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SPC318: System Modeling and Linear Systems

Lecture 3: Time Domain Analysis of 1st Order Systems

Dr. Haitham El-Hussieny

Adjunct Lecturer
Space and Communication Engineering
Zewail City of Science and Technology

Fall 2016

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Lecture Outline:

1 Modeling in State-Space Representation.

2 Introduction to Time Domain Analysis.

3 Time Response of 1st Order Systems.

4 Identification of the 1st Order Transfer Function.

5 First Order System with a Zero.

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Table of Contents

1 Modeling in State-Space Representation.

2 Introduction to Time Domain Analysis.

3 Time Response of 1st Order Systems.

4 Identification of the 1st Order Transfer Function.

5 First Order System with a Zero.

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Modeling in State-Space Representation:
State: The state of a dynamic system is the smallest set of variables (called state variables)
such that knowledge of these variables at t = t0 , together with knowledge of the input for
t ≥ t0 , completely determines the behavior of the system for any time t ≥ t0 .

For example, the system:

ÿ = aẏ + by + cu
The variables that complete the knowledge about the system are: the input u and two state
variables: x1 = y and x2 = ẏ .
State Vector: The n state variables are considered the n components of a vector x.

State-space: The n-dimensional space whose coordinate axes are x1 , x2 , . . . , xn .

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Modeling in State-Space Representation:
State-space Equations:
In state-space analysis we are concerned with three variables: input, output and states.
In state-space the LTI system is described as:

ẋ = Ax + Bu

y = C x + Du

A: State matrix.
B: Input matrix.
C: Output matrix.
D: Transmission matrix.
Block diagram of the LTI system represented in
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Modeling in State-Space Representation:
Correlation Between Transfer Functions and State-Space Equations:

Y (s)
G (s) = = C (sI − A)−1 B + D I : Identity Matrix


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Table of Contents

1 Modeling in State-Space Representation.

2 Introduction to Time Domain Analysis.

3 Time Response of 1st Order Systems.

4 Identification of the 1st Order Transfer Function.

5 First Order System with a Zero.

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Introduction to Time Domain Analysis:

Time Domain Analysis:

It is a method to analyze a certain system’s performance.
It measures the response of a dynamic system to an input as a function of time.
To perform a time-domain analysis we need:
I The mathematical model for the physical system to be analyze.
I An analytical expression for the input signal in time domain.

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Introduction to Time Domain Analysis:

Time Domain Analysis:

It is a method to analyze a certain system’s performance.
It measures the response of a dynamic system to an input as a function of time.
To perform a time-domain analysis we need:
I The mathematical model for the physical system to be analyze.
I An analytical expression for the input signal in time domain.

In practice, the input signal to a system is
not known ahead of time. So, the input
cannot be expressed analytically!

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Introduction to Time Domain Analysis:

Time Domain Analysis:

It is a method to analyze a certain system’s performance.
It measures the response of a dynamic system to an input as a function of time.
To perform a time-domain analysis we need:
I The mathematical model for the physical system to be analyze.
I An analytical expression for the input signal in time domain.

Problem: The performance of a dynamic system is
In practice, the input signal to a system is therefore judged and compared under
not known ahead of time. So, the input application of standard test signals: an
cannot be expressed analytically! impulse, a step, a ramp, and parabolic

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Introduction to Time Domain Analysis:
Standard Test Input Signals:

Sudden shock
A, t = 0
δ(t) =
0, t 6= 0

If A = 1: Unit Impulse

L{δ(t)} = δ(s) = A

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Introduction to Time Domain Analysis:
Standard Test Input Signals:
Impulse Step

Sudden change
Sudden shock

A, t = 0
 A, t ≥ 0
δ(t) = u(t) =
0, t 6= 0 0, t < 0

If A = 1: Unit Impulse If A = 1: Unit Step

L{δ(t)} = δ(s) = A A
L{u(t)} = U(s) =

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Introduction to Time Domain Analysis:
Standard Test Input Signals:
Impulse Step Ramp

Sudden change Ramp change

Sudden shock

A, t = 0
 A, t ≥ 0 At, t ≥ 0
δ(t) = u(t) = r (t) =
0, t 6= 0 0, t < 0 0, t < 0

If A = 1: Unit Impulse If A = 1: Unit Step If A = 1: Unit Ramp

L{δ(t)} = δ(s) = A A A
L{u(t)} = U(s) = L{r (t)} = R(s) =
s s2

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Introduction to Time Domain Analysis:
Standard Test Input Signals:
Impulse Step Ramp

Sudden change Ramp change

Sudden shock Parabolic change
  A, t ≥ 0 At, t ≥ 0
A, t = 0 At 2 , t ≥ 0
δ(t) = u(t) = r (t) =
0, t 6= 0 0, t < 0 0, t < 0 p(t) =
0, t<0

If A = 1: Unit Impulse If A = 1: Unit Step If A = 1: Unit Ramp

If A = 1: Unit Parabolic

L{δ(t)} = δ(s) = A A A 2A
L{u(t)} = U(s) = L{r (t)} = R(s) = L{p(t)} = P(s) =
s s2 s3

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Time Response of Physical Systems:
It measures the response (output) of the physical system in time-domain when subjected to
one of the standard test signals as an (input).

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Time Response of Physical Systems:
It measures the response (output) of the physical system in time-domain when subjected to
one of the standard test signals as an (input).
To find the time-response, y (t):
1 Write the system TF:

Y (s)
G (s) =
2 Find Y (s):

Y (s) = G (s) U(s)

3 Apply a test input U(s).

4 Find y (t):

y (t) = L−1 {G (s) U(s)}

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Time Response of Physical Systems:
When the response of the system is changed form rest or equilibrium it takes some time to
settle down.

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Time Response of Physical Systems:
When the response of the system is changed form rest or equilibrium it takes some time to
settle down.

The time response of a system

consists of two components:
1 Transient response:
The response of a system
from rest or equilibrium to
settle down at steady state.
2 Steady-state response:
The response of the system
after the transient response.

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Time Response of Physical Systems:

When the response of the system is changed form rest or equilibrium it takes some time to
settle down.
Remarks on time-response analysis: The time response of a system
1 The transient response depends upon the system consists of two components:
poles only and not on the type of input. 1 Transient response:
2 It is sufficient to analyze the transient response using a The response of a system
step input. from rest or equilibrium to
3 The steady-state response depends on system settle down at steady state.
dynamics and the input quantity. 2 Steady-state response:
4 The steady-state response is examined using different The response of the system
test signals by final value theorem. after the transient response.

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Table of Contents

1 Modeling in State-Space Representation.

2 Introduction to Time Domain Analysis.

3 Time Response of 1st Order Systems.

4 Identification of the 1st Order Transfer Function.

5 First Order System with a Zero.

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Time Response of 1st Order Systems:

The first order system has only one pole.

Y (s) K
G (s) = =
U(s) Ts + 1

K is the D.C gain and T is the time constant of

the system.
Time constant T is a measure of how quickly a
1st order system responds to a unit step input.
D.C Gain K of the system is ratio between the
input signal and the output signal at the steady
state. (i.e. s = 0 or t = ∞)

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Time Response of 1st Order Systems:
The first order system has only one pole.
[1] G (s) =
Y (s) K 3s + 1
G (s) = =
U(s) Ts + 1 K = 10 and T = 3
K is the D.C gain and T is the time constant of
the system.
Time constant T is a measure of how quickly a
1st order system responds to a unit step input.
D.C Gain K of the system is ratio between the
input signal and the output signal at the steady
state. (i.e. s = 0 or t = ∞)

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Time Response of 1st Order Systems:
The first order system has only one pole.
[1] G (s) =
Y (s) K 3s + 1
G (s) = =
U(s) Ts + 1 K = 10 and T = 3
K is the D.C gain and T is the time constant of 3
[2] G (s) =
the system. s +5
Time constant T is a measure of how quickly a
in standard form:
1st order system responds to a unit step input.
D.C Gain K of the system is ratio between the 3/5
G (s) =
input signal and the output signal at the steady (1/5)s + 1
state. (i.e. s = 0 or t = ∞)
K = 3/5 and T = 1/5

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Impulse response of 1st Order Systems:

Y (s) = G (s)δ(s)

since δ(s) = 1 (unit impulse),

Find response y (t) = L−1 {Y (s)}:
Y (s) = 1/T
Ts + 1 y (t) = L−1 {K }
s + 1/T
K −t/T
K /T y (t) = e
Y (s) = T
s + 1/T
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Impulse response of 1st Order Systems:

Find the unit impulse
response for a first
order system with
T = 2sec. and K = 3.

K −t/T
y (t) = e

y (t) = e −t/2

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Impulse response of 1st Order Systems:

Find the unit impulse
response for a first
order system with
T = 2sec. and K = 3.

K −t/T Or
y (t) = e

y (t) = e −t/2

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Step response of 1st Order Systems:

Y (s) = G (s)U(s)

since U(s) = (unit step),
Find response y (t) = L−1 {Y (s)}:
Y (s) = 1 T
s(Ts + 1) y (t) = L−1 {K ( − )}
s Ts + 1
by partial fraction,
y (t) = K (1 − e −t/T )
Y (s) = −
s Ts + 1
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Step response of 1st Order Systems:

Find the unit step
response for a first
order system with
T = 2sec. and K = 3.

When t = T :
y (t) = K (1 − e −t/T )
y (t) = K (1−e −1 ) = 0.632K
y (t) = 3(1 − e )

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Step response of 1st Order Systems:

System takes five time constants (i.e. t = 5T ) to

reach its final value K .
The smaller the time constant T , the faster the
system response.
The slope of the tangent line at t = 0 is 1/T ,

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Step response of 1st Order Systems:
Find the unit step response of a first order system:
1 When T = 2 and K = 1, 3 and 10.
2 When K = 10 and T = 2, 4 and 10.

(1) Changing D.C. gain:

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Step response of 1st Order Systems:
Find the unit step response of a first order system:
1 When T = 2 and K = 1, 3 and 10.
2 When K = 10 and T = 2, 4 and 10.

(2) Changing Time constant:

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Relation Between Step and Impulse response:

The Impulse response of the first order

system is:
The step response of the first order system is:
y (t) = e −t/T
y (t) = K (1 − e −t/T ) Z Z
K −t/T
y (t)dt = e dt
dy (t) d −t/T T
= {K (1 − e )}
dt dt Z
dy (t) K −t/T y (t)dt = −Ke −t/T + C Step response
= e Impulse response
dt T C is constant and could be found by the initial
condition y (t = 0) = 0.

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Relation Between Step and Impulse response:

The Impulse response of a first order
system is given by:

y (t) = 4e −0.4t

1 Time constant T . ( = 0.4 T = 2.5)
2 D.C Gain K . ( = 4 K = 10)
3 Transfer function. G (s) =
2.5s + 1
4 Step Response of the system.

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Relation Between Step and Impulse response:

The Impulse response of a first order
system is given by: To find Step response ys (t), we should
integrate the impulse response:
y (t) = 4e −0.4t Z
Find: ys (t) = 4e −0.4t dt = 10e −0.4t + C
1 Time constant T . ( = 0.4 T = 2.5)
T at initial condition ys (0) = 0, C = −10:
2 D.C Gain K . ( = 4 K = 10)
T ys (t) = 10(1 − e −0.4t )
3 Transfer function. G (s) =
2.5s + 1
4 Step Response of the system.

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Ramp response of 1st Order Systems:

Y (s) = G (s)R(s)
since R(s) = 2 (unit ramp),
Y (s) =
s 2 (Ts + 1)

Find response y (t) = L−1 {Y (s)}:

y (t) = K (t − T + Te −t/T )

Example: K = 1 and T = 1:

y (t) = t − 1 + e −t If T increases, Error will increase. (Try it!)

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Parabolic response of 1st Order Systems:

Y (s) = G (s)P(s)
P(s) = 3 (unit parabolic)

To find the system

Do it yourself!
response in s-domain to
Find y (t) and, a different input signal,
Use MATLAB to draw the parabolic use the lsim()
response. MATLAB command.
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Table of Contents

1 Modeling in State-Space Representation.

2 Introduction to Time Domain Analysis.

3 Time Response of 1st Order Systems.

4 Identification of the 1st Order Transfer Function.

5 First Order System with a Zero.

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Identification of the 1st Order Transfer Function:
Often the system transfer function could not be available analytically.
With the step response of the system, we can identify the D.C. gain and the time
Finally, the first order transfer function can be written as:
G (s) =
Ts + 1

K = 0.72 Steady state value

T = 0.13 sec time constant

G (s) =
0.13s + 1

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Table of Contents

1 Modeling in State-Space Representation.

2 Introduction to Time Domain Analysis.

3 Time Response of 1st Order Systems.

4 Identification of the 1st Order Transfer Function.

5 First Order System with a Zero.

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First Order System with a Zero:
Consider the first order system with a zero in the numerator:
K (1 + αs)
G (s) =
Ts + 1
1 1
This system has a zero at − and a pole at − .
α T
Studying the Step response

K (1 + αs)
Y (s) =
s(Ts + 1)

K K (α − T )
Y (s) = +
s Ts + 1
y (t) = K + (α − T )e −t/T
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Lecture Assignment (LA3):
1 A thermometer requires 1 min to indicate 98% of the response to a step input. Assuming
the thermometer to be a first-order system, find the time constant.
2 If the thermometer is placed in a bath, the temperature of which is changing linearly at a
rate of 10 deg /min, how much error does the thermometer show?
3 With the help of MATLAB, draw the ramp response for the thermometer system.

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End of Lecture

Best Wishes

[email protected]

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