1510 0036 06ppr Marinegensets Low
1510 0036 06ppr Marinegensets Low
1510 0036 06ppr Marinegensets Low
2 Marine GenSets
Marine GenSets
MAN Diesel & Turbo has built auxiliary engines since In the following period, up to the late 1990s, these
1929. First under the brand name Holeby GenSets engines were the benchmark for the whole indus-
and later under the MAN GenSet brand, and more try as an example of reliability and userfriendliness.
than 20,000 GenSets, both from own production and Today, our customers still choose this well-proven
from licensees, have been delivered over the years. design, which has resulted in a production of more
than 10,000 units, both from own and from licensee
In 1965 the world famous L23/30 engine was launched, production.
and in 1972 the larger L28/32 was introduced.
Marine GenSets 3
Performance, Quality and Service
Marine GenSets
MAN Diesel & Turbos approach to the design and production of GenSets is to lead
the world market for GenSets in the 450-6,000 kW power range in terms of perfor-
mance, quality and service.
The MAN Diesel & Turbo product development strategy Fuel economy
is to design GenSet solutions that produce energy at The basis for a superior operating economy is a low
the lowest possible cost per kWh without compromis- fuel consumption across the entire load range, com-
ing on quality. bined with a uni-fuel concept.
This strategy requires a resolution of the conflicts inher- The uni-fuel concept the running of GenSets on the
ent in five key market requirements: same heavy fuel oil as used by the vessels propulsion
engine is the result of a continuous development
operation on the cheapest fuel programme. MAN Diesel & Turbo is an industry pioneer
easiest possible daily maintenance procedures in this development area, and has therefore gained a
longest safe intervals between overhauls unique market position.
unlimited load patterns
worldwide environmental regulations.
4 Marine GenSets
Minimal daily maintenance Environmental considerations
The control systems installed on todays merchant MAN Diesel & Turbo places a sharp focus on both
ships permit small crews to operate even the largest the safety and the working environment of the ship
vessels, provided that ways can be found to reduce crews as well as the potential effects of its products
the hours spent on basic maintenance. For all MAN on the external environment. The GenSets operate at
GenSets, the need for daily maintenance has been re- low vibration and noise levels to the benefit of the crew,
duced to the absolute minimum necessary for a reliable and the current GenSet programme complies with the
and trouble-free operation and the engine designers external environmental requirements defined by the
are constantly looking for ways to further reduce the IMO Tier II emission regulations without requiring
maintenance requirements. exhaust gas after-treatment.
Long intervals between overhauls Future emission requirements outlined in IMO Tier III
Time between major overhauls is up to 20,000 hours, (valid from January 2016) will require exhaust gas treat-
depending on the specific GenSet design, application ment in the form of a selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
and operating profile, and the quality of the daily main- system.
Marine GenSets 5
Operation on distillate fuels Low-sulphur HFO
Exhaust emissions from marine diesel engines have From an engine manufacturers point of view, there is
been the focus of recent legislation. Apart from nitrous no lower limit for the sulphur content of HFO. We have
oxides (NOX), sulphur oxides (SOX) are considered to not experienced any trouble with the currently available
be the most important pollution factor. A range of new low-sulphur HFO that is related to the sulphur content
regulations has been implemented and others will fol- or specific to low-sulphur HFO. This may change in
low (IMO, EU Directive, and CARB). the future if new methods are applied for the produc-
tion of low-sulphur HFO (desulphurization, uncommon
These regulations demand a reduction of SO X emis- blending components).
sions by restricting the sulphur content of the fuel. That
is to say sulphur limits for HFO as well as mandatory MAN Diesel & Turbo will monitor developments and
use of low-sulphur distillate fuels for particular applica- inform our customers if necessary. If the engine is not
tions. This guideline covers the engine-related aspects operated permanently on low-sulphur HFO, then the
of the use of such fuels. lubricating oil should be selected according to the
highest sulphur content of the fuels in operation.
1.5 cSt
Not good
Fuel below 2 cSt
120 MAN Diesel & Turbo does not recommend to operate
the engine on fuel with viscosities lower than 2 cSt 2.0 cSt
Depending on installation 3.0 cSt
Fuel viscosity 2-3 cSt
80 MAN Diesel & Turbo strongly recommends
to make start checks prior to port operation
4.0 cSt
5.0 cSt
Fuel above 3 cSt
20 MAN Diesel & Turbo recommends to operate the engine
on fuels with viscosities above 3 cSt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Viscosity (cSt)
6 Marine GenSets
de-aerating valve
V2 A3A
A2 * A3B
Main engine
Pressure control
Fuel oil valve, 2-3 bar
drain tank medium
Temperature inlet Pressure control
feeler valve, 4 bar
Low-sulphur distillates
In general, our GenSets are developed for continuous fuel. When operating on MDO/MGO, a larger leak oil
operation on HFO as well as on MDO/MGO. Occasion- amount from fuel oil injection pumps and fuel oil injec-
al changes in operating mode between HFO and MDO/ tion valves can be expected, compared with operation
MGO are considered to be within normal operation on HFO.
procedures for our engine types, and such changes
do not require special precautions. In order to carry out a quick change between HFO and
MDO/MGO, the change-over should be carried out by
Operation on low-sulphur fuel (<0.1% S) will not cause means of the V1-V2 valve installed in front of the engine
problems, but the below-described restrictions should (see figure Fuel oil diagram).
be noted. In order to avoid seizure of the fuel oil injec-
tion pump components, the viscosity at engine fuel For the choice of the lubricating oil, the same applies
oil inlet must be >2.0 cSt. To achieve this, it may be as for HFO. For temporary operation on distillate fuels,
necessary to install a fuel oil cooler when the engine including low-sulphur distillates, nothing needs to be
is running on MGO, see the figure Fuel Temperature considered. A lubricating oil suitable for operation on
vs Viscosity. This is both to ensure correct viscosity diesel fuel should only be chosen if a distillate fuel is
and avoid heating up the service tank, which is impor- used continuously.
tant as the fuel oil injection pumps are cooled by the
Marine GenSets 7
Power Range
GenSet solutions for the 450-6,000kW range
Engine type
L27/38 (MDO/MGO)
L23/30H Mk 2
Engine Power
Electrical Power
L16/24 = 0.95-0.97
0 5,000 MW
8 Marine GenSets
Classic Marine GenSets
Prepared for the requirements of tomorrow
1. Regulating arm
2. Switch (Pick-up)
3. Piston
4. Solenoid valve
5. Lambda controller
6. Overspeed device
(mecanical activated 3/2 valve)
5 Charge air
~ Engine's
4 air system
Marine GenSets 9
MAN L23/30H Mk 2 GenSet
650-1,400 kW
The MAN L23/30H (Holeby) GenSet has been a treas- daily maintenance requirements are kept at a minimum
ured choice by customers since the first introduction and long intervals between overhauls are obtained.
in the mid-60s, and it has proven to be an extraordi-
narily reliable engine type. More than 10,000 GenSets The L23/30H Mk 2 engine has an additional environ-
have been installed, and the engine has served as the mental advantage besides the IMO Tier II, it holds an
benchmark for the whole industry. EPA Tier 2 approval for the 900 r/min version.
The new GenSet, designated L23/30H Mk A2, has re- B 1,270 1,600
10 Marine GenSets
Main Data L23/30H Mk 2 Bore: 225 mm, Stroke: 300 mm
Cyl. No. 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
Marine GenSets 11
MAN L28/32H GenSet
1,050-1,980 kW
A B 1,490 1,800
C Q 1,126
12 Marine GenSets
Main Data L28/32H Bore: 280 mm, Stroke: 320 mm
Cyl. No. 5 6 7 8 9
Marine GenSets 13
MAN L28/32DF GenSet
Dual fuel flexibility
14 Marine GenSets
Main Data L28/32DF Bore: 280 mm, Stroke: 320 mm
Cyl. No. 5 6 7 8 9
r/min 720/750 720/750 720/750 720/750 720/750
A mm 4,321 4,801 5,281 5,761 6,241
B mm 2,400 2,510 2,680 2,770 2,690
C mm 6,721 7,311 7,961 8,531 8,931
H mm 2,835 3,009 3,009 3,009 3,009
Dry Mass t 32.6 36.3 39.4 40.7 47.1
* Based on nominal generator efficiencies of 95%
Weight and dimensions based on a standard alternator
Gas / fuel ratio:
at load: 30-90% 90 / 10
at full load 80 / 20
Gas methane number 80
Marine GenSets 15
Streamlined Modular GenSets
Designed for optimised service friendliness
16 Marine GenSets
The L16/24, L21/31 and L27/38 GenSets are characterised by:
Marine GenSets 17
MAN L16/24 GenSet
450-990 kW
1. New rotocaps
2. New valve springs
3. New valve guides
4. Valve pockets in piston
5. Reduced cam/valve lift
The streamlined exterior of the award-winning L16/24, Suitable applications for the engine range from handy-
uncluttered by tubes and pipes, is an indication of its size bulk carriers, tankers and general cargo vessels
exceptional design. It is an engine which, although to small and medium-sized reefers, container vessels,
firmly based on almost a century of diesel engine de- ferries and cruise ships.
sign and manufacturing, overturns many of the accept-
ed doctrines to provide both owners and shipyards
with important benefits.
Our experience with the heavy fuel oil on the market
has shown a tendency of decreasing ignition properties
which, in general, may lead to operational problems,
especially in the low-load area. A B 830
In order to improve the ability of low-load operation, it
was decided to apply a charge air preheating system
as a standard application. By further development of
the valve train and cam system, it has been possible H
to reduce the risk of engine damage if a valve is stick-
ing in the cylinder head, as no mechanical contact is
possible in the updated design.
A B 830 1,000
Benefits C Q
The L16/24 engine familys 450-990 kW power range
and cost-effectiveness, in terms of both capital invest- P: Free passage between the engines, width 600 mm and
ment and daily operation, combined with the latest up- height 2,000 mm
dates to the original design, makes it the ideal GenSet Q: ~Min. distance between centre of engines: 1,800 mm
solution for a large number of vessel types.
18 Marine GenSets
Main Data L16/24 Bore: 160 mm, Stroke: 240 mm
Cyl. No. 5 6 7 8 9
Marine GenSets 19
MAN L21/31 GenSet
1,000-1,980 kW
Producing 1,000-1,980 kW, the L21/31 is based on the
same innovative, streamlined concept as the L16/24
and the L27/38: i.e. reduced size and weight, modular C
Engineered to be robust for reliable, long TBO service,
it hides a wealth of advanced technology behind its
smooth, uncluttered exterior. Its support systems permit
an integrated approach to fuel oil supply, cooling water
1,200 1,400
and starting air systems. The benefits are smoothB instal-
lation, and simple operation and maintenance. Q
20 Marine GenSets
Main Data L21/31 Bore: 210 mm, Stroke: 310 mm
Cyl. No. 5 6 7 8 9
Marine GenSets 21
MAN L27/38 GenSet
1,500-3,150 kW
22 Marine GenSets
Main Data L27/38 Bore: 270 mm, Stroke: 380 mm
Cyl. No. 5 6 7 8 9
Marine GenSets 23
High-Power GenSets
For efficient upper-range power coverage
24 Marine GenSets
The L32/40, 32/44K and L32/44CR GenSet types are characterised by:
L32/40 L32/44CR
Marine GenSets 25
MAN L32/40 GenSet
3,000-4,500 kW
Benefits H
The L32/40 range run on inexpensive HFO from stand-
by to full load. Twin camshafts provide unsurpassed
flexibility permitting a wide range of choices between
optimal output/fuel ratio and minimised emissions. One A B 2,360
camshaft drives the fuel injection pumps and operates C
the starting air pilot valves; the other operates the inlet
and exhaust valves.
26 Marine GenSets
Main Data L32/40 Bore: 320 mm, Stroke: 400 mm
Cyl. No. 6 7 8 9
Marine GenSets 27
MAN 32/44K GenSet
Part-load optimised Better fuel effiency
A B 2,360 2,610
C Q 1,486
P: Free passage between the engines, width 600 mm and height 2,000 mm
Q: ~Min. distance between centre of engines: 3,400 mm (with gallery)
28 Marine GenSets
Main Data L32/44K Bore: 320 mm, Stroke: 440 mm
Cyl. No. 6 7 8 9 10
Marine GenSets 29
MAN L32/44CR GenSet
3,360-6,000 kW
L1 2,140
30 Marine GenSets
Main Data L32/44CR Bore: 320 mm, Stroke: 440 mm
Cyl. No. 6 7 8 9 10
Marine GenSets 31
Emergency & Harbour GenSet
450-990 kW
Combined emergency & harbour GenSet Selecting the right power rating
Based on requests from many of our customers, we start-load on emergency switchboard is the critical
have developed a variant of our L16/24 marine GenSet factor for GenSet size choice
(other engines are available on request) that complies emergency GenSet must be able to take emergen-
with the classification requirements for engines function- cy switchboard load immediately within standard
ing as both an emergency GenSet and a harbour GenSet. class requirements.
Reinforced crankshaft
axial bearings for extreme
inclination angles
32 Marine GenSets
Installation Type Angle of inclination
STD GenSet-STATIC 15 5
STD GenSet-DYNAMIC 22.5 7.5
Ship safety equipment STATIC 22.5 10
Ship safety equipment DYNAMIC 22.5 10
Ships with liquefied gases and chemicals STATIC 30 10
With only a few changes, compared with the standard, For further information please contact your
our GenSet can function both as an emergency Gen- MAN partner.
Set at sea and as a harbour GenSet in port. Thus, great
savings are achieved compared with establishing and
maintaining a separate emergency GenSet.
Marine GenSets 33
Safety and Control
Marine GenSets
Due to higher environmental standards paired with in- The engine types listed in the table below will be de-
creased safety requirements, and the increased engine livered with our innovative SaCoSone GENSET safety
functionality and complexity, a new generation of en- and control system:
gine automation and control system was developed.
34 Marine GenSets
Standard Optional
on engine
Injection Timing
only 32/40
off engine
Variable Valve
only 32/44K
It also connects the control unit to the GenSet, the is reaching a higher level of system safety protection
ship's alarm system and the optional crankcase moni- through, for example, integrated fuses and through a
toring system. fully integrated redundant power distribution module.
Further on, output signals up to 250 VAC can be pro-
Improvements of current version cessed within the system directly.
With the new SaCoSone GENSET version, the system
Marine GenSets 35
Quality Agreements
Production support
Quality support
Occasionally, MAN Diesel & Turbo has been contacted The standard quality agreement may cover:
by owners requesting MAN Diesel & Turbo to do quality production
inspections of key components on their behalf at the shop trial/Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
engine builder and their sub-suppliers. To do this, MAN installation (alignment on board the vessel)
Diesel & Turbo must be appointed inspection partner sea trial/Site Acceptance Test (SAT).
together with/or on behalf of the owner.
The agreements can be customised from case to case
To avoid any doubts and possible misunderstandings, depending on the requests from the owner. The num-
we have introduced quality agreements, previously ber and/or intensity of the inspection of the compo-
known as inspection agreements, clearly defining the nents can be changed depending on the result, ex-
responsibilities of each party. The quality agreement perience and quality of earlier inspected components.
is often a four-party agreement signed by the owner,
shipyard, engine builder and MAN Diesel & Turbo. For further information, please contact us or visit our
website www.mandieselturbo.com
36 Marine GenSets
Marine GenSets 37
World Class GenSet Service
Wherever you are operating
38 Marine GenSets
Worldwide Production Network
A strong GenSet market presence
While MAN Diesel & Turbo has its own production capacity at its own plants in
Europe, the company also benefits on many fronts from maintaining and develop-
ing a large network of licensees.
Cooperation, development and flexibility
A large licensee family offers the extra capacity, ena- A progressive licensee family also leads to mutual shar-
bling MAN Diesel & Turbo to meet market demands it ing and developing of knowledge and manufacturing
would otherwise be unable to satisfy alone. experience that ultimately help MAN Diesel & Turbo
to adapt and continuously improve its designs. MAN
The licensees give the products a broader geographi- Diesel & Turbo works closely with its licensees and
cal spread, bringing the company and its products supports them with technical advice, quality assurance
and services closer to the customers. Many of these and application support.
licensed manufacturers are located by the shipyards
building the vessels for which the prime movers are A number of licensees for MAN Diesel & Turbo's
destined, facilitating the logistics of transport and in- medium speed marine GenSets are located in the
stallation. following countries and major shipbuilding nations:
Marine GenSets 39
All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational
purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the
subsequent specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to
changes and will be assessed and determined individually for each project. This
will depend on the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially
specific site and operational conditions. CopyrightMAN Diesel & Turbo.
1510-0036-06ppr Feb 2014 Printed in Denmark