Chapter 8 Project Besplug

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8 Project: Louis Riel

Youre Hired! The Bank of Canada is putting out a new $5 bill in 2018. It is currently in the
process of gaining input and designs from Canadian students. Your job is to give feedback to
the Bank of Canada that answers the question:

Should Louis Riel be commemorated on Canadas new $5 bill?

The Bank of Canada describes that Bank notes:
Promote Canada and Canadians - our values, culture, history, traditions,
achievement and/or natural heritage;
Are clearly identifiable as Canadian through the use of symbols, words or images;
Are meaningful to Canadians today and for years to come; and
Evoke pride and confidence in Canada.

To give feedback you will
1) Give reasons why Louis Riel should be chosen (must be supported)
2) Give reasons why Louis Riel should not be chosen (must be supported)
3) Decide which argument is stronger (come to a conclusion and explain why you chose
4) Design what the bill would look like
o If Louis riel is on it, it should include him as well as other symbols that have
been discussed in the chapter
o If Louis Riel is not on it, include other Canadian symbols that would better
represent Canada.

Steps to complete:
1) Use planning sheet to develop arguments and come to a conclusion
2) Get peer feedback (Miss Besplug will assign you to a partner)
3) Create a poster or mobile with your design and the evidence from your planning
sheet. It must include the things in the example, but can be organized differently if
you would like

Should Louis Riel be commemorated on the new $5 bill? (name)
Reasons why he should be: Reasons why he shouldnt be:

My Conclusion:

(Your bill design)

Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited* Insufficient/
Criteria Blank*
Planning is fully Planning is Planning is Planning is not No score is awarded
because there is
complete and mostly somewhat complete and insufficient evidence of
Research accurate. It is complete and complete and accurate. It is student performance
based on the
(8 points) organized and accurate. It is accurate. It is rarely organized requirements of the
relevant. mostly sometimes and relevant. assessment task.
organized and organized and
relevant. relevant.

Clear and Clear and Evidence about Evidence about

insightful thoughtful why Riel should why Riel should
evidence about evidence about and should not and should not
Evidence why Riel should why Riel should be chosen is be chosen is
(8 marks) and should not and should not reasonable. unclear and
be chosen. be chosen. Evidence is vague. Evidence
Evidence is Evidence is sometimes is rarely
supported and mostly supported and supported.
is from various supported and is from one * When work is
sources. is from more source. judged to be
than one limited or
insufficient, the
teacher makes
The conclusion The conclusion The conclusion The conclusion decisions about
follows from follows follows slightly does not appropriate
Conclusion the evidence somewhat from the follow from intervention to
(4 marks) provided. The from the evidence the evidence help the student
judgement is evidence provided. The provided. The improve.
reasonable and provided. The judgement is judgement is
demonstrates judgement is plausible and unreasonable * Template
insightful reasonable and demonstrates and taken from the
analysis. demonstrates some analysis. demonstrates Alberta
thoughtful little analysis.
Communica Writing is Writing is clear, Writing is Writing is
tion (4 clear, convincing, and understandabl somewhat
points) persuasive, interesting. e, argues a comprehendibl
and engaging. point, and is e, expresses a
interesting. point, and is


Planning Sheet: Should Louis Riel be commemorated on the
new $5 bill?

Riel should be on the bill Riel should not be on the bill

Reason/Evidence Source Reason/Evidence Source
Peer Assessment Form

Complete the following checklist for your peer

Not Shown Almost there You got it

Research is fully
complete and
accurate. It is
organized and
Evidence about why
Riel should be on the
Evidence about why
Riel should not be on
the bill.
Evidence is supported
and is from various
The conclusion
follows from the
evidence provided.
The judgment is
reasonable and
insightful analysis.
The writing is clear
and persuasive.

Two things that are great are:

One thing I hope you add is:

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