Tách Khí Lỏng Rắn
Tách Khí Lỏng Rắn
Tách Khí Lỏng Rắn
Cristophe Boyer, Anne-Marie Duquenne, Gabriel Wild
This article oers an overview of the instrumentation techniques developed for multiphase
ow analysis either in gas/liquid or in
gas/liquid/solid reactors. To characterise properly such reactors, experimental data have to be acquired at dierent space scale or time
frequency. The existing multiphase
ow metering techniques described give information concerning reactor hydrodynamics such as
pressure, phases holdups, phases velocities,
ow regime, size and shape of dispersed inclusions, axial diusion coecients. The measuring
techniques are presented in two groups: the non-intrusive techniques that deliver global, cross-section-averaged or local data, and the
intrusive probes that are dedicated to local measurements. Eventually some examples of multiphase instrumentation development are
reported (trickle-bed and slurry bubble column at semi-industrial scale) in the renery or petrochemical area.
? 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction time resolution of the technique used and the purpose of the
The description and design of gasliquid and gasliquid Measurement techniques can be classied according dif-
solid reactors still relies to a large extent on empirical rules ferent ways. A rst classication distinguishes between
and correlations, which in turn are based on measurements time-averaged and transient measurements and between
made under conditions as relevant as possible to industrial local and global measurements. According to this classi-
practice. This is true for the classical chemical engineering cation, the following types of values or characteristics are
approach, where such quantities as liquid holdup or pressure measured:
drop are predicted via empirical correlations based on data as
numerous and precise as possible. Nevertheless, more mod- Global steady-state characteristics of the reactor (gas or
ern approaches such as computational
uid dynamic (CFD) liquid holdup, pressure drop,
ow regime, minimum
are used to help in the design of multiphase reactors. Even idisation velocity, etc.)
in this case, the physical models used require information Local time-averaged characteristics
on local and transient
ow characteristics (e.g. turbulence One-dimensional space: cross-section-averaged values at
characteristics, wake coecients, etc.), since ab initio cal- a given level of a reactor
culations are up to now impossible. Two-dimensional space: local averaged values over a re-
Reliable measuring techniques are therefore needed as actor cross-section (tomographic techniques)
well in academia as in industry for the rational description Three-dimensional space
and the design of multiphase reactors. Depending on the aim Local and transient characteristics of the
ow eld.
of the analysis, dierent types of measurements are required
and it is important to maintain an adequacy of space and The local and/or transient character of the measurement
can vary widely, depending on the time and the length
Corresponding author.
As an example, in case of the design of a trickle bed re-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C. Boyer),
[email protected] (A.-M. Duquenne), actor, liquid distribution is of the utmost importance, but in
[email protected] (G. Wild). most cases the
ow is fairly steady state. In this case, for
local time averaged, at least 2D measuring techniques of membrane of the sensor. The interpretation of the pressure
the liquid velocity or liquid holdup are needed. In case of drop in terms of static pressure drop and friction pressure
a slurry bubble column, global characteristics are required drop is not always easy: e.g. in case of trickle beds, the pres-
(minimum settling velocity) but also local ones, like the lo- sure drop measured may be the friction pressure drop or the
cal liquid velocity and gas and solid holdup. These mea- total pressure drop, depending on the measuring procedure.
surement needs will be illustrated at the end of this paper by The large scatter observed in pressure drop data in trickle
presenting some examples of instrumentation development beds is partly due to the fact that, quite often, the values re-
in the oil industry. ported are somewhere in-between the friction and the to-
Since the classication between local and global measure- tal pressure drop. In bubble columns, slurry bubble columns
ment is not always possible another classication has been and three-phase
uidised beds the friction pressure drop is
preferred in this article. This classication relies more on usually negligible compared with the static pressure drop.
the physical basis of the measurement and nally one can P
distinguish between invasive and non-invasive measuring = g(L L + S S + G G ) + f:
In the present work, a review of a number of non-invasive (b) Uses of the mean pressure drop. The main use of pres-
and invasive measuring techniques is presented. In both sure measurements in such pieces of equipment is to deter-
cases (non-invasive and invasive) the techniques are mine gas, liquid and/or solid holdup (Joshi, Patil, Ranade, &
grouped according to the physical principle of the measure- Shah, 1990; Wild & Poncin, 1996) in such reactors. In case
ment. In the meantime, the characteristics of the techniques of three-phase reactors, the pressure drop measurement has
according to the rst classication (global or local, time to be combined with another technique to get all the phase
averaged or transient) are indicated as well as orders of holdups.
magnitude of the length and time resolution to be expected. In multiphase reactors, an exact description of the
Finally, some examples of the use of measuring techniques behaviour by CFD is usually still impossible and the design
with industrial constraint in the petrochemical and renery of these reactors usually relies on empirical correlations of a
industry are presented. number of characteristics of hydrodynamics, heat and mass
transfer. Usually such correlations are valid at the best for
a given
ow regime; dening ways to determine which is
2. Non-invasive techniques the
ow regime is therefore an important task. According
to Zahradnk et al. (1997), three main
ow regimes can be
There are numerous non-invasive techniques (Table 1) distinguished in bubble columns: homogeneous
ow, tran-
available to investigate hydrodynamics of gasliquid and sition
ow and established heterogeneous
ow; in case of
gasliquidsolid reactors. First, techniques yielding char- small diameter columns, plug
ow must be added. In gas
acteristics of the whole reactor or of a part of the reactor liquidsolid
uidisation, usually homogeneous
ow and het-
(global techniques) will be examined, the characteristics be- erogeneous
ow regime are considered. In trickle beds it
ing e.g. the pressure drop, the gas and/or liquid holdup, the is usual to distinguish trickling
ow regime (low interac-
ow regime, the bubble size distribution, the mixing char- tion) and dierent forms of high-interaction
ow regimes
acteristics of the gas, the liquid or the solid phase. In some, (pulsing
ow, bubble
ow, spray
ow, foamy
ow, etc.)
long-term averages are measured, in others
uctuations are (Saroha & Nigam, 1996). Time-averaged values of the pres-
analysed. Next, determination techniques of local character- sure drop or the phase holdups can be used to determine
istics will be presented (gas and liquid velocity, bubble or regime transitions but give very uncertain results. This tech-
particle size and position). Often, one single technique can nique has however been used in trickle beds (Purwasasmita,
yield more than one characteristic. 1985). The classic drift
ux analysis of Wallis (1969) (bub-
ble columns) and of Zuber and Findlay (1965) (airlift re-
2.1. Global techniques actors) are relatively easy to use and give fair precision for
ow regime transitions in these reactors (see e.g. Vial
2.1.1. Time-averaged pressure drop et al., 2000).
The pressure drop between two levels of a reactor is a very
important variable to know, either because the pressure drop 2.1.2. Measurement and analysis of signal
is important per se (design of the pumps and compressors), Analysing the
uctuations of a signal depending on the
or because it gives information on the holdup of the dierent hydrodynamics is a relatively direct way of determining the
phases or on the
ow regime.
ow regime in a multiphase reactor. This signal may be a
(a) Measuring technique. It is recommended to measure wall pressure (Matsui, 1984; Glasgow, Erickson, Lee, &
the pressure with sensors
ush to the wall; the price of piezo- Patel, 1984; Drahos & Cermak, 1989; Drahos, Zahradnk,
electric pressure sensors decreased in the last 10 years and Puncochar, Fialova, & Bradka, 1991; Drahos, Bradka, &
such equipment is now quite standard. Care must however Puncochar, 1992; Vial et al., 2000; Johnsson, Zijerveld,
be taken that no xed bed solid is directly in contact with the Schouten, van den Bleek, & Leckner, 2000; Kluytmans,
Table 1
Non-invasive techniques
bubbles can be observed reliably. A similar technique has niques may be found in Callaghan (1991). It is based on the
been used by Smith, Gamblin, and Newton (1995). determination voxel by voxel of the quantity of given nuclei
2D or 3D images of the multiphase
ow can be obtained (usually protons 1 H); radio-frequency pulses and magnetic
using tomographic techniques (based on radiography), either eld gradient pulses interact with the spins of the nuclei
time averaged or instantaneous. These techniques will be positioned in a static magnetic eld. Reviews on the appli-
considered separately in this article (see Section 2.2.4). cation in the elds of chemical engineering are proposed by
(c) Particle image velocimetry. This technique has be- Gladden (1994) or Chaouki et al. (1997). In the last years,
come quite classical for the determination of velocity elds some applications of this still quite expensive technique
in single-phase
ow. A laser sheet is used to illuminate a in the investigation of xed bed reactors have been found
well dened slice of the
uid containing seeding particles; in literature (Sederman, Johns, Bramley, Alexander, &
two or more pictures of the sheet are taken at short time Gladden, 1997; Sederman, Johns, Alexander, & Gladden,
intervals. The distances between the positions of seeding 1998; Sharma, Mantle, Gladden, & Winterbottom, 2001).
particles yield the instantaneous velocity eld of the liq-
uid. Dierent variants have been proposed: particle streak 2.2.2. Laser Doppler anemometry and derived techniques
velocimetry (long exposure), particle tracking velocimetry The principle and the main applications of LDA are well
(video recording of particle motion). known and well described, e.g. in the excellent review of
In recent years, a number of authors have used PIV in gas Chaouki et al. (1997): if there is a relative motion between
ow to determine either the liquid velocity eld or the a wave source (laser) and a wave receiver (seeding particle
bubble velocity and size, or both. Reviews on this subject of the liquid or bubble in the liquid), there is a shift of
may be found in Murai et al. (2000); Chaouki et al. (1997) wave frequency; this phenomenon is called the Doppler
or Reese, Mudde, Lee, and Fan (1996). The main problem is eect; measuring this frequency shift by using interference
to identify the particles between the dierent frames. Fig. 5 fringes gives access to the velocity. This technique has been
shows a
ow chart of a two-phase PIV system, as proposed applied to the determination of local velocities for some
by Reese et al. (1996). In order to discriminate the dierent time.
phases, a number of possibilities have been proposed: us- LDA yields well-localised values of velocity; the mea-
uorescent seeding particles for the liquid and ltering surements are very fast, allowing to determine velocity
the signals (e.g. Broder, Lan, & Sommerfeld, 2000). The tuations. The last years have seen the application of LDA to
same technique combined with refractive index matching the determination of liquid velocities (average values and
has been used by Northrup, Kulp, Angel, and Pinder (1993)
uctuations) in bubble columns with quite high gas through-
to determine interstitial velocity elds in a xed bed. It is puts (Mudde, Groen, & van den Akker, 1997; Becker,
also possible to use numerical techniques to exploit images De Bie, & Sweeney, 2000; Vial, Laine, Poncin, Midoux,
obtained with a single CDD camera as shown by Delnoij, & Wild, 2001a; Vial, Poncin, Wild, & Midoux, 2001b;
Kuipers, van Swaaij, and Westerweel (2000); the latter au- Joshi, 2001).
thors propose an original Ensemble correlation technique Fig. 6 shows the velocity signal obtained by Mudde et al.
to extract the relevant signals from the results obtained with (1998) as a function of time in a bubble column. In this g-
a CDD camera. Recently, PIV has been applied to conrm ure, one of the problems of the technique becomes apparent:
the predictions of velocity calculations in visco-elastic liq- during a part of the measuring time, the laser beams do not
uids around rising bubbles (Funfschilling & Li, 2001). reach the place where the liquid velocity is supposed to be
(d) NMR imaging. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measured, because bubbles interrupt the beam path. In Fig. 7
imaging has been widely used in the eld of medical imaging the RMS of the axial liquid velocity in a bubble column as
and is more and more frequently applied to chemical engi- measured by Vial et al. (2001a, b) is presented. The results
neering problems. The theoretical background of these tech- correspond to two dierent gas distributors.
Fig. 8. vG; USDA vL; LDA in the riser of an airlift reactor
(Bendjaballah-Lalaoui, 2000).
Needle probe Mainly gasliquid, but Gas holdup Low solid hold-up
gasliquidsolid also Bubble velocity Not adapted to wall
Bubble chord vicinity
distribution Adapted
(conductive liquid for ++ ++
impedance probes)
Size distribution Model required
Multiple tip probes:
Bubble shape reconstruction
Interfacial area
Heat transfer probe Mainly gasliquid, but Gas holdup Low solid holdup
gasliquidsolid also Liquid average velocity Liquid phase
Liquid RMS velocity homogeneous in temperature
Adapted signal ++ ++
analysis required
Not adapted to small
Ultrasound probe GL and GLS Low gas holdup
Attenuation Gas holdup or ( 20%) + +
technique interfacial area
Doppler Bubble diameter Spherical bubbles += +
technique or bubble velocity Small distance
Pitot tube GL and GLS Flow direction Moderate gas holdup
Pressure drop =+ =+
Liquid velocity
ration (
ow regime, size of dispersed particles). A very in- measuring techniques (Table 2) cannot be avoided; yet, this
teresting work has been done by Warsito, Ohkawa, Kawata, is particularly true for highly turbulent systems, due to two
and Uchida (1999) to combine the measurement of ultra- main reasons:
sonic wave attenuation and propagation velocity to detect
the solid and gas-phase fractions inside a slurry bubble col- In case of nearly industrial operating conditions (partic-
umn. An array of ultrasonic emitters and receivers disposed ular physico-chemical characteristics, opaque walls, high
in parallel conguration at the column wall is rotated all gas holdup, etc.), non-invasive techniques become inef-
around the column. As shown by these authors, at high fre- fective because of walls (as for image analysis technique),
quency the wave propagation velocity does not depend on bubble number density (as for laser Doppler anemometry
gas fraction. The solid fraction is therefore determined from or Particule Image Velocimetry), and non-stationary phe-
the ultrasonic propagation velocity and the gas fraction is nomena: non-invasive techniques usually oer discrete
obtained by interpreting the measurement of ultrasonic wave or time-averaged data, making thus statistical or spectral
attenuation. The authors obtained cross-section images of analysis impossible or cumbersome.
phase fractions using a reconstruction procedure performed non-invasive techniques are often not easy to apply and
with a ltered back projection algorithm. The results are are often quite expensive!
quite interesting but it must be kept in mind that this ap-
The main invasive methods for local measurements ap-
plication is limited to holdup fractions of dispersed phases
peared in the early 60s, before the development of exper-
(solid and gas) below 20%, since wave re
ections on gas
imental non-invasive hydrodynamic techniques: searchers
and solid interface rapidly generate a strong attenuation.
involved in experimental work observed quite early the in-
tense non-homogeneous and non-stationary characteristics
3. Invasive techniques of most gas/liquid
ows. In the 70s, non-stationary phenom-
ena analysis was conducted through invasive techniques de-
Although optical techniques and tomography are inten- velopment; Jones and Delhaye (1976) wrote one of the rst
sively developed for the analysis of bubble
ows, invasive reviews this topic, while Serizawa, Kataoka, and Mishigoshi
Fig. 11. Optical needle probe (RBI, 1996).
3.2.2. Measuring results velocity and its RMS
uctuations are calculated using Kings
(a) Gas-phase fraction. The rst step of signal treat- law.
ment consists in identication of all bubbles. Several authors Literature reports a few works dedicated to turbu-
applied triggers of the signal magnitude (Delhaye (1969), lent quantities measurements in bubble using hot lm
mentioned by Young et al., 1991; Resch & Leutheusser, anemometry:
1972; Resch, Leutheusser, & Alemu, 1974; Jones & Zuber, the time-averaged local values: the liquid velocity is in-
1978; Toral, 1981; Farrar, 1988; Samways and Bruun, 1992; tegrated over the cross-section and can be compared with
Farrar, Samways, Ali, & Bruun, 1995). the liquid
ow rate in the pilot (Serizawa et al., 1975;
It is in fact necessary to combine triggers in both mag- Utiger et al., 1999);
nitude and slope (Wang, Lee, Jones, & Lahey, 1990; Liu from RMS velocity
uctuations, turbulent quantities are
& Banko, 1993; Utiger et al., 1999) to recognise bubbles. evaluated and analysed (Serizawa (1974), mentioned by
Time-averaged gas holdup may then be evaluated at probe Jones & Delhaye, 1976; Lance & Bataille, 1983; Magaud,
location. The reliability of this holdup calculation has been 2000). Hogsett and Ishii (1997) even distinguish turbu-
proved in airwater medium by Utiger et al. (1999) using lence due to bubble and turbulence due to wall friction;
an independent validation technique (optic needle probe). by means of a double-sensor probe, two components
(b) Liquid-phase velocity. When the signal drops due of liquid velocity may be simultaneously determined.
to bubble passage have been removed, the remaining Reynolds shear stress can then be deduced (Lance &
part, which corresponds to measurement within the liq- Bataille, 1983; Menzel, In Der Weide, Staudacher, Wein,
uid phase, can be analysed. The time-average local liquid & Onken, 1990);
Fig. 17. Sample of hot lm probe output signal.
once parts due to bubbles have been eliminated from the Hot lm measurements errors arise from several factors:
signal, one can proceed to the auto-correlation function
ow disturbance due to probe, calibration curve uncertainty,
calculation, even if the remaining signal is not continu- signal treatment, signal amplication, signal interpretation
ous. This function is expected to point out a character- in turbulent
ow and in low velocity zones, and temperature
istic frequency corresponding to turbulence time scale non-uniformity. The last two points are the most dicult to
(Roig, Larrieu, & Suzanne, 1995). Turbulence and en- evaluate (Fingerson & Freymouth, 1983; Bruuns, 1995).
ergy dissipation power spectra may also be determined, Mass balance, when time-average local liquid velocities
in the same way as with single-phase
ow analysis are integrated over a cross-section, has been satised with
(Schugerl, 1982): an error of 10 21% by Young et al. (1991) and of less than
11% by Utiger et al. (1999).
Liquid velocity, however, is in
uenced by bubble rise Measurement accuracy is more dicult to estimate for
front and bubble drag. These specic velocity
uctuations turbulent parameters; but results are rather reproducable and
are ambiguous: some authors (Roig et al., 1998) think that Lance and Bataille (1983) state that the corresponding error
they are not representative for liquid
ow and that they is limited to 10%.
should not contribute to turbulent quantities evaluation.
These authors eliminate the corresponding parts from the
signal. 3.2.4. Similar or derived techniques
Many local techniques exist that are based on heat
transfer principles and are similar to hot lm anemometry
3.2.3. Technique limitations (Young et al., 1991; Bruuns, 1995). Most of them have
Hot lm anemometry can be applied with many media. been specically developed to answer the question of local
Caution must be taken because sensors are fragile: solid reverse
ows. Among them, heat pulse probes and split lm
particles with high momentum have to be avoided. What is probes are rather common.
more, the
ow studied has to be uniform in temperature. The same kind of probes can be derived using mass
Hot lm anemometry is not a very expensive technique instead of heat transfer: micro-electrodes rely on polaro-
and oers good measurement accuracy (0.1 to 0.2% for graphic technique using a redox system: the most frequent
rigorous experiments; this is as good as laser Doppler reaction is the oxidation of hexacyanoferrate II to hexa-
Anemometry) and a good signal-to-noise ratio. cyanoferrate III. The drawbacks are that the liquid must be a
No limitation in gas holdup has been notied in literature: conductive solution with relatively high support electrolyte
hot lm signals can be useful as long as bubbles can be concentrations, which may induce coalescence inhibition.
distinguished. Experiments on liquid and gas phase through This drawback can be overcome by using the reduction of
hot lm anemometry have been carried under some 20% gas dissolved oxygen on a silver or gold electrode, since this
holdup (Utiger et al., 1999). technique requires a less concentrated support electrolyte
25 r/R = -1
20 z=0.50m
z = 75 cm
gas hold-up (%)
z = 50 cm
z = 10 cm
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
r/R (-)
Fig. 18. Gas holdup (%) in an external loop airlift reactor (supercial gas velocity: 0:069 m=s) (Utiger et al., 1999).
(Pauli, Menzel, & Onken, 1989; Pauli, Onken, & propagation in a two-phase medium. These techniques can
Sobolk, 1991; Pannek, Pauli, & Onken, 1994). be divided into two types:
As with hot lm anemometry, the polarographic tech- Some use transmitted wave characteristics (attenuation):
niques needs a signal treatment to discriminate between bub- they lead to gas holdup or to time-averaged local interfacial
bles and liquid (Vial, 2000). This technique however allows area.
the investigation of mass transfer properties (Vial, 2000), Some (Doppler techniques, for instance) use characteris-
and also the measurement of hydrodynamic characteristics tics of the wave that re
ected by the bubble surface: magni-
such as liquid velocity and shear stress at the wall (Mitchell tude and frequency of re
ected wave are measured and lead
& Hanratty, 1966) or at the surface of a particle (Lesage, to bubble size or to bubble velocity.
2000), two-phase
ow properties (Souhar, 1982; Lati et Probes are similar for both kinds of technique. Transmit-
al., 1992,1994a, b; Rode et al., 1994; Magaud, 1999). As tance techniques need an emitting probe and a receiving
with thermal anemometry liquid
ow direction can be mea- one, both aiming at the measuring point; US Doppler probes
sured by using probes with three or more microelectrodes generally operate both as emitter and receiver.
(Pauli et al., 1989; Pauli et al., 1991; Pannek et al., 1994).
0.5 z=0.75m
z = 75 cm
Ul (m/s)
z = 50 cm
z =10 cm
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
r/R (-)
Fig. 19. Time-averaged liquid velocity (m/s) in an external loop airlift reactor (supercial gas velocity: 0:069 m=s) (Utiger et al., 1999).
8 ln(T ) 6
a= = ; (7)
SL(kdSM =2) dSM
where k = (2=c)f.
(b) Pulse echo technique. Gasliquid interfaces are ef-
fective ultrasound re
ectors because acoustic impedance is
Fig. 20. Detailed cross-section view of an ultrasound Doppler probe very dierent in a gas or in a liquid. To analyse re
(Broring, Fischer, Korte, Sollinger, & Lubbert, 1991).
wave characteristics, pulsed signals are often used (pulse
echo technique) to lter echo through their transit delays.
3.3.2. Principles and expected data Note that the shorter the pulses, the weaker the echo dis-
(a) Ultra-sound transmittance technique (UTT). When tortion due to the contribution of other parts of the bubble
emitting and receiving probes are separated by a two-phase (Stravs et al., 1987); thus pulse emission frequency ranges
ow, transmittance T is evaluated through the voltages A around 10 kHz.
and A0 measured at the receiver probe in the presence or
absence of bubbles, respectively. re
ected magnitude analysis:
T depends on: Focusing an acoustic beam towards a sphere holding at
a distance L from the probe (some 20 mm), one obtains
distance L between the two probes,
a bell shape prole for the echos acoustic magnitude R
bubble size,
(Fig. 21):
bubble projected surface,
On this graph, x co-ordinate stands for the radial position
ultra-sound wave characteristics (frequency f, celerity c
of bubble centre apart from acoustic propagation axis.
in liquid medium).
Probe-bubble distance being known through US pulse mi-
A recent measuring device was developed and used gration time, one can evaluate the size of a bubble hit at
by Bensler (1990) and Boyer (1996). It diers from pre- x = 0 by analysing this prole.
3.3.3. Ultrasound techniques limitations
Generally speaking, ultrasound techniques allow instan-
taneous measurement of only one characteristic of the dis-
persed phase at a time; furthermore, they are ineective
under high gas holdup conditions (more than 20%), be-
cause the acoustic signal is lost due to repeated re
(Broring et al., 1991).
Bubble size evaluation method (Pulse Echo Technique)
can be partially extended to non-spherical bubbles but, in the
case of ellipsoidal bubbles for instance, this leads to a 20%
error in regard with photographic technique measurements
(Stravs et al., 1987).
Note that US Doppler technique is drastically in
enced by probe orientation in
ow. Furthermore, when a
non-focused acoustic beam is used, spatial resolution and
signal-to-noise ratio become very poor as distance from
probe increases. According to Bouillard et al. (2001), this
technique is intrinsically less precise than Laser Doppler
Anemometry, but also much cheaper.
Fig. 24. Examples of bed porosity measurement (a); gas fraction measurement (b) and liquid retention measurement (c) inside real catalyst bed of 40
and 60 cm in diameter.
ow rate from the liquid level, the total pressure drop and
the valve opening section. Fig. 27 shows a typical
ow map
obtained with the collecting device with a bad initial liquid
distribution. The spatial resolution is limited because of the
technical complexity and because the diameter of the col-
lecting lines must be large enough to avoid any disturbing
pressure drop. Since this equipment is placed at the bed out-
let, when the liquid distribution has to be measured at dif-
ferent levels it is necessary to vary the catalyst bed height
inside the column.
Log (VB )
0.40 y = -1.1525x + 1.634
0.30 R = 0.9921
Tm t 0.10
Tb 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40
Log ( Tm )
Fig. 28. Measurement principle of the bubble velocity with a single optical probe.
between the phases across the bed. To achieve this objective, The gas-phase
ow conguration: it is necessary to char-
a single optical probe technique has been adapted to detect acterise the gas holdup and gas mass
ux proles along
the bubble size inside a trickle bed in bubble
ow cong- the reactor axis and radius.
uration. The probe is an optical probe as described in the
Concerning the gas
ow, the gas holdup and gas ve-
Section 3.1 The measuring principle developed by Cartellier
locity proles are measured using optical probes with a
(1992) consists here in correlating the bubble velocity with
sapphire sensing tip. These probes can be used with solid
the drying time of the probe sensing tip when the bubble
concentrations up to 10%. For higher solid concentrations,
cross it (see Fig. 28). Once knowing the bubble velocity and
the liquid/solid mixture is simulated by using a liquid of
the residence time of a bubble on the probe, it is very simple
same viscosity and same surface tension. The probe used
to determine the bubble chord length. This technique needs
and the signal analysis have been already described in Sec-
a calibration procedure for each probe and gasliquid sys-
tion 3.1 of this paper. The typical proles obtained in a gas
tem used, but only one probe is necessary to determine both
liquid bubble column are described in detail in Schweitzer,
velocity and bubble size. As shown in the previous section,
Bayle, and Gauthier (2001). These gas holdup proles are
it should be noted that this measurement is very sensitive
shown to be close to those measured in gas/solid
to the angle between bubble direction and probe axis. As a
beds with other optical probes that detect the gas holdup by
consequence, to be used inside the bed, a protecting grid has
measuring the light re
ected on bubble interface (the sens-
to be included around the probe to create a clean measur-
ing tip does not pierce the bubble).
ing volume and control locally the
ow. This grid has been
To detect the total average gas and solid holdups, a dy-
tested inside and outside a catalyst bed (Boyer & Cartellier,
namic measurement of pressure drop is performed at the
1999). The results show that the grid creates locally a small
stop of the unit (Dynamic Gas Disengagement). The gas
gas channeling, but there is no bubble coalescence across
ow is suddenly interrupted: there is rst a disengagement
the grid and the bubble velocity and size measured are sim-
of gas bubbles and then the solid particles settle gently. By
ilar to those measured at the bed outlet. These tests have to
measuring the dierent pressure levels after each step it is
be performed under other
ow conditions to complete the
possible to determine the gas and solid fraction, knowing
probe validation but this technique looks very promising.
the liquid and solid density. Fig. 29 shows an example of
pressure measurement during the disengagement procedure.
4.2. Slurry bubble reactor
This type of measurement gives precise and robust results
but it only provides a global information of the phase frac-
In this second type of multiphase
ow reactor used in
tion over the whole reactor volume and no time-dependant
the petrochemical area, the reaction takes place in the liquid
information can be obtained.
phase and the gas reactant
ows through the liquid phase
In order to determine the liquid-phase agitation, two
from bottom to the top of the reactor. The catalyst support
dierent kinds of local probes have been used in gas
is a solid powder dispersed within the liquid phase. In this
ow conguration with a liquid of same viscosity
type of reactor, several hydrodynamic problems have to be
and surface tension as the liquid/solid mixture. The rst
solved in order to achieve good conversion performance.
ones are used to measure the overall residence time dis-
The main characteristics to be determined are:
tribution by local detection of a tracer concentration for
The liquid-phase agitation: the liquid phase has to be ho- determining both axial and radial diusion coecients. The
mogeneously mixed, but with moderate liquid local ve- second ones are used to measure the local values of liquid
locities to avoid the catalyst phase deterioration. velocity.
Solid phase settling
Gas disengagement
130 Separating wall
!P in mbar
900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900
Time in sec !P
n= : (8)
With these probes it is possible to locally detect the tracer
concentration at dierent positions directly inside the reactor
without taking account of a sampling line transit time. Since
the signal is an optical wave, the response time can be as
by liquid
low as 0:1 ms. This kind of probe can be used with dierent
Optical kinds of liquids (hydrocarbon
uids or aqueous solutions),
fiber provided the liquid refractive index ranges from 1.3 to 1.5.
In a gas/liquid
ow conguration, the probes can be used
unless the measuring cavity is totally dried by the gas.
Finally, for the measurement of the local liquid velocity, a
modied Pitot probe has been developed. This probe is com-
posed of a single tube separated in two dierent sections.
Fig. 30. Geometry of the probe for refractive index measurement. Two holes are perforated following axis at 90 , one in each
tube section (Fig. 31). The two tube sections are connected
to a dierential pressure drop measurement device. When
The axial and radial diusion coecients are determined the liquid
ow direction is well known, one hole is oriented
for dierent values of solid concentration and gas
ow rate face to the
ow and the second hole is oriented tangentially
by performing a residence time analysis at dierent lev- to the
ow direction. As said in Section 3.4, the liquid veloc-
els in the slurry bubble column (see Section 2.1.4). The ity can then be deduced from the pressure dierence value,
tracer used is a liquid with a refractive index dierent from once the liquid density is known. When the liquid
ow di-
that of the liquid used. The tracer is injected into the con- rection is not known, the measuring tube can be rotated and
tinuous liquid phase and its concentration is measured by by analysing the pressure drop signals at dierent angular
detecting the liquid refractive index with local specic opti- position it is possible to determine the liquid
ow direction
cal probes (Graindorge, Laloux, Girault, Martin, & Lefevre, and velocity. This type of probe can be used in gas/liquid
1996). These probes have a very thin sensing tip that in-
ow conditions if the liquid phase remains the continuous
cludes a cavity crossed by the liquid phase and delimited by phase. The problem to overcome is to ensure that no gas
two walls (see Fig. 30). A white light beam is sent through bubble is present in the measuring tube by injecting a liquid
an optical bre to this cavity. The rst wall re
ects approx-
ow through the pressure lines before each measurement
imately 30% of the light signal and the second wall re
ects (see Section 3.4). This technique is robust and simple to im-
the other fraction of light that has crossed the liquid phase. plement but the measuring tube remains intrusive and must
By analysing the power spectrum of the resulting light it be quite rigid to ensure that the pressure measurements are
is possible to detect the wavelength corresponding to the not perturbed by the tube
uctuations. This modied Pavlov
tube has been used by Hills (1974) and by Vial (2000) in Bensler, H.P. (1990). Determination de laire interfaciale, du taux de
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