Design and Implementation of A Cloud-Based Iot Scheme For Precision Agriculture
Design and Implementation of A Cloud-Based Iot Scheme For Precision Agriculture
Design and Implementation of A Cloud-Based Iot Scheme For Precision Agriculture
AbstractThe Internet of Things (IoT) technology is plethora of applications such as smart-cities, remote healthcare,
currently shaping different aspects of human life. Precision energy and water control, precision agriculture, wildlife
agriculture is one of the paradigms which can use the IoT monitoring, structural and ancient building monitoring, etc.
advantages to optimize the production efficiency and uniformity
across the agriculture fields, optimize the quality of the crops, In this paper, we propose a cloud-based IoT architecture
and minimize the negative environmental impact. In this paper, that is applicable in different precision agriculture applications.
we present an IoT architecture customized for precision The proposed architecture is composed of three layers: a front-
agriculture applications. The proposed three-layer architecture end layer that collects the environmental information and
collects the needed data and relays it to a cloud-based back-end applies the needed agriculture actions; a gateway layer that
where it is processed and analyzed. Feedback actions based on connects the front-end layer to the Internet, and a back-end
the analyzed data can be sent back to the front-end nodes. We layer in which the data storage and processing take place. A
built a prototype of the proposed architecture to demonstrate its prototype of the proposed architecture is built and tested to
performance advantages. illustrate its performance.
KeywordsInternet of Things (IoT); precision agriculture; The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In
sensor networks; platform implementation; cloud computing Section II, we review the related literature. The proposed IoT
architecture is presented in Section III. A preliminary set of
I. INTRODUCTION results of a prototype of this architecture is presented in Section
Precision agriculture emerged in the late 1980s with the IV. The paper is concluded in Section V.
matching of grid-based sampling of soil chemical properties
with the newly developed variable-rate application equipment II. RELATED WORK
for fertilizers [1]. Since then, it became the main farming A. High-Level IoT Architectures
management practice worldwide. Precision agricultural
This category represents the related IoT architectures that
services provide the means to (1) fight epidemic diseases by
were proposed in the literature. A classification of generic IoT
applying the appropriate types and amounts of fungicides,
platforms is presented in [2], which also develops a top-level
pesticides and organic fertilizers at the right times, (2) achieve
generic IoT architecture suited for smart city applications
efficient water consumption by watering the plants with only
including precision agriculture. Likewise, [3] presents a
the needed amount of water and the right time, (3) reduce the
functional view of an integrated architecture of data acquisition
harm to the environment since knowing when to spray a
and intelligent control system that can be used in agricultural
pesticide does not only lead to effectively killing harmful pests
facilities such as greenhouse. In [4], the authors present a
but also reduces the use of the pesticide, and (4) produce high-
functional architecture that aims at promoting the development
value agriculture productions by growing non-toxic, safe, and
of facility habitat intelligence monitoring platforms. The
healthy crops.
authors of [5] integrate the recently developed Open IoT
The use of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in precision platform that is applicable in a number of use cases with the
agriculture increases the efficiency, productivity and Digital Agriculture (Phenonet) to develop a semantically
profitability of many agricultural production systems [2]-[11]. enhanced agriculture ontology. However, all such related
Real-time environmental information can be remotely gathered works lack actual implementations.
from the agricultural fields and transferred to where it can be
B. Crop Monitoring Platforms
processed to discover problems, store data, and/or take needed
actions. This contrasts with the traditional agricultural Several IoT systems have been developed for monitoring
approaches in which decisions are taken based on some purposes in precision agriculture application [6]-[8]. With the
hypothetical average condition, which may not reflect reality. goal of increasing the crop production, a crop monitoring
system was developed to collect the crop data and use
WSNs are key components the Internet of Things (IoT) in production system through correlation analysis between the
which different pieces of information gathered from almost crop statistical information and agricultural environment
anywhere and anything in the world are accessible through the information [9]. The platforms presented in [10] and [11] and
Internet. The integration of WSNs with IoT resulted in a control functionalities based on the monitored data.
Sensor Model
Air Temperature SHT11
Air Humidity HTU21D
Soil Moisture Sensor SEN0114
Leaf Wetness FC-37
Wind Speed/Direction SEN-08942
Rain Volume SEN-08942
gateway then relays the collected data (possibly after VM (such as memory and disk space) with a minimal
manipulating it) to the cloud servers in the back-end for storage downtime and without data corruption. It is worth noting that if
and extensive data analysis. The gateway layer also forwards the agriculture system requirement exceeds the available
requests from the back-end to the actuators in the nodes. Each hardware resources, the implemented VM can be easily moved
gateway can be connected to up to 6 front-end nodes through to a dedicated cloud hosting platform such as an EC2 instance
nRF24L01 transceivers such as those used in the front-end on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
nodes. The gateway is also implemented using Raspberry Pi 2
microcontroller. Being equipped with a 900 MHz quad-core IV. PROTOTYPE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
ARM cortex-A7 CPU and 1 GB RAM, such a microcontroller A prototype of the proposed architecture for IoT precision
provides the needed processing power and storage that ensure agriculture applications has been implemented for a proof of
that all the capture sensor data is relayed to the cloud server for concept to evaluate the proposed IoT transducer framework.
analysis. A miniature IEEE 802.11b/g/n (WiFi) module is used Three front-end nodes equipped with sensors listed in Table I
to connect the gateway to the remote back-end. The used were used. These three front-end nodes are deployed outdoors
module is interfaced to the microcontroller using a standard in the Central Michigan University (CMU) campus. The nodes
TCP/IP interface. The data rate of this module is 150 Mbps. connect to a single gateway using nRF24L01 wireless
C. Back-end Layer interfaces. The gateway connects to the Internet, and hence to
the back-end cloud server, using the WiFi technology. The
The back-end is responsible for facilitating the end-users' gateway collects data from the three front-end nodes and
ability of accessing the sensed data. This is achieved by performs abstract data analysis for immediate feedback (if
implementing several services including, but not limited to, necessary), and transmits the raw data to the cloud for detailed
data storage, data analytics, and data visualization in addition data analytics. The back-end cloud server receives and stores
to providing an appropriate application program interface the data received from the cloud server, performs data
(API) and software tools through which the end-user can analytics, and creates visual illustrations for easier data
access the data. In our proposed architecture, we implement the interpretation.
back-end layer via the cloud-based server shown in Fig. 3.
A. Wind Speed and Dirction
First, we collect the wind speed and direction data. For the
wind speed data, the rotation of the sensor is converted into
velocity measured in Miles Per Hour (MPH). The used SEN-
08942 sensor gives different voltage values for different
directions. The sensor used in the prototype gives up to 16
different directions. Fig. 4 depicts the wind speed collected
over a 200 minutes window. This figure shows the variations
of the wind speed by the minute over the observation window.
Different granularities can be obtained using our cloud server.
We omit the wind direction results for space considerations.
minutes. Fig. 5 shows the gradual decrease in the rain volume implementation details. We have built a prototype to illustrate
before it stops. Meanwhile, the moisture slightly increased the different performance aspects of the proposed architecture.
after the rain stopped. Such data can be used in predicting the The preliminary performance evaluation results have
evolution of plan diseases. demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed architecture
despite its simplicity. This makes the proposed architecture a
good candidate for implementing a wide set of precision
agriculture systems. Our future work will include how to
secure the access of the data and will develop a mobile
application that allows access of the data on handheld devices.
Rain Fall(inches)
Moisture (%)
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Temperature(o C)