MS 26-1-2 2009混凝土坍落度
MS 26-1-2 2009混凝土坍落度
MS 26-1-2 2009混凝土坍落度
ICS: 91.100.30
Descriptors: testing, fresh concrete, apparatus, procedure, slump test, test result and report, precision
© Copyright 2009
E-mail: [email protected]
MS 26-1-2:2009
Committee representation
The Industry Standards Committee on Building, Construction and Civil Engineering (ISC D) under whose authority
this Malaysian Standard was adopted, comprises representatives from the following organisations:
The Technical Committee on Concrete and Concrete Products which supervised the adoption of the EN Standard
consists of representatives from the following organisations:
The Working Group on Revision of MS 26: Part 1 which recommended the adoption of the EN Standard consists of
representatives from the following organisations:
This Malaysian Standard is the second revision of MS 26: Part 1, Methods of testing concrete
- Part 1: Methods of sampling fresh concrete (First revision).
This Malaysian Standard is identical with EN 12350-2:1999, Testing fresh concrete - Part 2:
Slump test, published by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) with the
exceptions as listed below.
a) in the source text, "this European Standard" should read "this Malaysian Standard";
b) the comma which is used as a decimal sign (if any), to read as a point; and
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This MS 26-1 consists of the following sections, under the general title, Testing of concrete -
Part 1: Fresh concrete:
Section 1: Sampling
Section 6: Density
Section 1 specifies the methods to be used on site for obtaining representative samples from
a batch of fresh concrete, which would then be used for various tests. Besides establishing
important definitions, this part also includes guidance of temperature measurement, transport
and handling and report of sampling.
FOREWORD (continued)
Section 2 specifies the methods to determine the slump test. The procedure is detailed
including measurements and the types of slump.
Section 3 describes the method for determination of vebe test of fresh concrete for which
applies to fresh concrete having between 5 s and 30 s vebe time. The procedures are well
detailed. Special attention is paid to procedures for remoulding depending on different types
of slump.
Section 4 gives guidance on the method for determination of degree of compatibility which
applies to fresh concrete having degree of compatibility from 1.04 and not more than 1.46.
Besides figures on the apparatus, photographs of examples of flows are included.
Section 5 gives guidance on the method for determination of flow table test which only
correspond to flow values of fresh concrete between 340 mm and 600 mm. Figures on the
apparatus, photographs of examples of flows are included.
Section 6 describes the method for determination of density of fresh concrete. Guidance on
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Section 7 gives guidance on the method for determination air content of fresh concrete by
pressure methods, which applies to compacted fresh concrete, made with normal weight or
relatively dense aggregate of maximum 63 mm. It does not apply to concretes made with
lightweight aggregates, air cooled blast-furnace slag, or aggregates with high porosity,
because of the magnitude of the aggregate correction factor, compared with the entrained air
content of the concrete.
Section 8 describes the method for determination of compacting factor of fresh concrete. It
specifies the apparatus required and the procedure including final compaction.
CAUTION: When cement is mixed with water, alkali is released. Take precautions to avoid dry cement entering
eyes, mouth and nose whilst mixing concrete. Prevent skin contact with wet cement or concrete by wearing suitable
protective clothing. If cement or concrete enters the eye, immediately wash it out thoroughly with clean water and
seek medical treatment without delay. Wash wet concrete off the skin immediately.
This standard is published with the permission of the European Committee for
Standardization. Such permission is hereby acknowledged.
Compliance with a Malaysian Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal
Ics 01.100.30
English version
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical
references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to
the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.
European Committee for Standardization
Comite Europee de Normalisation
Europaisches Komitee fiir Normung
© 1999 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national
Ref. No. EN 12350-2:1999 E
Page 2
EN 12350-2:1999
Foreword Contents
This European Standard has been prepared by Page
Technical Committee CEN/TC 104, Concrete
Foreword 2
(performance, production, placing and compliance
criteria), the Secretariat of which is held by DIN. 1 Scope 3
'Phis European Standard shall be given the status of a 2 Nonnative references 3
national standard, either by publication of an identical
3 Principle 3
text or by endorsement, at the latest by April 2000, and
conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at 4 Apparatus 3
the latest by December 2003. 5 Test sample 3
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, 6 Procedure 3
the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European 7 Test result 4
Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, 8 Test report 4
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, 9 Precision 5
Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
This standard is one of a series concerned with testing
fresh concrete.
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© BSI 01-2000
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EN 12350-2:1999
appropriate places in the text and the publications are material on the remixing container.
listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent 4.8 Moist cloth.
amendments to or revisions of any of these
publications apply to this European Standard only 4.9 Scoop, approximately 100 mm in width.
when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For 4.10 Timer, or clock capable of measuring to 1 s.
undated references the latest edition of the publication
referred to applies. 5 Test sample
EN 12350-1:1999, Testing fresh concrete- The sample of the concrete shall be obtained in
Part 1: Sampling. accordance with EN 12350-1:1999.
The sample shall be re-mixed using the remixing
3 Principle container and the square mouthed shovel before
The fresh concrete is compacted into a mould in the carrying out the test.
shape of a frustum of a cone. when the cone is
withdrawn upwards, the distance the concrete has 6 Procedure
slumped provides a measure of the consistency of the Dampen the mould and base plate and place the mould
concrete. on the horizontal base platelsurface. During filling of
the mould hold it firmly against the base plate/surface
4 Apparatus by clamping in place, or by standing on the two foot
4.1 Mould to form the test specimen, made of metal
not readily attacked by cement paste and not thinner Fill the mould in three layers, each approximately
than 1,5 turn. The interior of the mould shall be smooth one-third of the height of the mould when compacted,
and free from projections, such as protruding rivets Compact each layer with 25 strokes of the tamping
and shall be free from dents. The mould shall be in the rod. Uniform ly distribute the strokes over the
form of a hollow frustum of a cone having the cross-section of each layer. For the bottom layer this
following internal dimensions: will necessitate inclining the rod slightly and
positioning approximately half the strokes spirally
- diameter of base: (200 ± 2) mm;
toward the centre. Compact the second layer and the
- diameter of top: (100 ± 2) mm; top layer each throughout its depth, so that the strokes
- height: (300 ± 2) nun. just penetrate into the immediately underlying layer. In
The base and the top of the mould shall be open and filling and compacting the top layer, heap the concrete
parallel to each other and at right angles to the axis. above the mould before tamping is started.
The mould shall be provided with two handles near If the tamping operation of the top layer results in
the top and fixing clamps or foot pieces near the subsidence of the concrete below the top edge of the
bottom to hold it steady. A mould which can be mould, add more concrete to keep an excess above the
clamped to the base is acceptable provided the top of the mould at all times. After the top layer has
clamping arrangement can be fully released without been compacted, strike off the surface of the concrete
movement of the mould or interference with the by means of a sawing and rolling motion of the
slumping concrete. compacting rod.
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EN 12350-2:1999
Remove spilled concrete from the base plate/surface. If two consecutive tests show a portion of the concrete
Remove the mould from the concrete by raising it shearing off from the mass of the test specimen, the
carefully in a vertical direction. concrete lacks the necessary plasticity and
Perform the operation of raising the mould in 5 s cohesiveness for the slump test to be suitable.
to 10 s, by a steady upward lift, with no lateral or Report the true slump (h), as shown in Figure 2, to the
torsional motion being imparted to the concrete. nearest 10 mm.
Carry out the entire operation from the start of the
filling to the removal of the mould without interruption S Test report
and complete it within 150 s.
The report shall include:
Immediately after removal of the mould, measure and
record the slump (h) by determining the difference a) identification of the test sample;
between the height of the mould and that of the b) location of performance of test;
highest point of the slumped test specimen. c) date of performance of test;
NOTE The consistence of a concrete mix changes with time, due
d) type of slump - true/shear;
to hydration of the cement and, possibly, loss of moisture. Tests
on different samples should, therefore , be carried out at a e) measured true slump, to nearest 10 mm;
constant time interval after mixing, if strictly comparable results
are to be obtained.
f) any deviation from standard test method;
g) a declaration by the person carrying out the test
that it was carried out in accordance with this
7 Test result standard, except as noted in item f).
The test is only valid if it yields a true slump, this The report may include:
being a slump in which the concrete remains
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substantially intact and symmetrical as shown in h) the temperature of the concrete sample at time of
Figure 1(a). test;
i) time of test
If the specimen shears, as shown in Figure 1(b),
another sample shall be taken and the procedure
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EN 12350-2:1999
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Ms Raja Nor Siha/Mr Azmi Musa SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
Mr Owen Michael D’Olivero The Cement and Concrete Association of
Ir Boone Lim The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
Assoc Prof Dr Abd Rahman Mohd Sam/ Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Assoc Prof Dr Ahmad Baharuddin
Assoc Prof Dr Ahmad Ruslan Mohd Ridzuan/ Universiti Teknologi MARA
Assoc Prof Dr Hamidah Mohd Saman