Integrated Lessons Block Plan

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Integrated Lessons Block Plan

Read Aloud Social Studies 1 Social Studies 2 Writing

Lesson Read Aloud: Social Studies 1: Social Studies 2: Writing: Making
Choosing to Be Kind Analyzing Community Choices That
and Create a Ripple Opportunity Costs Helpers and Their Determine Who
Effect to Make Informed Decision to Make Reads Our Writing
Decisions The Community a and What it is About
Better Place
Goals Students will Students will Students will
The recognize the recognize the
determine how
students essential essential
will be able
opportunity components that components that
to cost is evident must be must be determined
determine in day-to-day determined prior prior to beginning a
key details life and why to beginning a piece of writing.
within a piece of writing.
decisions must
story to
determine be carefully
the main made for the
idea. best interest of
a person or
Objective(s) The students will 1. After
reflect on the 1. After completing this 1. After completing
details of a story to completing this lesson, students this lesson,
determine the lesson, students will be able to students will be
theme of the story will be able to identify people able to determine
and then complete recognize how that are the role, audience,
their own act of opportunity cost is community format, and topic of
kindness. evident in day to helpers. a piece of writing.
day decisions.
2. After 2. After completing
2. After completing this this lesson,
completing this lesson, students students will be
lesson, students will be able to able to write a
will be able to describe the variety of
weigh options and skills and compositions to
provide characteristics of demonstrate how a
explanations for a chosen piece of writing
their opportunity community changes based on
cost. helper through the four major
depicting what a components .
day would be like
with them.
Standards 2.RL.2.1 Ask and Standards: 2.4.6 2.4.3 Identify 2.W.1 Write
answer questions define community routinely over brief
time frames and for
(e.g., who was the opportunity cost workers who
a variety of tasks,
story about; why and explain that provide goods purposes, and
did an event because resources and services for audiences; apply
happen; where did are limited in the rest of the reading standards
the story happen) relation to community and to write in response
to demonstrate people’s wants explain how their to literature and
nonfiction texts.
understanding of (scarcity) people jobs benefit
main idea and key must make people in the
details in a text. choices as to how community.
to use resources.
Management Time for lesson: Time for lesson: Time for lesson: Time for lesson:
About 33 minutes About 40 minutes About 50 About 50 minutes
Space: Students will Space: Students Space: Students will
mainly be seated on will be seated at Space: Students be seated in their
rug until they their desks and will begin on the spots on the front
receive their stone then on the rug rug and then carpet and then at
and attach their act depending on the move around the their desks for the
of kindness. activity. room to explore independent
the various practice.
Behavior: Students Behavior: stations.
will be respectful of Students will be Behavior: Students
others when they respectful of Behavior: will be respectful of
are speaking and others when they Students will be others when they
engage in the are speaking and respectful of are speaking and
activities that are engage in the others when they engage in the
demonstrated. activities that are are speaking and activities that are
demonstrated. engage in the demonstrated.
activities that are
Materials -Pictures of my -Tri fold board for -Personal Writing
-Each Kindness by refurbished each station Notebooks
Jacqueline furniture - 2-4 props for
-Easel Paper
Woodson -Decision Cards each station
-White poster -Chart worksheet -Writing utensils
board for each for each student -Chart with
-Small stones, one
for each student group -Worksheet with examples for each
-Scratch paper for prompt and element of RAFT
each group space for -Letter for each
-Small bags for the
-Writing and illustration (one
stones, one for each student personally
coloring utensils for each student)
student written by the

-Small pieces of
paper, one for each

-Whiteboards for
each student (hard
object to write on)

-Pictures of Lake
Michigan and me at
Lake MI.
Adaptations Highly Intuitive Learning Learning Learning
Learners: Allow Disabilities: Disabilities: Disabilities: A
students to help Students will be Students will be personal chart with
demonstrate and monitored during monitored during definitions and
answer questions the activities and the activities and examples will be
during the lesson. one-on-one one-on-one provided
assistance will be assistance will be .
-Intellectual provided when provided when Intellectual
Disabilities: The necessary. necessary. Disabilities:
students will . . Pre-writing meeting
engage in a Intellectual Intellectual with students to
discussion with Disabilities: Disabilities: develop ideas and
peers and share Students will work Students will organization.
their ideas with the in groups and will work in groups
class. be provided a and will be Highly Intuitive
chart with ideas provided a chart Learners: Allow
to guide them. to guide them. students to help
demonstrate and
Highly Intuitive Highly Intuitive answer questions
Learners: Allow Learners: Allow during the lesson.
students to help students to help
demonstrate and demonstrate and
answer questions answer questions
during the lesson. during the
Anticipatory Set: I will share with the I will share with I will bring a
I will share about my class about my the class about mailbox into the
love for Lake passion for what I wanted to
class and open it up
Michigan and how I refurbishing items be when I was
and the choices I little and how I to reveal a
love to skip stones.
Then I will show the have to make to decided to personalized letter
students some complete a piece. become a for each student.
pictures of Lake Then I will show teacher.
Michigan. the students a few
pictures of the
pieces I have
Activities Students will listen Students will work Students will Students will use a
to the teacher read in groups investigate chart or ideas of
the story aloud and (construction different their own to select
engage in the grand crews) to community an example for the
discussion after the determine the best helpers and their Role of the author,
end of the story. blueprint for a new occupations. Audience, Format,
Then, each student park in the Then, students and Topic of their
will receive a small community. They will select a writing. Students will
piece of paper of must make critical community helper then have the
which they will write decisions because and respond to opportunity to share
an act of kindness there is a limited the prompt: “If I their writing with a
that they can amount of spent a day with partner and the
complete at school. resources and this community whole class.
Then, they will tie money. Students helper, what
that piece of paper should be would it look
to the bag with a persuasive as they like?”.
stone provided for share their idea for Additionally, they
them. the park. will draw a picture
to augment their
Conclusion What small stone “Why can making “Was it fun to be “Was it fun to be
do you think we decisions be able to make able to make your
could throw into difficult your own choices own choices as you
the water to create sometimes?, as you began began writing?,
a ripple effect? What part of writing?, What What was the most
designing your was the most difficult part about
park did you find difficult part your writing?, and
the most about your How did you decide
difficult?, and Was writing?, and what you were
it easier or harder How did you going to write
to make a decision decide what you about and who you
when you were were going to were going to write
working in a write about and to?”
group?”. who you were
going to write

Assessments In their table Formative: Formative: Formative

groups, the - I will be -After we discuss Assessment: The
students will monitoring and the meaning of writings of each
brainstorm acts of walking around ‘community’ and student will be their
kindness that they throughout the ‘helper’, I will be exit ticket. I will
could easily guided practice listening for read over each
perform. Then each and independent students to composition and
student will attach practice to gain accurately look to see if the
their written act of insight into each combine those students were able
kindness to their student’s level of terms to create to include each
stone. The student comprehension, meaning for element of RAFT
will complete their even making ‘community writing.
act of kindness and notes on a helper’.
explain how it clipboard if - I will be Summative
relates to the necessary. monitoring and Assessment: At the
theme of Each -As each crew is walking around end of the unit
Kindness. making their throughout the focusing on
decisions, I will be guided practice different types of
listening for and independent writing, students
students to use practice to gain will be given a test
appropriate insight into each to demonstrate
reasoning for their student’s level of their knowledge
choices. comprehension, and understanding
even making of the elements
Summative: notes on a necessary for each
-At the end of the clipboard if type of writing.
lesson, students necessary.
will complete a
blueprint of the Summative:
park that they -At the end of
have created with the lesson,
their construction students will
crew and present respond to the
it to the class. given prompt
They must explain and create a
the choices that picture that
they made, why corresponds with
they made them, their answer. A
and what few chosen
opportunity costs students will
came as a result. even have the
Each crew must opportunity to
convince the class share their
that their plan for response in front
the park is the of the class.

Safety Stones should Writing and Props that are Students may need
remain in the bag to coloring utensils brought in should to be instructed on
avoid throwing them should only be not contain any how to open their
or putting them in utilized for their sharp or harmful letter to avoid cuts
one’s mouth. intended purpose. materials. or injuring others.

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