Digital Moisture Monitoring System Embedded in PIC

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2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)

Digital Moisture Monitoring System Embedded in

Md.Mehzabul Hoque Nahid Arnob Zahid Ahmed Abdullah
Dept of MIS Dept of MIS Dept of CSE
American International University- American International University- Royal University of Dhaka,
Bangladesh, Bangladesh, Dhaka.Bangladesh
Dhaka.Bangladesh Dhaka.Bangladesh [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
Abstract—Digitalization in agriculture can eliminate many The objective of this paper is to introduce an IoT enabled
malicious effects in the agricultural industry and reduce extension in smart agro-based system; a design of a portable
uncertainty due to the uncertainty in weather and complex moisture detecting device; which will be able to capture
agriculture system. This study designs a PIC based web-service real-time moisture data through sensors (as input) and
oriented architecture to achieve achieves more flexibility,
affordability as well as usability through adapting the Web
convert the collected data into knowledge, aiding towards
services and PIC based Sensor integrated with GSM/GPRS decision making (as output). This explicit knowledge will
based mobile application model to take progressive data of evidently assist in exploring various soil’s moistures in
temperature, level of soil moisture, photo taken from the correlation to different atmospheric variables (e.g.
harvest field and renders these data into a web server to temperature, evaporation), which will analytically predict on
produce report for farmers or agriculture experts through the possibilities of farming calamities like drought or pest
android devices. These data are then stored in the web server attack. Moreover, it will also assist in precise diagnostics for
as per date and time. Besides, the ratio of soil moisture in a the environmentally challenged crops. The motivation of the
specific area is calculated and displayed in a graph in the web proposed system is to discover contemporary methods of
page. Moreover, an android application “Smart Agriculture
farming, which will aid the agricultural extension officers to
BD” has been constructed to incorporate the field images along
with other data in the web server. In order to collect the data collect various field data and forms remotely through
for the humidity of soil grove-moisture sensor, a temperature wireless systems and forward the collected data sets and
sensor for calculating temperature, android app for retrieving forms to expert system for further analysis and reporting in
collected images and SIM900A kit (GSM/GPRS module) has efficient way.
been integrated with PIC Microcontroller 16f877A to forward
the data to a web server for immediate use. Henceforth, a user II. LITEURE REVIEW
can predict the field condition by manipulating the data and
take the imperative decision to overcome any detrimental In different scientific literatures, applications of
effect on crops due to nature. Arduino or raspberry-pi based moisture monitoring systems
or worm detection systems have been found very limited to
Index Terms— Android Apps, GSM, GPRS, PIC, Moisture their ability [26]; mostly observed integrated with few non-
sensor, customized shields and commune to a wifi shield [25].
However, the library files are often discovered complex to
I. INTRODUCTION customize and the images are mostly observed with
With the ongoing progress of IoT in agriculture, a improper coordination with redundancy [24]. Nisha (2014)
bright hope of digital agriculture system has been arisen; has proposed a wireless sensor network based automated
leading towards the establishment of data driven cultivation irrigation and crop field monitoring system, which will aid
culture, assuring more accurate and real time farming in optimize use of water for agricultural purpose [27]. Wark
decisions. In traditional farming; cultivation of rice, cotton, et. al. designed a solar powered sensor-based monitoring
and wheat require human labor along with rising wages. In and detection system, which is capable to collect various
contemporary, the field officer collects data from fields first information (humidity, temperature, etc) from field through
and then forwards it to head office. After that, further different plotted sensors for animal agricultural purpose [4].
analysis is conducted to recommend the required medicine Karim made a comparison among different type of
and pesticides. However, this traditional approach is very agriculture monitoring networks and stated a variety of
time consuming, with possibility of catastrophe sometime. algorithms implemented in sensor networks in their research
In agriculture, moisture monitoring is very essential, such as M2M, A2S etc [5]. Similarly, an experiment was
especially to protect crops with limited water logging conducted by Baggio, who designed a data gathering system
condition because the earth’s land surface acts as a thin by pacing small sensor boards (TNOeds) in the field and
reservoir. It holds and manages water for a limited period, then applying algorithms to distribute the storage data to
which is known as soil moisture [1]. Therefore, in coming other XML pages [6]. Apart from designing system for data
days, it is expected that the automated moisture detection collection, Burrell et. al. importantly pointed out the
and irrigation system will be deployed and performed by necessity of distributing user data upon user needs [7].
Automata [2]. As the robots are already proven robust in Garcia-Sanchez has developed a novice integrated
typical environments; reduction of human labor in farming WSN solution involving video rendering along with data
can be assured upon execution of meaningful set of collection to enhance precision agriculture [8]. A prototype
instruction by human operator; ensuring effective computer involving the wave radio concept to sense moisturizer is
utilization in agriculture [3]. developed in [9]. Besides, the applications of android phone
integrated with microcontroller in irrigation and agricultural
system has been introduced [10][11][12]. Katsigiannis et. al.

978-1-5386-8014-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE


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2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)

identified the challenges and needs for UAV sensing vegetation cover like grass and contains about 20% of
technology face while implementing the automatic data organic matters. However, some scientists strictly believe
collection system in a pomegranate orchard [13]. On the that all soil moisture monitoring as a wrong approach [26].
other hand, the application of cloud technologies to
manipulate and store data only for moisture measurement IV. METHODOLOGY
are also found discussed and applied by Murthy et. al.[14].
The proposed system entirely involves incorporation of
A survey on the implementation of various sensory
different sensors, GSM/GPRS module with PIC
technologies and Artificial Intelligence agents in agriculture
has been found conducted by Rajput [15]. This paper microcontroller, rendering data through web and storage in a
is inspired by the work of Kaewmard and Saiyod (2014). web server by displaying the required information. The
usage of android application is also integrated within the
They developed a portable Arduino based precision farming
system. At first, all the hardware and equipment like groov-
device capable of measuring soil moisture, air humidity and
soil moisture sensor, temperature measuring sensor,
air temperature through various sensors in order to collect
GSM/GPRS wireless device and the PIC kit (holding the
the environment data and controlling the irrigation system
via smart phone with 96-98% accuracy [18]. Regarding soil microcontroller PIC 16f877a) are being set to the field area.
moisture data collection through wireless sensor network, The moisture sensor is deployed in the soil to measure water
adjustments around it. Temperature sensor and SIM900A
this paper, followed the work of Jao [19]. Their device
(GSM module) are also integrated with the PIC board set on
used microcontroller ATmega. It is important to mention
the experimenting field.
that the researchers of that discussing paper have conducted
test once in every 15 minutes in three situations of soil such
as dry, moist and saturated. Nevertheless, despite of
raspberry pi’s many limitations it is also popular among
precision farming device engineers for its easy to code and
easy to use for novice.


According to Kaur, “The soil moisture sensors are easy
to setup and maintain, and also capable to measure the
propagation speed of a buried transmission by measuring the
average line dielectric constant, which is capable to provide
real-time data, and overall ensures the irrigation
competence” [20]. Buchen et. al. also classified another kind
of sensor (soil water potential sensor) which can incorporate
tensiometers and gypsum, comprising two cathodes and
Fig. 2. Flow Chart of full Operation
tests for estimating the dirt oppositions which are frequently
utilized for private purposes [21]. According to him, time After the proper deployment of mentioned hardware and
space reflectometry and time zone transmission (TDT) are equipment, the devices start to acquire data and store those
likely used for assessing earth’s abruptness content and in EPROM placed on the board of PIC microcontroller.
higher ordinary dielectric relentless for the soil caused by Besides, the GSM module starts forwarding these collected
higher water center [21]. Soil is divided into six different data through the GPRS system; temporarily storing in
layers from top to bottom and these layers are termed as EPROM, which are likely to be moved to the network for
“soil horizons”. further online storage. Moreover, the android application
takes photos of the field and then uploads the images to the
server. All the obtained and simulate data are then stored in
the web server as backup. Finally, the earned data along
with the pictures are viewed and accessed by a user through
a web page.


The entire system is interfaced by a PIC (Programmable
Fig. 1. Soil Layer with Moisture measuring Interface Controllers) kit that holds the microcontroller PIC
16f877a. The PIC kit holds the EPROM that acts as a
This categorization is also known as “soil profile”. The dirt volatile storage for data send by the GSM/GPRS kit
skylines are extended from the fruitful, natural upper layers SIM900A. The microcontroller is interfaced with
which are made out of the best soil. The fundamental shake GSM/GPRS kit. EPROM also holds the data for soil
layers are made from the subsoil, regolith, and the bedrocks. moisture which is provided by GROOVE-soil moisture
The topmost layer of the soil is primarily being the sensor (deployed in the soil). The sensor calculates the water
composition of numerous decaying organic matters like around it and measures the amount of water. By default, PIC
living organisms, fresh soil, etc. The color of the topmost microcontrollers are combined as a set of electronic chips
layer is normally brown or black due to its organic that can perform many programmed tasks. It can be
composition. This layer hosts most of the roots of small programmed in the delay circuit, timer circuit or


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2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)

programming circuit. Basically, PIC is the study of operation. It is compatable with both, 3G and 4G. SMF05C
beginning embedded system. Many Robotics and embedded ESD chip is also used in SIM card circuit. To ensure the
system engineers first choice are PIC. PIC 16F877 is an 8- proper wave and signal strength, the antenna is
bit microcontroller. It is supplied in the form of a module demonstrated straight. According to Kaewmard, the
and commercially available in local market. This module SIM900/An equipment totally takes after the outline when
consists of an RS 232 serial port interface, monitor software the plan manual, whereas two power supply interfaces:
(embedded in one of the two 16F877 ICs). The other VCC5, 5V DC over 1A. PC 5V control supply can be early
16F877 is known as “application controller” and is used for the PC USB. DC long information circuit over bigger
embedding the user software. All the port pins of the prescribed 5V1A. VCC4, 3.5- - 4.5V power supply, in the
microcontroller (RA0-RA5, RB0-RB2, RB4-RB7, RC0- same place. appropriate for a lithium battery [22]. For
RC7, RD0-RD7, and RE0-RE2) are also brought to various implementation of transistor level on this module, it needs at
edge connectors [17]. Nowadays, most of the people are least 3.3V. Default SMA connected with IPXmini antenna.
observed working on PIC instead of Arduino UNO, it
enables different opportunity for making programming The control interface of pin description [23]:
device. Moreover, it is very much cost effective and well ▪ GND zero – GND zero
considerate for the power requirements. PIC requires low ▪ SIMR SIM900A RXD, Logic level, there is no options
current to activate and poses many options of connectors. to directly connected to 232 level
▪ SIMT SIM900A TXD, Logic level, there is no options
Some Other Notable Advantages of PIC: to directly connected to 232 level
• Build in oscillator ▪ Reset - SIM900A module resets after operation and
• Automatic Reset can be used activated in low input VCC 5V_Muxing when the
– Power-on Reset (POR) [24] SIM900A module and 5V TTL level communication,
– Power-up Timer (PWRT) [24] this pin is connected to DC 5V; when the level of
– Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) [24] communication of SIM900A and 3.3V TTL, this pin is
– Brown-out Reset (BOR) [24] connected to DC 3.3V [23].
• Have Interruption as per instructions ▪ VCC5 self-control----DC 5V input.
• Timer (WDT) ▪ VCC4 manual control------DC3.5--4.5 input [23]
• Code Protection considering Arduino & Raspberry Pie
• ID Locations can be ON-BOARD RESOURCES:
• Serial Programming • Serial port circuit (for main connection)
• Low-Voltage In-Circuit • Antenna interface
• Debugger • SIM card circuit (with flip SIM slot)
As defined earlier, Grove-Moisture Sensor are used to detect
moisture of soil or liquid. However, this module is
compatible with ARM, Arduino UNO, PIC Microcontroller,
and can be activated with 3.3 V only. Lastly, this type of
sensor is very easy to use (just insert it into the soil and it
automatically read data).
• Easy to Use
• 2.0cmX6.0cm
Fig. 3. Microcontroller Architecture
Application Ideas
The full implementation of this project is based on PIC • Gardening
Microcontroller. Temperature sensor, LCD, GSM module • Science project
and Moisture sensors are connected directly with • Chemical lab
Microcontroller while battery is connected through Voltage
To capture images from the field and sending the images to
GSM SIM MODULE : the web server “Smart Agriculture BD” an android
This Module is used for GSM & GPRS based projects. It’s application has been developed. Android studio (version
found compatble to both, Arduino and PIC Microcontroller. 1.0.1) has been used to design and implement the image
This module has two sets of power supply (one is constant capturing system. Figure 4. depicts the actual view pane of
5v & another one is 3-4 V). There are also two options for the application. In the application, a user can view the taken
starting, one is self-control by command and the other one is picture using “Capture Photo” option. After capturing the
manual start (depending on methodology). There is an photos of the crops, it sends out the images to web server
IPXmini antenna which has been attached with this module (where the web page will display the images along with
for transmitting data to server or storage center. The size of other data option) through the deployed GPRS system. A
this module is very minimal comparing others (49*50) with web server under domain “”
antenna. Current more than 1A are required for it’s has been created to display the web pages holding the data


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2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)

and images that are being transferred through GPRS system left side in LCD. Two rechargeable batteries are also used in
retrieved from the plotted PIC controller in the field. the project (Compatible to operate with AC current as well).

Fig. 4. Android data visualize window

In the application, the user has an option to choose his/her

required date along with time. Each data stored on specific
date and time along with a data number. After choosing the Fig. 7. Photo taken of paddy leaf by system
data, a table representing the data with filed title, ‘Distance’,
’Moisture’ and ‘Temperature’ is visualized; where distance VI. DATA INTEGRATION AND ANALYSIS
is the amount of area around which soil moisture is
measured in grams per cubic unit distance (meter, feet or In the system moisture data can be retrieved, stored in
inch) and temperature is calculated in o C. In addition, the mysql database through semantic web application and can
amount of soil moisture per unit distance is plotted by a be migrated into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets in .csv
graph that gives a graphical representation of moisture. (Comma Separated Values file) format. This type of file has
From the graph the user can acquire information whether the more flexibility and can be used for structuring to arrange
moisture is in adequate mode or downward or upward in any type of tabular data for further data visualization and
level. Moreover, the webpage also exhibits the image taken statistical analysis, in which users can plot data into various
on that time which gives an instant view of the field. graphs to find answers to their questions more efficiently by
Therefore, a user can take decisions based on the data and the help of programming languages for statistics such as
images to promote further associations related for the python, R etc [16]. Mysqli_query() function has also been
betterment of the crops from any aberrant situation. Figure 5 used to get the array of records and then the WHILE loop is
shows the web server as well as the web page of the system used to display record by record upon necessity. Besides,
that model the data with graphical representations. MYSQLI_ASSOC is used for store raw fetch data. 1,2,3,4
indicate the sequence of different levels. LIMIT function is
also used to give a limit to the different data level.
Following code has been used in php for integration
require "config.php";// Database connection file.
$query="select * from LIMIT 0,5000 ";
if ($result_set = mysqli_query($connection,$query)) {
while($row = $result_set->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
echo $row['1 '],$row[‘2’ ],$row[ ‘3’],$row[ ‘4’]."<br>";
Text Editor like SublimeText, TextMate, Coda,NotePad++
or IDE like Eclipse is required for, Web Browser like
Chrome or Firefox, PHP development environment on
server, MySQL, ChartJS and jQuery to complete data
Fig. 5. Output website server view (Without data) integration with the moisture detection system.


Fig. 6. Hardware Implementation Fig 8: Activity Diagram of Moisture monitoring system prototype.
In above, Figure 6 illustrates the implemented hardware of
this project. In the system, there is an LCD (LM016L) right
above GSM module and a Microcontroller module in the


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2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)

on the decision-making process (whether the crops are

getting an adequate amount of water or not). Moreover, the
field image snapped by the android application provides a
confined view of the crops, which is capable to denote the
differences between the improvement and deteriorating
condition of the field area. As a result, a farmer who is away
from the field can have a pictorial view of the immediate
moment. In this way, the developed system can intensify the
monitoring process of crops and reduce the manual labor
associated to nurturing of crops. Moreover, through the
integrated neural network, it will provide aid to the decision
support system for improving soil management for farmers.
Nevertheless, we have tried to build our device with
Raspberry pi and it required separate modules for every
Fig 9: Data exporting Procedure from MySql Server working steps of this precision device such as taking data
reading, retrieve and sending to servers. This package not
Table I. Retrieving moisture Data in 10 seconds Interval
only became an expensive proposition economically but
ID Time Moisture content also generates lots of heat.
Stamp (Depth of water)
1107 10-1-2018 10:05:17 19.21% All the data retrieved through communication devices of this
1108 10-1-2018 10:05:27 19.21% project can be extracted in simple excel form. In future, it is
expected that the proposed solution will positively impact
1109 10-1-2018 10:05:37 19.21%
towards the digitalization our country’s farmer centric
1110 10-1-2018 10:05:47 19.21%
agricultural projects. In addition to that, this will also
1111 10-1-2018 10:05:57 19.20% expected to facilitate towards the creation of agro-data hub
1112 10-1-2018 10:06:07 19.20% nationwide, which will open numerous opportunity of agro
data mining, weather forecasting for cultivation, preparation
Reading duration of the system can be changed with several time intervals
in a range from in every ten seconds to every ten minutes. Data and Time of agro based reports and development of futuristic digital
of data retrieval is also recorded in the system. agro solutions for this great nation.

Table II. Table I: Retrieving moisture Data in 10 minutes Interval REFERENCES

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