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(19) World Intellectual Property


International Buremi (10) International Publication Number

(43) International Publication Date
26 July 2010 (26 07 2010) I 1 P Cl P C T
WO 201S/13475S A2

(51) International Patent Classification: (71) Applicant: ATLAS COPCO AIRPOWER, NAAM-
BOJD 46lpd( OOC.Oi) B/JJD46l42 ( OOC Oi) I.OZE VENNOOTSCHAP (BE/BEE Boomsesteenweg
BOJD 46/24 (2006.01) BOJD 5/JZO/J ( 006 01) 957, 2610 Wilriik (BE)
(21) International Application Number: (72) Inventors: NIARTENS, Kristof Adrien L; c/n Atlas Cop-
PCT/IB2018/050309 en Aupnwer, naamioze vennootschap, Boomseiteenweg
957, 2610 Wjjrijk (BE) LAURENT, Steven Maurits R;
(22) International lziling Date:
c/n Atlas Copco Aiipnv er, naamioze vennontschap, Bnnni-
18 Januin3 2018 (18.01.2018)
iesteenweg 957, 2610 Wdrijk (BE) ADRIAENSSENS,
(25) lriling I.anguagc: Dutch Walter Josee L; cin Atlas Cnpcn Airpnwer, naamlnze ven-
nootschap, 13oomscstccmvcg 957, 2610 Wilri)k (13E).
(26) Publication I.miguage: En lish
(74) Agent: VAN VARENBFRG, Patrick et alq Aren-
(30) Priority Data: bcrgsiraat 13, 2000 AutwcrPcn (13E).
62/449,287 23 Jaimary 2017 (23.01.2017) US
201 7/5 741 16 October 2017 (16 10.2017) 13E (81) Designated States iimirsl vdirrwise indiraird, for rvmy
kind of naii anni prvic& Iivn avai inbir/. AE, ACi, AL, AM,
AO, AT, AU, AZ, 13A, 13B, Bfi, Bl1, 13N, BR, 13W, BY, 13Z,


120 (57) Abstract: A liquid . cparatnr comprising a vessel (2) with an inlet (3) lor a liquid/gas mixture, whcrcby this lmsscl (2) dcfiucs a
space (4) which at thc top is closed by means of a cover (S), whcrcby thc liquid separator (1) is provided v ith mi outlet (6) Cor trcatcd
I gai, wilcl'cbv ul Iili'lf(11'clilclltloilcd sPacc (4) a shlckl (8) u Pmlvkicd iliat cxtcluls al'calid Ihc a(bi'cnlciuullicd olulct
(6) anil which
composes a bottom wall (10) with nnc or morc uilct opcnuigs (11), whcrcby a chamber is dctincd (12) by thc siucld (8), thc botuim
wall (10) and thc cover (5), wimrcby ui ihc tiuis foimcd chamber (12) at lcmt onc tilter clcnmnt (13) is provided that cxtmids Crom thc
(2(5 botuim wall (10) around Ihc uilct opciung (11), such diai bciwccn thc shwid (8) and Ihc iiltcr clmncnt (13) an outlet zone (15) is dctincd
which is ui connection with tlm aformncntioncd outlet (6), charactcnscd ui that in thc aforcnmnuoncd cover ( S) a small rmnovablc cover
(16) is provided above cack lilmr clcmcnt (13).

/C&niii micd &ln nevi page/

%'0 2018/13475S A2 illlllliilliliiilllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllIlIlIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
DL, f&C.', I',, IKi, I', kl, Cipb CiD, (ilb Cill, CiM, (iT, I IN,
f IR, f IU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, Kl', K(i, KI I, KN, KP,

KR, KW, KL, LA, LC.', LK, LR, Li, LU, LY, MA, Ml), Ml',
MCi, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, ML, NA, N(i, NI, NO, NZ,
OM, PA, Pf&, P(i, PII, PL, PT, OA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA,
SC', SD, Sl:, SCi, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TII, TJ, TM, TN,
TR, TT, TL, UA, U(&, US, VZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
(84) Desiglrated States (unless ntller&i'ise Indlcilted,fi&r e&i'rv
hind r&('rug&one(prrucctirnr inaiinbic) ARIPO(13W, Cill,
CiM, KI&, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SL, TZ,
UCi, ZM, ZW), I:nrasian (AM, AL, 13Y, KCi, KI., RU, TJ,
TM), I:uropean (AL, AT, 131&, 13(i, C.'ll, CY, CZ, DIL DK,
I I ', I 'S, PI, IR, Cil3, CiR, I IR, I IV, I I:, LS, IT, LT, LU, LV,

MC', MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, Sii, SI, SK, SM,
TR), OAPI (13P, 13J, C.'P, C.'Ci, C.'I, C.'M, CiA, (iN, CIO, CiW,
KM, ML, MR, Nf&, SN, TD, T(i).

Declarationa under Rule 4.17:

us ro upplicanr's entitle&nant ro appi) ibr arel be granted a
patenr (Rule 4.I 7(ir)7
ofinvenrnrshrp (Rule 4.(7(rv)7
&vithi&ut inter nunonal seurch report arid ro be republislied
upi&a receipt of thar repi&r r (Rule 48.2(g))
WO 2010/134750 PCT/1$ 2010/030309

Liquid separator with improved filter service access and

dedicated filter service replacement tool.

5 The present invention relates to a liquid separator.

The invention more specifically relates to a liquid

separator comprising a vessel with an inlet for a
liquid)gas mixture, whereby this vessel defines a space
10 which at the top is closed by means of a cover, whereby the
liquid separator is provided with an outlet for treated
gas, whereby in the aforementioned space a shield is
provided which extends around the aforementioned outlet
whereby inside the shield a filter element is provided,
15 such that an outlet zone is defined between the shield and
the filter element.

It is known that a filter

element is a heavy and bulky part
that is not easy to take out when saturated with oil.
Liquid separators are already known whereby the filter
element is replaced by different separate filter elements
in a modular setup.

25 Consequently, the separate filter elements are smaller and

lighter, such that they are easier to take out, even when
saturated with oil.

Gne such modular type of liquid separator is described in

30 the international patent application Wa 2015/048860,
whereby the shield is provided with a bottom wall with one
WO 2018/134758 POT/IB2018/050309

or more inlet openings, whereby filter elements by means of

snap on connections can be mounted on the bottom wall,
above an inlet. opening.

5 These known installations have the disadvantage that

replacing the filter elements requires removing and opening
the cover. That cover is a heavy part and different
connections need to be disconnected before it can be
These connections concern, inter alia but not restricted to
this, the outlet for treated gas, a blow-off line, the pipe
to discharge separated liquid, a tube to measure the
differential pressure, etc.
The consequence is that taking out and changing a filter
element istime-consuming and difficult job as all
connections first need to be disconnected and correctly
rnstalled again afterward.
F'urthermore, during this whole time the machine, in which
the liquid separator is used, is not available.

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a

25 solution to at least one of the aforementioned and other

The object of the present invention is a liquid separator

comprising a vessel with an inlet for a liquid/gas mixture,
30 whereby this vessel defines a space which at the top is
closed by means of a cover, whereby the liquid separator is
WO 2018/134758 POT/IB2018/050309

provided with an outlet for treated gas, whereby rn the

aforementioned space a shield is provided that extends
around the aforementioned outlet and which comprises a
bottom wall with one or more inlet openings, whereby
5 chamber is defined by the shield, the bottom wall and the
cover, whereby in the thus formed chamber at least one
filter element is provided that extends from the bottom
wall around the inlet opening, such that between the shield
and the filter element an outlet zone is defined which is
10 in connection with the aforementioned outlet, characterised
in that in the aforementioned cover a small removable cover
is provided above each filter element.

This provides the advantage that taking out and(or

15 replacing a filter element will not only be easier, but
much quicker too.

Not only does the big, heavy cover of the vessel no longer
have to be removed, only the small removable cover does,
20 none of the connections of the cover have to be
disconnected and reconnected afterwards, as these
connections are located in the cover of the vessel and this
cover does not have to be removed.

25 Another advantage is that there is no risk of an incorrect

reconnection of the connections, resulting in any problems,
malfunctions or even failures and defects.

Preferably the filter

element is provided with a cap or
30 cover element at the top, whereby on this cap or cover
element an elevation is provided, whereby a cut-away is
WO 2018/134758 POT/IB2018/050309

provided in the elevation that can be opened with a tool

provided with a detailing with a form that is complementary
to the cut-away.

5 The advantage of such embodiment is that by means of the

tool, the filter element can be very easily taken out of
the liquid separator, by letting the tool, by means of the
detailing, co-operate with the cut-away to thus lift the
filter element out of the liquid separator.
In a preferred embodiment the small removable cover is
provided at the bottom with a cavity that is complementary
to the elevation of the aforementioned cap.

15 /1n advantage of this is that consequently a check of the

position of the filter element is incorporated, as the
small removable cover can only be placed if the filter
element is correctly oriented. Without a correct angular
orientation, the elevation will not fit in the cavity, such
20 that the small removable cover cannot be attached to the
cover of the vessel.

Furthermore, the filter element will not be able to twist

when the small removable cover is mounted.
The invention also relates to a tool to service a liquid
separator according to the invention characterised in that
the tool is provided with a detailing with a form that is
complementary to the cut-away in the cap or the cover
30 element of the filter element.
WO 2010/134750 POT/IB2010/050309

Using such tool the filter elements can be taken out of the
liquid separator.

With the i.ntention of better showing the characteristics of

5 the invention, a few preferred embodiments of a liquid
separator according to the invention and a tool to service
such liquid separator are described hereinafter by way of
an example without any limiting nature, with reference to
the accompanying drawings, wherein:
frgure schematically shows a perspective view of a

liquid separator according to the invention;

figure 2 shows the cross-section according to the line
II-ZI of figure 1/
15 figure 3 shows an alternative embodiment of figure 1;
figure 0 shows the cross-section according to the line
ZV-IV of figure 3;
figures 5 to 8 show different views of a number of
parts of a liquid separator according to the
20 invention.

The liquid separator schematically figure 1 shown in

comprises a vessel 2 with an i.nlet 3 for a liquid(gas
mixture, such as for example, but not necessary for the
25 invent.ion, compressed air and oil coming from an oil-
injected compressor.

The vessel 2 defines a space 4 which at the top is closed

by means of a cover 5.
WO 2/118/134758 POT/IB2018/050309

An outlethas also been provided for treated gas. In the


example of frgure 1 and 2 this outlet 6 is provided in the

cover 5, but this is not necessary for the invention.

5 In the embodiment of figures 3 and 4 the outlet 6 is

provided in the sidewall 7 of the vessel 2. It is not
excluded that in this embodiment the outlet 6 is provided
in the cover 5, such as in figures 1 and 2.

10 In the aforementioned space 4 a shield 8 is provided that

extends around the aforementioned outlet 6.

To this end the is provided with a collar or

shield 8

flange 9 in both embodiments. In figures 1 and 2 this

15 collar and flange 9 are attached at the level of the cover
5, such that the shield 8 extends from the aforementioned
cover 5, and in figures 3 and 4 this collar or flange 9 is
attached to the sidewall of the vessel.

20 In this way it is possible to ensure that the shield 8

extends around the outlet. 6 in both embodiments.

The shield 8 is provided with a bottom wall 10 with one or

more inlet openings 11.
In this case, but not necessarily, the bottom wall 10 is an
integral part of the shield 8. This is essentially to
simplify the production of the liquid separator 1.

30 The shield the bottom wall

8, 10 and the cover define a

chamber 12. Because the shield 8 extends around the outlet

WO 2010/134750 POT/IB2010/050309

6, the chamber 12 will be in connection with the outlet 6.

However, this chamber 12 is not directly in connection with
the inlet 3.

5 At least one filter element 13 is located in this chamber

12 that extends from the bottom wall 10 around an rnlet
opening 11.

In the shown embodiments four filter elements 13 are

10 provided, each with an accompanying inlet opening 11.
However, it is also possible only two or three filter
elements 13 are provided or more than four, e.g. 5, 6, 7 or

15 Every filter element 13 is provided wrth a filter 14 made

of a surtable filter material.

As is clearly visible in the figures, an outlet zone 15 is

defined between the shield 8 and the filter elements 13
20 which is in connection with the aforementioned outlet 6.

According to the invention a small removable cover 16 is

provided above each filter element 13 in the aforementioned
cover 5.
Four such small removable covers 16 are provided in the
shown examples.

These small removable covers 16 can be screwed on the cover

30 5 using one or more bolts, screws or the like.
WO 2/118/134758 POT/IB2018/050309

However, this is not necessary for the invention. These

small removable covers 16 can also be attached to the cover
5 using other attachment means, as long as these attachment

means allow the small removable cover 16 to be loosened

5 again.

As there are several filter elements 13 in the shown

examples, in this case four, a corresponding small
removable cover 16 rs provided for each filter element 13.
According to a preferred embodiment, as shown in figure 5,
the filter element 13 is provided with a cap 17 or cover
element at the top, whereby on this cap 17 or cover element
an elevation 18 is provided, whereby a cut-away 19 is
15 provided in the elevation 18 that can work with a tool 20
provided with a detailing 20a with a form complementary to
the cut-away 19.

Such cap 17 is applicable both in the embodiment of figures

20 1 and 2 and in the embodiment of figures 3 and

The aforementioned tool 20 is also shown in figure 5, and

shows that the tool 20 is provided with a detailing 20a
with a form that is complementary to the cut-away 19 in the
25 cap 17 or cover element of the filter element 13.

Using the tool 20, a filter element 13 can be taken out of

the liquid separator 1, by letting the detailing 20a work
with the cut-aways 19 in the elevation 18 of the cap 17 of
30 the filter element 13.
WO 2/118/134758 POT/IB2018/050309

The elevation 18 can be done in different ways. In order to

obtain the lightest possible filter element 13, the
elevation 18 in figure 5 is formed by a 0-shaped profile 21
with a bottom 22 and two upright arms 23, which are
5 attached to the cap 17 with the free ends of the upright
arms 23.

As is visible in figure the cut-away 19 in the bottom is

made in the form of arcs 24. In this case, but not
10 necessarily, the arcs 24 have the same centre.

As shown the tool 20 comprises a hollow

in figure 5,
tubular part 25, whereby the circular edge 26 of the
tubular part 25 is provided with at least one arch-shaped
15 extension 27 in the axial direction, whereby this extension
27 is provided with at least one notch 28 in the axial edge
of the extension 27, whereby the notch 28 extends in the
circumferential direction of the tubular part 25.

20 Because the arcs 24 have the same centre, the rotation of

the tool 20 means the tool 20 will be able to couple with
the cap 17 as it were whereby the extension 27 will be able
grip with its notch 28 in the arcs 24. By subsequently
moving the tool 20 axially away from the liquid separator
25 1, the 'coupled'ilter element 13 will be taken out of the
liquid separator l.

In a preferred embodiment, as shown in figures 6 and 7, the

small removable covers 16 at the bottom are provided with a
30 cavity 29 which is complementary to the elevation 18 of the
cap 17.
WO 2010/134750 POT/IB2010/050309


Figure 6 shows a bottom view of the cover 5 on which the

small removable covers 16 are mounted, whereby the
aforementioned cavities 29 are clearly visible.

Figure 7 shows a cross-section of t.he cover 5 of the vessel

2 with the filter elements, which shows how the cavities 29

fit over the elevations 18.

10 As already mentioned, such cavity 29 will guarantee a
correct positioning of the filter element 13. After all, if
the filter element 13 is not fitted against the bottom wall
10 of the shield 8 or is incorrectly oriented, the cavity
29 will not fit over the elevation 18 of the cap 17 and the
15 small removable cover 16 cannot be attached to the cover 5
of the vessel 2.

The operati.on of the installation 1 is simple and as

When liquid/gas mixture goes via the inlet 6 in the
vessel 5, there is a pre-separation of liquid in a first

25 The cyclonic flow of the liquid/gas mixture between the

sidewall 7 of the vessel 2 and the shield 8 inside the
vessel 2 in the space 4 means the heavier liquid particles
are slung to the sidewall 7 of the vessel 2 and they
collect at the bottom of the vessel 2.
In the next phase the mixture flows through the inlet
WO 2010/134750 POT/IB2010/050309

opening ll in the bottom wall 10 of the shield 8 through

the filter element 13 and thus ends up in the outlet zone

5 When the mixture goes through the filter 14, the next
separation phase takes place.

The treated gas in the outlet zone 15 leaves the vessel 2

via the outlet 6.

The liquid that is filtered by the filter element 13 is
collected at the bottom in the chamber 12 and discharged.

It is possible that the shield is fitted with an


15 integrat.ed discharge pipe, to remove the liquid that is

separated by the filter elements 13 which collected on the
bottom wall 10 from the liquid separator 1.

By integrating this discharge pipe in the shield 8 itself,

20 instead of providing a separate discharge pipe, the liquid
separator 1 will be a lot more robust.

It is not excluded that other detachable orremovable parts

of the liquid separator 1 are provided with the cut-sways
25 19 as those provided on the cap 17 of the filter elements

E.g. thermostatic valves and the like. Bolts and screws can
be provided with the same cut-sways 19 instead of the
30 traditional hexagonal or cross-shaped cut-away.
WO 2/118/134758 POT/IB2018/050309


This means the parts can be loosened, twisted, removed or

replaced using the same tool 20.

It is not excluded either that the liquid separator 1 is

5 part of a compressor installatron comprisrng at least one
compressor element to compress a gas, whereby one or more
detachable or removable parts of the compressor
installation are provided with the aforementioned cut-away

Because of this the tool 20 can also be used to loosen,

twist, remove or replace these parts.

The aforementioned parts may concern oil filters or covers

15 of thermostats for example.

It isalso possible that in a further simplified

embodiment, the vessel 2 and the cover 5 form one whole, in
other words that the cover 5 of the vessel 2 is not
20 removable. That results in a fully enclosed vessel 2, for
example whereby the shield 8 is fixed in the vessel 2. That
results in a cheaper assembly of the liquid separator 1.

It is also possible that connection means are provided to

25 attach the filter elements 13 to the bottom wall 10.

These connection means can comprise a snap-on connection,

for example. This snap-on connection gives tactile feedback
in case of correct installation when mounting the filter
30 element 13.
WO 2010/134750 POT/IB2010/050309


Preferably such connection means consist of two co-

operating parts, whereby one part is provided on the bottom
wall 10 and the other part on the filter element 13 itself.

5 In this way the connection means can consist of a female

and a male part for example.

Although in the previous embodiments the cap 17 is provided

in an elevation 18 on the cap 17, it is not excluded that
10 the filter element 13 is fitted with a cap 17 or cover
element at the top, whereby this cap 17 or cover element is
provided with a double wall, whereby in the double wall a
cut-away 19 is provided that can be opened with a tool 20
that is provided with a detailing 20a with a form that is
15 complementary to the cut-away 19.

In this case the removable cover 16 will not be provided

with a cavity 29 at the bottom.

20 In figure 8 a variant embodiment is shown of a removable

cover 16, whereby on the
cover 16 a marking 30 or
indication is applied which shows whether there is a filter
element 13 under the cover 16.

25 The liquid separator 1 with different filter elements 13 as

shown in figures 1 and 2 is a modular system. This means it
is possible that not all openings 11 are filled with a
filter element 13, depending on the application in which
the liquid separator 1 is applied, in particular of the
30 flow or the air speeds through the liquid separator 1.
WO 2018/124758 POT/IB2018/050309

The unused openings 1 can be closed, for example with a

plug or the like.

That is why on the removable covers 16 the marking 30

5 indicates whether a filter element 13 is fitted under the
cover 16 in question, such that, when you want to replace
or take out the filter elements 13, only the covers 16 are
opened whereby it is indicated that a filter element 13 is
effectively fitted.
This means it is
possible to avoid that all covers 16 need
to be removed, such that the time required to take out or
replace the filter elements 13 is as short as possible.

15 The present invention is by no means limited to the

embodiments described as an example and shown in the
figures, but a liquid separator according to the invention
and tools to service such liquid separator can be realised
in all kinds of forms and dimensions, without departing
20 from the scope of the invention.
WO 2010/134750 PCT/1$ 2010/030309



1. —
liquid separator comprising a vessel (2) with an

5 inlet (3) for a liquid/gas mixture, whereby this vessel

(2)defines a space (4) which at the top is closed by means
of a cover (5), whereby the liquid separator (1) is fitted
with an outlet (6) for treated gas, whereby in the
aforementioned space (4) a shield (8) is provided that
10 extends around the aforementioned outlet (6) and which
comprises a bottom wall (10) with one or more inlet
openings (11), whereby a chamber is defined (12) by the
shield (8), the bottom wall (10) and the cover (5), whereby
in the thus fozmed chamber (12) at least one filter element
15 (13) is provided that extends from the bottom wall (10)
around the inlet opening (ll), such that between the shield
(8) and the filter element (13) an outlet zone (15) is
defined which is in connection with the aforementioned
outlet (6), characterised in thai in the aforementioned
20 cover (5) a small removable cover (16) is provided above
each filter element (13)

2. Liquid separator according to claim 1, characterised in

that the outlet (6) is provided in the covez (5) and that
25 the shield (8) extends from the aforementioned cover (5)

3. —
separator according to claim 1 or 2,
characterised in that the small removable covez (16) is
attached to the cover (5) using attachment means, whereby
30 the attachment means allow the small removable cover (16)
to be loosened again.
WO 2010/134750 PCT/1$ 2010/050309

4. Liquid separator according to claim 3, characterised in

that the attachment means comprise one or more bolts, or

screws or the like.

5. Liquid separator according to any one of the previous

claims, chazacterised in that several filter elements (13)

are provided, whereby foz each filter element (13) a
corresponding small removable cover (16) is provided.
6. Liquid separator according to any one of the previous

claims, characterised in that the vessel (2) and the cover

(5) form one whole.

15 7. Liquid separator according to any one of the previous

claims, characterised in that the bottom wall (10) is an

zntegral part of the shield (8).

8. Liquid separator according to any one of the pzevious

20 claims, characterised in that the filter element (13) is

fitted with a cap (17) or cover element at the top, whereby
on this cap (17) or cover element an elevation (18) is
provided, whereby in the elevation (18) a cut.-away (19) is
provided that can be opened with a tool (20) that is fitted
25 with a detailing (20a) with a form that is complementary to
the cut-away (19)

9. Liquid separator according to claim 8, characterised in

that the elevation (18) is formed by a U-shaped profile

30 (21) with a bottom (22) and two upright arms (23), which is
WO 2(11()/13475() POT/IB2018/050309


attached to the cap (17) with the free ends of the upright
arms (23) .

10. Liquid separator according to any one of the previous

5 claims 7 to 8, characterised in that the small removable

cover (16) on the bottom is provided with a cavity (29)
which is complementary to the elevation (18) of the cap
(17) .

10 11. Liquid separator according to any one of the pzevious

claims 1 to 7, characterised in that the filter element

(13) is fitted with a cap (17) oz cover element at the top,
whereby this cap (17) or cover element is provided with a
double wall, whereby in the double wall a cut-away (19) is
15 provided that can be opened with a tool (20) that is
provided with a detailing (20a) with a form that is
complementary to the cut-away (19).

12- Liquid separator according to any one of the claims 8

20 to 11, characterised in that the cut-away (19) in the
bottom (22) is made in the form of arcs (24)

13. Liquid separator according to claim 12, characterised

in that the arcs (24) have the same centre.

14. Liquid separator according to any one of the previous

claims 8 to 13, characterised in that other detachable or

removable parts of the liquid separator (1) aze provided
with the aforementioned cut-away (19).
WO 2010/134750 PCT/1$ 2010/030309


15. Liquid separator according to any one of the previous

claims, characterised in that connection means are provided

to attach the filter element (13) to the bottom wall (10)
of the shield (8).

16. Liquid separator according to claim 15, characterised

in that the aforementioned connectzon means consist of two

co-operating parts, whereby one part is provided on the
bottom wall (10) and the other part on the filter element
10 (13) .

17. Liquid separator according to any one of the prevzous

claims, characterised in that the shield (8) is provided

with an integrated discharge pipe.
18. Tool to service a liquid separator according

to any
one of the previous claims 8 to 14, characterised rn that
the tool (20) is provided with a detailing (20a) with a
form that is complementary to the cut-away (19) in the cap
20 (17) or cover element of the filter element (13)

19. Tool according to claim 18, characterised in that the

tool (20) compzises a hollow tubular part (25), whereby the

circular edge (26) of the tubular part (25) is provided
25 with at lea.st one arch-shaped extenszon (27) in the axial
direction, whereby this extension (27) is provided with at
least one notch (28) in the axial edge of the extension
(27), whereby the notch (28) extends in the circumferential
direction of the tubular part 25).
WO 2010/134750 PCT/1$ 2010/030309

20. Compressor installation, comprising at least one

compressor element to compress a gas, charact.erised in that

the compressor installation is provided with a liquid
separator (1) according to any one of the previous claims 8
5 to 14 and that one or several detachable or removable parts
of the compressor installation are provided with the
aforementioned cut-away (19).
WO 2018/134758 PCT/1$ 2018/050309
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WO 2018/134758 PCT/1$ 2018/050309


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