Casr 135
Casr 135
Casr 135
PART 135
NOMOR : PM 4 Year 2012
TANGGAL : 12 January 2012
PART 135
(Amdt. 8)
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
PART 135
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................... i
Table of Contents i
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
Table of Contents ii
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
ALTERATIONS ................................................................................L - 1
135.361 Applicability ......................................................................................L - 1
135.363 Responsibility for airworthiness. ......................................................L - 1
135.365 Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, and Alteration
Organization ....................................................................................L - 1
135.367 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations program. ...L - 2
135.368 Performance Standards ...................................................................L - 3
135.369 Company Maintenance Manual Requirements ................................L - 3
135.371 Required Inspections and Appropriate Personnel ...........................L - 5
135.373 Continuing analysis and surveillance. ..............................................L - 6
135.375 Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance Training Program .........L - 7
Table of Contents iv
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
PERIODS ....................................................................................... N - 1
135.401 Applicability ..................................................................................... N - 1
135.403 Training Programs .......................................................................... N - 1
135.405 Training Facilities ............................................................................ N - 2
135.407 Contract Training ............................................................................ N - 2
135.409 Qualifications and Training requirements for Instructors................. N - 3
135.411 Qualifications and Training Requirements for Company Check
Pilots ............................................................................................... N - 3
135.412 Qualifications: Ground Instructors and Flight Instructors For Flight
Attendant; Instructor for Flight Operations Officer .......................... N - 4
135.413 Company Check Pilot Program....................................................... N - 5
135.415 Training and Qualification Records ................................................. N - 5
134.417 [Reserved] ...................................................................................... N - 6
135.419 [Reserved] ...................................................................................... N - 6
135.421 Training program approval .............................................................. N - 6
135.423 Approval of Flight Simulators and Other Training Devices ............. N - 7
135.425 [Reserved] ...................................................................................... N - 7
135.427 [Reserved] ...................................................................................... N - 7
135.429 Company Indoctrination Training .................................................... N - 7
135.431 Windshear Training......................................................................... N - 8
135.433 Crew Resource Management Training. .......................................... N - 9
135.435 Transportation of Dangerous Goods Training................................. N - 9
135.437 Emergency Equipment and Procedures Training ......................... N - 10
135.439 Aircraft Surface Contamination Training ....................................... N - 11
Table of Contents v
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Table of Contents vi
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
APPENDIX D-A Description Of Elements For A Flight Safety Program .............. AD-A - 1
Table of Contents ix
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
In this Part the following words and expressions shall be taken to mean:
“Aerial Work Operator” – An air carrier certified to perform a type of speciality air
transportation service as listed in section 135.3 (b).
“Aircraft” – Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reaction of
the air other than reactions of the air against the earth’s surface.
“Airplane” – A power driven, heavier than air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from
aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight.
“Cabin Altitude” - Means the pressure inside the cabin of an aircraft in flight, expressed
in feet above Mean Sea Level (MSL).
“Captain” – A pilot qualified on an aircraft and responsible for the safe operation of that
“CCP” – Company Check Pilot. An employee of an air carrier who is the holder of a
delegation of authority issued by the Director, authorizing the conduct of certain types of
flight checks.
“Charter Air Carrier” - any air carrier that provides an air transportation service on a
non-scheduled basis.
“Co-authority dispatch” – the shared authority between the PIC and flight operations
officer in the formulation of an operational flight plan and flight release.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
“Commuter Air Carrier” - any air carrier that provides an air transportation service on a
scheduled basis.
“Contracting State” – any country or state which is a signatory to the Convention of the
International Civil Aviation Organisation, or any other country acceptable to the Director.
“Director or (DGCA)” - The Director General of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation,
or any person authorized to act on his behalf.
“Extended over water operations” – For the purposes of this Part, a flight is considered to
be in extended over water operations, when it extends beyond the point where special
equipment, procedures and/or passenger briefings are require for such operations.
Specific times and distances can be determined for each aircraft type in CASR 135.351
for aeroplanes and 135.353 for helicopters. Also see CASR Part 91.509.
“External Load” – Any cargo load carried by an aircraft which falls into one of the
following four load classes:
(1) Class A is an external cargo load that cannot move freely cannot be jettisoned
and does not extend below the landing gear.
(2) Class B is an external cargo load that can be jettisoned and is lifted free of the
land and/or water.
(3) Class C is an external cargo load that can be jettisoned and remains in contact
with the land or water during the rotorcraft operation.
(4) Class D is an external cargo load other than Class A, B, or C external loads.
“Flight” – An aircraft is deemed to be in flight any time it is no longer in contact with the
earth’s surface as the result of its weight being supported by the aerodynamic principles
and design features of that particular aircraft.
"Flight altitude" Means the altitude above mean sea level at which the aircraft is
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
“Flight duty Time” – the total elapsed period from the time a crewmember is required to
report for duty, to the time that crewmember has completed all official duties with
respect to a flight or series of flights and is released for an official crew rest.
“Flight following” – the process of monitoring the progress of a flight, from its point of
departure to its final destination including any enroute stops, and the notification of the
appropriate authorities in the event of an overdue or missing aircraft.
“Flight Time” – the total elapsed time from the moment the aircraft first moves under its own
power for the purpose of take off, until the time it comes to rest at the end of the flight.
“Flight Watch” – the process by which a qualified flight operations officer provides flight
following services to a flight, and provides any operational information as may be
requested by the pilot in command or deemed necessary by the flight operations officer.
“Flight watch system” – means an air carrier’s equipment, facilities and personnel which
enable that air carrier to exercise operational control over a flight in progress via direct
and timely communications with that flight.
“FO” – First Officer. A pilot qualified on an aircraft to perform the duties of second in
command. May also be taken to mean co-pilot.
“GCP” – Government check pilot. A DGCA inspector authorized to perform flight checks.
“His” – His or Hers (unless specified), taken in context with that section.
“Large Aircraft” – Any aircraft having a maximum certified take-off weight, (MCTOW) of
greater than 5700 kg (12500 pounds).
“Licence” – A document issued by, or under a delegation of authority from the Director,
which authorizes the holder to exercise certain privileges as specified in that licence,
subject to the conditions and limitations contained therein.
“Net take-off path” – means the one-engine-inoperative flight path that starts at a height
of 35 feet at the end of the take-off distance required and extends to a height of at least
1500 feet AGL, reduced at each point by a gradient of climb equal to 0.8 per cent for
two-engine aeroplanes, 0.9 per cent for three-engine aeroplanes and 1.0 percent for
four-engine aeroplanes.
“Open Water” – means a water mass which does not have any landmasses within the
maximum times or distances prescribed by a regulation.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
“Operational Control System, (OCS) “ – means an air carrier’s system for the exercise
of authority over the formulation, execution and amendment of an operational flight plan
in respect of a flight or series of flights.
“Passenger” – any person on board an aircraft during flight time, who is not acting as a
“PF” – Pilot flying. The flight crewmember who is manipulating the flight controls of an
aircraft during flight time.
“PNF” – Pilot not flying. The pilot who is performing tasks during flight time, in support
of the pilot flying.
“Pilot Self-dispatch” – means a system where authority and responsibility for flight
release, operation and flight following have been delegated solely to the PIC.
“Person” – in respect of an air carrier, means any person who is an owner, or operator
of an aircraft listed on that air carrier’s operations specifications or, is otherwise acting
as an employee or agent of that air carrier.
“Remote Area” – Means an area of land considered hostile to survival, which lies
beyond a specified radius from any known civilization, development or surface
conveyance, through which refuge could reasonably be sought. Such radii is equal to,
25 nautical miles in the case of mountainous of jungle areas, 50 nautical miles in the
case of unoccupied land mass surrounded by water and in all other areas, 100 nautical
miles. The Director may designate other areas as remote based upon unique
“Required Day Off” – A period of time consisting of 24 consecutive hours during which
time a pilot, flight attendant or flight operations officer are free from all duties or contact
by the company. A required day off shall commence at midnight or, at the completion
of any required crew rest. A required day off is provided at a person’s residence and is
exclusive of any travel time between that person’s residence, and the place where such
person reports for, or is released from duty.
“Rest Period” – The period of time during which a crewmember is released form all
official duty or contact by the company. This period must exclude all time spent
commuting by the most direct route, between the company designated rest facility and
assigned duty station and, a specified period of prone rest with at least one additional
hour provided for physiological needs.
“Scheduled Air Service” - Any air transportation service which is operated on a weekly
basis and in accordance with a published schedule.
“Seating Capacity” – the maximum number of passenger seats authorized by, the type
certificate, type approval, or other equivalent document.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
“Single Pilot” – the operation of an aircraft with only one pilot on board.
“Small Aircraft” – any aircraft having a maximum certified take-off weight (MCTOW) of
5700 kg (12500 pounds) or less.
“Specific Operation” – means a specialized area of operation within the group of aerial
work operations, described as special purpose air transportation services, in CASR
135.3(b) and Appendix A-A of this Part.
“S/O” – Second Officer. A pilot who is the holder of a commercial or higher pilot licence
and is endorsed on an aircraft type, as competent on the flight engineers panel and may
act as a flight crewmember with respect to the flight engineer duties.
135.3 Applicability
(a) Any commuter or charter air transportation service utilizing aeroplanes or helicopters
which have an approved maximum seating capacity of 30 seats or less, excluding
required crewmember seats, or aeroplanes having a maximum payload of 3409
kilograms (7500 pounds) or less considering all disposable loads to be at maximum.
(b) Any air carrier involved in aerial work operations which provides one or more of the
following special purpose air transportation services as described in appendix A-A
of this Subpart:
(1) helicopters carrying external loads,
(2) towing of objects,
(4) dispersal of products,
(4) aerial survey and photography, except recreational photography
(5) air ambulance,
(6) flight inspection or calibration of air navigation facilities, and
(7) any other air transportation service considered by the Director to be special
purpose in nature.
(c) Each person employed or used by a air carrier conducting operations under this
part including maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration of aircraft.
(d) Subject to Subsection (b), of this section, or unless otherwise specified, the rules in
this part are applicable to all air carriers certified under this Part.
Each air carrier shall, while operating in a foreign country, comply with the air traffic
rules of the country concerned and the local airport rules, except where any rule of this
part is more restrictive and may be followed without violating the rules of that country.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
(a) Where an air carrier is authorized to operate under this Part, applies to operate an
aircraft larger than that described in Subsection (a) of section 135.3, it must conduct
the entire operation in accordance with CASR Part 121 except,
(1) as provided in Subsection (b) of section 135.3,
(2) as specifically authorized by the Director.
(a) The Director may after consideration of the circumstances of a particular operation,
issue a deviation from specified sections of this Part, either in whole or in part
(1) an air carrier submits an application for a deviation in a manner prescribed by
the Director,
(2) the air carrier establishes that an equivalent level of safety is being maintained
notwithstanding such deviation, and
(3) the Director is satisfied that such deviation would provide an acceptable level
of safety and be in the public interest.
(b) The type and format of any deviation authority shall be as prescribed by the Director
and will specify any terms and conditions required to ensure safety considerations
and public interest are being served.
(c) A request for a deviation authority will not place any obligation upon the Director,
notwithstanding any previous authorities issued by him.
(e) Where a deviation authority has been rendered, not in force, by the failure to
comply with the terms and conditions under which the authority was issued, that
may be considered grounds for:
(1) the withdrawal of the deviation authority,
(2) the air carrier to be proceeded against as though the rule pertaining to which
the deviation authority was issued, has been breached, or
(3) both actions described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection may be taken.
(f) Where the Director has issued a notice of withdrawal of a deviation authority, the air
carrier may file an appeal against that withdrawal, however such appeal shall not
normally constitute a stay of withdrawal.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
(a) Effective 1 January 2009, a certified holder shall have in place a Safety
Management System (SMS) that is acceptable to DGCA that, as a minimum:
(2) Ensures that remedial action necessary to maintain an acceptable level of safety
is implemented;
(3) Provides for continuous monitoring and regular assessment of the safety level
(4) Aims to make continuous improvement to the overall level of safety; and
(5) Includes Flight Safety Program in accordance with provision of Subpart D of this
(b) In order to be acceptable to the DGCA, the SMS shall meet the requirements set
forth in Appendix G of this Part.
135.13 [Reserved]
4 Apr 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 4
135.15 Applicability.
This subpart prescribes certification rules for commuter, charter and aerial work air
carriers using aeroplanes or helicopters.
No person shall engage in any air transportation service within or outside of Indonesia
without or in violation of an Air Operator Certificate (AOC) and appropriate operations
specifications issued under this part.
(a) Each application for an Air Operator Certificate shall be made in the form and
manner prescribed by the Director. In making such application, the applicant must
demonstrate that in addition to certain financial, economic and legal requirements
as laid down in Subsections (d), (e) and (f) of this Section, and:
(1) he has adequate equipment, facilities and personnel to operate the proposed
air transportation service;
(2) there is published, a system of policies and procedures governing all the
activities being proposed by the applicant;
(3) he has an approved safety program appropriate to the operation in place; and
(4) he is able to conduct the air transportation service in a safe and proper
manner and in full compliance with all applicable rules and regulations.
(b) For the purposes of certification, no air carrier may list an aircraft and management
personnel on its Air Operator Certificate, or operations specifications, if:
(1) that aircraft is listed on the Air Operator Certificate, or operations
specifications of another air carrier; or
(2) list any manager or director required by this Part, who is listed as a manager
or director in the operations specifications of another air carrier.
(c) The submission of an application under this part does not place any obligation upon
the Director to issue an Air Operator certificate until:
(1) he has been given a reasonable time to review the application; and
(2) is satisfied that all the applicable rules and standards have been met and the
issue of the Air Operator certificate will be in the public’s best interest.
(d) Each applicant for the original issue of an air operator certificate who intends to
conduct operations under this part must submit the following financial information:
(1) A balance sheet that shows assets, liabilities, and net worth, as of a date not
more than 60 days before the date of application;
4 Apr 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 4
(2) An itemization of liabilities more than 60 days past due on the balance sheet
date, if any, showing each creditor's name and address, a description of the
liability, and the amount and due date of the liability;
(3) An itemization of claims in litigation, if any, against the applicant as of the date
of application showing each claimant's name and address and a description
and the amount of the claim;
(4) A detailed projection of the proposed operation covering 6 complete months
after the month in which the certificate is expected to be issued including:
(i) Estimated amount and source of both operating and non-operating
revenue, including identification of its existing and anticipated income
producing contracts and estimated revenue per mile or hour of
operation by aircraft type;
(ii) Estimated amount of operating and non-operating expenses by expense
objective classification; and
(iii) Estimated net profit or loss for the period.
(5) An estimate of the cash that will be needed for the proposed operations during
the first 6 months after the month in which the certificate is expected to be
issued, including:
(i) Acquisition of property and equipment (explain);
(ii) Retirement of debt (explain);
(iii) Additional working capital (explain);
(iv) Operating losses other than depreciation and amortization (explain);
(v) Other (explain).
(6) An estimate of the cash that will be available during the first 6 months after the
month in which the certificate is expected to be issued, from:
(i) Sale of property or flight equipment (explain);
(ii) New debt (explain);
(iii) New equity (explain);
(iv) Working capital reduction (explain);
(v) Operations (profits) (explain);
(vi) Depreciation and amortization (explain); and
(vii) Other (explain).
(7) A schedule of insurance coverage in effect on the balance sheet date showing
insurance companies: policy numbers: types, amounts, and period of
coverage: and special conditions, exclusions, and limitations.
(8) Any other financial information that the DGCA requires to enable him or her to
determine that the applicant has sufficient financial resources to conduct his or
her operations with the degree of safety required in the public interest.
(e) Each holder of an air operator certificate shall submit a financial report for the first 6
months of each fiscal year and another financial report for each complete fiscal
(f) Each financial report containing financial information required by paragraph (e) of
this section must be based on accounts prepared and maintained on an accrual
basis in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a
consistent basis, and must contain the name and address of the applicant's public
accounting firm, if any. Information submitted must be signed by an officer, owner,
or partner of the applicant or certificate holder.
4 Apr 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 4
(a) Unless otherwise authorized by the Director, no air carrier shall conduct an air
transportation service under this part in a single engine aircraft except:
(1) in accordance with the AOC and operations specifications,
(2) in accordance with the visual flight rules,
(3) during the hours of official daylight, and
(4) where the aircraft is certified for 10 or more passengers, the minimum flight
crew must include a Pilot-in-Command and Second in Command.
(b) No air carrier shall assign a person to act and no person shall act as the pilot-in-
command of a single engine aircraft with passengers on board unless the person:
(1) is the holder of a commercial, or a airline transport pilot licence,
(2) has acquired not less than 1000 hours flight experience as pilot-in-command
of single engine aeroplanes, of which not less than 100 hours shall be cross-
country flight experience, and in the case of a single engine helicopter, not
less than 500 hours flight experience as pilot in command. In meeting the
experience requirements of this paragraph, fifty per cent of the required flight
experience may be gained as the second in command of an aircraft of the
same class and type on which he or she is to serve.
(3) has acquired not less than 20 hours of operating experience on the specific
make and basic model of aircraft. Such operating experience must be
acquired while occupying the pilot-in-command position under the supervision
of a pilot qualified under this Part, to give flight instruction on that type of
aircraft, and
(4) is otherwise qualified in accordance with this Part.
(c) An air carrier may apply to the Director to operate a single engine aircraft under
VFR and IFR conditions where in addition to the requirements laid down in
Subsections (a) and
4 Apr 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 4
(a) An Air Operator Certificate or Operating Certificate issued under this Part is valid for
two years unless --
(1) The certificate holder surrenders it earlier to the DGCA; or
(2) The DGCA suspends, revokes, or otherwise earlier terminates the Certificate due
to the violation by the certificate holder to the provision of this Part; or
(3) The certificate holder does not conduct or cease all operations for which it holds
authority in its Operations Specifications for more than the time specified in
section 135.24b.
(4) The certificate holder violates the provision of Aviation Act 15 as the basis for
granting of the certificate, or violate requirements to conduct operation of its
organization in accordance with authority granted, limitation imposed and
procedures approved as they are specified on its Operation Specifications; or
(5) The certificate holder apply for renewal of validity of his Certificate.
4 Apr 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 4
(b) Operations Specifications issued under this Part are effective as long as the Air
Operator Certificate or Operating Certificate is valid unless--
(1) The Operations Specifications are amended as provided in section 135.31;
(2) The certificate holder does not conduct a kind of operation for more than the time
specified in section 135.24a and fails to follow the procedures of section 135.24a
upon resuming that kind of operation; or
(3) The DGCA suspends or revokes the Operations Specifications for a kind of
operation due to the incapacity of the certificate holder to operate of that kind of
(c) Within 7 days after a Certificate has been suspended, revoked or terminated under
this Part, the Certificate and Operations Specifications must be surrendered by the
certificate holder to the DGCA.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, no certificate holder may
conduct a kind of operation for which it holds authority in its Operations
Specifications unless the certificate holder has conducted that kind of operation
within the preceding number of consecutive calendar days specified in this
(2) For charter operations, 90 days, except that if the certificate holder has authority
to conduct commuter operations within the previous 30 days, this paragraph
does not apply.
(b) If a certificate holder does not conduct a kind of operation for which it is authorized in
its Operations Specifications within the number of calendar days specified in
paragraph (a) of this section, it shall not conduct such kind of operation unless—
(1) It advises the DGCA at least 5 consecutive calendar days before resumption of
that kind of operation; and
(2) It makes itself available and accessible during the 5 consecutive calendar day
period in the event that the DGCA decides to conduct a full inspection
reexamination to determine whether the certificate holder remains properly and
adequately equipped and able to conduct a safe operation.
The Air Operator Certificate or Operating Certificate of a certificate holder who does
not conduct or cease operations for which it holds authority in its Operations
Specifications for certain number of consecutive calendar days, will be suspended and
revoked as follows :
4 Apr 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 4
(1) If a certificate holder does not conduct or cease operations for 30 consecutive
calendar days, the certificate holder will be issued three (3) consecutive warning
letters, each at interval of maximum of one (1) month;
(2) If the certificate holder does not respond to the warning letters, the certificate will
be suspended for a maximum of three (3) months;
(3) If the suspension period is over and there is no effort made for the resumption
of the operations, the certificate will be revoked.
(1) If a certificate holder does not conduct or cease operations for 90 consecutive
calendar days, the certificate holder will be issued three (3) consecutive warning
letters, each at interval of one (1) month;
(2) If the certificate holder does not respond to the warning letters, the certificate will
be suspended for a maximum of three (3) months;
(3) If the suspension period is over and there is no effort made for the resumption
of the operations, the certificate will be revoked.
(c) If a certificate holder wish to resume its operations for which it was authorized in its
Operations Specifications :
(1) The certificate holder for which it is issued warning letter shall advises the
DGCA at least 30 consecutive calendar days before resumption of its operation
to conduct an inspection to determine whether the certificate holder remains
properly and adequately equipped and able to conduct a safe operation;
(2) The certificate holder for which the certificate is suspended shall advise the
DGCA at least 60 consecutive calendar days before resumption of its operation
to conduct an inspection to determine whether the certificate holder remains
properly and adequately equipped and able to conduct a safe operation;
(3) The certificate holder for which the certificate is revoked shall advises the
DGCA at least 90 consecutive calendar days before resumption of its operation
to conduct a full inspection reexamination to determine whether the certificate
holder remains in compliance within air operator certification requirements of this
(a) Each Air Operator certificate will contain the following information:
(1) the number of the Air Operator certificate,
(2) the legal name of the air carrier:
(3) the date and place of issue of the Air Operator certificate,
(4) the general conditions attached to the Air Operator certificate: and
(5) the operations specifications setting forth the nature, conditions and limitations
of the proposed air transportation service.
(b) [Reserved]
4 Apr 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 4
(a) Each Operations Specification is an attachment to the Air Operator certificate and
addresses at least the following standard operational and maintenance areas:
(1) the business address and telephone number of the air carrier:
(2) the specific location of the air carrier’s home base,
(3) the organization of flight operations including approved incumbents,
(4) the maintenance and engineering organization including the approved
(5) the operations and technical manual approval dates,
(6) the categories of air transportation services authorized,
(7) the regions of flight operations,
(8) the flight rules applicable to the service,
(9) the forms of air transportation services authorized,
(10) the categories of aircraft approved,
(11) the maintenance specifications of each aircraft,
(12) the list of aircraft: and
(13) any other item the Director determines is relevant to the issue of the Air
Operator certificate.
(b) [Reserved]
(b) Where the Director decides to refuse approval of any application made under this
subpart, the air carrier may, within 30 days of notification of such refusal, petition
the Director to reconsider that decision.
(b) Where the Director decides to refuse approval of any application made under
paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the holder may, within 30 days of notification of
such refusal, petition the Director to reconsider his decision.
(c) Where the Director decides to amend an operations specification under paragraph
(a) (2) of this section, he shall:
(1) give the holder written notice of proposed amendment, stating the reason for
such amendment.
(2) allow a reasonable period of time (but not less than seven days) for the holder
to make written representation on the matter of the proposed amendment, or
the date such amendment would come into force.
(3) after considering any representation, notify the holder of his decision to either
impose the amendment, or rescind the notice of proposed amendment.
(d) Except where safety concerns require immediate compliance, where the Director
decides to issue the amendment under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the effective
date of that amendment will commence not earlier than 30 days after the date of issue.
(e) The Director may require the holder of an Air Operator certificate to submit for
approval, prior to the effective date of any amendment issued under Paragraph
(a)(2) of the section, anything deemed necessary to fully comply with the
A certificate holder who wish to renew his validity of his Certificate shall :
(b) Forward the application to the DGCA at least 60 consecutive calendar days before
expiration of his Certificate, to allow sufficient time for the DGCA to conduct a
quality audit to determine whether the certificate holder remains in compliance, in
conformance and in adherence with appropriate regulations, in order to be able to
conduct a safe operation.
Each air carrier shall display its air operator certificate and operations specifications at its
home base, in an accessible and conspicuous place where it is readily available for
inspection by the Director. In complying with this section it is not necessary for the air
carrier to display the AOC in a public place, but must be in a location which is not
normally locked during business hours and identified in the company operations manual.
4 Apr 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 4
(a) Each air carrier must maintain principal operations and maintenance base or bases,
and a principle business office.
(b) Each air carrier shall notify the Director in writing, at least 30 days in advance, of
any change in the address of its principal base of operations, maintenance or
business office.
Each air carrier and each person employed by the air carrier shall allow the Director, at
any time or place, to make any inspections, tests or other such inquiries, to determine
its compliance with the CASRs, its Air Operator certificate and operations specifications,
or its eligibility to continue to hold its certificate.
135.39 [Reserved]
(a) Prior to operating an air transportation service with a leased aircraft, an air carrier
shall provide to the Director, copy of the lease agreement, or a written
memorandum outlining the terms of such arrangement. Where any air carrier
whether foreign or domestic, agrees to provide an aircraft to another person
certified under this Part, the agreement must state which AOC holder and which
AMO as applicable, is proposed to be responsible for providing:
(1) applicable crewmembers,
(2) operational control, and
(3) the maintenance and servicing of that aircraft.
(c) In making a determination under Subsection (b) of this section, the Director assigns
the responsibility under the agreement for the following:
(1) Crewmember training
(2) Airworthiness and performance of maintenance
4 Apr 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 4
(a) Each applicant for a certificate under this subpart must show that it has sufficient
qualified management personnel to provide adequate direction in all operational
matters and ensure an acceptable level of safety is being maintained. Such
personnel must be employed on a full time basis in at least the following or
equivalent positions:
(1) Managing or President Director
(2) Director of Safety (Company Aviation Safety Officer)
(3) Director of Operations
(4) Chief Pilot
(5) Chief of Flight Attendants (as applicable)
(6) Director of Maintenance
(7) Chief Inspector
(8) Other supervisory positions required by Subsection (c) of this section.
(b) Where an air carrier chooses to rename the managerial positions listed in
Subsection (a) of this section, the organization chart must indicate which position
the changed title is intended to replace.
(c) In consideration of the scope and size of an air carrier, where the Director is
satisfied that it would be more appropriate, or in the interest of safety, he may
approve or require, the development of:
(1) alternate positions,
(2) a different number of positions, or,
(3) the assignment of more than one position to one person.
(d) Each air carrier shall submit for approval, the names of the persons nominated to
each position required by this subpart on an acceptable nomination form, giving
sufficient details to demonstrate that the candidates qualifications, experience and
(e) Where any change to the list of approved managers is proposed or has taken place
beyond the company’s control, the company shall notify the Director within 7 days,
of any temporary assignments to these positions and within 30 days, submit a
nomination requesting approval for the new candidate.
4 Apr 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 4
(f) Failure of any manager approved under this part to discharge their responsibilities
in a safe and proper manner, may be grounds for revocation by the Director, of that
(a) No person may serve as a managing or president director where the DGCA has
reason to believe, given the background of such person, that he or she is likely to
present a threat to the safe and proper operations of the air carrier.
(b) No person may serve as a Director of Safety unless his experience, qualifications
and background are acceptable to the Director, and that person:
(1) has a sound knowledge of the air carrier’s Air Operator certificate, operations
specifications, and the company operations and technical manuals,
(2) has received specialized training in safety related courses which in the opinion
of the Director are sufficient to prepare him for the duties and responsibilities
of a safety director. In making his determination the Director will consider the
scope and size or the complexity of the air carrier’s operations.
(c) No person may serve as Director of Operations unless he:
(1) knows the contents of the air carrier’s company operations manual and
operations specifications, and the provisions of this part necessary to the
proper performance of his duties; and
(2) holds, or has held, an airline transport pilot licence (or a commercial pilot
licence if none of the aircraft utilized by the air carrier require an airline
transport licence as specified by this part), and
(3) has had at least three years experience as pilot-in-command of similar types
of aircraft with which the operations are to be conducted; or
(4) has had at least three years experience as Director of Operations or a position
of comparable responsibility with an air carrier using similar types of aircraft.
(d) No person may serve as Chief Pilot unless that person:
(1) holds a current airline transport pilot licence with appropriate ratings, or a
commercial pilot licence, with appropriate ratings, if none of the aircraft utilized
by the air carrier have a maximum certified take off weight of greater than
12,500 pounds.
(2) has accumulated not less than 1000 hours as pilot-in-command on similar
types of aircraft or, within the preceding five years, has acted as pilot-in-
command for at least three years and accumulated not less than 500 hours as
pilot-in-command on similar types of aircraft with an air carrier: and
(3) knows the contents of the air carrier’s manual and operations specifications, and
the provisions of this part necessary to the proper performance of his duties.
(e) No person may serve as the chief of flight attendants unless that person:
(1) holds a flight attendant certificate, endorsed for the most sophisticated type of
aircraft operated by the company.
4 Apr 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 4
(2) Has had at least five years experience as a flight attendant on similar types of
aircraft and similar types of operations of which at least one year was in a
supervisory capacity, and
(3) has a working knowledge of the flight attendant manual, flight attendant training
manual, and relevant portions of the CASRs and company operations manual.
(f) No person may serve as Director of Maintenance unless he:
(1) Holds an appropriate AME licence, or equivalent qualifications acceptable to
the Director,
(2) has had at least five years of experience in the maintenance of similar types of
aircraft with which the operations are to be conducted, one year of which must
have been in a supervisory capacity, and
(3) knows the maintenance parts of the air carrier’s company operations manual and
operations specifications and the applicable maintenance provisions of this part.
(h) No air carrier may assign a person to act in a position of management over
operational matters or personnel, unless:
(1) an official management position has been created in accordance with Section
135.43(c), and is published in the organization chart.
(2) a list of minimum qualifications the incumbent must posses is published in the
COM, and
(3) the information required by Section 135.47 is published in the COM.
(i) Where an applicant files for a deviation to any qualification listed in this section, the
Director may after consideration, decide to give an exemption to certain
qualifications where,
(1) The person’s experience, qualifications and background are acceptable to the
(2) the scope and size of the proposed operations is such that a lower level of
qualifications would be acceptable to achieve a satisfactory level of safety, and
(3) at the discretion of the Director, the manager nominee agrees to undergo an
examination to test his suitability for the position.
4 Apr 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 4
(2) the specific duties in sufficient detail, to demonstrate how the assigned area of
responsibility will be fulfilled, and
(3) the reporting relationship of the personnel required by Subsections (a) and (c)
of section 135.43 and the authority delegated to each incumbent.
(b) An air carrier must show in its organization chart and by description, how it will co-
ordinate the input from company departments or persons, that are not regulated by
this Part. In any case the procedures laid down for this purpose must ensure that
all non operational considerations are reviewed by the director of operations, or the
director of maintenance as appropriate, and that such input will not jeopardize
operational control.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
135.51 Applicability
This subpart prescribes rules governing the specific operations of any air carrier that is
the holder of an operations specification issued under this part, authorizing aerial work
operations pursuant to Subsection 135.03(b) of this part.
(a) Each air carrier authorized in it’s operations specifications to carry external loads by
a helicopter shall perform such operations in accordance with the rules laid down in
Sections 135.53 to 135.67.
(c) Class A rotorcraft/load combinations: The operational flight check must consist of at
least the following maneuvers:
(1) Takeoff and landing
(2) Demonstration of adequate directional control while hovering
(3) Acceleration from a hover
(4) Horizontal flight at airspeeds up the maximum airspeed for which authorization
is requested.
(d) Class B and D rotorcraft/load combinations: The operational flight check must
consist of at least the following maneuvers:
(1) Pickup of the external load
(2) Demonstration of adequate directional control while hovering
(3) Acceleration from a hover
(4) Horizontal flight at airspeeds up to the maximum airspeed for which
authorization is requested
(5) Demonstrating appropriate lifting device operation
(6) Maneuvering of the external load into release position and its release, under
probable flight operation conditions, by means of each of the quick release
controls installed on the rotorcraft
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(a) In an emergency involving the safety of persons or property, the air carrier may
deviate from the rules of this part to the extent required to meet that emergency.
(b) Each person who deviates from a rule pursuant to Subsection (a) of this section,
shall notify the Director within 10 days after the deviation:
(1) as to the circumstances requiring the deviation,
(2) the outcome resulting from the deviation, and
(3) any additional information the Director may request .
(a) No person may conduct a rotorcraft external load operation without, or contrary to,
the Rotorcraft/Load Combination Flight Manual published pursuant to section
135.147 of this Part.
(b) No person shall operate a helicopter with an external load that is substantially
different from any other rotorcraft/load combination that person has operated with,
whether or not such combination is within the same class, unless:
(1) the pilot determines that the rotorcraft/load combination is within the weight
and balance limitations for that aircraft,
(2) the external load is securely fastened in a manner does not interfere with any
device provided for its emergency release,
(3) the pilot shall conduct an initial liftoff to verify satisfactory controllability,
(4) while in the hover, the pilot shall verify that directional control is adequate,
(5) Accelerate into forward flight to verify that no rotorcraft, or external load
attitude is encountered in which the rotorcraft is uncontrollable or otherwise
(6) In forward flight, check for hazardous oscillations of the external load, but if the
external load is not visible to the pilot, other crewmember or ground personnel
may make this check and signal the pilot,
(7) Increase the forward airspeed and determine an operational airspeed at which
no hazardous aerodynamic turbulence is encountered
(c) The performance of any check prescribed above shall be in a manner that will not
endanger persons or property on the surface and may be modified as the Director
determines is appropriate for the rotorcraft/load combination in question.
(d) Notwithstanding the provision of Part 91 of the CASRs, an air carrier authorized to
operated under this Part may conduct external load operations over congested
areas if those operations are conducted without hazard to persons or property on
the surface and comply with following:
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(1) The operator must develop a plan for each complete operation, coordinate this
plan with the DGCA Office having jurisdiction over the area in which the
operation will be conducted, and obtain approval for the operation. The plan
must include an agreement with the appropriate subdivision that local officials
will exclude unauthorized persons from the area in which the operation will be
conducted, coordination with air traffic control, if necessary, and a detailed
chart depicting the flight routes and altitudes.
(2) Each flight must be conducted at an altitude, and on a route, that will allow a
jettisonable external load to be released, and the rotorcraft landed, in an
emergency without hazard to persons or property on the surface.
(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 91 of the CASRs, and subject to Section
135.59 (c), the holder of a Rotorcraft External Load Operator Certificate may
conduct external load operations, including approaches, departures, and load
positioning maneuvers necessary for the operation, below 500 feet above the
surface and closer than 500 feet to persons, vessels, vehicles, and structures, if the
operations are conducted without creating a hazard to persons or property on the
(f) No person may conduct rotorcraft external load operations under IFR unless
specifically approved by the DGCA. However, under no circumstances may a
person be carried as part of the external load under IFR.
In addition to the operating limitations set forth in the approved Rotorcraft Flight Manual,
and to any other limitations the DGCA may prescribe, the operator shall establish at
least the following limitations and set them forth in the Rotorcraft/Load Combination
Flight Manual for rotorcraft/load combination operations:
(a) The rotorcraft/load combination may be operated only within the weight and center
of gravity limitations established in accordance with section 135.63(c).
(b) The rotorcraft/load combination may not be operated with an external load weight
exceeding that used in showing compliance with section 135.53 and 135.63.
(c) The rotorcraft/load combination may not be operated at airspeeds greater than
those established in accordance with section 135.53 (c), (d), and (e).
(d) No person may conduct an external load operation under this part with a rotorcraft
type certificated in the restricted category under section 21.25 of the CASRs over a
densely populated area, in a congested airway, or near a busy airport where
passenger transport operations are conducted.
(a) No air carrier may allow a person to be carried during rotorcraft external load
operations unless that person:
(1) is a flight crewmember,
(2) is a flight crewmember trainee,
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(b) prior to commencing any external load operation the pilot on command shall ensure
that any person referred to in this Section is briefed on all normal, abnormal or
emergency procedures as appropriate and with respect to the equipment used in
the external load operation.
(a) External load attaching means. Each external load attaching means must have
been approved under:
(1) Part 27 or 29 of the CASRs, as applicable, irrespective of the date of approval: or
(2) Section 21.25 of the CASRs.
(b) Quick release devices. Each quick release device must have been approved under:
(1) Part 27 or 29 of the CASRs, as applicable:
(2) Section 21.25 of the CASRs, except the device must comply with section
27.865 (b) and section 29.865 (b), as applicable, of the CASRs.
The following markings and placards must be displayed conspicuously and must be
such that they cannot be easily erased, disfigured, or obscured:
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(a) A placard (displayed in the cockpit or cabin) stating the class of rotorcraft/load
combination for which the rotorcraft has been approved and the occupancy
limitation prescribed in section 135.59 (a).
(b) A placard, marking, or instruction (displayed next to the external load attaching
means) stating the maximum external load prescribed as an operating limitation in
section 135.53(b), (c) and (d).
(a) Each air carrier authorized in it’s operations specifications to disperse any product
from an aircraft shall perform such operations in accordance with the any Advisory
Circular which has been published for the purpose of establishing operating rules
for the specific operation being performed.
(b) Each person who is authorized to perform agriculture aircraft operations as provided
in CASR Part 137, shall conduct such operation in accordance with that Part,
(1) where the air carrier has been authorized in its operations specifications
issued pursuant to this Part, to conduct dispersal of products operations, that
carrier will have been deemed to have satisfied the certification requirements
of Part 137.
(2) notwithstanding Paragraph (1) of this subsection, the Director may order any
additional certification requirements he deems appropriate to the particular
operation being conducted or proposed.
135.71 [Reserved]
135.73 [Reserved]
135.75 [Reserved]
135.77 [Reserved]
135.79 Reserved]
135.81 [Reserved]
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
135.83 Applicability
This subpart prescribes the standards for each air carrier authorized to operate under
this part, required to maintain a flight safety program.
135.87 [Reserved]
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
135.89 Applicability
This subpart prescribes the rules for obtaining approval of routes by an air carrier
operating under this Part.
(a) Except when authorized by the Director, no air carrier shall release a flight and no
person shall operate a flight under the instrument flight rules (IFR), or instrument
flight conditions, (IMC), in uncontrolled airspace unless such flight is released or
conducted along an approved route listed in the air carrier operations specifications.
(b) The Director may approve a route outside of controlled airspace if he determines
that traffic density is such that an adequate level of safety can be assured and the
air carrier makes an application for approval. In making an application for an
approved route an air carrier shall;
(1) by means of aeronautical charts or other approved documents, establish the
minimum obstruction clearance altitude (MOCA) along each segment of the
route. The MOCA for each route segment must ensure a minimum of 2000
feet vertical clearance above the highest obstacle located within a horizontal
distance of 10 miles from the centerline of the route.
(2) by means of mathematical formula or practical demonstration, establish the
minimum enroute altitude (MEA) based upon Minimum Reception Altitude
(MRA) which will ensure line of sight navigation aid signal reception along the
entire route or route segment. The MRA along a route may be established by
calculating the square root of the altitude above a station and multiplying by
1.25. For example the sq. root of 3000 feet is 54.7 X 1.25 = 68 nautical miles.
This line of sight MRA measurement must now be adjusted upwards to offset
the effects of mountainous terrain and be rounded off to the next highest 100
feet. The MEA is then determined by selecting the lowest flight level above
the MOCA or the MRA for the appropriate direction of flight whichever is
higher. The director may allow a deviation to this requirement where it can be
demonstrated that an equivalent degree of accuracy and reliability can be
assured by celestial or other specialized navigation equipment.
(3) publish for each route segment;
(i) the TO/From route segment,
(ii) Magnetic track,
(iii) MOCA, in feet,
(iv) MEA, in feet,
(v) distance, in nautical miles, between fixes or waypoints,
(vi) the navigation aid, giving;
(A) name
(B) frequency,
(C) identification,
(vii) transition informations including any pertinent crossing altitudes which
will ensure the safe operation of aircraft from the final airway fix to;
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(A) the initial approach fixes for each instrument approach at all
airports being serviced by that route.
(B) from the missed approach point of each instrument approach
procedure to the airway entry fix for that route,
(C) from all specified departure fixes, to the entry fix for that route.
(D) special performance information where the climb gradients
required for any transition exceed 200 feet vertical per nautical
mile horizontal distance.
(4) demonstrate that the communication facilities and MEAs along the route are
such as will provide air/ground communication between ATC and the aircraft,
or between the aircraft and the company, sufficient to ensure compliance with;
(i) the instrument flight rules, and
(ii) the flight watch and /or flight following requirements laid down in this
Part and the air carrier operations manual.
(c) In addition to the foregoing route requirements an applicant for a route approval
shall show that there are available, sufficient airports which meet the criteria set
forth in Section 135.93 of this subpart.
(d) Where in the opinion of the Director it is necessary to ensure flight safety, he may
require additional, or an amendment to the requirements laid down in this section
including the provisions of Section 135.93 of this subpart. In making any such
order, the Director will establish a reasonable time period for an air carrier to comply
with the new requirements.
(a) Each air carrier must show that there are sufficient adequately equipped airports
along any proposed route. For the purposes of this section an adequate airport is
one which meets or exceeds the following considerations as applicable to the air
transportation service being conducted.
(1) runway length and surface,
(2) obstructions on the approach and departure end of runways must not
adversely effect the safe operation of the aircraft being used, and appropriate
hazard markings and lighting are serviceable and functioning when in use,
(3) facilities for the safe and proper movement of passengers to and from the
(4) airport marking and lighting as appropriate,
(5) emergency and fire fighting equipment and personnel as appropriate,
(6) published at least one instrument and night manoeuvring approach
(7) any other facility, equipment or service deemed necessary for the intended
(b) No pilot of an aircraft carrying passengers at night may takeoff from, or land on, an
airport unless;
(1) that pilot has determined the wind direction from local ground communications,
or an illuminated wind direction indicator or, in the case of takeoff, that pilot’s
personal observations; and
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(2) the limits of the area to be used for takeoff are clearly shown
(i) for aircraft, by boundary or runway marker lights;
(ii) for helicopters, by boundary or runway marker lights or reflective
(c) Each air carrier must show that it has an approved system for obtaining,
maintaining, and distributing to appropriate personnel current aeronautical data for
each airport it uses (if this information is published for those airports) to ensure a
safe operation at that airport. The aeronautical data must include the following:
(1) Airports.
(i) Facilities.
(ii) Public protection.
(iii) Navigational and communications aids.
(iv) Construction affecting takeoff, landing, or ground operations.
(v) Air traffic facilities.
(2) Runways, clearways and stopways.
(i) Dimensions.
(ii) Surface.
(iii) Marking and lighting systems.
(iv) Elevation and gradient.
(3) Displaced thresholds.
(i) Location.
(ii) Dimensions.
(iii) Takeoff or landing or both.
(4) Obstacles.
(i) Those affecting takeoff and landing performance computations in
accordance with Subpart I of this part.
(ii) Controlling obstacles.
(iii) Minimum descent altitudes for 100 mile, 25 mile and 10 mile radii
(5) Instrument flight procedures.
(i) Departure procedure.
(ii) Approach procedure.
(iii) Missed approach procedure.
(6) Special information.
(i) Runway visual range measurement equipment.
(ii) Prevailing winds under low visibility conditions.
(d) Where in the opinion of the Director it is necessary to ensure flight safety, he may
require additional, or amendment to the requirements laid down in this section. In
making any such order, the Director will establish a reasonable time period for an
air carrier to comply with the new requirement.
135.95 [Reserved]
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
135.97 Applicability
This Subpart prescribes the rules for cabin safety applicable to all persons on board
aircraft and air carriers operating under this Part.
(a) Each person on board an aircraft shall comply with the briefings and safety
instructions given to them by any person assigned to act as a crewmember on
board that aircraft, or any sign or placard posted for that purpose of giving such
safety instructions.
(b) No air carrier shall allow and no person shall attempt to carry a firearm on board an
aircraft unless:
(1) that person is a police officer, and
(2) such firearm is not loaded and no ammunition is carried in the aircraft cabin.
(a) Subject to Subsections (b) and (c) of this section, no air carrier shall operate an
aircraft with passengers on board, unless at least the following number flight
attendants are on board.
(1) 1 to 30 passengers on board, one flight attendant.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, no air carrier shall operate an aircraft
with passengers on board, with fewer flight attendants than the number required to
satisfy the following conditions:
(1) where the air carrier has been authorized to extend a flight duty time limitation
and such extension requires the carriage of additional flight attendants.
(2) where due to extenuating circumstances, it has been determined that
additional flight attendants are required to satisfy the passenger emergency
evacuation requirements.
(c) Notwithstanding Subsection (a) of this section, an air carrier may operate an aircraft
with passengers on board, without a flight attendant provided:
(1) the aircraft is certified for a maximum of 18 or fewer passenger seats,
(2) the pilots are capable from their normal crew stations, to maintain throughout
the flight, visual and aural monitoring of all passengers on board, and
(3) the flight crew are trained in the company procedures for the, supervision,
briefing and handling of the passengers for all normal and emergency
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(d) Where a flight has been assigned more than one flight attendant, the air carrier
shall designate an in-charge flight attendant.
No air carrier shall assign and no person, shall act in the capacity of a flight attendant
on an aircraft, unless that person is qualified in accordance with section 135.393 of this
(a) No air carrier shall allow passengers to remain on board the aircraft during station
stops unless:
(1) the passengers are supervised by a flight attendant on board the aircraft, or,
(2) on aircraft which do not require a flight attendant, a person who has been
trained in the emergency evacuation procedure for that aircraft: or
(3) Nearby the aircraft, in a position to adequately monitor passenger safety, and
(i) The aircraft engines are shut down: and
(ii) At least one floor level exit remains open to provide for the deplaning of
(a) Each air carrier operating a passenger-carrying aircraft shall ensure that all
passengers are orally briefed by the appropriate crewmember or by pre-recorded
information, on at least the following items:
(1) Before each takeoff:
(i) Smoking. Each passenger shall be briefed on when, where, and under
what conditions smoking is prohibited. This briefing shall include a
statement that the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations require passenger
compliance with the lighted passenger information signs, posted
placards, areas designated as no smoking areas. The briefing shall also
include where applicable, a statement that Indonesian regulations
prohibit tampering with, disabling, or destroying any smoke detector in
an aeroplane lavatory.
(ii) The location of emergency exits, and as applicable the escape routes
including floor track lighting,
(iii) The use of safety belts, including instructions on how to fasten and
unfasten the safety belts. Each passenger shall be briefed on when,
where, and under what conditions the safety belt must be fastened
about that passenger. This briefing shall include a statement that the
Civil Aviation Safety Regulations require passenger compliance with all
passenger information signs and crewmember instructions concerning
the use of safety belts.
(iv) The location and use of any required emergency flotation means.
(v) Where the aircraft is of a pressurized type and the flight is to be
operated at of above flight level 250, a demonstration on the use of the
oxygen system including procedures for assisting small children or
others requiring assistance.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(vi) On operations that do not use a flight attendant, the following additional
(A) The placement of seat backs in an upright position before takeoff
and landing,
(B) Location of survival equipment and first aid kits,
(C) If the flight involves operations above 12,000 MSL, the normal and
emergency use of oxygen, and
(D) Location and operation of fire extinguishers.
(2) Prior to the first takeoff, each person who agrees to provide assistance to
another person who would be in need of such assistance during an
emergency evacuation shall be briefed by a required crewmember:
(i) on the routes to each appropriate exit and on the most appropriate time
to begin moving to an exit in the event of an emergency: and
(ii) in consultation with the person, as to the most appropriate manner of
assisting him or her, so as to prevent pain and further injury.
The requirements of this paragraph do not apply when the crewmembers on
duty have been advised as to the most appropriate manner of assisting the
person so as to prevent pain and further injury.
(3) After each takeoff, immediately before or immediately after turning the seat
belt sign off, an announcement shall be made that passengers should keep
their seat belts fastened, while seated, even when the seat belt sign is off.
(4) During flight passenger announcements shall be made to ensure all safety
rules are being complied with.
(5) Prior to each landing the passengers shall be briefed with respect to the
requirements to return seatbacks and chair tables to the full upright and stowed
position and to ensure seatbelts are securely fastened. This briefing should
also ensure all smoking material has been extinguished prior to landing.
(6) Immediately after landing, passenger briefings shall be made to ensure all
safety rules are being complied with until the aircraft comes to it’s final stop.
(b) Each air carrier shall provide a passenger safety briefing card which illustrates by
means of pictures or diagrams all the information required by this section and shall
be located at each passenger seat. Passenger safety briefing cards supplementing
the oral briefing must be of sufficient detail so as to give clear instruction with
respect to:
(1) the methods of accessing and operating, the emergency exits: and
(2) the use of all required emergency equipment on board that aircraft which may
be applicable to the flight to be undertaken.
(c) Each card required by this section must represent the actual make, model and
configuration of aircraft it is intended for and shall be submitted to the Director for
(d) The air carrier shall describe in its manual the procedure to be followed in the
briefing required by Paragraph (a) of this section.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(a) In addition to the oral briefing required by Section 135.107, each air carrier
operating an aeroplane in extended overwater operations shall ensure that all
passengers are orally briefed by the appropriate crewmember on the location and
operation of life preservers, life rafts, and other flotation means, including a
demonstration of the method of donning and inflating a life preserver.
(b) The air carrier shall describe in its manual the procedure to be followed in the
briefing required by Paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) If the aircraft proceeds directly over water after takeoff, or the briefing will be given
by a flight crewmember, the briefing required by Paragraph (a) of this section must
be done before takeoff.
(d) If the aircraft does not proceed directly over water after takeoff, no part of the
briefing required by Paragraph (a) of this section has to be given before takeoff, but
the entire briefing must be given before reaching the overwater part of the flight.
(b) Each air carrier shall ensure that, at all times passengers are on board prior to
aeroplane movement on the surface, at least one floor-level exit provides for the
egress of passengers through normal or emergency means.
(c) No air carrier may move an aircraft on the surface, takeoff, or land when any food,
beverage, or tableware furnished by the air carrier is located at any passenger seat.
(d) No air carrier may move an aircraft on the surface, takeoff, or land unless each food
and beverage tray and seat back tray table is secured in its stowed position.
(e) No air carrier may permit an aircraft to move on the surface, takeoff, or land unless
each passenger serving cart is secured in its stowed position.
(f) No air carrier may permit an aircraft to move on the surface, takeoff, or land unless
each movie screen that extends into an aisle is stowed.
The air carrier must provide and use means to prevent each item of galley equipment
and each serving cart, when not in use, and each item of crew baggage, which is
carried in a passenger or crew compartment from becoming a hazard by shifting under
the appropriate load factors corresponding to the emergency landing conditions under
which the aeroplane was type certificated.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(a) No air carrier may allow any carry-on baggage to be brought onboard an aeroplane
unless it has been determined that each passenger's baggage does not exceed the
baggage allowance prescribed in the air carrier's company operations manual.
(b) No air carrier may allow all passenger entry doors of an aeroplane to be closed in
preparation for taxi or pushback unless at least one required crewmember has
verified that each article of baggage is stowed in accordance with this section and
Section 135.117.
(c) No air carrier may allow an aeroplane to takeoff or land unless each article of
baggage is stowed in accordance with this section and 135.117.
No person may carry cargo, including carry-on baggage in or on any aircraft unless
(d) Each passenger seat under which baggage is stowed shall be fitted with a means to
prevent articles of baggage stowed under it from sliding under crash impacts severe
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
enough to induce the ultimate inertia forces specified in the emergency landing
condition regulations under which the aircraft was type certificated.
(a) No person may operate an aircraft unless there are available during the takeoff,
enroute flight, and landing:
(1) An approved seat or berth for each person on board the aircraft who has
reached his or her second birthday: and
(2) An approved safety belt for separate use by each person on board the aircraft
who has reached his or her second birthday, except that two persons
occupying a berth may share one approved safety belt and two persons
occupying a multiple lounge or divan seat may share one approved safety belt
during enroute flight only.
(b) Except as provided in this paragraph, each person on board an aircraft operated
under this part shall occupy an approved seat or berth with a separate safety belt
properly secured about him or her during movement on the surface, for takeoff, and
for landing. A safety belt provided for the occupant of a seat may not be used by
more than one person who has reached his or her second birthday. Notwithstanding
the preceding requirements, a child may:
(1) Be held by an adult who is occupying an approved seat or berth if that child is
not yet two years old: or
(2) Notwithstanding any other requirement of the CASRs, occupy a child restraint
system furnished by the air carrier or one of the persons described in
Paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, provided that:
(i) The child is accompanied by a parent, guardian, or attendant
designated by the child's parent or guardian to care for the safety of the
child during the flight: and
(ii) The air carrier complies with the following requirements:
(A) The restraint system must be properly secured to an approved
forward-facing seat or berth: and
(B) The child must be properly secured in the restraint system and
must not exceed the specified weight limit for the restraint system.
(c) No air carrier may prohibit a child, if requested by the child's parent, guardian, or
designated attendant, from occupying a child restraint system furnished by the
child's parent, guardian, or designated attendant, provided the child holds a ticket
for an approved seat or berth, or such seat or berth is otherwise made available by
the air carrier for the child's use, and the requirements contained in Paragraphs
(b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(ii) of this section are met. This section does not prohibit the air
carrier from providing child restraint systems or, consistent with safe operating
practices, determining the most appropriate passenger seat location for the child
restraint system.
(d) Each aeroplane sideward facing seat must comply with the applicable requirements
of Section 25.785(c) of the CASRs.
(e) Except as provided in Paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(2) of this section, no air carrier
may take off or land an aeroplane unless each passenger seat back is in the upright
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(f) No person may operate a turbojet aircraft or an aircraft having a passenger seating
configuration of 10 or more seats unless it is equipped with an approved combined
safety belt and shoulder harness at each flight deck station.
(g) Each flight attendant must have a seat for takeoff and landing that is equipped with
an approved combined safety belt and shoulder harness except when occupying a
passenger seat a shoulder harness is not required.
(h) Each occupant of a seat equipped with a shoulder harness or with a combined
safety belt and shoulder harness must have the shoulder harness or combined
safety belt and shoulder harness properly secured about that occupant during
takeoff and landing, except that a shoulder harness that is not combined with a
safety belt may be unfastened if the occupant cannot perform the required duties
with the shoulder harness fastened.
(i) At each unoccupied seat, the safety belt and shoulder harness, if installed, must be
secured so as not to interfere with crewmembers in the performance of their duties
or with the rapid egress of occupants in an emergency.
(a) Air carriers operating turbojet aeroplanes or aircraft with a passenger seating
configuration of 10 or more seats shall make the following determinations and
(1) Each air carrier shall determine to the extent necessary to perform the
applicable functions of Paragraph (d) of this section, the suitability of each
person it permits to occupy an exit seat, in accordance with this section. For
the purpose of this section
(i) Exit seat means:
(A) Each seat having direct access to an exit: and,
(B) Each seat in a row of seats through which passengers would have
to pass to gain access to an exit, from the first seat inboard of the
exit to the first aisle inboard of the exit.
(ii) A passenger seat having "direct access" means a seat from which a
passenger can proceed directly to the exit without entering an aisle or
passing around an obstruction.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(b) No air carrier may seat a person in a seat affected by this section if the air carrier
determines that it is likely that the person would be unable to perform one or more
of the applicable functions listed in Paragraph (d) of this section.
(c) Each passenger shall comply with instructions given by a crewmember or other
authorized employee of the air carrier-implementing exit seating restrictions
established in accordance with this section.
(d) Each air carrier shall include on passenger information cards, presented in the
language in which briefings and oral commands are given by the crew, at each exit
seat affected by this section, information that, in the event of an emergency in which
a crewmember is not available to assist, a passenger occupying an exit seat may
use if called upon to perform the following functions:
(e) Each air carrier shall make available for inspection by the public at all passenger
loading gates and ticket counters at each airport where it conducts passenger
operations, written procedures established for making determinations in regard to
exit row seating.
(f) No air carrier may allow taxi or pushback unless at least one required crewmember has
verified that no exit seat is occupied by a person the crewmember determines is likely
to be unable to perform the applicable functions listed in Paragraph (d) of this section.
(g) Each air carrier shall include in its passenger briefings a reference to the passenger
information cards.
(h) An air carrier may deny transportation to any passenger under this section only
(1) The passenger refuses to comply with instructions given by a crewmember or
other authorized employee of the air carrier implementing exit seating
restrictions established in accordance with this section, or
(2) The only seat that will physically accommodate the person's handicap is an
exit seat.
(i) Each air carrier shall submit their procedures for DGCA approval.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the air carrier
operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.
(b) No air carrier may serve any alcoholic beverage to any person aboard any of its
aircraft who:
(1) Appears to be intoxicated:
(2) Is escorting a person or being escorted for security purposes or
(3) Is authorized to carry and has a deadly or dangerous weapon accessible to
him while aboard the aircraft.
(c) No air carrier may allow any person to board any of its aircraft if that person
appears to be intoxicated.
(d) Each air carrier shall, within five days after the incident, report to the Director the
refusal of any person to comply with Paragraph (a) of this section, or of any
disturbance caused by a person who appears to be intoxicated aboard any of its
(a) An air carrier may allow a passenger to carry and operate equipment for the
storage, generation, or dispensing of oxygen when the following conditions are met:
(1) The equipment is:
(i) Furnished by the air carrier:
(ii) Of an approved type or is in conformity with the manufacturing,
packaging, marking, labeling, and maintenance requirements of the
(iii) Free of flammable contaminants on all exterior surfaces:
(iv) Capable of providing a minimum mass flow of oxygen to the user of four
liters per minute:
(v) Constructed so that all valves, fittings, and gauges are protected from
damage: and
(vi) Appropriately secured.
(2) When the oxygen is stored in the form of a liquid, the equipment has been
under the air carrier's approved maintenance program since its purchase new
or since the storage container was last purged.
(3) When the oxygen is stored in the form of a compressed gas:
(i) The equipment has been under the air carrier's approved maintenance
program since its purchase new or since the last hydrostatic test of the
storage cylinder: and
(ii) The pressure in any oxygen cylinder does not exceed the rated cylinder
(4) Each person using the equipment has a medical need to use it evidenced by a
written statement to be kept in that person's possession, signed by a licensed
physician which specifies the maximum quantity of oxygen needed each hour
and the maximum flow rate needed for the pressure altitude corresponding to
the pressure in the cabin of the aeroplane under normal operating conditions.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(b) No person may, and no air carrier may allow any person to, smoke within 10 feet of
oxygen storage and dispensing equipment carried in accordance with Paragraph (a)
of this section.
(c) No air carrier may allow any person to connect or disconnect oxygen-dispensing
equipment, to or from a gaseous oxygen cylinder while any passenger is aboard the
(d) The requirements of this section do not apply to the carriage of supplemental or first
aid oxygen and related equipment required by the CASRs.
(a) Except as provided in Paragraph (b) of this section, a pilot in command of an aircraft
that is equipped with a lockable flight crew compartment door, shall ensure that
such door is closed and locked prior to the commencement of boarding of any
passengers, until all passengers have disembarked at the termination of the flight.
Each air carrier shall, for each type and model of aeroplane, assigned to each category
of required crewmember as appropriate, the necessary functions to be performed in an
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
emergency or a situation requiring emergency evacuation. The air carrier shall show
those functions are realistic, can be practically accomplished, and will meet any
reasonably anticipated emergency including the possible incapacitation of individual
crewmembers or their inability to reach the passenger cabin because of shifting cargo in
combination cargo/ passenger aeroplanes.
(a) Each air carrier authorized to operate a turbojet aeroplane or any land aeroplane
that has a passenger seating configuration of 10 or more, and where overwater
operations are to be conducted, must demonstrate:
(1) a simulated ditching conducted in accordance with Paragraph (b) that it has
the ability to efficiently carry out its ditching procedures, and
(2) that all required equipment relating to the ditching procedure can be swiftly
and efficiently deployed.
(b) The ditching demonstration must assume that daylight hours exist outside the
aeroplane, and that all required crewmembers are available for the demonstration.
(1) If the air carrier’s manual requires the use of passengers to assist in the
launching of liferafts, the needed passengers must be aboard the aeroplane
and participate in the demonstration according to the manual.
(2) A stand must be placed at each emergency exit and wing, with the top of the
platform at a height simulating the water level of the aeroplane following a
(3) After the ditching signal has been received, each evacuee must don a life vest
according to the air carrier’s manual.
(4) Each liferaft must be launched and inflated, according to the air carrier’s
manual, and all other required emergency equipment must be placed in rafts.
(5) Each evacuee must enter a liferaft, and the crewmembers assigned to each
liferaft must indicate the location of emergency equipment aboard the raft and
describe its use.
(6) Either the aeroplane, a mockup of the aeroplane or a floating device
simulating a passenger compartment must be used.
(i) If a mockup of the aeroplane is used, it must be a life-size mockup of
the interior and representative of the aeroplane currently used by or
proposed to be used by the air carrier, and must contain adequate seats
for use of the evacuees. Operation of the emergency exits and the
doors must closely simulate those on the aeroplane. Sufficient wing
area must be installed outside the over-the-wing exits to demonstrate
the evacuation.
(ii) If a floating device simulating a passenger compartment is used, it must
be representative, to the extent possible, of the passenger compartment
of the aeroplane used in operations. Operation of the emergency exits
and the doors must closely simulate operation on that aeroplane.
Sufficient wing area must be installed outside the over-the-wing exits to
demonstrate the evacuation. The device must be equipped with the
same survival equipment as is installed on the aeroplane, to
accommodate all persons participating in the demonstration.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(c) For a type and model aeroplane for which the simulated ditching specified in
Paragraph (a) is conducted the requirements of Paragraphs (b)(2), (b)(4), and (b)(5)
are complied with if each life raft is removed from stowage, one life raft is launched
and inflated (or one slide life raft is inflated) and crewmembers assigned to the
inflated life raft display and describe the use of each item of required emergency
equipment. The life raft or slide life raft to be inflated will be selected by the Director.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
135.131 Applicability
This subpart prescribes requirements for preparing and maintaining manuals by all air
carriers operating under this part.
(a) An air carrier shall establish and maintain a company operations manual that meets
the requirements of this subpart.
(b) An air carrier shall submit to the Director for approval, its company operations
manual and any amendments to that manual.
(c) Where there is a change in any aspect of the air carrier’s operation, or where the
company operations manual no longer meets the requirements of Part 135 of the
CASR, the air carrier shall amend its company operations manual.
(d) The Director shall, where the provisions of this subpart have been met, approve
those parts of the company operations manual, and any amendments to those
parts, that relate to the information required by Part 135 of the CASR.
(e) In meeting the requirements of this subpart, an air carrier may produce its company
operations manual in the form of other manuals provided that:
(1) the company operations manual identifies such other manual/s by an official
title, and states that the manual/s form part of the company’s official policy,
giving cross-references as appropriate,
(2) the company operations manual publishes as appendices, copies of the index
or table of contents of such other manuals,
(3) any manual produced under this paragraph meet all the publishing, controlling
and amendment requirements of a company operations manual,
(4) distribution of such manuals shall be in accordance with this subpart, and
(5) the Director approves each manual in accordance with paragraph (d) of this
(f) The rules and regulations, policies and procedures contained in a company
operations manual shall be in accordance with the CASR and other Regulations as
appropriate. When approved by the Director, it becomes the company’s official
policy manual. Each air carrier and each person employed by that air carrier, shall
comply with rules, regulations, policies and procedures contained in the approved
company operations manual.
(2) Appropriate indexing and division of the manual/s to enable quick and
accurate access to the information,
(3) the manual can be readily amended,
(4) the manual contains an amendment control page and a list of effective pages
which records all the pages in effect.
(5) each page contains at least:
(i) the legal name of the company and title of the manual,
(ii) the page number, or page and section number,
(iii) the date of last amendment of that page, and
(iv) an amendment bar which identifies only the amended information.
(a) The manual/s required by Section 135.133 must include instructions and
information in sufficient detail to enable the personnel concerned to perform their
duties and responsibilities with a high degree of safety.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, the information contained in the
manual/s required by Section 135.133, shall contain only that information required
by the subjects outlined in subsection (d) of this section.
(c) An air carrier may designate one chapter or section of its company operations
manual to deal with subjects of a non operational nature provided that:
(1) it is clearly identified as a section which is not approved by the Director and
does not contain any policy or procedure required by regulation, and
(2) it does not in anyway address, or conflict with any operational section of the
(d) The company operations manual shall contain at least the following, as applicable:
(1) a preamble relating to the use, authority and distribution of the manual, and list
of definitions sufficient to define the specific meaning of:
(i) all definitions, abbreviations and acronyms used in the manual,
(ii) the official titles of all operational managers, except where that precise
title is identified in the CASR,
(iii) any term used in the manual, which the Director decides requires
(2) a table of contents,
(3) amending procedures, amendment record sheet, distribution list and list of
effective pages,
(4) a copy of the air operator certificate and operations specifications,
(5) a chart of the air carriers management organization,
(6) the duties, responsibilities and succession of command of all persons
approved under this part,
(7) A description of the operational control system including the following:
(i) flight authorization and preparation procedures including the principles
of co-authority dispatch and conflict resolution,
(ii) preparation of the operational flight plan and flight release procedures,
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(iii) procedures to ensure pilots are advised prior to dispatch, of any aircraft
defects that have been deferred by MEL or other authority and
maintenance release procedures,
(iv) flight watch, flight following and communication requirements and
(v) procedures for the dissemination and acknowledgement of operational
(vi) fuel and oil requirements,
(vii) weight and balance system,
(viii) accident or incident reporting and procedures for reporting overdue
(ix) maintenance discrepancy reporting and completion of flight
documentation including forwarding procedures and retention periods,
(x) description of the company’s dispatch centre(s), operational support
services and equipment.
(8) sample of all required company forms including operational flight plan/s,
weight and balance and load control sheets,
(9) use of checklists,
(10) weather minima applicable to IFR and VFR at all operational and alternate
airports including company approved weather observation procedures,
(11) instrument and equipment requirements,
(12) instrument approach procedures,
(13) procedures for establishing company approved routes in uncontrolled
(14) procedures for management of navigation and communications equipment
including listening watch and collision avoidance,
(15) procedures for the avoidance or operations in hazardous conditions such as
but not limited to icing, thunderstorms, windshear, volcanic ash etc.,
(16) aircraft performance limitations, and operational restrictions as applicable’
(17) carriage and securing of cargo, including external loads, carry on baggage,
commissary, spares or other equipment as applicable,
(18) passenger briefing procedures,
(19) proper use of the aircraft flight manual, aircraft operating manual, standard
operating procedures and minimum equipment list as applicable,
(20) critical surface contamination procedures, as applicable, including a detailed
description of:
(i) How the carrier determines that conditions are such that frost, ice, or
snow may reasonably be expected to adhere to the aircraft and that
ground deicing/anti-icing operational procedures must be in effect:
(ii) Who is responsible for deciding that ground deicing/anti-icing
operational procedures must be in effect:
(iii) The procedures for implementing ground deicing/anti-icing operational
(IV) The specific duties and responsibilities of each operational position or
group responsible for getting the aircraft safely airborne while ground
deicing/anti-icing operational procedures are in effect.
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4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(e) Where an air carrier is restricted to aerial work, is the owner/operator of a one
aircraft air transportation service, or where the Director deems it to be appropriate,
he may approve an abbreviated manual. In any case the manual must be in
accordance with Subsections (a) and (b) of this section and contain at least the
information required in Subsection (d) of this section, paragraphs: (1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-
(7,(i),(ii),(vi),(vii), and (viii)-(8)-(10)-(17)-(19)-(22 where applicable)-(29)-(32 where
applicable)-(33) and (34). Where the Director considers it necessary in light of the
type of service being operated, he may require additional information to be
published in the COM.
(a) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, an air carrier shall issue a copy of the
appropriate parts of its company operations manual, including any revisions to
those parts, to:
(1) each crew member,
(2) ground operations personnel including maintenance if applicable, and
(3) the Director or his representative/s.
(b) Every person who has been issued a copy of a company operations manual,
whether whole or in part, shall insert all revisions issued to them in accordance with
the revision procedures contained in the manual.
(c) An air carrier may place a copy of its manual in every aircraft in lieu of providing a
copy to all crew members if there is a procedure in place to ensure the timely
insertion of the revisions to that manual.
(d) An air carrier shall maintain a complete copy of its company operations manual at
its main base, and appropriate parts of the manual at each dispatch center.
(e) Each employee who has been issued a company operations manual shall ensure
the appropriate parts of the manual are available and reasonably accessible at his
work station during the performance of their assigned duties.
(a) An air carrier shall establish and maintain a company maintenance manual (CMM)
that meets the requirements of Section 135.379 of this Part.
(b) An air carrier shall submit to the Director for approval, its company maintenance
manual and any amendments to that manual.
(c) Where there is a change in any aspect of the air carrier’s operation, or where the
company maintenance manual no longer meets the requirements of Part 135 of the
CASR, the air carrier shall amend its company maintenance manual.
(d) The Director shall, where the provisions of this Section have been met, approve
those parts of the company maintenance manual, and any amendments to those
parts, that relate to the information required by Section 135.379 of the CASR.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(a) An air carrier may establish and maintain an aircraft operating manual for the use
and guidance of crew members in the operation of its aircraft. Such manual may be
carried in lieu of the aircraft flight manual provided the provisions of subsection
(b)(2) of this section is complied with. Every aircraft operating manual required by
this Section shall be approved in accordance with Subsection 135.133(b).
(b) For each of its aircraft that is required to be operated with two or more pilots, an
aircraft operating manual shall contain:
(1) the aircraft manufactures recommended operating procedures, and
(2) where the air carrier elects not to carry the approved aircraft flight manual on
board the aircraft, the aircraft limitations and performance data contained in
the aircraft flight manual must be contain in the Aircraft Operating Manual
(AOM). Such information must be clearly identified as aircraft flight manual
(c) An air carrier that has elected to establish an aircraft operating manual shall ensure
that a copy of the manual is carried on board each aircraft of that type.
(d) Where an air carrier makes any change to the pages or information contained in an
aircraft operating manual, each new page containing company changes must be
identified as a company page.
(e) Where an air carrier elects to insert company pages into its aircraft operating
manual, it shall provide a copy of the manual to DGCA.
(a) Every air carrier shall establish standard operating procedures that ensure the
aircraft is operated in accordance with the approved aircraft flight manual and the
manufactures recommended procedures. Where the aircraft is of a type that is
operated by two or more flight crew members, the standard operating procedures
must ensure proper co-ordination of all crew members including flight attendants.
(b) An air carrier that has established a standard operating procedures manual, shall
ensure it is maintained in a current condition and carried on board each aircraft of
that type.
(c) Where an air carrier elects to incorporate its standard operating procedures into the
aircraft operating manual, it must comply with Subsections (d) and (e) of
(a) Each air carrier authorized to carry external loads in a helicopter shall publish a
Rotorcraft/Load Combination Flight Manual and submit it to the Director for
approval. The manual must be prepared in accordance with the rotorcraft flight
manual provisions of Subpart G of Part 27 or 29 of the CASRs, whichever is
applicable and shall set forth:
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
135.151 Applicability
This subpart prescribes aircraft requirements for all air carriers operating under this part.
(a) Subject to Subsection (b) of this section, no person shall operate any aircraft under
this part, unless there has been issued with respect to, and carried on board that
(1) a certificate of registration as a civil aircraft, issued by Indonesia,
(2) a valid certificate of airworthiness, or
(3) a document approved by DGCA for the purpose of certifying the airworthiness
of that aircraft,
(4) a current weight and balance document,
(5) a radio licence authorizing all radio apparatus installed in that aircraft, and
(6) any other document deemed appropriate by the Director, which gives
evidence as to the legal or operational status of that aircraft.
(b) The Director may approve an aircraft to be operated under this part without meeting
certain requirements of Subsection (a) of this section provided that:
(1) the aircraft is operated in accordance with a Minimum Equipment List
approved for that aircraft,
(2) the aircraft is the subject of a certificate of airworthiness or equivalent
document issued by a contracting state, or
(3) the aircraft is registered as a civil aircraft in a contracting state.
(a) Subject to Section 135.157 of this part, no air carrier shall operate an aircraft unless it
meets the applicable performance and equipment requirements contained in this part.
(b) No person shall operate any aircraft under this part that was type certificated by the
country of manufacture after July 1993 unless the aircraft meets the requirements of
Parts 23,25,27 or 29 of the CASRs.
(a) All certificate holder operate under this part must have an approved Minimum
Equipment List for each type of airplane operated, and:
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(b) The following instruments and equipment may not be included in the Minimum
Equipment List:
(1) Instruments and equipment that are either specifically or otherwise required by
the airworthiness requirements under which the aircraft is type certificated and
which are essential for safe operations under all operating conditions.
(2) Instruments and equipment required by an airworthiness directive to be in
operable condition unless the airworthiness directive provides otherwise.
(3) Instruments and equipment required for specific operations by this part.
(c) Notwithstanding Paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(3) of this section, an aircraft with
inoperable instruments or equipment may be operated under a special flight permit
issued pursuant to Sections 21.197 and 21.199 of CASR Part 21.
(a) Where a Master Minimum Equipment List has been established for an aircraft type
and issued pursuant to the applicable rules of the country of manufacture:
(1) the Director shall accept such MMEL if the country of manufacture is a
contracting state, or
(2) the Director may approve such MMEL if the country of manufacture is not a
contracting state.
(a) No air carrier may operate an aircraft over a route that contains a point further than
one hour flying time, in still air at normal cruising speed with one engine inoperative,
from an adequate airport, or in the case of a helicopter, an adequate landing area,
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(b) After December 31, 2005 no air carrier may operate a land aeroplane with a
passenger seating configuration of 10 or more seats or turbojet aircraft in an
extended overwater operation unless it is certified or approved as adequate for
ditching under the ditching provisions of Part 25 of the CASRs. In the case of
aircraft certified prior to the enactment of Part 25, the Director may issue operations
specifications that allow deviation from the requirements of this paragraph if
standards of safety allow such a deviation.
(a) Prior to any new aircraft type being used for the first time in an air transportation
service, or as provided by Subsection (c) of this section, a schedule of proving
flights may be required. In addition to any aircraft certification tests, at least 50
hours of proving flights acceptable to the Director shall be flown. Where the
Director is of the opinion that a satisfactory confidence level has been reached, he
may reduce the number of flight hours accordingly.
(b) Where an air carrier is authorized to conduct special types of flights, the Director
may require proving flights for those kinds of operations. In certain types of
operations, the Director may allow the carriage of passengers where the proving
flights are for procedural verification only.
(c) Unless otherwise authorized by the Director, for each type of aircraft that has been
materially altered in design, an air carrier must, in addition to aircraft certification
tests, conduct proving flights in accordance with Subsection (a) of this section.
(d) Definition of materially altered. For the purposes of Paragraph (c) of this section, a
type of aircraft is considered to be materially altered in design if the alteration
(1) The installation of powerplants other than those of a type similar to those with
which it is certified: or
(2) Alterations to the aircraft or its components that materially affect flight
(e) Except as provided in Subsection (b), of this section, no air carrier may carry
passengers in an aircraft during proving flights. However, the air carrier may carry
mail, express parcels, or other cargo when approved by the Director.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
135.171 Applicability
This subpart prescribes aircraft performance operating limitations for air carriers
operating under this part.
135.173 General
Any determinations made for the purpose of complying with this sub-part shall be based
on approved performance data set out in the aircraft flight manual.
(a) No person shall conduct a take-off in an aircraft if the weight of that aircraft exceeds
the maximum take-off weight specified in the aircraft flight manual (AFM) for the
pressure altitude and ambient temperature at the aerodrome where the take-off is to
be made, or
(1) exceeds the maximum allowable landing weight for that aircraft specified in the
AFM taking into consideration, the flight planned fuel burn to the planned
destination or alternate airport, the pressure altitude and ambient temperature
at those airports.
(2) would be unable to comply as applicable, with Section 135.177 and 179 of this
(b) In the determination of the maximum take-off weight referred to in sub-section (a) of
this section,
(1) for a small multi-engine aircraft,
(i) subject to sub-section (c) of this section, the required accelerate-stop
distance shall not exceed the accelerate-stop distance available (ASDA)
inclusive of the length of any stopway,
(ii) the all engines operating take-off distance shall not exceed the take-off
distance available (TODA) inclusive of any clearway up to the addition
of one-half the length of the runway, and
(iii) the take-off run shall not exceed the take-off run distance available.
(2) for a large aircraft, subject to sub-section (c),
(i) the required accelerate-stop distance shall not exceed the accelerate-
stop distance available, (ASDA) inclusive of the length of any stopway.
(ii) the required take-off run shall not exceed the take-off run distance
available, (TORA) and
(iii) the required take-off distance shall not exceed the take-off distance
available. (TODA) inclusive of any clearway up to the addition of one-
half the length of the runway.
(3) for a helicopter,
(i) the maximum take off weight specified in the aircraft flight manual taking
into account the ability to jettison the load.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(c) For the purposes of paragraphs (b), (1)&(2) of this section, the following factors
shall be taken into account:
(1) the pressure altitude at the aerodrome,
(2) ambient temperature,
(3) runway surface type and surface conditions,
(4) runway slope in the direction of take-off, and
(5) not more than 50% of the reported headwind component or not less than
150% of the reported tailwind component.
(a) No person shall conduct a take-off in a large aeroplane if the weight of that
aeroplane is greater than the weight specified in the aircraft flight manual as
allowing a net take-off path that clears all obstacles by at least,
(1) 35 feet vertically, or
(2) 200 feet horizontally within the aerodrome boundaries: and 300 feet
horizontally outside the aerodrome boundaries.
(b) For the purposes of Subsection (a) of this section, corrections for the following
factors shall be made.
(1) the runway to be used,
(2) the pressure altitude at the aerodrome,
(3) ambient temperature,
(4) runway slope in the direction of take-off, and not more than 50% of the
reported headwind component or not less than 150% of the reported tailwind
(d) Where obstacle height and position relative to a take-off path can not be determined
by reference to an approved chart or plan drawing, a take-off may be conducted
provided the criteria and procedures laid down in the ICAO Annex 6, Attachment C,
are complied with.
(a) No person shall operate a multi-engine aircraft with passengers on board unless in
the event of the loss of any engine, the aircraft is capable of maintaining the
following altitudes:
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(1) when the aircraft is being operated under IFR along airways, or air routes, or
in IMC flight, the minimum enroute altitude for that airway, or air route as
(2) when operating in VFR flight, at least 500 feet above the surface.
(a) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, no person shall dispatch, or conduct a
take-off in any turbo-jet-powered, or any large aeroplane, unless the weight of the
aeroplane on landing at the destination or alternate aerodrome will allow a full stop
(1) in the case of turbo-jet-powered aeroplane, within 60% of the landing distance
available, or
(2) in the case of a propeller-driven aeroplane, within 70% of the landing distance
(b) In determining the maximum allowable weight required by Subsection (a) of this
section, the following considerations shall be taken into account.
(1) the pressure altitude at the destination and alternate aerodromes,
(2) not more than 50% of the reported headwind or not less than 150% of the
reported tail wind component: and
(3) the suitability of the actual runways to be used, based upon expected wind
conditions, ground handling characteristics of the aeroplane and any other
condition which might adversely effect the approach and landing of the
(c) Where conditions at the destination airport at the time of take-off would not permit a
take-off pursuant to Subsection (a) of this section, the aircraft may be dispatched
and a take-off conducted provided:
(1) at the time of take-off, the alternate aerodrome specified in the operational flight
plan would allow compliance with Subsections (a) and (b) of this section, and
(2) any fuel burn which may be required to reduce the aeroplane landing weight at
the destination, would not preclude the ability for the aeroplane to proceed to
the planned alternate with all required reserve and contingency fuels.
(a) Except where the aircraft flight manual provides specific information on landing
distance on wet runways, no person shall dispatch or conduct a take-off of an
aeroplane where the destination airport, based upon reported and forecast weather
conditions is likely to be wet, unless,
(1) the landing distance available is not less than 115% of the landing distance
required by Section 135.181 of this subpart, or
(2) the landing distance requirements are predicated on the AFM wet runways
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
135.211 Applicability
This subpart prescribes the rules for the carriage of cargo for all air carriers operating
under this part.
Aircraft utilized under this part for the carriage of cargo, must meet the certification
requirements (or the equivalent) of CASR 21,23, 25, 27 or 29 as appropriate.
135.215 [Reserved]
(a) No air carrier shall operate a commuter or transport category aircraft in any cargo or
cargo/passenger combination unless:
(1) the aircraft has been released for flight in accordance with CASR Part 43 for
the configuration the aircraft is being operated in,
(2) the aircraft is operated in accordance with the operational data approved for
that configuration,
(3) the cargo is loaded and secured as applicable, in accordance with CASR Part
91 section 91.525 and
(4) the aircraft is otherwise operated in accordance with this Part.
(b) In the case of a single engine aircraft, the pilot may remove the seats for the
purpose of operating the aircraft in an all cargo, or cargo/passenger configuration
(1) the provisions of CASR Part 91, section 91.525 are complied with as
applicable, and
(2) a revised weight and balance form is approved for each specific configuration
the aircraft is to be operated in.
Each air carrier authorized in its operations specifications to carry external loads in a
helicopter shall perform such operations in accordance with the rules laid down in
Subpart C of this Part.
135.221 [Reserved]
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
135.301 Applicability
This subpart prescribes instrument and equipment requirements for all air carriers
operating under this Part, except where noted.
(a) Instruments and equipment required by this Subpart must be approved and installed
in accordance with the airworthiness requirements applicable to them.
(b) Each airspeed indicator must be calibrated in knots or miles per hour as determined
by the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM), and each airspeed limitation and item of
related information in the AFM and pertinent placards must be expressed in knots or
miles per hour as applicable.
(c) Except as in accordance with an approved MEL, no person may takeoff any
aeroplane unless the following instruments and equipment are installed and in
operable condition:
(1) instruments and equipment required to comply with airworthiness
requirements under which the aeroplane is type certificated, and
(2) instruments and equipment specified in this Subpart as applicable to the type
of aircraft and operation being flown.
(d) Any instrument or equipment required by this Subpart which has been given a
compliance date, shall be installed on or before the dates indicated by the
respective sections.
(a) No person may operate an aeroplane under the instrument flight rules unless it is
equipped with the following flight and navigational instruments and equipment:
(1) 2 Independent airspeed indicating systems with heated pitot tubes or
equivalent means for preventing malfunctioning due to icing,
(2) 2 independent sensitive altimeter systems,
(3) a sweep-second hand clock (or approved equivalent),
(4) a free air temperature indicator,
(5) a gyroscopic bank and pitch indicator (artificial horizon),
(6) a gyroscopic rate of turn indicator combined with an integral slip/skid indicator
(turn and bank indicator) except that only a slip/skid indicator is required when
a third attitude instrument system usable through 360° of pitch and roll is
installed in accordance with paragraph (10) of this section,
(7) a gyroscopic direction indicator (directional gyro or equivalent),
(8) a magnetic compass,
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, no person may operate, nor may
any operator or pilot in command of an aircraft allow the operation of, any portable
electronic device on any Republic of Indonesia-registered civil aircraft operating
under this Part.
(5) Any other portable electronic device that certificate holder has determined will not
cause interference with the navigation or communication system of the aircraft on
which it is to be used.
(c) The determination required by paragraph (b)(5) of this section shall be made by that
certificate holder operating the particular device to be used.
(a) No person shall operate an aeroplane at night unless, in addition to the instruments
and equipment required by this Subpart, it is equipped with the following approved
illumination systems:
(1) position lights,
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(a) Except as provided by Section 135.321 of this subpart, no person may operate an
aircraft under IFR operations, unless it has at least the following radio
communication and navigational equipment:
(1) two transmitters,
(2) two microphones,
(3) two headsets or one headset and one speaker,
(4) a marker beacon receiver,
(5) two independent receivers for navigation, and
(6) two independent receivers for communications.
(b) The radio equipment required by this section must be appropriate to the facilities
upon which the flight is based and capable of transmitting to, and receiving from at
least one ground facility, from any place along the planned route.
(c) For the purpose of Subsections (a)(1) and (2) of this section, a receiver is
considered independent if its serviceability does not depend on the functioning of
any part of another receiver or associated instrument.
(d) For the purpose of this Section, a navigation receiver shall be taken to mean any
navigation instrument or system associated with that receiver. The combination of
navigation receivers must be such that the failure of any one system will not render
an aircraft incapable of navigation to its designation or a suitable alternate.
(a) No person shall operate any aircraft under VFR unless it is equipped with
communication radio equipment adequate to ensure:
(1) the pilot in command is capable of maintaining a listening watch appropriate to
the aircraft position with respect to classes of airspace,
(2) the pilot in command is able to communicate with the appropriate air traffic
control unit as applicable,
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(3) the pilot in command is able to meet all communication requirements of the air
carriers approved flight watch or flight following system, and
(4) the pilot in command would be able to transmit a distress or urgency message
on at least one emergency frequency.
(b) No person shall operate an aircraft unless it is equipped with adequate navigational
radio equipment to ensure reception as appropriate, of the navigational facilities
upon which any portion of the flight was planned.
(a) No air carrier shall operate an aircraft under the instrument flight rules, when its
position cannot be reliably fixed for a period of more than 1 hour, unless the aircraft
is equipped with a specialized means of navigation. Such specialized equipment
must be capable of providing a reliable determination of the aircraft position by each
pilot seated at his or her assigned crew station.
(b) No air carrier shall operate an aircraft using Doppler Radar, Inertial Navigation
Systems or any other specialized means of navigation unless such systems have
been approved in accordance with Procedures acceptable to the DGCA. Such
procedures must include dispatch and in-flight operational policies.
(c) Notwithstanding Subsection (a) of this section, the Director may require special
navigation equipment to be utilized on flights of 1 hour or less where he believes
specialized equipment is required for safety reasons. In making this determination,
the Director considers:
(1) The speed of the aeroplane:
(2) Normal weather conditions enroute:
(3) Extent of air traffic control:
(4) Traffic congestion:
(5) Area of navigational radio coverage at destination:
(6) Fuel requirements:
(7) Fuel available for return to point of departure or alternates:
(8) Predication of flight upon operation beyond the point of no return: and
(9) Any other factors he determines are relevant in the interest of safety.
(d) Operations where special navigation equipment is required are specified in the
operations specifications of the operator.
(a) After March 31, 2003 no air carrier may operate a turbojet aeroplane or any
aeroplane in passenger carrying operations unless:
(1) the aircraft is equipped with an approved serviceable weather radar or
thunderstorm detection equipment,
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(2) the aircraft is operating under day VFR, and in the case of a turbo jet
aeroplane, there are no reported or forecasted thunderstorms or hazardous
weather expected along the planned route including arrival airports.
(b) No person shall commence a flight under the instrument flight rules or night VFR
when current weather reports or forecasts indicate that thunderstorms or other
detectable hazardous weather conditions may be expected along the route unless:
(1) the radar or detection equipment is in satisfactory operating condition, and
(2) should the airborne weather radar or thunderstorm detection equipment
becomes inoperative enroute, the aircraft must be operated in accordance with
the procedures approved for hazardous weather avoidance.
(a) Except as may be required by the Director, no person may operate any piston
powered, transport category aeroplane under this part without the following engine
instruments and indicators:
(1) A carburetor air temperature indicator for each engine,
(2) A cylinder head temperature indicator for each air cooled engine,
(3) A fuel pressure indicator for each engine,
(4) A fuel flowmeter or fuel mixture indicator for each engine not equipped with an
automatic altitude mixture control,
(5) A means for indicating fuel quantity in each fuel tank to be used,
(6) A manifold pressure indicator for each engine,
(7) An oil pressure indicator for each engine,
(8) An oil quantity indicator for each oil tank when a transfer or separate oil
reserve supply is used,
(9) An oil in temperature indicator for each engine,
(10) A tachometer for each engine,
(11) An independent fuel pressure warning device for each engine or a master
warning device for all engines with a means for isolating the individual warning
circuits from the master warning device,
(12) A device for each reversible propeller, to indicate to the pilot when the
propeller is in reverse pitch, that complies with the following:
(i) The device may be actuated at any point in the reversing cycle between
the normal low pitch stop position and full reverse pitch, but it may not
give an indication at or above the normal low pitch stop position, and
(ii) The source of indication must be actuated by the propeller blade angle
or be directly responsive to it.
(a) No person may operate any turbine-powered aeroplane for which the
individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued on or after January 1, 1987 and
maximum certificated take off mass of over 5.700 kg (12.500 lbs), or is authorized
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(b) An aeroplane for which the individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued
before January 1, 1987 and with the maximum certificated take off mass of over
5.700 kg (12.500 lbs), or is authorized to carry 10 passengers or more may conduct
flight without a Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) under the following
(1) Comply with the Visual Flight Rules (VFR) during flight from point of
departure to the point of destination where both points are located in a
mountainous area.
(2) Applicable only for domestic flights. International flight approval is required
from local authorities prior to flight
(3) Must have an established Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to conduct
operation without GPWS installed.
(c) For a Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) required by this section, the
Airplane Flight Manual shall contain
(ii) Proper flight crew action with respect to the equipment; and
(d) No person may deactivate a Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) required
by this section except under procedures in the Airplane Flight Manual.
(e) Whenever a Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) required by this section
is deactivated, an entry shall be made in the airplane maintenance record that
includes the date and time of deactivation.
(f) Requirements set forth in Sub-Part K point 135.319(a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) exempted
for aircraft Bell 412 SP, Bell 412 EP, CASA 212-100 and SD3-30 which has been
registered and operating in Indonesia.
(g) Requirements set forth in Sub-Part K point 135.319 for aircraft DHC 6-300 and
CASA 212-200, which has been registered and operating in Indonesia, pending its
application no later than December 31, 2012.
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(a) (1) No person may operate a turbine-powered aeroplane configured with 10 or more
passenger seats, excluding any pilot seat, after November 30, 2009, unless that
aeroplane is equipped with an approved Terrain Awareness and Warning System
(TAWS) that meets the requirements for Class A equipment in the FAA Technical
Standard Order (TSO)–C151 or its equivalent. The aeroplane must also include an
approved terrain situational awareness display.
(b) [Reserved]
(1) The use of the Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS); and
(2) Proper flight crew reaction in response to the Terrain Awareness and Warning
System (TAWS) audio and visual warnings.
(d) Requirements set forth in Sub-Part K point 135.320(a) and (c) exempted for aircraft
Bell 412 SP, Bell 412 EP, CASA 212-100 and SD3-30 which has been registered
and operating in Indonesia.
(e) Requirements set forth in Sub-Part K point 135.320 for aircraft DHC 6-300 and
CASA 212-200, which has been registered and operating in Indonesia, pending its
application no later than December 31, 2012.
(a) where protective fuses and changeable light bulbs are installed on an aeroplane,
not less than:
(1) two spare fuses for each type and rating used and accessible from the cockpit,
(2) two spare light bulbs of a type and rating used by the essential instruments or
gauges located within the cockpit including at least one spare flood light bulb.
(3) Sufficient spare fuses and light bulbs to ensure any flight attendant station is
adequately lighted to enable such station or control panel to be readily useable.
(b) in the case of a large aircraft, a windshield wiper or equivalent for each pilot station.
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(c) in the case of an aircraft certified under CASR Part 25, a power supply and
distribution system that meets the requirements of Sections 25.1309, 25.1331,
25.1351(a) and (b)(1) through (4), 25.1353, 25.1355, and 25.1431(b) or that is able
to produce and distribute the load for the required instruments and equipment, with
use of an external power supply if any one power source or component of the power
distribution system fails. The use of common elements in the system may be
approved if the Director finds that they are designed to be reasonably protected
against malfunctioning. Engine driven sources of energy, when used, must be on
separate engines.
(d) a means for indicating the adequacy of the power being supplied to required flight
(e) where the aircraft is operated at night or IFR, two independent static pressure
systems, vented to the outside atmospheric pressure so that they will be least
affected by airflow variation or moisture or other foreign matter, and installed so as
to be airtight except for the vent. When a means is provided for transferring an
instrument from its primary operating system to an alternate system, the means
must include a positive positioning control and must be marked to indicate clearly
which system is being used.
(f) for large aircraft, a door between the passenger and pilot compartments, with a
locking means to prevent passengers from opening it without the pilot's permission.
(g) a key for each door that separates a passenger compartment from another
compartment that has emergency exit provisions. The key must be readily available
for each crewmember.
(h) a placard on each door that is the means of access to a required passenger
emergency exit, to indicate that it must be open during takeoff and landing.
(i) a means for the crew, in an emergency to unlock each door that leads to a
compartment that is normally accessible to passengers and that can be locked by
(a) Unless otherwise authorized by the Director General after November 30, 2009, no
person may operate a turbine powered aeroplane that has a passenger seat
configuration, excluding any pilot seat, of 10 to 30 seats unless it is equipped with an
approved Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). If a TCAS II system
is installed, it must be capable of coordinating with TCAS units that meet FAA TSO
C–119 or its equivalent.
(b) The aeroplane flight manual required by 135.143 of this part shall contain the
following information on the TCAS I system required by this section:
(2) An outline of all input sources that must be operating for the TCAS to function
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(c) Requirements set forth in Sub-Part K point 135.322(a) and (b) exempted for aircraft
Bell 412 SP, Bell 412 EP, CASA 212-100 and SD3-30 which has been registered
and operating in Indonesia.
(d) Requirements set forth in Sub-Part K point 135.322 for aircraft DHC 6-300 and
CASA 212-200, which has been registered and operating in Indonesia, pending its
application no later than December 31, 2012.
(a) Except for aircraft certified under CASR Part 25 or an equivalent airworthiness
standard relating to ice protection, no person shall operate an aeroplane into
known, forecast, or actual icing conditions unless:
(1) the aeroplane is certified for flight into known icing conditions, and
(2) is equipped with means for the prevention or removal of ice on the
windshields, wings, empennage, propellers, and other parts of the aeroplane
where ice formation will adversely affect the safety of the aeroplane,
(b) No person may operate an aeroplane into known, forecast, or actual icing
conditions at night unless means are provided for illuminating or otherwise
determining the formation of ice on the parts of the wings that are critical from the
standpoint of ice accumulation. Any illuminating that is used must be of a type that
will not cause glare or reflection that would handicap crewmembers in the
performance of their duties.
(c) No person may release a helicopter, continue to operate a helicopter en route, or
land a helicopter, if in the opinion of the pilot in command or the operator, icing
condition are expected or met that might adversely affect the safety of flight.
No person may operate a turbojet aeroplane, or after December 31, 2000, any
aeroplane that has a passenger seating configuration of 20 or more seats unless the
aeroplane is also equipped with an operable pitot heat indication system that complies
with Section 25.1326 of the CASRs
(a) After March 31, 2004 no air carrier may operate a turbojet or turbine-powered
aircraft having a passenger seating capacity of nine or more and for which two pilots
are required by the certification or operating rules unless:
(1) There is installed in that aircraft, an approved Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR), and
(2) Is continuously operable from a time no later than, the start of the first engine,
until the shut down of the last engine at the end of flight.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (k) of this section, no person may operate under
this part a multi-engine, turbine-engine powered aeroplane or rotorcraft having a
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(b) After August 31, 2009, no person may operate a multiengine, turbine-powered
aeroplane having a passenger seating configuration of 20 to 30 seats or a
multiengine, turbine-powered rotorcraft having a passenger seating configuration of
20 or more seats unless it is equipped with one or more approved flight recorders
that utilize a digital method of recording and storing data, and a method of readily
retrieving that data from the storage medium. The parameters in appendix D or E of
this part, as applicable, that are set forth below, must be recorded within the ranges,
accuracies, resolutions, and sampling intervals as specified.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this section for aircraft type certificated
before October 1, 1969, the following parameters must be recorded:
(i) Time;
(ii) Altitude;
(iii) Airspeed;
(v) Heading;
(2) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this section for aircraft type certificated
after September 30, 1969, the following parameters must be recorded:
(i) Time;
(ii) Altitude;
(iii) Airspeed;
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(v) Heading;
(vi) Time of each radio transmission either to or from air traffic control;
(3) For aircraft manufactured after October 11, 1991, all of the parameters listed in
appendix D or E of this part, as applicable, must be recorded.
(c) Whenever a flight recorder required by this section is installed, it must be operated
continuously from the instant the aeroplane begins the takeoff roll or the rotorcraft
begins the lift-off until the aeroplane has completed the landing roll or the rotorcraft
has landed at its destination.
(d) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, and except for recorded data
erased as authorized in this paragraph, each certificate holder shall keep the
recorded data prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section until the aircraft has been
operating for at least 25 hours of the operating time specified in paragraph (c) of this
section. In addition, each certificate holder shall keep the recorded data prescribed
in paragraph (b) of this section for an aeroplane until the aeroplane has been
operating for at least 25 hours, and for a rotorcraft until the rotorcraft has been
operating for at least 10 hours, of the operating time specified in paragraph (c) of this
section. A total of 1 hour of recorded data may be erased for the purpose of testing
the flight recorder or the flight recorder system. Any erasure made in accordance
with this paragraph must be of the oldest recorded data accumulated at the time of
testing. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, no record need be kept
more than 60 days.
(e) In the event of an accident or occurrence that requires the immediate notification of
the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) under CASR Part 830 and
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
that results in termination of the flight, the certificate holder shall remove the
recording media from the aircraft and keep the recorded data required by
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section for at least 60 days or for a longer period upon
request of the Committee or the DGCA.
(f) (1) For aeroplanes manufactured on or before August 18, 2000, and all other
aircraft, each flight recorder required by this section must be installed in accordance
with the requirements of 23.1459, 25.1459, 27.1459, or 29.1459, as appropriate, of
the CASR. The correlation required by paragraph (c) of sections 23.1459, 25.1459,
27.1459, or 29.1459, as appropriate, of the CASR need be established only on one
aircraft of a group of aircraft:
(ii) On which the flight recorder models and their installations are the same; and
(iii) On which there are no differences in the type designs with respect to the
installation of the first pilot's instruments associated with the flight recorder. The
most recent instrument calibration, including the recording medium from which this
calibration is derived, and the recorder correlation must be retained by the certificate
(2) For aeroplanes manufactured after August 18, 2000, each flight data recorder
system required by this section must be installed in accordance with the
requirements of 23.1459 (a), (b), (d) and (e), or 25.1459 (a), (b), (d), and (e) of the
CASR. A correlation must be established between the values recorded by the flight
data recorder and the corresponding values being measured. The correlation must
contain a sufficient number of correlation points to accurately establish the
conversion from the recorded values to engineering units or discrete state over the
full operating range of the parameter. Except for aeroplanes having separate altitude
and airspeed sensors that are an integral part of the flight data recorder system, a
single correlation may be established for any group of aeroplanes—
(ii) On which the flight recorder system and its installation are the same; and
(iii) On which there is no difference in the type design with respect to the installation
of those sensors associated with the flight data recorder system. Documentation
sufficient to convert recorded data into the engineering units and discrete values
specified in the applicable appendix must be maintained by the certificate holder.
(g) Each flight recorder required by this section that records the data specified in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section must have an approved device to assist in
locating that recorder under water.
(h) The operational parameters required to be recorded by digital flight data recorders
required by paragraphs (i) and (j) of this section are as follows, the phrase “when an
information source is installed” following a parameter indicates that recording of that
parameter is not intended to require a change in installed equipment.
(1) Time;
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(4) Heading—primary flight crew reference (if selectable, record discrete, true or
(19) Pitch trim surface position or parameters of paragraph (h)(82) of this section if
currently recorded;
(20) Trailing edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (except when parameters of
paragraph (h)(85) of this section apply);
(21) Leading edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (except when parameters of
paragraph (h)(86) of this section apply);
(22) Each Thrust reverser position (or equivalent for propeller aeroplane);
(23) Ground spoiler position or speed brake selection (except when parameters of
paragraph (h)(87) of this section apply);
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(25) Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) modes and engagement status,
including autothrottle;
(31) Air/ground sensor (primary aeroplane system reference nose or main gear);
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(62) Engine warning each engine vibration (when an information source is installed);
(63) Engine warning each engine over temp. (when an information source is
(64) Engine warning each engine oil pressure low (when an information source is
(65) Engine warning each engine over speed (when an information source is
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(88) All cockpit flight control input forces (control wheel, control column, rudder
(i) For all turbine-engine powered aeroplanes with a seating configuration, excluding
any required crewmember seat, of 10 to 30 passenger seats, manufactured after
August 18, 2000—
(1) The parameters listed in paragraphs (h)(1) through (h)(57) of this section must be
recorded within the ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and recording intervals
specified in Appendix F of this part.
(2) Commensurate with the capacity of the recording system, all additional
parameters for which information sources are installed and which are connected
to the recording system must be recorded within the ranges, accuracies,
resolutions, and sampling intervals specified in Appendix F of this part.
(k) For aircraft manufactured before August 18, 1997, the following aircraft types need
not comply with this section: Bell 212, Bell 214ST, Bell 412, Bell 412SP, Boeing
Chinook (BV–234), Boeing/Kawasaki Vertol 107 (BV/KV–107–II), deHavilland
DHC–6, Eurocopter Puma 330J, Sikorsky 58, Sikorsky 61N, Sikorsky 76A.
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(l) Requirements set forth in Sub-Part K point 135.329(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i)
and (j) exempted for aircraft Bell 412 SP, Bell 412 EP, CASA 212-100 and SD3-30
which has been registered and operating in Indonesia.
(m) Requirements set forth in Sub-Part K point 135.329 for aircraft DHC 6-300 and
CASA 212-200, which has been registered and operating in Indonesia, pending its
application no later than December 31, 2012.
(a) No person may operate an aircraft with a seating capacity of more than 19
passengers unless it is equipped with a public address system which:
(1) is capable of operation independent of the crewmember interphone system except
for handsets, headsets, microphones, selector switches, and signalling devices,
(2) is approved in accordance with Section 21.305 of the CASRs:
(3) is accessible for immediate use from each of two flight crewmember stations in
the pilot compartment,
(4) is audible at all passenger seats, lavatories, and flight attendant seats and
work stations: and
(5) for transport category airplanes manufactured on or after December 1996,
meets the requirements of Section 25.1423 of the CASRs.
(b) Each aircraft with a cabin certified for more than 19 passenger seats must have
available at each required floor level emergency exit, a public address system
microphone which:
(1) is readily accessible to each flight attendant while seated in any flight
attendant seat adjacent to such exit,
(2) is capable of operation within 10 seconds by a flight attendant at each required
flight attendant station required by this Subsection, and in the passenger
compartment from which its use is accessible:
(a) No person may operate an aircraft with a seating capacity of more than 19
passengers unless the aeroplane is equipped with a crewmember interphone
system that:
(1) is capable of operation independent of the public address system except for
handsets, headsets, microphones, selector switches, and signaling devices:
(2) meets the requirements of Paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) The crewmember interphone system required by Paragraph (a) of this section must
be approved in accordance with Section 21.305 of the CASRs and meet the
following requirements:
(1) it must provide a means of two-way communication between the pilot
compartment, and
(i) each passenger compartment: and
(ii) each galley located on other than the main passenger deck level.
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(2) it must be accessible for immediate use from each of two flight crewmember
stations in the pilot compartment:
(3) it must be accessible for use from at least one normal flight attendant station in
each passenger compartment:
(4) it must be capable of operation within 10 seconds by a flight attendant at those
stations in each passenger compartment from which its use is accessible: and
(5) for large turbojet powered airplanes:
(i) it must be accessible for use at enough flight attendant stations so that
all floor-level emergency exits (or entryways to those exits in the case of
exits located within galleys) in each passenger compartment are
observable from one or more of those stations so equipped:
(ii) it must have an alerting system incorporating aural or visual signals for
use by flight crewmembers to alert flight attendants and for use by flight
attendants to alert flight crewmembers:
(iii) the alerting system required by Paragraph (b)(5)(ii) of this section must
have a means for the recipient of a call to determine whether it is a
normal call or an emergency call: and
(iv) when the aeroplane is on the ground, it must provide a means of two-way
communication between ground personnel and either of at least two flight
crewmembers in the pilot compartment. The interphone system station
for use by ground personnel must be so located that personnel using the
system may avoid visible detection from within the aeroplane.
(b) Crewmembers.
(1) No person may act as a crewmember of an aircraft operated at cabin pressure
altitudes between 10,000 and 12,000 feet ASL inclusive, for more than 30
minutes duration unless supplemental oxygen is provided for and used by
such crewmember.
(2) Oxygen must be provided and used by each crewmember assigned to duty
onboard an aircraft during flight time where the cabin pressure altitudes are
above 12,000 feet ASL.
(3) When a flight crewmember is required to use oxygen, he must use it
continuously, except when necessary to remove the oxygen mask or other
dispenser in connection with his regular duties or physiological needs.
(4) For the purposes of this part, standby crewmembers who have been
scheduled for duty onboard that aircraft at any point during the flight time shall
comply with this Subsection.
(c) Passengers. Each air carrier shall provide a supply of oxygen, approved for
passenger safety, in accordance with the following:
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(1) For flights of more than 30 minutes duration at cabin pressure altitudes above
8,000 feet up to and including 14,000 feet, enough oxygen for 30 minutes for
10 percent of the passengers.
(2) For flights at cabin pressure altitudes above 14,000 feet up to and including
15,000 feet, enough oxygen for that part of the flight at those altitudes for 30
percent of the passengers.
(3) For flights at cabin pressure altitudes above 15,000 feet, enough oxygen for
each passenger carried during the entire flight at those altitudes.
(a) When operating a reciprocating engine powered aeroplane pressurized cabin, each
air carrier shall equip the aeroplane to comply with Paragraphs (b) through (d) of
this section in the event of cabin pressurization failure.
(b) For crewmembers. When operating at flight altitudes above 10,000 feet, each
crewmember must have sufficient oxygen for the entire flight at those altitudes and
not less than a two hour supply for each flight crewmember on flight deck duty. The
required two hours supply of oxygen shall be determined by assuming a constant
rate of descent from the airplane's maximum certified operating altitude, to 10,000
feet in ten minutes and thereafter for 110 minutes at 10,000 feet.
(c) For passengers. When operating at flight altitudes above 8,000 feet, the air carrier
shall provide oxygen as follows:
(1) When an aeroplane is not flown at a flight altitude above flight level 250,
enough oxygen for 30 minutes for 10 percent of the passengers, if at any point
along the route to be flown the aeroplane can safely descend to a flight
altitude of 14,000 feet or less within four minutes.
(2) If the aeroplane cannot descend to a flight altitude of 14,000 feet or less within
four minutes, the following supply of oxygen must be provided:
(i) For that part of the flight that is more than four minutes duration at flight
altitudes above 15,000 feet, the supply required by Section
(ii) For that part of the flight at flight altitudes above 14,000 feet, up to and
including 15,000 feet, the supply required by Section 135.339(c)(2).
(iii) For flight at flight altitudes above 8,000 feet up to and including 14,000
feet, enough oxygen for 30 minutes for 10 percent of the passengers.
(3) When an aeroplane is flown at a flight altitude above flight level 250, enough
oxygen for 30 minutes for 10 percent of the passengers for the entire flight
(including emergency descent) above 8,000 feet, up to and including 14,000 feet,
and to comply with Section 135.339(c)(2) and (3) for flight above 14,000 feet.
(d) For the purposes of this section it is assumed that the cabin pressurization failure
occurs at a time during flight that is critical from the standpoint of oxygen need and
that after the failure the aeroplane will descend, without exceeding its normal
operating limitations, to flight altitudes allowing safe flight with respect to terrain
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(a) General. When operating a turbine engine powered aeroplane, each air carrier shall
equip the aeroplane with supplemental oxygen and dispensing equipment for use
as set forth in this section:
(1) The amount of oxygen provided must be sufficient to comply with Paragraphs
(b) and (c) of this section.
(2) The amount of supplemental and first aid oxygen required by this section is
determined on the basis of cabin altitudes and flight duration, consistent with
aircraft operational and route limitations.
(3) In making such calculations it must be assumed that loss of cabin pressure will
occur at the most critical point during the flight in terms of altitude and position.
It must also be assumed the immediately after the loss of pressure, the
aeroplane will descend in accordance with the emergency procedures
specified in the Airplane Flight Manual, to a flight altitude that will allow
successful termination of the flight.
(b) Crewmembers.
(1) No person may act as a crewmember of an aircraft operated at cabin pressure
altitudes between 10,000 and 12,000 feet ASL inclusive, for more than 30
minutes duration unless supplemental oxygen is provided for and used by
such crewmember.
(2) Oxygen must be provided and used by each crewmember assigned to duty
onboard an aircraft during flight time where the cabin pressure altitudes are
above 12,000 feet ASL.
(3) When a flight crewmember is required to use oxygen, he must use it
continuously, except when necessary to remove the oxygen mask or other
dispenser in connection with his regular duties or physiological needs.
(4) For the purposes of this Subpart, standby crewmembers who have been
scheduled for duty on board that aircraft at any point during the flight time,
shall comply with this Subsection.
(c) Passengers. Each air carrier shall provide a supply of oxygen for passengers in
accordance with the following:
(1) For flights at cabin altitudes between 10,000 feet, and 14,000 feet inclusive,
sufficient oxygen for 10 percent of the passengers for that part of the flight
flown at such altitudes for more than 30 minutes duration.
(2) For flights at cabin pressure altitudes above 14,000 feet, up to and including
15,000 feet, enough oxygen for that part of the flight at those altitudes for 30
percent of the passengers.
(3) For flights at cabin pressure altitudes above 15,000 feet, enough oxygen for
each passenger carried during the entire flight at those altitudes.
(a) General. When operating a turbine engine powered aeroplane with a pressurized
cabin, the air carrier shall furnish oxygen and dispensing equipment to comply with
Paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section in the event of the loss of cabin pressure.
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(b) Crewmembers. When operating at flight altitudes above 10,000 feet, the air carrier
shall supply enough oxygen to comply with Section 135.339, but not less than a two
hour supply for each flight crewmember on flight deck duty. The required two hours
supply shall be calculated in the same manner as in Subsection 135.337(b). The
oxygen required in the event of cabin pressurization failure by Section 135.339 may be
included in determining the supply required for flight crewmembers on flight deck duty.
(d) Use of portable oxygen equipment by cabin attendants. Each attendant shall, during
flight above flight level 250 flight altitude, carry portable oxygen equipment with at
least a 15 minute supply of oxygen unless it is shown that enough portable oxygen
units with masks or spare outlets and masks are distributed throughout the cabin to
ensure immediate availability of oxygen to each cabin attendant, regardless of his
location at the time of cabin depressurization.
(e) Passenger. When the aeroplane is operating at flight altitudes above 10,000 feet,
the aircraft must be capable of supplying oxygen at the rate prescribed by this part,
to the following passenger cabin occupants:
(1) Where the aeroplane is operated at flight level 250 or below and is able to
descend to 14000 feet ASL within 4 minutes and safely maintain flight at that
altitude, sufficient oxygen to supply 10% of the passengers for 30 minutes.
(2) Where the aeroplane is operated at flight level 250 or below but is not capable
of descending to 14000 feet within 4 minutes or, the aeroplane is operated
above flight level 250 and in either case the cabin altitude remains above
10,000 feet ASL, the supply of oxygen must meet the requirements of
Subsection 135,139(c)(1)(2)(3) as applicable.
(3) Each air carrier must provide a supply of undiluted first aid oxygen in
accordance with CASR 25.1443(d), sufficient for at least 2% of the passengers
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
on board but in no case less than one person. Not less than two first aid
oxygen dispensing units must be provided, with a means for the cabin
attendants to use this supply.
The oxygen apparatus, the minimum rates of oxygen flow, and the supply of oxygen
necessary to comply with this Subpart must meet the standards established by the
DGCA. An air carrier may apply for a deviation pursuant to Section 135.9 of this part
where compliance with the oxygen requirements of this Subpart it would be impractical
and an equivalent level of safety can be achieved.
(b) For compliance with this section, the term "liner" includes any design feature, such as
a joint or fastener, which would affect the capability of the liner to safely contain a fire.
(a) After December 31, 2001 no person may operate a passenger-carrying aeroplane
unless each lavatory in the aeroplane is equipped with a smoke detector system or
equivalent that provides a warning light in the cockpit or provides a warning light or
audio warning in the passenger cabin which would be readily detected by a flight
attendant, taking into consideration the positioning of flight attendants throughout
the passenger compartment during various phases of flight.
(b) After December 31, 2001 no person may operate a passenger-carrying aeroplane
unless each lavatory in the aeroplane is equipped with a built-in fire extinguisher for
each disposal receptacle for towels, paper, or waste located within the lavatory. The
built-in fire extinguisher must be designed to discharge automatically into each
disposal receptacle upon occurrence of a fire in the receptacle.
(a) General: No person shall operate an aeroplane unless it is equipped with the
emergency equipment listed in this Subpart.
(b) Each item of emergency and flotation equipment listed in this Subpart:
(1) must be inspected regularly in accordance with inspection periods established
in the operations specifications to ensure its condition for continued
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(c) Hand fire extinguishers for crew, passenger, cargo, and galley compartments. Hand
fire extinguishers of an approved type must be provided for use in crew, passenger,
cargo, and galley compartments in accordance with the following:
(1) The type and quantity of extinguishing agent must be suitable for the kinds of
fires likely to occur in the compartment where the extinguisher is intended to
be used and, for passenger compartments, must be designed to minimize the
hazard of toxic gas concentrations.
(2) Cargo compartments. At least one hand fire extinguisher must be conveniently
located for use in each cargo compartment that is accessible to crewmembers
during flight.
(3) Galley compartments. At least one hand fire extinguisher must be conveniently
located for use in each galley located in a compartment other than a
passenger, cargo, or crew compartment.
(4) Flight crew compartment. At least one hand fire extinguisher must be
conveniently located on the flight deck for use by the flight crew.
(5) Passenger compartments. At least one hand fire extinguisher must be
conveniently located in the passenger compartment of each aircraft having a
passenger seating configuration of 10 or more seats for both commuter and
charter air operators.
(6) Notwithstanding the requirement for uniform distribution of hand fire
extinguishers as prescribed in Paragraph (c)(5) of this section, for those cases
where a galley is located in a passenger compartment, at least one hand fire
extinguisher must be conveniently located and easily accessible for use in the
(7) At least one of the required hand fire extinguisher installed in
passenger-carrying airplanes must contain Halon 1211
(bromochlorofluoromethane) or equivalent as the extinguishing agent. Where
only one of the extinguishers carried onboard the aeroplane is of a Halon 1211
type, that extinguisher must be located in the passenger cabin.
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(2) In airplanes for which a flight attendant is required, an emergency medical kit
containing the following medical supplies.
Emergency Medical Kit Contents Quantity
sphygmomanometer 1
Stethoscope 1
Airways, oropharyngeal (3 sizes) 3
Syringes(as required to administer drugs) 4
Needles (as required to administer drugs) 6
50% Dextrose injection, 50cc 1
Epinephrine1:1000 single ample or equivalent 2
Diphenhydramine HCI injection, single dose ample or equivalent 2
Nitroglycerin Tablets 10
Basic instructions for use of the drugs in the kit 1
(e) Crash axe. Each aeroplane that has a lockable non frangible door separating the
flight deck from the passenger cabin must be equipped with a crash axe that is
readily accessible to the crew but inaccessible to passengers.
(f) After December 31, 2000, no person shall operate an aeroplane having a
passenger seating configuration of more than 19 seats unless it has the following
additional emergency equipment:
(1) Means for emergency evacuation. Each passenger-carrying landplane
emergency exit (other than over the wing) that is more than 6 feet from the
ground with the aeroplane on the ground and the landing gear extended, must
have an approved means to assist the occupants in descending to the ground.
The assisting means for a floor-level emergency exit must meet the
requirements under which the aeroplane was type certificated. An assisting
means that deploys automatically must be armed during taxiing, takeoffs, and
landings. However, if the Director finds that the design of the exit makes
compliance impractical, he may grant a deviation from the requirement of
automatic deployment if the assisting means automatically erects upon
(2) Interior emergency exit marking. The following must be complied with for each
passenger-carrying aeroplane:
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(i) Each passenger emergency exit, its means of access, and its means of
opening must be conspicuously marked. The identity and location of
each passenger emergency exit must be recognizable from a distance
equal to the width of the cabin. The location of each passenger
emergency exit must be indicated by a sign visible to occupants
approaching along the main passenger aisle. There must be a locating
(ii) Above the aisle near each over the wing passenger emergency exit, or
at another ceiling location if it is more practical because of low
(iii) Next to each floor-level passenger emergency exit, except that one sign
may serve two such exits if they both can be seen readily from that sign:
(iv) On each bulkhead or divider that prevents fore and aft vision along the
passenger cabin, to indicate emergency exits beyond and obscured by
it, except that if this is not possible the sign may be placed at another
appropriate location.
(3) Each passenger emergency exit marking and each locating sign must meet
the requirements under which the aeroplane was type certificated. On
airplanes whose type certificate was filed with the country of manufacture prior
to May 1, 1972 no sign may continue to be used if its Luminescence
(brightness) decreases to below 100 microlamberts.
For an aeroplane for which the type certificate was filed with the country of
manufacture on or after May 1, 1972, each passenger emergency exit marking
and each locating sign must be manufactured to meet the interior emergency
exit marking requirements under which the aeroplane was type certificated. On
these airplanes, no sign may continue to be used if its luminescence
(brightness) decreases to below 250 microlamberts.
(4) Lighting for interior emergency exit markings. Each passenger-carrying
aeroplane must have an emergency lighting system, independent of the main
lighting system. However, sources of general cabin illumination may be
common to both the emergency and the main lighting systems if the power
supply to the emergency lighting system is independent of the power supply to
the main lighting system. The emergency lighting system must-
(i) Illuminate each passenger exit marking and locating sign:
(ii) Provide enough general lighting in the passenger cabin so that the
average illumination when measured at 40-inch intervals at seat armrest
height, on the centerline of the main passenger aisle, is at least 0.05
foot-candles: and
(iii) For airplanes type certificated by the country of manufacture after
January 1, 1958, include floor proximity emergency escape path
marking which meets the requirements of Section 25.812(e) of the
CASRs in effect December 1996.
(5) Emergency light operation. Except for lights forming part of emergency lighting
subsystems provided in compliance with Section 25.812(h) of the CASRs (as
prescribed in Paragraph (f) of this section) that serve no more than one assist
means, are independent of the airplane's main emergency lighting systems, and
are automatically activated when the assist means is deployed, each light
required by Paragraphs (c) and (f) of this section must comply with the following:
(i) Each light must:
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(A) Be operable manually both from the flight crew station and, for
airplanes on which a flight attendant is required, from a point in the
passenger compartment that is readily accessible to a normal flight
attendant seat:
(B) Have a means to prevent inadvertent operation of the manual
(C) When armed or turned on at either station, remain lighted or become
lighted upon interruption of the airplane's normal electric power.
(ii) Each light must be armed or turned on during taxiing, takeoff, and
landing. In showing compliance with this paragraph a transverse vertical
separation of the fuselage need not be considered.
(iii) Each light must provide the required level of illumination for at least 10
minutes at the critical ambient conditions after emergency landing.
Each light must have a cockpit control device that has an "on," "off," and
"armed" position.
(6) Emergency exit operating handles.
For a passenger-carrying aeroplane the location of each passenger
emergency exit operating handle and instructions for opening the exit must be
shown in accordance with the requirements under which the aeroplane was
type certificated. On these airplanes, no operating handle or operating handle
cover may continue to be used if its luminescence (brightness) decreases to
below 100 microlamberts.
(7) Emergency exit access. Access to emergency exits must be provided as
follows for each passenger-carrying transport category aeroplane:
(i) Each passage way between individual passenger areas, or leading to a
Type I or Type II emergency exit, must be unobstructed and at least 20
inches wide.
(ii) There must be enough space next to each Type I or Type II emergency
exit to allow a crewmember to assist in the evacuation of passengers
without reducing the unobstructed width of the passageway below that
required in Paragraph (f)(1) of this section. However the Director may
authorize deviation from this requirement for airplanes certificated prior
to CASR 25 if he finds that special circumstances exist that provide an
equivalent level of safety.
(iii) There must be access from the main aisle to each Type III and Type IV
exit. The access from the aisle to these exits must not be obstructed by
seats, berths, or other protrusions in a manner that would reduce the
effectiveness of the exit. In addition:
(A) For an aeroplane which was type certificated prior to CASR 25 the
access must meet the requirements under which the aeroplane
was type certificated.
(B) The access for an aeroplane type certificated under CASR 25
must meet the requirements of Section 25.813(c) in effect
December 1996.
(C) Contrary provisions of this section notwithstanding, the DGCA may
authorize deviation from the requirements of Paragraph (f)(2)(iii) of
this section if it is determined that special circumstances make
compliance impractical. Such special circumstances include, but
are not limited to, the following conditions when they preclude
achieving compliance with Section 25.813(c)(1)(i) or (ii) without a
reduction in the total number of passenger seats: emergency exits
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(13) Floor level exits. Each floor level door or exit in the side of the fuselage (other
than those leading into a cargo or baggage compartment that is not accessible
from the passenger cabin) that is 44 or more inches high and 20 or more
inches wide, but not wider than 46 inches: each passenger ventral exit: and
each tail cone exit, must meet the requirements of this section for floor-level
emergency exits. However, the Director may grant a deviation from this
paragraph if he finds that circumstances make full compliance impractical and
that an acceptable level of safety has been achieved.
(14) Additional emergency exits. Approved emergency exits in the passenger
compartments that are in excess of the minimum number of required
emergency exits must meet all of the applicable provisions of this section
except Paragraphs (f)(1), (2), and (3) of this section and must be readily
(15) On each large passenger-carrying turbojet-powered aeroplane, each ventral
exit and tailcone exit must be:
(i) Designed and constructed so that it cannot be opened during flight: and
(ii) Marked with a placard readable from a distance of 30 inches and
installed at a conspicuous location near the means of opening the exit,
stating that the exit has been designed and constructed so that it cannot
be opened during flight.
(16) Portable lights. No person may operate a passenger-carrying aeroplane
unless it is equipped with flashlight stowage provisions accessible from each
flight attendant seat.
(a) Except for the purpose of take off and landing, no air carrier shall operate any single
engine aeroplane carrying passengers, over water beyond gliding distance from
shore unless,
(1) The aeroplane is of a type or configuration designed to take off or land on the
water and is not operated more than 50 nautical miles from shore, and
(2) Each occupant on board that aircraft is provided, a life preserver or approved
floatation device.
(b) Except as provided by Paragraph (5), below, no person may operate a multi-engine
aeroplane in passenger carrying operations more than 30 minutes flying time or 100
nautical miles from shore unless:
(1) Each occupant on board that aircraft is provided, a life preserver equipped
with an approved survivor locator light,
(2) There are on board that aeroplane, sufficient life rafts of a rated capacity and
buoyancy to accommodate all the occupants on board that aeroplane and
equipped with an approved survivor locator light. Unless excess rafts of
enough capacity are provided, the buoyancy and seating capacity of the rafts
must accommodate all occupants of the aeroplane in the event of a loss of
one raft of the largest rated capacity.
(3) At least one pyrotechnic and reflective signaling device for each life raft. Such
reflective devices must have a means of aiming the device at the intended
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
(4) Two approved survival type emergency locator transmitters, one of which
shall be automatic. Batteries used in these transmitters must be replaced (or
recharged, if the battery is rechargeable when the transmitters has been in
use for more than 1 cumulative hour, or when 50 percent of their useful life
(or for rechargeable batteries, 50 percent of their useful life of charge) has
expired, as established by the transmitter manufacturer under its
approval. The new expiration date for replacing (or recharging) the
battery must be legibly marked on the outside of the transmitters. The
battery useful life (or useful life of charge) requirements of this paragraph do
not apply to batteries (such as water activated batteries) that are essentially
unaffected during storage intervals.
(5) By amending the operations specifications of the air carrier, the Director
General may authorize less than all the items of equipment listed above be
carried for all overwater operations. Or, after application by the air carrier,
the Director General may issue a Letter of Deviation Authority granting relief
from carrying specific items of equipment listed above for a specific overwater
(c) The required life rafts, life preservers, and survival type emergency locator
transmitter must be easily accessible in the event of a ditching without appreciable
time for preparatory procedures. This equipment must be installed in conspicuously
marked, approved locations.
(d) A survival kit, appropriately equipped for the route to be flown, must be attached to
each required life raft.
No person may operate a single engine helicopter over water beyond autorotative
gliding distance from the land unless it is equipped with the following equipment:
(1) Helicopter flotation devices.
(2) A life preserver (or other adequate individual flotation device) for each
(3) Any other equipment that the Director determines is necessary for safety for a
particular operation.
(a) Except as provided in Paragraph (b) of this section, no person may operate an
aeroplane that has a passenger configuration of 10 or more seats used in commuter
operations in any overwater operation after December 31, 2000 unless:
(1) it is equipped with a life preserver or an approved flotation device for each
occupant, and
(2) such device is within easy reach of each seated occupant and must be readily
removable from the aeroplane.
(b) Upon application by the air carrier, the Director may approve the operation of an
aeroplane over water without the life preservers or flotation devices required by
Subsection (a) of this section, if the operator shows that the water over which the
12 January 2012 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 8
aeroplane is to be operated is not of such size and depth that life preservers or
flotation means would be required for the survival of its occupants in the event the
flight terminates in that water.
(a) No person may conduct operations over an uninhabited area or any other area that
(in its operations specifications) the Director General specifies required equipment
for search and rescue in case of an emergency, Unless the aircraft has the
following equipment,
(1) Suitable pyrotechnic and reflective signaling devices. Such reflective devices
must have a means of aiming the device at the intended target;
(2) Two approved survival type emergency locator transmitter, one of which
shall be automatic. Batteries used in these transmitters must be replaced (or
recharged, if the battery is rechargeable) when the transmitters has been in
use for more than 1 cumulative hour, or when 50 percent of their useful life
(or for rechargeable batteries, 50 percent of their useful life of charge) has
expired, as established by the transmitter manufacturer under its
approval. The new expiration date for replacing (or recharging) the
battery must be legibly marked on the outside of the transmitters. The
battery useful life (or useful life of charge) requirements of this paragraph do
not apply to batteries (such as water activated batteries) that are essentially
unaffected during probable storage intervals;
(3) Enough survival kits, appropriately equipped for the route to be flown for the
number of occupants of the aeroplane; and
(4) Portable radio transmitter of a type approved by the Director General for the
operation being undertaken.
(b) Requirements set forth in Sub-Part K point 135.357(a) exempted for aircraft Bell 412
SP, Bell 412 EP, CASA 212-100 and SD3-30 which has been registered and
operating in Indonesia.
(c) Requirements set forth in Sub-Part K point 135.357 for aircraft DHC 6-300 and
CASA 212-200, which has been registered and operating in Indonesia, pending its
application no later than December 31, 2012.
135.359 [Reserved]
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
135.361 Applicability
(a) Except as provided by paragraph (b) of this section, this subpart prescribes
requirements for maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations for each
certificate holder.
(b) The Director may amend a certificate holder’s operations specifications to permit
deviation from those provisions of this subpart that would prevent the return to
service and use of airframe components, powerplants, appliances, and spare parts
thereof because those items have been maintained, altered, or inspected by
persons employed outside Indonesia who do not hold Indonesia licenses. Each
certificate holder who uses parts under this deviation must provide for surveillance
of facilities and practices to ensure that all work performed on these parts is
accomplished in accordance with the certificate holder’s Company Maintenance
Manual (CMM).
(b) Each certificate holder may make arrangements with another person for the
performance of any maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alteration. However,
this does not relieve certificate holder of the responsibility specified in paragraph (a)
of this section.
(a) Each certificate holder that performs any of its maintenance (other than required
inspections), preventive maintenance, or alterations, and each person with whom it
arranges for the performance of that work, must have an organization adequate to
perform the work.
(b) Each certificate holder that perform any inspection required by its company
maintenance manual under Section 135.369, (in this subpart referred to as required
inspections), and each person with whom it arranges for the performance of that
work, must have an organization adequate to perform that work.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
be below the level of administrative control at which overall responsibility for the
required inspection functions and other maintenance, preventive maintenance, and
alteration functions is exercised.
(a) Each certificate holder shall have an inspection program and a program covering
other maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations, that ensures that:
(1) Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations performed by it, or by
other persons, are performed in accordance with:
(i) The certificate holder’s manual; and
(ii) Approved continuous airworthiness maintenance program;
(2) Competent personnel and adequate facilities and equipment are provided for
the proper performance of maintenance, preventive maintenance, and
alterations; and
(3) Each aircraft released to service is airworthy and has been properly
maintained for operation under this part.
(b) (1) Each certificate holder who operates an aircraft type certificated for a
passenger seating configuration, excluding any pilot seat, of nine seats or
less, must comply with the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance
programs and approved by the Director, or approved aircraft inspection
program, for each aircraft engine, propeller, rotor, and each item of emergency
equipment required by the CASRs.
(2) For the purpose of this paragraph (b)(1), a manufacturer’s maintenance
program is one which is contained in the maintenance manual or maintenance
instructions set forth by the manufacturer as required by the CASRs for the
aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, rotor or item of emergency equipment.
(c) Whenever the Director finds that revisions to an approved maintenance program
are necessary for the continued adequacy of the program, the certificate holder
shall, after notification by the Director, make any changes in the program found by
the Director to be necessary.
(d) For each single engine aircraft to be used in IFR operations, the certificate holder
must incorporate into its maintenance program either:
(1) the manufacturer's recommended engine trend monitoring program, which
includes an oil analysis, if appropriate; or
(2) an approved engine trend monitoring program that includes an oil analysis at
each 100 hour interval or at the manufacturer's suggested interval, whichever
is more frequent.
(3) procedures for recording and maintaining in the engine maintenance records
the results of each test, observation, and inspection required by the applicable
engine trend monitoring program specified in paragraph (d)(1) and (d)(2) of
this section.
(e) For single engine aircraft to be used in IFR operations, written maintenance
instructions containing the methods, techniques, and practices necessary to
maintain the autopilot, navigation and flight equipment specified in Section
135.21(d) must be contained in the aircraft maintenance program.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(f) Changes from one maintenance program to another. When an operator changes
from one maintenance program to another, the time in service, calendar times, or
cycles of operation accumulated under the previous program must be calculated
to determine inspection due times under the new program.
Each certificate holder that performs any of its maintenance, preventive maintenance, or
alteration, and each person with whom it arranges for the performance of that work
must meet the following requirements of:
The certificate holder shall provide the Director with a Company Maintenance Manual
approved by DGCA which shall contain:
(a) a statement signed by the Chief Executive, on behalf of the applicant's organization,
confirming that the company maintenance manual:
(1) defines the organization and demonstrate its means and methods for ensuring
ongoing compliance with this CASR; and
(2) will be complied with at all times; and
(b) procedures to control, amend and distribute the company maintenance manual to
each of its supervisory personnel and make it available to its other personnel in their
work area. The certificate holder is responsible for seeing that all supervisory and
inspection personnel thoroughly understand the company maintenance manual;
(d) the duties and responsibilities of the person or persons specified in paragraph (c)
including matters for which they have responsibility to deal directly with the Director
on behalf of the Certificate holder;
(e) a list of persons with whom it has arranged for the performance of any of its
required inspections, other maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations,
including a general description of that work;
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(f) details of the applicant's staffing structure, or the persons with whom the certificate
holder has arranged to carry out the maintenance, at each of its maintenance
locations listed under paragraph (g) below;
(g) details of all locations where the applicant conducts maintenance and the facilities
at those locations;
(h) procedures regarding maintenance to be carried out at locations not listed in the
company maintenance manual;
(i) the procedures and programs required by CASR 135.367 that must be followed in
performing maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations of that certificate
holder’s airplanes, including airframes, aircraft engines, propellers, appliances,
emergency equipment, and parts thereof;
(k) Samples of inspection forms, tags, and the method of executing them; and
(l) detailed description of the scope of work undertaken by the applicant; and details of
the applicant's procedures regarding:
(1) the responsibilities for airworthiness;
(2) arrangements made for the performance of maintenance by other persons;
(3) the provision of adequate housing and facilities;
(4) the provision of adequate equipment and materials;
(5) the provision of satisfactory storage and segregation of spare parts;
(6) procedures, standards, and limits necessary for periodic inspection and
calibration of precision tools, measuring devices, and test equipment;
(7) performance standards;
(8) inspection of work performed;
(9) all required inspection procedures including the method and procedures for
performing required inspections and a designation by occupational title of
personnel authorized to perform each required inspection;
(10) competence of personnel;
(11) the internal inspection system of the organization in a manner easily
understood by any employee of the organization including the continuity of
inspection responsibility;
(12) the internal quality assurance of the organization;
(13) on-going training of personnel;
(14) the method for controlling engineer duty time;
(15) the method of recording the scope of approvals granted to supervisors and
inspection personnel;
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
For the purpose of these regulations Required Inspection are items of maintenance and
alteration that must be inspected, includes those that could result in a failure,
malfunction, or defect endangering the safe operation of the aircraft, if not performed
properly or improper parts or materials are used.
(a) No person may use any person to perform required inspections unless the person
performing the inspection is appropriately licensed, properly trained, qualified, and
authorized to do so.
(b) No person may allow any person to perform a required inspection unless, at that
time, the person performing that inspection is under the supervision and control of
an inspection unit.
(c) No person may perform a required inspection if he performed the item of work
required to be inspected.
(d) The decision of an inspector, regarding any required inspection may not be
countermanded by a person other than supervisory personnel of the inspection unit,
or a person at that level of administrative control that has overall responsibility for
the management of both the required inspection functions and the other
maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations functions.
(e) Each person performing a Required Inspection Item (RII), in addition to other types
of maintenance, shall separate these maintenance functions. The separation shall
be below the level of administrative control which has overall responsibility for the
performance of the RIIs and the other maintenance.
(f) In the case of rotorcraft that operate in remote areas or sites, the Director may
approve procedures for the performance of required inspection items by the pilot in
command when no other qualified person is available, provided:
(1) The pilot is employed by the certificate holder;
(2) It can be shown to the satisfaction of the Director that each pilot authorized to
perform required inspections is properly trained and qualified;
(3) The required inspection is a result of a mechanical interruption and is not a
part of a certificate holder's continuous airworthiness maintenance program;
(4) Prior to each takeoff each item is inspected in accordance with the approved
limitations as laid down in the company maintenance manual; and
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(5) Each item of work that is a required inspection item that is a mechanical part
of the flight control system shall be flight tested before the aircraft is approved
for return to service
(a) Each certificate holder shall establish and maintain a system for the continuing
analysis and surveillance of the performance and effectiveness of its inspection
program and the program covering other maintenance, preventive maintenance,
and alterations and for the correction of any deficiency in those programs,
regardless of whether those programs are carried out by the certificate holder or
another person.
(c) The safety policy procedures shall ensure that the safety policy is understood,
implemented, and maintained at all levels of the organization.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(h) The senior person who has the responsibility for internal quality assurance shall
have direct access to the Chief Executive on matters affecting safety.
(i) Whenever the Director finds that either or both of the programs described in
paragraph (a) of this section does not contain adequate procedures and standards
to meet the requirements of this part, the certificate holder shall, after notification by
the Director, make any changes in those programs that are necessary to meet
those requirements.
(b) The training program shall ensure all maintenance personnel receive initial training
and continuation training appropriate to their assigned tasks and responsibilities,
and shall include training in knowledge and skills related to human performance,
including co-ordination with other maintenance personnel and flight crew.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
consecutive hours during any seven consecutive days, or the equivalent thereof within
any one calendar month.
(b) For the purposes of this section, a person “directly in charge” is each person
assigned to a position in which he is responsible for the work of a shop or
organization that performs maintenance, preventive maintenance, alterations, or
other functions affecting aircraft airworthiness. A person who is “directly in charge”
need not physically observe and direct each worker constantly but must be
available for consultation and decision on matters requiring instruction or decision
from higher authority than that of the persons performing the work.
(a) A certificate holder may perform, or it may make arrangements with other persons
to perform, maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations as provided in its
company maintenance manual. In addition, a certificate holder may perform these
functions for another certificate holder as provided in the company maintenance
manual of the other certificate holder. However, this does not relieve the certificate
holder of the responsibility specified in paragraph 135.363(a) of this section.
(b) A certificate holder may approve any aircraft, airframe, engine, propeller, rotors or
appliance for return to service after maintenance, preventive maintenance, or
alterations that are performed under paragraph (a) of this section. However, in the
case of a major repair or major alteration, the work must have been done in
accordance with technical data approved by the Director.
(a) The certificate holder must describe in its company maintenance manual a suitable
system (which may include a coded system) that provides for preservation and
retrieval of information in a manner acceptable to the Director. The following records
shall be kept for the periods specified in paragraph (b) of this section:
(1) All the records necessary to show that all requirements for the issuance of a
maintenance release under CASR 43 and Section 135.709 have been met,
(2) A description (or reference to data acceptable to the Director) of the work
(3) Records of all other maintenance work that it does, identifying by name and
number the licensed engineer who performed or supervised the work, and the
inspector of that work.
(4) Records containing the following information:
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(b) Each certificate holder shall retain the records required to be kept by this section for
the following periods:
(1) Except for the records of the last complete overhaul of each airframe, engine,
propeller, and appliance, the records specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this
section shall be retained until the work is repeated or superseded by other
work or for two years after the work is performed,
(2) The records of the last complete overhaul of each airframe, engine, rotor,
propeller, and appliance shall be retained until the work is superseded by work
of equivalent scope and detail.
(3) The records specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this section shall be retained for a
minimum period of 90 days after the unit to which they refer has been
permanently withdrawn from service.
(c) The certificate holder shall make all maintenance records required to be kept by this
section available for inspection by the Director.
Each certificate holder who sells an Indonesian registered aircraft shall transfer to the
purchaser, at the time of sale, the following records of that aircraft, in plain language
form or in coded form at the election of the purchaser, if the coded form provides for the
preservation and retrieval of information in a manner acceptable to the Director:
(b) The records specified in Section 135.380(a)(1) and (a)(3) which are not included in
the records covered by paragraph (a) of this section, except that the purchaser may
permit the seller to keep physical custody of such records. However, custody of
records in the seller does not relieve the purchaser of his responsibility under
Section 135.380(c) to make the records available for inspection by the Director.
24 Sep 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 5
135.381 Applicability
This subpart prescribes the minimum number and qualifications of the flight operations
personnel required for all air carriers operating under this Part.
(a) No air carrier may operate an aircraft in any air transportation service operated
under this part, with fewer than two pilots, where the aircraft:
(1) is an aeroplane with a certified seating configuration of 10 or more passenger
(2) is carrying passengers and is being operated IFR;
(3) is of a type required by its type certificate to be operated by two or more pilots; or
(4) is operating under special authority where the minimum flight crew is greater
than those specified in this section.
(a) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, an air carrier shall designate prior to each
flight, a pilot in command. Where the crew includes two pilots, flight crew
designation must include, the pilot in command and a second in command. Subject
to Section 135.387 of this Subpart, such crew designations shall remain in force for
the entire flight or series of flights.
(b) Where the minimum number of flight crewmembers required by Section 135.383 of
this subpart, has been increased due to operational needs, the extra crewmembers
shall be assigned a crew designation commensurate with their duties for the period
of time such additional crewmembers are occupying a flight crewmember seat.
(a) In the event a situation is encountered during flight, where the pilot in command is
no longer able to perform his duties as pilot in command, the control and command
of the aircraft shall be relinquished to;
(1) another captain qualified on the type, in accordance with this Part; or
(2) to the assigned second-in-command of the flight.
(b) in any event the non-pilot-flying of a flight, has reason to believe that the pilot-flying
has become incapacitated to the point where the safety of the aircraft has been, or
is certain to become endangered, the non-flying-pilot shall, in a manner described in
the air carrier COM:
(1) notify the incapacitated pilot, of his intention to assume control of the aircraft;
(2) take what ever action is required to re-establish flight stability or control of the
aircraft; and
24 Sep 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 5
(c) Where any succession of command has occurred with the result that the flight
crewmembers operating the aircraft no longer meet the qualification requirements of
this Part, the remaining flight crew member shall as soon as practicable:
(1) notify ATC of the operating irregularity and request appropriate assistance;
(2) within 72 hours after the arrival of such flight, submit a full written report to the
(a) Subject to subsections (b) and (c) of this section, no air carrier shall assign a person
to act and no person shall act as a flight crewmember unless that person:
(1) Holds the flight crew licence, ratings and certificates required by CASR Part 61;
(2) Holds a valid medical certificate issued pursuant to CASR Part 67;
(3) Within the preceding 90 days has completed at least three take-offs and
(i) where a type rating is required, in an aircraft of that type or, in a flight
simulator of that type which has been approved by the Director for take-
off and landing credits;
(ii) where a type rating is not required, in an aircraft of that category, class
and type;
(iii) where the 90 day recency requirement has been exceeded by more
than 30 days, such pilot shall undergo the recency training prescribed in
Subpart N of this part.
(4) Has successfully completed all appropriate phases of training and checking
prescribed in Subpart N;
(5) Is otherwise qualified in accordance with this Subpart.
(b) Notwithstanding Section .139 of part 61, no air carrier shall permit and no person
shall act as the pilot in command of an aircraft with a maximum certified take-off
weight of more than 12500 pounds, unless that person is the holder of an airline
transport pilot licence issued pursuant to Part 61.
(c) No air carrier may assign and no person shall act as second in command of an
aircraft being operated under the instrument flight conditions, unless that person is
the holder of a valid airline transport pilot licence, or a commercial licence with a
valid instrument rating.
(d) The holder of any document required by Subsection (a) of this section, shall carry
such documents at all times when performing the privileges of the documents and
upon request of the Director, present such documents for inspection.
(e) No air carrier shall assign a person to act and no person shall act as the pilot in
command on an aircraft engaged in any air transportation service under this part, if
that person has reached his or her 60th birthday.
24 Sep 2008 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 5
(f) In the case operation with more than one pilot, no air carrier shall assign a person
to act and no person shall act as the pilot in command on an aircraft engaged in
any air transport service under this part if that person has reached his or her 65th
birthday, and the amount of the age of both pilot exceed 115 years.
(g) Airmen who have reached their 65th birthday, may not function as a flight instructors
(airplane), nor may they serve as pilot flight crew members in operations under this
No air carrier shall operate an aircraft with passengers on board, unless at least the
number flight attendants as laid down in Section 135.101 of this part are on board.
(a) No air carrier shall assign and no person shall act in the capacity of a flight
attendant on an aircraft, unless that person,
(1) is the holder of a flight attendant certificate endorsed for the type of aircraft on
which such person is to act,
(2) has successfully completed the air carrier’s approved course of training and
checking appropriate to that type of aircraft as prescribed in Subpart N of this
part, and
(3) is otherwise qualified in accordance with this Subpart, except,
(4) in the case of a person performing flight attendant duties pursuant to
Subsection (c) of section 135.101.
(a) An air carrier shall provide sufficient flight operations officers to meet the operational
control requirements of Subsection 593 (c) of subpart P.
(b) FOO required by this Subpart shall normally be stationed at operational bases or
airports from which the air carrier operated originating flights using aircraft with a
maximum certified take-off weight (MCTOW), of greater than 12500 pounds, or as
prescribed by the Director.
(a) No air carrier shall assign and no person shall act as a flight operations officer for
the purpose of exercising of operational control over a flight unless such person,
(1) is the holder of a flight operations officer licence endorsed for the type of
aircraft being released,
(2) has successfully completed all required initial and recurrent training and
checking prescribed in Subpart N of this part, and
(3) Is otherwise qualified in accordance with this Part.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
135.401 Applicability
(a) This subpart prescribes the requirements for the training and checking programs of
air carriers operating under this part and the validity periods for such training and
(b) Unless a person has been trained and certified pursuant to this subpart, as being
competent to perform their assigned duties, no air carrier shall assign a person to
act and no person shall act as;
(1) a flight crew member,
(2) a crew member,
(3) a flight operations officer, or
(4) a person performing any ground handling, or service related duty to an aircraft,
except those duties performed by certified maintenance personnel .
(a) Every air carrier shall establish and maintain a ground and flight training program that is;
(1) designed to ensure that each person who receives training, acquires the
competency to perform that persons assigned duties, and
(2) approved by the Director in accordance with Section 421 of this Subpart.
(b) An air carrier’s ground and flight training program shall, include the following
individual components, as applicable to the air carrier and each person receiving
training. The syllabus for each training component shall, be in written form and
include the assigned period of time allotted to the individual subject, during both
initial and recurrent phase of training as designated below. Each syllabus published
pursuant to this part shall be of sufficient detail to clearly illustrate the depth of the
material contained in each individual subject. Where specific training is required for
different functional rank, such syllabus must make appropriate clarification as to the
intended recipient.
No Required Training Component Initial Recurrent
1 Company Indoctrination Training Yes No
2 Windshear Training, Yes Yes
3 Crew Resource Management Training, Yes Yes
4 Transportation of Dangerous Goods Training, Yes Yes
5 Emergency Equipment and Procedures Training, Yes Yes
6 Aircraft Surface Contamination Training, Yes Yes
7 Category II and Category III Operations Training, Yes Yes
8 Extended Twin-engine Range Operations Training, Aircraft Yes Yes
9 Technical Ground Training, Yes Yes
10 Aircraft Flight Training, Yes Yes
11 Differences Training, Yes Yes
12 Upgrade Training, Yes No
13 Line Indoctrination Training for Flight Crew Members Yes No
14 Recency of Experience Training As req. As req.
15 Flight Attendant Ground Training, Yes Yes
16 Flight Attendant Operational Training, Yes Yes
17 Flight Operations Officer Ground and Flight Training, Yes Yes
18 Aircraft Servicing and Ground Handling Training, Yes No
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(c) An air carrier’s ground training programs may be designed and delivered as;
(1) a classroom instructor lecturer or facilitator,
(2) audio-visual, video or film training,
(3) computer based training (CBT), or
(4) any combination of the above, provided that;
(i) each course given by, or on behalf of an air carrier shall include an
examination of sufficient scope and depth to establish the trainee’s
comprehension level, and
(ii) each examination shall be reviewed with the trainee in sufficient scope
and depth to clarify any misconceptions.
(d) In the case of single-engine aircraft, or as otherwise approved by the Director, an air
carrier may present certain portions of its training program through self study. In
such cases all related examinations must be completed in the presence of a
company instructor or supervisor.
(e) Each training component listed herein must publish a syllabus that meets the
criteria prescribed in Sections 135. 429 to 135.471 as applicable and appropriate to
the air carrier’s scope of operations. Minimum training times are published in Annex
N-B of this Part . Where no training time is published, the course duration must be
acceptable to the Director
An Air carrier’s training equipment and facilities shall be adequate to ensure that the
training objectives can be achieved. Facilities shall be;
(1) quiet and free from distraction,
(2) suitably lighted for the type of instruction to be given with effective dimming
(3) furnished with sufficient training equipment so as to enable the training staff
full flexibility in their presentations, and
(4) equipped with training aids suitable to ensure a high level of comprehension
on any description or concept which should, by reason of its complexity, be
amplified by the use of visual aids.
(a) An air carrier may contract its crewmember training to another training organization
(1) the training agreement is included in the air carrier’s approved training
program and the methods by which the air carrier will monitor quality
assurance, of the training being delivered by the outside organization.
(2) the outside organization shall use the actual manuals, or procedural
documents approved for the air carrier’s use.
(3) all flight training devices and aircraft used for training, must be of the same
type and model as the aircraft operated by the carrier, except where adequate
differences training has been approved in the training program.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(4) The training organization shall record any training or checking administered by
it, on the company’s approved training records.
(b) When an outside training organization is used, an air carrier shall ensure that all
training received, has been given by training and checking personnel, who meet or
have equivalent qualifications as those prescribed by Section 409 of this subpart.
(a) No air carrier shall use any person to give crewmember ground training, unless that
(1) has satisfied the air carrier that he or she has the knowledge and skills
required to conduct that training,
(2) if conducting aircraft type training, has successfully completed the ground
school for the type of aircraft including required examinations, and
(3) has completed the training prescribed in Subsection (c) of this section.
(b) No air carrier shall use a person to give flight instruction to a flight crewmember
unless that person;
(1) is qualified in accordance with Subsection (a) of this section,
(2) is the holder of all licences, ratings and certificates issued pursuant to Part 61,
which are required to act as the pilot in command of the aircraft type he or she
is to give instruction on,
(3) has been certified as competent from both pilot seats, to perform the duties
and responsibilities of the pilot flying and pilot not flying, while giving flight
instruction to the trainee, and
(4) has been given training in operation of aircraft type flight simulators or other
synthetic flight training device used for training purposes.
(c) Each instructor used to give formal training to any crewmember shall receive
training in;
(1) the fundamental principles of the teaching/learning process,
(2) teaching methods and procedures,
(3) the instructor/student relationship, and
(4) human factors relating to the effects of stress and hazardous attitudes.
(a) No air carrier shall use a person and no person shall act as a company check pilot
(CCP), unless that person;
(1) meets all the requirements of Section 135.409 of this Part,
(2) has received CCP specific training in at least the following subjects;
(i) CCP duties and responsibilities and the reporting relationship between a
CCP, the chief pilot and the Director,
(ii) applicable civil aviation safety regulations, the carrier’s operations
specifications, and all relevant procedures manuals,
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(iii) the appropriate methods, procedures, and techniques for conducting the
proficiency checks, including flight test protocol,
(iv) proper evaluation of pilot performance including the detection of
(A) improper and insufficient training; and
(B) personal characteristics that could adversely affect safety,
(v) the appropriate action in the case of an unsatisfactory assessment, and
(vi) the approved methods, procedures, and limitations for performing the
required normal, abnormal, and emergency maneuvers in the aircraft.
(3) is the holder of a delegation of authority issued by the Director which
(i) the type of check to be performed, and
(ii) the type of aircraft to be performed in.
(4) has within the preceding 12 months, completed at least one proficiency check,
while being monitored by a DGCA inspector.
(3) A Flight Operations Officer Instructor is a person who has appropriate training
experience and demonstrated ability to evaluate and certify to the knowledge
and skills of other Flight Operation Officer/Dispatcher.
(b) No certificate holder may use a person nor may any person serve as a Ground
Instructor and Flight Instructor for Flight Attendant in a training program established
under this part unless, with respect to the airplane type involved, that person:
(1) Complete an approved initial training program and held a license/ certificate of
flight attendant on type of aircraft for three years or equivalent with his/her
experience as a flight attendant in previous company;
(5) Hold at least a Class III medical certificate unless serving as required
crewmember, in which case holds a Class I or a Class II medical certificate as
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(6) Maintain currency by teaching initial or recurrent training during the year and
attend the annual Instructor Workshop at the training facility.
(c) No certificate holder may use a person nor may any person serve as Flight
Operation Officer Instructor in a training program established under this
subpart unless, with respect to the airplane involved, that person:
(1) Complete an approved initial training program and held
license/certificate of Flight Operation Officer;
(2) Complete instructor training course or equivalent;
(3) Observe subject(s) being taught by a qualified Instructor (minimum of
40 hours observation);
(4) Be observed by a Company Instructor teaching a course for at least
eight hours;
(5) Maintain currency by teaching initial or recurrent training during the
year and attend the Annual Instructor Workshop at the training facility
(d) Completion of the requirement of this section as applicable shall be entered
in the individual’s training record maintained by the certificate holder.
(a) Subject to Subsection (b) of this section, each air carrier who has been approved to
use a company check pilot shall publish its Company Check Pilot Program, (CCPP)
which must include at least;
(1) the duties and responsibilities of a CCP,
(2) qualifications of each person performing any crewmember, or flight operations
officer check, on behalf of the company,
(3) reporting relationships of check personnel with, company management and
the Director,
(4) the company’s basic training and checking philosophy,
(5) administration including at least;
(i) completion of appropriate check reports,
(ii) procedures for withdrawing licence privileges,
(iii) reporting of checks assessed as unsatisfactory,
(iv) record keeping
(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (a) of this section, the Director may cause to be
published, an Air Carrier Check Pilot Manual, (ACCPM), forming the basis of all
company check pilot functions and procedures.
(a) Every air carrier shall, for each person required to receive training under this
subpart, establish and maintain a record of;
(1) a person’s name, licence number(where applicable), all ratings, certificates,
and endorsements relating to the person’s position and function,
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(2) if applicable, the person’s medical category and the expiry date of that
(3) the dates on which the person while in the air carrier’s employ, successfully
completed any training, proficiency or competency check, examination or
certification or other qualification required by this subpart.
(4) a record of attendance of all portions of any course for which a course
calendar or syllabus is required to be published under this part,.
(5) information relating to any failure of a person, while in the air carrier’s employ,
to successfully complete a training, examination, proficiency or competency
check, or to obtain any qualification required by this subpart.
(6) the type and registration of any aircraft, or flight training device.
(b) An air carrier shall keep any record of training and examination required by this
subpart, for the period of time such record gives evidence of the person’s currency.
In the case of any proficiency or competency check, or a failure to qualify, the
record shall be retained for a period of three years.
(c) Any record required by this section shall be in a form approved by the Director and
such forms will be used regardless of where the training was completed. Subject to
the foregoing, an air carrier may keep its record of training and checking in a
computer format provided the information may be easily deciphered.
(d) Except where approved by the Director, any training record required by this section,
shall be maintained at the company’s main operational base and completed prior to
the trainee being assigned to any duty related to that training.
134.417 [Reserved]
135.419 [Reserved]
(a) Prior to any training program being delivered to a person, every air carrier shall
submit each training program or revision thereto to the Director for approval.
(b) The Director may give conditional approval either whole, or in part, to a proposed
training program, where he believes an evaluation of the program or part thereof
should be undertaken.
(c) Where a conditional approval has been issued, the Director will within the approval
period, monitor the program, either whole or in part, or may request additional
information or revision prior to giving formal approval
(d) In granting conditional and formal approval of training programs or revisions, the
Director considers the training syllabi, aids, devices, methods, and procedures listed
in the carrier’s program, and assess the capability of the program to achieve the
training objectives for each course.
(e) Whenever the Director finds that revisions are necessary for the continued
adequacy of a training program, he will advise the air carrier of the nature of
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
revision required. The carrier shall within 30 days submit to the Director, the
required revision for approval. Failure on the carrier’s part to comply with this
requirement will be cause for the program approval to be withdrawn.
(f) Where a training program approval has been withdrawn, such program will not be
given any training credits, until the approval has been re-instated.
(a) Each aircraft type flight simulator and other training device that is used in an air
carrier’s training and checking program must;
(1) be specifically approved for;
(i) the certificate holder;
(ii) the type of aircraft to be used, and
(iii) The particular manoeuvre, procedure, or crewmember function involved.
(2) Maintain the performance, functional, and other characteristics that are
required for approval.
(3) Be modified to conform with any modification to the aircraft being simulated
that results in changes to performance, functional, or other characteristics
required for approval.
(4) Be given a daily functional preflight check before being used.
(5) Have a daily discrepancy log kept with each discrepancy entered in that log by
the appropriate instructor or check airman at the end of each training or check
(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (a) of this section, the Director may disallow certain
training or checking credits where he is of the opinion that the simulator or training
device does not adequately represent the carrier’s aircraft.
135.425 [Reserved]
135.427 [Reserved]
(a) No air carrier shall use any person pursuant to Section 135.401(b) unless that
person has completed an initial course of training in company indoctrination that
includes at least the following areas as they relate to the different employee groups:
(1) Company Operations Manual and significant CASRs as related to the
(2) Company’s operating certificate and operation specifications;
(3) Company’s organization, duties and responsibilities of the management
personnel and the reporting relationship of all operational personnel to the
respective managers;
(4) Flight planning and operating procedures;
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(5) Fuelling procedures including procedures for fuelling with passengers aboard
and, fuel contamination checks, aircraft grounding and bonding procedures;
(6) Passenger safety briefings and safe movement of passengers to and from the
(7) Use of the minimum equipment list;
(8) Company safety and emergency response programs;
(9) Accident/incident reporting procedures;
(10) Handling of disabled passengers;
(11) Operational Control System including flight release, flight watch and flight
(12) Administration of flight documentation;
(13) Sufficient meteorological and air traffic control procedures as would be
appropriate to the most advanced aircraft in the air carrier’s fleet, except:
(i) where the company uses both VFR and IFR pilots; or
(ii) Where the company operates both fixed and rotary wing aircraft, this
training may be modified to suit the person receiving training and in all
cases any examination would be commensurate to the knowledge level
required for the licence held by the trainee.
(b) Notwithstanding any requirement in this section, every person who advances to
positions within the company that require additional or specialized knowledge, shall
be given the additional training required to achieve an acceptable level of
(a) No air carrier shall assign a person to act as a flight crewmember unless that
person has received windshear training in accordance with the following;
(1) in the case of an aircraft type which does not use a flight simulator in the
approved training program:
(i) technical training in the recognition, effects and immediate actions
appropriate to the type of aircraft flown.
(2) In the case of turbojet aircraft type which does use a flight simulator in its
training program:
(i) the technical training required by Subsection (a)(1)(i) of the section; and
(ii) sufficient practice in controlling windshear profiles in the aircraft type
simulator to ensure each pilot’s ability to recognize, announce and
control the aircraft from the initial onset of the shear, to the point where
the aircraft has regained normal flight parameters.
(b) Windshear training prescribed herein shall be given on an initial and annual basis
for each aircraft type on which a person is assigned to act as a flight crewmember.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(a) No air carrier shall assign a person to act as a crewmember on any aircraft requiring
two or more crewmembers, unless that person has received crew resource
management training in accordance with the following:
(1) Initial training for all crewmembers shall cover the following subjects:
(i) attitudes and behaviors;
(ii) communication skills;
(iii) problem solving;
(iv) human factors;
(v) conflict resolution;
(vi) decision making;
(vii) team building and maintenance; and
(iii) workload management.
(2) Recurrent training as prescribed herein, shall be given every 12 months and
cover safety and emergency procedures and where possible, include joint
participation of pilots and flight attendants:
(i) relationship of crew members;
(ii) review of incidents/accidents of air carriers;
(iii) presentation and discussion of selected coordinated emergency
procedures; and
(iv) crewmember evacuation drills and debriefing.
(a) No air carrier shall permit any person described in Section 135.401(b) including
shippers, or any person not employed by the company, to handle, offer or give
directions to offer for transport, any dangerous goods unless that person;
(1) has within the preceding 12 months, received training in accordance with this
section; and
(2) is the holder of a certificate of training; or
(3) is acting under the direct supervision of a person trained in accordance with
this section.
(b) An air carrier’s course of training in the transportation of dangerous goods shall
include instructions as required by the applicable ICAO technical instructions
regarding the compatibility, loading, storage, and handling characteristics of all
hazardous materials. The course must ensure that the persons receiving training,
will acquire adequate knowledge regarding the proper packaging, marking,
labelling, and documentation of dangerous articles and magnetized materials as
appropriate to their duties.
(c) An air carrier shall issue to each person who has successfully complete the course
in the transportation of dangerous goods, a certificate of training, in card form,
which must be displayed any time such person is performing a task relating to
dangerous goods.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(a) No air carrier shall use any person as a crewmember unless that person has
completed initial and recurrent training in accordance with this section. Except
where noted the emergency training set forth in this section must be given with
respect to each aircraft type, model, and configuration operated by the carrier. In
addition, emergency training must be specific to each required crewmember, and
each kind of operation conducted, insofar as appropriate. Consideration shall be
given to the syllabus for air carriers of varying scope and size.
(c) Each crewmember must accomplish the following emergency training during the
specified training periods, using those items of installed emergency equipment for
each type of aeroplane in which he or she is to serve. Where approved by the
Director, training required by this Subsection may be accomplished by approved
pictorial presentation or demonstration:
(1) One time emergency drill requirements to be accomplished during initial
training. Each crewmember must perform:
(i) At least one approved fire fighting drill in which the crewmember
combats an actual fire using at least one type of installed hand fire
extinguisher or approved fire extinguisher that is appropriate for the type
of fire to be fought; and
(ii) An emergency evacuation drill with each person exiting the aeroplane or
approved training device using at least one type of installed emergency
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(d) Crewmembers who serve in operations above 25,000 feet must receive instruction
in the following:
(1) Respiration;
(2) Hypoxia;
(3) Duration of useful consciousness without supplemental oxygen at altitude;
(4) Gas expansion;
(5) Gas bubble formation,;and
(6) Physical phenomena and incidents of decompression.
(a) No air carrier shall assign a person to act as a flight crew member of an aircraft
which could within reason, be expected to encounter the effects of surface
contamination, unless that person has received within the preceding 12 months;
(1) the initial and recurrent training in safety awareness of the effects of
contamination on the critical surfaces of the aircraft including;
(i) responsibility of the PIC and other operations personnel;
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(a) No air carrier shall assign a person to act as pilot in command of an aircraft in
weather conditions below Category I limits, unless that person has completed the
air carriers initial and recurrent ground and flight training as prescribed in this
section. The training prescribed herein must include:
(1) ground training in at least the following subjects:
(i) legal requirements for take-off and landing in lower than Cat I weather;
(ii) operational characteristics, capabilities and limitations of Cat II/III:
(A) aeroplane systems; and
(B) ground based systems.
(iii) resolution of DH/AH;
(iv) visual cues; and
(v) crew duties and co-ordination during normal, abnormal and emergency
(2) flight training required to be accomplished in an aircraft type simulator of the
type to be used and shall include at least the following procedures:
(i) two take-offs, with runway visual range reduced to 600 RVR;
(ii) one rejected take-off from speed of not less than V1 minus 10 knots,
with runway visual range reduced to 600 RVR;
(iii) a missed approach from the lowest minima, as applicable;
(iv) an auto landing from one of the approaches or a manual landing, as
appropriate, at the maximum crosswind authorized; and
(v) for category III operations predicated on the use of a fail-passive rollout
control system, a manual rollout using visual reference or a combination
of visual and instrument references.
(a) No air carrier shall assign a flight crewmember to act in an ETOPS operation unless
such person has completed the air carrier’s training/checking program in respect to
extended range operations. This training and checking program shall cover the
following and be given on an initial and recurrent basis.
(1) introduction to ETOPS regulations/ operational approvals;
(2) routes and airports intended to be used in the Extended Range area of
(3) performance:
(i) flight planning, and plotting, including all contingencies;
(ii) flight performance progress monitoring; and
(4) procedures:
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(i) diversion procedures and diversion "decision making". Special initial and
recurrent training to prepare flight crews to evaluate probable propulsion
and airframe failures must be accomplished;
(ii) use of appropriate navigation and communication systems including
appropriate flight management devices;
(iii) abnormal and emergency procedures to be followed in the event of
foreseeable failures for each area of operation, including:
(A) procedures for single and multiple equipment failures in flight that
would precipitate go/no-go and diversion decisions. If standby
sources of electrical power significantly degrade cockpit
instrumentation, then approved training that simulates approaches
with the standby generator as the sole power source should be
conducted during initial and recurrent training;
(B) operational restrictions associated with these failures including any
applicable MEL considerations;
(C) procedures for in-flight restart of the propulsion systems, including
APU, if required; and
(D) crew incapacitation.
(5) use of emergency equipment including protective breathing and ditching
(6) procedures to be followed in the event that there is a change in conditions at
designated en route alternates that would preclude a safe approach and
(7) understanding and effective use of approved additional or modified equipment
required for ETOPS;
(8) fuel requirements and management: and
(9) dispatch considerations (MEL, DDG, CDL, weather minima, and flight crew
performed maintenance service checks); and
(a) No air carrier shall assign a person to act as a flight crewmember unless that
person has received the aircraft technical ground training prescribed by this Section,
as applicable to the aircraft type and that person’s assigned duties. Such training
shall include the following subjects to a depth of comprehension relative to the
crewmember’s need to know;
(1) description of all aircraft systems and major components including:
(i) design and operation philosophy;
(ii) applicable AFM limitations;
(iii) normal, abnormal and emergency procedure;
(iv) Standard Operating Procedures;
(v) MEL, DDG. CDL and supplemental procedures.
(2) In the case of the pilot in command of a rotorcraft, that training required by
CASR if and as applicable;
(3) aircraft performance;
(4) flight planning;
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(5) weight and balance procedures, and where the operation involves specialty
equipment or procedures:
(i) modified or special equipment installed; and
(ii) specific procedures relating to such modification or special equipment.
(b) Recurrent technical ground training shall be conducted every 12 months and be in
sufficient depth to provide an adequate review of all the subjects contained in
Subsection (a) of this section.
(c) All training times must meet the requirements of Appendix N-B, of this Part.
(a) No air carrier shall assign a person to act as a flight crewmember unless that
person has successfully completed the aircraft type flight training prescribed by this
Section. Where approved by the Director, such training may be provided in:
(1) an aircraft type flight simulator;
(2) an aircraft;
(3) and in part, a synthetic training device (STD); or
(4) a combination of an aircraft type flight simulator, STD and an aircraft but in any
case not less than the minimum times laid down in Appendix N-B, of this Part.
(b) The Director may give certain flight training/checking credits to synthetic training
devices where he is of the opinion that such device is:
(1) a true mock-up of the actual aircraft and is accurate in layout, equipment and
(2) is sufficiently functional to physically position switches and controls to their
appropriate position; and
(3) is used only to prepare a trainee flight crewmember:
(i) for the first motion session of the aircraft or aircraft type flight simulator;
(ii) the aural portion of a proficiency or competency check.
(c) Initial and recurrent flight training for pilots must include the standard operating
procedures for normal, abnormal, and emergency operation of the aircraft systems
and components as appropriate to crew position and duties. In providing practice in
the manoeuvres and procedures as specified herein, the flight training program
must include any additional manoeuvres required to satisfy the carrier’s programs
(1) low level windshear;
(2) ETOPSl
(3) CAT II/III; or
(4) other special operations, for which the authority requires additional training.
(d) Where the manoeuvres and procedures required by Subsection (c) of this section,
are to be accomplished in an aircraft, they shall include as appropriate to the aircraft
type and trainee pilot and, consistent with safety;
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(1) all pre-flight activity as laid down in the COM and appropriate to flight training;
(2) use of aircraft checklist system, including interior and exterior checks;
(3) taxiing;
(4) aspects of flight and cabin crew co-operation, including briefing, and co-
ordination of duties;
(5) take-off, approach and landings including:
(i) normal, full stop and touch and go;
(ii) rejected from not more than 60 knots on take-off, or less than 100 feet
on approach to land;
(iii) simulated abnormal flap and flight control conditions;
(iv) landing with the critical engine in a simulated failed condition; and
(v) in the case of a single engine aircraft, no power forced landing.
(6) normal manoeuvres during climb, descent and level flight at low and high
(7) approaches to a stall and recovery procedures, simulating ground contact
imminent and ground contact not a factor, in the clean, take-off and landing
(8) steep turns, onset of mach buffet, or other flight characteristic as applicable to
the aircraft type;
(9) simulated malfunction of aircraft systems sufficient to ensure practice in all
abnormal and emergency conditions for which the aircraft manufacture has
published a checklist or procedure, including:
(i) engine failure and fire while airborne and on the ground; and
(ii) emergency passenger evacuation; and
(10) other specialized aircraft equipment where applicable; and
(11) where the aircraft is operated IFR, the training shall include:
(i) take-off, departure, enroute, holding and arrival manoeuvres; and
(ii) all types of instrument approaches and missed approaches in simulated
conditions of low ceiling and visibility, including circling approaches
(where applicable) using all levels of automation within the aircraft’s
capability; and
(12) in the case of a helicopter, the training shall include:
(i) practice in carriage of external loads, ( as applicable);
(ii) precision hovering into and out of ground effect, including vertical
reference maneuvering;
(iii) autorotations, anti-torque and other malfunctions specific to helicopters;,
(iv) training in any other procedure or specialized operations as deemed
appropriate to the Director.
(e) Where the manoeuvres and procedures required by Subsection (c) of this section,
are to be accomplished in an aircraft type simulator, they shall include as
appropriate to the aircraft type and trainee pilot and consistent with simulator
(1) All the maneuvers and procedures prescribed by Subsection (d) of this
section, except they shall be presented:
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(i) in a manner that maximizes the training value gained by use of that
simulator including Line Orientated Flight Training (LOFT) exercises
where applicable; and
(ii) in accordance with the detailed lesson plans prescribed in Subsection
(f) of this section.
(f) In addition to the syllabus requirements prescribed by Subsection (b) of section 403,
of this subpart, where an air carrier is approved to conduct flight training, in an
aircraft type simulator, the air carrier shall publish a simulator training program:
(1) in a series of lesson plans that cover the entire simulator phase of training,
including a sample pre-flight test, in sufficient detail to:
(i) indicate the expected weather for the most part of the session;
(ii) indicates relevant aircraft data, dispatch deviations etc.;
(iii) lists specific pre-flight briefing points related to that lesson;
(iv) indicates any periods of time during the lesson, where unrealistic
exercises or departures from real time profiles may be experienced; and
(v) gives details as to the airports, routes, terminal and approach
procedures to be used during the session.
(2) that prescribes the specific manoeuvres and procedures to be presented
during each session;
(3) that shows a logical progression in the complexity of the exercises;
(4) that ensures, more demanding exercises receive adequate repetitions to
achieve a high level of skill;
(5) that gives the instructor the freedom to modify a lesson in order to make that
session more beneficial to the trainee pilot; and
(6) is approved by the director.
(g) Every flight or simulator instructor who gives instruction to a person shall;
(1) begin each training session with a briefing and aural quiz which will ensure the
trainee pilot understands;
(i) what he or she will be practicing in the session: and
(ii) the maneuvers and procedures sufficiently to under go the training
scheduled for that day.
(2) end each session with an in depth debriefing which will ensure the trainee
understands any errors made during the lesson and knows what remedial
study if any, will be required prior to progressing to the next lesson;
(3) prior to being relieved by another instructor on any flight training course, give a
comprehensive briefing to that instructor as to the progress being made by the
trainee pilot(s), to that point; and
(4) not recommend any trainee pilot for a proficiency or competency check until
the trainee has completed the entire approved flight training course and that
trainee’s record, indicates that incomplete or deficient areas have been
brought to a satisfactory level of achievement.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(a) No air carrier shall use any person pursuant to Section 135.401(b) unless that
person has completed an initial course of training and differences training consisting
of at least the following as applicable to their assigned duties and responsibilities:
(1) Instruction in each subject required for initial and recurrent ground training
where differences in the carrier’s aircraft fleet occur; and
(2) instruction in each maneuver or procedure required for initial and recurrent
flight training, where differences in the carrier’s aircraft fleet occur.
(b) Differences training for all variations of a particular type aircraft may be
incorporated into the initial, and recurrent ground and flight training programs
for the aircraft type subject to differences or, may be published as a separate
(a) Where a flight crewmember has been previously trained and certified to act as a
second-in-command of an aircraft, no air carrier shall assign that person to act as
the pilot-in-command and that person shall not act as pilot-in-command of that
aircraft unless:
(1) that person has completed the initial technical ground and flight training
prescribed in Sections 135.445, 135.447 and is otherwise qualified in
accordance with this Subpart, to act as a pilot-in-command; or
(2) has undergone the upgrade training prescribed in Subsection (b) of this section.
(b) Upgrade training and checking for a pilot who is qualified as a second-in-command
on that aeroplane type shall include the following:
(1) training as pilot in command in all the areas of aeroplane handling and
operation as prescribed in Section 135.447;
(2) pilot in command decision making;
(3) any special operations training required specifically for a PIC;
(4) an initial pilot proficiency check for a PIC; and
(5) line indoctrination training and check as required by this subpart.
(c) Upgrade training shall not qualify a SIC to act as PIC if, the flight crewmember’s
PPC as second-in-command, has been expired for more than 24 months.
(a) No air carrier shall assign a person to act as a flight crewmember of and aircraft that
has a maximum certified take-off weight of more than 12,500 pounds or a turbojet
unless, that person has undergone or is undergoing, line indoctrination as
prescribed herein, while under the supervision of a flight instructor or CCP qualified
on that type:
(1) Line indoctrination shall be conducted over parts of the company’s route
structure, or in the case of a non scheduled air transportation service, over
routes within the operational areas which are typical to the air carrier;
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(2) Line indoctrination shall cover the following areas to ensure each flight
crewmember has been adequately trained to perform their assigned duties
and is aware of the company’s policies with respect to;
(i) crew management and discipline;
(ii) responsibilities of the PIC and other flight crew members; and
(iii) responsibilities of the cabin crew;
(iv) MEL policy and procedures;
(v) C of A and other documentation;
(vi) deferred defects;
(vii) dispatch and maintenance release;
(viii) manuals and logbook;
(ix) Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder;
(x) emergency exits-number, access, lighting and marking;
(xi) fire extinguishers;
(xii) crash axe;
(xiii) oxygen and first aid equipment, and survival equipment;
(xiv) company fuel policy.
(xv) fuelling procedures;
(xvi) load security;
(xvii) ground equipment and handling;
(xviii) pre-flight safety and crew briefings;
(xix) departure and climb procedures;
(xx) fuel management and checks;
(xxi) approach procedures;
(xxii) landing and taxiing procedures; and
(xxiii) flight logs and defect recording
(3) Special considerations such as significant terrain, noise abatement, unique
SAR requirements or any situation which presents itself during line
indoctrination training which would require a crew response.
(b) During line indoctrination, a flight crewmember shall be given the following minimum
operating experience, while performing the duties appropriate to their crew station.
Sectors/hours acquired during proving or ferry flights may be counted towards this
requirement. The required number of flying hours and sectors apply to both PIC
and SIC are;
(1) Reciprocating engines - 15 flight hours.
After completing the 4 flight hours, the remaining time may be reduced by 1
hour for each additional sector flown to a maximum reduction of 7.5 flight hours;
(2) Turbo propeller engines - 20 flight hours.
After completing the 5 flight hours, the remaining time may be reduced by 1 hour for
each additional sector flown to a maximum reduction of 10 flight hours;
(3) Turbojet engines - 25 flight hours.
No reduction in time requirement is permitted.
(c) A sector is considered to be any flight which has a take-off and landing at different
airports which are not less than 50 nautical miles apart.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(a) Pursuant to Section 135.389(a)(3) of subpart M, any pilot who has not completed 3
takeoffs and landings within the previous 90 days shall regain competency by
undergoing the following recency of experience training:
(1) conduct three takeoffs and landings as the pilot flying in an aircraft which is not
carrying passengers; and
(2) where the period of time since the last flight in that type of aircraft, that the
pilot acted as the pilot flying is greater than 120 days:
(i) receive a briefing on changes that have occurred to the aircraft or its
operation since the last flight;
(ii) complete three take-off and landings in an aircraft not carrying
passengers; and
(3) where the aircraft type is a turbojet or has a MCTOW of greater than 12500
pounds, the take-off and landings shall be done under the supervision of a
training pilot or CCP qualified on that type, and one take-off and landing shall
be practiced with the simulated failure of the critical engine.
(b) Where the air carrier has been given authority to use a flight simulator for the type
of aircraft on which recency training is required, and that simulator has been given
landing credits, the take-off and landing requirement of this section may be satisfied
in that simulator.
(a) No air carrier shall assign a person to act and no person shall act as a flight
attendant on an aircraft that is required to carry flight attendants, unless that person
has completed the air carriers ground training for flight attendants prescribed by this
section. Initial and recurrent ground training must include instruction in at least the
(1) General subjects:
(i) The authority of the pilot in command, and succession of command;
(ii) Relevant Safety and Security Regulations;
(iii) Passenger handling, including under age children;
(iv) Approved crew resource management training;
(v) Company policy manuals relating to the duties of a flight attendant;
(vi) Customs and immigrations procedures;
(vii) Passenger briefing; and
(viii) Passenger cabin preparation and securing.
(2) For each aeroplane type:
(i) A general description of the aircraft emphasizing physical characteristics
that may have a bearing on ditching, evacuation, and in-flight
emergency procedures and on other related duties;
(ii) The use of both the public address system and the means of
communicating with other flight crewmembers; and
(iii) Proper use of electrical galley equipment and the controls for cabin heat
and ventilation.
(3) For emergency or security equipment and procedures;
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(i) location and operation of all aircraft exits, including normal, alternate
and emergency modes of operation;
(ii) location and use of all emergency equipment on board each aircraft;
(iii) normal and alternate means of communication and communication
procedures for normal, emergency and security situations;
(iv) alternate duties in the event of the incapacitation of other crew
(v) passenger emergency briefings and aural commands;
(vi) armed intervention or unruly passengers;
(vii) cabin and passenger preparation for emergency landing, ditching and
evacuation; and
(vii) medical emergencies on board including administering oxygen.
(4) For practical training:
(i) use of fire extinguishers;
(ii) use of oxygen walk around equipment;
(iii) use of all emergency exits;
(iv) passenger preparation and evacuation, and
(v) use of any other life saving equipment on board a specific aircraft including the
onboard medical kit.
(b) Initial and recurrent ground training for flight attendants must include a competence
check to determine ability to perform assigned duties and responsibilities.
(a) No air carrier shall assign a person to act and no person shall act as a flight
attendant on an aircraft that is required to carry flight attendants, unless that person
has completed the air carrier’s flight attendant operational training prescribed by this
(1) A flight attendant must for a number of hours acceptable to the DGCA perform
the assigned duties of a flight attendant on board an aircraft, while under the
supervision of a flight attendant supervisor qualified on that aircraft type.
(b) Flight attendant operational training is not required for a flight attendant who has
previously acquired such experience on any passenger-carrying aeroplane of the
same group, if;
(1) that person has received with respect to that aircraft, the initial ground training
as prescribed by section 135.457 (a)(2) and (3) of this subpart,
(2) that person has for that type of aeroplane, successfully completed the
competency check outlined in this Subpart.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(a) No air carrier shall assign a person to render any ground handling or servicing of
any aircraft unless such person has completed the training prescribed in this
section, except those duties performed by a certified aircraft maintenance engineer.
Training in aircraft servicing and ground handling shall include:
(1) fuelling procedures:
(i) types of fuel, oil and fluids use in the aircraft,
(ii) correct fuelling procedures,
(iii) procedures for checking fuel, oil and fluids and proper securing of caps.
(2) use of tow bars and maximum nose wheel deflection when towing,
(3) use of the parking brake, and emergency air braking system,
(4) installation of protective covers on the aircraft,
(5) aircraft handling procedures,
(i) marshalling procedures,
(ii) standard hand signals,
(6) opening and closing aircraft external doors,
(7) safety precautions to be taken around aircraft, and
(8) noise and flicker vertigo
135.465 [Reserved]
135.467 [Reserved]
(a) Initial and recurrent pilot proficiency checks shall be conducted in accordance with
checking standards prescribed in Schedules I, II or lIl of Appendix N-A, to this Part,
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(b) An air carrier shall publish in its training manual the competency check standards
for single-engine aircraft.
(a) No air carrier shall assign a person to act and no person shall act, as;
(1) a flight crew member, (in the appropriate crew position)
(2) a flight attendant, or,
(3) a flight operations officer,
on any type of aircraft unless, in addition to completing the annual recurrent
training required by this subsection, that person has successfully completed a
Pilot Proficiency Check, (PPC), Pilot Competency Check, (PCC) or
Competency Check, (CC), the validity period of which has not expired.
Validity periods for a PPC, PCC, or CC, are as prescribed herein;
(1) In the case of a multi-engine aircraft with a MCTOW of greater than 12500
pounds, or a turbojet aircraft, a PPC shall be valid to;
(i) for a PIC, the first day of the seventh (7) month following the month the
PPC was taken, and
(ii) for a SIC, the first day of the thirteenth (13) month following the month in
which the PPC was taken,
(2) In the case of a multi-engine aircraft with a MCTOW of 12500 pounds or less,
except for turbojet aircraft, a PPC shall be valid to;
(i) for a PIC, the first day of the thirteenth (13) month following the month
the PPC was taken, and
(ii) for a SIC, the first day of the twenty fifth (25) month following the month
in which the PPC was taken.
(3) In the case of a single engine aeroplane, a Pilot Competency Check, (PCC),
shall be valid to the first day of the thirteenth (13) month following the month in
which the PCC was taken.
(4) In the case of a single engine helicopter, a pilot proficiency check, PPC shall
be valid to the first day of the thirteenth (13) month, from the month the PPC
was taken.
(5) In the case of a flight attendant, a competency check shall be valid to the first
day of the twenty fifth (25) month following the month in which the CC was
(6) In the case of a FOO, a competency check shall be valid to the first of the
thirteenth month, following the month in which the CC was taken.
(b) An approved company check pilot who has been delegated the authority to perform
flight checks on that aircraft type, or a DGCA inspector shall conduct any pilot
proficiency check required by this Subpart. The Director or a person acceptable to
him, shall conduct all other checks required by this Subpart. An air carrier shall
submit to the Director for approval, a list of proposed examiners, including their
qualifications relevant to their position as examiners.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(c) For the purposes of completing any check required by this subpart, where an
aircraft type simulator has been approved for training;
(1) in the cases of a PPC required by Subsections (a)(1) and (2) of this section,
the same credits given the simulator for training purposes shall apply to the
(2) In the case of the CC required by Subsection (a)(5) of this section, the same
training credits given to that cabin training device, shall apply to the CC.
(d) Where any flight simulator, or other training device approved for training and
checking, does not have all the training and checking credits needed to complete
the entire check, the portions of such check not approved to be completed in a
simulator, must be carried out in that type of aircraft, as appropriate.
(e) Where a pilot proficiency check, a competency check or annual training is renewed
within the last 90 days of its validity period, such check or training is deemed to have
taken place on the last day of the validity period.
(f) The Director may extend the validity period of a pilot proficiency check, a competency
check or annual training by up to 60 days where the Director is of the opinion that
aviation safety is not likely to be affected.
(g) Where the validity period of a pilot proficiency check, a competency check or annual
training has been expired for 24 months or more, the person shall requalify by
meeting all initial training requirements relating to that aircraft.
(a) No air carrier shall assign a person to act, and no person shall act, as pilot-in-
command of a multi-engine aircraft which has a MCTOW of greater than 12500
pounds, or is a turbojet aircraft unless,
(1) within the preceding twelve (12) months, that person has passed a line check as
prescribed in Subsection (b) of this section, in the type of aircraft he is to fly,
(2) the aircraft is not authorized in the carrier’s operations specifications for the
carriage of passengers.
(b) A line check required by this section shall, be conducted by a company check
pilot who has been delegated the authority to perform flight checks on that
aircraft type.
(c) A line check required by this section shall be administered to each PIC required to
undergo a line check and shall observe such person on at least one flight segment,
accomplishing his/her normal duties in the following phases of flight;
(1) Pre-flight procedures and duties as laid down in the COM
(2) Aircraft, acceptance and pre-flight checks including safety briefings
(3) take-off and departure including SID procedures and initial climb,
(4) enroute procedures, including fuel and progress monitoring,
(5) terminal procedures for arrival, approach and landing, and
(6) post flight duties, including log and defect reporting.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
135.491 Applicability
This subpart prescribes the rules governing flight and duty time limitations, required rest
periods and days off for pilots, flight attendants and flight operation officers.
(a) Every air carrier shall establish a system that monitors the flight time, flight duty
time, and rest periods for each person specified in Section 491 of this Subpart. The
details of that system must be published in the carrier’s COM.
(b) Where a person becomes aware that an air carrier has assigned them to act as a
crew member and that assignment will result in their maximum flight, or flight duty
time being exceeded, that crewmember shall notify the carrier of the projected
(a) Subject to Subsection (b) of this section, no air carrier shall assign a person to act
as a flight crewmember and no person shall accept such assignment, if that flight
crewmember’s total flight time in all flights conducted by him or her will exceed;
(1) 1050 hours in any 365 consecutive days,
(2) 300 hours in any 90 consecutive days,
(3) 100 hours in any 30 consecutive days,
(4) where the flight is conducted on an aeroplane with a MCTOW of greater than
1500 pounds, 35 hours in any 7 consecutive days,
(5) where the flight is conducted on aeroplanes having a MCTOW of 12500
pounds or less, or any helicopter, 40 hours in any 7 consecutive days, and
(6) daily flight and duty time limitations as laid down in CASR 135.497 Schedule 1.
(b) An air carrier may assign a person to act as a flight crewmember and a Person may
accept such assignment, where the maximum flight time limitations exceed those
times specified in Subsection (a),(2), (3) and (4) of this section if,
(1) the air carrier is so approved in its operations specifications,
(2) the increased flight time limitations are not more than an additional 25 percent
of the maximums prescribed in Subsections, (a), (2), (3) and (4) of this section,
(3) the flight crewmember to be assigned, signs a letter stating their agreement, to
the increased flight times,
(4) the maximum flight duty period does not exceed, 12 hours in any 24
consecutive hours for flights conducted by day, or 10 hours in any 24
consecutive hours, where more than one third of the duty period is conducted
during the hours of darkness,
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(5) the maximum flight time must not exceed 8 hours in any 24 consecutive hours,
for aeroplanes having a MCTOW of greater than 12500 pounds and 10 hours
in any 24 consecutive hours, for aircraft with a MCTOW of 12500 pounds or
less, and
(6) such flights are not for the purpose of conducting a commuter air service.
(b) For the purposes of calculating any flight times, or flight duty time limitation, all
limitations shall be deemed to have returned to zero, if;
(1) the flight crewmember has received, while in the employ of the air carrier, not
less than 30 consecutive days off, not including days off earned, annual, or
sick leave.
(a) Subject to Subsections (c), (d) and (e) of this section, no air carrier shall assign a
flight crewmember to a flight duty period, and no flight crewmember shall accept
such assignment, if that flight duty period, is scheduled to exceed the maximum
flight duty times prescribed herein. Such duty periods are to be calculate in periods
of 24 consecutive hours:
(b) schedule 1:
Maximum Flight
Minimum Additional Subject to Subsections/Remarks
and Duty times
Flight Crew Flight Crew
Duty Flight (c) (d) (e)
One Nil 12 Hrs 6 Hrs No No No
Two Nil 12 Hrs 9 Hrs No No No
Two One 14 Hrs 10 Hrs Yes No Yes
Two One 16 Hrs 11 Hrs No Yes Yes
One Nil 12 Hrs 6 Hrs Helicopter
Two Nil 12 Hrs 7 Hrs Helicopter
One /Two Nil 12 Hrs 5 Hrs Helicopter engaged in external
load or multi-landing operations.
(c) Where the air carrier elects to carry an additional flight crewmember for the purpose
of extending a flight duty period to a maximum of 14 duty hours, it shall provide a
flight relief facility in the form of a seat. Such seat must be fully reclining, with
adequate leg room for maximum comfort, equipped with a call device, seat restraint
system and be screened off from other passenger seats. The flight relief facility
seat must also be located where distractions or noise can controlled to a minimum.
Flight relief shall be divided in as much as possible into three segments of equal
length but shall in any event ensure the maximum flight deck time for any one pilot
is 6 hours.
(d) Where the air carrier elects to carry an additional flight crewmember for the purpose
of extending a flight duty period to a maximum of 16 duty hours, it shall provide a
flight relief facility in the form of a bunk. Such flight relief facility must meet all the
requirements of the seat described in Subsection (c) of this section except, it must
permit the flight crewmember to rest in the fully prone position. Flight relief shall be
divided in as much as possible into three segments of equal length but shall in any
event ensure the maximum flight deck time or any one pilot is 6 hours.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(e) Where an air carrier has assigned a flight crewmember to any extended flight duty
period, it shall provide that flight crewmember with extended crew rest periods. These
rest period extensions, of not less than two hours, shall be added to the minimum
required rest periods, both preceding and following that extended flight duty period.
135.501 [Reserved]
Except as provided in this Subpart for an increased crew rest period, at the conclusion
of each duty period, an air carrier shall provide such crewmember with a crew rest;
(1) that allows for not less than 8 hours of prone rest,
(2) that meets all the requirements of a crew rest period, as defined in Section
135.01 “Rest Period”.
(a) An air carrier shall provide each crewmember and each flight operations officer with
not less than one day off as defined by section 135.01. “Required Day Off” in each 7
consecutive days, except:
(1) where a person is stationed for an extended period of time at a location other
than that person’s domicile, and where that person is in agreement, such station
may be considered, for the purposes of a day off, that person’s domicile.
(2) where an air carrier provides more than the minimum of one day off in any 7
consecutive day period, the requirement to provide such day off at that
person’s domicile, does not apply. All other provisions of Section 135.01,
“Required Day Off”, are applicable.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
135.507 [Reserved]
135.509 [Reserved]
135.511 [Reserved]
(a) An air carrier may assign a Flight Attendant to a duty period only in accordance with
the duty time limitations prescribed herein.
(1) Subject to Subsection (a)(5) of this section, no air carrier may assign a Flight
Attendant to a scheduled duty period of more than 14 hours.
(2) No air carrier may assign a Flight Attendant any duty period unless the Flight
Attendant has had at least the minimum rest required by section 135.01, “Rest
(3) An air carrier shall provide each Flight Attendant at least one day off as
defined by Section 135.01, “Required Day Off”, during any 7 consecutive day
(4) A Flight Attendant is not considered to be scheduled for duty in excess of duty
period limitations if,
(i) the flights to which the Flight Attendant is assigned are scheduled and
normally terminate within the limitations,
(ii) due to unforeseen circumstances a delay at the originating station,
results in a projected late arrival at the destination airport, and
(iii) The provisions of Subsection 497(f) are adhered to
(5) A Flight Attendant may be assigned to duty on a flight which is scheduled in
accordance with Section 497 of this subpart, provided:
(i) the minimum required cabin crew is increased by at least one additional
flight attendant and a flight relief seat as defined in Section 497(c) of this
subpart is provided as a flight relief facility,
(ii) the in-charge flight attendant shall ensure the actual duty time is shared
approximately equally by each flight attendant.
(iii) All flight attendants assigned to duty, shall be considered to on active
duty during take-off, landing and all ground operations.
(iv) The increased crew rest periods as laid down in Section 497(e) of the
subpart shall apply to the each flight attendant assigned to an extended
duty period.
135.515 [Reserved]
135.517 [Reserved]
(a) Except in cases where circumstances or emergency conditions beyond the control
of the air carrier or otherwise required for emergency conditions:
(1) No operator may schedule a flight operations officer for more than 10
consecutive hours of duty;
(2) If a flight operations officer is scheduled for more than 10 hours of duty in 24
consecutive hours, the operator shall provide him a rest period of at least eight
hours at or before the end of 10 hours of duty.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
135.531 Applicability
This subpart prescribes the rule governing flight operations of all air transportation
services conducted under this Part.
135.533 [Reserved]
135.535 [Reserved]
135.537 [Reserved]
(a) An air carrier shall establish a system for the timely publication and issuance of
operations notices, for the purpose of ensuring the operational people have the
latest relevant information available to them. Such system must ensure the
operations notices are of a design, that makes them readily identifiable and have;
(1) a numbering system, date of issuance and address group,
(2) status designations, such as “WARNING”, “CAUTION,” “INFORMATION”, as
(3) a means for each crewmember to acknowledge receipt of the information, and
(4) a means of rescinding the notice when it becomes no longer needed. Where
the notice introduces a permanent change, or new policy or procedure, that
procedure should be incorporated into the appropriate section of the COM and
the notice rescinded.
(b) An operations notice which alerts to a change in the use, or service deficiency of
any navigation aid, airport, air traffic control procedure, regulation, or known
hazards to flight, including icing and other potentially hazardous meteorological
conditions must;
(1) be sent to by the quickest means possible to all air carrier flight
crewmembers and dispatch centers, and
(2) to the agency who is responsible for such facility, or who may be in a position
to alert other aircraft as to a potential hazard.
(a) No air carrier shall assign, and no crewmember shall perform, any duties during a
flight time, except those duties that relate to the safe and efficient operation of the
aircraft, or, passenger safety. Nothing in this section however, should be taken to
mean that certain passenger services cannot be provided, where the provision of
such services, do not interfere with the official safety function of a crewmember.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(b) No pilot in command shall permit, during critical phases of flight, any activity in the
cockpit that could distract a flight crewmember from, or interfere with in the proper
and diligent performance of his or her duties.
(c) For the purposes of this section, a critical phase of flight is defined as any period of
flight time including ground operations where it could reasonably be expected that
the safe operation of the aircraft, require full attention and or participation of all flight
(a) Except as provided in Subsection (b) of this section, each flight crewmember on
flight deck duty, shall remain in his or her seat, with their seat belt and shoulder
harness fastened;
(1) while the aircraft is taking off or landing, and
(2) any time the PIC has turned on the fasten seat belt sign on, due to turbulence
or other safety consideration.
(a) No pilot in command may allow any person to manipulate the controls of an aircraft
during flight nor may any person manipulate the controls during flight unless that
person is,
(1) a qualified pilot employed by the air carrier
(2) an authorized representative of the Director who has the permission of the pilot
in command, is qualified in the aircraft, and is checking flight operations; or
(3) Any pilot who is qualified in accordance with Subparts M and N of this Part and
is named on the flight release, as a flight crewmember assigned to that flight.
(a) No person may admit any person to the cockpit or occupy a non-required pilot seat
of an aircraft carrying more than 9 passengers unless that person is;
(1) a crewmember;
(2) a DGCA inspector, or an authorized representative of the Director, who is
performing official duties;
(3) An employee of the Indonesian government, a certificate holder, or an
aeronautical enterprise who has the permission of the pilot in command and
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(b) Subsection (a) of this section does not limit the emergency authority of the pilot in
command to exclude any person from the cockpit in the interests of safety.
(c) For the purposes of Paragraph (a)(3) of this section, employees of the Indonesian
government who deal responsibly with matters relating to safety and employees of
the certificate holder whose efficiency would be increased by familiarity with flight
conditions, may be admitted by the certificate holder. However, the certificate holder
may not admit employees of other company departments that are not directly
related to flight operations, unless they are eligible under Paragraph (a)(4) of this
(a) Each air carrier shall provide an approved cockpit check procedure for each type of
aircraft operated.
(b) The approved check procedures must ensure all the aircraft manufactures
recommended checks and procedures are completed as appropriate, prior to, push
back, engine start, taxi, take-off, cruise, descent and approach, and landing. Such
checks and procedures must address as applicable, the normal, abnormal,
emergency and supplementary modes of operation of all aircraft systems and
(c) Approved check procedures must include a checklist that is readily available to the
Pilots and is used, either as;
(1) a read and do type of checklist,
(2) a read and confirm the actions of an approved scan flow, or
(3) a combination of such check procedures.
Subject to Subsection (b) of Section 547, where a DGCA inspector presents his official
inspector credentials to the pilot in command of an aircraft, the inspector must be given
free and unrestricted access to the cockpit whether or not that aircraft is in flight.
(a) The pilot in command shall ensure that appropriate aeronautical charts containing
adequate information concerning navigation aids and instrument approach
procedures are aboard the aircraft for each flight.
(b) Each crewmember shall, on each flight, have readily available for his use a
flashlight that is in good working order.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(a) When an operator or pilot in command knows of conditions, including airport and
runway conditions, that are a hazard to safe operations, the operator or pilot in
command, as the case may be, shall restrict or suspend operations until those
conditions are corrected.
(b) No pilot in command shall continue toward an airport of intended landing under the
conditions set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, unless;
(1) in the opinion of the pilot in command the conditions that are a hazard to safety
may be reasonably expected to be corrected by the estimated time of arrival or,
(2) there is with respect to that flight, an alternate airport to which the aircraft can
divert to from any point along the route, maintaining required reserve and
contingency fuel at all times, or
(3) there is no safer alternative available to the PIC, in such case the pilot in
command is considered to be acting under the force of an emergency.
No air carrier shall assign and no person shall operate an aircraft in IFR flight unless
such flight is along a designated airway or company approved route and in accordance
with any restriction or limitation associated with that route.
(a) In an emergency situation that requires immediate decision and action, the pilot in
command may take any action that he considers necessary for the safety of the
aircraft and passengers. In such a case he may deviate from prescribed operations
procedures and methods, weather minimums, and the CASRs, to the extent
required to avoid imminent danger or, in the interests of safety.
(b) Where the Flight Operations Officer or Director of Operations becomes aware of
any emergency situation that could pose a hazard to a flight in progress, they shall
advise the pilot in command of such emergency, by the quickest means available.
Furthermore, they shall;
(1) remain available to the PIC of that flight on a continuous basis until;
(i) the threat of such emergency has passed,
(ii) they have ascertained the decision of the pilot in command,
acknowledged that decision, and determined they assistance is no
longer required, or
(iii) have handed off the flight to another competent person who is in a
better position to be of assistance.
(2) relay required messages through third parties as necessary to communicate
with the flight.
(3) declare an emergency and follow missing aircraft procedures as appropriate.
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
flight. The person declaring the emergency shall send a written report of any
deviation to the operator’s operations manager and the Director. Where a Flight
Operations Officer or Director of Operations declared the emergency, they shall
send a report within 10 days after the date of the emergency, and a pilot in
command shall send his report within 10 days after returning to his home base.
The pilot in command shall ensure that all mechanical defects and irregularities
occurring during flight time are entered in the maintenance log of the aircraft at the end
of that flight time. Before each flight the pilot in command shall ascertain the status of
each defect or irregularity entered in the log at the end of the preceding flight.
135.569 [Reserved]
135.571 [Reserved]
135.573 [Reserved]
135.575 [Reserved]
135.577 [Reserved]
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(a) Except as provided in Paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, no person may engage
an autopilot during the enroute phase of a an IFR flight, including climb and
descent, unless;
(1) the aircraft height above the terrain is not less than twice the maximum altitude
loss specified in the Airplane Flight Manual for a malfunction of the autopilot
under cruise conditions,
(2) less than 500 feet, whichever is higher, or
(3) the flight is able to maintain VMC flight conditions.
(b) No person may use an autopilot for an autocoupled approach, at an altitude of less
than twice the maximum altitude loss specified in the Airplane Flight Manual for a
malfunction of the autopilot selected to auto approach mode except;
(1) When reported weather conditions are less than the basic VFR weather
conditions in Section 91.155 of the CASRs, no person may use an autopilot
with an approach coupler for ILS approaches at an altitude above the terrain
that is less than 50 feet higher than the maximum altitude loss specified in the
Airplane Flight Manual for the malfunction of the autopilot with approach
coupler under approach conditions; and
(2) When reported weather conditions are equal to or better than the basic VFR
minimums in Section 91.155 of the CASRs, no person may use an autopilot
with an approach coupler for ILS approaches at an altitude above the terrain
that is less than the maximum altitude loss specified in the Airplane Flight
Manual for the malfunction of the autopilot with approach coupler under
approach conditions, or 50 feet, whichever is higher.
(c) Notwithstanding Paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, the Director may issue
operations specifications to allow the use, to touchdown, of an approved flight
control guidance system with automatic capability if;
(1) The system does not contain any altitude loss (above zero) specified in the
Airplane Flight Manual for malfunction of the autopilot with approach coupler;
(2) He finds that the use of the system to touchdown will not otherwise affect the
safety standards required by this section.
Except as authorized by the Director, no air carrier shall assign and no pilot shall land or
attempt to land a turbojet aeroplane at an airport in Indonesia, unless that airport is
certified for such class and category of aircraft.
(1) Provide for the safety of persons and property traveling with the air carrier
against acts of unlawful interference;
17 Feb 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 6
(3) Ensure that baggage carried in the aircraft is checked by a responsible agent
and that identification is obtained from persons, other than Regulated Agent,
shipping goods or cargo aboard the aircraft;
(4) Ensure that cargo and checked baggage carried aboard the aircraft is handled
in a manner that prohibits unauthorized access;
(5) Require a security inspection of the aircraft before placing it in service and after
it has been left unattended;
(2) Regulated Agent means an agent, freight forwarder or any other entity who
conducts business with an operator and provides security controls that are
accepted or required by the appropriate authority in respect of cargo, courier
and express parcels or mail.
(c.) A certificate holder shall establish and maintain an approved security training
programme which ensures crew members act in the most appropriate manner to
minimize the consequences of acts of unlawful interference. As a minimum, the
programme shall include the following elements:
(1) determination of the seriousness of any occurrence;
(2) crew communication and coordination;
(3) appropriate self-defense responses;
(4) use of non-lethal protective devices assigned to crew members whose use is
authorized by the State of the Operator;.
(5) understanding of behaviour of terrorists so as to facilitate the ability of crew
members to cope with hijacker behavior and passenger responses;
(6) live situational training exercises regarding various threat conditions;
(7) flight deck procedures to protect the aircraft; and
(8) aircraft search procedures and guidance on least-risk bomb locations where
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
135.591 Applicability
This subpart prescribes dispatching rules for all air carriers operating under this Part
unless otherwise specified.
Except as otherwise authorized by the Director, each air carrier that operates turbojet
aeroplanes, or large aircraft with a passenger seating configuration of 10 or more, in a
commuter air transportation service, shall release such aircraft under a co-authority
dispatch system as laid down in Subsection (c) of section 135.597.
(a) Any air carrier not required to release its flight under a co-authority dispatch system
should release its flights;
(1) under a pilot self-dispatch system as laid down in Subsection (d) of section
135.597, or at the company’s discretion,
(2) a co-authority dispatch system as laid down in Subsection (c) of section 597,
or where required by the Director,
(3) any dispatch system which exceeds the minimum requirements of a pilot self-
dispatch system but does not fully meet the co-authority requirements.
(b) In any case the Director must be satisfied that adequate operational control is being
maintained, notwithstanding the size or complexity of any air carrier.
(a) Each air carrier shall establish an operational control system as defined in Section
135.1, “Operational Control System,” (OCS), for the purpose of dispatching and
monitoring the progress of each flight as required by this subpart. The OCS,
including the titles and functions of those persons authorized to exercise operational
control over a flight, shall be published in the COM.
(b) An air carrier shall develop and publish its procedures for the type, or types of
OCS/s, it intends to use for the purpose of releasing its aircraft. Such systems shall
meet the definitions of Section 135.1, “co-authority dispatch”, or, “pilot self
(c) Under a co-authority dispatch system, the Director of Operations has delegated
authority and responsibility for operational control over each flight, jointly, to the pilot
in command and the flight operations officer, under which system;
(1) The Flight Operations Officer is responsible for;
(i) preparation of the operational flight plan as described in Section
135.601 of this subpart, except;
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(A) for flights operated in accordance with VFR, only those items of
the operational flight plan identified with and asterisk in Section
135.601 need be recorded, and
(B) for aerial work operations, the flight planning and flight release
shall meet such standards as determined by the Director in
consideration of the operation being undertaken.
(ii) flight crew briefing and signing the flight release,
(iii) monitoring the progress of each flight,
(iv) issuing necessary information for the safety of the flight;
(v) assisting the captain in decision making with respect to the continuation,
diversion or termination of a flight, and
(vi) follows the procedures made pursuant to Section 135.559 of Subpart P,
during the progress of an emergency.
(2) The PIC is responsible for;
(i) the review of all dispatch documents relating to the proposed flight and
signing for his acceptance of the flight release,
(ii) providing the FOO with flight information relating to the progress
condition and arrival of the flight, if required,
(iii) returning to the company, all flight documents required, pursuant to
Subpart V of CASR Part 121, to be retained by the company and,
(iv) conducting the flight in accordance with all published rules and
regulations relating to such flight.
(3) The Director of operations is responsible for ensuring the flight documents
required by Subpart V of CASR Part 121 are retained for a period of not less
than 90 days or as otherwise determined by the Director.
(4) The air carrier is responsible for ensuring such communication equipment and
facilities as appropriate to the flight watch or flight following system required,
are in place and serviceable.
(d) Under a pilot-self-dispatch system, the director of operations has delegated the
authority and responsibilities laid down in Subsection (c), (1) and (2), of this section
to the pilot in command. In the event of an emergency however, the director of
operations or his delegate, shall be responsible for the appropriate actions laid
down in section 135.559 of Subpart P.
(e) Where a flight release has been issued with respect to a flight, and not withdrawn
prior to the take-off, the pilot in command has the final authority as to the departure,
continuation, diversion or termination of that flight.
(f) Each crewmember, passenger or other person on board an aircraft during flight
time, is subject to the authority of the pilot in command of that aircraft.
(g) The pilot in command of an aircraft during flight time is responsible for the safety of
all passengers, crewmembers or other persons on board that aircraft.
(i) Subject to Subsection (d) of this section, no air carrier shall dispatch a flight unless
a flight release has been prepared and signed by a flight operations officer, except
where the aircraft is:
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(1) a propeller driven aircraft with a maximum certified take off weight of 12500 e
pounds or less,
(2) operated in a class E all cargo configuration,
(3) a helicopter,
(4) conducting aerial work operations,
(5) so authorized in the air carrier operation specifications.
(k) Where a flight release has been issued with respect of a flight, it shall remain in
force for the duration of the flight, from the originating point, to the final destination
including enroute stops, except where;
(1) the aircraft has been delayed or otherwise detained at the originating point, or
any enroute station stop for a period of more than 4 hours,
(2) any flight crewmember has been changed from the original crew,
(3) any member of the flight crew has exceeded his or her maximum flight duty
time, necessitating an extension to such duty period,
(4) the aircraft has been involved in an incident or occurrence which may have
altered the status of the maintenance release,
(5) due to operational requirements the aircraft was forced to divert to an alternate
or other airport, not included in the planned itinerary, or
(6) in the opinion of the PIC or FOO, there has been significant change in the
operational weather, or other conditions upon which the flight release was
issued, thereby rendering it invalid.
(a) Where a disagreement occurs between the pilot in command and the flight
operations officer, with respect to the operational flight plan of a proposed flight,
such conflict shall be resolved by;
(1) following what ever course of action that would provide the greatest margin of
safety, and
(2) submitting a report giving full details of the area of conflict and the action taken,
to the director of operations for his or her assessment and follow-up action.
(b) An air carrier shall describe in its COM, full details of its conflict resolution policy.
(a) Each air carrier that is required to dispatch its aircraft under a co-authority or pilot
self dispatch system shall prepare an operational flight plan (OFP), that contains the
following information as applicable. The OFP may be in any format an air carrier
chooses however a copy must be inserted into the carrier’s Company Operations
Manual pursuant to Section 135.137(d)(8) of Subpart G, and approved by the
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(b) Every flight release required under this Subpart shall certify that the OFP has been
prepared and accepted, in accordance with the procedures laid down in the COM.
(a) An air carrier shall ensure it has sufficient dispatch centers, facilities and personnel
to effectively maintain operational control over each flight as required by this section
and shall provide;
(1) in the case of an air carrier utilizing turbojet aeroplanes, or aircraft having a
passenger seating configuration of 10 or more, in commuter operations;
(i) a dispatch center at each airport from which originating flights occur on
a scheduled basis, and
(ii) adequate dispatch facilities and personnel at other airports as
determined by the Director.
(2) in the case of a charter air carrier that uses non-turbojet aircraft with a
passenger-seating configuration of 9 or less;
(i) dispatch facilities and personnel shall be adequate for the proposed air
transportation service, as determined by the Director.
(3) In the case of an aerial work air transportation service utilizing any type or size
of aircraft;
(i) dispatch facilities and personnel adequate to the proposed specialty air
transportation service as determined by the Director.
(a) Each operator required to utilize Flight Operations Officers as specified by 135.395
shall establish the daily duty period for each Flight Operations Officer so that it
begins at a time that allows him to become thoroughly familiar with existing and
anticipated weather conditions along the route before he dispatches any aeroplane.
He shall remain on duty until each aeroplane dispatched by him has completed its
flight, or has gone beyond his jurisdiction, or until he is relieved by another qualified
Flight Operations Officer.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(a) No flight operations officer may release a flight unless he is thoroughly familiar with
reported and forecast weather conditions on the route to be flown.
(b) No pilot in command may begin a flight unless he is thoroughly familiar with
reported and forecast weather conditions on the route to be flown.
No person shall commence a VFR flight unless the latest available ceiling and visibility
reports or forecasts as established in accordance with Section 135.649(b), indicate that
the weather conditions along the route to be flown and at the destination airport
indicated the flight could be conducted under VFR.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(a) No person shall conduct a take-off in any aircraft in IMC where the weather
conditions as established in accordance with Section 135.649(b), are at or above
the take-off minima, but below landing limits for that runway except in accordance
with section 135.619.
(a) A person may conduct a take-off at an airport where the weather is below the
landing minima specified in the air carrier's operations specifications provided, the
aircraft has two or more engines and a suitable alternate airport located within the
following distances is listed on the operational flight plan:
(1) Aircraft having two engines. Not more than one hour from the departure airport
at normal cruising speed in still air with one engine inoperative.
(2) Aircraft having three or more engines. Not more than two hours from the
departure airport at normal cruising speed in still air with one engine inoperative.
(b) For the purpose of Paragraph (a) of this section, a suitable alternate airport is an
airport where the weather conditions at the estimated time of arrival are expected to
be at or above the alternate airport weather minima listed in the air carrier’s
operations specifications.
(a) No person may dispatch or release an aircraft for a flight that involves extended
overwater operation except in accordance with an operations specification
(b) Each operator shall conduct extended overwater operations under IFR unless it
shows that operating under IFR is not necessary for safety.
(c) Each operator shall conduct other overwater operations under IFR if the Director
determines that operation under IFR is necessary for safety.
(d) Each authorization to conduct extended overwater operations under VFR and each
requirement to conduct other overwater operations under IFR will be specified in the
operator's operations specifications.
(a) No person may dispatch an aeroplane under IFR unless he lists at least one
alternate airport for each destination airport in the operational flight plan. When the
weather conditions forecast for the destination and first alternate airport are
marginal, at least one additional alternate must be designated. However, no
alternate airport is required if for at least 1 hour before and 1 hour after the
estimated time of arrival at the destination airport the appropriate weather reports or
forecasts, or any combination of them, indicate;
(1) The ceiling will be at least 2,000 feet above the airport elevation; and
(2) Visibility will be at least 5 statute miles, and
(3) the aircraft will have sufficient fuel to meet the requirements of Section 135.639(b).
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(b) For the purposes of Paragraph (a) of this section, the weather conditions at the
alternate airport must meet the requirements of Section 135.625.
(c) No person may dispatch a flight unless he lists each required alternate airport in the
operational flight plan.
No person may list an airport as an alternate airport in the operational flight plan unless
the appropriate weather reports and/or forecasts, indicate that the weather conditions
will be at or above the alternate weather minimums specified in the air carrier's
operations specifications for that airport when the flight arrives.
135.627 [Reserved]
(a) No person may attempt a takeoff, continue to operate an aircraft enroute, or land an
aircraft in icing conditions which in the opinion of the pilot in command, may
adversely affect the safety of the flight.
(b) No FOO may issue a flight release and no pilot in command shall attempt a takeoff
in an aircraft when frost, ice, or snow is adhering to the wings, control surfaces,
propellers, engine inlets, or other critical surfaces of the aircraft except in
accordance with that air carrier’s approved critical surface contamination
(c) Takeoffs with frost adhering to the undersurface of the aircraft wing may be
authorized by the Director where such takeoffs have been approved by the aircraft
(d) An air carrier is not required to have a program as required in Paragraph (b) of this
section, if it includes in its COM, a statement that the air carrier will not dispatch its
aircraft into any region or country where if could be reasonably expected that
surface contamination could at anytime form on the aircraft, while parked or
operating on the ground.
135.631 [Reserved]
135.633 [Reserved]
135.635 [Reserved]
Except as may be required by the Director no aircraft shall be released for flight and no
pilot shall operate an aircraft under this Subpart unless the fuel on board the aircraft
meets the requirements of CASR 91.151.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(a) No person may release a flight and no person shall conduct a take-off in any aircraft
within Indonesia unless it has sufficient fuel to fly to the destination airport,
thereafter to fly to the flight planned alternate airport, and thereafter to fly for 45
minutes at normal cruising fuel consumption. In the case of helicopter the required
reserve fuel is 30 minutes at normal cruise.
(b) No person may release an aeroplane to an airport for which an alternate is not
specified under 135.623(a) unless it has enough fuel, considering wind and other
weather conditions expected, to fly to that airport and thereafter to fly for at least two
hours at normal cruising fuel consumption.
(a) When computing fuel requirements for the purposes of this subpart, the following
factors shall be considered;
(1) wind and other weather conditions forecast.
(2) anticipated traffic delays.
(3) one instrument approach and possible missed approach at destination.
(4) any other conditions that may delay landing of the aircraft.
No pilot may takeoff or lands an aircraft under VFR when the reported ceiling or visibility
as established in accordance with Section 135.649(b), is less than 1,000-foot ceiling
and the visibility is not less than three statute miles, (4.8 km).
(a) No pilot may attempt a takeoff in an aircraft under IFR when the weather conditions
as established in accordance with Section 135.649(b), are less than those specified
for such operation in;
(1) The air carrier's operations specifications; or
(2) Part 91 of CASRs, if the air carrier's operations specifications do not specify
takeoff minima for the airport.
(b) Except as provided in Paragraph (d) of this section, no pilot may continue an
approach past the final approach fix, or where a final approach fix is not used, begin
the final approach segment of an instrument approach procedure unless the reported
visibility is at or above the visibility minimums prescribed for that procedure.
(c) If a pilot has begun the final approach segment of an instrument approach
procedure in accordance with Paragraph (b) of this section and after that receives a
later weather report indicating below minimum conditions, the pilot may continue the
approach to DH or MDA. Upon reaching DH or at MDA, and at any time before the
missed approach point, the pilot may continue the approach below DH or MDA and
touch down if;
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
135.647 [Reserved]
(a) For the purpose of determining minimum ceiling and visibility values for take off and
landing, the latest official weather report published for that airport shall be used.
However, where the visibility in such report, or where the control tower expresses
the visibility is in terms of “runway visibility” or, “runway visual range” (RVR) for a
particular runway at that airport, that specified value shall be taken to be the official
visibility for the affected runway only. All other runways will be assessed in light of
the general visibility published for that airport.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(b) Notwithstanding any clearance from ATC, no pilot may attempt a takeoff, approach
or landing in any aircraft when the weather conditions reported by the Badan
Meteorologi dan Geofisika (BMG), a source approved by the BMG, or a source
approved by the Director in the company operations manual, are;
(1) below the weather minima prescribed in this Subpart for the type of operation
proposed, and
(2) in the case of VFR, no pilot may continue a flight in weather conditions which
have deteriorated below the minimums prescribed for such flight.
135.653 [Reserved]
When making an initial approach to a radio navigation facility under IFR, no person may
descend below the pertinent minimum altitude for initial approach (as specified in the
instrument approach procedure for that facility) until his arrival over that facility has been
definitely established.
135.657 [Reserved]
No person may takeoff an aircraft unless the operator has filed a flight plan, containing
the appropriate information required by Part 91, with the nearest DGCA communication
station or appropriate military station or, when operating outside Indonesia, with other
appropriate authority. However, if communications facilities are not readily available, the
pilot in command shall file the flight plan as soon as practicable after the aircraft is
airborne. A flight plan must continue in effect for all parts of the flight.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
135.681 Applicability
This subpart prescribes requirements for the preparation and maintenance of records
and reports for all air carriers.
(b) Computer record systems approved by the Director may be used in complying with
the requirements of Paragraph (a) of this section.
Each air carrier shall maintain a current list of each aircraft that it operates and shall
send a copy of the record and each change to the DGCA. Airplanes of another air
carrier operated under an interchange agreement may be incorporated by reference.
135.687 [Reserved]
135.689 [Reserved]
135.691 [Reserved]
135.693 [Reserved]
135.697 [Reserved]
135.699 [Reserved]
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(a) Each person who takes action in the case of a reported or observed failure or
malfunction of an airframe, engine, propeller, or appliance that is critical to the
safety of flight shall make, or have made, a record of that action in the aircraft
maintenance log.
(b) Each air carrier shall have an approved procedure for keeping adequate copies of
the record required in paragraph (a) of this section in the aircraft in a place readily
accessible to each flight crewmember and shall put that procedure in the air
carrier’s manual.
(a) Each air carrier shall report the occurrence or detection of each failure, malfunction,
or defect concerning;
(1) Fires during flight and whether the related fire warning system functioned
(2) Fires during flight not protected by a related fire warning system;
(3) False fire warning during flight;
(4) An engine exhaust system that causes damage during flight to the engine,
adjacent structure, equipment, or components;
(5) An aircraft component that causes accumulation or circulation of smoke,
vapor, or toxic or noxious fumes in the crew compartment or passenger cabin
during flight;
(6) Engine shutdown during flight because of flameout;
(7) Engine shutdown during flight when external damage to the engine or aircraft
structure occurs;
(8) Engine shutdown during flight due to foreign object ingestion or icing;
(9) Engine shutdown during flight of more than one engine;
(10) A propeller feathering system or ability of the system to control overspeed
during flight;
(11) A fuel or fuel dumping system that affects fuel flow or causes hazardous
leakage during flight;
(12) An unwanted landing gear extension or retraction, or an unwanted opening or
closing of landing gear doors during flight;
(13) Brake system components that result in loss of brake actuating force when the
aeroplane is in motion on the ground;
(14) Aircraft structure that requires major repair;
(15) Cracks, permanent deformation, or corrosion of aircraft structures, if more than
the maximum acceptable to the manufacturer or the DGCA;
(16) Aircraft components or systems that result in taking emergency actions during
flight (except action to shut down an engine); and
(17) Emergency evacuation systems or components including all exit doors,
passenger emergency evacuation lighting systems, or evacuation equipment
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
that are found defective, or that fail to perform the intended functions during an
actual emergency or during training, testing, maintenance, demonstrations, or
inadvertent deployments.
(b) For the purpose of this section “during flight” means the period from the moment the
aircraft leaves the surface of the earth on takeoff until it touches down on landing.
(c) In addition to the reports required by paragraph (a) of this section and as prescribed
by the DGCA, each air carrier shall report any other failure, malfunction, or defect in
an aircraft that occurs or is detected at any time if, in its opinion, that failure,
malfunction, or defect has endangered or may endanger the safe operation of an
aircraft used by it.
(d) Each air carrier shall send each report required by this section, in writing, to the
DGCA office within the next 72 hours. However, a report that is due on Saturday or
Sunday may be mailed or delivered on the following Monday, and one that is due on
a holiday may be mailed or delivered on the next workday.
(e) The air carrier shall transmit the reports required by this section in a manner and on
a form as prescribed by the Director, and shall include in the first report as much of
the following as is available:
(1) Type and identification number of the aircraft.
(2) The name of the operator.
(3) The date, flight number, and stage during which the incident occurred (e.g.,
preflight, takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, landing, and inspection).
(4) The emergency procedure effected (e.g., unscheduled landing and emergency
(5) The nature of the failure, malfunctions, or defects.
(6) Identification of the part and system involved, including available information
pertaining to type designation of the major component and time since
(7) Apparent cause of the failure, malfunctions, or defects (e.g. wear, crack,
design deficiency, or personnel error).
(8) Whether the part was repaired, replaced, sent to the manufacturer, or other
action taken.
(9) Whether the aircraft was grounded.
(10) Other pertinent information necessary for more complete identification,
determination of seriousness, or corrective action.
(f) An air carrier that is also the holder of a Type Certificate (including a Supplement
Type Certificate), a Parts Manufacturer Approval, or a Technical Standard Order
Authorization, or that is the licensee of a type air carrier, need not report a failure,
malfunction, or defect under this section if the failure, malfunction, or defect has
been reported by it under CASR 21.3.
(g) No person may withhold a report required by this section even though all
information required in this section is not available.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(h) When air carrier gets additional information, including information from the
manufacturer or other agency, concerning a report required by this section, it shall
expeditiously submit it as a supplement to the first report and reference the date
and place of submission of the first report.
(i) The air carrier shall transmit each report required by this section to the organization
responsible for the type design of the aircraft.
Each air carrier shall regularly and promptly send a summary report on the following
occurrences to the Director:
(c) The number of propeller feathering in flight listed by type of propeller and engine
and aircraft on which it was installed. Propeller feathering for training,
demonstration, or flight check purposes need not be reported.
(a) Each air carrier shall, promptly upon its completion, prepare a report of each major
alteration or major repair of an airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance of an
aircraft operated by it.
(b) The air carrier shall submit a copy of each report of a major alteration to, and shall
keep a copy of each report of a major repair available for inspection by, the
representative of the Director.
(a) No air carrier may operate an aircraft after maintenance, preventive maintenance or
alterations are performed on the aircraft unless the air carrier, or the person with
whom the air carrier arranges for the performance of the maintenance, preventive
maintenance, or alterations, prepares or causes to be prepared:
(1) A maintenance release; or
(2) An appropriate entry in the aircraft log.
(b) The maintenance release or log entry required by paragraph (a) of this section
(1) Be prepared in accordance with the procedures set forth in the air carrier’s
(2) Include a certification that:
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(i) The work was performed in accordance with the requirements of the air
carrier’s manual;
(ii) All items required to be inspected were inspected by an authorized
person who determined that the work was satisfactorily completed;
(iii) No known condition exists that would make the aircraft un-airworthy;
(iv) So far as the work performed is concerned, the aircraft is in condition for
safe operation; and
(3) Be signed by an authorized licensed aircraft maintenance engineer.
(4) The entries cannot be erased.
Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(3) of this section, after maintenance, preventive
maintenance, or alterations performed by an Approved Maintenance Organization
certificate under the provisions of Subpart C of Part 145, the maintenance release
or log entry required in paragraph (a) of this section may be signed by a person
authorized by that Approved Maintenance Organization. The authorized person
shall meet the requirement of ICAO Annex 1.
(c) When a maintenance release form is prepared the air carrier must give a copy to
the pilot in command and must keep a record thereof for at least two months.
(d) Instead of restating each of the conditions of the certification required by paragraph
(b) of this section, the air operator may state in its manual that the signature of an
authorized licensed aircraft maintenance engineer constitutes that certification.
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
135.801 Applicability
This Subpart provides rules and procedures for administrative matters as applicable,
pertaining to air carriers operating under Part 135 of the Civil Aviation Safety
(a) The Director may delegate certain regulatory powers to his civil servants, or other
persons who are responsible for the certification and or monitoring of air carriers,
their employees or agents operating under this Subpart. Such regulatory powers
are for the purpose of;
(1) certification of a product or operation,
(2) sampling and accessing levels of competency or proficiency,
(3) inspecting for the purpose of establishing levels of conformance with a
(4) investigation for the purpose of detecting or proving non-compliance with a
(5) taking emergency action for the purpose of ensuring the safety of persons or
property which have been exposed to an immediate threat, due to the activity
or proposed activity of an air carrier or its servants, and
(6) any person authorized pursuant to CASR Part 183.
(b) Every person who has been delegated regulatory powers, shall exercise those
powers in accordance with the procedures established for that purpose.
No air carrier shall knowingly permit any narcotic drug, marihuana, depressant or
stimulant drug, or, any other illegal substances, to be carried on board any aircraft
owned or operated by them. The violation of this section shall be considered the basis
for suspension or revocation or revocation of the air carrier’s Air Operator Certificate.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
Installed Sampling
system1minimum interval
accuracy (to (per Resolution4read
Parameters Range recovered data) second) out
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
Spoiler/speedbrake Stowed or 1
(discrete) out
[Doc. No. 25530, 53 FR 26152, July 11, 1988; 53 FR 30906, Aug. 16, 1988, as amended
by Amdt. 135–69, 62 FR 38397, July 17, 1997]
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
Installed Sampling
system minimum interval
accuracy (to (per Resolution3read
Parameters Range recovered data) second) out
Altitude −1,000 ft. to 20,000 ft. ±100 to ±700 ft. 1 25 to 150 ft.
pressure altitude (see Table 1, TSO
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
Power, Each
Primary High/low 1
Secondary— High/low 1
if applicable
Radio On/off 1
Autopilot Engaged or 1
engaged disengaged
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
When data sources are aircraft instruments (except altimeters) of acceptable quality to fly the
aircraft the recording system excluding these sensors (but including all other characteristics of
the recording system) shall contribute no more than half of the values in this column.
Per cent of full range.
This column applies to aircraft manufactured after October 11, 1991.
[Doc. No. 25530, 53 FR 26152, July 11, 1988; 53 FR 30906, Aug. 16, 1988, as amended by
Amdt. 135–69, 62 FR 38397, July 17, 1997]
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
Accuracy interval
sensor input to (per resolution4read
Parameters Range DFDR readout second) out
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
Additional engine
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
TA As installed As installed 1
RA As installed As installed 1
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
For aeroplanes that can demonstrate the capability of deriving either the control input on
control movement (one from the other) for all modes of operation and flight regimes, the “or”
applies. For aeroplanes with non-mechanical control systems (fly-by-wire) the “and” applies. In
aeroplanes with split surfaces, suitable combination of inputs is acceptable in lieu of recording
each surface separately.
This column applies to aircraft manufactured after October 11, 1991.
[Doc. No. 25530, 53 FR 26153, July 11, 1988; 53 FR 30906, Aug. 16, 1988]
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
sensor input Sampling
to DFDR interval (per Resolution2read
Parameters Range readout second) out
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
Per cent of full range.
This column applies to aircraft manufactured after October 11, 1991.
[Doc. No. 25530, 53 FR 26154, July 11, 1988; 53 FR 30906, Aug. 16, 1988]
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
The recorded values must meet the designated range, resolution, and accuracy requirements
during dynamic and static conditions. All data recorded must be correlated in time to within one
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
must be
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
power in
forward and
12a. Pitch Full Range ±2° Unless 0.5 or 0.25 for 0.5% of full For
Control(s) Higher aeroplanes range aeroplanes
position (non- Accuracy operated that have a
fly-by-wire Uniquely under flight control
systems) Required §135.152(j) break away
capability that
allows either
pilot to
operate the
, record both
control inputs.
The control
inputs may be
once per
second to
produce the
interval of 0.5
or 0.25, as
12b. Pitch Full Range ±2° Unless 0.5 or 0.25 for 0.2% of full
Control(s) Higher aeroplanes range
position (fly- Accuracy operated
by-wire Uniquely under
systems)3 Required §135.152(j)
13a. Lateral Full Range ±2° Unless 0.5 or 0.25 for 0.2% of full For
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
14a. Yaw Full Range ±2° Unless 0.5 or 0.25 for 0.3% of full For
Control Higher aeroplanes range aeroplanes
position(s) Accuracy operated that have a
(non-fly-by- Uniquely under flight control
wire)5 Required §135.152(j) break away
capability that
allows either
pilot to
operate the
, record both
control inputs.
The control
inputs may be
once per
second to
produce the
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
interval of 0.5.
15. Pitch Full Range ±2° Unless 0.5 or 0.25 for 0.3% of full For
Control Higher aeroplanes range aeroplanes
Surface(s) Accuracy operated fitted with
Position6 Uniquely under multiple or
Required §135.152(j) split surfaces,
a suitable
of inputs is
acceptable in
lieu of
each surface
The control
surfaces may
be sampled
alternately to
produce the
interval of 0.5
or 0.25.
16. Lateral Full Range ±2° Unless 0.5 or 0.25 for 0.2% of full A suitable
Control Higher aeroplanes range combination
Surface(s) Accuracy operated of surface
Position7 Uniquely under position
Required §135.152(j) sensors is
acceptable in
lieu of
each surface
The control
surfaces may
be sampled
alternately to
produce the
interval of 0.5
or 0.25.
17. Yaw Full Range ±2° Unless 0.5 0.2% of full For
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
21. Leading Full Range or ±3° or as 2 0.5% of full Left and right
Edge Flap or Each Discrete Pilot's range sides, of flap
Cockpit Position Indicator and position and
Control sufficient to cockpit
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
23. Ground Full Range or ±2° Unless 1 or 0.5 for 0.5% of full
Spoiler Each Position Higher aeroplanes range
Position or (discrete) Accuracy operated
Speed Brake Uniquely under
Selection12 Required §135.152(j)
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
recorded, but
arranged so
that at least
one is
each second.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
32. Angle of As installed As installed 2 or 0.5 for 0.3% of full If left and right
Attack (If aeroplanes range sensors are
measured operated available,
directly) under each may be
§135.152(j) recorded at 4
or 1 second
intervals, as
so as to give
a data point at
2 seconds or
0.5 second,
as required.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
41. Discrete 1.
Windshear “warning” or
Detection “off”
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
nav aids,
radar, range,
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
warning each
engine over
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
88. All cockpit Full Range ±5% 1 0.3% of full For fly-by-wire
flight control Control Wheel range flight control
input forces ±70 lbs systems,
(control Control where control
wheel, control Column ±85 surface
column, lb Rudder position is a
rudder pedal) pedal ±165 function of the
lbs displacement
of the control
input device
only, it is not
necessary to
record this
that have a
flight control
break away
capability that
allows either
pilot to
operate the
, record both
control force
inputs. The
control force
inputs may be
once per 2
seconds to
produce the
interval of 1.
For A300 B2/B4 aeroplanes, resolution = 6 seconds.
For A330/A340 series aeroplanes, resolution = 0.703°.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
For A318/A319/A320/A321 series aeroplanes, resolution = 0.275% (0.088°>0.064°). For
A330/A340 series aeroplanes, resolution = 2.20% (0.703°>0.064°).
For A318/A319/A320/A321 series aeroplanes, resolution = 0.22% (0.088°>0.080°). For
A330/A340 series aeroplanes, resolution = 1.76% (0.703°>0.080°).
For A330/A340 series aeroplanes, resolution = 1.18% (0.703°>0.120°).
For A330/A340 series aeroplanes, resolution = 0.783% (0.352°>0.090°).
For A330/A340 series aeroplanes, aileron resolution = 0.704% (0.352°>0.100°). For
A330/A340 series aeroplanes, spoiler resolution = 1.406% (0.703°>0.100°).
For A330/A340 series aeroplanes, resolution = 0.30% (0.176°>0.12°). For A330/A340 series
aeroplanes, seconds per sampling interval = 1.
For B–717 series aeroplanes, resolution = .005g. For Dassault F900C/F900EX aeroplanes,
resolution = .007g.
For A330/A340 series aeroplanes, resolution = 1.05% (0.250°>0.120°).
For A330/A340 series aeroplanes, resolution = 1.05% (0.250°>0.120°). For A300 B2/B4 series
aeroplanes, resolution = 0.92% (0.230°>0.125°).
For A330/A340 series aeroplanes, spoiler resolution = 1.406% (0.703°>0.100°).
For A330/A340 series aeroplanes, resolution = 0.5 °C.
For Dassault F900C/F900EX aeroplanes, Radio Altitude resolution = 1.25 ft.
For A330/A340 series aeroplanes, resolution = 0.352 degrees.
For A318/A319/A320/A321 series aeroplanes, resolution = 4.32%. For A330/A340 series
aeroplanes, resolution is 3.27% of full range for throttle lever angle (TLA); for reverse thrust,
reverse throttle lever angle (RLA) resolution is nonlinear over the active reverse thrust range,
which is 51.54 degrees to 96.14 degrees. The resolved element is 2.8 degrees uniformly over
the entire active reverse thrust range, or 2.9% of the full range value of 96.14 degrees.
For A318/A319/A320/A321 series aeroplanes, with IAE engines, resolution = 2.58%.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
1. Statutory basis
This regulation is promulgated under the statutory authority in the Civil Aviation Act
Number 1 /2009 concerning Aviation, Chapter XIII-Aviation Safety, Part Four -
Safety Management System for Aviation Service Provider.
3. References
ICAO Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft, ICAO Annex 11 — Air Traffic Services, and
ICAO Annex 14 — Aerodromes, and the ICAO Safety Management Manual (Doc
4. Definitions
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
Hazard means condition, object or activity with the potential of causing injuries to
personnel, damage to equipment or structures, loss of material, or reduction of
ability to perform a prescribed function.
Mitigation means measures to address the potential hazard or to reduce the risk
probability or severity.
Probability means the likelihood that an unsafe event or condition might occur.
Safety means the state in which the risk of harm to persons or property damage is
reduced to, and maintained at or below, an acceptable level through a continuing
process of hazard identification and risk management.
Safety assurance means what the service providers do with regard to safety
performance monitoring and measurement.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
Safety audit means what the Civil Aviation Authority performs with regard to its
safety programme, and the service providers perform with regard to the SMS.
Safety manager means a person who is responsible for providing guidance and
direction for the operation of the organization's safety management system.
Safety oversight means the activities of Civil Aviation Authority as part of its safety
programme, performed with regard to the service providers SMS, in order to
confirm the organization's continuing fulfilment of its corporate safety policy,
objectives, goals and standards.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
5. General
Service provider shall establish, maintain and adhere to a Safety Management
System (SMS) that is appropriate to the size, nature and complexity of the
operations authorized to be conducted under its operations certificate and the safety
hazards and risks related to the operations.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
(b) Full control of the financial resources required for the operations
authorized to be conducted under the operations certificate;
(c) Final authority over operations authorized to be conducted under the
operations certificate;
(d) Direct responsibility for the conduct of the organization‘s affairs; and
(e) Final responsibility for all safety issues.
(4) A service provider shall establish the safety structure necessary for the
implementation and maintenance of the organization’s SMS.
(5) A service provider shall identify the safety responsibilities of all members of
senior management, irrespective of other responsibilities.
(6) Safety-related positions, responsibilities and authorities shall be defined,
documented and communicated throughout the organization.
(7) A service provider shall identify a Safety Manager to be the member of
management who shall be the responsible individual and focal point for the
development and maintenance of an effective SMS.
(8) The Safety Manager shall:
(a) Ensure that processes needed for the SMS are established, implemented
and maintained;
(b) Report to the Accountable Executive on the performance of the SMS and
on any need for improvement; and
(c) Ensure safety promotion throughout the organization.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
b. Hazard identification
(1) A service provider shall develop and maintain formal means for effectively
collecting, recording, acting on and generating feedback about hazards in
operations, which combine reactive, proactive and predictive methods of
safety data collection. Formal means of safety data collection shall include
mandatory, voluntary and confidential reporting systems.
(2) The hazard identification process shall include the following steps:
(a) Reporting of hazards, events or safety concerns;
(b) Collection and storing the safety data;
(c) Analysis of the safety data; and
(d) Distribution of the safety information distilled from the safety data.
c. Risk management
(1)A service provider shall develop and maintain a formal risk management
process that ensures the analysis, assessment and mitigation of risks of
consequences of hazards to an acceptable level.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
(2) The risks of the consequences of each hazard identified through the hazard
identification processes described in section 7.2 of this regulation shall be
analysed in terms of probability and severity of occurrence, and assessed for
their tolerability.
(3) The organization shall define the levels of management with authority to
make safety risk tolerability decisions.
(4) The organization shall define safety controls for each risk assessed as
8. Safety assurance
a. General
(1) A service provider shall develop and maintain safety assurance processes to
ensure that the safety risks controls developed as a consequence of the
hazard identification and risk management activities under paragraph 7
achieve their intended objectives.
(2) Safety assurance processes shall apply to an SMS whether the activities
and/or operations are accomplished internally or outsourced.
c. Management of change
(1) A service provider shall, as part of the SMS safety assurance activities,
develop and maintain a formal process for the management of change.
(2) The formal process for the management of change shall:
(a) Identify changes within the organization which may affect established
processes and services;
(b) Describe the arrangements to ensure safety performance before
implementing changes; and
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
(c) Eliminate or modify safety risk controls that are no longer needed due to
changes in the operational environment.
9. Safety promotion
a. General
Service providers shall develop and maintain formal safety training and safety
communication activities to create an environment where the safety objectives of
the organization can be achieved.
b. Safety training
(1) A service provider shall, as part of its safety promotion activities, develop and
maintain a safety training programme that ensures that personnel are trained
and competent to perform the SMS duties.
(2) The scope of the safety training shall be appropriate to the individual’s
involvement in the SMS.
(3) The Accountable Executive shall receive safety awareness training regarding:
(a) Safety policy and objectives;
(b) SMS roles and responsibilities; and
(c) Safety assurance.
c. Safety communication
(1) A service provider shall, as part of its safety promotion activities, develop and
maintain formal means for safety communication, to:
(a) Ensure that all staff is fully aware of the SMS;
(b) Convey safety critical information;
(c) Explain why particular safety actions are taken;
(d) Explain why safety procedures are introduced or changed; and
(e) Convey generic safety information.
(2) Formal means of safety communication shall include:
(a) Safety policies and procedures;
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
d. Quality policy
A service provider shall ensure that the organization quality policy is consistent
with, and supports the fulfilment of the activities of the SMS.
8 May 2009 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 7
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
Aerial work operations, are air transportation services of a specialized nature. Such
services are substantially different form commuter and charter operations therefore
warrant special consideration for certification and operating authority. Speciality air
transportation services are certified under Part 135, however they may be required to
operate under special rules published as Advisory Circulars (AC) or other Parts of the
CASRs. In such cases the AC or CASR Part, containing special operating rules will be
referenced in the air carrier’s operating specifications.
These special purpose air transportation services fall into six specific categories,
however the regulations provide for a seventh category to accommodate new types of
services, as may be introduced from time to time. Aerial work authorizations do not
normally provide for the carriage of passengers except where such passengers are
required to be transported and specifically trained for the ground operations relating to
that service. These persons fall into three categories;
(a) persons required to perform duties during flight time, for example,
photographers, tree counters, airborne equipment operators, medics, etc., and
(b) persons who have no specific duty during flight however are being transported
to a location where their specialized services are required and where in the
opinion of the Director, are essential for the successful completion of the
mission. For example fire fighters, search and rescue specialists, paramedics
(c) passengers who are being transported for medical reasons as a patient.
A breakdown of each category is described herein and reflect all the types of
specialized services which are presently being authorized in Indonesia.
2. Towing objects, In most cases this special purpose operation deals with banner or
glider towing for sport purposes, but is not restricted to those services where the
Director is of the opinion other such other services may be provided in a safe and
proper manner. Flying schools certified under Part 141 may also hold this specialty
authority to provide glider towing if authorized to do so on their Air Operating
3. Dispersal of products.
This service provides for the dispersal of any product that in the opinion of the
Director can be safely discharged from an aircraft and in accordance with such
special rule as may be contained in, or referenced by the Operating Specification.
Services such as, but not limited to;
7. Other service would include such specialties as parachute dropping pursuant to the
special rules adopted for that activity in CASR Part 105.
The following elements shall be included in an air carrier's Flight Safety Program and
described in the appropriate Manuals:
• Air Carrier's Management Plan
• Qualifications of the Flight Safety Person
• Responsibilities of the Flight Safety Person
• Training for the Flight Safety Person
• Incident Management
• Flight Safety Committee
• Emergency Response Planning
• Communication and Safety Education
135xGa Applicability
This appendix prescribes rules governing the maintenance, preventive maintenance, and
alterations of an aircraft that is maintained to an approved aircraft inspection program
under a CASR 135 operating certificate and operating within or outside of Indonesia.
135xGb General.
(a) The owner or operator of an aircraft is primarily responsible for maintaining his
aircraft in an airworthy condition, including compliance with CASR 39.
(c) No person may operate an aircraft for which a manufacturer’s maintenance manual
or instructions for continued airworthiness has been issued that contains an
airworthiness limitations section unless the mandatory replacement times,
inspection intervals, and related procedures specified in that section or alternative
inspection intervals and related procedures set forth in an operations specification
approved by the Director under CASR 121, or 135 or in accordance with an
inspection program approved under 135xGe have been complied with.
(d) Not withstanding the preceding sub paragraph (c), when the manufacturer amends
his published airworthiness limitations and that amendment decreases the
mandatory replacement times, inspection intervals, and related procedures, the
certificate holder shall within 30 days of publication by the manufacturer, notify the
Director by submitting an amendment to his currently approved operations
specification and maintenance manual. The proposed amendment shall contain
mandatory replacement times, inspection intervals, and related procedures that do
not exceed the manufacturers limitations.
(a) Shall have that aircraft inspected as required by this appendix and shall between
required inspections, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, have
discrepancies repaired as prescribed in CASR 43;
(1) Shall ensure that maintenance personnel make appropriate entries in the
aircraft maintenance records indicating the aircraft has been approved for
return to service;
(2) Shall have any inoperative instrument or item of equipment, permitted to be
inoperative by a CASR135 approved MEL, repaired, replaced, removed, or
inspected at the next required inspection; and
(3) When listed discrepancies include inoperative instruments or equipment, shall
ensure that a placard has been installed as required by CASR 43.11.
(a) No person may operate any aircraft that has undergone maintenance, preventive
maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration unless -
(1) It has been approved for return to service by a person authorized under CASR
43.7; and
(2) The maintenance record entry required by CASR 43.9 or 43.1 1, as applicable,
has been made.
(b) No person may carry any person (other than crewmembers) in an aircraft that has
been maintained, rebuilt, or altered in a manner that may have appreciably changed
its flight characteristics or substantially affected its operation in flight until an
appropriately rated pilot with at least a private pilot certificate flies the aircraft,
makes an operational check of the maintenance performed or alteration made, and
logs the flight in the aircraft records.
(c) The aircraft does not have to be flown as required by paragraph (b) of this section if,
prior to flight, ground tests, inspection, or both show conclusively that the
maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration has not appreciably
changed the flight characteristics or substantially affected the flight operation of the
(c) The AAIP shall provide for the complete inspection of the aircraft within each 12
calendar months and be consistent with the manufacturers recommendations, field
service experience, and the kind of operation in which the aircraft is engaged. The
inspection schedule must ensure that the aircraft, at all times, will be airworthy and
will conform to all applicable DGCA aircraft specifications, type certificate data
sheets, airworthiness directives, and other approved data.
(Note; if the aircraft is removed from CASR 135 operations and the AAIP is
discontinued, the owner or operator shall immediately notify the DGCA, in writing, of
the discontinuance. Procedures for reversion back to annual and 100-hour
inspections are discussed in CASR 91.409.)
(a) No person may operate an airplane, or helicopter, in controlled airspace under IFR
unless -
(1) Within the preceding 24 calendar months, each static pressure system, each
altimeter instrument, and each automatic pressure altitude reporting system has
been tested and inspected and found to comply with appendix E of CASR 43;
(2) Except for the use of system drain and alternate static pressure valves,
following any opening and closing of the static pressure system, that system
has been tested and inspected and found to comply with paragraph (a),
appendices E and F, of CASR 43; and
(3) Following installation or maintenance on the automatic pressure altitude
reporting system of the ATC transponder where data correspondence error
could be introduced, the integrated system has been tested, inspected, and
found to comply with paragraph (c), appendix E, of CASR 43.
(b) The tests required by paragraph (a) of this section must be conducted by -
(1) The manufacturer of the airplane, or helicopter, on which the tests and
inspections are to be performed;
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
(c) Altimeter and altitude reporting equipment approved under Technical Standard
Orders are considered to be tested and inspected as of the date of their
(d) No person may operate an airplane, or helicopter, in controlled airspace under [FR
at an altitude above the maximum altitude at which all altimeters and the automatic
altitude reporting system of that airplane, or helicopter, have been tested.
(a) No persons may use an ATC transponder unless, within the preceding 24 calendar
months, the ATC transponder has been tested and inspected and found to comply
with appendix F of CASR 43 and
(c) The tests and inspections specified in this section must be conducted by -
(1) An AMO properly equipped to perform those functions and holding -
(i) A radio rating, Class 111;
(ii) A limited radio rating appropriate to the make and model transponder to
be tested;
(iii) A limited rating appropriate to the test to be performed;
(iv) A limited rating for a manufacturer issued for the transponder in
accordance with CASR 145.101(b)(4); or
(2) A holder of a continuous airworthiness maintenance program as provided in
CASR 121, or 135.367; or
(3) The manufacturer of the aircraft on which the transponder to be tested is
installed, if the transponder was installed by that manufacturer.
The following schedules lay down the standards for the Pilot proficiency checks required
by CASR 135.469 as applicable to the aircraft, simulator or pilot to be checked.
2. Flight Phase
(a) Taxiing
(1) taxiing procedures include, where appropriate, sailing and docking
(2) a taxiing check including:
(i) the use of the taxiing check list;
(ii) taxiing in compliance with clearances and instructions issued by
the appropriate air traffic control unit or by the person conducting
the pilot proficiency check; and
(iii) where a second-in-command is undergoing the pilot proficiency
check, outlined above to the extent practicable from the second-in-
command position.
(b) Engine Checks
(1) Engine checks shall be conducted as appropriate to the aeroplane type.
(c) Take-Off
(1) One normal take-off to be performed in accordance with the aeroplane
flight manual.
(2) An instrument take-off performed in the same manner as the normal take-
off except that instrument flight rules are simulated at or before reaching
an altitude of 200 feet above the airport elevation. An instrument take off
is not required to be demonstrated where the air carrier’s AOC authorizes
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
operations under day VFR only, or the air operator assigns the pilot
undertaking the flight test to day VFR flight only.
(3) Where practicable under existing meteorological, airport or airport traffic
conditions, one crosswind take-off performed in accordance with the
aeroplane operating manual where applicable;
Note: Any or all of the above take-offs may be combined.
(4) A simulated engine failure after take-off as follows:
(i) where performed in a visual synthetic flight training device, the
simulated failure of the critical engine shall occur at the take-off
safety speed plus 10 knots; and
(ii) where performed in an aeroplane in flight, at a safe altitude as
close to the take-off safety speed plus 10 kts as is safe and
appropriate to the aeroplane type under the prevailing conditions;
(5) A rejected take-off:
(i) performed in a Level A synthetic flight training device prior to
reaching lift-off speed; or
(ii) explained by the candidate prior to the flight where the pilot
proficiency check is conducted in an aeroplane.
(d) Instrument Procedures
Except where an air operator certificate authorizes operation under day VFR
only, or an operator assigns the pilot to day VFR flight only, instrument
procedures shall consist of IFR pre-flight preparation, departure and enroute
procedures, terminal procedures and system malfunctions.
(1) An area departure and an area arrival procedure shall be performed
where the pilot:
(i) adheres to actual or simulated air traffic control clearances and
instructions; and
(ii) properly uses the available navigation facilities;
(2) holding procedures;
(3) at least two instrument approaches performed in accordance with
procedures and limitations in the approach charts being used, or
approved company approach procedure for the approach facility used.
Where practicable one of the approaches shall be a precision approach;
(4) a circling approach except where local conditions beyond the control of
the pilot prevent a circling approach from being performed;
(e) In Flight Manoeuvres
(1) at least one steep turn in each direction with a bank angle of 450 and a
change in heading of at least 1800 but not more than 3600; and
(2) approaches to stalls.
For the purposes of this maneuver the required approach to a stall is
reached when there is a perceptible buffet or other response to the
initial stall entry. When performed in an aeroplane the approach to stalls
shall be conducted at an altitude of at least 5000 feet AGL and if
conducted above cloud at an altitude of at least 2000 feet above cloud
The following approaches to stall are required during initial and upgrade
(i) one in the take-off configuration, except where a zero-flap take-off
configuration is normally used in that model and type of aeroplane;
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
1. Pre-Flight Phase
4 Mar 2002 CASR Part 135 Amdt. 2
2. Flight Phase
(a) Taxiing
(1) the use of the taxiing check list; and
(2) taxiing in compliance with clearances and instructions issued by the
person conducting the pilot proficiency check;
(3) where a second-in-command is undergoing the pilot proficiency check,
outlined above to the extent practicable from the second-in-command
(b) Engine Checks
Engine checks shall be conducted as appropriate to the aeroplane type.
(c) Take-Off
(1) one normal take-off to be performed in accordance with the Airplane
Flight Manual;
(2) an instrument take-off in the minimum visibility approved for the air
(3) a take-off in a minimum of a 10 kt crosswind component;
Note: Any or all of the above takeoffs may be combined.
(4) a take-off with failure of the critical engine. This activity may be
conducted in lieu of an engine failure during a rejected landing; and
(5) a rejected take-off from a speed not less than 90% of the calculated V1
or less as appropriate to the aeroplane type.
(d) Instrument Procedures:
Instrument procedures shall consist of IFR pre-flight preparations, terminal and
enroute procedures, arrival and departure procedures, system malfunctions
and where applicable, the proper programming and use of Flight Management
Systems, (as applicable).
(1) An area departure and an area arrival procedures shall be performed
where the crew:
(i) adheres to air traffic control clearances and instructions; and
(ii) properly uses the available navigation equipment and facilities;
(2) a holding procedure;
(3) at least two instrument approaches performed in accordance with
procedures and limitations in the approach charts being used or
approved company approach procedure for the facility used. One of the
approaches shall be a precision approach, and one a non precision
(4) one approach and manoeuvre to land using a scene approved for
circling where the air operator is authorized for approaches at the
1. Pre-Flight Phase
(a) Flight Planning
(1) a practical oral examination on applicable flight planning procedures,
flight planning information sources and maintenance release
procedures; an
(2) a practical oral examination on the helicopter flight manual including
limitations, loading, weight and balance, applicable flight manual
supplements and the significance and use of performance charts.
(b) Pre-Flight Inspection
(1) a visual and, as applicable, functional exterior and interior inspection of
the helicopter to show a practical knowledge of the airframe, major
components, systems and applicable servicing procedures;
(2) use of check lists and procedures including engine and system checks;
(3) pre-flight checks of communications, navigation, electrical, flight
instruments and ice protection systems as appropriate.
2. Flight Phase
(a) Taxiing and Hover Maneuvres
(1) taxiing includes, when appropriate to the helicopter configuration, both
ground and air taxi and, where a second-in-command is undergoing the
pilot proficiency check, taxiing to the extent practical from the second-in-
command position
(2) taxiing in compliance with instructions issued by air traffic control or by
the person conducting the pilot proficiency check;
(3) compliance with appropriate taxi, hover and pre-departure check
(4) 360 degree hover turns, sideward and rearward hovering manoeuvres
and, when practical, out of wind stationary hovering;
(5) landing from a hover to a sloped surface and take-off to a hover from a
sloped surface; and
(6) landing following simulated engine failure during hover or air taxi.
(b) Departure, Air Work, Approaches
(1) normal transition to forward flight, climb to assigned altitude and normal
approach and landing;
The following Matrix indicates the minimum ground and flight training time required for
initial and recurrent training. Where a flight simulator is used as the training device, it is
considered there will be an equal amount of Pilot Not Flying (PNF), training time
included in the course. In other words all times shown are Pilot Flying (PF) times and
where an aircraft is used for training, the times shown are meant to mean air time and
do not include the pilot proficiency check. Ground training times include examination
and review.
Due to the wide variance in some of the training components required by Subpart N, it is
not possible to list a minimum time for each component. Each component not listed
must include a proposed course duration and will be reviewed by the Director. In
making his decision the Director will consider the type of training, scope and size of the
company and type of presentation aids being proposed.