Digital Moisture Monitoring System Embedded in PIC
Digital Moisture Monitoring System Embedded in PIC
Digital Moisture Monitoring System Embedded in PIC
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2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)
identified the challenges and needs for UAV sensing vegetation cover like grass and contains about 20% of
technology face while implementing the automatic data organic matters. However, some scientists strictly believe
collection system in a pomegranate orchard [13]. On the that all soil moisture monitoring as a wrong approach [26].
other hand, the application of cloud technologies to
manipulate and store data only for moisture measurement IV. METHODOLOGY
are also found discussed and applied by Murthy et. al.[14].
The proposed system entirely involves incorporation of
A survey on the implementation of various sensory
different sensors, GSM/GPRS module with PIC
technologies and Artificial Intelligence agents in agriculture
has been found conducted by Rajput [15]. This paper microcontroller, rendering data through web and storage in a
is inspired by the work of Kaewmard and Saiyod (2014). web server by displaying the required information. The
usage of android application is also integrated within the
They developed a portable Arduino based precision farming
system. At first, all the hardware and equipment like groov-
device capable of measuring soil moisture, air humidity and
soil moisture sensor, temperature measuring sensor,
air temperature through various sensors in order to collect
GSM/GPRS wireless device and the PIC kit (holding the
the environment data and controlling the irrigation system
via smart phone with 96-98% accuracy [18]. Regarding soil microcontroller PIC 16f877a) are being set to the field area.
moisture data collection through wireless sensor network, The moisture sensor is deployed in the soil to measure water
adjustments around it. Temperature sensor and SIM900A
this paper, followed the work of Jao [19]. Their device
(GSM module) are also integrated with the PIC board set on
used microcontroller ATmega. It is important to mention
the experimenting field.
that the researchers of that discussing paper have conducted
test once in every 15 minutes in three situations of soil such
as dry, moist and saturated. Nevertheless, despite of
raspberry pi’s many limitations it is also popular among
precision farming device engineers for its easy to code and
easy to use for novice.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Downloaded on August 29,2022 at 05:44:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)
programming circuit. Basically, PIC is the study of operation. It is compatable with both, 3G and 4G. SMF05C
beginning embedded system. Many Robotics and embedded ESD chip is also used in SIM card circuit. To ensure the
system engineers first choice are PIC. PIC 16F877 is an 8- proper wave and signal strength, the antenna is
bit microcontroller. It is supplied in the form of a module demonstrated straight. According to Kaewmard, the
and commercially available in local market. This module SIM900/An equipment totally takes after the outline when
consists of an RS 232 serial port interface, monitor software the plan manual, whereas two power supply interfaces:
(embedded in one of the two 16F877 ICs). The other VCC5, 5V DC over 1A. PC 5V control supply can be early
16F877 is known as “application controller” and is used for the PC USB. DC long information circuit over bigger
embedding the user software. All the port pins of the prescribed 5V1A. VCC4, 3.5- - 4.5V power supply, in the
microcontroller (RA0-RA5, RB0-RB2, RB4-RB7, RC0- same place. appropriate for a lithium battery [22]. For
RC7, RD0-RD7, and RE0-RE2) are also brought to various implementation of transistor level on this module, it needs at
edge connectors [17]. Nowadays, most of the people are least 3.3V. Default SMA connected with IPXmini antenna.
observed working on PIC instead of Arduino UNO, it
enables different opportunity for making programming The control interface of pin description [23]:
device. Moreover, it is very much cost effective and well ▪ GND zero – GND zero
considerate for the power requirements. PIC requires low ▪ SIMR SIM900A RXD, Logic level, there is no options
current to activate and poses many options of connectors. to directly connected to 232 level
▪ SIMT SIM900A TXD, Logic level, there is no options
Some Other Notable Advantages of PIC: to directly connected to 232 level
• Build in oscillator ▪ Reset - SIM900A module resets after operation and
• Automatic Reset can be used activated in low input VCC 5V_Muxing when the
– Power-on Reset (POR) [24] SIM900A module and 5V TTL level communication,
– Power-up Timer (PWRT) [24] this pin is connected to DC 5V; when the level of
– Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) [24] communication of SIM900A and 3.3V TTL, this pin is
– Brown-out Reset (BOR) [24] connected to DC 3.3V [23].
• Have Interruption as per instructions ▪ VCC5 self-control----DC 5V input.
• Timer (WDT) ▪ VCC4 manual control------DC3.5--4.5 input [23]
• Code Protection considering Arduino & Raspberry Pie
• ID Locations can be ON-BOARD RESOURCES:
• Serial Programming • Serial port circuit (for main connection)
• Low-Voltage In-Circuit • Antenna interface
• Debugger • SIM card circuit (with flip SIM slot)
As defined earlier, Grove-Moisture Sensor are used to detect
moisture of soil or liquid. However, this module is
compatible with ARM, Arduino UNO, PIC Microcontroller,
and can be activated with 3.3 V only. Lastly, this type of
sensor is very easy to use (just insert it into the soil and it
automatically read data).
• Easy to Use
• 2.0cmX6.0cm
Fig. 3. Microcontroller Architecture
Application Ideas
The full implementation of this project is based on PIC • Gardening
Microcontroller. Temperature sensor, LCD, GSM module • Science project
and Moisture sensors are connected directly with • Chemical lab
Microcontroller while battery is connected through Voltage
To capture images from the field and sending the images to
GSM SIM MODULE : the web server “Smart Agriculture BD” an android
This Module is used for GSM & GPRS based projects. It’s application has been developed. Android studio (version
found compatble to both, Arduino and PIC Microcontroller. 1.0.1) has been used to design and implement the image
This module has two sets of power supply (one is constant capturing system. Figure 4. depicts the actual view pane of
5v & another one is 3-4 V). There are also two options for the application. In the application, a user can view the taken
starting, one is self-control by command and the other one is picture using “Capture Photo” option. After capturing the
manual start (depending on methodology). There is an photos of the crops, it sends out the images to web server
IPXmini antenna which has been attached with this module (where the web page will display the images along with
for transmitting data to server or storage center. The size of other data option) through the deployed GPRS system. A
this module is very minimal comparing others (49*50) with web server under domain “”
antenna. Current more than 1A are required for it’s has been created to display the web pages holding the data
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Downloaded on August 29,2022 at 05:44:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)
and images that are being transferred through GPRS system left side in LCD. Two rechargeable batteries are also used in
retrieved from the plotted PIC controller in the field. the project (Compatible to operate with AC current as well).
Fig. 6. Hardware Implementation Fig 8: Activity Diagram of Moisture monitoring system prototype.
In above, Figure 6 illustrates the implemented hardware of
this project. In the system, there is an LCD (LM016L) right
above GSM module and a Microcontroller module in the
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Downloaded on August 29,2022 at 05:44:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Downloaded on August 29,2022 at 05:44:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Downloaded on August 29,2022 at 05:44:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.