Introduction To Simulation: Dynamical Models and Current Control Methods
Introduction To Simulation: Dynamical Models and Current Control Methods
Introduction To Simulation: Dynamical Models and Current Control Methods
Introduction to Simulation
Dynamical Models and Current Control Methods
Campus Bovisa
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Building B23
Office: Rossi/Mauri/Carmeli
Tel. 8377
Appointments for questions & explanations: send an email
R [email protected]
Final exam
Do one of the suggested exercises in a report-form (mandatory)
If correctly done, you will have one question less at the oral exam
If not, good luck!
Systems Theory
Dynamical System
a dynamical system describes the evolution of a state over time
1 continuous time t R
the evolution of the state is described by ordinary differential equations
(ODE). Think of the linear, continuous time system in state space form
x (t) = Ax (t)
2 discrete time k Z
the evolution of the state is described by a difference equation.
Think of the linear discrete time system in state space form
x (k + 1) = Ax (k )
dv (t) di (t)
v (t) = Ri(t) i (t) = C v (t) = L
dt dt
an Equation Solver (ES)
1 We want to observe and control the currents x (t) = i (t) y(t) = x (t)
2 Voltage u(t) = v (t) is a forcing signal
3 Adding the information about initial conditions x0 Rn
x (t) = Ax (t) + B u(t) where
y(t) = C x (t) + Du(t) R 1
A= B= C =1 D =0
x (0) = x0 L L
The transfer function G(s) of a continuous-time linear system (A, B , C , D) is
G(s) = C (sI A)1 B + D
between the Laplace transform y(s) of output and the Laplace transform u(s) of
the input signals for the initial state x0 = 0
Minimum Phase Systems
Bandwidth is |L(j c )| = 1 c = kp2 R 2 /L
Property of P-Action #1
Step Response
Data: R = 0.025 and L = 0.1H G = 4s and TA = 5 G = 20s
(F ) (F )
Desired characteristics: TA = 1s F = TA / 5 = 0.2s
1 dominant pole
c = 2/F = 31.4 rad/s
2 proportional gain
kp = R 2 + 2c L2 = 3.17 ()
increasing kp the reference-tracking
is better but we still have an offset
(it could be 0 only if kp )
Current Control of an RL load
Property of PI-Action #1
Current Control of an RL load
Property of PI-Action #2
Current Control of an RL load
Nonlinear Effects
Actuator Saturation
saturation RL load
y e Current u m y
+ Controller G(s) G(s)
umin (t) and umax (t) are min and max allowed actuation signals
(e.g. 1V for a voltage supply)
Ing. Mattia Rossi Electrical Drives Course: 2016-2017 16 / 19
Lecture: Introduction to Simulation The Windup Problem
Anti-Windup Techniques
Saturation Model
Current Controller
saturation saturation RL load
y e u m y
kp G(s) G(s) G(s)
+ +
This scheme has no effect when the actuator is not saturating, while
keeps same behavior between u(t), m(t) when e(t) change sign
Integrator windup is avoided thanks to back-info
Current Control of an RL load
Write a MATLAB script to compute kp and ki given R, L, and c
Test different c to verify the previous choice