ms133 E10 2012pre

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MALAYSIAN MS 133-E10:2012


Paints and varnishes - Part E10: Pull-off test

for adhesion
(First revision)
(ISO 4624:2002, MOD)

ICS: 87.040
Descriptors: paints, varnishes, pull-off test, adhesion

Copyright 2012



The Department of Standards Malaysia (STANDARDS MALAYSIA) is the national

standards and accreditation body of Malaysia.

The main function of STANDARDS MALAYSIA is to foster and promote standards,

standardisation and accreditation as a means of advancing the national economy,
promoting industrial efficiency and development, benefiting the health and safety of
the public, protecting the consumers, facilitating domestic and international trade and
furthering international cooperation in relation to standards and standardisation.

Malaysian Standards (MS) are developed through consensus by committees which

comprise balanced representation of producers, users, consumers and others with
relevant interests, as may be appropriate to the subject at hand. To the greatest
extent possible, Malaysian Standards are aligned to or are adoption of international
standards. Approval of a standard as a Malaysian Standard is governed by the
Standards of Malaysia Act 1996 [Act 549]. Malaysian Standards are reviewed
periodically. The use of Malaysian Standards is voluntary except in so far as they are
made mandatory by regulatory authorities by means of regulations, local by-laws or
any other similar ways.

STANDARDS MALAYSIA has appointed SIRIM Berhad as the agent to develop,

distribute and sell the Malaysian Standards.

For further information on Malaysian Standards, please contact:

Department of Standards Malaysia OR SIRIM Berhad

Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Company No. 367474 - V)
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MS 133-E10:2012



Committee representation .......................................................................................................... ii

National foreword....................................................................................................................... iii

Foreword..................................................................................................................................... v

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ vi

1 Scope.............................................................................................................................1

2 Normative references ....................................................................................................1

3 Principle .........................................................................................................................1

4 Required supplementary information ............................................................................2

5 Apparatus ......................................................................................................................2

6 Adhesives ......................................................................................................................4

7 Sampling ........................................................................................................................4

8 Test panels ....................................................................................................................5

9 Procedure ......................................................................................................................5

10 Calculation and expression of results ............................................................................8

11 Precision ........................................................................................................................8

12 Test report .....................................................................................................................9

Annex A Required supplementary information ........................................................................10

Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................11

STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2012 - All rights reserved i

MS 133-E10:2012

Committee representation

The Industry Standards Committee on Chemicals and Materials (ISC B) under whose authority this Malaysian
Standard was adopted, comprises representatives from the following organisations:

Department of Agriculture

Department of Chemistry, Malaysia

Department of Standards Malaysia

Malaysian Association of Standards Users

Malaysian Ceramic Industry Group

Malaysian Institute of Chemistry

Malaysian Paint Manufacturers Association

Malaysian Pulp and Paper Manufacturers Association

Minerals and Geoscience Department Malaysia

Ministry of International Trade and Industry

Science and Technology Research Institute for Defence

SIRIM Berhad (Secretariat)

Universiti Malaya

Universiti Sains Malaysia

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

The Technical Committee on Paints and Varnishes which recommended the adoption of the ISO Standard as
Malaysian Standard consists of representatives from the following organisations:

IKRAM QA Services Sdn Bhd

Malaysian Paint Manufacturers Association

Revertex (M) Sdn Bhd

Science and Technology Research Institute for Defence

SIRIM Berhad (Secretariat)

SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd (Product Certification and Inspection Department)

SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd (Testing Services Department)

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Universiti Teknologi MARA

Co-opted member:

Jotun (M) Sdn Bhd

ii STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2012 - All rights reserved

MS 133-E10:2012


The adoption of the ISO Standard as a Malaysian Standard was recommended by the
Technical Committee on Paints and Varnishes under the authority of the Industry Standards
Committee on Chemicals and Materials.

This Malaysian Standard is the first revision of MS 133: Part E10, Paints and varnishes - Part
E10: Pull-off test for adhesion.

This Malaysian Standard is modified adoption of ISO 4624:2002, Paints and varnishes - Pull-
off test for adhesion, published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
with the following modifications:

a) in the source text, "this International Standard" should read "this Malaysian Standard";

b) the comma which is used as a decimal sign (if any), to read as a point;

c) Clause/Subclause Modifications

8.3 Drying and conditioning Replace "(23 2) C" with "(27 2) C"
and "(50 5) %" with "(65 5) %"

Explanation: This standard modifies the requirements for temperature and relative humidity
to reflect better the local weather conditions of high temperatures and humidity.

d) reference to International Standards should be replaced by corresponding Malaysian

Standards as follows:

Referenced International Standards Corresponding Malaysian Standards

ISO 1513, Paints and varnishes - MS 133-A2, Paints and varnishes - Part A2:
Examination and preparation of samples for Examination and preparation of samples for
testing testing

ISO 1514, Paints and varnishes - Standard MS 133-A3, Paints and varnishes - Part A3:
panels for testing Standard panels for testing

ISO 2808, Paints and varnishes - MS 133-C5, Paints and varnishes - Part C5:
Determination of film thickness Determination of film thickness

ISO 3270, Paints and varnishes and their MS 133-A14, Paints and varnishes and their
raw materials - Temperatures and humidities raw materials - Part A14: Temperatures and
for conditioning and testing humidities for conditioning and testing

ISO 15528, Paints, varnishes and raw MS 133-A1, Paints, varnishes and raw
materials for paints and varnishes - materials for paints and varnishes - Part A1:
Sampling Sampling

STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2012 - All rights reserved iii

MS 133-E10:2012


This Malaysian Standard cancels and replaces MS 133: Part E10:2000.

Compliance with a Malaysian Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal

NOTE. MOD on the front cover indicates a modified standard i.e. a standard adapted from an International Standard
with permitted technical deviations, which are clearly identified and explained. The changes in structure are permitted
provided that the altered structure permits easy comparison of the content of the two standards. Modified standards
also include the changes permitted under identical correspondence.

iv STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2012 - All rights reserved

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