TEPZZ - 88847 - B - T: European Patent Specification

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(11) EP 1 888 471 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: C02F 3/28 (2006.01) C12M 1/107 (2006.01)
21.11.2012 Bulletin 2012/47
(86) International application number:
(21) Application number: 05753090.9 PCT/NL2005/000423

(22) Date of filing: 10.06.2005 (87) International publication number:

WO 2006/132523 (14.12.2006 Gazette 2006/50)



(84) Designated Contracting States: DE BOER, Jelle, Hendrik

Designated Extension States: NL-8561 ER Balk (NL)
HR LV HABETS, Leonard, Hubertus, Alphonsus
NL-8604 VT Sneek (NL)
(43) Date of publication of application:
20.02.2008 Bulletin 2008/08 (74) Representative: van Westenbrugge, Andries
Nederlandsch Octrooibureau
(73) Proprietor: Paques I.P. B.V. Postbus 29720
8561 EL Balk (NL) 2502 LS Den Haag (NL)

(72) Inventors: (56) References cited:

VELLINGA, Sjoerd, Hubertus, Jozef EP-A- 0 170 332 US-A- 6 063 273
NL-8458 CP Tjalleberd (NL) US-A1- 2003 085 171 US-B1- 6 602 416
EP 1 888 471 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been
paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

EP 1 888 471 B1


[0001] The present invention relates to an anaerobic purification device for purification of influent, such as wastewater,
the anaerobic purification device comprising:
d a reactor tank;
d inlet means for introducing influent into the tank, the inlet means being located in the lower section of the tank;
d water collecting means, such as an overflow gutter, for collecting purified water, the water collecting means being
provided at the upper section of the tank and defining a liquid surface in said reactor tank;
10 d at least one gas collecting system for collecting gas from the fluid contained in the reactor, the at least one gas
collecting system being arranged at a level below the water collecting means;
d a gas-liquid separation device arranged at a level above the water collecting means;
d at least one riser having a discharge opening debouching into the separation device, the at least one riser being
connected to the at least one gas collecting system for raising fluid contained in the tank by gas lift action caused
15 by gas collected in the at least one gas collection system;
d a downer having an inlet debouching into the separation device and an outlet debouching in the lower section of
the tank for returning liquid separated in the separation device, into the lower section of the tank.

[0002] Such a device is known from EP-A-170.332. According to this EP-A-170.332 one subjects wastewater that
20 contains organic material to a process in which dissolved organic material is broken down under anaerobic conditions.
By contact with biomass that contains methane-producing microorganisms, methane is being produced which is sepa-
rated from the liquid. The treated water (effluent) is removed via overflows weirs. EP-A-170.332 describes as starting
point for that invention on page 1 lines 21-32: It has been found that with a residence time of several hours a purification
of as much as 90% can be reached. The extent to which such purification efficiency can be maintained over a long
25 period also depends on the sludge retention. In particular, care must be taken to ensure that on average no more sludge
is rinsed out of the reactor than can be formed in a certain period of time. If a high hydraulic flow is used with a low COD
concentration in the influent, there is a considerable risk that the internal settler will not be capable of preventing a large
amount of sludge being flushed out. A factor which is of importance in this connection is the hydraulic surface loading
of the settler. In the subsequent passage, EP-A-170.332 explains that the upward flowing water and the rising gas
30 bubbles can stir up the biomass flocks and particles considerably. These can arrive into the uppermost part of the reactor
where the gas collecting system is located. The turbulence produced can thus result in excessive quantities of biomass
to be flushed out of the reactor. This limits the loading capacity of the reactor considerably.
[0003] The invention of EP 170 332 aims to overcome the disadvantages just described and to create a reactor in
which the main gas load is taken away from an uppermost gas collecting system. For this purpose EP 170 332 provides
35 at least one additional gas collecting system for collecting gas, which additional system is arranged at a distance below
the upper collecting system. The additional system has a hydraulic link with at least one riser pipe for raising liquid by
gas lift action, said riser pipe discharging into at least one separation device for separating gas and liquid. In view of the
fact that gas is trapped at a considerable distance below the liquid level and is conveyed further via the riser pipe, an
essentially turbulence-free flow can occur in the upper section of the reactor. This increases the loading capacity, whereas
40 at the top, clean effluent is obtained. It is important that the liquid, which is carried along with the gas to the riser pipe,
is separated and returned to the reactor: While a quiet, eddy-free flow is required at the top of the reactor, very good
mixing of sludge and fluid is required at the bottom of the reactor. For this purpose the heavy sludge near the bottom
has to be fluidized. In a preferred embodiment according to EP 170 332 this fluidization can be achieved in the bottom
section of the reactor with the aid of energy obtained from the gas lifting liquid in the riser pipe. The lifted liquid is
45 separated from the gas and, under influence of hydraulic gravity pressure, returned from the separation device, through
a downer pipe, to the bottom section of the reactor chamber.
[0004] US-B-6602416 discloses a reactor having an inlet, an overflow 22, gas collectors connected to risers, a gas-
sludge separation means arranged above the reactor and a sinking line.
[0005] US-A-6063273 discloses a reactor having an inlet, an outlet 27, a gas collecting system, a riser, a gas-liquid
50 separation device and a downer.
[0006] For economic reasons, it is becoming more and more interesting to make the reactor column as high as possible.
In that case, there would be more reactor volume and more biomass, whereas the footprint - the square meters of surface
area occupied by the reactor - is the same. On the other hand, the higher the reactor the heavier the column of biomass
in the reactor will be. The heavier the column of biomass, the more difficult it will be to maintain a good mixing and
55 fluidization pattern near the bottom of the reactor. In some cases it may also happen that the biomass mixture becomes
heavier due to the precipitation of inorganic material. Also in that case, it can be difficult to maintain a good fluidization.
[0007] A solution could be increasing the head pressure. However, prior art and experience teaches that, for a good
mixture at the bottom of the reactor and overall functioning of the reactor, one requires, at the level of the liquid surface

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in the reactor, a head pressure of about 0.8 to 1 m water column (i.e. about 0.08-0.1 bar) in the downer, in order to
overcome the pressure loss, which is required for good distribution at the bottom in the sludge bed. Too low head
pressures result in non-optimal mixing at the bottom of the reactor and/or a poorer performance of the reactor respectively
the process carried out in the reactor as a whole, whereas too high head pressure would result in very high shear forces
5 on the biomass particles, and consequently destruction of the granular material.
[0008] In practice at least about 80% of the head pressure is obtained from hydraulic pressure, whilst at most about
20% of the head pressure is obtained from gas pressure resulting from gas load situations during use. However in
particular cases this has lead to problems with fluidization of the sludge in the bottom of the reactor and/or quite irregular
gas flows.
10 [0009] Thus although for economic reasons one would like to make the reactor column as high as possible, the reactor
height is in practice limited, because of the effects and teaching just mentioned.
[0010] The present invention has the objective to provide an anaerobic purification device for purification of influent,
such as wastewater, with improved fluidization at the bottom of the reactor which also allows increasing the reactor height.
[0011] According to the invention this object is achieved by providing an anaerobic purification device for purification
15 of influent according to claim 1.
[0012] In this respect, the head pressure is defined as the difference in pressure, at the level of the liquid surface in
the reactor (which level is defined by the water collecting means, such as an overflow gutter), between a point inside
the downer and a point outside the downer but inside the tank.
[0013] According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, the head pressure is at least about 1.5 m water column
20 (about 0.15 bar), preferably at least about 1.6 m water column (0.16 bar).
[0014] According to a further preferred embodiment of the invention, the head pressure is at least 1.8 - 2 m water
column (about 0.18-0.2 bar), such as 2.5-3 m water column (0.25-0.3 bar) or more.
[0015] The invention as well as the above both advantageous embodiments will be explained below, as well as several
further embodiments of the invention.
25 [0016] According to the invention solutions have been found to create more head pressure without decreasing the
performance of the reactor as might have been expected, but instead increase of performance came within reach.
[0017] The reactor is, according to the invention, designed in such manner that the device itself defines a head pressure
of at least about 1.4 m water column, i.e. in use the head pressure will be at least 1.4 meter water column due to structural
features present in the device. According to the invention there are several solutions each involving there own structural
30 features.
[0018] According to the invention the gas-liquid separation device is placed at a higher level above the reactor tank
in order to allow for more hydraulic pressure. As a consequence, not only that part of the riser pipe extending above the
liquid surface needs to be extended but also the driving force of the gas for lifting water column to the gas-liquid-separation
device. This can be done, for example, by increasing the length of the riser extending below the water surface, and/or
35 by decreasing the flow resistance of the riser - for example by changing the diameter of the pipe -. Lowering the position
where the gas is introduced into the riser creates more driving force for lifting the water column to the separation device.
The upward pressure created by the displaced water volume in the riser pipe generates the driving force to bring the
water to the gas-liquid separation device.
[0019] Said top part has a length (H3) which is preferably at least 1.6 - 2 m or more.
40 [0020] A different solution is to operate at a higher gas pressure in the gas-liquid separator. This solution can be
achieved, for example, by arranging the gas-liquid-separating process in an essentially closed vessel provided with
means for keeping the gas pressure at predetermined threshold value. In this way an extra head pressure of 0.3 to 1.0
m water column can be gained or even more if required. According to a preferred embodiment of this solution, said
threshold value is at least about 0.25 m water column (about 0.025 bar), such as at least about 0.5 m water column
45 (about 0.05 bar). According to another preferred embodiment of this second solution, said threshold value is at most
about 1.5 m water column (about 0.15 bar), such as at most about 1.2 m water column (about 0.12 bar).
[0021] A further solution is improving the flow of fluid flowing through the downer. This can, for example, be achieved
by providing means that allow the fluid to enter the downer continuously and easily. According to an embodiment of this
solution, the gas-liquid-separation device comprises a vessel, wherein the inlet of the downer is conically shaped with
50 respect to a vertical axis and with the taper in the downward direction, and wherein the discharge opening of the at least
one riser is arranged to create a tangential fluid flow in the vessel around the conically shaped inlet of the downer.
[0022] The combination of one or more of the afore mentioned solutions or possible other solution are also possible.
[0023] An important factor of influence is the quantity of gas production in the reactor, which is a result of the applied
COD loading and the COD conversion rate. A higher gas production per specific reactor surface (for instance expressed
55 in m3gas/m2.h) causes a stronger gas lift, whereas at a lower gas production, the gas lift will slow down and will finally
stop. As higher reactor columns will theoretically produce more m3gas/m2.h, the extra driving forces for more internal
circulation flow or for lifting the water to a higher gas-liquid separation device will be available. Applicant found, contrary
to what was expected, that this additionally available driving force is of an amount substantially enough to allow, contrary

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to prevailing prejudices, an increase of head pressure by simple design measures in the anaerobic purification device.
[0024] Since the reactors can be operated in a very wide range of Volumetric Loading Rates (VLR), in general between
5 and 35 kg COD/m3.d, the correct dimensioning should take into account the most probable operational circumstances.
[0025] Now that for economic reasons, reactors higher than 20 m more often will to be constructed, it has been found
5 that the internal circulation can be maintained or even improved by taking specific measures. Considering that the density
of the biomass sludge is higher than water, that the downer pipe as well as the inlet distribution system causes a pressure
loss and that the sludge bed has a certain resistance against fluidization, it has been found that for a "normal" gas
pressure of 20 to 30 cm Water column, the gas lift needs to bring the water to a level of at least 1.2 m above the water
level in the reactor, preferably 1.4 to 1.6 m and in some cases even above 2.2 m. In order to accommodate this for
10 average reactor loads between 15 and 30 kg COD/m3.d, the total length of the riser pipe needs to be chosen such that
the top part of the riser extending upwards as from said liquid surface - i.e. the length above the water collecting means,
such as the overflow gutter - will be between at least about 10 % , such as at least about 15%, and/or at most about 30
%, such as at most about 25%, of the total length of the riser pipe. Alternatively, the gas pressure could be increased
to 60 or 70 cm water column or even above 1.0 m water column. Also combinations of the two measures are possible,
15 for instance raising the water column by the gas lift to 1.6 m and increasing the gas pressure to 60 cm water column in
order to make a combined pressure or head pressure of 2.2 m water column. Taking these measures into account,
reactor heights could be realized in the range of 24 to 36 m or even higher.
[0026] According to an advantageous embodiment of the invention, the device further comprises upper gas collecting
means (10) for collecting and removing gas from the fluid contained in the tank (14), the upper gas collecting means
20 (10) being provided between the water collecting means (11) and the at least one gas collecting system (4).
[0027] The present invention is also embodied by, and thus relates to, the use of an anaerobic purification device
according to claim 12.
[0028] The present invention is also embodied by, and thus relates to, a method of operating an anaerobic purification
device for purification of influent, as defined in claim 13.
25 [0029] Advantages of the use according to the invention as well as the method according to the invention and its
preferred embodiments according to claims 14-17, will be clear from the preceding explanation in relation to the device
according to the invention.
[0030] In the next following the present invention will be further elucidated with reference to a drawing. In this drawing:

30 Figure 1 shows very schematically an anaerobic purification device according to the invention; and
Figures 2A en 2B show schematically a part of purification devicese according to the invention to explain the term
"head pressure".

[0031] The anaerobic purification equipment shown in Figure 1 comprises a tall container 14, called reactor tank.
35 [0032] In the bottom end of the reactor tank 14, there is provided a mixing zone 2 for influent introduced via supply
12. As the skilled man knows, such a mixing zone 2 can be accomplished in several ways. One advantageous manner
of accomplishing the mixing zone is providing an inlet system in accordance with WO 92/01637.
[0033] In the upper part of the reactor tank, water-collecting means in the form of overflow gutters 11 or other means
are fitted which are connected to an effluent drainpipe 15 for discharging purified effluent. The water-collecting means
40 define the level of the liquid surface 21 in the reactor tank 14. In case of overflow gutters 11, this level of the liquid surface
21 will be determined by the overflow edge of said gutters 11.
[0034] Within the reactor tank 14 two gas- collecting arrangements 4 and 10 for collecting and removing gas are fitted.
Each of the gas collecting arrangements comprises a multiplicity of hoods 19. Per gas collecting arrangement the hoods
can be arranged in one layer or several layers, such as three layers as shown in the figure. Number 10 is, especially in
45 the claims, called the upper gas collecting means and 4 is called, especially in the claims, the at least one gas collecting
system. Figure 1 shows only one gas collecting system 4, but within the framework of the invention also two, three or
more gas collection systems could be provided. The upper gas collecting means 10 need not to be connected to the
riser 5 and might be absent in case the fluid at this height of the tank is gas poor, or might be discharged separately to
the gas liquid-separation device 6 or elsewhere.
50 [0035] Above the reactor there is provided a gas-liquid separation device 6. This gas-liquid separation device comprises
an essentially closed vessel 16 - although also an open vessel is possible, see Figure 2 - having a gas outlet 7 for
discharging gas such as biogas, a liquid outlet 17, and an inlet 18 for supplying a fluid containing the gas and liquid to
be separated. The liquid outlet 17 is the upper end of a downer pipe 8, or said differently the inlet of downer 8. The inlet
18 is the upper end of a riser pipe 5, or said differently the discharge opening of the riser. The gas outlet 7 is optionally
55 provided with means 22, for keeping the gas pressure in the vessel at a predetermined threshold value. Preferably the
threshold value will have a minimum value of about 0.25 m water column (about 0.025 bar). Optionally the threshold
value can have a maximum value of about 1.5 m water column (about 0.15 bar).
[0036] The riser 5 has a lower end with an inlet for drawing in fluid. This fluid is drawn in by gas lift action caused by

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gas collected by the at least one gas collection system 4 (lower level separators). For this purpose the hoods 19 of the
at least one gas collection system 4 are connected to the riser in such a way, that the collected gas creates the gas lift
in the riser. As such all this concerning the riser is known from the prior art and can, as the skilled man knows, be realized
in several manners.
5 [0037] The downer 8 extends from the gas-liquid separation device 6 to the bottom region of the tank 14. Under the
influence of gravity, liquid from the separation device, which can - depending from where the biomass is located - contain
biomass as well, is returned to the bottom of the tank. At the bottom of the tank this return flow causes fluidization of the
bed of biomass.
[0038] Figures 2A and 2B show highly schematically two different embodiments according to the invention, with the
10 purpose to explain the term head pressure as used in this application. For corresponding parts, we used the same
reference numbers as with respect to Figures 1.
[0039] In both Figures 2A and 2B the head pressure Phead is the pressure difference between points A and B. Point
A, having the pressure PA, lies inside the downer 8 at the level of the liquid surface 21 in the tank 14. Point B, having
the pressure PB, lies outside the downer, but inside the reactor at the same level of the liquid surface. The pressure
15 caused by the water column HW above the point A is called PW. The pressure P1 is the gas pressure just above the
liquid level in the gas-liquid-separation device 6. P2 is the gas pressure just above the liquid level 21 in the reactor tank.
All pressures are measured relative to the atmospheric pressure.
[0040] In the embodiment according to Figure 2A, the gas-liquid-separation device 6 comprises a closed vessel 16.
In this closed vessel the gas pressure is P1. The reactor tank 14 has a so called open top. This means the top communicates
20 with the environment so that the gas pressure P2 in the top of the reactor is about the atmospheric pressure; thus about
zero/relative to atmospheric pressure. However, the reactor tank can also have a closed top allowing the gas pressure
P2 to be different from the atmospheric pressure. Here for the head pressure applies:


[0041] In the embodiment according to Figure 2B, the gas-liquid-separation device 6 has an open top and the reactor
tank 14 has a closed top. Further the gas-liquid-separation device is arranged inside the reactor tank 14. Consequently
30 the pressures P1 and P2 are identical. Here for the head pressure applies:

[0042] In Figure 2B, the head pressure would be the same when also the reactor tank 14 is an open tank.
[0043] During operation, fermentation takes place under anaerobic conditions as a result of contact between sludge
granules or biomass flocks and substances soluble in water, such as fatty acids, methane being formed. In order to
achieve a quiet, turbulence-free flow in the uppermost part of the reactor and to ensure that virtually no sludge is carried
40 off with the effluent, the additional gas collecting means 4 are provided at a level, which is at a substantial distance below
the overflow gutters 11. In separator 6 liquid and gas are separated from each other by gravity and the liquid gathers at
the bottom section of the separator and is - as explained above - returned into the mixing zone 2 of the reactor tank via
the downer 8 to support the mixing.
[0044] As a result of the fact that the gas has lifted the water well above the fluid in the reactor tank 14, the liquid
45 column in the downer 8 produces a fairly powerful downward flow in the downer pipe 8, which provides extra mixing at
the bottom of the reactor. In a simple way the effect is therefore achieved that tranquility prevails at the top of the reactor
and heavy sludge and influent at the bottom of the reactor are thoroughly mixed by turbulence.
[0045] In the Figures, number 20 indicates the position at which the gas - collected by the additional gas collection
system- is introduced into the riser, H2 indicates the vertical distance between said gas introduction point 20 and the
50 level of the water collection means 11 (effluent weirs/gutters), which level is in fact the fluid level 21 in the tank. H3
indicates the vertical distance between the discharge opening 18 of the riser 5 and the level of the water collection
means. H1 is essentially the sum of H2 and H3, i.e. H1=H2+H3. The length of H3 can be in the range of 10% to 30%
of H1. The discharge opening of the riser(s) 18 is preferably located above the fluid level in the gas-liquid separator and
designed in a way to create a tangential flow pattern in the gas-liquid separator device 6 for optimizing the separation
55 process. The inlet opening to the downer pipe 8 is preferably conically shaped to avoid gas entrapment and enable a
constant downward flow.
[0046] Within the scope of the invention various modifications are possible. The embodiments drawn and described
are only examples. All the embodiments have in common that a significant portion of the gas evolved during the fer-

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mentation is collected before it can reach the uppermost section of the reactor and that the liquid propelled up in this
process by the gas-lifting action is separated from gas and the potential energy of the relatively heavy liquid column is
used via a re-circulating flow to obtain the stirring necessary for a thorough mixing and fluidization at the bottom of the
reactor. Power which would have been released at the top of the reactor is now taken to the bottom. The load capacity
5 of the reactor is considerably increased as a result of the tranquillity at the top near the water outlet and the turbulence
at the bottom near the water inlet.

1. Anaerobic purification device for purification of waste water, the anaerobic purification device comprising:

d a reactor tank (14);

d inlet means (12) for introducing influent into the tank (14), the inlet means (12) being located in the lower
15 section of the tank (14);
d water collecting means (11), such as an overflow gutter, for collecting purified water, the water collecting
means being provided at the upper section of the tank (14) and defining a liquid surface (21) in said reactor
tank (14);
d at least one gas collecting system (4) for collecting gas from the fluid contained in the reactor (14), the at
20 least one gas collecting system (4) being arranged at a level below the water collecting means (11);
d a gas-liquid separation device (6) arranged at a level above the water collecting means (11);
d at least one riser (5) having a discharge opening (18) debouching into the separation device (6), the at least
one riser (5) being connected (20) to the at least one gas collecting system (4) for raising fluid contained in the
tank (14) by gas lift action caused by gas collected in the at least one gas collection system (4);
25 d a downer (8) having an inlet (17) commencing into the separation device (6) and an outlet debouching in the
lower section of the tank (14) for returning liquid separated in the separation device, into the lower section of
the tank;

characterized in that
30 the purification device is arranged to define, in the downer (8) at the level of the liquid surface (21), a head pressure
of at least 1.4 m water column (about 0.14 bar), and the at least one riser (5) has a top part (26) which is defined
as that part of the riser (5) extending upwards as from said liquid surface (21), wherein said top part (26) has a
length (H3) which is at least 1.2 m, preferably at least 1.4 m, and
wherein the head pressure is defined as the difference in pressure, at the level of the liquid surface in the reactor,
35 between a point inside the downer and a point outside the downer but inside the tank.

2. Anaerobic purification device according to claim 1, wherein the head pressure is at least 1.5 m water column (about
0.15 bar), preferably at least 1.6 m water column (0.16 bar).

40 3. Anaerobic purification device according to claim 1, wherein the head pressure is at least 1.8 - 2 m water column
(about 0.18-0.2 bar), such as 2.5-3 m water column (0.25-0.3 bar) or more.

4. Anaerobic purification device according to one of the preceding claims, wherein the at least one riser (5) has a top
part (26) which is defined as that part of the riser (5) extending upwards as from said liquid surface (21), and wherein
45 said top part has a length (H3) which is at least 10%, such as at least 15%, of the total length (H1) of the at least
one riser (5).

5. Anaerobic purification device according to one of the preceding claims, wherein the at least one riser (5) has a top
part (26) which is defined as that part of the riser (5) extending upwards as from said liquid surface (21), and wherein
50 said top part has a length (H3) which is at most 30%, such as at most 25%, of the total length (H1) of the at least
one riser (5).

6. Anaerobic purification device according to one of the preceding claims, wherein said top part has a length (H3)
which is at least 1.6 - 2 m or more.
7. Anaerobic purification device according to one of the preceding claims, wherein the gas-liquid separation device
(6) comprises an essentially closed vessel (16) provided with means (22) for keeping the gas pressure at a threshold

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8. Anaerobic purification device according to claim 7, wherein said threshold value is at least 0.25 m water column
(about 0.025 bar), such as at least 0.5 m water column (about 0.05 bar).

9. Anaerobic purification device according to claim 7 or 8, wherein said threshold value is at most 1.5 m water column
5 (about 0.15 bar), such as at most 1.2 m water column (about 0.12 bar).

10. Anaerobic purification device according to one of the preceding claims, wherein the gas-liquid-separation device
(6) comprises a vessel (16), wherein the inlet (17) of the downer (8) is conically shaped with respect to a vertical
axis and with the taper in the downward direction, wherein the conically shaped inlet (17) is arranged inside the
10 vessel (16), and wherein the discharge opening (18) of the at least one riser (5) is arranged to create a tangential
fluid flow in vessel (16) around the conically shaped inlet (17) of the downer.

11. Anaerobic purification device according to one of the preceding claims, wherein said device further comprises upper
gas collecting means (10) for collecting and removing gas from the fluid contained in the tank (14), the upper gas
15 collecting means (10) being provided between the water collecting means (11) and the at least one gas collecting
system (4).

12. Use of the anaerobic purification device according to one of the preceding claims for purification of waste water.

20 13. Method of operating an anaerobic purification device for purification of waste water, the anaerobic purification device

d a reactor tank (14);

d inlet means (12) for introducing influent into the tank (14), the inlet means (12) being located in the lower
25 section of the tank (14); water collecting means (11), such as an overflow gutter, for collecting purified water,
the water collecting means being provided at the upper section of the tank (14) and defining a liquid surface
(21) in said reactor tank (14):

d at least one gas collecting system (4) for collecting gas from the fluid contained in the reactor (14), the
30 at least one gas collecting system (4) being arranged at a level below the water collecting means (11);
a gas-liquid separation device (6) arranged at a level above the water collecting means (11);
d at least one riser (5) having a discharge opening (18) debouching into the separation device (6), the at
least one riser (5) being connected (20) to the at least one gas collecting system (4) for raising fluid contained
in the tank (14) by gas lift action caused by gas collected in the at least one gas collection system (4),
35 wherein the at least one riser (5) has a top part (26) which is defined as that part of the riser (5) extending
upwards as from said liquid surface (21), and wherein said top part has a length (H3) which is at least 1.2 m;
d a downer (8) having an inlet (17) commencing into the separation device (6) and an outlet debouching
in the lower section of the tank (14) for returning liquid separated in the separation device, into the lower
section of the tank;
the anaerobic purification device is operated with a head pressure of at least 1.4 m water column (about 0.14
bar), said head pressure prevailing in the downer (8) at the level of the liquid surface (21), and
wherein the head pressure is defined as the difference in pressure, at the level of the liquid surface in the reactor,
45 between a point inside the downer and a point outside the downer but inside the tank.

14. Method according to claim 13, wherein the head pressure is at least 1.5 m water column (about 0.15 bar), preferably
at least 1.6 m water column (0.16 bar).

50 15. Method according to claim 13, wherein the head pressure is at least 1.8 - 2 m water column (about 0.18-0.2 bar),
such as 2.5-3 m water column (0.25-0.3 bar) or more.

16. Method according to one of claims 13-15, wherein the gas-liquid separator device (6) comprises an essentially
closed vessel (16), and wherein the gas pressure prevailing in said vessel (16) is at least 0.3 m water column (about
55 0.03 bar), such as at least 0.5 m water column (about 0.05 bar).

17. Method according to claim 16, wherein the gas pressure prevailing in said vessel (16) is at most 1.5 m water column
(about 0.15 bar), such as at most 1.2 m water column (about 0.12 bar).

EP 1 888 471 B1


1. Anaerobe Reinigungsvorrichtung zur anaeroben Reinigung von Abwasser, wobei die anaerobe Reinigungsvorrich-
tung aufweist:
- einen Reaktortank (14);
- mindestens eine Einlasseinrichtung (12) zum Einlass von Zulauf in den Tank (14), wobei die mindestens eine
Einlasseinrichtung (12) im unteren Abschnitt des Tanks (14) angeordnet ist;
- mindestens eine Wassersammeleinrichtung (11), beispielsweise eine berlaufrinne, zum Sammeln von ge-
10 reinigtem Wasser, wobei die mindestens eine Wassersammeleinrichtung im oberen Abschnitt des Tanks (14)
bereitgestellt ist und in dem Reaktortank (14) eine Flssigkeitsoberflche (21) festlegt;
- mindestens ein Gassammelsystem (4) zum Sammeln von Gas aus dem im Reaktor (14) vorhandenen Fluid,
wobei das mindestens eine Gassammelsystem (4) auf einem Niveau unterhalb der mindestens einen Wasser-
sammeleinrichtung (11) angeordnet ist;
15 - eine Gas-Flssigkeit-Trennvorrichtung (6), die auf einem Niveau oberhalb der mindestens einen Wassersam-
meleinrichtung (11) angeordnet ist;
- mindestens ein Steigrohr (5), dessen Auslassffnung (18) in die Trennvorrichtung (6) mndet, wobei das
mindestens eine Steigrohr (5) mit dem mindestens einen Gassammelsystem (4) verbunden (20) ist, um durch
Gasauftrieb, der durch Gas, das sich in dem mindestens einen Gassammelsystem (4) sammelt, hervorgerufen
20 wird, in dem Tank (14) vorhandenes Fluid aufsteigen zu lassen;
- ein Fallrohr (8), dessen Einlass (17) in der Trennvorrichtung (6) beginnt und dessen Auslass in den unteren
Abschnitt des Tanks (14) mndet, um in der Trennvorrichtung getrennte Flssigkeit in den unteren Abschnitt
des Tanks zurckzufhren;

25 dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass

die Reinigungsvorrichtung so ausgelegt ist, dass in dem Fallrohr (8) auf dem Niveau der Flssigkeitsoberflche (21)
ein Sulendruck von mindestens 1,4m Wassersule (ungefhr 0,14 bar) vorhanden ist und dass das mindestens
eine Steigrohr (5) einen oberen Teil (26) aufweist, der als derjenige Teil des Steigrohrs (5) definiert ist, der sich von
der Flssigkeitsoberflche (21) aus aufwrts erstreckt, wobei der obere Teil (26) eine Lnge (H3) von mindestens
30 1,2m, vorzugsweise mindestens 1,4m, hat, und wobei der Sulendruck definiert ist als die Druckdifferenz zwischen
einem Punkt im Fallrohr und einem Punkt auerhalb des Fallrohrs, aber innerhalb des Tanks, auf dem Niveau der
Flssigkeitsoberflche im Reaktor.

2. Anaerobe Reinigungsvorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, wobei der Sulendruck mindestens 1,5m Wassersule (ungefhr
35 0,15 bar), vorzugsweise mindestens 1,6m Wassersule (0,16 bar), betrgt.

3. Anaerobe Reinigungsvorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, wobei der Sulendruck mindestens 1,8-2m Wassersule (un-
gefhr 0,18-0,2 bar), beispielsweise 2,5-3m Wassersule (0,25-0,3 bar) oder mehr, betrgt.

40 4. Anaerobe Reinigungsvorrichtung nach einem der vorstehenden Ansprche, wobei das mindestens eine Steigrohr
(5) einen oberen Teil (26) hat, der definiert ist als derjenige Teil des Steigrohrs (5), der sich von der Flssigkeits-
oberflche (21) aus aufwrts erstreckt, und wobei der obere Teil eine Lnge (H3) hat, die mindestens 10%, bei-
spielsweise mindestens 15%, der Gesamtlnge (H1) des mindestens einen Steigrohrs (5) ist.

45 5. Anaerobe Reinigungsvorrichtung nach einem der vorstehenden Ansprche, wobei das mindestens eine Steigrohr
(5) einen oberen Teil (26) hat, der definiert ist als derjenige Teil des Steigrohrs (5), der sich von der Flssigkeits-
oberflche (21) aus aufwrts erstreckt, und wobei der obere Teil eine Lnge (H3) hat, die hchstens 30%, beispiels-
weise hchstens 25%, der Gesamtlnge (H1) des mindestens einen Steigrohrs (5) ist.

50 6. Anaerobe Reinigungsvorrichtung nach einem der vorstehenden Ansprche, wobei der obere Teil eine Lnge (H3)
hat, die mindestens 1,6-2m oder mehr betrgt.

7. Anaerobe Reinigungsvorrichtung nach einem der vorstehenden Ansprche, wobei die Gas-Flssigkeit-Trennvor-
richtung (6) einen im Wesentlichen geschlossenen Behlter (16) aufweist, der mit der mindestens einen Einrichtung
55 (22) versehen ist, um den Gasdruck auf einem Schwellenwert zu halten.

8. Anaerobe Reinigungsvorrichtung nach Anspruch 7, wobei der Schwellenwert mindestens 0,25m Wassersule (un-
gefhr 0,025 bar), beispielsweise mindestens 0,5m Wassersule (ungefhr 0,05 bar), betrgt.

EP 1 888 471 B1

9. Anaerobe Reinigungsvorrichtung nach Anspruch 7 oder 8, wobei der Schwellenwert hchstens 1,5m Wassersule
(ungefhr 0,15 bar), beispielsweise hchstens 1,2m Wassersule (ungefhr 0,12 bar), betrgt.

10. Anaerobe Reinigungsvorrichtung nach einem der vorstehenden Ansprche, wobei die Gas-Flssigkeit-Trennvor-
5 richtung (6) einen Behlter (16) aufweist, wobei der Einlass (17) des Fallrohrs (8) konisch bezglich einer vertikalen
Achse und mit der Verjngung in Abwrtsrichtung geformt ist, wobei der konisch geformte Einlass (17) innerhalb
des Behlters (16) angeordnet ist, und wobei die Auslassffnung (18) des mindestens einen Steigrohrs (5) so
angeordnet ist, um in dem Behlter (16) um den konisch geformten Einlass (17) des Fallrohrs herum eine tangentiale
Fluidstrmung zu erzeugen.
11. Anaerobe Reinigungsvorrichtung nach einem der vorstehenden Ansprche, wobei die Vorrichtung auerdem min-
destens eine obere Gassammeleinrichtung (10) aufweist, um Gas aus dem im Tank (14) vorhandenen Fluid zu
sammeln und zu entfernen, wobei die mindestens eine obere Gassammeleinrichtung zwischen der mindestens
einen Wassersammeleinrichtung (11) und dem mindestens einen Gassammelsystem (4) bereitgestellt sind.
12. Verwendung einer anaeroben Reinigungsvorrichtung nach einem der vorstehenden Ansprche zum Reinigen von

13. Verfahren zum Betreiben einer anaeroben Reinigungsvorrichtung zum Reinigen von Abwasser, wobei die anaerobe
20 Reinigungsvorrichtung aufweist:

- einen Reaktortank (14);

- mindestens eine Einlasseinrichtung (12) zum Einlass von Zulauf in den Tank (14), wobei die Einlasseinrichtung
(12) im unteren Abschnitt des Tanks (14) angeordnet sind;
25 - mindestens eine Wassersammeleinrichtung (11), beispielsweise eine berlaufrinne, zum Sammeln von ge-
reinigtem Wasser, wobei die mindestens eine Wassersammeleinrichtung im oberen Abschnitt des Tanks (14)
bereitgestellt ist und in dem Reaktortank (14) eine Flssigkeitsoberflche (21) festlegt;
- mindestens ein Gassammelsystem (4) zum Sammeln von Gas aus dem im Reaktor (14) vorhandenen Fluid,
wobei das mindestens eine Gassammelsystem (4) auf einem Niveau unterhalb der mindestens einen Wasser-
30 sammeleinrichtung (11) angeordnet ist;
- eine Gas-Flssigkeit-Trennvorrichtung (6), die auf einem Niveau oberhalb der mindestens einen Wassersam-
meleinrichtung (11) angeordnet ist;
- mindestens ein Steigrohr (5), dessen Auslassffnung (18) in die Trennvorrichtung (6) mndet, wobei das
mindestens eine Steigrohr (5) mit dem mindestens einen Gassammelsystem (4) verbunden (20) ist, um durch
35 Gasauftrieb, der durch Gas, das sich in dem mindestens einen Gassammelsystem (4) sammelt, hervorgerufen
wird, in dem Tank (14) vorhandenes Fluid aufsteigen zu lassen, wobei das mindestens eine Steigrohr (5) einen
oberen Teil (26) hat, der definiert ist als derjenige Teil des Steigrohrs (5), der sich von der Flssigkeitsoberflche
(21) aus aufwrts erstreckt, und wobei der obere Teil eine Lnge (H3) hat, die mindestens 1,2m betrgt;
- ein Fallrohr (8), dessen Einlass (17) in der Trennvorrichtung (6) beginnt und dessen Auslass in den unteren
40 Abschnitt des Tanks (14) mndet, um in der Trennvorrichtung getrennte Flssigkeit in den unteren Abschnitt
des Tanks zurckzufhren;

wobei die anaerobe Reinigungsvorrichtung betrieben wird mit einem Sulendruck von mindestens 1,4m Wassersule
(ungefhr 0,14 bar), wobei dieser Sulendruck in dem Fallrohr (8) auf dem Niveau der Flssigkeitsoberflche (21)
45 herrscht, und wobei der Sulendruck definiert ist als die Druckdifferenz zwischen einem Punkt im Fallrohr und einem
Punkt auerhalb des Fallrohrs, aber innerhalb des Tanks, auf dem Niveau der Flssigkeitsoberflche im Reaktor.

14. Verfahren nach Anspruch 13, wobei der Sulendruck mindestens 1,5m Wassersule (ungefhr 0,15 bar), vorzugs-
weise mindestens 1,6m Wassersule (0,16 bar), betrgt.
15. Verfahren nach Anspruch 13, wobei der Sulendruck mindestens 1,8-2m Wassersule (ungefhr 0,18-0,2 bar),
beispielsweise 2,5-3m Wassersule (0,25-0,3 bar) oder mehr, betrgt.

16. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprche 13 bis 15, wobei die Gas-Flssigkeit-Trennvorrichtung (6) einen im Wesent-
55 lichen geschlossenen Behlter (16) aufweist, und wobei der in dem Behlter (16) herrschende Gasdruck mindestens
0,3m Wassersule (ungefhr 0,03 bar), beispielsweise mindestens 0,5m Wassersule (ungefhr 0,05 bar), betrgt.

17. Verfahren nach Anspruch 16, wobei der in dem Behlter (16) herrschende Gasdruck hchstens 1,5m Wassersule

EP 1 888 471 B1

(ungefhr 0,15 bar), beispielsweise hchstens 1,2m Wassersule (ungefhr 0,12 bar), betrgt.

1. Dispositif dpuration anarobie pour lpuration deaux uses, le dispositif dpuration anarobie comportant :

d une cuve (14) de racteur ;

d un moyen dadmission (12) pour introduire un apport dans la cuve (14), le moyen dadmission (12) se trouvant
10 dans la partie infrieure de la cuve (14) ;
d un moyen de rcupration (11) deau, tel quune rigole de dbordement, pour recueillir des eaux pures,
le moyen de rcupration deau tant install dans la partie suprieure de la cuve (14) et dfinissant une surface
(21) du liquide dans ladite cuve (14) de racteur ;
d au moins un systme de rcupration (4) de gaz pour recueillir des gaz issus du fluide contenu dans le
15 racteur (14), le/les systmes de rcupration (4) de gaz tant installs un certain niveau sous le moyen de
rcupration (11) deau ;
d un dispositif de sparation (6) gaz-liquide install un certain niveau au-dessus du moyen de rcupration
(11) deau ;
d au moins une colonne montante (5) ayant une ouverture de refoulement (18) dbouchant dans le dispositif
20 de sparation (6), la/les colonnes montantes (5) tant relies (20) au (x) systmes de rcupration (4) de gaz
pour amener les gaz contenus dans la cuve (14) slever sous leffet dune pousse de gaz provoque par
les gaz recueillis dans le/les systmes de rcupration (4) de gaz ;
d une colonne descendante (8) ayant une entre (17) pntrant dans le dispositif de sparation (6) et une
sortie dbouchant dans la partie infrieure de la cuve (14) pour faire revenir dans la partie infrieure de la cuve
25 le liquide spar dans le dispositif de sparation ; caractris en ce que

le dispositif dpuration est conu pour dfinir, dans la colonne descendante (8) la surface (21) du liquide, une
pression de refoulement correspondant une colonne deau au moins 1,4 m (environ 0,14 bar), et la/les colonnes
montantes (5) a/ont une partie suprieure (26) dfinie comme la partie de la colonne montante (5) stendant vers
30 le haut partir de ladite surface (21) du liquide, ladite partie suprieure (26) ayant une longueur (H3) dau moins
1,2 m, de prfrence dau moins 1,4 m, et la pression de refoulement tant dfinie comme la diffrence de pression,
au niveau de la surface du liquide dans le racteur, entre un point lintrieur de la colonne descendante et un point
lextrieur de la colonne descendante mais lintrieur de la cuve.

35 2. Dispositif dpuration anarobie selon la revendication 1, dans lequel la pression de refoulement correspond une
colonne deau dau moins 1,5 m (environ 0,15 bar), de prfrence une colonne deau dau moins 1,6 m (0,16 bar) .

3. Dispositif dpuration anarobie selon la revendication 1, dans lequel la pression de refoulement correspond une
colonne deau dau moins 1,8 2 m (environ 0,18 0,2 bar), par exemple une colonne deau de 2,5 3m (0,25
40 0,3 bar) ou plus.

4. Dispositif dpuration anarobie selon lune quelconque des revendications prcdentes, dans lequel la/les colonnes
montantes (5) ont une partie suprieure (26) dfinie comme la partie de la colonne montante (5) stendant vers le
haut depuis ladite surface (21) du liquide, et dans lequel ladite partie suprieure a une longueur (H3) dau moins
45 10 %, par exemple dau moins 15 %, de la longueur totale (H1) de la/des colonnes montantes (5) .

5. Dispositif dpuration anarobie selon lune quelconque des revendications prcdentes, dans lequel la/les colonnes
montantes (5) ont une partie suprieure (26) dfinie comme la partie de la colonne montante (5) stendant vers le
haut depuis ladite surface (21) du liquide, et dans lequel ladite partie suprieure a une longueur (H3) au maximum
50 de 30 %, par exemple au maximum de 25 %, de la longueur totale (H1) de la/des colonnes montantes (5) .

6. Dispositif dpuration anarobie selon lune quelconque des revendications prcdentes, dans lequel ladite partie
suprieure a une longueur (H3) dau moins 1,6 2 m ou plus.

55 7. Dispositif dpuration anarobie selon lune quelconque des revendications prcdentes, dans lequel le dispositif
de sparation (6) gaz-liquide comprend un rcipient sensiblement ferm (16) pourvu dun moyen (22) pour maintenir
la pression des gaz une valeur de seuil.

EP 1 888 471 B1

8. Dispositif dpuration anarobie selon la revendication 7, dans lequel ladite valeur de seuil correspond une colonne
deau dau moins 0,25 m (environ 0,025 bar), par exemple une colonne deau dau moins 0,5 m (environ 0,05 bar).

9. Dispositif dpuration anarobie selon la revendication 7 ou 8, dans lequel ladite valeur de seuil correspond une
5 colonne deau dun maximum de 1,5 m (environ 0,15 bar), par exemple une colonne deau dun maximum de 1,2
m (environ 0,12 bar).

10. Dispositif dpuration anarobie selon lune quelconque des revendications prcdentes, dans lequel le dispositif
de sparation (6) gaz-liquide comprend un rcipient (16), lentre (17) de la colonne descendante (8) ayant une
10 forme conique par rapport un axe vertical, la conicit tant oriente vers le bas, lentre (17) de forme conique
tant dispose lintrieur du rcipient (16), et louverture de refoulement (18) de la/des colonnes montantes (5)
tant agence pour crer un coulement tangentiel de fluide dans le rcipient (16) autour de lentre (17) forme
conique de la colonne descendante.

15 11. Dispositif dpuration anarobie selon lune quelconque des revendications prcdentes, dans lequel ledit dispositif
comporte en outre un moyen suprieur de rcupration (10) de gaz pour recueillir des gaz et les sparer du fluide
contenu dans la cuve (14), le moyen suprieur de rcupration (10) de gaz tant dispos entre le moyen de rcu-
pration (11) deau et le/les systmes de rcupration (4) de gaz.

20 12. Utilisation du dispositif dpuration anarobie selon lune des revendications prcdentes pour lpuration deaux

13. Procd pour faire fonctionner un dispositif dpuration anarobie pour lpuration deaux uses, le dispositif dpu-
ration anarobie comprenant :
d une cuve (14) de racteur ;
d un moyen dadmission (12) pour introduire un apport dans la cuve (14), le moyen dadmission (12) se trouvant
dans la partie infrieure de la cuve (14) ;
d un moyen de rcupration (11) deau, tel quune rigole de dbordement, pour recueillir des eaux pures,
30 le moyen de rcupration deau tant install dans la partie suprieure de la cuve (14) et dfinissant une surface
(21) du liquide dans ladite cuve (14) de racteur ;
d au moins un systme de rcupration (4) de gaz pour recueillir des gaz issus du fluide contenu dans le
racteur (14), le/les systmes de rcupration (4) de gaz tant installs un certain niveau sous le moyen de
rcupration (11) deau ;
35 d un dispositif de sparation (6) gaz-liquide install un certain niveau au-dessus du moyen de rcupration
(11) deau ;
d au moins une colonne montante (5) ayant une ouverture de refoulement (18) dbouchant dans le dispositif
de sparation (6), la/les colonnes montantes (5) tant relies (20) au (x) systmes de rcupration (4) de gaz
pour amener slever les gaz contenus dans la cuve (14) sous leffet dune pousse de gaz provoque par
40 les gaz recueillis dans le/les systmes de rcupration (4) de gaz, la/les colonnes montantes (5) ayant une
partie suprieure (26) dfinie comme la partie de la colonne montante (5) stendant vers le haut depuis ladite
surface (21) du liquide, et ladite partie suprieure ayant une longueur (H3) dau moins 1,2 m ;
d une colonne descendante (8) ayant une entre (17) pntrant dans le dispositif de sparation (6) et une
sortie dbouchant dans la partie infrieure de la cuve (14) pour faire revenir dans la partie infrieure de la cuve
45 le liquide spar dans le dispositif de sparation ;

le dispositif dpuration anarobie tant amen fonctionner avec une pression de refoulement correspondant
une colonne deau dau moins 1,4 m (environ 0,14 bar), ladite pression de refoulement rgnant dans la colonne
descendante (8) au niveau de la surface (21) du liquide, et la pression de refoulement tant dfinie comme la
50 diffrence de pression, au niveau de la surface du liquide dans le racteur, entre un point lintrieur de la colonne
descendante et un point lextrieur de la colonne descendante mais lintrieur de la cuve.

14. Procd selon la revendication 13, dans lequel la pression de refoulement correspond une colonne deau dau
moins 1,5 m (environ 0,15 bar), de prfrence une colonne deau dau moins 1,6 m (0,16 bar).
15. Procd selon la revendication 13, dans lequel la pression de refoulement correspond une colonne deau dau
moins 1,8 2 m (environ 0,18 0,2 bar), par exemple une colonne deau de 2,5 3m (0,25 0,3 bar) ou plus.

EP 1 888 471 B1

16. Procd selon lune quelconque des revendications 13 15, dans lequel le dispositif de sparation (6) gaz-liquide
comprend un rcipient sensiblement ferm (16), et dans lequel la pression des gaz qui rgne dans ledit rcipient
(16) correspond une colonne deau dau moins 0,3 m (environ 0,03 bar), par exemple une colonne deau dau
moins 0,5 m (environ 0,05 bar).
17. Procd selon la revendication 16, dans lequel la pression des gaz qui rgne dans ledit rcipient (16) correspondant
une colonne deau dun maximum de 1,5 m (environ 0,15 bar), par exemple une colonne deau dun maximum de
1,2 m (environ 0,12 bar).











EP 1 888 471 B1

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EP 1 888 471 B1


This list of references cited by the applicant is for the readers convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

EP 170332 A [0002] [0003] US 6063273 A [0005]

US 6602416 B [0004] WO 9201637 A [0032]


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