Qrt2 Mod5

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Department of Education

Bureau of Secondary Education

Meralco Ave., Pasig City

(Effective Alternative Secondary Education)


Quarter 2 I, as a Learner

Module 5



In this module, you will learn many things about the past. We hope
that you will learn important lessons from them. We also hope that what
you read will be an inspiration to you. You will also learn some
grammatical skills, as well as improve your vocabulary. Furthermore, you
will learn how to pronounce words correctly. We hope you will enjoy
studying this module and learning much from it as you do the activities.


After reading this module and doing the activities, you are expected to:

0 Distinguish the back vowel sounds /u/ and /uw/

1 Use expressions taken from the text in writing activities

2 Realize the value of planning one’s activities

3 Develop the ability to pick out topic sentences and

supporting details

4 Identify the meaning of the words through context clues

5 Express ideas and thought using the simple present and

present progressive form of the verb

6 Use appropriate time expressions in forming the present

progressive form of the verb.

7 Illustrate important details through graphical aides

8 Explain the importance of being a systematic, hardworking


9 Appreciate the qualities of an effective learner

10 Develop the value of, and take pride in being a Filipino.


As you read this module and do the activities, you will develop many skills,
which hopefully, make you a better learner. Before you start your work,
however, there are a few things you need to remember:

1. Read the first two sections of this module carefully. The

first section tells you what this module is all about and what to
expect from it. The second section tells you what you are expected
to learn.

2. Never move on to the next page unless you have done

what you are expected to do in the previous page.

3. Before you start working on the activities, take the pretest

in the Pretest Section.

4. Take note of the skills that each activity is helping you


5. After each activity, go over the Self-Check Section that

follows to find out how well you understood the activity. Take note
also of the items you have missed.

6. Work on the Posttest in the “How much have you

Learned” section.

7. At this point you are now ready for a conference with

your teacher. This is the time when you should ask her about any
difficulty or confusion you may have.

8. Finally, prepare and collate all your outputs. You are

expected to submit them to your teacher in “What you are
expected to produce” section. This usually is a learning portfolio,
containing the following:

0 All your tests

1 Your semantic web and/or graphic organizers
2 Your compositions and Journals.

Remember: Do not write on the pages of the Module. You will need
a notebook or journal where you will write the answers. For easier
checking by your teacher, you will need to: (1) write the title of the
activity; and (2) the task number for every activity.
Quarter Two: I, as a Learner

Week 5


In this module, you will read selections that will give you reasons
why you should be proud to be a Filipino. According to Pope John Paul II,
you, the young Filipino of today should be the “vanguards” of our country.

Do you know what the word “vanguard” means? It means

“guardians.” As guardians of the country, you must be aware about what is
happening in our country. You should therefore study hard so that you will
understand what is going on everyday. You should also be ready to face
what the future will bring, so that you can help build a society we will all be
proud of.

Soon you will be an adult. How can you make your country proud of
you? The answer is, by studying hard and helping our country achieve its
dreams. By studying hard, you can be the best that you hope to be. You
can then help our country grow and prosper.

You will also know many things in this module, like correct grammar
and pronunciation, and reading to learn many interesting things. In short,
this module will prepare you to the great task expected of you by your

Read on, learn as much as you can, and be proud to be a Filipino!

Before you proceed to the activities found in this module,

do the pre-test below:

0 Distinguishing between the /U/ and /UW/ sounds.

Directions: Below are words with /U/ and /UW/ sounds. Classify each sound by writing
each in appropriate columns.

Good loot took

Food wood shook

Could blew suit

Words with /U/ sounds Words with /UW/ sounds

B. Idiomatic Expressions

Directions: Match items in column A with those found in column B. Recall your lessons
about idiomatic expressions .Write the letter only of the correct answers.

_____1. to turn a blind eye a. to fall in love

_____2. down in the mouth b. to weep long and bitterly
_____3. to lose one’s face c. to refuse to notice
_____4. to lose one’s heart d. suffer shame
_____5. bone of contention e. sad and spiritless
f. cause of a quarrel

Directions: Give the simple present tense of the verbs in parenthesis. Write your
answers on the blanks on the left.

_______1. My father (read) newspapers every morning.

_______2.The boys (bring) their books everyday.
_______3. Albert (be) a good father.
_______4.Oil (float) on water.

_______5.Flu (require) that you take some medication.

D. Present Progressive Form of the Verb

Fill the blanks with the Present Progressive Form of the Verb.

0 1. (leave) She usually leaves for school at seven o’clock.

She ___________ now.

2. (ring) The bell rings for the first period.

It _________ now.

3. (eat ) We _________breakfast now.

4. (take) We _________our lunch now.

5. (play) The boys ____________basketball at this very moment.

E. Tell about yourself

Directions: Answer the following questions truthfully. Then write a paragraph about

1. I am a person who_______________________________.

2. These things make me happy:______________________________.

3. These things make me sad._________________________________.

4. In the future I want to be a __________________________________

5. I like to dream about________________________________________

Directions: Now write a paragraph about yourself, based on the answers you have written
on the blanks above.



Activity 1: Listening

In this activity, you will listen to a tape-recorded message of Pope

John Paul II during his visit to the country. You will learn many challenges
in his message to students like you. He will also give you some advice
about what you can do for your country. If no tape recorder is available,
read the selection aloud to yourself.


Directions: Listen carefully to the tape-recorded speech of Pope John Paul VI to the
Filipino students Jot down key points from the listening text and be able to
answer questions later.


Directions: As you listen to the tape-recorded message, please follow by reading the text
silently. Be ready to answer the questions after the selection.


In the later part of November in 1970, Pope John Paul VI made a

memorable journey to the Philippines. Our young people, then, were

becoming restive because of trials met in their search for ideals that would
firm them in the painful process of growing up. Find out what he advises
them to do.

To the students of the Philippines:

Today is our hour. You are the advancing vanguard of your country.
Your responsibility as intellectuals is supreme for the future of your nation.
We understand your aspiration to involve your selves more actively in the
life of your people. We know that your dynamism, hand in hand with your
special sensitivity, has helped your elders to gain a better gasp of the
problems that must be solved.

The youth of the Philippines, like that of all Asia, is on the march.

Do you know in which direction to go? Do you have a clear picture

of the goals you are aiming at? Are you dedicated to search for true
values? Does your wish to serve your brothers manifest itself in practical
choices that prepare you to promote effectively the progress of the many?
Are you convinced that one can only be truly free to the extent that one is

Your age is an age of critics – and criticism can be useful to society,

which always falls short of perfection. Your age is also an age of
generous self-giving, and this the Filipino people expect of you. What is
asked of you is a balanced harmony of these two attitudes.

The considerable numbers of students in the universities speak for

your intelligence and your thirst for culture; they also at the same time
create obligations of a seriousness rarely found in history.

The church wishes to help you to reply to these vital questions, for
your own sake and for that of your brothers. It has received the mission to
spread throughout the world the gospel of salvation.

This message which comes to us from God, is the supreme answer

to man’s aspirations for total self-realization.

But who will believe this Gospel, unless convinced witnesses bring
it? Who will accept its liberating power if heralds are not themselves
liberated from self-interest, lies, from the spirit of division, from sin in all its

You, the youth of the land who will be its bearers, along with your
religious leaders, your teachers, with all committed Christians, should start

the work so that you may build on this earth the society of brotherhood for
which the world justify learns.

I was a student. I love students with all my heart. Mabuhay,


Task 1

Directions: Answer the following questions:

1. To what does the Pope compare the Filipino youth in the first

2. List down the questions asked by the Pope.


3. List the bad qualities the young people should free themselves
of if they really want to help the country.


4. What does the Pope want the youth to do as shown in the last
two paragraphs?



Task 2

Directions: After getting inspiration from the speech of the Pope, list down below your own
goals. Illustrate your goals through the thin lines shown below:

1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year college after college

Task 3:

Directions: List down the things you should do to reach your goal.


Activity 2: Speaking

In this activity, you will practice pronouncing words correctly.

Remember that good pronunciation tells others that you are an intelligent
person. Your personality will improve greatly if you learn how to speak
clearly and distinctly.

Directions: Read the following words aloud. Be very careful in pronouncing each word.

/u/ /uw/
your youth
supreme do
full true
look two
good room
could group
should fool

Now read the phrases that follow.

you and your responsibility the two attitudes

the supreme desire look up to our heroes
the youth of the land room for improvement

Task 1

Directions: Create sentences using the phrases above.


Contrasting /uw/ and /u/

The tongue position for /uw/ is high back. The lips are round and the
muscles are tense.

The tongue position for /u/ is high back as for /uw/ but the lips are slightly
rounded and the muscles are relaxed.

Task 2: Choose the appropriate words to suit each sentence below:

pull pool should shoed

full fool Luke look
could cooed would wood

______1. The ship moved because everybody (pulled, pooled) the


______2. It is easy to say (should, shoed).

______3. The director did not like his (look, Luke).

______4. He said, “(Full, Fool)!”

______5. Did you use (would, wood) for fuel?

Activity 3: Vocabulary Building

A. Use of Context Clues

We have studied how to use context clues in the previous module. Now
you will practice using them.

Task 1

Directions: Choose from the word pool the meaning of the underlined word in each

1. The students have a glimpse of their notes before taking the

2. A good proper education is the legacy that parents can give to
their children.
3. Jose exclaimed happily when he received his paper with a
perfect score.
4. My teacher convinced me that I can still pass the subject in spite
of getting a very low score in the quarter exam.
5. Leah was rushing for she has lots of household chores to attend
6. After getting a lower grade in my quarter examination, I am now
devising new strategies to improve my grades in the next
periodical test.
7. He has always used his resisting tactics not to join his friends
Word pool
play basketball after classes.
free in school, Dennis has no spare time to play
8. Due to his long-stay
with his brothers.
tasks at home that needs to be
made to believe
shouted or said with intense
something valuable that
someone leaves behind
usually after death
a brief look 12

In this section we will study some common idiomatic expressions. Do you

know what they are? Here is a definition of idioms:

An Idiom is an expression peculiar to a language. It is not

readily analyzable from its grammatical construction or from its
component parts.

However, we need to study idioms because they are commonly

used in the English language. They will help us understand what we
read better.

Here are some examples of idioms and what they mean:

has a sweet tooth – one who enjoys eating sweets

feel the blues – feel sad

a wild goose chase – to look for something that

cannot be found.

cry for he moon – wish for something that cannot

be had

foot-loose and fancy-free– has no responsibilities

move heaven and earth – to do everything to attain one’s


room for improvement– there are still ways when one

can improve.

pull the wool over one’s face– to cover-up something.

Task 2

Directions: Fill the blanks with the correct idioms. Choose your answers from those given

1. Now that Johnny has graduated, he is ________________.

2. Ryan has a ______________. He loves chocolate and ice


3. Looking for that rare diamond might just turn out to be a


4. Allan said the he will ___________________ to find his ideal


5. Jane wants to be valedictorian when she is just an average

student. Her classmates say that she is

Task 3: Use of Idiomatic Expressions:

Here are some more idioms and their meanings. Study them, and
then fill the blanks below with the correct expressions.

look after– take care of

look out for– be careful about doing

something dangerous

look over– examine something

look into– investigate

look on– stand by and watch

1. The police _________ other possible causes of his father’s death.

2. Let us just _________. We do not want to get involved.

3. Jenny has to ____________her baby sister while her mother is
cooking dinner.

4. When walking in the jungle, you have to____________ for snakes and

5. ___________ that jewelry before you buy it.

Activity 4: Grammar

Good grammar is a sign of an educated person. When we listen to

a person speak, and he commits plenty of grammatical errors, we often
look down on him. If you want to be considered a good speaker and writer,
you have to improve your grammatical skills.

Directions: Read the paragraph in the box below. Take note of the verb forms used. Be
ready to answer some questions after you have read the paragraph.

The Time Is Now

At this moment, you, and countless other students are busy studying
their lessons. You are trying to improve yourself in preparation for the future.
Now is the time to put into practice the qualities that you are trying to develop.
You are doing your homework on your own efforts. You are writing your
exercises neatly. You are keeping yourself busy. Today is another day that you
are spending wisely. You are making good use of all your todays because you
want your tomorrows stable and secure. You are not wasting your time then.

Task 1

A. Write down all the verb phrases you can find.

Example: are busy

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.

B. List down the time expressions used to connote an on-going action.


Here are the Uses of the Present Progressive Form:

Use the present progressive tense of the verb to express an action

that is going on in the moment of speaking. The verb be, am, is, or are is
used together with the – ing form of the verb to express the present

Remember to use the present progressive ONLY when you are

talking about an on-going action at the exact moment of utterance.

The following time expressions will help you use together with the
present progressive form of the verb.

Now at this moment just

at this moment at this very hour currently
at this very moment right now presently

Task 2

Directions: Study the following groups of sentences and see how the present progressive
and simple present tense form are currently used. Encircle the verb phrase
in each sentence and underline the time expression.

1. Jose is reading the newspaper now.

2. Anne is studying at this very moment.

3. At this moment two of my friends are reading science journals in

the library.

4. They always read the science journal in the library.

5. She is just gently closing the door.

6. She gently closes the door every time she leaves.

7. The class is performing an experiment right now.

8. The class performs an experiment every Tuesday.

Activity 5: Reading

Have you heard about Jose Rizal, our national hero? Maybe you
have read some of his works But do you know that Rizal was also a
teacher? In the reading selection that follows, you will read many things
that Rizal has done, which are almost unknown. Read on and discover the
other facets of the character of Jose Rizal.


To prepare you for what you are going to read, you need to study
some new words. These words will help you understand the
selection better.

Task 1

Vocabulary Development: Use of Context Clues

Directions: Choose the letter of the word that is close to the meaning of the underlined
word. Write the letter of the correct answer.

___1. Horacio Cabilin worked as curator of the Rizal Shrine.

a. a caretaker of a museum b. guardian of parents

c. assistant to a priest d. principal of a school

___2. The guide is used to answering impertinent questions from a


a. unimportant b. many
c. insulting d. funny

___3. The nipa houses standing in Rizal’s Talisay estate are only

a. exact copies b. fancy imitations
c. original models d. clear pictures

___4. Rizal’s students built a dike to direct the rain water away
from the house.

a. a barrier for preventing flood

b. a well in which water can be collected
c. a platform for diving into a pool
d. a bridge connecting land to water.

___5. With the physical and mental activities that they have
undergone, Rizal’s students received a holistic education.

a. difficult b. balanced
c. religious d. easy

While Reading

Directions: Read the following selection. Be able to answer questions after the selection.


In his book, Rizal Without the Overcoat, Ambeth Ocampo, a notable

historian, writes about Rizal in a personal and intimate style. In this
excerpt from one of his essays, he shares parts of two letters Rizal wrote
to Blumentritt in 1895.

Rizal the Teacher and His Students

(An Excerpt)
Ambeth R. Ocampo

1. My good friend Horacio Cabilin has retired as a curator of the

Rizal Shrine, but he took time out as member of the Dapitan Sangguniang
Bayan to show me around. Although Cabilin has gone up to the world, he

still remains an interest in Rizal and finds time to answer impertinent
questions on Rizal from tourists like me. Since all the nipa houses
standing on Rizla’s estate in Talisay are mere replicas, I insisted on
seeing whatever was original in the famous Talisay estate.

2. Cabilin brought me to a small dam behind the Rizal house that

was described in a letter to Blumentritt in January 1895:
3. We are now going to build a water-tank on my land. I have 14
boys whom I teach languages, mathematics, and how to work. Since we
have no work, I have decided to construct a dike of stone brick and mortar
so that they may learn.

4. By March of the same year he informed Blumentritt of his


5. “I am constructing a dike in order to have a water depository for

the dry season. The water is now more than three meters deep; the wall
has a base two meters wide. It is also made of live rocks, sand, lime, and
cement, and constructed by boys 13 to 14 years of age under the
direction of one 30 years. They did it as play.”

6. In the same letter that talks about the dam behind the house
Rizal told Blumentritt:

7. “I have now 16 boys studying with me, paying me with their

labor. They all belong to the best families in the town and one can see
their eagerness to learn even if they have to work for me in order to study.
If I would ask them for money, I am sure they would pay with pleasure and
more would come. Ah, what a lack there is of a good school with good
teachers who teach so that the children may learn and not that they may
waste their time as generally happens.”

8. Apart from both Spanish and French, they were given lessons in
algebra, geometry, and arithmetic. They had swimming, gymnastics, and
other sports. They had time for work: cleaning the estate, harvesting
fruits, or helping in Rizal’s clinic. Rizal’s “Himno al Trabajo” or “Hymn to
Labor” was even sung at work to the tune of “Sampaguita.” Rizal was
basically a teacher at heart, and I would say that boys who lived in Talisay
estate as internos or boarders had a holistic education.

Post Reading

Task 2

Directions: Answer the following questions as briefly as you can.

0 1. Who is Horacio Cabilin?

1 2. What did Ambeth Ocampo want to see when he visited
2 the Talisay estate?

3 3. How many students did Rizal have? How did Rizal

4 describe his students?

5 4. By building a dike what did Rizal teach his students?

6 5. For Rizal, how could students use their time wisely?

7 6. What does Ambeth Ocampo mean in the last sentence?

Task 3

Directions: Describe Rizal as a teacher from what you have read. Fill the boxes below with
his qualities

as a

Task 4

Directions: Illustrate the sequence of events in the letter of Rizal to Blumentritt from the
time he and his students were building a water-tank. Observe how the teacher
teaches his students to value their time. Answer the questions in each box.

Where did Cabilin In paragraph 3, what In paragraph 5 what

bring the author? did they build? did they build?
(Paragraph 2)

What “practical” What academic What kind of families

subjects did he teach subjects did he did the students come
(Paragraph 8) teach?( Paragraph 8.) from? Paragraph 7

Task 5

Directions: Pick out the values you’ve learned from the essay. Write them down below.

Activity 6: Getting the main Idea and Noting Details


Now you will read about the characteristics of an educated Filipino.

But maybe, you already have some ideas about what an educated Filipino
should be.


Task 1

Directions: Before you read the selection try to determine the meaning of the words in bold
letters listed below: Choose your answers from the words in the box.

Change oneness

Beginning provides

Basic shallow

a. The conception of an invention starts with an idea.

b. The fundamental need of an individual to learn is a basic right.
c. A transition in one’s attitude involves a change of heart.
d. A group that has solidarity has unity.
f. A superficial understanding of a lesson leads to its shallow
g. a person who renders service gives himself completely.

While Reading

Task 1

Take note of the characteristics of the Filipino as revealed by the

article. Then compare your answers with those of the author.

What is an Educated Filipino?

Francisco Benitez

(1) What is an educated Filipino and what qualifications distinguish

him today? The conception of education and of an educated man varies
in response to fundamental changes in the details and aims of society. In
our country and during this transition stage in our national life, what are
the qualities that an educated Filipino possesses?
(2) Great changes have taken place in the nature of our social life
during the last forty years. The contact with Americans and their
civilizations has modified many of our old social customs, traditions, and
practices, some for the worse many for the better. The means of
communication have improved and therefore, better understanding exists
among the different sectors of our country. Religious freedom has
developed religious tolerance in our people. The growth of public schools
and the establishment of democratic institutions have developed our
national consciousness both in strength and solidarity.
(3) With this growth in national consciousness and national spirit
among our people, we witness the corresponding rise of a new conception
of education – the training of the individual for the duties and privileges of
citizenship, not only for his own happiness and efficiency but also for
national service and welfare. In the old days, education was a private
concern; now it is a public function, and the state not only has a duty but it
has the right as well as educate every member of the community – the old
as well as the young, women as well as men – not only for the good of the
individual, but also for the self-preservation and self-protection of the State
itself. Our modern public school system has been established as a
safeguard against the shortcomings and dangers of a democratic
government and democratic institutions.
(4) In the light of social changes, we come again to the question:
What qualities should distinguish the educated Filipino of today? I venture
to suggest that the educated Filipino should, first, be distinguished by the
power to do. The Filipino today needs more of his power to translate his

reflection into action. I believe we are more and more to the conviction
that no Filipino has the right to be considered educated unless he is
prepared and ready to take an active and useful part in work, life and
progress of our country, as well as the progress of the rest of the world.
(5) The power to do embraces the ability to produce enough to
support oneself and to contribute to the economic goods and at the same
time he may not be educated. But should we consider a man who utterly
unable to support himself and is an economic burden to the society in
which he lives; that he is educated merely because he possesses the
superficial graces of culture? The sign of economic efficiency is not only
the ability to produce material goods. Useful social participation may take
the form of any of the valuable services rendered to society through such
institutions as the home, the church and the country.
(6)The educated Filipino, in the second place, should be
distinguished not only by the knowledge of his race, his people and his
country, but also by his love of the truth and ideals that our people have
learned to cherish. Our character, our culture, and our national history are
the core of our national life, and, consequently, of our education.The
educated Filipino ignore the history and culture of other lands, but can he
afford to be ignorant of the history and culture of his own country, and yet
call himself educated?
(7)The educated Filipino, in the third place, must have ingrained in
his speech and conduct those elements that are everywhere recognized
as accompaniments of culture and morality; so that, possessing the
capacity for self-entertainment and study, he may not be at the mercy of
the pleasure of the senses only or a burden to himself when alone.
(8) There are then, at least three characteristics, which I believe to
be evidences of the educated Filipino- the power to do, to support himself
and contribute to the wealth of our people; acquaintance with the world’s
progress, especially with that of his race, people and community, together
with love of our best ideals and traditions; and refined manners and moral
conduct, as well as the power of growth.

Task 2

Directions: List down the characteristics of an educated Filipino enumerated by the author
by writing your answers on the end of the spikes below:


Task 3: Noting Important Details.

Directions: Summarize the characteristics of the educated Filipino. Follow the numbers in
the paragraphs to answer specific questions. The topic sentences are given.

Paragraph 2. Great changes have taken place in our social life.


Paragraph 3. New conceptions of Education:


Paragraph 4. What characteristics distinguish an educated Filipino.


Paragraph 5. The power to do embraces-


Activity 7: Valuing


Are you thankful to your parents who are giving you a chance to
study and therefore, become an educated citizen of our country? Do you
study your lessons well and do the best that you can? Do you get high
grades as a result of your hard work and seriousness in your studies?

Read the selection below and try to gain insights on how to do well
on your studies.

While Reading

Directions: Read the selection very well, so that you will be able to answer the questions
that follow.

Of Studies and Responsibilities

Isagani Duval Sayas
Batingaw 1st Year Vol. 2 no. 4 SY 2000-2001

0 Being a freshman can bring a lot of pressure. Not only are you
coping with the changes in your life as a teenager, but you also have to

face your fears and hopes for high school. You probably have a glimpse
of that already, now that you are on your first year in high school.

1 When I was a high school freshmen, my parents were always fond

of saying, “The only legacy we can give you is good and proper education.
So study hard.”

2 Study hard? I exclaimed. Wasn’t I studying hard enough?

Everyday, I had to get up at 5:30 in the morning to get ready for school. I
spent nine hours a day studying in school and another three hours doing
my assignments and projects at home. On Saturdays, I would sometimes
meet my classmates for group reports or club activities. I was convinced
that Sunday was my only real rest day. My whole life revolved around
studying and more studying!

3 But come to think of it, that wasn’t so bad at all. True, I sometimes
blamed my school requirements for getting in the way of having fun. I
couldn’t go out with my old friends or family because I had to do my
homework or project. But I had so much more to be thankful for.

4 For one thing, it gave me the opportunity to meet new friends and
other people who shared my interests. High school not only gave me a
chance to get a good education, it also taught me how to form positive
social relationships.

5 I also didn’t have to deal with “grown-up” problems yet. Although I

did some chores at home, I didn’t have to worry about planning meals or
making the family budget. I didn’t have to go to work and earn a living. I
wasn’t bothered by having to pay the bills or taxes or insurance or college
educational plans. My parents were responsible for all of that. I didn’t
have to worry about getting a college degree and looking for a job either,
like my older brother did.

6 I realized that the only thing that was left for me was to study.
Studying was my responsibility. And no one else was going to benefit
more from it than myself. So, I started devising ways on how I could be
better at it.

7 First, I had to learn how to be responsible for my own time. If I

wanted to spend my weekends for fun activities, I knew that I would have
to give more extra hours on weeknights to finish my requirements. I made
a game of resisting my favorite TV programs during my study hours.

8 I started going to the library on my spare time, too. It’s not as

boring as it sounds. I also learned some things from the books I read long

before they were taught in class. Then helped me a lot during recitations
and surprise quizzes.

9 Next, I learned how to motivate myself into liking studying. I wasn’t

easy at first especially if I didn’t like my teacher or if I wasn’t good in that
subject. But I knew that I wanted to learn something and I used that to
drive me to study. So the more difficult a subject got, the more I persisted
in trying to understand it. I didn’t always succeed, but at least I could say
that I gave my best shot.
10 I had some help from friends who wanted to study seriously, too.
We formed study groups to help each other. For example, those who
were good in Math or English or Science would teach the rest of us who
weren’t. We learned more from sharing our knowledge.

11 With all these measures, you probably think that I graduated at the
top of my high school class. I got regular grades like most of my
classmates. But they made me understand the importance of studying. I
also appreciated the fact that I had the chance to get a good education,
which many Filipinos can’t even afford. Besides, studying was my
responsibility. And if I wanted to prove to my parents that I could be a
responsible teenager, I would have to be a good student first.

Task 1

Directions: Answer the following questions as briefly as you can.

1. Who do you think is addressed in the essay?

2. What would the writer’s parents often say to him that would produce a
strong reaction from him?

3. What kind of schedule did the writer follow as a student on regular days?
How about on weekends?

4. How did the writer look at his responsibilities as a student? Give specific
examples to support your answer.

5. What sacrifices did he make to get the most out of his education?

Task 2

Now that you have read the essay list down the problems met by
the author and how he solved them. Show your work to your teacher.

Have you done all the activities in this module? Then it is time
to take the posttest…

Post Test


Directions: Give the present progressive form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Jose and Leah ____ (read) some science materials now.

2. They _____ (prepare) for their quiz tomorrow.
3. They _____ (study) together.
4. Both _____ (try) their best to concentrate.
5. They _____ (go) over their notes.
6. Leah _____ (share) her textbook with Jose.
7. Mrs. Calixto _____ (give) them a mastery test.
8. Surely, she _____ (expect) much from them.
9. After all, Leah and Jose _____ (represent) their school in the Science
Quiz Bee.
10. Everyone _____ (hope) that they will win.


Directions: Use the correct form of the present progressive tense of the verbs inside the

1. (1-5) At this moment, my mother (sew) a dress for my sister. My

sister (take) piano lessons now and she is going to have a
recital on Saturday. My father (read) the newspaper as he eats
his meal. My little brother (play) in his playpen. Right now I
(use) the –ing form of the verb.

2. (1-6)) Use the correct form of the simple present tense of the
following verbs:

My father (work) in an office. He (type) the reporters and forms
that the secretary (pass) on to him. He (go) to work at eight in
the morning and (come) home at five in the afternoon. He
(cultivate) a little vegetable garden on the sidewalk in front of
our house.

C. Idiomatic Expressions

Directions: Match items in column A with those found in column B. Write the letters of the
correct answers.


1. eat one’s heart out

2. a wet blanket
3. remain in the background
4. down in the mouth
5. to weather the storm


a. Her presence spoils the pleasure

b. Sad and spiritless
c. Become extremely sad
d. Avoid being noticed
e. Emerge successfully after a trial

D. Context Clues

Directions: Read the sentences and encircle the word/s that suggest/s the meaning of the
words in bold letters.

1. Diverse colors of marine life attract tourists around the

2. Tourists love the Philippines because it is located in the
tropics with warm climate.
3. The Philippines is well-known for spectacular underwater
scenery teeming with fish, corals and other marine life

E. Reading

Read the selection “For the sake of Others” and fill out the illustration

For the Sake of Others

Strange is our situation here upon the earth. Each of us comes for
a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seemingly to divine a

From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do

know – that man is here for the sake of other men – above all, for those
upon whose smile and well-being our own happiness depends, and also
for the countless unknown souls with whose faith we can be connected by
a band of sympathy.

Many times a day, I realize how much my own outer and inner life is
build upon the labors of my fellow men, both living and dead, and how
earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have

- Albert Einstein

Directions: Think of what you want to be in the future – for example, a teacher, a doctor, a
lawyer or an engineer. Then fill the end of the spikes below stating what you
will do for others.

What I will do for


F. Writing a Summary of what you have Learned

Directions: List down the things that you have learned in this module. Put them inside
the balloons below.

listening speaking reading vocabulary grammar

Self – Check for Pretest

A. (in any order)

/U/ /UW/

good loot

food blew

wood shook

could shoot

took boot

1. C
2. E
3. D
4. A
5. F

1. reads
2, bring
0 4. floats
1 5. requires

1. is leaving
2. is ringing
3. are eating

4. are taking
5. are playing

For E and F. Show your work to your teacher for her comments and

Self-Check for Activity 1.


Task 1
1. Answer: Advancing vanguard

2. Answers

1.) Do you know in what direction to go?

2.) Do you have a clear picture of the goals you are aiming at?
3.) Are you dedicated to search for true values?
4.) Does your wish to serve your brothers manifest itself in practical
5.) Are you convinced that one can truly be free to the extent that one
is responsible?

3. Answers

0 self-interest
1 lies
2 spirit of division
4.) Build on this earth a society of brotherhood

Task 2 and 3

Show your work to your teacher for her comments and suggestions.

Self-Check for Activity 2

Consult your Teacher

Self-Check for Activity 3

Task 1

1. a brief look
2. something valuable that someone leaves behind
3. shouted with intense emotion
4. made to believe
5. tasks at home
6. planning
7. ignoring
8. free

Task 2

1. foot loose and fancy-free.

2. sweet tooth
3. wild goose chase
4. move heaven and earth
5. crying for the moon.

Task 3

1. look into
2. look on
3. look after
4. look out
5. Look over

Self-Check for Activity 4

Task 1


1. are busy 5. are spending

2. are trying 6. are writing
3. are doing 7. are making
4. are keeping 8. are not wasting


1. at this moment
2. now
3. today

Task 2

Words to Encircle Words to be Underlined

1. is reading 1. now
2. reads 2. today
3. are reading 3 at this moment
4. read 4. always
5. is closing 5. just
6. closes 6. every time
7. is performing 7. right now
8. performs 8. every Tuesday

Self-Check for Activity 5

Task 1

1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b

Task 2

1. retired curator of the Rizal shrine

2. original Talisay estate
3. sixteen; eager to learn
4. a learning experience
5. they had time for everything

Task 3 (Suggested answers)


kind dedicated

helpful as a committed

dynamic innovative

Task 4

A water tank A dike

A small dam

How to work; like Languages; The best families

cleaning, Mathematics like in town.
harvesting, etc. Algebra and

Task 5 (Suggested Answers)

Discipline, hard work, helpfulness, dedication to duty.

Self-Check for Activity 6

Task 1

a. beginning
b. basic
c. change
d. oneness
e. shallow
f. provides. Creative
Artistic Hard-working





Task 2 Show your work to your teacher for her comments and suggestions.

Task 3 and 4.Show your work to your teacher for her comments and suggestions.

Task 3
Paragraph 2

0 modified our social customs, traditions, and practices.

1 Improved means of communication
2 religious freedom
3 growth of public schools
4 establishment of democratic institutions

Paragraph 3

0 training for duties of citizenship

1 education as a public function
2 modern public school system

Paragraph 4

0 power to do
1 power to translate his reflection to action
2 prepared and ready to take an active part in work life, and contribute to progress

Paragraph 5

0 ability to produce
1 social participation
3. service to country and the world

Self-Check for Activity 7

Task 1

1. the reader
2. study hard
3. Get up early; spend nine hours in school; Saturdays are for group reports
and club activities
4. More time for studies; go to the library; get help from friends
5. Missed: “Fun Activities; TV programs; going out with friends

Task 2: Show your work to your teacher for her comments and suggestions

Self-Check for Posttest

1. are reading
2. are preparing
3. are studying
4. are trying
5. are going
6. is sharing
7. is giving
8. is expecting
9. are representing
10. is hoping


0 is sewing
1 is taking
2 is reading
3 is playing
4 am using


0 works
1 types
2 passes
3 comes
5. cultivates

1 C. Idiomatic Expressions

1. c
2. a
3. d
4. b
5. e

D. Words that should be encircled:

1. attract
2. warm climate
3. fish, corals and other marine life

E. Show your work to your teacher for her comments and suggestions

F. What you are expected to have learned from this module:

Pride in Idioms & Pres. Prog.

Young people as U & uw being a Context Clues Tense
”Vanguards” Sounds Filipino

The following are the things you are expected to have learned and/or

0 Distinguished between the back vowel sounds /u/ and /uw/

1 Used expressions taken from the text in writing activities

2 Realized the value of planning one’s activities

3 Developed the ability to pick out topic sentences and

supporting details

4 Identified the meaning of the words through context clues

5 Expressed ideas and thought using the simple present and

progressive form of the verb

6 Used appropriate time expressions in forming the simple

present progressive form of the verb.

7 Illustrated important details through graphical aides

8 Explained the importance of being a systematic hardworking


9 Appreciated the qualities of an effective learner

10 Developed the value of, and take pride in being a Filipino.

You’ve done a good job. Congratulations!


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