Block Plan
Block Plan
Block Plan
Unit Overview
DAY #1-Read Aloud DAY #2-Social Studies DAY #3-Social Studies DAY #4-Writing Lesson
Dynamic Direct
Objectives Using the book as a Working in groups Given an income and Given the writing
resource students will students will be able to fixed expenses students prompt students will
be able to give identify the government will create a monthly be able to brainstorm
examples from the text officials who work in budget and use it to ideas as a class
about segregation their assigned branch of determine how much Given the Hamburger
through inferences government money can be saved Writing sheet students
By completing our By completing their each month will be able to fill it out
grand conversation learning center students to map out their paper
students will be able to will be able to give a After completing their
comprehend the history three-minute Hamburger Writing
of segregation presentation explaining sheet students will
Through our activity the function and work to create a five-
students will be able to responsibility of their paragraph paper
identify what assigned branch of
segregation looked like government
Given this new Given a description
information all students students will be able to
will be able to apply this identify which branch of
idea in their everyday government the
lives description describes
Standards 4.RN.2.3 NCSS: Strand 6-Power, NCSS: Strand 7-Production, 4.W.4
4.RL.2.1 Authority, and Governance Distribution and Consumption
IAS: Strand 2-Civics and IAS: 4.4.10
Government 4.2.3
Materials The Other Side Book 3 tree branches Class set of calculators Hamburger writing sheet
List of differences Yarn Assigned jobs Document Camera
Computer Construction paper Monthly budget sheet White Board
PowerPoint with Scissors Savings plan sheet Dry Erase Markers
information about Markers and colored Computer Projector
segregation to help aide pencils Projector Internet Access
discussion Computer
Whiteboard and marker
Manageme Lesson will be an hour Lesson will be an hour Lesson will be 45 Lesson will be 45 minutes-
nt Students will start at Students will start at minutes students will return to
desk and come to front their desk Students will remain at working on writing
carpet for read aloud Group 1-Kidney table their desk throughout the week
and then moving Group 2- back carpet Implement Class DoJo Students will remain at their
around the room for by bookcase for positive and desk
game and back to desk Group 3-side by the negative Implement Class DoJo for
for closure computers 1st time-verbal warning positive and negative
Implement Class DoJo Implement Class DoJo for 2nd time- ask student to 1st time-verbal warning
for positive and positive and negative move seats to a less 2nd time- go sit with the
negative 1st time-verbal warning distracting space student to help get them
Give verbal warnings for 2nd time- go over to that focused
noise level, as well as station and encourage
whole class responses student
(clap patterns, class
class-yes yes)
Anticipator Talk about a time I felt I need your help. I have a I will start by talking about Watch video about diversity-2
y Set separated or excluded from question. Who are the people tickets I want to buy but the minutes
others and how it made me who work at our school? What tickets are not in my budget. I
feel-moving from Florida are their job titles? What are really want to buy tickets to see v=hfO82z29hWg
some of their responsibilities? Taylor Swift but they cost $75
While they give names and jobs, and I only made $300 this
I will write their responses on the month and I have rent to pay
white board. After having a list of which is $225. These tickets
5-7 jobs Our school is kind of arent in my budget but maybe
like our government. Just like in I could save up and afford a
the government all of the ticket. What do you think a
different jobs in the school work budget is used for?
together to make the school
successful. Each person has a
specific job and it takes
everyone to make each day run
Purpose Today we are going to talk Today we are going to find out Today we are going to learn Today we are going to begin the first
about segregation and learn more about each branch of our about a budget and a savings step in the writing process, writing
how to pull text out of the story government. It is important for plan. It is important for us to about the value of diversity. When
that talks about segregation. us to know how are state know how to create both of we write, it is important to not rush
Although segregation often government works so we can be these because it helps us learn our writing to get it done, but to
correlated with race, it has effective and active citizens. to save our money and think of spend time on it and come back to it
expanded beyond that and we how we should spend our and revise our writing to make it
are going to discuss the history money. better.
of segregation to help us to
prevent it in the future.
Presentati Read The Other Side Explain/Model stations Defining vocabulary Diversity video and
on Call on students to Question students during Solving my budget brainstorming
share examples they stations to promote problem Model hamburger planning
heard in the book critical thinking Started budget together sheet
PowerPoint Review Game Approve/Deny planning
Separation game Students work on Solve salary OUTPUT:
Students discuss what it branches Students completed Students create hamburger
felt like to be excluded Students present their budgets alone and planning sheet
Take home assignment branch turned them in Begin rough drafts of paper
Diversity-The Value of Differences Name: Kati Young
Closure or Thought provoking grand Students will turn to their Ask thought provoking Have a few students share
Conclusion conversation about what that table partners and share questions about why their writing and make sure
must have been like and an interesting fact about some students had it is in line with my
examples of exclusion still a peers presentation more money left over expectations
today from a different branch compared to the Discuss what can be done for
Students will then share students who ran out of everyone to receive an A and
I will then pass out an money focus on areas I know my
exit ticket Discuss realities of this students struggle with in the
But that all jobs are writing process
important and have a
Formative Students will be able to While students are working Through helping me Students hamburger
Assessmen demonstrate they can draw in their groups I will be solve my budget issue planning sheets
t inferences from the text walking around asking of buying tickets I can Observations from walking
without it explicitly saying it questions and guiding their examine students facial around and assisting
through our discussion once learning and body language to
we finish the book of what I will check to see if they ensure they are gaining
examples they found are following the the concepts
Through discussion students checklist While students are
will show me they Assess their branch working on their
understand what presentations to check to budgets and savings
segregation is by thinking of make sure the plans I will be walking
current ways segregation is information from the around to make sure
still present checklist is shared they are filling in their
Students emotions and charts and
discussion about the understanding the
activity will show me they content
understand what it
segregation felt like to an
Adaptation Remediation: I have explained Remediation: I have created Remediation: I have planned Remediation: Created a holistic
s expectations for activity and groups ahead of time. I will be for certain students to have rubric from examining students
students know if they cannot walking around to make sure certain jobs previous writing samples
handle it we will cut the activity everyone is participating and ELL: N/A ELL: N/A
short keeping an eye on students Enrich: Given students jobs Enrich: Students have the ability to
ELL: N/A whom I know struggle to stay on- with harder numbers to work develop their writing to the highest
Enrich: Call on students during task with when planning their potential.
response time to get their ELL: N/A budget Ex Needs: Partner Kenya with Mary
deeper understanding included. Enrich: Placed these students Ex Needs: Give one-step to help write down her ideas on the
As well talked to these students with students whom may need a directions and leave them on planning sheet. Talk one-on-one with
to help assist other when little more assistance since they the board to refer back to. Kenya of what I expect and give her
figuring out some of the love to help others Implement behavior chart for an adapted checklist made
separate options for game Ex Needs: Placed Kenya in on-task behavior specifically for her. Implement
Ex Needs: Have support of group with Mary to assist in behavior chart for on-task behavior
class, specifically enrichment reading articles, and have
learners to help struggle is articles at a lower reading level.
present, given additional time Implement behavior chart for on-
for responses task behavior.
Summative Students will think of areas of N/A N/A I will collect students work
Assessmen exclusion in their own lives thus far and read over it to
t and work towards changing make sure they are on the
(as it-they will come to class right track and leave
the next day prepared to comments
share The next day they will have a
Ask students for their now new little more time to work and
definition of segregation then we will peer edit and I
Write down ways the book will do final edits before
demonstrates ways of students write their final
segregation and then paper
another list of inclusion and
then how to apply this
information into the class