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Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Synbiotics:

Functional Foods
"Y*ACQUELINE*7ESSEL -%D 2$ #.3$ #30 #,% ,$

n the 1950s, my mother read books exist in the healthy gut.3 The colon AAD. Antibiotics affect the anaero-
about nutrition, by authors such as is a reservoir of large quantities; an bic component of fecal flora, which
Adele Davis, that espoused the con- adults large intestine has been esti- are considered to be responsible for
cept of functional foods. Functional mated to contain about 500 different protection against pathogenic prolif-
foods are those that have health benefits bacterial species,3 some beneficial eration. Beta-lactam antibiotics have
beyond that of their nutritional content. and others detrimental to health (see been found most often associated
My mother in her stylish, cinched-waist Table 1). with diarrhea.30
cotton dresses (and high heels) made To be classified as a probiotic, a bac- What about the possible role of
yogurt, which we all dutifully consumed terial strain must be of human origin, probiotics and necrotizing entero-
for our health. be safe for human use, have its ben- colitis (NEC)? Preterm infants have
The concept of functional foods is efits proven scientifically, be stable in delayed establishment of gut flora.31
now back. Prebiotics and probiotics contact with acid and bile, and adhere Probiotics have been shown to mod-
are functional foods, and synbiotics to intestinal mucosa.3,4 Probiotics have ify colonic flora in infants, including
are combinations of prebiotics and been shown in infants and children to VLBW infants.32 In the preterm rat
probiotics. The lining of the GI tract decrease the duration of acute infec- model, probiotics have been shown
is important in host defense the in- tious diarrhea,5-14 provide reasonable to reduce the rate of NEC.33 The
testinal mucosa is on the front line be- protection against antibiotic-associat- premature infant has an immature
tween the host and the outside world. ed diarrhea,15-23 and perhaps play a role immune system, lower gastric acid
Keeping the mucosa intact and healthy in prevention of food allergy in children production (the acid that could have
is therefore important. at high risk of developing atopy.24,25 In killed bacteria), lower concentrations
adults, certain strains of probiotics are of protective mucus, lower proteolyt-
Probiotics effective in decreasing the symptoms ic enzyme activity, and decreased gut
Probiotics may be the more familiar of lactose intolerance.4,26-28 motility; the premature infant is quite
term to most people. The active cul- Probiotics have been studied in vulnerable to infection and inflamma-
ture component of yogurt is a pro- infants (6 to 36 months of age) as a tion.34 One hypothesis about causa-
biotic. Fermented dairy foods such strategy to lessen antibiotic-associ- tion is that inappropriate colonization
as yogurt and acidophilus milk are ated diarrhea (AAD), which may be of bacteria can lead to NEC.35 A
probably the most common probi- mild to severe, and may start imme-
otic-containing foods found in gro- diately or up to 6 weeks after anti-
cery stores. Although they have been biotics have been discontinued.29 Some Probiotic Species
used for many years, the term pro- The disruption of normal fecal flora
biotic was just introduced in 1965.1 is thought to be the reason, with sBifidobacterium bifidum
The term is from the Greek for life.2 broad-spectrum antibiotics the most s Bifidobacterium infantis
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that frequently implicated as causing s Bifidobacterium breve
s Lactobacillus acidophilus
Table 1: Beneficial and Detrimental Bacteria3 s Lactobacillus reuteri
Species Beneficial Detrimental s Lactobacillus rhamnosus
s Lactobacillus helveticus
Bifidobacterium +
s Streptococcus thermophilus
Eubacterium +
Lactobacillus +
STRAINS Bifidobacterium" longum, B
Clostridium + infantis, B breve, Lactobacillus , aci-
Shigella + dophilus, L casei, L bulgaricus, L plan-
Veillonella +
etarium, Streptococcus thermophilus
10 | July 2008 NURSE CURRENTS1
systematic review by Barclay et al36 in pass through gastric, pancreatic, and What is the difference between a
2007 included studies with 1,191 in- bile secretions to arrive in the colon to probiotic and prebiotic? A probiotic in-
fants (<1,500 gms), (see Table 2) and populate the gut.44 The potential for troduces exogenous bacteria into the
concluded that the data appeared to sepsis45,46 and the concern over viabil- colon milieu; a prebiotic stimulates the
lend support to the use of probiotics ity of probiotics are two reasons that growth of one or a limited number of
for the prevention of NEC; however, there is currently an emphasis instead the beneficial indigenous bacteria. Pre-
the data were insufficient for com- on prebiotic research. biotics change or modulate the com-
ment on short- and long-term safe- position of the natural ecosystem.51
ty.36 Another large study by Hoyos Prebiotics What foods are prebiotics? Prebiotic
was not included in the analysis due Prebiotics are a concept that you activity has been seen in short-chain
to low scoring on methodology rat- may not have heard about, although carbohydrates that are resistant to di-
ing.42 There have been isolated case again used in the 1950s (Lactulose gestion in the upper GI tract but are
reports of probiotic sepsis, although was used 50 years ago as a prebiotic hydrolyzed and fermented in the co-
in the five studies reviewed by Bar- formula supplement to increase the lon. Sometimes they are termed nondi-
clay et al, no adverse reactions from numbers of Lactobacillus in infants gestible oligosaccharides (NDOs).4 See
probiotic sepsis were noted.36 A new intestines).47 The term prebiotic was Table 3 for some of the prebiotics that
Cochrane review is supportive but first used by Gibson and Roberfroid have been studied.
recommends a large randomized tri- in 1995.48-50 A prebiotic is: a non- Since Bifidobacterium is the pre-
al to evaluate the potential benefits digestible food ingredient that ben- dominant bacterium in breast-fed in-
and safety profile of probiotics.43 eficially affects the host by selectively fants, much research has focused on
A concern in the use of probiot- stimulating the growth and activity of possible prebiotics that would stimu-
ics is whether the bacteria are able one or a limited number of bacteria late the growth of this organism. In
to reach the colon unscathed as they in the colon.51 adults, fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS)

Table 2: Five Studies Evaluating Probiotics and Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)36

Study Population Number of Organism and Outcomes Limitations
Subjects Quantity
$ANIETAL )NFANTSWEEKS TREATED Lactobacillus GGX#&5 ,OWERINCIDENCEOF.%# Low background incidence
 OR"7 GM PLACEBO in mothers milk, donor milk TREATMENTGROUPVS of NEC
.)#5S )TALY or preterm formula CONTROLDIDNOTACHIEVE
Costalos et al. )NFANTS WEEKS TREATED Saccaromyces boulardii ,OWERINCIDENCEOF.%# Not powered to detect
OF.%#OFANYSEVERITY in treatment group
Lin et al. )NFANTS GM TREATED Lactobacillus acidophilus ,OWERINCIDENCEOFALL.%# Any NEC primary outcome,
and Bifidobacterium reported
infantis in mothers milk
or donor milk
Bin-Nun et al. INFANTS GM TREATED #&5 Lower incidence of all NEC Combined outcome of NEC
 Israel PLACEBO Bifidobacterium(B) bifidus, INTHETREATMENTGROUP or death or sepsis measured
B infantis, Streptococcus VSP
thermophilus in mothers
milk or preterm formula
Manzoni et al. INFANTS GM TREATED Lactobacillus (GGX Lower incidence of NEC in Not powered to detect
TRENDP in treatment group
NURSE CURRENTS July 2008 | 112
Table 3: Prebiotics
Type Abbreviation Type Abbreviation
Fructo-oligosaccharide &/3 Acacia gum '5-

Inulin None Lactulose ,/3

Galacto-oligosaccharide GOS Lactitol None

Polydextrose 0$8

Table 4: Review of Studies using Prebiotic-Supplemented Formulas

Study Population Prebiotic and Quantity Outcomes
and Lactobacilli, and softer stool
No intolerance noted
WEEKS breast-fed controls breast-fed infants
No effect on tolerance or weight/length gain

"ENETAL66 &!'!INFANTS GDL'/3ORCONTROL Stool content of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium

higher, similar to breast-fed infant
No side effects noted

Bakker-Zierikzee et al. &!'!INFANTS GDL&/3AND'/3ORB. animalis or "REAST FEDOR&/3'/3INFANTSHADSIMILARmORA

cross-over design frequent stool
Supplemented formula was safe but had minimal effect
ONFECALmORAANDClostridium difficile toxin

+NOLETAL &!'!INFANTS GDL'/3AND&/3ORCONTROL Addition of prebiotics had stimulating effect on the

BREASTFEDCONTROLS growth of Bifidobacterium and on the growth of intesti-

"RUZZESEETAL &!'!INFANTS '/3&/3ORCONTROL Infants on prebiotic formula had fewer episodes of

acute diarrhea, fewer upper respiratory infections
#OSTALOSETAL &!'!INFANTS GDLOF'/3AND&/3ANDCONTROL Prebiotic formula well tolerated, normal growth
and lower percentage of E. coli in stool, suppresses
Clostridium in stool


atopy hydrolysed protein formula the infants fed prebiotic formula
:IEGLERETAL &!'!INFANTS GDL 0$8 '/3ORGDL0$8 Looser stools on either prebiotic formula
noted in supplemented groups


in prebiotic group than control, also Bifidobacterium
percentage higher than control and Clostridium lower
symptoms atopic dermatitis, wheezing, urticaria,
fewer upper respiratory infections than controls during

Key: FAGAfull-term appropriate for gestational age; GOSgalacto-oligosaccharides; FOSfructo-oligosaccharides; PDXPolydextrose; LOSLactulose.
12 | July 2008 NURSE CURRENTS3
have been shown to result in numeri- influenced by extrinsic factors; spe- of choice in the first year of life.63,64 How-
cal predominance of Bifidobacteria in cifically, the type of feeding the baby ever, use of prebiotic-supplemented
the stool.48,52,53 In studies of rats colo- receives is one factor that determines infant formulas may have benefits for
nized with human fecal flora, the use the composition of the GI flora.58,59 the infant who does not receive moth-
of galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS) has The intestinal flora of infants receiv- ers milk, for whatever reason. As seen
been shown to have similar effects.54 ing breast milk is different from the in the study outcomes in Table 4, the
Formulas have been made with flora of formula-fed infants. The flora of benefits from prebiotic-supplemented
FOS and GOS for preterm, term, and breast-fed infants is predominantly Bifi- formulas included:
weaning infants.55,56 Table 4 reviews dobacteria and Lactobacilli.58 (This was 1. Higher counts of Bifidobacteria by
studies of prebiotic-supplemented noted in a work by Tissier in 1905.)60 4 weeks of age.
formulas. Only the study by Ziegler This microbial pattern is thought to 2. An increased number of Bifidobac-
had documented GI side effects.56 have beneficial effects on the develop- teria is associated with lower num-
GOS/FOS in formula appears to be ment of the immune system and exert bers of intestinal pathogens.
well tolerated: the mixture appears a beneficial effect on intestinal func- 3. The pattern of bifidobacterial sub-
to: (a) decrease diarrhea, (b) result tion. Formula-fed babies have been species is similar to the pattern of
in a softer stool, (c) be associated noted to have more diverse flora, with the breast-fed infant.
with fewer respiratory infections and larger numbers of Enterobacteriaceae 4. Prebiotic formulas result in stool pH
atopic dermatitis symptoms, and (d) and gram-negative organisms.4,58 and short-chain fatty acid patterns
change the intestinal flora to that Why do breast-fed babies have dif- similar to the breast-fed infant.
similar to the breast-fed infant. In- ferent colonies of bacteria? Human 5. Stool frequency and consistency is
vestigators have also found other milk possesses oligosaccharides that more like the breast-fed infant.
benefits: that certain prebiotics may have been identified as a bifido- 6. Reduced allergic reaction (atopic
decrease the growth of certain patho- genic factor prebiotics! These dermatitis) and reduced URI in the
genic bacteria, again trying to make carbohydrates have been found to first year of life.
the colonic bacterial mix optimal for be resistant to enzymatic degradation 7. Fewer episodes of acute diarrhea.
health. For example, cellobiose has in the upper gastrointestinal tract. 8. Prebiotic-supplemented formula is
the ability to attenuate the virulence Why do breast-fed infants have fewer easily tolerated, with no difference in
of Listeria.57 colonies of gram-negative bacteria? growth patterns.
Prebiotics are substrates for fermen- Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli pro-
tation and are thought to aid in the reg- duce short-chain fatty acids, includ- There are some things to consider
ulation of colonic function by increasing ing lactic and other organic acids as you see reports in the literature
fecal bulk and water retention through that lower colonic pH and inhibit the and read studies on these functional
the increased bacterial mass. growth of some pathogenic bacteria. foods. You cannot safely extrapolate
Synbiotics are substances that incor- A commonly held belief is that Bifi- the effect on adults to infants, espe-
porate both pre- and probiotics. dobacteria produce a balanced and cially to preterm infants. Further, the
appropriate stimulation of the infant action of one probiotic or prebiotic
immune system.4 cannot be compared to that of anoth-
er. The amount of pro- and prebiotics
sBifidobacteriaAND&/3 Uses for Prebiotics and Probiotics used in a study should also be similar
sLactobacilli and lactitol What is the future of the use of prebi- for a valid comparison. This is a fasci-
otics and probiotics? The use of such nating area of research, and one that
functional foods appears very promis- may prove beneficial to our patients
ing. In the United States we are slower and their care givers.
Neonatal Gastrointestinal Flora: to come to the concept of functional
Breast-fed versus Formula-fed foods for infants; for more than 10 About the Author
Where does it start? A baby before years, the majority of infant formulas in Jacqueline J Wessel, MEd, RD, CNSD,
birth has a sterile GI tract. In a vagi- Japan have contained prebiotics;55,61,62 CSP, CLE, LD is a neonatal nutritionist
nal delivery, the baby is colonized, ini- and they have been used in Europe for at Cincinnati Childrens Hospital in the
tially, with flora from the mother. The the past seven years.62 NICU and in their High Risk Outpatient
baby born by C-section is colonized Clearly, breast milk is the gold stan- Clinic. She has been active in the pe-
with bacteria from the hospital envi- dard for neonatal and infant nutrition diatric section of ASPEN and has writ-
ronment instead of from the moth- and is recommended by the American ten several articles and book chapters
er.58,59 After birth, the intestinal flora is Academy of Pediatrics as the nutrition about neonatal nutrition.
NURSE CURRENTS July 2008 | 134
Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Synbiotics:
Functional Foods
By Jacqueline J Wessel, MEd, RD, CNSD, CSP, CLE, LD

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