Contraceptive Use and Unplanned Pregnancy Among Female Sex Workers in Zambia
Contraceptive Use and Unplanned Pregnancy Among Female Sex Workers in Zambia
Contraceptive Use and Unplanned Pregnancy Among Female Sex Workers in Zambia
Objectives: Access to reproductive healthcare, including contraceptive services, is an essential component of comprehensive healthcare for
female sex workers (FSW). Here, we evaluated the prevalence of and factors associated with contraceptive use, unplanned pregnancy, and
pregnancy termination among FSW in three transit towns in Zambia.
Study design: Data arose from the baseline quantitative survey from a randomized controlled trial of HIV self-testing among FSW. Eligible
participants were 18 years of age or older, exchanged sex for money or goods at least once in the past month, and were HIV-uninfected or
status unknown without recent HIV testing (b3 months). Logistic regression models were used to assess factors associated with contraceptive
use and unplanned pregnancy.
Results: Of 946 women eligible for this analysis, 84.1% had been pregnant at least once, and among those 61.6% had an unplanned
pregnancy, and 47.7% had a terminated pregnancy. Incarceration was associated with decreased odds of dual contraception use (aOR=0.46,
95% CI 0.320.67) and increased odds of unplanned pregnancy (aOR=1.75, 95% CI 1.561.97). Condom availability at work was associated
with increased odds of using condoms only for contraception (aOR=1.74, 95% CI 1.212.51) and decreased odds of unplanned pregnancy
(aOR=0.63, 95% CI 0.610.64).
Conclusions: FSW in this setting have large unmet reproductive health needs. Structural interventions, such as increasing condom
availability in workplaces, may be useful for reducing the burden of unplanned pregnancy.
2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Funding: This study was funded by the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie). KFO was supported in part by NIAID T32AI007535 (PI: Seage). CEO
was supported in part by NIDA T32DA013911 (PI: Flanigan) and NIMH R25MH083620 (PI: Nunn). TB was supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
through the endowed Alexander von Humboldt Professorship funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, as well as by the Wellcome Trust,
the European Commission, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, and by NICHD R01HD084233 (PIs: Brnighausen and Tanser), NIAID R01AI124389 (PIs:
Brnighausen and Tanser), and D43TW009775 (PIs: Fawzi and Brnighausen).
0010-7824/ 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
M.M. Chanda et al. / Contraception 96 (2017) 196202 197
Structural and Interpersonal measures included arrest/ (66.6%) were currently using a form of non-barrier birth
incarceration history (measured by asking participants if they control (Fig. 1A). The most common non-barrier methods
had ever been arrested or incarcerated), age at sexual debut, included injectables (57.8%), oral birth control pills (27.5%),
experiences of sexual assault by clients and partners in the and implants (12.7%; Fig. 1B). More than half (61.7%) of
past 12 months, and condom availability while working. participants who had been pregnant at least once had had an
unplanned pregnancy, and 47.7% reported terminating a
2.3. Statistical analysis pregnancy.
Individuals who reported that they were not using Table 2 lists results of models assessing factors associated
contraception because they were trying to become pregnant with contraceptive use. Older age at sexual debut was
were excluded from all analyses. Distributions of character- associated with increased odds of using only condoms as
istics were calculated with medians and interquartile ranges contraception (aOR 1.04, 95% CI 1.021.06), but was not
(IQR) for continuous variables and proportions for categor- associated with using only non-barrier methods or use of
ical variables. We investigated factors associated with (1) use both condoms and non-barrier methods. Condom availability
of condoms only for contraception, (2) use of non-barrier at work was associated with increased odds of using only
methods only for contraception, (3) use of both condoms and condoms for contraception (aOR 1.74, 95% CI 1.212.51).
non-barrier methods for contraception, (4) history of History of incarceration or arrest was associated with
unplanned pregnancy, and (5) history of terminated decreased odds of using both condom and non-barrier
pregnancy using logistic regression models, and included methods for contraception (aOR 0.46, 95% CI 0.320.67).
sociodemographic variables (including age, having a Table 3 lists results of models assessing factors associated
primary partner, literacy, mobile phone ownership, monthly with history of unplanned and terminated pregnancy. Earlier
income) and structural-level variables (including age at age at sexual debut was associated with reduced odds of
sexual debut, arrest/incarceration history, sexual abuse from unplanned (aOR 0.91 per one-year increase in age at sexual
clients and primary partners, and condom availability at debut, 95% CI 0.880.93) and terminated (aOR 0.94 per
workplaces). We included covariates that were theoretically one-year increase in age at sexual debut, 95% CI 0.910.96)
associated with reproductive health outcomes that represent- pregnancy. Condom availability in the workplace was
ed opportunities for intervention development (e.g., identi- associated with decreased odds of unplanned pregnancy
fying subgroups of participants with whom interventions (aOR 0.63, 95% CI 0.610.64) and termination of pregnancy
could be focused or identifying potentially modifiable risk (aOR 0.68, 95% CI 0.510.91). Arrest/incarceration history
factors). Models of unplanned or terminated pregnancy were was associated with greater odds of unplanned pregnancy
restricted only to women who reported ever being pregnant. (aOR 1.75, 95% CI 1.561.97) and termination of pregnancy
Standard errors were adjusted for clustering within study (aOR 1.87, 95% CI 1.642.12).
site. All analyses were conducted in Stata 14.1 (StataCorp,
College Station, TX, USA).
4. Discussion
Table 1
Descriptive characteristics of women using and not using a non-barrier family planning method among female sex workers in Zambia
Using NB Method Not Using NB Method Overall p Value 1
(N=630) (N=316) (N=946)
Age (median, IQR) 24 (2129) 26 (2132) 25 (2130) .005
Livingstone 318 (67.2%) 155 (32.8%) 473 (50.0%) .71
Chirundu 162 (67.5%) 78 (32.5%) 240 (25.4%)
Kapiri 150 (64.4%) 83 (35.6%) 233 (24.6%)
Have a primary partner 379 (67.6%) 182 (65.4%) 561 (59.4%) .48
Can read and write 489 (68.9%) 221 (60.0%) 710 (75.5%) .02
Mobile phone ownership 545 (67.7%) 260 (60.3%) 805 (85.1%) .10
Monthly income
No income 121 (61.7%) 75 (38.3%) 196 (21.1%)
b250 kwacha 2 79 (67.5%) 38 (32.5%) 117 (12.6%)
251500 kwacha 2 149 (64.0%) 84 (36.1%) 233 (25.1%)
5011000 kwacha 2 174 (71.9%) 68 (28.1%) 242 (26.0%)
10011500 kwacha 2 51 (70.8%) 21 (29.2%) 72 (7.7%)
N1500 kwacha 2 48 (68.6%) 75 (38.3%) 70 (7.5%)
Number of living children 1 (12) 1 (12) 1 (12) .008
Age at sexual debut (median, IQR) 16 (1518) 16 (1518) 16 (1518) .70
Ever arrested/incarcerated 176 (64.9%) 95 (67.4%) 271 (28.7%) .49
Client sexual abuse, past 12 months 178 (67.2%) 87 (66.5%) 265 (28.0%) .88
Primary partner sexual abuse, past 12 months 126 (68.1%) 59 (66.3%) 185 (19.6%) .67
Condom availability at work
Never 11 (64.7%) 6 (35.3%) 17 (1.8%)
Seldom 30 (71.4%) 12 (28.6%) 42 (4.5%)
Sometimes 388 (65.7%) 203 (34.4%) 591 (62.6%) .88
Often 55 (70.5%) 23 (29.5%) 78 (8.3%)
Always 145 67.1%) 71 (32.9%) 216 (22.9%)
Ever been pregnant 553 (69.5%) 243 (30.5%) 796 (84.1%) b.001
Number of pregnancies (median, IQR) 3 2 (13) 2 (13) 2 (13) .10
Number of living children (median, IQR) 3 1 (12) 1 (12) 1 (12) N.99
Any unplanned pregnancy3 351 (71.6%) 139 (28.4%) 490 (61.6%) .10
Any terminated pregnancy 3 276 (72.6%) 104 (27.4%) 380 (47.7%) .07
Abbreviations: NB, non-barrier; IQR, interquartile range 1Wilcoxon rank-sum test for continuous variables or Fisher's exact test for categorical variables; 210
kwacha = approximately USD$1; 3Among women who had ever been pregnant (N=796).
of dual contraceptive use may be even lower. These results The availability of condoms in the work place was
indicate that interventions to improve access and use of associated with increased use of condoms as a family
condoms and non-barrier methods may help improve planning method and decreased unplanned pregnancy and
reproductive health outcomes among FSW in Zambian termination of pregnancy. This may be because women
transit regions and other similar regions of sub-Saharan working in venues where condoms are available may have
Africa. greater agency with condom negotiation or increased access
Fig. 1. Proportion of female sex workers reporting contraceptive use (1A) and types of non-barrier methods reported (1B) among individuals using non-barrier
contraception (N=946). Abbreviations: IUD, intrauterine device; BCP; birth control pill.
200 M.M. Chanda et al. / Contraception 96 (2017) 196202
Table 2
Association between history of unplanned and terminated pregnancy and current contraceptive use among female sex workers in Zambia with no current fertility
desire (N=946).
Condoms only Non-barrier only Condoms and non-barrier methods
Bivariate 1 Multivariable 1 Bivariate 1 Multivariable 1 Bivariate 1 Multivariable 1
OR (95% CI) aOR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) aOR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) aOR (95% CI)
Age 1.02 (0.971.07) 1.04 (0.991.09) 0.96 (0.950.97) 0.93 (0.910.95) 1.01 (0.971.05) 0.98 (0.931.03)
Have a primary partner 0.98 (0.581.66) 1.09 (0.572.07) 1.10 (0.971.25) 1.01 (0.841.22) 1.50 (0.663.37) 1.73 (0.913.30)
Can read and write 0.90 (0.521.55) 0.96 (0.831.11) 1.48 (1.022.14) 1.25 (0.801.94) 1.73 (0.754.00) 1.86 (0.605.76)
Mobile phone ownership 1.12 (0.413.08) 1.02 (0.402.59) 1.38 (1.231.56) 1.45 (1.331.59) 1.63 (1.501.77) 1.64 (1.152.33)
Monthly income
No income 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
b250 kwacha 1.19 (0.612.32) 1.17 (0.672.05) 1.29 (0.921.80) 1.16 (0.861.55) 14.6 (6.5032.6) 15.2 (5.6240.9)
251500 kwacha 0.35 (0.150.81) 0.37 (0.180.75) 1.10 (0.582.09) 1.04 (0.571.90) 4.12 (1.6011.0) 3.61 (1.2310.6)
5011000 kwacha 0.27 (0.160.46) 0.24 (0.160.35) 1.59 (0.972.59) 1.48 (0.772.83) 2.95 (0.899.79) 2.68 (0.4715.2)
10011500 kwacha 0.55 (0.221.42) 0.48 (0.230.43) 1.51 (0.952.38) 1.35 (0.722.54) 2.19 (0.598.09) 1.74 (0.2810.9)
N1500 kwacha 0.39 (0.270.57) 0.31 (0.220.43) 1.35 (0.622.97) 1.16 (0.443.10) 1.18 (0.433.27) 1.05 (0.215.37)
Number of living children 0.95 (0.841.07) 0.84 (0.780.91) 1.11 (0.991.23) 1.39 (1.131.71) 1.25 (0.921.70) 1.40 (1.041.87)
Age at sexual debut 1.08 (1.061.11) 1.04 (1.021.06) 0.98 (0.921.03) 0.98 (0.951.01) 1.04 (1.001.08) 1.01 (0.931.10)
Ever arrested/incarcerated 0.79 (0.511.22) 0.79 (0.491.26) 0.90 (0.751.07) 0.95 (0.851.07) 0.46 (0.211.01) 0.46 (0.320.67)
Client sexual abuse, past 12 months 0.75 (0.461.23) 0.74 (0.321.74) 1.03 (0.731.46) 1.09 (0.841.43) 1.83 (0.754.49) 2.20 (0.925.29)
Primary partner sexual abuse, past 12 months 1.03 (0.422.51) 1.59 (0.743.41) 1.08 (0.881.33) 0.98 (0.701.38) 1.30 (0.344.93) 1.22 (0.275.57)
Condoms always available at work 1.56 (1.002.42) 1.74 (1.212.51) 1.03 (0.751.41) 1.07 (0.791.45) 0.98 (0.771.23) 1.25 (0.712.23)
OR, odds ratio; aOR, adjusted odds ratio; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval. 1Logistic regression model with standard errors accounting for clustering within
study site.
to reproductive health services. Furthermore, condom intervention to improve condom use and improve reproduc-
availability is likely a facilitator for condom use with clients, tive health outcomes for FSW.
which may increase use and thus reduce unplanned Arrest/incarceration history was also an important
pregnancies and thus termination of pregnancy. However, determinant of contraceptive use and unplanned and
overall reported condom use was low in this population, terminated pregnancy. Women who have a history of
which likely increases risk of acquisition of HIV and incarceration may be further marginalized and have reduced
potentially mother-to-child transmission. Increasing avail- access to reproductive health services. Incarceration is
ability of condoms in the work place may be a low-cost hypothesized to be associated with HIV acquisition [2,13].
Table 3
Factors associated with a) unplanned pregnancy and b) pregnancy termination among female sex workers in Zambia who reported being pregnant at least once
with no current fertility desire (N=796).
Unplanned Pregnancy Pregnancy Termination
1 1
Bivariate Multivariable Bivariate 1 Multivariable 1
OR (95% CI) aOR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) aOR (95% CI)
Age 0.97 (0.940.99) 0.94 (0.930.96) 0.98 (0.961.01) 0.98 (0.970.98)
Have a primary partner 1.37 (0.772.47) 1.09 (0.671.80) 1.65 (0.992.74) 1.46 (0.942.23)
Can read and write 1.08 (0.691.67) 1.04 (0.591.85) 1.37 (1.081.74) 1.57 (1.321.85)
Mobile phone ownership 1.34 (1.021.76) 1.78 (1.572.02) 0.99 (0.651.52) 1.14 (0.821.58)
Monthly income
No income 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
b250 kwacha 0.58 (0.191.76) 0.64 (0.202.10) 0.59 (0.162.24) 0.64 (0.182.26)
251500 kwacha 1.44 (0.523.97) 1.32 (0.493.56) 1.69 (0.565.12) 1.42 (0.504.05)
5011000 kwacha 2.09 (1.283.41) 2.24 (1.174.31) 1.92 (1.252.97) 1.81 (1.292.55)
10011500 kwacha 2.47 (1.943.15) 3.01 (1.456.23) 2.21 (1.064.60) 2.49 (1.733.60)
N1500 kwacha 1.57 (1.122.20) 1.88 (0.963.68) 1.02 (0.372.85) 1.06 (0.462.43)
Number of living children 1.06 (0.901.24) 1.30 (1.161.45) 1.07 (0.861.34) 1.18 (0.961.45)
Age at sexual debut 0.88 (0.860.90) 0.91 (0.880.93) 0.92 (0.890.94) 0.94 (0.910.96)
Ever arrested/incarcerated 1.75 (1.541.99) 1.75 (1.561.97) 1.96 (1.482.59) 1.87 (1.642.12)
Client sexual abuse, past 12 months 1.54 (0.902.64) 1.47 (0.723.00) 1.75 (0.714.29) 1.69 (0.624.60)
Primary partner sexual abuse, past 12 months 1.76 (1.182.63) 1.44 (0.982.12) 2.15 (1.293.57) 1.73 (0.943.20)
Condoms always available at work 0.61 (0.420.88) 0.63 (0.610.64) 0.63 (0.420.95) 0.68 (0.510.91)
OR, odds ratio; aOR, adjusted odds ratio; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval. 1Logistic regression model with standard errors accounting for clustering within
study site.
M.M. Chanda et al. / Contraception 96 (2017) 196202 201
Pathways that lead from incarceration to increased HIV ing condom availability in work places and decriminalizing
acquisition may be similar to those for pregnancy outcomes, sex work, may improve reproductive health outcomes for
and include marginalization and reduced access to health- FSW in Zambia.
care. Although there has been much discussion of the impact
of decriminalization of sex work on HIV incidence among Acknowledgements
FSW, the effects of decriminalization on sex worker health
will likely extend beyond HIV. We thank the participants of the ZEST study for their time
More than half of women who reported a lifetime and dedication to participating in this study. We also thank
pregnancy also reported a history of unplanned pregnancy, the research assistants who collected data for the ZEST
which may indicate a large unmet need for family planning. study: Ruth Chisenga, Comfort Habinda, Leakey Hantumbe,
Previous work has shown a high incidence of pregnancy Alice Kabinda, Milimo Kalonga, Lucky Mambwe, Brian
among FSW [12], and a large proportion of FSW may have Manyando, Douglas Mashowo, Earnest Musonda, Phenet
positive pregnancy intentions [14]. However, in our study, Muunga, Michael Mwamba, Oxcellia Nkoloma, Moono
few (less than 2%) reported that they were currently trying to Shankley, Austine Simfukwe, Precious Tilimboyi and
get pregnant as a reason for not using birth control. Although Trevor Zimba.
we did not specifically measure pregnancy or fertility desires
in this study, this may be indicative that overall pregnancy
intention is lower in this sample compared to previous work.
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