Lesson Plan: Teacher Name Date Subject Area Social Studies Grade GLO Time Unit Inquiry Lesson Key

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Mariah Besplug Date March 7, 2017
Subject Area Social Studies Grade 7
7.2 Following Confederation:
GLO Time Class 1
Canadian Expansions
Unit Inquiry Should Louis Riel be commemorated
Key What is this unit about?
Question on Canadas new $5 bill?

Specific Learner
Outcomes Introduction to the unit so no specific SLOs yet.

Adaptations None for today

Assessment Observation- Were they able to have a discussion about the unit. Did they
show their identity with their own bill?
Materials White paper, pencil crayons, markers, unit inquiry question, my own five
dollar bill, whiteboard markers
Have unit inquiry question written on board, write agenda on the board,
have colours available, photocopy chapter notes,

1. Expectations: -before we start let them know what they can expect
and what I expect
-bring pencils and erasers
-bring your notes everyday
-bring a library book
-be respectful
-no cellphones
Introduction -listen when others are speaking
-I want to make everything really fun so we will do a lot of activities but
if you arent being respectful then we will have to do work that isnt as

2. Mystery Item: Our whole unit has to do with the item in this mystery
box so I am going to let you try to find out what is in it. You can each ask
me a yes or no question to find out what it is. each student gets to ask
one question.

3. Introduce Question: It is a five dollar bill because this unit we are
going to answer the question Should Louis Riel be commemorated on
the new $5 bill? and at the end of the unit you are going to answer this
question by making a poster and designing a bill for Louis Riel.

4. Discussion:
Does anyone know who Louis Riel is? He is metis, does anyone know
what it means to be metis? Can you think of someone who should go on a
$5 bill? What attributes does someone need to have to be on a bill?

5. Design Bill: So before we get started, I want to learn about you and get
to know all of you, so each of us is going to design a $5 bill that tells me
about your identity and interests and who you are.
Here is mine, these are some things about me
Time to work on bill
Get them to hand in bill or take home to finish

6. Get students to share what they put on their bill. Have students offer
to share or have everyone share depending on time.

7. time to work on chapter questions

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