Edrd A423 - Portfolio-Language Arts Lesson 4
Edrd A423 - Portfolio-Language Arts Lesson 4
Edrd A423 - Portfolio-Language Arts Lesson 4
Indicator: N/A
The time allotted for this lesson is appropriate because it offers time
for discussion, independent work, and assessments. There are two
class periods on consecutive days where students will focus on text
features to ensure they can locate and define them.
Purpose: Purpose:
Their paired By doing two forms
grouping will be of formative
based on their assessment I can get
performance during a clear idea of what
the group discussion. my students learned.
I will also be able to
determine if the
students relied on
their partners, or if
they worked
together to finish
the worksheet.
4. Pedagogical Strategies - Graphic Organizer/Brainstorming Chart
- Analyzing images and texts
- Small Groups (Pairs)
- Game/Project
5. Diversity for Student Differentiation Accommodations Modifications
-Early finishers will -Students with visual -Low achieving
USC Aiken Lesson Plan Template, updated 9-1-2020 Page 2 of 6
quiz each other on impairments will be students will only be
the definitions of the offered a larger print expected to correctly
text features. text. identify 4 out of 10
text features. The
-The Pre-Assessment -Students will be teacher will work
activity meets needs allowed to stand. more closely with
for Visual, Auditory, these students.
and Kinesthetic -Certain students
learners through may be allowed -High achieving
creating a chart and additional time to students will be
discussion. complete the expected to correctly
worksheet during identify 8 out of 10
both days of text features.
-Directions will be
explained as well as
displayed at the
front of the room.
6. Grouping Students Students will work in pairs of like abilities so that the teacher can
work closer to the lower achieving students. In these pairs, students
will be working on the text feature scavenger hunt worksheet.
Since this is a new topic, having the students in pairs allows them to
discuss their thoughts with another person.
7. Lesson Structure (Step- - Engage (5 min.) Lead a discussion on what the students
by-Step Procedures) know about text features. Using the scavenger hunt chart as
reference, ask the students what they know about each text
feature listed. Utilize knowledge and comprehension
- End (2 min.) Have students call out various text features that
they discovered. Conduct the second formative assessment,
student will close their eyes and raise their hands to answer
the following:
- Do you know what text features are?
- Do you feel that you and your partner worked
together to complete the scavenger hunt?
10. Materials/Resources and - Prepared text feature examples (could be from a textbook,
References newspaper, nonfiction short book, etc.)
- Prepared nonfiction text for each pair of students
- Scavenger hunt worksheet for each student
- Large poster for prepared example chart
- Writing utensil (preferably marker for the chart)
11. Educational Technology N/A
12. Safety Considerations If students want to stand up to do the activity, they may block
pathways between desks.
13. Linking Theory to Vygotsky is incorporated through the hand-on learning activity.