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(11) EP 1 788 317 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: F24F 3/16 (2006.01) F24F 7/08 (2006.01)
05.10.2016 Bulletin 2016/40 F24F 12/00 (2006.01)

(21) Application number: 06015596.7

(22) Date of filing: 26.07.2006

(54) Air conditioning system

Conditionneur d’air

(84) Designated Contracting States: • Park, Jong Hoon

AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB GR Changwon-si, Kyungsangnam-do, 641-711 (KR)
SK TR Pusan-si
Gyeongsangnam-do (KR)
(30) Priority: 21.11.2005 KR 20050111142 • Bang, Ki Suk
06.12.2005 KR 20050117820 Pusan-si
Gyeongsangnam-do (KR)
(43) Date of publication of application:
23.05.2007 Bulletin 2007/21 (74) Representative: Ter Meer Steinmeister & Partner
Patentanwälte mbB
(73) Proprietor: LG Electronics Inc. Nymphenburger Straße 4
Seoul 07336 (KR) 80335 München (DE)

(72) Inventors: (56) References cited:

• Song, Chang Hyun EP-A1- 1 559 963 EP-A1- 1 559 964
Pusan-si DE-A1- 10 109 753 GB-A- 1 271 205
Gyeongsangnam-do (KR) JP-A- 5 106 883 JP-A- 5 106 884
• Lee, Ho Beom JP-A- 2002 206 778 US-A- 5 358 444
Jangyoo-myun, Kimhae-si US-A1- 2002 072 322 US-A1- 2004 139 712
Gyeongsangnam-do (KR) US-A1- 2005 167 077
EP 1 788 317 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been
paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 1 788 317 B1 2

Description ing unit can either perform a ventilation mode or a clean-

ing mode. Further, the air cleaning unit is connected via
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION the supply duct and the return duct with an electric heat
exchanger that performs a roll of exchanging heat be-
Field of the Invention 5 tween the external air and the room air flowing respec-
tively in the supply duct and the return duct, indirectly.
[0001] The present invention relates to an air condi- [0009] EP 1 559 963 A1 discloses the preamble of
tioning system, and more particularly, to an air condition- claim 1.
ing system in which an air cleaning unit operates in as- [0010] US 2002/0072322 A1 discloses methods and
sociation with other air conditioning devices such a heat 10 apparatuses for re-circulating air in a controlled ventilated
recovery ventilator. Further, the present invention relates environment. A ventilating system comprises an air han-
to an air conditioning system in which a plurality of air dling unit that supplies air to and draws air from a room
cleaning units is connected to a single heat recovery ven- via a single duct. The single duct forms together with the
tilator. room an air circuit having the air handling unit placed at
15 a remote position to control therewith the ratio of re-cir-
Description of the Related Art culated and newly supplied air for the whole air circuit.

[0002] When a living thing breathes in a closed space, SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
carbon dioxide increases with time, and thus it becomes
more difficult for the living thing to breathe in the closed 20 [0011] Accordingly, the present invention is directed to
space. Therefore, closed spaces, such as an office where an air conditioning system that substantially obviates one
a lot of people works together or the interior of a car, or more problems due to limitations and disadvantages
should be periodically ventilated. A ventilation system of the related art.
can be generally used for this purpose. [0012] An object of the present invention is to provide
[0003] Such a ventilation system is generally installed 25 an air conditioning system that ventilates a plurality of
on a floor or a ceiling to allow inflow of outdoor air and indoor area compartments using a single ventilation unit
outflow of indoor air. The ventilation system is useful, and thus has a high ventilation efficiency when the total
particularly for places where natural ventilation is poor or volume of the indoor area is considered.
many persons stay. [0013] Another object of the present invention is to pro-
[0004] However, only an air cleaning unit or ventilation 30 vide an air conditioning system that can individually con-
device is provided in the related art ventilation system. trol the environments of many indoor area compartments.
Therefore, for example, when the ventilation device op- [0014] Additional advantages, objects, and features of
erates in winter, heating efficiency is deteriorated since the invention will be set forth in part in the description
cold outdoor air is directly introduced into an indoor area. which follows and in part will become apparent to those
[0005] Further, to control the temperatures of indoor 35 having ordinary skill in the art upon examination of the
area compartments while the ventilation device operates, following or may be learned from practice of the invention.
an air cooling unit or a heat pumping unit should operate The objectives and other advantages of the invention
additionally. may be realized and attained by the structure particularly
[0006] Furthermore, since the ventilation device ven- pointed out in the written description and claims hereof
tilates a number of indoor area compartments, ventilation 40 as well as the appended drawings.
efficiency of the device is low when the total size of the [0015] To achieve these objects in accordance with
indoor area is considered. the purpose of the invention, there is provided an air con-
[0007] In addition, to individually control the environ- ditioning system as stated in claim 1.
ment of each compartment of a building, a separate de- [0016] It is to be understood that both the foregoing
vice such as a ventilation device or an air cooling unit 45 general description and the following detailed description
should be installed in each compartment. In other words, of the present invention are exemplary and explanatory
many devices and efforts are required to individually con- and are intended to provide further explanation of the
trol the environment of each compartment of a building invention as claimed.
(e.g., one compartment should be cooled while another
room is just ventilated). 50 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
[0008] EP 1 559 963 A1 shows a combination air pu-
rifier and air ventilator. The air purifier or air cleaning unit [0017] The accompanying drawings, which are includ-
includes a grille having an inlet and an outlet or discharge ed to provide a further understanding of the invention and
grille, a fan 50 sucking indoor air, a filter for cleaning the are incorporated in and constitute a part of this applica-
sucked air and an installation case having a suction or a 55 tion, illustrate embodiment(s) of the invention and togeth-
supply hole connected to a supply duct and a return or er with the description serve to explain the principle of
exhaust hole connected to a return duct. The supply duct the invention. In the drawings:
and the return duct are provided with a fan. The air clean-

3 EP 1 788 317 B1 4

Fig. 1 is a perspective view of an air cleaning unit of which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings.
with ventilation and air-cleaning functions according [0019] Fig. 1 is a perspective view of an air cleaning
to the present invention; unit 10 with ventilation and air-cleaning functions accord-
Fig. 2 is an exploded perspective view of the air ing to the present invention, Fig. 2 is an exploded per-
cleaning unit depicted in Fig. 1; 5 spective view of the air cleaning unit 10, and Fig. 3 is a
Fig. 3 is a vertical sectional view of the air cleaning vertical sectional view of the air cleaning unit 10.
unit depicted in Fig. 1; [0020] Referring to Figs. 1 to 3, the air cleaning unit 10
Fig. 4 is a perspective view showing a first embodi- is designed to provide both ventilation and air cleaning.
ment of an installation case according to the present The air cleaning unit 10 includes: a front cover 11 having
invention; 10 an air suction hole in a center portion; a cover guide 12
Fig. 5 is a perspective view showing a second em- on which the front cover 11 is mounted; a grill 14 having
bodiment of the installation case according to the cleaned air discharge holes on lateral sides and on which
present invention; the cover guide 12 is slidably mounted; a filter 13 dis-
Fig. 6 shows a first embodiment of installing the air posed in a lower portion of the grill 14 to remove impurities
cleaning unit in a building according to the present 15 and odors from air; a control box 19 coupled to a lower
invention; edge of the grill 14; a control panel 21 detachably coupled
Fig. 7 is an exploded perspective view showing an to a lower portion of the cover guide 12; and a shield
air flow of the air cleaning unit in ventilation mode; member 23 selectively shields screening the cleaned air
Fig. 8 is a bottom perspective view showing an air discharge holes formed on the lateral sides of the grill
flow of the air cleaning unit in cleaning mode; 20 14. In detail, a main printed circuit board (PCB) substrate
Fig. 9 shows a second embodiment of installing the is disposed in the control box 19 for controlling the oper-
air cleaning unit in a building according to the present ation of the air cleaning unit 10, and a display PCB sub-
invention; strate is mounted on one side of a rear surface of the
Fig. 10 is a system diagram showing the air cleaning control panel 21 for display the operational state of the
unit connected to a ventilation unit according to the 25 air cleaning unit 10. When the air cleaning unit 10 is in-
present invention; stalled between a wall and a ceiling, the cleaned air dis-
Fig. 11 is a sectional view showing a schematic air charge holes of the grill 14 facing the wall is screened by
flow of the system shown in Fig. 10; the shield member 23. In this case, air is discharged
Fig. 12 is an exploded perspective view of a duct through the discharge holes located on a front and an
member according to the present invention; 30 opposite side of the grill 14. The filter 13 includes a pre
Figs. 13 to 15 show air conditioning systems accord- filter 131 for removing floating duct particles having a
ing to embodiments of the present invention; relatively large size, a high efficiency particulate air
Fig. 16 shows a block diagram of an air conditioning (HEPA) filter 132 for removing tiny dust particles passing
system according to another embodiment of the through the pre filter 131, and a deodorization filter 133
present invention; 35 for removing odors from air passing through the HEPA
Fig. 17 shows a block diagram of an air conditioning filter 132.
system according to another embodiment of the [0021] The air cleaning unit 10 further includes a fan
present invention; 15 disposed above the filter 13 for drawing indoor or out-
Figs. 18 and 19 are system diagrams of air condi- door air into the air cleaning unit 10, a shroud 145 de-
tioning systems according to another embodiments 40 tachably coupled to a lower portion of the grill 14 for guid-
of the present invention; ing the air drawn by the fan 15, a fan motor 20 driving
Figs. 20 and 21 are system diagrams of air condi- the fan 15, and a rear panel 16 having one side connected
tioning systems according to another embodiments to an exhaust duct and a supply duct. The fan motor 20
of the present invention; is mounted on the rear panel 16.
Fig. 22 is a block diagram of an air conditioning sys- 45 [0022] The air cleaning unit 10 further includes a base
tem according to another embodiment of the present panel 22 mounted on a top surface of the rear panel 16
invention; for strengthen the rear panel 16, an installation case 17
Fig. 23 is a block diagram of an air conditioning sys- coupled to one side of the rear panel 16 for allowing the
tem according to another embodiment of the present rear panel 16 to be easily connected to the exhaust duct
invention; and 50 and the supply duct, and installation bars 18 detachably
Fig. 24 is a block diagram of an air conditioning sys- coupled to a top portion of the rear panel 16 for allowing
tem according to another embodiment of the present the rear panel 16 to be easily mounted on a wall or a
invention. ceiling.
[0023] Hereinafter, an operation of the air cleaning unit
DETAILLED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION 55 10 will be described when the air cleaning unit 10 is in-
stalled on a ceiling according to an embodiment of the
[0018] Reference will now be made in detail to the pre- present invention.
ferred embodiments of the present invention, examples [0024] When the air cleaning unit 10 is installed on a

5 EP 1 788 317 B1 6

ceiling, the front cover 11 faces a floor. In this state, the from a front surface to a top surface, bar receiving sur-
fan 15 is driven by the fan motor 20 when a cleaning faces 271 formed in both top sides for receiving the in-
mode is selected. Then, indoor air is sucked by the op- stallation bars 18, and bar inserting holes 271a formed
eration of the fan 15 into the air cleaning unit 10 through in rear ends of the bar receiving surfaces 271 and having
an indoor air suction hole 111 (refer to Fig. 3) formed in 5 a predetermined width.
the front cover 11. Preferably, the fan 15 may be a cen- [0032] In more detail, the bent end of the installation
trifugal fan that sucks air in its axial direction and dis- bar 18 is inserted into the bar inserting hole 271a. The
charges the air in its radial direction. The sucked air pass- suction hole 273 and the exhaust hole 272 of the instal-
es through the filter 13 such that impurities can be re- lation case 27 are connected to the suction hole and the
moved from the air. After the filter 13, the air is guided to 10 exhaust hole of the rear panel 16, respectively.
a top portion of the grill 14 by the shroud 145 where the [0033] Fig. 6 shows a first embodiment of installing the
air is further guided by an air guide 144 to a discharge air cleaning unit 10 in a building according to the present
grill 141 formed on a side of the grill 14. Through the invention.
discharge grill 141, the air is discharged back to an indoor [0034] Referring to Fig. 33, in this embodiment, a sup-
area. 15 ply duct and an exhaust duct are formed in a wall of the
[0025] When a ventilation mode is selected, indoor air building for connection with the air cleaning unit 10.
is sucked into the air cleaning unit 10 through an exhaust [0035] In detail, a duct member 30 includes a supply
grill 148 formed on a side of the grill 14, and then is di- duct 31 (refer to Fig. 7) and an exhaust duct 32 (refer to
rected toward an exhaust duct 32 (refer to Fig. 7) con- Fig. 7). The duct member 30 is formed in the wall of the
nected with the air cleaning unit 10. Meanwhile, outdoor 20 building. In this case, the installation bar 17 of Fig 31
air is sucked into the air cleaning unit 10 through a supply having the suction hole 173 and the exhaust hole 172 in
duct 31 (refer to Fig. 7) connected with the air cleaning a front-to-back direction is used for installing the air clean-
unit 10. The sucked outdoor air passes through the filter ing unit 10 in the building. In detail, the installation case
13 and is discharged from the air cleaning unit 10 to the 17 and the installation bars 18 are coupled to each other
indoor area through the discharge grill 141 of the grill 14. 25 and then attached to a ceiling while aligning the suction
[0026] Fig. 4 is a perspective view showing a first em- hole 173 and the exhaust hole 172 with the supply duct
bodiment of an installation case according to the present 31 and the exhaust duct 32. Next, fasteners are inserted
invention. into the ceiling through the coupling holes 184 of the in-
[0027] Referring to Fig. 4, an installation case 17 of the stallation bars 18 for securely fix the installation bars 18
current embodiment is characterized in that the installa- 30 and the installation case 17 to the ceiling. Then, the air
tion case 17 is coupled to the air cleaning unit 10 when cleaning unit 10 is pushed in the direction of arrow to
the air cleaning unit 10 is connected to a supply duct and coupling the installation bars 18 to the installation bar
an exhaust duct that are formed through a wall. When mounting structure of the rear panel. In this way, the air
assemble, the installation case 17 is coupled to one side cleaning unit 10 can be mounted on the ceiling.
of the rear panel 16. In detail, one end of the rear panel 35 [0036] Fig. 7 is an exploded perspective view showing
16 is bent downwardly (refer to Fig. 2). The bent end of an air flow throughout the air cleaning unit 10 in ventilation
the rear panel 16 is inwardly recessed in correspondence mode.
with the installation case 17 for receiving the installation [0037] Referring to Fig. 7, the suction hole 173 of the
case 17. installation case 17 is connected to the supply duct 31,
[0028] In detail, the installation case 17 includes bar 40 and the exhaust hole 172 of the installation case 17 is
receiving surfaces 171 on both top sides for receiving connected to the exhaust duct 32.
one ends of the installation bars 18, a wiring penetration [0038] In detail, outdoor air is introduced into the air
hole 174 formed in an edge portion, and a suction hole cleaning unit 10 from the supply duct 31 through the suc-
173 and an exhaust hole 172 formed through a front por- tion hole 163 of the rear panel 16. Here, the indoor air
tion. The rear panel 16 includes a suction hole and an 45 suction hole 111 of the front cover 11 can be opened to
exhaust hole in the bent end for communicating with the perform both the ventilation mode and cleaning mode,
suction hole 173 and the exhaust hole 172 of the instal- or closed to perform only the ventilation mode. For this,
lation case 17. the suction panel 112 may be openably mounted on the
[0029] Fig. 5 is a perspective view showing a second front cover 11 as described above.
embodiment of the installation case of the air cleaning 50 [0039] In more detail, outdoor air introduced through
unit 10 according to the present invention. the supply duct 31 flows along the filter housing 147 of
[0030] Referring to Fig. 5, an installation case 27 of the the grill 14 down to a lower end of the filter housing 147
current embodiment is characterized in that the installa- and reaches the bottom of the filter 13. Then, the outdoor
tion case 27 is coupled to the air cleaning unit 10 when air passes through the filter 13 upwardly toward the fan
the air cleaning unit 10 is connected to a supply duct and 55 15. Here, since the pressure around the bottom of the
an exhaust duct that are formed through a ceiling. filter 13 is lower than the atmospheric pressure due to
[0031] In detail, the installation case 27 includes a suc- the operation of the fan 15, the outdoor air introduced
tion hole 273 and an exhaust hole 272 that are formed through the suction duct 31 flows down to the bottom of

7 EP 1 788 317 B1 8

the filter 13. That is, since air flows from a high pressure supply duct 31 in the cleaning mode, an additional mech-
area to a low pressure area, the outdoor air flows along anism can be employed for selectively close the suction
the filter housing 147 down to the bottom of the filter 13. holes 163 and 173. In one embodiment, an opening/clos-
[0040] Further, while passing through the filter 13 in an ing unit can be installed on a front side or a back side of
upward direction, the outdoor air are sequentially cleaned 5 the suction hole 173 of the installation case 17. A micro
by the pre filter 131, the HEPA filter 132, and the deo- computer can be used to automatically operate the open-
dorization filter 133. After passing through the deodori- ing/closing unit according to a selected mode.
zation filter 133, the outdoor air reaches fan 15 through [0049] Alternatively, the opening/closing unit can be
the orifice 143. Since the fan 15 is a centrifugal fan that installed on a front side of a back side of the suction hole
sucks air in an axial direction and blows the air in a radial 10 163 of the rear panel 16. For example, a plate having a
direction, the outdoor air is horizontally blown by the fan size larger than or equal to that of the suction hole 163
15. Then, the outdoor air is guided by a discharge guide or 173 can be rotatably or slidable installed to selectively
165 (refer to Fig. 3) of the rear panel 16 and the air guide open and close the suction hole 163 or 173. Here, the
144 of the grill toward the discharge grill 141. Finally, the opening/closing mechanism is not limited. Various open-
outdoor air is discharged to an indoor area through the 15 ing/closing mechanisms can be used.
discharge grill 141. [0050] The air flow in the cleaning mode will now be
[0041] While the outdoor air is introduced from the sup- more fully described. In cleaning mode, the fan 15 is op-
ply duct 31, polluted indoor air is expelled through the erated to suck air from an indoor area through the indoor
exhaust door 32. air suction hole 111. The sucked indoor air is cleaned
[0042] In detail, a discharge fan can be installed in the 20 while passing through the filter 13, and then reaches the
exhaust duct 32 or on an end of the exhaust duct 32 to fan 15. The indoor air is blown by the fan 15 in a radial
indoor air through the exhaust duct 32. Further, a heat direction and guided by the air guide 144 and the dis-
recovery ventilator can be installed between the exhaust charge guide 165 to the discharge grill 141 where the
duct 32 and the supply duct 31 for heat exchange. indoor air is discharged back to the indoor area.
[0043] In more detail, when the pressure inside the ex- 25 [0051] As described above, both in the cleaning mode
haust duct 32 decreases by the operation of the dis- and the ventilation mode, air introduced into the air clean-
charge fan connected to the exhaust duct 32, indoor air ing unit 10 passes through the filter 13. Therefore, clean
is introduced into the exhaust duct 32 through the exhaust air can be supplied to the indoor area. Further, the dis-
grill 148. As explained above, the exhaust grill 148 is charge grill 141 is formed in three directions of the air
formed on a side portion and a bottom portion of the air 30 cleaning unit 10, so that air discharged from the air clean-
cleaning unit 10 for rapidly discharge polluted indoor air ing unit 10 into the indoor area can be circulated through-
to an outdoor area. The indoor air sucked through the out the indoor area. In other words, if the discharge grill
exhaust grill 148 does not flow to the supply duct 31 owing 141 is formed in a downward direction of the air cleaning
to the compartment wall 138 and the air guide 144 (refer unit 10, air discharged from the air cleaning unit 10 cannot
to Fig. 2) of the grill 14. 35 be circulated throughout the indoor area. Furthermore,
[0044] Fig. 8 is a bottom perspective view showing an the exhaust grill 148 is formed on a side portion and a
air flow throughout the air cleaning unit 10 in cleaning bottom portion of the air cleaning unit 10, so that polluted
mode. indoor air can be rapidly expelled to the outdoor area. In
[0045] Referring to Fig. 8, in cleaning mode, indoor air addition, the indoor air suction hole 111 is formed in the
is sucked through the indoor air suction hole 111 and 40 bottom of the air cleaning unit 10, and the discharge grill
passes through the filter 13. While passing through the 141 is formed on the side portions of the air cleaning unit
filter 13, the indoor air is cleaned. Then, the indoor air is 10, so that air discharged from the discharge grill 141 is
discharged back to an indoor area through the discharge not directly sucked through the indoor air suction hole
grill 141 of the grill 14. 111. Further, in cleaning mode, indoor air is sucked and
[0046] Meanwhile, when the cleaning mode is select- 45 discharged in multiple directions, so that the indoor air
ed, the suction hole 163 connected to the supply duct 31 can be quickly cleaned. Furthermore, the air cleaning
can be closed. unit 10 can be operated in both ventilation and cleaning
[0047] In detail, although the fan 15 rotates in the clean- modes at the same time. On the contrarily, the air clean-
ing mode, the indoor air is not sucked through the exhaust ing unit 10 can be operated either in ventilation mode or
grill 148. Therefore, it is not required to screen the ex- 50 in cleaning mode by movably installing the suction panel
haust hole 162 using an additional part. However, since 112.
the suction hole 163 communicates with the filter 13, out- [0052] Fig. 9 shows a second embodiment of installing
door air can be introduced into the air cleaning unit 10 the air cleaning unit 10 in a building according to the
through the suction hole 163 when the indoor air is present invention.
sucked through the indoor air suction hole 111. 55 [0053] Referring to Fig. 9, the air cleaning unit 10 is
[0048] Therefore, to perform only the cleaning mode connected to a duct member 30 formed in a ceiling.
by preventing outdoor air from flowing into the air cleaning [0054] In detail, the air cleaning unit 10 can be con-
unit 10 through the suction hole 163 connected to the nected to the duct member 30 formed in the ceiling by

9 EP 1 788 317 B1 10

using the installation case 27 of Fig. 32. The suction hole the supply outlet 43.
273 of the installation case 27 is connected to a branch [0061] In detail, the exhaust inlet 42 and the supply
supply duct 311 formed on a bottom surface of a supply outlet 43 are formed on the same side of the heat recovery
duct 31 of the duct member 30. The exhaust hole 272 of ventilator 40, and the exhaust outlet 44 and the supply
the installation case 17 is connected to a branch exhaust 5 inlet 45 are formed on the same side of the ventilator 40.
duct 321 formed on a bottom surface of an exhaust duct However, the positions of the exhaust inlet 42 and the
32 of the duct member 30. Alternatively, the suction hole supply outlet 43 or the exhaust outlet 44 and the supply
273 and the exhaust hole 272 of the installation case 17 inlet 45 can be changed according to the type of the heat
can be directly connected to one ends of the supply duct recovery ventilator 40.
31 and the exhaust duct 32, respectively. In detail, when 10 [0062] In more detail, the exhaust inlet 42 is connected
a plurality of air cleaning unites is connected to the duct to the exhaust duct connecting tube 34 to allow inflow of
member 30, the air cleaning unites may be connected to indoor air from the air cleaning unit 10, and the supply
the duct member 30 through branch ducts. On the con- outlet 43 is connected to the supply duct connecting tube
trary, when a single air cleaning unit is connected to the 33 to supply outdoor air to the air cleaning unit 10.
duct member 30, the air cleaning unit may be directly 15 [0063] When the exhaust fan 47 operates, indoor air
connected to an end of the duct member 30. is sucked into the heat recovery ventilator 40 through the
[0055] Fig. 10 is a system diagram showing the air exhaust inlet 42 and discharged from the heat recovery
cleaning unit 10 connected to a ventilation unit according ventilator 40 to an outdoor area through the exhaust out-
to the present invention, and Fig. 11 is a sectional view let 44. Further, when the supply fan 46 operates, outdoor
showing a schematic air flow of the system shown in Fig. 20 air is sucked into the heat recovery ventilator 40 through
10. the supply inlet 45 and discharged through the supply
[0056] Referring to Figs. 10 and 11, the air cleaning outlet 43 to the air cleaning unit 10 where the outdoor air
unit 10 is connected to the heat recovery system 35 such is supplied to an indoor area. Here, the indoor air sucked
as a ventilation unit through a duct member 30 such that through the exhaust inlet 42 and the outdoor air sucked
the air cleaning unit 10 can provide both ventilation and 25 through the supply inlet 45 exchange heat with each other
air-cleaning. while passing through the heat exchanger 41.
[0057] In detail, one ends of a supply duct 31 and an [0064] The outdoor air introduced into the air cleaning
exhaust duct 32 of the duct member 30 are connected unit 10 through the supply outlet 43 is cleaned while pass-
to the air cleaning unit 10, and the other ends are con- ing through the filter 13 and then supplied to the indoor
nected to the heat recovery ventilator 35. In the heat re- 30 area through the discharge grill 141 of the grill 14. The
covery ventilator 35, outdoor air to the air cleaning unit indoor air is introduced into the heat recovery ventilator
10 exchanges heat with indoor air from the air cleaning 40 from the indoor area through the exhaust grill 148 of
unit 10. Therefore, the temperature of an indoor area is the air cleaning unit 10, the exhaust duct 32, and the
not rapidly fluctuated by the outdoor air supplied to the exhaust inlet 42, and then discharged to the outside area
indoor area. For example, when the indoor temperature 35 through the exhaust outlet 44.
is higher than the outdoor temperature, heat is trans- [0065] In this configuration of the air conditioning sys-
ferred from the indoor air discharged from the air cleaning tem, the heat recovery ventilator 40 and the air cleaning
unit 10 to the outdoor air to decrease temperature differ- unit 10 operate together when a ventilation mode is se-
ence between the indoor area and the outdoor air sup- lected.
plied to the indoor area, thereby preventing temperature 40 [0066] In detail, when the ventilation mode is selected,
fluctuation in the indoor area. the fan 15 of the air cleaning unit 10, the supply and
[0058] The other ends of the supply duct 31 and the exhaust fans 46 and 47 of the heat recovery ventilator
exhaust duct 32 can be connected to a supply duct con- 40 are operated. The supply fan 46 draws outdoor air
necting tube 33 and an exhaust duct connecting tube 34. into the hear recovery ventilator 40 and blows the outdoor
The supply duct connecting tube 33 and the exhaust duct 45 air to the air cleaning unit 10 through the supply duct 31.
connecting tube 34 are connected to a heat recovery The fan 15 of the air cleaning unit 10 forces the introduced
ventilator 40. outdoor air through the filter 13. The outdoor air cleaned
[0059] The heat recovery ventilator 40 includes an ex- by the filter 13 is discharged to the indoor area through
haust inlet 42 formed on one side, a supply outlet 43 the discharge grill 141. The exhaust fan 47 sucks air from
formed at a predetermined distance from the exhaust 50 the indoor air through the exhaust grill 148 formed on
inlet 42, an exhaust outlet 44 formed on the opposite side one side of the air cleaning unit 10. Then, the indoor air
to the exhaust inlet 42, a supply inlet 45 formed on the is introduced into the heat recovery ventilator 40 through
opposite side to the supply outlet 43, and an heat ex- the exhaust duct 32. In the heat recovery ventilator 40,
changer 41. the outdoor air and the indoor air change heat with each
[0060] The heat recovery ventilator 40 further includes 55 other while passing through the heat exchanger 41.
an exhaust fan 47 installed in a tube between the exhaust [0067] Fig. 12 is an exploded perspective view of the
inlet 42 and the exhaust outlet 44, and a supply fan 46 duct member 30 according to the present invention.
installed between a tube between the supply inlet 45 and [0068] Referring to Fig. 30, the duct member 30 of the

11 EP 1 788 317 B1 12

present invention includes the supply duct 31 for allowing [0077] In detail, the duct member 30 includes a supply
inflow of outdoor and the exhaust duct 32 for outflow of duct 31 and an exhaust duct 32. The supply duct 31 and
indoor air. the exhaust duct 32 include straight tubes and elbows.
[0069] In detail, the duct member 30 includes straight One air cleaning unit 10 is connected to one ends of the
tubes 312 and 322 having a predetermined length, el- 5 supply duct 31 and the exhaust duct 32. A branch supply
bows 313 and 323 having a predetermined curvature, an duct 311 branches off from the supply duct 31 in an up-
equally-shaped connector 301 connecting one straight ward or downward direction, and a branch exhaust duct
tubes 312 and 322 to another straight tubes 312 and 322 321 branches off from the exhaust duct 32 in an upward
or to the elbows 313 and 323, and differently-shaped or downward direction. Another air cleaning unit 10 is
connectors 314 and 324 connecting the straight tubes 10 connected to one ends of the branch supply duct 311
312 and 322 or the elbows 313 and 323 to the heat re- and the branch exhaust duct 321. The air cleaning units
covery ventilator 40. The duct member 30 is fixed to a 10 may be installed in different indoor area compart-
ceiling using a hanger 302. ments.
[0070] When the air cleaning unit 10 is not located in [0078] Referring to Fig. 15, air cleaning units 10 are
line with the heat recovery ventilator 40, the elbows 313 15 connected to a duct member 30 in different methods de-
and 323 are used to change the direction of the duct pending on the structure of the duct member 30 formed
member 30. The differently-shaped connectors 314 and in an indoor area.
324 has one ends corresponding to the straight tubes [0079] In detail, when the duct member 30 passes
312 and 322 or the elbows 13 and 323, and the other through a ceiling of one indoor area compartment and a
ends corresponding to the supply outlet 34 and the ex- 20 wall of another indoor area compartment, the air cleaning
haust inlet 42. units 10 can be connected to the duct member 30 using
[0071] The elbows 313 and 323 and the connector 301 different installation cases.
are sized such that the straight tubes 312 and 322 can [0080] In more detail, when the duct member 30 pass-
be inserted into the elbows 313 and 323 or the connector es through a ceiling, and a branch supply duct and an
301 by a predetermined length. Therefore, leakage of air 25 branch exhaust duct extend downward from the duct
at joints of the duct member 30 can be prevented. member 30, an air cleaning unit 10 provided with an in-
[0072] Figs. 13 to 15 show air conditioning systems stallation case 27 as shown in Fig. 5 can be installed in
according to embodiments of the present invention. an indoor area compartment in connection with the
[0073] Referring to Fig. 13, an air cleaning unit 10 is branch supply duct and the branch exhaust duct. Further,
connected to a heat recovery ventilator 40 through a duct 30 when the duct member 30 further extends to another in-
member 30. The air cleaning unit 10 and the heat recov- door area compartment through a wall, another air clean-
ery ventilator 40 can be installed in the same indoor com- ing unit 10 provided with an installation case 17 as shown
partment or different indoor compartments. For example, in Fig. 4 can be installed on the wall of the another indoor
the heat recovery ventilator 40 can be mounted on an area compartment in connection with leading ends of a
outermost wall of a building for directly sucking outdoor 35 supply duct 31 and an exhaust duct 32 of the duct mem-
air into the heat recovery ventilator 40, and the air clean- ber 30.
ing unit 10 can be mounted on an inner wall of the building [0081] As shown in Fig. 15, one air cleaning unit 10 is
in connection with the heat recovery ventilator 40 via the connected to one duct member 30 using the ceiling in-
duct member 30. The duct member 30 is disposed using stallation method, and another air cleaning unit 10 is con-
proper numbers of straight tubes and elbows according 40 nected to the same duct member 30 using the wall in-
to the location of the air cleaning unit 10 and heat recovery stallation method. Further, as shown in Fig. 14, air clean-
ventilator 40. ing units 10 can be installed in the respective indoor area
[0074] In case where the duct member 30 is connected compartments by connecting additional branch duct
between the heat recovery ventilator 40 and the air clean- members between the duct member 30 and the air clean-
ing unit 10 through an inner wall of the building, the in- 45 ing units 10.
stallation case 17 showing in Fig. 4 can be installed on [0082] Fig. 16 shows a block diagram of an air condi-
one side of the air cleaning unit 10 for facilitating the tioning system according to another embodiment of the
connection between the air cleaning unit 10 and the duct present invention.
member 30. [0083] Referring to Fig. 16, a plurality of air cleaning
[0075] The distance between a wall and one side of 50 units 10 is connected to one heat recovery ventilator 40.
the air cleaning unit 10 where a discharge grill 141 is For this, a distributing unit 50 can be installed on one
formed can be changed according to the position of one ends of a supply duct 31 and an exhaust duct 32 that
end of the duct member 30 connected to the air cleaning extend from the heat recovery ventilator 40.
unit 10. [0084] In detail, a plurality of duct members branch off
[0076] Referring to Fig. 14, at least two air cleaning 55 from the distributing unit 50, and the air cleaning units 10
units 10 can be connected to a single heat recovery ven- are connected to ends of the duct members. Therefore,
tilator 40 depending on the configuration of a duct mem- since a plurality of air cleaning units 10 can be connected
ber 30. to the heat recovery ventilator 40 using the distributing

13 EP 1 788 317 B1 14

unit 50 and duct members disposed between the distrib- stalled on one side of the air cleaning unit 10 for connec-
uting unit 50 and the respective air cleaning units 10, tion between the duct member 30 and the air cleaning
branch ducts extending from a duct member are not re- unit 10.
quired. [0094] The distance between a wall and a discharge
[0085] Fig. 17 shows a block diagram of an air condi- 5 grill formed on one side of the air cleaning unit 10 may
tioning system according to another embodiment of the be varied according to the location of one end of the duct
present invention; member 30 passing through a wall.
[0086] Referring to Fig. 17, the air conditioning system [0095] Referring to Fig. 19, an air conditioning system
of the current embodiment includes a heat recovery ven- of the current embodiment is characterized in that a dis-
tilator 40, an air cleaning unit 10, and an additional device 10 tributing unit 50 is installed on an end of a diffuser 70 and
such as a humidifier 60 between the heat recovery ven- a plurality of discharge tubes 72 branches off from the
tilator 40 and the air cleaning unit 10. distributing unit 50.
[0087] In detail, the humidifier 60 is installed in a duct [0096] In detail, when a duct member 30 connected to
member connected between the heat recovery ventilator a heat recovery ventilator 40 passes through a ceiling of
40 and the air cleaning unit 10 in order to supply air having 15 one indoor area compartment and a wall of another in-
a proper humidity to an indoor area. door area compartment, air cleaning units 10 can be con-
[0088] In more detail, the humidifier 60 is installed in a nected to the duct member 30 using different installation
supply duct 31 of the duct member connected between cases as described above. The diffuser 70 can be directly
the heat recovery ventilator 40 and the air cleaning unit connected to a supply duct connecting tube as shown in
10, such that outdoor air can be introduced into the air 20 Fig. 18 or branch off from a supply duct 31 as shown in
cleaning unit 10 at a desired humidity. Particularly, the Fig. 19. The distributing unit 50 is installed on an end of
humidifier 60 may be installed in the middle of the supply the diffuser 70, and a plurality of discharge tubes 72
duct 31 to increase air humidity passing through the sup- branches off from the distributing unit 50 toward a plurality
ply duct in dry spring. Therefore, outdoor air can be sup- of indoor area compartments.
plied at a predetermined humidity and thus an additional 25 [0097] Figs. 20 and 21 are system diagrams of air con-
humidifier is not required for each indoor area compart- ditioning systems according to another embodiments of
ment. the present invention.
[0089] Further, a heater or an air cooling unit can be [0098] Referring to Fig. 20, an air cleaning unit 10 is
installed in place of or in conjunction with the humidifier connected to a ventilation unit such as a heat recovery
60 for heating outdoor air to the indoor area in winter or 30 ventilator 40 through a duct member 30. The air cleaning
cooling outdoor air to the indoor area in summer. There- unit 10 and the heat recovery ventilator 40 can be in-
fore, energy loss can be reduced during circulation of stalled in the same indoor area compartment or different
indoor air and outdoor air. indoor area compartments.
[0090] Figs. 18 and 19 are system diagrams of air con- [0099] A branch supply duct 311 can branch off from
ditioning systems according to another embodiments of 35 one side of a supply duct 31 of the duct member 30, and
the present invention. an air cooling unit 80 can be connected to one end of the
[0091] Referring to Fig. 18, an air cleaning unit 10 is branch supply duct 311. The branch supply duct 311 pro-
connected to a heat recovery ventilator 40 through a duct vides the same function as the diffuser 70 shown in Fig.
member 30. The air cleaning unit 10 and the heat recov- 19.
ery ventilator 40 can be installed in the same indoor are 40 [0100] In detail, the branch supply duct 311 can be
compartment or different indoor area compartments. connected to an indoor unit or an outdoor unit of the air
[0092] A supply duct connecting tube 33 connected to cooling unit 80. In more detail, when the branch supply
a supply outlet of the heat recovery ventilator 40 branches duct 311 is connected to the indoor unit of the air cooling
into two, and one of the branches is connected to a supply unit 80, outdoor air is cooled in the heat recovery venti-
duct 31 and the other is connected to a diffuser 70. There- 45 lator 40 and then supplied to the indoor unit of the air
fore, outdoor air supplied through the supply outlet of the cooling unit 80. In the indoor unit of the air cooling unit
heat recovery ventilator 40 can be discharged to one in- 80, the outdoor air is further cooled by an indoor heat
door area compartment through the supply duct 31 and exchanger (i.e., an evaporator) and then discharged to
the air cleaning unit 10 and to another indoor area com- an indoor area.
partment through the diffuser 70. Since an end of the 50 [0101] Though not shown in Fig. 20, when the branch
diffuser 70 and the air cleaning unit 10 are disposed in supply duct 311 is connected to the outdoor unit of the
different indoor area compartments, the environments of air cooling unit 80, the outdoor unit can operate at a higher
the indoor are compartments can be differently control- efficiency than in the related art.
led. [0102] In detail, outdoor air introduced into the heat
[0093] When the duct member 30 is connected be- 55 recovery ventilator 40 exchanges heat with indoor air dis-
tween the heat recovery ventilator 40 and the air cleaning charged from an indoor area through an exhaust duct
unit 10 through wall, an installation case having suction connecting tube 34, such that the outdoor air can be
and exhaust holes in a front-to-back direction can be in- cooled. Then, the outdoor air flows through a supply duct

15 EP 1 788 317 B1 16

connecting tube 33, the supply duct 31, and the branch of the current embodiment is characterized in that an air
supply duct 311 toward the outdoor unit of the air cooling cooling unit 80 is connected between a heat recovery
unit 80 where the outdoor air exchanges heat with refrig- ventilator 40 and an air cleaning unit 10. Air discharged
erant. from the air cooling unit 80 is entirely or partially supplied
[0103] In a related art outdoor unit of an air cooling unit, 5 to the air cleaning unit 10 through a supply duct 31.
outdoor air is directly introduced into the outdoor unit and [0109] In detail, the supply duct 31 extends from the
exchanges heat with refrigerant flowing through a heat heat recovery ventilator 40 to the air cooling unit 80 and
exchanger. However, in the present invention, outdoor further extends from the air cooling unit 80 to the air clean-
air is cooled by the heat recovery ventilator 40 and then ing unit 10. An exhaust duct 32 extends from the air clean-
supplied to the outdoor unit of the air cooling unit 80. 10 ing unit 10 directly to the heat recovery ventilator 40.
Therefore, the heat exchanging efficiency of the outdoor Therefore, the air conditioning system can provide air-
unit can be improved. cooling as well as ventilation and air-cleaning.
[0104] Instead of the air cooling unit 80, a heat pumping [0110] Air cooled by the air cooling unit 80 is supplied
unit or air conditioning unit with a heating function can to the air cleaning unit 10 where the air passes through
be connected to the end of the branch supply duct 311. 15 a filter and thus impurities such as dust are removed from
In detail, the heat pumping unit includes an outdoor unit the air. In other words, indoor or outdoor air is cleaned
and an indoor unit, and the branch supply duct 311 is by a filter installed in the air cooling unit 80 and further
connected to the outdoor unit or the indoor unit of the cleaned by the filter installed in the air cleaning unit 10,
heat pumping unit. Outdoor air is supplied through the so that very clean air can be supplied to an indoor area.
branch supply duct 311 into the outdoor unit or the indoor 20 [0111] In detail, when the supply duct 31 is connected
unit of the heat pumping unit where the outdoor air chang- to an outdoor unit of the air cooling unit 80, indoor air
es heat with refrigerant flowing inside a heat exchanger. may be introduced into an indoor unit of the air cooling
In more detail, when the branch supply duct 311 is con- unit 80 and all or some of the indoor air discharged from
nected to the outdoor unit of the heat pumping unit, out- the indoor unit may be introduced into the air cleaning
door air is supplied from the branch supply duct 311 to 25 unit 10. When the supply duct 31 is connected to the
the outdoor unit of the heat pumping unit at a temperature indoor unit of the air cooling unit 80, outdoor air may be
higher than an outdoor temperature since the outdoor air supplied to the indoor unit and discharged from the indoor
is supplied to the outdoor unit after being heated in the unit in a cooled state. All or some of the cooled outdoor
heat recovery ventilator 40 by heat exchange with dis- air may be supplied to the air cleaning unit 10. Further,
charging indoor air. Therefore, refrigerant flowing inside 30 in ventilation mode, indoor air introduced into the air
the heat exchanger of the outdoor unit can take much cleaning unit 10 is directed to the heat recovery ventilator
heat from the introduced outdoor air so that the heat ex- 40, where the indoor air exchanges heat with outdoor air
changing efficiency of the outdoor unit of the heat pump- introduced into the heat recovery ventilator 40 from an
ing unit can be improved. In the following embodiments outdoor area and then discharged to the outdoor area.
of the present invention, a heat pumping unit can be in- 35 [0112] Fig. 23 is a block diagram of an air conditioning
stalled instead of an air cooling unit 80 as described in system according to another embodiment of the present
the current embodiment. Thus, description thereof will invention.
be omitted. [0113] Referring to Fig. 23, the air conditioning system
[0105] Referring to Fig. 21, a plurality of air cooling of the current embodiment includes a heat recovery ven-
units 80 can be connected to a branch supply duct 311, 40 tilator 40, an air cooling unit 80, a distributing unit 50, and
and a plurality of air cleaning units 10 can be connected a plurality of air cleaning units 10 connected to the dis-
to a supply duct 31 and an exhaust duct 32 of a duct tributing unit 50.
member 30. Each of the air cooling units 80 or the air [0114] In detail, the heat recovery ventilator 40 is con-
cleaning units 10 can be independently installed in each nected to an outdoor unit or an indoor unit of the air cool-
indoor area compartment. The air cleaning units 10 can 45 ing unit 80 through a supply duct 31, and the air cooling
be connected to the duct member 30 by a ceiling or wall unit 80 is connected to the distributing unit 50 to supply
installation method. The installation method of the air cooled air to the distributing unit 50. The distributing unit
cleaning unit 10 can be easily determined from the struc- 50 distributes the air to the plurality of air cleaning units
ture of the duct member 30 and an installation case at- 10. Then, the air is discharged to indoor areas through
tached to the air cleaning unit 10. 50 discharge grills of the air cleaning units 10. Here, the air
[0106] Although the branch supply duct 311 is connect- cleaning units 10 are installed in respective indoor area
ed to an indoor unit of each air cooling unit 80 in Fig. 21, compartments divided by walls.
the branch supply duct 311 can be connected to an out- [0115] In ventilation mode, indoor air is sucked into the
door unit of the air cooling unit 80 as described above. air cleaning units 10 and then sent to the distributing unit
[0107] Fig. 22 is a block diagram of an air conditioning 55 50 through exhaust ducts 32. The indoor air collected in
system according to another embodiment of the present the distributing unit 50 is sent to the heat recovery ven-
invention. tilator 40 through an exhaust duct 32 directly connected
[0108] Referring to Fig. 22, the air conditioning system between the distributing unit 50 and the heat recovery

17 EP 1 788 317 B1 18

ventilator 40. Then, the indoor air is discharged to an pended claims.

outdoor area from the heat recovery ventilator 40.
[0116] Fig. 24 is a block diagram of an air conditioning
system according to another embodiment of the present Claims
invention. 5
[0117] Referring to Fig. 24, the air conditioning system 1. An air conditioning system comprising:
of the current embodiment includes a heat recovery ven-
tilator 40, a distributing unit 50 connected to the heat - an air cleaning unit (10) including a grille (14)
recovery ventilator 40, and a plurality of air cooling units having a discharge grille (141) on a side portion,
80 and an air cleaning unit 10 that are connected to the 10 a fan (15) sucking indoor air and/or outdoor air,
distributing unit 50. a filter (13) cleaning the sucked air, and an in-
[0118] In detail, the heat recovery ventilator 40 and the stallation case (17,27) attached to one side of
distributing unit 50 are connected through a supply duct the grille (14) and having a suction hole (173,
31. A plurality of branch tubes 51 extends from the dis- 273) and an exhaust hole (172, 272);
tributing unit 50. The plurality of air cooling units 80 and 15 - a ventilation unit (40) operating in association
the air cleaning unit 10 are connected to one ends of the with the air cleaning unit (10); and
branch tubes 51. An exhaust duct 32 extends from the - a duct member (30) connecting the air cleaning
air cleaning unit 10 to the heat recovery ventilator 40. unit (10) and the ventilation unit (40), the duct
[0119] In this configuration, outdoor air drawn by the member (30) including a supply duct (31) con-
heat recovery ventilator 40 is directed along the supply 20 nected to the suction hole (173, 273) and an
duct 31 to the distributing unit 50 where the outdoor air exhaust duct (32) connected to the exhaust hole
is supplied to the air cooling units 80 and the air cleaning (172, 272);
unit 10 through the branch tubes 51. In ventilation mode, - an air suction hole (111),
indoor air is drawn into the air cleaning unit 10 and sent
to the heat recovery ventilator 40 through the exhaust 25 wherein the outdoor air is, in the ventilation mode,
duct 32. Then, the indoor air is discharged to an outdoor sucked into the air cleaning unit (10) through the sup-
area from the heat recovery ventilator 40. ply duct (31), passes through the filter (13) and is
[0120] As described above, the air conditioning system discharged to an indoor area,
of the present invention provides clean air to a number and wherein the indoor air is, in the cleaning mode,
of indoor air compartments using a single ventilation unit. 30 sucked into the air cleaning unit (10) through the air
[0121] Further, the air cleaning unit operates in con- suction hole (111), passes through the filter (13) and
junction with the hear recovery ventilator such that tem- is discharged to the indoor area,
perature difference can be reduced between inflow of wherein the ventilation unit (40) comprises a heat
outdoor air and outflow of indoor air, thereby minimizing exchanger (41) placed thereinside, such that the in-
indoor area cooling or heating loss. 35 door air flowing along the exhaust duct (32) and the
[0122] Furthermore, since a plurality of air cleaning outdoor air sucked into the ventilation unit (40) ex-
units can be connected to a single heat recovery venti- change heat, characterized in that the air cleaning
lator by varying the shape and arrangement of the duct unit (10) further comprises a front cover (11) having
member, air can be supplied to each indoor area com- said air suction hole (111) in a center portion thereof,
partment using the single heat recovery ventilator 40 wherein when the air suction hole (111) is opened,
through the air cleaning units. a ventilation mode and a cleaning mode is simulta-
[0123] In addition, a heat or a humidifier can be in- neously performed.
stalled between the heat recovery ventilator and the air
cleaning unit, such that humidity controlling and air heat- 2. The air conditioning system according to claim 1,
ing functions can be provided in addition to the ventilation 45 wherein the supply duct (31) and the exhaust duct
and air cleaning functions. (32) include one or more straight tubes (312,
[0124] According to the air conditioning system of the 322)having a predetermined length, one or more el-
present invention, a plurality of air cleaning units can be bows (313, 323) connected to the straight tubes
connected to a single heat recovery ventilator by varying (312, 322) for changing air flow passage, an equally-
the shape and arrangement of duct member connecting 50 shaped connector (301) connecting the straight
the air cleaning units and the heat recovery ventilator. tubes (312, 322) and/or connecting the elbows (313,
Therefore, the present invention can be applied to vari- 323) to the straight tubes (312, 322), and a different-
ous fields. ly-shaped connector 314, 324) connecting the
[0125] It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that straight tubes (312, 322) or the elbows (313, 323) to
various modifications and variations can be made in the 55 the ventilation unit (40).
present invention. Thus, it is intended that the present
invention covers the modifications and variations of this 3. The air conditioning system according to claim 1,
invention provided they come within the scope of the ap- wherein the air cleaning unit (10) is connected to the

19 EP 1 788 317 B1 20

duct member (30) or a branch duct branching off 10. The air conditioning system according to claim 1,
from an end or a side of the duct member (30) by further comprising a diffuser (70) connected to the
the installation case (27) having the suction hole ventilation unit (40) or the duct member (30).
(273) and the exhaust hole (272) formed through a
top surface thereof, when an end of the duct member 5 11. The air conditioning system according to claim 10,
(30) or an end of the branch duct terminates through further comprising:
a ceiling,
wherein the branch duct includes a branch supply - a distributing unit (50) connected to the diffuser
duct (311) and a branch exhaust duct (321). (70); and
10 - a plurality of distinct diffusers (72) branching
4. The air conditioning system according to claim 1, off from the distributing unit (50).
wherein the air cleaning unit (10) is connected to the
duct member (30) or a branch duct branching off
from an end or a side of the duct member by the Patentansprüche
installation case (17) having the suction hole (173) 15
and the exhaust hole (172) formed in a front-to-back 1. Klimaanlage, die Folgendes umfasst:
direction thereof, when an end of the duct member
(30) or an end of the branch duct terminates through - eine Luftreinigungseinheit (10), die ein Gitter
a wall, (14), das an einem Seitenabschnitt ein Auslass-
wherein the branch duct includes a branch supply 20 gitter (141) aufweist, einen Ventilator (15), der
duct (311) and a branch exhaust duct (321). Innenraumluft und/oder Außenluft ansaugt, ei-
nen Filter (13), der die angesaugte Luft reinigt,
5. The air conditioning system according to claim 1, und ein Einbaugehäuse (17, 27) enthält, das an
wherein the duct member (30) comprises an end run- einer Seite des Gitters (14) befestigt ist und eine
ning through a wall and a branch duct branching off 25 Ansaugöffnung (173, 273) und eine Ausblasöff-
from one side of the duct member and running nung (172, 272) aufweist;
through a ceiling, and a plurality of the air cleaning - eine Lüftungseinheit (40), die in Verbindung
units (10) are connected to the end of the duct mem- mit der Luftreinigungseinheit (10) arbeitet; und
ber (30) and an end of the branch duct, respectively, - ein Kanalelement (30), das die Luftreinigungs-
wherein the branch duct includes a branch supply 30 einheit (10) und die Lüftungseinheit verbindet,
duct (311) and a branch exhaust duct (321). wobei das Kanalelement (30) einen Zufuhrkanal
(31), der mit der Ansaugöffnung (173, 273) ver-
6. The air conditioning system according to claim 1, bunden ist, und einen Ausblaskanal (32), der mit
wherein the air cleaning unit (10) and the ventilation der Ausblasöffnung (172, 272) verbunden ist,
unit (40) are installed in separate areas, respectively. 35 enthält;
- eine Luftansaugöffnung (111),
7. The air conditioning system according to claim 1,
further comprising a humidifier (60) at the duct mem- wobei die Außenluft in dem Lüftungsmodus durch
ber (30) for controlling humidity of the air flowing into den Zufuhrkanal (31) in die Luftreinigungseinheit
the indoor area. 40 (10) gesaugt wird, den Filter (13) durchläuft und in
einen Innenraumbereich ausgelassen wird,
8. The air conditioning system according to claim 1, und wobei die Innenraumluft in dem Reinigungsmo-
further comprising: dus durch die Luftansaugöffnung (111) in die Luft-
reinigungseinheit (10) gesaugt wird, den Filter (13)
- a distributing unit (50) connected to an end of 45 durchläuft und in den Innenraumbereich ausgelas-
the duct member (30); and sen wird,
- at least one distinct duct member branching off wobei die Lüftungseinheit (40) einen darin positio-
from the distributing unit and connected to the nierten Wärmetauscher (41) umfasst, so dass die
air cleaning unit (10). Innenraumluft, die entlang des Ausblaskanals (32)
50 strömt, und die Außenluft, die in die Lüftungseinheit
9. The air conditioning system according to claim 8, (40) gesaugt wird, Wärme tauschen,
further comprising a heater, a heat pumping unit sup- dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Luftreinigungs-
plying heated air to the indoor area or an air cooling einheit (10) ferner eine vordere Abdeckung (11) um-
unit supplying cooled air to the indoor area, connect- fasst, die in ihrem Mittelabschnitt die Luftansaugöff-
ed to the duct member (30) or the distributing unit 55 nung (111) aufweist,
(50), for controlling temperature of the air flowing into wobei ein Lüftungsmodus und ein Reinigungsmodus
the indoor area. gleichzeitig ausgeführt werden, wenn die Luftan-
saugöffnung (111) geöffnet ist.

21 EP 1 788 317 B1 22

2. Klimaanlage nach Anspruch 1, wobei der Zufuhrka- umfasst:

nal (31) und der Ausblaskanal (32) ein oder mehrere
gerade Rohre (312, 322), die eine vorgegebene Län- - eine Verteilungseinheit (50), die mit einem En-
ge haben, ein oder mehrere Kniestücke (313, 323), de des Kanalelements (30) verbunden ist; und
die mit den geraden Rohren (312, 322) verbunden 5 - mindestens ein einzelnes Kanalelement, das
sind, um den Luftströmungsdurchgang zu ändern, von der Verteilungseinheit abzweigt und mit der
ein gleich geformtes Verbindungsstück (301), das Luftreinigungseinheit (10) verbunden ist.
die geraden Rohre (312, 322) verbindet und/oder die
Kniestücke (313, 323) mit den geraden Rohren (312, 9. Klimaanlage nach Anspruch 8, die ferner eine Heiz-
322) verbindet, und ein anders geformtes Verbin- 10 vorrichtung, eine Wärmepumpeneinheit, die dem In-
dungsstück (314, 324), das die geraden Rohre (312, nenraumbereich erwärmte Luft zuführt, oder eine
322) oder die Kniestücke (313, 323) mit der Lüf- Luftkühleinheit, die dem Innenraumbereich gekühlte
tungseinheit (40) verbindet, enthalten. Luft zuführt, umfasst, die mit dem Kanalelement (30)
oder der Verteilungseinheit (50) verbunden sind, um
3. Klimaanlage nach Anspruch 1, wobei die Luftreini- 15 die Temperatur der in den Innenraumbereich strö-
gungseinheit (10) mit dem Kanalelement (30) oder menden Luft zu steuern.
einem Zweigkanal, der von einem Ende oder einer
Seite des Kanalelements (30) abzweigt, durch das 10. Klimaanlage nach Anspruch 1, die ferner einen Dif-
Einbaugehäuse (27), das die Ansaugöffnung (273) fusor (70) umfasst, der mit der Lüftungseinheit (40)
und die Ausblasöffnung (272) aufweist, die durch ei- 20 oder dem Kanalelement (30) verbunden ist.
ne obere Oberfläche davon gebildet sind, verbunden
ist, wenn ein Ende des Kanalelements (30) oder ein 11. Klimaanlage nach Anspruch 10, die ferner Folgen-
Ende des Zweigkanals durch eine Decke endet, des umfasst:
wobei der Zweigkanal einen Zweigzufuhrkanal (311)
und einen Zweigausblaskanal (321) enthält. 25 - eine Verteilungseinheit (50), die mit dem Dif-
fusor (70) verbunden ist; und
4. Klimaanlage nach Anspruch 1, wobei die Luftreini- - mehrere einzelne Diffusoren (72), die von der
gungseinheit (10) mit dem Kanalelement (30) oder Verteilungseinheit (50) abzweigen.
einem Zweigkanal, der von einem Ende oder einer
Seite des Kanalelements (30) abzweigt, durch das 30
Einbaugehäuse (17), das die Ansaugöffnung (173) Revendications
und die Ausblasöffnung (172) aufweist, die darin von
vorne nach hinten gebildet sind, verbunden ist, wenn 1. Système de conditionnement d’air comprenant :
ein Ende des Kanalelements (30) oder ein Ende des
Zweigkanals durch eine Wand endet, 35 - une unité de purification d’air (10) incluant une
wobei der Zweigkanal einen Zweigzufuhrkanal (311) grille (14) ayant une grille de refoulement (141)
und einen Zweigausblaskanal (321) enthält. sur une portion latérale, un ventilateur (15) qui
aspire de l’air intérieur et/ou de l’air extérieur,
5. Klimaanlage nach Anspruch 1, wobei das Kanalele- un filtre (13) qui purifie l’air aspiré, et un boîtier
ment (30) ein Ende, das durch eine Wand verläuft, 40 d’installation (17, 27) attaché sur un côté de la
und einen Zweigkanal, der von einer Seite des Ka- grille (14) et ayant un trou d’aspiration (173, 273)
nalelements abzweigt und durch eine Decke läuft, et un trou de refoulement (172, 272) ;
umfasst, und mehrere der Luftreinigungseinheiten - une unité de ventilation (40) qui fonctionne en
(10) mit dem Ende des Kanalelements (30) bzw. ei- association avec l’unité de purification d’air
nem Ende der Zweigkanals verbunden sind, 45 (10) ; et
wobei der Zweigkanal einen Zweigzufuhrkanal (311) - un élément formant conduit (30) qui connecte
und einen Zweigausblaskanal (321) enthält. l’unité de purification d’air (10) et l’unité de ven-
tilation (40), l’élément formant conduit (30) in-
6. Klimaanlage nach Anspruch 1, wobei die Luftreini- cluant un conduit d’alimentation (31) connecté
gungseinheit (10) und die Lüftungseinheit (40) je- 50 au trou d’aspiration (173, 273) et un conduit de
weils in getrennten Bereichen montiert sind. refoulement (32) connecté au trou de refoule-
ment (172, 272) ;
7. Klimaanlage nach Anspruch 1, die ferner an dem
Kanalelement (30) einen Befeuchter (60) umfasst, dans lequel l’air extérieur est, dans le mode de ven-
um die Feuchtigkeit der in den Innenraumbereich 55 tilation, aspiré dans l’unité de purification d’air (10)
strömenden Luft zu steuern. via le conduit d’alimentation (31), passe à travers le
filtre (13) et est refoulé vers une zone intérieure,
8. Klimaanlage nach Anspruch 1, die ferner Folgendes et dans lequel l’air intérieur est, dans le mode de

23 EP 1 788 317 B1 24

purification, aspiré dans l’unité de purification d’air ramifié (321).

(10) via le trou de succion d’air (111), passe à travers
le filtre (13) et est refoulé vers la zone intérieure, 5. Système de conditionnement d’air selon la revendi-
dans lequel l’unité de ventilation (40) comprend un cation 1, dans lequel l’élément formant conduit (30)
échangeur de chaleur (41) placé à l’intérieur de celle- 5 comprend une extrémité qui passe à travers une pa-
ci, de telle façon que l’air intérieur qui s’écoule le roi et un conduit ramifié qui se ramifie depuis un côté
long du conduit de refoulement (32) et l’air extérieur de l’élément formant conduit et qui passe à travers
aspiré dans l’unité de ventilation (40) échangent de un plafond, et une pluralité des unités de purification
la chaleur, caractérisé en ce que l’unité de purifi- d’air (10) sont connectées à l’extrémité de l’élément
cation d’air (10) comprend en outre un couvercle 10 formant conduit (30) et à une extrémité du conduit
frontal (11) ayant ledit trou de succion d’air (111) ramifié, respectivement,
dans une portion centrale de lui-même, dans lequel le conduit ramifié inclut un conduit d’ali-
dans lequel, quand le trou de succion d’air (111) est mentation ramifié (311) et un conduit de refoulement
ouvert, un mode de ventilation et un mode de puri- ramifié (321).
fication sont simultanément effectués. 15
6. Système de conditionnement d’air selon la revendi-
2. Système de conditionnement d’air selon la revendi- cation 1, dans lequel l’unité de purification d’air (10)
cation 1, dans lequel le conduit d’alimentation (31) et l’unité de ventilation (40) sont respectivement ins-
et le conduit de refoulement (32) incluent un ou plu- tallées dans des zones séparées.
sieurs tubes droits (312, 322) ayant une longueur 20
prédéterminée, un ou plusieurs coudes (313, 323) 7. Système de conditionnement d’air selon la revendi-
connectés aux tubes droits (312, 322) pour changer cation 1, comprenant en outre un humidificateur (60)
le passage du flux d’air, un connecteur (301) de for- sur l’élément formant conduit (30) pour commander
me égale qui connecte les tubes droits (312, 322) l’humidité de l’air qui s’écoule vers la zone intérieure.
et/ou qui connecte les coudes (313, 323) aux tubes 25
droits (312, 322), et un connecteur de forme diffé- 8. Système de conditionnement d’air selon la revendi-
rente (314, 324) qui connecte les tubes droits (312, cation 1, comprenant en outre :
322) ou les coudes (313, 323) à l’unité de ventilation
(40). - une unité de distribution (50) connectée à une
30 extrémité de l’élément formant conduit (30) ; et
3. Système de conditionnement d’air selon la revendi- - au moins un élément formant conduit distinct
cation 1, dans lequel l’unité de purification d’air (10) ramifié depuis l’unité de distribution et connecté
est connectée à l’élément formant conduit (30) ou à à l’unité de purification d’air (10).
un conduit ramifié qui se ramifie depuis une extré-
mité ou un côté de l’élément formant conduit (30) du 35 9. Système de conditionnement d’air selon la revendi-
fait que le boîtier d’installation (27) présente le trou cation 8, comprenant en outre un dispositif chauffant,
d’aspiration (273) et le trou de refoulement (272) for- une unité de pompe à chaleur qui fournit de l’air
més à travers une surface supérieure de celui-ci, chauffé à la zone intérieure, ou une unité de refroi-
quand une extrémité de l’élément formant conduit dissement d’air qui fournit de l’air refroidi à la zone
(30) ou une extrémité du conduit ramifié se termine 40 intérieure, connectée à l’élément formant conduit
à travers un plafond, (30) ou à l’unité de distribution (50) pour commander
dans lequel le conduit ramifié inclut un conduit d’ali- la température de l’air qui s’écoule vers la zone in-
mentation ramifié (311) et un conduit de refoulement térieure.
ramifié (321).
45 10. Système de conditionnement d’air selon la revendi-
4. Système de conditionnement d’air selon la revendi- cation 1, comprenant en outre un diffuseur (70) con-
cation 1, dans lequel l’unité de purification d’air (10) necté à l’unité de ventilation (40) ou à l’élément for-
est connectée à l’élément formant conduit (30) ou à mant conduit (30).
un conduit ramifié qui se ramifie depuis une extré-
mité ou un côté de l’élément formant conduit du fait 50 11. Système de conditionnement d’air selon la revendi-
que le boîtier d’installation (17) présente le trou d’as- cation 10, comprenant en outre :
piration (173) et le trou de refoulement (172) formés
dans une direction avant/arrière de celui-ci, quand - une unité de distribution (50) connectée au dif-
une extrémité de l’élément formant conduit (30) ou fuseur (70) ; et
une extrémité du conduit ramifié se termine à travers 55 - une pluralité de diffuseurs distincts (72) qui
une paroi, sont ramifiés depuis l’unité de distribution (50).
dans lequel le conduit ramifié inclut un conduit d’ali-
mentation ramifié (311) et un conduit de refoulement

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This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• EP 1559963 A1 [0008] [0009] • US 20020072322 A1 [0010]


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