Injection Technology For Marine Diesel Engines Mechanical
Injection Technology For Marine Diesel Engines Mechanical
Injection Technology For Marine Diesel Engines Mechanical
Injection Technology
for Marine Diesel Engines
Increasingly strict emissions legislation worldwide is also resulting in further improved fuel injection
systems for marine diesel engines. Bosch has developed a product range of common rail systems
with an injection pressure of up to 2200bar for medium-speed marine engines that will also be able
to comply with the future Tier 4 and IMO 3 emissions standards.
a u t H or S Different requirements for :: high-speed engines
different applications :: medium-speed diesel and heavy-fuel-
oil engines
For decades fuel injection systems for :: low-speed heavy-fuel-oil engines.
marine diesel engines did not change sig For high-speed marine engines of up to
nificantly. The requirements for cost, ro 2.5l displacement/cylinder, Bosch offers
bustness, durability, packaging and func the third generation of its Common Rail
Dr. Rolf Leonhard tion could be met with standard inline System for commercial vehicles (CRSN3),
is Executive Vice President and mechanical unit pumps. The fuel which is based on commercial-vehicle
Engineering, Bosch Diesel Systems
at Robert Bosch GmbH in
injection systems are now changing dra components and has been optimized for
Stuttgart (Germany). matically due to increasing requirements off-highway applications. For engines of
for emissions and fuel consumption. over 2.5l/cylinder, Bosch has developed
Throughout history, Inline Pumps (IP) the particularly robust Modular Common
were used to drive marine engines. They Rail System (MCRS) and has been active
were limited in terms of variable timing in this field in a wide variety of applica
and injection pressure (approximately tions since 2004. For medium-speed die
1200bar). Electronically controlled Unit sel engines with especially long service
Dr.-Ing. Marcus Parche Pumps (UP) and Unit Injectors (UI) have intervals, the MCRS-T will be going into
is Senior Vice President Diesel
one more degree of freedom, i.e. the ad series production in 2012. Operation with
Systems for Commercial Vehicles
at Robert Bosch GmbH in vantage of flexible injection timing within heavy fuel oil makes special demands on
Stuttgart (Germany). the limits of the cam profile. These cam- the Common Rail System. Bosch devel
driven fuel injection systems provide higher oped together with MAN Diesel&Turbo a
injection pressures (up to 1800bar) based system especially optimized to meet
on more robust camshafts and flexible these requirements, the HFO-CRS. This
timing. Both of these modifications there system is available in future also for
fore lead to a benefit in fuel consumption other customers.
and emissions.
Dr. Christoph Kendlbacher
Since emission limits became even more
is Head of Development Large Emissions: driving factor of
Engines of the Commercial Vehicle stringent Common Rail Systems (CRS)
marine injection technology
Product Division at Bosch Diesel were introduced to the market. They have
Systems at Robert Bosch AG in two additional degrees of freedom: injec Bosch supports its customers by develop
Hallein (Austria).
tion timing and injection pressure. ing injection and exhaust-gas treatment
Bosch is the only company in the world systems and thus permits great flexibility
offering diesel injection systems and, in in the development and application of
particular, Common Rail Systems for pas marine engines which are optimized as
senger-car, commercial-vehicle and large regards emissions and fuel consumption.
diesel engines. The uses to which diesel An extremely long service life, many gen
engines are put in marine applications are eral overhauls and retrofitting with mod
as varied as the demands made on the in ern injection and exhaust-gas treatment
jection system. Marine engines can be seg systems in order to meet the most recent
mented into the following categories, : fuel-consumption and emission standards
:: derivatives of commercial-vehicle are state of the art. Their field of applica
engines tion ranges from performance-optimized
Pleasure boats
Ferries Container ship
Fast ferries
Application Tug boats Tanker Main propulsion
Coast guard
River boats Ocean liner
Fishing boats
UI = Unit injector UP = Unit pump IP = Inline pump CRS = Common rail system PF = Single plunger pump
04I2011 Volume 72 11
Cover Story Injection
Derivatives MCRS-18
High speed engine truck-based derivatives
High speed MCRS-16 (pressure balanced control valve)
MCRS-16 (ball type control valve)
High speed engines
PF 1800 bar
Medium speed HFO engines
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Marine diesel injection
EPA Tier 3 EPA Tier 4 IMO Tier 2 IMO Tier 3 technology roadmap
yachts to the robustness-optimized main To reduce the emission of particulate, to seven injections per cycle. It has been
drive units of tankers and container ships, the sulfur content of the fuel is to be dras in production since 2008 and supports
. All applications are subject to the rele tically cut down. Here there are a variety engines with an output of <120kW/cylin
vant legal exhaust-gas regulations (e.g. of threshold limits: Global Caps apply der 2200bar have been available since
EPA, IMO) which will be significantly on the high seas. Zones with emission reg 2010. The system pressure required is gen
tightened up in the years between 2012 ulations (Emission Control Areas, ECAs) erated without pressure amplification by
and 2016, . have considerably stricter limits. The Glo the high-pressure pump and stored in the
To fulfill future emission limitations, bal Cap for sulfur in heavy fuel oil is at rail. The excellent hydraulic efficiency is
measures inside and/or outside the present 4.5%. On 1st January 2012 it will determined by the pump and the injector.
engine will be required. Here, too, Bosch be reduced to 3.5% and, probably from Injector performance (CRIN3):
is primary relying on Common Rail tech 2020 on, to 0.5%. The top limit for sulfur :: injection pressure range 250 to
nology. This meets the demands for the in fuels used in Emission Control Areas 2200bar (2500bar planned)
necessary flexibility of injection rates and was reduced from 1.5% to 1.0% in March :: nozzle flow 400 to 1300cm3/30s at
multiple injections, permitting further 2010. From 2015 it will be further reduced 100bar with calibration oil
increases in pressure while at the same to 0.1%. On the drive side, the emission DINISO4113
time minimizing hydraulic losses. Individ limits valid from 2011 can be achieved via :: injection quantity 1.5 to 450mm3/
ual customer-specific stipulations deter optimized combustion processes. For the stroke
mine the type of Common Rail System next stage, special techniques are needed :: possibility of seven consecutive
applied to specific engine types and sizes. to reduce NOx emissions. The EPA also injections
Today approximately one tenth of the defines limits for particulate emissions. At :: efficiency increase (vs. 1800bar
worlds entire nitrogen-oxide emissions 0.04g/kWh for Tier 4 applications, these injector)
are attributable to shipping. Shipping is present a particular challenge, calling not :: reduced backflow quantity (~50%)
seen as a large-scale emitter of sulfur only for optimization of the combustion :: no leakage.
dioxide and soot particulate. The Interna processes but also for a further increase in Design:
tional Maritime Organization (IMO) has fuel injection pressure to 2200bar. :: plug and play to former generations
thus decided to reduce the exhaust-gas (same outer geometry)
threshold levels in stages. From 2011 on, :: no internal leakage (increased
Technologies to fulfill IMO
emissions of nitrogen oxide must be re efficiency)
and EPA emission limits
duced by 20%, from 2016 by 80%. A :: reduced steering volume
start toward reducing the high emissions The CRSN 3, , with injector, high-pres :: flexible interface to the engine.
of particulate and nitrogen oxide can be sure pump, rail with ancillary components For engines <120kW/cylinder, a high-
made via the fuel used or via the ships (pressure sensor, pressure limiter, pressure- pressure pump (CPN5-22/2, 2200bar,
engine itself (inside-engine measures and control valve) and control unit offers excel inline plunger pump with two cylinder
injection technology) as well as via atten lent preconditions for optimizing the com elements) is used. This is a fuel-lubricated
tion to the exhaust-gas system. bustion method, with the capability of up pump of modular construction.
Pump performance (CPN5-22/2): :: weight-reduced design (-30% vs. pre engine types, e.g. six, eight and ten cylin
:: pressure level of 2200bar released, vious generation). der in-line engines, or eight, ten, twelve
2500bar in development The Modular Common Rail System and 16 cylinder V-type engines. The vol
:: inlet pressure 0.35 to 1bar abs (MCRS) has been developed for high- ume of the rail has been integrated into
:: back pressure 1.8bar abs speed engines >120kW/cylinder and the High Pressure Pump (HPP) and the
:: inlet temperature -25C to 80C has been adapted to meet the needs of injector. Both of them dampen the pres
:: integrated gear pump and fuel meter marine engines. The MCRS is unique in sure spikes from pumping and injection
ing unit its design and differs significantly from a events. The MCRS consists of high pres
:: maximum output 250l/h (2500bar). standard Common Rail System. The sure pump, pressure limiting valve, injec
Design: MCRS does not have a rail to distribute tors, ECU and several sensors.
:: fuel lubricated fuel to the various injectors and therefore A cross-section through the MCRS
:: two cylinders inline can be adapted modularly to different injector reveals details, showing pressure
Pre-filter Injector
Electronic control unit
High pressure
Low pressure
Engine torque
1600 200 Small PI quantity
1400 175
1200 150
1000 125
600 50
400 Fuel temperature 80 C 25
200 0
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Engine speed
04I2011 Volume 72 13
Cover Story Injection
Pressure sensor
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
Modular Common Rail System (MCRS) Energizing time [s]
damper, internal volume, the robust ball building up in narrow passages is also pump compresses the heavy oil to an
type solenoid valve and the cavitations minimized. injection pressure of maximal 1600bar.
and wear optimized nozzle, . A injec For medium-speed engines the MCRS- The unit involved is a cam-driven high-
tion characteristic is optimized for mini 16-T was developed, which is extending pressure pump with built-on metering
mum amounts and the stable characteris the advantages of the MCRS-16 to per unit to control the system-pressure. The
tics across the entire program map are formance classes up to 500kW/cylinder pumps have been optimized to prevent
mandatory necessary for Tier 4 applica and permitting the use of plug-in pumps gumming and the special sealing design
tions. The family of pumps from L2 to L5 (CP9.2). The existing installation space of the scavenging valve guarantees wear-
covers fuel delivery to engines of between and cam drive of PF or UP drives can also free operation.
0.5 and 2.25MW and, with dual-pump be ideally utilized for the MCRS. The heavy-oil Common Rail System for
drive, up to 4.5MW. Above and beyond this, Bosch offers a marine engines and auxiliary machines
Common Rail System for heavy-fuel-oil with over 270 mm bore, , was devel
engines <270mm bore, which fulfills the oped with MAN Diesel&Turbo and differs
Challenge: fuel qualities
IMO Tier 2 emission regulations with con from the above system by separating the
A particular challenge for Common Rail siderably reduced particulate emissions, control valve from the injector. This per
Systems in marine applications are the . There are two variants for different mits the use of a conventional nozzle-
regional variations in fuel quality. High engine-power classes. Control of the Bosch and-holder assembly (DHK). Conversion
particulate loading and deposits from heavy-oil injector does not require a servo from conventional to Common Rail tech
fuels led to the development of the espe system. This results in reduced losses, nology is thus simple to implement. Serv
cially robust injector control valve, rapid response behavior and a reduction icing the nozzle-and-holder assembly can
which is based on a particulate-resistant in the complexity of the injection system. be carried out separately from the control
ball-seat valve. The rotation of the ball The nozzle is pressure-controlled and valve on board.
ensures that initial damage caused by thus only subjected to pressure during A single feed pipe is available to supply
particulate does not lead to the forma injection. This prevents undesired long- two engine cylinders each. Injection is
tion of erosive channels. As the valve duration injections. Exchanging nozzles controlled by a robust control unit with
does not contain any conduits subject to on the spot is possible without restric 2/2 and 3/2 valve on each accumulator
high pressures, the danger of deposits tions. The Common Rail high-pressure end cover, switching the high pressure
CRS for HFO medium speed engines
Rail pressure
< 270 mm bore
Max. pressure
High pressure valves
pumps with inlet
metering valves
Rail(s) Flow
Injector (1n)
with 3/2-way
Actuators Sensors
Fuel Air
filter Engine speed
Pre- valves
heating Engine speed
ECU (cam)
Tank High pressure
Low pressure
between accumulator pipe and mechani metering unit or the pressure sensor. the high pressure pump, accumulator and
cal DHK. The flow-limiter valve in the Bosch developed components are the mechanical nozzle-holder assembly. ECU
accumulator pipe prevents the injection 3/2 way valve, flow limiter, circulation and fuel lines are also in responsibility of
of unintentionally large amounts. A valve, maximum pressure valve and the MAN Diesel&Turbo.
pressure limiter in the system ensures inlet metering valve for the high pressure Both injection systems considerably
that no excessive system pressure is cre pumps. The System responsibility has reduce black-smoke emissions and
ated in the case of a fault in either the MAN Diesel&Turbo and they developed improve part-load fuel consumption.
HP pumps*
3/2-way Flow limiter
Fuel Pre-
filter heating
Fuel Circulation
filter Supply Actuators Sensors Engine speed valve
pump (crank)
Engine speed
Pre-filter (cam)
High pressure
Low pressure
*With inlet metering valves Bosch components
CRS for HFO medium speed engines > 270 mm bore
04I2011 Volume 72 15
Cover Story InjecTIOn
[1] Kendlbacher, c.; Mller, P.; Bernhaupt, M.;
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[2] Kendlbacher, c.: Large engine Injection
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[4] Heider, G.; Kremser, T.; Gritzko, T.: More than
DOI: 10.1365/s38313-011-0035-z
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