Day 11 Thuersday

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Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Gita Lama

Date: 9 Feb 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response
(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How does this
connect to the theory I have read from class?)
One student asked me why do you I think every student have question about new teacher. One
choose International Teachers College students asked me about my personal life. I told him, I will
while I was teaching. I was confused answer it after class because this lesson is very important and
should I give answer or continue the he said okay. Some students do not like to study and they like
lesson. to interrupt teacher, so that I must be prepared for any
questions that students might ask. In future, also I need to be
prepared for myself if plan A is not work then I must plan for
B so that I can manage classroom environment. Before our
practicum our teacher taught and we practiced in the class,
that practice really help in my class.

Today was my last teaching in Grade When my students gave me a greeting card and food I was
10-1B and students prepared card and happy and felt very bad to leave them. I think they were
Indonesian food for me. engaging with me and class. Whenever I gave them
worksheet they did they respected me as their real teacher. It
is because of my cooperating teacher teaches them how to
respects others. In future, also when I will go to other school
then I need to be flexible with students because if I look
bossy and arrogant then students scared of me and they will
never ask me question and will not be open with me.
therefore, I need to be more careful on my dispositions.

Before end of the class my cooperating I am so blessed I had understanding cooperating teacher, she
teacher and students prayed for my guided me every time during my teaching period. Not only
study and future. teacher, also students were asking my contact number. I
think, even thought I was just for two weeks, my cooperating
teacher appreciated my teaching and prayed for my future.
When my students were ready to go to home, all students
came to me and we shake hands. This is the best memories
during my teaching practicum. I think both cooperating
teacher and students values relationship. So, they showed
their care and love to me through pray.

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