for the years 2008 through 2013. CI denotes among black teens. Figure2 shows the pregnancy
confidence interval. rates among CHOICE teens, as compared with
sexually experienced U.S. teens, according to age
group and race. For both age groups and both
and 1 stillbirth. Reported methods used at the races, the CHOICE rates were substantially lower
time of conception included the levonorgestrel than the national rates.
IUD (2 participants), DMPA injection (1), oral con-
traceptive pills (13), the ring (4), the patch (2), Discussion
condoms (9), and no method (25). The teen-
years of use and failure rates of contraceptive We found that pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates
methods among the participants using these were low among teenage girls and women en-
methods were as follows: 394.2 teen-years and rolled in a project that removed financial and
5.1 failures per 1000 teen-years for the levonor access barriers to contraception and informed
gestrel IUD, 193.8 teen-years and 5.2 failures per them about the particular efficacy of LARC meth-
1000 teen-years for DMPA injection, 229.0 teen- ods. The observed rates of pregnancy, birth, and
years and 56.8 failures per 1000 teen-years for abortion were substantially lower than national
oral contraceptive pills, 77.2 teen-years and 51.8 rates among all U.S. teens, particularly when
failures per 1000 teen-years for the contraceptive compared with sexually experienced U.S. teens.
ring, and 32.9 teen-years and 60.8 failures per Stratification according to factors known to be
1000 teen-years for the contraceptive patch. No associated with sexual behavior and pregnancy
pregnancies occurred with the copper IUD (57.3 risk (age and race)21 showed that this was true
teen-years) or the etonogestrel subdermal implant among both older teens (18 to 19 years of age) and
(633.3 teen-years). younger teens, as well as among both white
Table2 gives the overall rates of pregnancy, and black teens.
live birth, and induced abortion in the CHOICE The CDC Winnable Battle 2015 goal for teen-
teenage cohort; respective rates for teens in the age births is 30.3 per 1000 teens. The mean
United States in 2010 are provided for compari- annual teenage birth rate in our cohort was 19.4
son. The mean annual rates were 34.0 per 1000 per 1000 teens, 36% lower than the 2015 goal.
teens (95% confidence interval [CI], 25.7 to 44.1), Our teenage pregnancy and birth rates reflect
19.4 per 1000 (95% CI, 13.3 to 27.4), and 9.7 per teens using highly effective contraception, with
1000 (95% CI, 5.6 to 15.8), respectively. The cor- a high rate of LARC use in this cohort (i.e., 72%
responding 2010 rates among U.S. teens nation- overall among teens). Although the rate of LARC
ally were 57.4, 34.4, and 14.7 per 1000. use among teens 15 to 19 years of age in the
Among teenage girls and women enrolled in United States has increased from less than 1% in
CHOICE, 97% were sexually experienced at base- 2002 to almost 5% in 2009, our study suggests
line, and 99% were sexually experienced by 12 that it is possible to achieve a much greater rate
months of follow-up. Thus, Table2 also presents of use.12 Furthermore, teens in our cohort con-
a comparison of the mean annual rates in CHOICE tinued to use LARC methods longer than short-

1320 n engl j med 371; October 2, 2014

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Long-Acting Contr aception and Teenage Pregnancy

er-acting methods such as the oral contraceptive

pill and DMPA injection; two thirds of teens in
CHOICE were still using their LARC method at A Pregnancy Rate
24 months of follow-up, as compared with only 120 120

one third of teens using a non-LARC method.8 100 96.2 100

The limitations of our study must be consid-

(no. per 1000 teens)

ered. First, information about pregnancy was 80 80

self-reported by participants, and thus it is pos- 60 60
sible that the number of teenage pregnancies
40.1 37.8
was underestimated in the CHOICE cohort. The 40
40 31.8
U.S. pregnancy statistics rely on a composite of 20
birth data, the abortion surveillance system, and
self-reporting to estimate pregnancy rates. Sec- 0 0
1517 1819 White Black
ond, teens were surveyed on a regular basis re-
garding their contraceptive method use, which Age Group (yr) Race

may have influenced adherence to their contra- B Birth Rate

ceptive method. Third, the generalizability of our 120 120
results is uncertain. Teens in CHOICE received
standardized contraceptive counseling during 100 100
which methods were presented in order from (no. per 1000 teens)
80 80
most to least effective. This counseling approach

may differ from the usual counseling that teens 60 58.5 60

receive in the United States but could certainly
40 40
be applied in routine practice. Fourth, the enroll-
23.1 23.6
ment of minors in CHOICE required parental 20 17.4 20
11.4 11.2
consent. Most teens can access confidential con-
traceptive services without parental notification 0 0
1517 1819 White Black
or consent, regardless of age. Minors who en-
Age Group (yr) Race
rolled in CHOICE with the consent of their par-
ent or guardian may represent a group of teens C Abortion Rate
at lower risk for contraceptive nonuse and preg- 120 120
nancy.22 However, as compared with teens nation-
ally, the teens enrolled in CHOICE are at greater 100 100
risk for unintended pregnancy; 60% of the par-
(no. per 1000 teens)

80 80
ticipants are black (vs. 16% of female teens 15 to

19 years of age in the United States), and al-

60 60
most all had had sexual intercourse at the time
40 40 34.5
of enrollment, with nearly three quarters report-
ing sexual intercourse in the previous 30 days 20 11.6 20
8.4 5.7 8.5 9.4
(vs. national frequencies of 43% and one quarter, 4.5
respectively).21 0
1517 1819
White Black
A final limitation is that we compared a mean
Age Group (yr) Race
annual rate for the period from 2008 through
2013 with 2010 national rates. From 2008 to
Figure 1. Pregnancy, Birth, and Abortion Rates among U.S. Teenage Girls
2010, the pregnancy rate declined by 15% among and Women, as Compared with CHOICE Participants, Stratified According
all teens in the United States. The most recent to Age and Race.
birth data (2012) indicate that the birth rate
among teens 15 to 19 years of age dropped to
29.4 per 1000, the lowest rate ever reported for ductions observed in CHOICE are substantial
the United States.24 (Data on national pregnancy and of public health importance.
and abortion rates are not yet available beyond In summary, we found that in a cohort of teen-
2010.) Even with this continued decline, the re- age girls and women for whom barriers to con-

n engl j med 371; October 2, 2014 1321

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Copyright 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

large percentage opted to use LARC methods.

U.S. CHOICE The rates of pregnancy, birth, and abortion in
300 300
our cohort were below both the most recent cor-
250 250 responding national rates and the CDC Winnable
Battle 2015 goal.
(no. per 1000 teens)

200 200
The content of this article is solely the responsibility of the

authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of
150 136.0 150 137.0
the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development or the National Institutes of Health.
100 100
Presented in part at the North American Forum on Family
Planning, Seattle, October 6 and 7, 2013.
50 40.1 50 31.8
20.9 26.9 Supported by grants from the Susan Thompson Buffett Foun-
dation, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child
0 0 Health and Human Development (K23HD070979), and the Na-
1517 1819 White Black
tional Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National
Age Group (yr) Race Institutes of Health (UL1 TR000448 and TL1 TR000449, to
Washington University Institute of Clinical and Translational
Figure 2. Pregnancy Rates among Sexually Experienced U.S. Teenage Girls Sciences).
and Women, as Compared with CHOICE Participants, Stratified According Dr. Madden reports receiving fees for serving on advisory
to Age and Race. boards from Bayer. Dr. Peipert reports receiving fees for serv-
ing on advisory boards from Bayer, Teva, MicroCHIPS, and
Data for the 2008 U.S. rates stratified according to age and race are from Watson/Activis and grant support from Bayer, Teva, and Merck.
K. Kost, Guttmacher Institute (personal communication). No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article
was reported.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at
traception (lack of knowledge, limited access, We thank Dr. Kathryn Kost and the staff of the Guttmacher
Institute for providing us with data from unpublished tabula-
and cost) are removed and the use of the most tions of sexually experienced U.S. teens and guidance regarding
effective contraceptive methods is encouraged, a the calculation of teen pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates.

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1322 n engl j med 371; October 2, 2014

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Long-Acting Contr aception and Teenage Pregnancy

traceptive use, 2nd edition. MMWR Re- Teenagers in the United States: sexual ac- origin for the United States and States:
comm Rep 2013;62(RR-5):1-46. tivity, contraceptive use, and childbear- April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2012 (http://fact-
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2012. 23. Annual estimates of the resident pop- Copyright 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society.
21. Martinez G, Copen CE, Abma JC. ulation by sex, age, race, and Hispanic

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