Romeo Juliet 6
Romeo Juliet 6
Romeo Juliet 6
WV Standard(s):
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for
writing types are defined in Text Types and Purposes.)
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other
information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.
Learning Objective(s):
SWBAT plan an article from a journalist’s POV in the Shakespearean time period.
SWBAT debate amongst their groups who will be the best fit for each job description.
Formative Assessment:
Article Plans
Yourself as a Journalist Assignment Sheet, job contracts, internet access, laptops, planning worksheet, writing utensils, dry erase board, paper
*Highlight BLUE for materials/GREEN for technology
*Highlight PINK for instructional strategies
*Highlight YELLOW for discipline-specific academic language/vocabulary
Assign Jobs 7 Handout a job contract to each group. Have the students Who in your group will be best fit for Having students sign a contract
mins decide who will be the best fit for each of the jobs by each job? will help them to feel more
reading the description of them. After this is decided, the responsible for the given task
students should each sign the contract under the job title. which will be good for students
who are frequently off task.
Plan Articles 3 Have each student get a laptop if they do not already Does everyone have a working
mins have one from the activating strategy. While the laptop? Giving students something to
students are doing this, pass out the planning worksheet. do while the papers are being
passed out is good for students
On the planning worksheet, have the students write who may have ADD/ADHD
15 down what each person’s article will be about. Let them What will each person’s article be because they will not have time
mins know that each person in their group should have a about? to lose their attention.
different article topic and that each topic should be
chosen out of a different act of the play. If the students Is everyone’s article from a different
need a copy of Romeo & Juliet to decide what their topic act?
will be, then they may use one.
Does everyone have a different
After deciding which articles the students will be writing,
10 have them to pull up a newspaper template on their Where will your article go in the
mins Google accounts. Have the students decide which article newspaper?
will go where in the newspaper.
Who will have the front cover?
Closure Time
Write down three points you will include in your article What three points will you use in This pre-planning activity will
7 min about your topic to use for your writing tomorrow. your article tomorrow about your be good for students who often
topic? have writing-block when they
see a blank piece of paper
because it gives them a good
starting point.
Contingency Time
If there is a planned interruption, then the students
should not complete the activating strategy or begin
planning where the articles go in the template.