Dynamic Modeling of 3 Dof Robot Manipulator: Ahmet SHALA, Ramë Likaj
Dynamic Modeling of 3 Dof Robot Manipulator: Ahmet SHALA, Ramë Likaj
Dynamic Modeling of 3 Dof Robot Manipulator: Ahmet SHALA, Ramë Likaj
Ahmet SHALA, 2.Ramë LIKAJ
Abstract: Dynamical Modeling of robots is commonly first important step of Modeling, Analysis and Control of robotic systems.
This paper is focused on using Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) convention for kinematics and Newton-Euler Formulations for dynamic
modeling of 3 DoF - Degree of Freedom of 3D robot. The process of deriving of dynamical model is done using Software Maple.
Derived Dynamical Model of 3 Dof robot is converted for Matlab software use for future analysis, control and simulations.
Keywords: Modelling, dynamics, robot, analysis
Dynamics is a huge field of study devoted to studying the
forces required to cause motion. The dynamic motion of the
manipulator arm in a robotic system is produced by the
torques generated by the actuators. This relationship
between the input torques and the time rates of change of
the robot arm components configurations, represent the
dynamic modeling of the robotic system which is concerned
with the derivation of the equations of motion of the
manipulator as a function of the forces and moments acting
on. So, the dynamic modeling of a robot manipulator consists
of finding the mapping between the forces exerted on the
structures and the joint positions, velocities and accelerations.
A good model has to satisfy two conflicting objectives.
A robot manipulator is basically a positioning device. To
control the position we must know the dynamic properties of
the manipulator in order to know how much force to exert on
it to cause it to move: too little force and the manipulator is
slow to react; too much force and the arm may crash into
objects or oscillate about its desired position. Figure 1. Symbolic representation - Axes rotations for
Deriving the dynamic equations of motion for robots is not a Denavit-Hartenberg parameters
simple task due to the large number of degrees of freedom Denavit-Hartenberg transformation matrix for adjacent
and nonlinearities present in the system. This part is coordinate frames, i and i – 1.
concerned with the development of the dynamic model for cos(θ i ) − cos(α i ) ⋅ sin( θ i ) sin( α i ) ⋅ sin( θ i ) a i ⋅ ⋅cos(θ i )
3 Dof robot and their kinematics and dynamics equations. sin( θ ) cos(α ) ⋅ cos(θ ) − sin( α ) ⋅ cos(θ ) a ⋅ ⋅sin( θ )
0 sin( α i ) cos(α i ) di
Based on structure of 3 Dof robot (Figure 1), is created Table 0 0 0 1
1 of Denavit-Hartenberg parameters for 3 DoF robot. Orthogonal rotation matrix Ri which transforms a vector in the
i-th coordinate frame to a coordinate frame which is parallel
Table 1. Denavit-Hartenberg parameters for 3 DoF robot to the (i-1)-th coordinate frame is first 3x3 sub-matrices of Ai:
Link # ai αi di θi
cos(θ i ) − cos(α i ) ⋅ sin( θ i ) sin( α i ) ⋅ sin( θ i )
q1 R i = sin( θ i ) cos(α i ) ⋅ cos(θ i ) − sin( α i ) ⋅ cos(θ i )
1 0 0 d1
2 0 −β d2
0 0 sin( α i ) cos(α i )
3 0 0 L 3a q3 for i=1,2, … , N, where R N +1 = E = diag(1)
Dynamics of robot is the study of motion with regard to forces
(the study of the relationship between forces/torques and
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A CTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XI [2018] | Fascicule 2 [April – June]
actual manipulator.
+ ω xp + ω x(ω xp )
Dynamic modelling of mechanical structures can be a i +1 i +1 i +1 i +1 i +1
complex problem. In robotics, more specifically, in
manipulators, there are two methodologies used for dynamic
if joint is translational
The Newton-Euler formulation [1] shown in equations (1)-(9) where: p i = [a i d i ⋅ sin( α i ) d i ⋅ sin( α i )] is position of
computes the inverse dynamics (ie., joint torques/forces from the i-th coordinate frame with respect to the (i – 1)-th
joint positions, velocities, and accelerations) bases on two coordinate frame.
sets of recursions: the forward and backward recursions. The
Initial conditions: ω0 = ω 0 = v 0 = 0 ; Gravitational
forward recursions (1)-(3) transform the kinematics variables
from the base to the end-effector. The initial conditions (for acceleration: v 0 = g x [
gy gz .
i=0) assume that the manipulator is at rest in the gravitational Linear acceleration of the center-of-mass of link i
field. The backward recursions (4)-(9) transform the forces and ai = ω
i × s i + ωi × (ωi × s i ) + v i (4)
moments from the end-effector to the base, and culminate
where: si is position of center-of-mass of link i
with the calculation of the joint torques/forces.
Net force exerted on link i:
Angular velocity of the i-th coordinate frame
Fi = m i ⋅ a i (5)
R T ⋅ ω + z ⋅ θ if joint is rotational Net moment exerted on link i
N i = Ii ω
i + ω i × (I i ⋅ ω i ) (6)
i +1 i 0
i +1
I ixx 0 0
ω = (1)
where I = 0 I iyy 0
i +1 R ⋅ ω if joint is translational i
i +1 i 0 0 I izz
Ii is moment of inertia tensor of link i about the centre-of-
where: z 0 = [0 0 1]
T mass of link i (parallel to the i-th coordinate frame), with only
principal inertias Iixx, Iiyy and Iizz. Because of symmetry of link
Angular acceleration of the i-th coordinate frame frames, cross-inertias can be used zero.
Force exerted on link i by link i – 1:
R T ⋅ ω + z ⋅ θ + ω × (z ⋅ θ )
f i = R iT+1 ⋅ f i+1 + Fi (7)
i+1 i 0 i +1 i 0 i +1
Moment exerted on link i by link i – 1
n i = R Ti+1 ⋅ n i+1 + p i × f i + N i + s i × Fi (8)
if joint is rotational
Joint torque/force at joint i:
n ⋅ (R T ⋅ z ) if joint is rotational
= (2)
R T ⋅ ω
i +1 0
i +1
τ = (9)
i +1 i f ⋅ (R T ⋅ z ) if joint is translational
iT i +1
if joint is translational
Based on Newton-Euler formulation (1-9), rotation matrices
Linear acceleration of the i-th coordinate frame for links of robot (i=1,2,3) are:
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A CTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XI [2018] | Fascicule 2 [April – June]
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A CTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering
Tome XI [2018] | Fascicule 2 [April – June]
ISSN: 2067-3809
copyright © University POLITEHNICA Timisoara,
Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara,
5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara, ROMANIA
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