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Gita Lama Unit Plan English

Unit Length: 2 weeks Class/Grade: 6
Unit Title: Essay Writing

Subject Area Developmental Profile

- English
Text Types and Purposes: Write Cognitive development stages by Piaget:
arguments to support claims
with clear reasons and relevant The concrete operational stage, from age 7 to 12
- begin to think more logically, but their thinking can also be
Length of Time very rigid.

- They struggle with abstract concept. They think and

40 mins/10 days
understands that their thoughts are unique and they share
their thoughts and feeling and opinion.
Grade Level
- Time, space and quantity are understood and can be
applied, but not as independent concepts.
Grade 6
Psychosocial development by Erikson:

Industry vs. inferiority- basic virtue is competency age 5 12

- children develop a sense of pride in accomplishments and

abilities through social interactions
- encouragement from parents and teachers is necessary for
- failure results in doubting one's own abilities to be

Main Idea (Claim)

- Students will know the structure of writing essay, they can write evidence to support their claim
with clear arguments where they know other people thoughts on writings and they can think
critically. Therefore, they know the importance of languages and writings where Gods value in

Biblical Perspective and Interdisciplinary Connections

Great commission
- worldwide medium of communication. As such as such it is the most useful for spreading the
word of God.
- We share gospel because people writes Gods words

Great commandment
- You can serve people through language and build relationship

- God created language perfectly and we should strive to do the same
We should speak and write and good English
- God created languages but people misuse the language
- We can find Gods words in different language
- The Bible is written language, language needed to understand the bible properly and the bible is
useful to understand language

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

1. What are some kinds of writing on essay?

There are different kinds of essay writing. One the 2. What is claim and argument?
way where student can write the essay is that in 3. What is the MEAL format?
MEAL format. Where student can write M- main idea
arguments to support their claims with clear E- evidence
evidence. Also, they can think critically when they A- Analysis
will do the analysis part. L- link
4. How can people write essay in MEAL

Knowledge Skills Dispositions

The learner will know: The learner will be able to: The learner will value:
1. Different kinds of 6. Distinguish how to 11. Others writing
essay write essay 12. All languages which
2. Claim and argument 7. Analyze the thesis are God created.
3. The MEAL format and argument 13. Importance of
4. The thesis statement 8. Comprehend the writing and language
5. Relevant evidence claim and support
9. Examine MEAL
10. Create essay with
MEAL format

Objectives Objective
Formative Assessments Summative Assessment(s)
Assessed Assessed

Worksheet 4, 5, 6, 9

Outline of essay (2) 1, 2, 3, 7, Final paper 8,9,10, 11,

8, 9 12, 13

Paragraph map 7, 8, 9

Peer review 7, 8, 9,

Classwork +Homework (3) 2, 5, 7, 9

Rough draft of essay 3, 4, 8, 9

Unit Schedule

Day Topics Activities/ procedures Assessment/ feedback Objectives

Day 1 Introduction of Show the PowerPoint and Formative: tell students 1, 2, 3, 6, 7
writing and its the tell students different to write short essay in
importance kinds of essay writing and one topic provide
tell them importance of worksheet

writings through Biblical


Day 2 Introduce of Give back their short essay Provide outline and tell 3, 6, 7,8, 9
MEAL format and tell students different them to compare their
(detail) types of essays part which previous essay with this
help us to understand essay out line.

Day 3 Topic and After describing about Tell students to write 4, 7, 8

thesis MEAL then tell student to down the topic and
choose any topic and write thesis for their essay
the thesis (it will the

Day 4 Provide outline After they chose their topic Provide them outline 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9
and thesis. Provide them one and help them to think
essay as a sample and about on their essay
provide outline. Tell them to topic and thesis tell
think where do they see them to make an outline.
MEAL in that essay they can
work with peers
Day 5 write argument Teach students how to write Show them one video 5, 7, 8, 9
argument to give example of which tell them to find
previous sample essay and argument. And tell them
show them video about to write argument on
argument where they can their essays topic.
know the what is argument (Homework)
Day 6 paragraph map Provide them template of After done with one 3, 4, 8, 9
paragraph map tell them to paragraph of MEAL,
write one MEAL paragraph give them feedback
for their essay and provide
them rubric of essay
Day 7 rough draft Tell students to submit their Tell them to work on 3, 4, 8, 9
rough draft so teacher will their paper in the class
know misunderstand parts of and tell them to ask
essay question if they are
Day 8 conference with After checking their paper Give them feedback to 6, 7, 8, 9, 11
teacher have a meeting one by one improve on final essay
provide them time table so and tell them to follow
they can come to meet office rubric
time or in the class time. So,
teacher can give feedback
where they can improve on
their final essay.
Day 9 peer review Before final draft, make peer Provide comment sheet 7, 8, 9, 11,13
review so they can also get where they give
ideas from other comment to their friend
in their essay so their
friend can get the
weakness on their paper.

Day 10 final essay Tell them to submit their Provide them reflection 8,9,10, 11, 12,
final essay and ask them to paper where they can 13
write a summary about two reflect their self.
weeks class of writing why
it important in biblical
perspective. After that tell
why writing is important in
Biblical way.

on of
and its introducti
final important on of
essay MEAL

peer topic and

review thesis

e with

teach to


Gita Lama Unit Title: Essay Writing Unit Length:2 weeks (40 mins)
Lesson: English (Introduction)

Unit Overview

Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

- Student will know the Introduction of

writing and its importance.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
- What are some kinds of writing on - Analyze Different kinds of essay
essay? - Examine Claim and argument
- What is claim and argument? - Distinguish how to write essay

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
- Agenda
10 - TOPIC FOR TODAY: Introductions
mins - 1. Look at a few examples in film and analyze them.
- 2. Find your own examples.
- 3. Translate the visual medium to academic essay introductions. 4. Start writing
your own essay introduction

Developing the Lesson

20 - Ask students what they already know about essay introductions (to activate
mins schema); this brief discussion will become a messy brainstorm on the whiteboard.
- Write all ideas on the whiteboard, regardless if they are right or not.
- Explain one essay article provide then hand out
- Tell them to discus with their friend about article
Biblical perspective:
Jeremiah 30:2
"Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'Write all the words which I have spoken to you
in a book.

Closing the Lesson

10 - Ask students what they learned about introductions.
mins - Review about claim and argument
- homework

Formative Assessment Differentiation

- Provide hand out tell them to write discussion
- Article reading


Article, white board, PowerPoint, YouTube

- to show agenda of todays activities in the classroom.
- To show YouTube links which help students to visualize the class activities. I will also put the
- to show the Bible verse.

Hand out- to write introduction of essay by their own knowledge.

Article-I will provide students article where students can read and write comment on their selves
which help them to think about to write their essay.

Gita Lama Unit Title: Essay writing Unit Length: 2 weeks (40 mins)
Class/Grade: 6
Lesson: English (Introduce of MEAL)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Students will know the MEAL format so they

can write essay.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
- What is claim and argument? - Create the Claim and argument
- What is the MEAL format? - Analyze the MEAL format

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
5 mins - Greeting
- Preview from previous class

Developing the Lesson

- Give definition of MEAL format
- M= main idea
- E= evidence
15 - A= analysis
mins - L= link
- Give Example of MEAL format from the other essay
- Explain why MEAL is important in any essay from PP

- Biblical perspective
Mark 10:4

15 They said, "Moses permitted a man TO WRITE A CERTIFICATE OF DIVORCE AND

mins SEND her AWAY."

- Give sample essay where students can find out the MEAL
- Divided into group and tell them to find out MEAL in their group
- Tell them to write on the board what they found in the sample essay

Closing the Lesson

5 mins - Review about MEAL
- tell student choose one any article and find out MEAL (HOMEWOORK)

Formative Assessment Differentiation

- provide sample of essay Group discussion


White board, article and PowerPoint

Power Point:
- to show Bible verse.
- To Explain definition if MEAL format form the Power Point.
- To show students groups names for the groups activities.

Provide sample essay-

- to read the other writers essay which help to build their knowledge for essay.

Gita Lama Unit Title: Essay Writing Unit Length: 2 weeks (40 mins)
Lesson: English (topic and thesis)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

- Students will create the Topic and thesis

for their essay.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)


The student will . . .

- What is MEAL format? - Examine MEAL format
- What is thesis? - Create the topic and thesis
- How to choose topic and thesis? - Analyze their topic and thesis

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
5 mins - Tell them to write down one interesting thing they have done in the morning
- Tell them to take it out Homework from yesterday class

Developing the Lesson

- Introduce about thesis
- Describe claim and argument from the same article from yesterday class
- Ask students they can find any claim and argument
20 - Tell students to share their MEAL in the class
mins - Discuss with the students about their answers
- Tell students to choose any topic for their essay
- Tel students to write down topic and thesis
- Give sometimes and think about their self if they need help then help them to find
- Biblical perspective
John 20:31
mins but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of
God; and that believing you may have life in His name.

5 mins Closing the Lesson

- review
- tell them to submit their topic and thesis
- tell student to provide more MEAL for their essay from any book

Formative Assessment Differentiation

- Walk around the class and give more
- Class work write down topic and think attention to them
about their thesis statement - discussion


article, white board

Power point:
- to show them previous definition of MEAL format to think about their topic and thesis.
- To shows the Bible verse and explain it.

Gita Lama Unit Title: Essay Writing Unit Length: 2 weeks(40mins)
Class/Grade: 6
Lesson: English (Provide outline)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
- Students will know how to make outline
for essay

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
- How to write thesis? - create thesis and topic
- How to create claim and support? - Comprehend the claim and support
- How write in MEAL format? argument
- Examine MEAL format

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
5 mins - Jumping jacks 5 times
- Pray
- Give back their classwork paper +feedback

Developing the Lesson

- Ask students what kinds of sources they want to use for their essay
- Write on the white board and tell which one is more effective and give suggestion
20 to choose meaningful sources for their essay
mins - Tell students to think about their feedback from yesterday class
- Provide them sample outline from the article that I taught them before to get ideas
from that

- Give them out line for their essay to fill their topic and thesis and give time to
think about more on it
10 - Tell students to work on their essay outline from the outline of article
mins - Tell them to share with pair
- Walk around classroom to check their outline and give more suggestion
- Biblical perspective
Galatians 6:11
See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand

Closing the Lesson

- Question and answer (review)
5 mins - Homework to fill out the outline

Formative Assessment Differentiation

- Provide sample outline Pair share
- Provide out line for essay

White board, outline, PowerPoint

Power Point:
- to show them Bible verse.
- to show question answers for review.

Gita Lama Unit Title: Essay Writing Unit Length: 2 weeks (40 mins)
Class/Grade: 6
Lesson: English (write argument)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

- Students will write an argument for their


Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
- What is an argument? - Create an argument.
- How to make good argument? - Analyze the argument.

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
- Divided into two group give one topic for debate
5 mins - Discuss on topic

Developing the Lesson

- Tell students how many of you already find the argument for their topic
20 - Choose some student to share their argument and their ideas for their essay
mins - Describe definition of argument
- Tell students to look at the argument on the sample outline

- Explain more about argument from the article so they can get ideas
- Tell students to discuss argument on the sample outline

10 - Tel them to share their ideas to their pair

mins - Tell them to write their argument form their essay
- Tell students if they have more question then they can ask
- Biblical perspective
Jeremiah 30:2

"Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'Write all the words which I have spoken to you
in a book.

Closing the Lesson

- Review
5 mins - Collect their outline of argument
- Tell students to bring their sources for discussion

Formative Assessment Differentiation

- Provide outline to write argument - Pair discussion


White board, article, PowerPoint

Power Point:
- To show their groups name for group activities.
- To show topic and argument for discussion
- To show the Bible verse
- For review


Gita Lama Unit Title: Essay Writing Unit Length: 2 weeks(40mins)

Class/Grade: 6
Lesson: English (paragraph map)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

- Student will write their ideas in the

paragraph map.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
- How to create MEAL for essay? - Create the MEAL for essay
- How to relates MEAL with the claim? - study claim for essay
- comprehend their MEAL with claim

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
5 mins - Review about argument
- Give back their outline with feedback for their argument
Developing the Lesson
- Tell them to show their source for their essay
- Tell them read and fill the outline where they need to write their essay
20 - Give sometimes to complete their outline
mins - Question and answer
- Provide them sample of paragraph map to compare sample of outline from article
- Ask what different and similarities can find
- Write down on the board

- Provide new paragraph map where they must write their MEAL
10 - Give them some times to think about their topic and thesis where they can write
mins their evidence from their source they brought
- Tell more about the paragraph map and why its important
- Biblical perspective
Deuteronomy 31:24
It came about, when Moses finished writing the words of this law in a book until they
were complete
Closing the Lesson
- Review of paragraph map
- Tell students to submit their rough draft essay for conference
5 mins - Provide time table sheet for conference

Formative Assessment Differentiation

- Provide paragraph map - Discussion with the pair
- Fill their ideas in the paragraph map

White board and worksheet and PowerPoint

Power point:
- To show review from previous class
- To show questions
- To provide the Bible verse

Gita Lama Unit Title: Essay Writing Unit Length: 2 weeks(40mins)
Class/Grade: 6
Lesson: English rough draft

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

- Students will their essay with argument.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
- How to write essay in MEAL format? - Analyze the thesis and argument
- How to support thesis with claim? - Create MEAL format in essay

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
5 mins - Brainstorm
- Tell students to submit their rough draft essay

Developing the Lesson

- Ask students to they have any difficulties to make paragraph map
20 - Tell all work on the paragraph map which must be on MEAL format
mins - Explain more about MEAL should be like on the board
- Pick one students to give example to tell him to share his claim and the MEAL
- Tell them students to how MEAL is important to support their claim

- Tell students to work on their paragraph map

10 - Tell student they can ask their friends

mins - Help those students who are slow learner
- Help students to write their paragraph map
- Biblical perspective
Proverbs 3:3
Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the
tablet of your heart.

Closing the Lesson

- Remind them their MEAL must be support claim
- Inform students tomorrow we have meeting for 10 mins for each student about
rough draft
5 mins - Everyone must come in the class to work on their essay

Formative Assessment Differentiation

- Work on paragraph map - Discussion with friend

- Provide them paragraph map


White board, paragraph map, PowerPoints

Power Point
- To show the Bible Verse
- For review
- To show agenda for tomorrow class


Gita Lama Unit Title: Essay Writing Unit Length: 2 weeks (40 mins)
Class/Grade: 6
Lesson: English (conference with teacher)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

- Students can meet teacher to be clear

with their paragraph map.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
- How to connect thesis with the MEAL - Distinguish how to write essay
- How to support argument with topic - Analyze the thesis and argument
- How to organize MEAL in each - Comprehend the claim and support
paragraph argument
- Examine MEAL format

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
5 mins - Greeting and warm up
- Review

- Biblical perspective
Psalm 102:18
This will be written for the generation to come, That a people yet to be created may
praise the LORD.
Developing the Lesson
- Tell students to come to meet corner of the classroom to discuss about rough draft
- Rest of all students must work on their essay and prepare for their questions
- Meet with students one by one
- Ask students why they choose their topic
30 - Give suggestions for their essay so they can improve for final paper
mins - Ask they have any question for the final essay or not
- Give to students back their rough draft with feedback
- Tell them whole day teacher is available in the office so they can come on their
Closing the Lesson
- Remind them about their peer group
- Review (question and answer)
5 mins

Formative Assessment Differentiation

- Pair share
- Work on paragraph map


White board, articles, white board

Power Point:
- To show review from previous class
- To show bible verse
- For questions
- To show their peers name for peer review


Gita Lama Unit Title: Essay Writing Unit Length: 2 weeks(40 mins)
Class/Grade: 6
Lesson: English (peer review)
Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

- Students will work with students where

they can get knowledge from others


Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
- How to find claim and argument?
- How to find MEAL in essay? - Comprehend the claim and support
- How to analyses other writing? argument
- Create MEAL format
- Values Others writing

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
- review from conference
5 mins - show them pair on the power point
- tell them to shit with their pair

Developing the Lesson

- show the rubric on the PowerPoint so they can give comment based on that
20 - give some time to read their pairs essay and give comments on them
mins - provide them work sheet where they can give feedback to their pair
- question and answer (if they are confusing to give them comment then provide
10 - Biblical perspective
Galatians 6:11
See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand.

Closing the Lesson

- review about claim and MEAL
5 mins - remind for them final paper

Formative Assessment Differentiation

- discussion
- provide feedback worksheet
- check pairs essay


PowerPoint, white board, work sheet

Power Point:
- to show their peers names
- to explain more about claim and MEAL

# 10

Gita Lama Unit Title: Essay Writing Unit Length: 2 weeks (40 mins)
Class/Grade: 6
Lesson: English (Final Paper)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
- Students will know the importance of
writing form the Biblical perspective and - Final essay
Gods value.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
- Why other writing is important? - Analyze the Bible verse in writing

- How writing is important in Biblical - Examine other writing which are God
perspective? created.

- Create essay in MEAL format

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
- Greeting
5 min - pray
- Tell them to final paper to submit their paper

Developing the Lesson

- Ask students about 2 weeks class
20 - Ask students what did you learn about writing in biblical perspective
- Tel them to reflect their self
- Give their reflection paper
- Collect their reflection paper
Deuteronomy 31:24
10 It came about, when Moses finished writing the words of this law in a book until they
were complete
- Discussion with pair and share

5 mins
Closing the Lesson
- review (discussion about writing)
- closing prayer

Formative Assessment Differentiation

- Provide reflection paper - Discussion


Reflection paper, PowerPoint, BIBLE

- To tell Biblical perspective on writing.
- Questions to reflect their selves.
Reflection paper:
- Where students write, what they have learned in 2 weeks writing class

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