30K Space Wolves Legion Special Rules

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The document discusses the special rules, unique wargear, characters, and Rites of War available to the Space Wolves Legion in 30k.

The Space Wolves Legion gain special rules like Bestial Savagery, Hunter's Gait, and Preternatural Senses. They also have army selection restrictions.

The Space Wolves have access to unique wargear like Frost weapons and Fenrisian Wolves. Unique characters discussed include Leman Russ, Griegor Fell-Hand, and Hvarl Red-Blade.

 30K Space Wolves Legion Special Rules

 Bestial Savagery: Gain +1WS if they have successfully charged, have the counter attack
special rule, and must perform a Sweeping Advance if they won combat after charging or
being charged
 Hunter's Gait: Models without jump packs or terminator armour gain +1 to run and
consolidation moves
 Preternatural Senses: Night Vision, Acute Senses, and infiltrators may not deploy within 18"
regardless of line of sight
 Space Wolf Army Selection:
 Only Centurions and Praetors can be compulsory HQs
 Must take at least 1HQ for each 1,000pts (1,500pts etc must take 2) Regardless of the
force organisation chart being used. So you can take more than 3k points, you force
org chart simply stretches to accommodate your army's massive girth.
 It can be hard to find ways of doing this that aren't straight tax as putting your HQs with
Grey Slayers loses much of what makes them unique. It also can make it hard to fit Russ
into a force but his Wolfkin are 100 points and HQ choices so they can be helpful in this
regard. RAW Command Squad is HQ choice in it's own right (you need to take any HQ,
not "fill HQ slot" or something). Take Praetors and enjoy.
 Chaplains, Librarians and Primus Medicae may not be taken - They're all replaced by the
Priest of Fenris in his two modes.
 Tactical Squads, Assault Squads and Breacher Siege Squads gain support squad, your
only available compulsory troops are Grey Slayers.
 Some Legions still don't have any unique troops at all. So there isn't much to complain
about. Unless you really want to add some more Volkite spam or Plasma Guns. Emperor
knows that your going to need some more Plasma in this MEQ/TEQ heavy game. You
won't miss Fury Furry of the Legion that much.
 The Sagas of Blood and Night i.e. Wolfy Warlord Traits, since you can't use the regular legion
ones or even the BRB tables.
 The Get of the Wyrm: choose D3 infantry squads of 5 or more models to gain Fear and
Defensive Grenades.
 The Howl of the Death Wolf: for one turn only, all Run and Charge moves the army makes
may be rerolled. (Leman Russ has this in addition to his "Sire of the Legion" rules)
 The Hunger of the Void: your Warlord has Rage.
 The Waster of the Land: The warlord and his unit gain Move Through Cover but also,
whenever he and his unit shoot at a target within 12" they gain the Ignore Coverrule.
 The Crown Breaker: The Warlord gains Preferred Enemy (Independent Characters) and
also gains Feel No Pain (5+) when fighting a challenge.
 The Shield of the Wolf King: Warlord gets Stubborn and so does his unit.

 Rite of War: The Pale Hunters

 The Circling Wolves: Units from this detachment gain +1 on reserve rolls.
 Bleed & Harry: Infantry units not wearing Terminator Armour gain Hit and Run, but roll 2D6
for distance moved instead of 3D6.
 The Fury of the Pack: Whenever a Space Wolves unit charges into an enemy
unit already locked in combat they gain an additional +1 attack for charging.
 The detachment may not take any kind of Drop Pod, or any Artillery or Fortifications.
 The detachment may only take a single Heavy Support slot.

 Rite of War - The Bloodied Claws

 Oath of the Bloodied Claw: Grey Slayers and Assault Squads gain the Furious
Assault(Yep. They've done it again. Come on Forge World; this either is a typo yet again or
they are making a new rule...highly unlikely...) rule, but must always declare a charge if they
are able to do so.
 Overwhelming Assault: units in the detachment gain +1 to combat resolution scores when
in the enemy deployment zone.
 Howl of the Death Wolf: gain the same rules as the warlord trait, if he already has the
trait/ability (see Russ) then you can use it twice per game.
 The detachment may not take any Immobile, Artillery or Slow & Purposeful units.
 You may not take an allied Space Marine detachment.

 Unique Wargear
 Fenrisian Wolf: Bark. Praetors or Centurions without jump packs can buy up to two of them.
Unlike their 40k iterations, these are bulky with Counter-Attack and Preternatural Senses with
4's in most stats and BS0 W1 A2 Ld5, and a 6+ save, but don't count as Beasts.
Cyberwolves are also changed, now being a 5 point upgrade for FNP.
 Frost weapons: Any Independent Character with a Power weapon can make them +1S and
specialist for a few points. Some of the Legion's unique units also get access to them.
Special mention given to the great frost blade, a two-handed S+1 AP2 Master Crafted sword
that forces the wielder to fight at -1 Initiative, but gains +1 Attack if fighting multiple enemies
(Death Guard called, they want their rules for Power Scythes back. Seriously, they are
identical, with the only differences being mastercrafted and the weapon it replaces). Also
note there is no benefit to taking frost axes over power fists as frost axes also have specialist
so now are no different from fists apart from 2 less strength and in most cases are the same
price or even more expensive than fists.
 AEther-Rune Armour: Artificer Armour that adds a wound and lets you re-roll DtW available
to Priests of Fenris and Praetors. Forge Lords, Masters of Signal and Praevians get access
to this Armour thanks to a little sidebar on the Priests of Fenris entry, as they all count as Iron
 Burning Claws (Relic): A single Wolf Claw just like out of the codex, except get master-
crafted and armourbane. Standard fare relic that does the job.

 Forge Lords can buy Cyber-Wolves in place of the basic Servo-Automata for 15 pts each. Better
for punching, less for fixing.
 Grey Slayers: Your compulsory troops choices, so no matter what you're taken two units of these
guys. Their special rule "Warrior's Mettle" let's them run/shoot bolters and charge in the same
turn but you suffer a -1 penalty to distances on charges, it also replaces Fury of the Legion so
these guys have marginally worse shooting than tacs. Very irritatingly no ICs (apart from Geigor)
or apothecaries have this rule so if they join your slayers they effectively lose it. They can still
shoot and charge as long as the IC doesn't shoot guns that stop him charging but most of the
time the run option will be the one you want. They start of with bolt pistols and cc weapons but
you can buy them bolters, combat shields or replace the cc weapon with a power weapon. One in
five can take a combi-weapon, a fist, a claw or a plasma pistol or hand-flamer. Huscarl (read
sarge) gets normal options. All in all tac equivalent with a heavier assault focus.
 Unless of course you run an all Varagyr army with Russ, there is no reliable way to get rid of
this guys as Compulsory Troops. See, Legion rules take precedence over vanilla ones, and if
LA says you must do something, no RoW can cancel it (so some RoW will be unavailable,
like Fury of the Ancient for Word Bearers). So maybe you can take one of the generic Rites
that makes another unit a compulsory Troop choice, maybe not, things are
really muddy here.
 Deathsworn Pack: Space Marines so consumed with dreams of death and destruction that only
in combat do they find release. Essentially Wolfy Destroyers or a squad of Lone Wolves. Each
has a pistol and power axe, as well as some special stasis bombs that act more like chemical
weapons, what with their Fleshbane, Gets Hot, and Pinning. These bombs also count as
defensive grenades and if someone flees from them, they have to roll 3d6 and take the lowest.
They're also handy in melee, as they get to wield those axes (or fists, heavy frost blades, or
hammers), get Fearless in combat, can take Rad grenades and death won't stop them as they
still get one last hit at I1 before finally being removed. They also get artificer armour for 2+ save
goodness. However, they can only be joined by a Speaker of the Dead.
 Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminators: Very expensive Cataphractii Terminators with frost weapons.
Their special party trick is they have an S5 hammer of wrath and any model can accept a
challenge. Further, if they kill the enemy challenger, they get a +1 bonus to combat resolutions.
Only the champion gets two wounds although they seem to be costed as if they all should. They
can replace their frost weapons with powerfists, chainfists or TH hammers and any model can
replace its combi-bolter with a combi-weapon, another frost weapon, a heavy flamer or a reaper
autocannon although this can make them even more expensive than before.
 Priest of Fenris: Where your Librarians, Chaplains and Primus Medicae went. Though they
share a stat line and upgrade options, this is really two different characters...
 Speaker of the Dead: Wolf Priests in the olden times. They get their healing stuff (a 5+ Feel
No Pain), a power maul, and a special one-use grenade +4 Poison and Rending at Assault
d3+1 at AP-. They aren't as killy as they eventually become, but Fearless, giving their unit PE
Infantry and and 5+ Feel No Pain makes them one of the most useful of obligatory HQ you
have to take. These guys can take Deathsworn as a Command Squad.
 Caster of Runes: The old Rune Priests. They get ML1 with the option to go ML2 as well as a
Force Weapon and the Runic Matrix, a tool that allows a re-roll of a single DtW test per turn
but prevents using more than 4 WCs when manifesting powers. They can grab powers from
Biomancy, Divination, and Telepathy, making it clear they're better for supporting a team
rather than making shit die with their powers.
 Priests can't take Jump packs/bikes/jetbikes which depending on your play style could
be a minor or quite major nuisance. It certainly seems either arbitrary or just a mistake
although there is some fluff justification in that 40k wolves are mentioned as pretty
suspicious of these items.

 Griegor Fell-Hand: Bjorn's predecessor from whom he inherited a title and a weapon. He's a
Praetor with only WS5 and Power Armour. He's got the Fell Hand, an S+1 AP2 Master Crafted
Lightning Claw, and Warrior's Mettle. He also has Crown-Breaker as a Warlord Trait.
 Hvarl Red-Blade: Another Praetor with an extra Wound, only now in Tartaros Armor. He
gets Hearth-Splitter, an S+2 Power Axe with Armorbane, but without unwieldy, a Grenade
Harness, a Heavy Bolter, and a Halo. He also has Fear and the ability to give three Infantry Units
Scout. His Warlord Trait gives all allies within 12" PE (Infantry), allowing them to hold off any
interruptions while he hits the big toys.
 Leman Russ: The Wolf King comes... He's a healthy 455 points (equal to Ferrus) and has a 6 on
everything except WS9, I7, and Ld10, making him useful for smacking things with his two melee
weapons. His Breaker of Shields, Bringer of Ruin rule especially allows him to divvy up his blows
between the two in any circumstance. He also allows Varagyr WG Termies and Veteran Tacs
(which may take Warrior's Mettle instead of the usual Vet tactics) to be taken as troops, while Sire
of the Space Wolves gives him Night Vision, Counter-Attack, Hunter's Gait, Preternatural Senses,
and a Howl of the Death Wolf. The army also acts as if they have +1 Ld. All this serves to make
Russ a better Loyalist version of Angron, he'll wreck face (even beating the Warmaster) but
doesn't buff his army much beyond Howl (which is great if you know when to use it).
The Lord of Winter and Ruin uses the following Wargear:
 The Armour Elavagar: A 2+/4++ armor that ups to 3++ when faced with Flamers, Melta, or
Plasma. But that's not all! Anyone in combat with him also takes -1 to hit, with the penalty
rising to -2 if they stay there for longer than a round. This gives him the means to blunt any
attempts to repeatedly charge-and-disengage from the likes of Corax.
 Axe of Helwinter: It's a +2 master-crafted power axe with sunder and without Unwieldy.
Completely overshadowed by the following, unless you're fighting a dreadnought or
 Sword of Balenight: A Shredding AP2 power sword, oh wait, it also has Sever Life, meaning
that if a model suffers one or more wounds from the weapon but is not slain, roll 2d6 and if
this beats his opponent's toughness it causes D3 additional wounds at AP2.
 Scornspitter: A gift from Vulkan. It's an AP3 Bolter with Rending and Assault 3, making it
pretty deadly.
 Frag Grenades: It explodes
 The Wolf-kin of Russ: Russ' pet/brother wolves, they can only be taken if you have Russ, and
count as a HQ in all aspects except taking a slot, Russ can't join them but if he is within 6" the
wolves do a LOS on a 2+ (that's 8 additional wounds there). They're both Custodes-tier in power
with 5's across the board except for BS0 W4 A3 Ld8, AP4 Rending bites, and a slew of special
rules to make fighting them in melee a terrible idea, they even have a bit of character too as Geri
gets Precision Strikes and Freki gets Crusader. To counter them though, they only have a 5+
save and a 5+ FNP, armor save rather quickly surpassed in an age of bolters and death lasers,
so always stay in cover, and beware of ID or S10 weapons.

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